Stand for Love Ch. 10


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"Now I know why Nicholas loves you." The women laughed together with Adrian.

The last one hour the women had spent their time asking Adrian about his life in the house so far. He'd told them it was perfect and they continued teasing him. They were really lovely women but as lovely as they were he expected them to comment badly about Victoria's cooking. That would make him like them even more.

After chatting and laughing with the women, Adrian finally heard footsteps coming towards them and his heart warmed up. He was really happy and he couldn't wait for the drama to begin, hopefully. He took a glance and saw Victoria and Jake carrying the food with them to the living room. He didn't know what they'd cooked but he saw two glasses and a packet of apple juice.

"Okay, ladies," Victoria smiled, dropping the tray on a big table. "Food is ready and I hope you'll love it. I made it with so much love especially for you."

The women in the living room seemed happy, sweetly rubbing their hands in readiness for the food. They sure looked happy but until when, Adrian thought, sneering at Jake and Victoria. He didn't know where that attitude had come from but he knew they were gonna be crushed especially Victoria.

Victoria eyed Adrian in a disgusting way and went back to her tray. She took two plates and served them to her friends. She'd made curried rice with vegetable and sausages. It sure looked yummy but she didn't taste it so she had no idea how it tasted.

Adrian watched as the two women took the food, opened it and stared at each other, raising their eyebrows. The food sure looked yummy but Adrian knew that behind that yummy look was an awful taste. He couldn't wait for it.

He saw one of the women after smiling took a spoon, scooped a large amount of the rice and brought it closer to her mouth. Still smiling, she took the food in her mouth but what happened next was interesting. The woman took the food in her mouth, the smile faded, replaced by a grimace which made him suppress a laugh.

He looked at the other woman and she had the same expression. Then both women spat the food, took a mouthful of juice and put everything back on the table.

"I'm sorry," Joan apologized as a huge frown decorated her face. "I can't eat this food."

"Me neither," Maria answered.

The smile on Victoria's face faded. She was angry and wanted to shout at the women for doing that to her. She had made the food and all they had to do was spit it out? This was still her house and they had to act with manners.

"What's wrong with the food?" Victoria asked, angrily looking at them.

"It's awful," Maria said.

Okay! That was it for Victoria. How dare her tell it to her face that the food is awful. Couldn't she have pretended that it was good? What were friends for? She was really mad and she didn't appreciate it at all.

"What?" Victoria bellowed, slightly closing her eyes. "I made that food for you. Couldn't you have pretended to love it or at least..."

"I'm sorry," Joan apologized. "But I don't think I could do that. The food was really..."

"Really what," Victoria snapped, angrily walking towards them. "I made that food with love and the least I expected is for my friends to pretend that the food was lovely. You could have eaten that food and pretended it was nice instead of throwing it in my face."

"Please, Victoria, listen to..."

"No, you, listen," Victoria angrily pointed at Joan. "Just because I decided to make food for you doesn't mean that you should insult me. You came into my house unannounced and then you have the nerves to open your mouth and tell me that the food is awful."

Adrian watched the drama unfolding but it wasn't going quite the way he expected it to. It was Victoria's friends that were supposed to be telling her that and not the other way around. But at least they'd seen her looking like a maid, right?

"Please, Victoria." Maria begged. "Understand us and..."

"Understand you?" Victoria snapped, fuming at the two ladies on the couch. "You should have pretended to like the food and..."

"Oh, like the way you pretended to like my party?" Joan furiously stood up and snapped, looking at Victoria with anger.

"Or my house," Maria snapped.

Now they were getting somewhere, Adrian thought, smirking at what was happening. He was more than enjoying the drama.

"The truth is you're just a selfish egocentric woman who cares about no one else." Maria snapped. She was really angry at Victoria for telling that to her face. "If we didn't care we would have talked about the way you're dressed."

Victoria quickly looked at how she was dressed like a maid. She was now embarrassed and was panting. Her anger intensified. She wanted nothing more than to have those women out of the house. They were humiliating her and no one was in the house except for granny and she was all the way up to her room.

"Yeah," Joan snapped, pointing at her. "We didn't talk about that. We didn't do it because we cared even though you vowed..."

"Oh, please, shut up." Victoria snarled, clenching her fists. "I want you out of my house. You stupid..."

"Stupid?" The women laughed uncontrollably.

"If there is anyone who looks stupid here it is you."

Victoria looked at herself and then looked away. Tears were forming in her eyes. She was the dominant one with all her friends and now they were insulting her? The pain was too much especially hearing those words from her friends who she loved to some extent.

"We'll leave." Joan said, furiously grabbing her hand bag. "But not after all the humiliation you've done to us in the past. Don't you remember," She laughed, pissing Victoria even more. "You vowed you'd never do any house chores or wear anything that is beyond your class. We'll pay you back for it. We'll tell everyone whom you've humiliated that you now..." She paused and laughed. "...look like a maid and dress like one."

Victoria closed her eyes. The pain was too much and she couldn't bear it anymore. People she considered below her class were now insulting her and vowing to her. That was the limit of everything. She was gonna show them why she was the iron lady. They couldn't mess with her and...Victoria froze when she heard a shutter sound. She quickly raised her face to see Maria holding her phone, taking pictures of her dressed like that and covered in oil and dirt. What was she going to do now?

"You like humiliating people," Joan laughed as Maria joined in. "Guess who'll be humiliated. This marks the queen's downfall."

They both laughed and slowly started walking out. As they were passing by, Adrian got up and apologized on behalf of his...mother in law.

"I'm really sorry," Adrian apologized, dropping his eyes to the floor. "I'm sure mother didn't mean whatever it was that she said."

"Don't worry," Maria said, cupping his cheeks. "It's not your fault."

"You're a good boy," Joan smiled. "Nicholas is really lucky to have you. And..." She chuckled. "We had a really good time chatting with you."

"Thanks!" Adrian smiled.

With a final stare of total disgust at Victoria, Joan and Maria rushed out of the house with Adrian behind them. Once they'd left he closed the door and came back to the living room with a smirk on his face. He hadn't planned what had happened at all. In fact, it went better than he had planned. Guess the women had more hatred for Victoria than she'd actually thought. His plans to embarrass and humiliate her had worked perfectly. It felt so beautiful seeing her.

Adrian slowly walked to his mother in law. Seeing the tears in her eyes, he gave her a bright, mocking smile that left her in tears. The next thing he saw was Victoria storming out of the room with Jake following behind.

Adrian chuckled, slowly rubbing his hands. He had humiliated her, made her cry and feel the pain of rejection. But he still didn't feel like they were even. He felt there was still more he needed to do to make her cry even more and experience the pain he'd experienced. Maybe it was now time for the worst pain to happen. Maybe it was time to show Nicholas the truth and live happily with him.

The way things were going for him was amazing. Who'd have thought that a simple plan to humiliate Victoria had turned into a huge one that made her shed tears? The very image of Victoria crying made him warm and cozy. He had never seen her cry before but her tears made him happy and excited.

"You've seen nothing," Adrian whispered, carefully rubbing a tear that had fallen down his cheek.

Adrian couldn't help but admire how much he'd accomplished in just two days. His respect for Victoria had depreciated since he heard her confess to what she had done.


Victoria furiously opened the door to her room and stormed in. She was pissed, mad and her anger was uncontrollable. She felt so much rage, more than she'd ever felt before. Joan and Maria people who couldn't compete with her just insulted and humiliated her downstairs.

She didn't know what would happen if she showed all the women Victoria boasted to about her life. She had no idea the extent which she'd be humiliated. Fuck, the pain was too much but the rage was overflowing.

Rushing to the bed, Victoria furiously removed the bedding and threw them away from the bed. She clenched on the sheets, brought them further and ripped them. She just wanted the pain she felt to away. It felt like her heart had been fucking ripped out of her chest.

Grabbing on those sheets, she ripped them in half and threw them away. Then she sat on the cold floor, buried her face in her palm and let the tears flow.

"Fuck!" She cursed, yelling throughout her room.

The pain kept on increasing and the warm tears pouring down her cheeks were burning her skin. Why was it that fucking painful? She wasn't supposed to care about any of those things but she did. It was also part of her life and if those women ruin her ego out there, she had no idea how she'd regain it back.

She sat there, on that cold floor, slowly sobbing as her anger filled her up. She was ready to kill anyone who'd stand in her way.

Part of her life had been ruined and if she didn't do anything as soon as possible another part would be ruined and hence the reason why she couldn't just sit and watch. She had to cooperate with Adrian or both her lives would be ruined. She just had to.

As her sobs subsided, Victoria felt a hand on her shoulder, sweetly rubbing her. She slowly raised her face to see Jake looking at her in sympathy with a tear falling down his cheek. Then she quickly gripped his neck and held him tightly as she sobbed.

"Did you see what happened?" Victoria cried, holding on tighter to Jake. "All those women are gonna humiliate me. How am I supposed to face my friends now?"

Jake held her tighter and felt her pain. He blamed Adrian for all this because he was the cause of everything. Ever since he'd come back three days ago their lives have been getting worse. It's only been two days since he showed them the evidence and their lives have been turning out for the worst. Just what was going on in the house?

"It's okay," Jake soothed, carefully rubbing her back to make her calm.

"You're right," Victoria sobbed. "This is not worth my tears but it's too painful to ignore. I was humiliated back there."

"I know," Jake whispered. "It's not your fault but the guy who brought them in the house."

Victoria's sobs stopped, her eyes squinted, her anger just went to turbo mode and she pulled away from Jake, rubbed her tears and quickly got up. She stood there confidently rubbing her face clean.

"You're right," Victoria said hoarsely, clenching her fists. "My social status might be at risk and it's all because of Adrian. He'll pay dearly for this. He better pray that I don't find that CD otherwise I'll make him pass through everything that he made me pass through. This time we'll use much harder evidence."

"And he'll be thrown out of this house." Jake growled, snarling his teeth in anger.

"Don't worry," Victoria said angrily. "His time will soon come and I shall have my son back, completely under my control."

"I shall have my Nicholas back."

"It won't be long." Victoria gulped as a tear fell down her cheek.

"All we have to look for is a better opportunity and we'll..."

"Hey!" Adrian's voice was filled in the room making both Victoria and Jake fume. They looked at the door and saw him leaning in the door way with a serious look on his face.

"What is with you two?" Adrian asked, slightly raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing," Jake said softly.

"Then get back to work." Adrian nodded, rolling his eyes. "The work isn't gonna do itself. There's lots of work to be done and I don't have..."

"Stupid little..."

"Stupid!" Adrian hollered, standing still. Then he slowly entered the room to see Jake who was about to insult him. "Do you have a problem with..."

"I didn't say anything." Jake gasped, shaking terribly.

"Well, that's not what I heard." Adrian smirked, pointing his finger at Jake. "I heard you loud and clear. You said stupid little..."

"I swear I wasn't talking about you."

"Then who," Adrian knew he was scaring Jake but it felt so well and gave him so much power. If only he had scared them like that from the beginning then he'd have had them dancing to his tunes. But whatever he was inflicting on them was more than enough. It served them right for causing a rift between him and his husband.

"I swear, why would I talk about you like that?"

"Because you hate me, I don't know." Adrian shrugged.

His gaze was angry and Jake couldn't stare in his eyes. After what he had done to Victoria, a big strong woman, Jake was more scared than ever. Adrian was a flame which was ready to burn anyone. He had no limitations...he didn't give a damn about who was involved...he didn't care the consequences. Jake was starting to think that they'd have to work like for long. But until he got that CD he wouldn't dare go against Adrian. He had to comply and follow every order Adrian was giving in the house.

"I was talking about myself." Jake gulped, shaking terribly. Never had he been as scared at Adrian as that. The guy was fierce and he gave him chills.

"Good!" Adrian smiled, giving him soft slaps on his cheeks.

Jake was fuming and Victoria was quiet probably thinking about the next line of action. But how could they plan properly when Adrian was watching them? And the worst was that he had forbidden them to see each other at night. Man, the guy had turned out to be something else, something really dangerous and not to be messed with.

"Now I want you downstairs in..." He stared at his watch and smiled. "...45 seconds."

Giving that order he left the room.

"I'll kill him," Victoria vowed. "I'll make him pay for the humiliation today. How did he even get their numbers?"

"I don't know," Jake said, staring at the door. "All I know is that we've got to go downstairs before we found ourselves in deeper trouble."

Without any word, Victoria stormed out of the room. She was never gonna forget what Adrian had done to her, never.


Nicholas slowly walked into the house, tired and yawning. He'd come home late after a long meeting and contract signing with some clients. He was really tired that all that was on his mind was taking a hot shower and sleeping without even blinking.

Entering the big mansion, Nicholas stopped, looked around and remembered what had happened in his room the night before. He'd forgotten about them in the meeting but now that he was back at the house they came back, fresh and painful too. If only he could erase them and think about something else, something that was filled with happiness and not sadness.

He was suddenly awakened by a hand on his shoulder. He took a deep sigh and smiled at his best friend. The smile was not genuine but he was at least able to smile, right.

"Welcome home," George hollered, patting on his back.

"Yeah," Nicholas sighed. He was still not happy knowing that it was the same place where Adrian lived at least until they decided to part ways.

Taking a deep sigh, both Nicholas and George began entering the house before they met with Victoria. Nicholas couldn't believe it was her. She kinda looked like a maid. Her dress was dirty...her face was oily and her clothes...her hair was a mess...there was no makeup on her face and worst of all, she was wearing an apron. Nicholas got scared and wondered why she chose to look that.

"Mom, are you okay." He said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm fine," Victoria suppressed a groan. She was still not over the humiliation that had happened in the morning.

"I think Nicholas is right aunt," George asked, worried. He knew the reason why she looked like a maid. In fact, George thought Adrian was doing a really good job making Victoria pay. Standing so close to her made his whole body vibrates, urging him to punch her and beat her up together with Jake. If not for Adrian he'd have confronted her and told her how evil she was.

"Don't worry," Victoria smiled faintly. "I'm absolutely fine. Have you eaten?"

"Yes, mom," Nicholas said softly. "We had dinner with some clients and we are tired."

"It's okay." She said softly, caressing his cheeks.

Fuck, now Jake and she had to eat that junk again. Victoria couldn't help but wish that all the things that happened were just a nightmare and she'd wake up to find Adrian out of the house, her son under her complete control and Jake married to her son.

"We'll be upstairs, aunt," George said, kissing her cheeks.

"I don't think we'll come down." Nicholas gave a painful smile. "We'll just see you tomorrow. Goodnight, mother,"

"Goodnight!" Victoria said.

Nicholas gave his mother a final kiss before he decided to go upstairs. Being in contrast with George who wanted to use the stairs, Nicholas rushed to the elevator, pressed the button and slowly entered it. In no time he was on his way to his room as a shot of sleep made him close his eyes and lean to the wall.

After a few seconds, Nicholas heard the elevator opening. He quickly opened his eyes, ready to leave the elevator before...he froze. He simply froze. His hands and legs become numb...his heart immediately began pounding as adrenaline rushed to every part of his body...His breaths became violent and both anger and love overtook him at the same time, making him vulnerable and helpless.

As if the way he was feeling wasn't enough, did he have to see Adrian too? He didn't know what to do. All he knew was that he had to get out and forget he even met Adrian outside that elevator and looked at him.

With that in mind, Nicholas began moving furiously, avoiding Adrian before Adrian got to his side. Nicholas bumped into him hard and they were both on their way down the floor with Nicholas falling on top of Adrian. He fell right on top of Adrian, feeling every bit of that sexy body of his.

Adrian on the other hand was trying to move away so that he could allow Nicholas pass when he accidentally moved into the direction Nicholas was about to move in. He had bumped into him and now they were on the floor, breathing so fast, and hearts beating to each other's feel.

Adrian was staring deep in those green eyes that once made him hypnotized...wait! He was still hypnotized as he couldn't move an inch of his body. Slowly trying to move, Adrian accidentally opened his legs and allowed Nicholas to slip between his legs.

What he felt next was electrifying. Nicholas' cock was rubbing on his thigh and it felt big and hard. Feeling it on his thigh sent waves of pleasure throughout his entire body. His cock slowly began to rise in his pants.

On the other hand, Nicholas was still frozen. He couldn't move any part of his body. He was between Adrian's legs and didn't want to move from there. His touch was incredible...his body was sexy...his eyes were seductive and his breath felt like heaven on his face. Nicholas wanted to move but he couldn't do it. He was hypnotized by Adrian's piercing blue eyes.