Stand for Love Ch. 10


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"Hope you enjoyed the drama." George sent with a smiley at the end.

Adrian chuckled as he typed the message. "Thanks, I couldn't have loved it more. I still couldn't believe my eyes."

"Wanna see more, check facebook and twitter, trending women of Belenia."

"Okay, thanks," Adrian wrote with a smiley. "I'll check it now."

"Don't forget to trouble her some more. Remember, it's your last day. After tomorrow's party you'll be back with your husband."

"Alright," Adrian replied. "Don't worry about it. I'll add more salt to her wounds."

"I trust you will. Catch you later."

"Alright, have a good day and...take care of my husband."

"I'll kiss him for you." George replied.

"Okay, good day,"

As soon as his chat with George ended, Adrian was already going on facebook. To make it spicier, he sat on the bed, leaning on the pillows as he read each and every comment on that picture. There were some really harsh comments and most of them were laughing at Victoria. The picture was totally incredible and Victoria truly looked like a maid, dirty and unkempt. If she looked like that Adrian wondered how she used to look like when she was poor.

Adrian was still on that post for over an hour before he got tired and decided to check on Jake and Victoria. He wanted to inflict more pain on Victoria. He wanted to see her suffer, humiliated and crying. Until those things had been fulfilled, he'd never be happy.

Adrian slowly got out of the bed, closed his phone, smiled brightly and left for Victoria's room because he knew that she couldn't be anywhere else except for her room.

Entering the room he saw Victoria vulnerably sitting on the bed. She was a mess. Her whole bedroom looked like a war had just been going on. Her bedding where all on the floor...her fists were clenched...her body was shaking and her eyes were filled with anger. She was seated besides Jake who was slowly rubbing her back probably to comfort her after such a huge, huge humiliation. She probably needed it but why should Adrian care? All he knew was that she had to start working as soon as possible.

Adrian slowly walked towards the two culprits seated on the bed. He had a smirk on his face...his eyes were literally laughing at Victoria...his mind was satisfied, loving what was happening.

Adrian couldn't help but chuckle teasingly. He saw the two of them raise their faces to look up to him. His smirk brightened and winked at them. From their eyes, whatever they were thinking couldn't be good at all. They were probably plotting against him but why should he care? He simply didn't care about what they were going through.

"I thought you two were supposed to be downstairs working." Adrian jabbered, slowly licking his lips in mock. "Do I always have to remind you about it?"

"Can't you see that mother is not well?"

"Why should I care?" Adrian shrugged, smirking at them. "It's not like she's sick or something."

"You saw what happened." Jake was trying to sound calm but his voice kept rising. He didn't want to upset Adrian so he had to keep it cool. "Mother was just..."

"She'll live." Adrian sounded not to care, playing with his nails. "It's not like she's the first one to experience the pain of humiliation. I mean look at me," He chuckled, pointing at himself. "I survived it and it made me stronger. Don't you remember, five days the living room...the incident with Drake. I was humiliated downstairs and none of you seemed to care so why should I care."

Victoria was annoyed. The anger in her kept on urging to come out but she couldn't bring it out, not yet. She was burning deep inside of her. The humiliation was just too much to bear. The pain that came with that humiliation was intense. Adrian had just got on her last nerve.

"I know I've got chores." Victoria said hoarsely, clenching her fists. "I'll not neglect them over..."

"Great!" Adrian chirped, crossing his arms on his chest. "Then get up and go out there, do your work. I don't care what you do afterwards but I want you to do a clean job in the house. We don't have to suffer because you were demoted on social media." He chuckle with a mocking smile. "By the way, you need to apologize to everyone for causing a scene downstairs."

"What?" Victoria hollered. "I never did anything wrong and I won't apologize to..."

"Oh you will, mother." Adrian retorted. He was clearly ordering her to and she was gonna do it whether she likes it or not. "You'll go downstairs, apologize for your behavior and'll continue with your daily chores. I don't want any drama in the house anymore. You'll work with a smile. If I see any frown or snapping at anyone you'll regret it for the rest of your life."


"Jake!" Adrian said, rolling his eyes in anger. "No questions asked. Now get going."

Victoria had never been humiliated like that before. And on top of that she has to add a fake smile too. Why was Adrian getting worse with each passing second? It was like he was possessed. She'd never thought she'd miss the old Adrian like that before.

She missed the Adrian who used to be innocent, sweet, calm and respectful. She missed the Adrian who used to respect her even when she was an ass to him. But anyway, it didn't matter anymore because she was gonna win in the end no matter what happens.

With a sigh of irritation, Victoria and Jake left the room to do what the boss had ordered them to.

Seeing that they were gone, Adrian nodded and chuckled excitedly. He couldn't wait to expose them to the family members and regain the trust he'd lost.


The day went well for Adrian, at least to him it did. He couldn't say the same for Victoria and Jake. They swept the whole house, dusted the couches, mopped, and cleaned the remaining rooms except his and they seemed tired. Sitting in the living room, he made them cook lunch and dinner even though he knew how awful their cooking was. As usual the family members couldn't eat the food. Adrian made them eat the food and he was sure their hatred and anger increased to another level. Of course, they gave him a cold shoulder but he enjoyed making them work. It was supposed to be the last day because after the party the next day he was gonna show Nicholas the things that had come between them and get back with him. There was nothing he wanted more than that.

After a long and awesome day, Adrian had his dinner while he enjoyed seeing Victoria and Jake struggling to eat theirs. He caught them each time taking a glimpse of him eating. He loved it like that because he knew deeper inside that they were suffering.

After a scrumptious meal and spending time with Gabriel, reading him stories and sending him to sleep after, Adrian took a long hot shower that massaged every party of his body. It felt so good on his wonderful, sexy body as Nicholas called it. Man, he couldn't wait to get back with his husband.

After a long shower, Adrian was on his way to Victoria's room before...before he met Nicholas. Looking at him, he felt excited and turned on. His husband was looking super sexy and he was looking kinda shy. That only added to Adrian's fire. There was nothing he wanted more than to be held in his arms and being kissed by him. He'd have showed the evidence if not for George who had planned something really important.

He stared at his quiet, angry looking husband and smiled. He felt the urge to touch him, massage his cock and make him cum. But he was not going to do that. He just wanted to greet him and ask how the day had been.

Nicholas on the other hand was suffering. He could feel the vibrations in his body get intense. His cock jumped with joy and his mood changed to anger. He had never been as helpless as he was at that time, feeling anger and love at the same time. He wanted to be with Adrian but he didn't wanna get hurt by loving someone who didn't love him back. That was what caused the pain.


"Stay away from me." Nicholas said, signaling with his hand. "Please, don't come near me. I don't want to see you."


"Didn't you hear me?" Nicholas snapped. His eyes suddenly looked up at Adrian and literally insulted him. "Are you deaf or something?"

"I just..."

"What?" Nicholas snapped, furiously pointing his shaky finger at Adrian. "Whatever it is that you've been doing won't work. I want you and I want you out of my life."

Ouch! That statement had hurt Adrian but he still believed Nicholas loved him a lot. He was only trying to protect himself from heartbreak. That was all there is to it.

"Is that what you really want?" Adrian asked softly, dropping his eyes to the floor.

No, Nicholas thought as a sharp pain made him groan. He didn't want to let go of Adrian. But he couldn't have him in his life again. It was painful enough that Adrian was living in the house together with him. His heart was bleeding deep inside. The only way he'd heal is if he stopped seeing Adrian.

"I just want you to leave me alone," Nicholas said as he stormed out. "Don't even talk to me."

Adrian watched as Nicholas left and smiled. Deep down that anger he saw that the guy loved him a lot. That anger was gonna melt after he shows the evidence to him but if it doesn't, Adrian will have no choice but to leave the house and start over.

Nodding his head in happiness, Adrian slowly moved towards Victoria's room. As he reached there he could hear their voices and they were discussing something about the party. It seemed like they had a plan with the party but whatever it was it wasn't gonna work.

There was no need to knock on the door since they were both inside. It was just the final instruction and he'd go to sleep and wait for a great day. As he entered the room, he closed the door and rushed to Victoria and Jake who seemed tired and depressed, looking like they'd been collecting garbage whole day.

"Do you always have to come here?" Jake asked hoarsely. "Can't we have some privacy?"

Adrian rolled his eyes, giving a gloomy sigh. The guy irritated him a lot and he couldn't wait to kick him out of the house with humiliation.

"Well, what is private about what you are doing here?" He chuckled. "Anyway, I just came to tell you something really important."

"What?" Victoria was more than pissed. She just wanted to plot and sleep. She didn't have whole day to talk to Adrian. "What is it that..."

"As you know, tomorrow there'll be a party and..."

"We know." Jake chimed in. "Actually, Nicholas has invited people to work in the house so...we won't work tomorrow."

"Of course you will," Adrian chuckled. "Actually, that's what I came here to inform you about. You'll be working with the people that will come tomorrow except for the cooking," He laughed. "No one wants to taste that garbage that you cook."

Victoria was insulted. Just when she thought she would just stay and rest until the party starts, Adrian came with another problem. Anyway, it was something that she'd have to endure as long as she hadn't found that CD.

"Is that clear," Adrian asked.

Both Victoria and Jake nodded with flat faces. He was happy they understood each other really well. There was nothing he wanted to see than them being exposed. It wasn't gonna be long and he was gonna expose them. It was gonna be goodbye Victoria and Jake. Being excited with the party, Adrian went straight to his room to sleep.

"Why?" Jake snarled, gripping the pillow from the bed. He threw it at the door. "Why does he always have to ruin our plans? Do we have to work at the party too?"

On the other hand, Victoria's face suddenly beamed as a thought hit her. Why hadn't she thought of that before? Realizing how great her plan was, she snapped her finger and smiled at Jake.

"I think tomorrow is good for us."

"How is it any good?" Jake asked hoarsely. "He's making us work and..."

"No," Victoria smiled. "Tomorrow will be a great day for us."

"Meaning?" Jake couldn't get a clue of what was happening. He knew Victoria had a great plan but what was that plan?

"Everyone will be at the party, right?"

"Yes," Jake nodded.

"We'll leave the party as soon as Adrian comes and then..."

"We'll search his room and find the CD." Jake beamed, smiling brightly.

"Exactly," Victoria smiled. "We'll never get a chance like this again. We'll search till we find that CD."

"I think you're right," Jake smiled, cupping Victoria's hand. "We'll find that CD tomorrow no matter what happens."

Victoria slowly got up from the bed, went to the window and stared at the darkness outside. She was happy that night. She had been humiliated by Adrian but it was time to work hard and hit him where it hurts the most. Yes, that was what she was gonna do.

"It won't be long now." Victoria snarled, gripping the curtain at the window. "Adrian's days are numbered. He'll soon pay for what he's been doing." She said confidently, breathing violently. "I promise."

After what felt like hours, Victoria pulled the curtain back and went back inside to tell Jake about how their plans were going to be after finding that CD. They were pretty confident about finding the CD and Adrian was gonna pay for it.


The next day, Victoria and Jake came down stairs looking elegant and stylish. Seeing the decorators, chefs and other professionals who had come to make the party perfect before it starts, Victoria and Jake stared at each. Both had an evil grin on their faces. Winking at each other they went in to help out just like Adrian had instructed. They were certain it was gonna be the last he was gonna order them so they were gonna make it special.

Now the game will turn in their favor, hopefully. Let the game continue.

Will Adrian's plans be ruined?


Thank you so much for reading this chapter till the end. I love you guys and appreciate everything. Don't forget to drop your comments and votes. Stay tuned for chapter 11.

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kelvinvictorkelvinvictorover 6 years ago

I think that anyone who has been :

1 Hurt by his own relatives and used as a slave

2 Beatten to near death and locked in a cupboard to die

3 Repeatedly abused by action and deeds of V and J

4 Blamed and abused by family - truth looked for

5 Even own husband has never beleieved him

then that person deserves and is allowed to have a little revenge and to have the truth shown to those who have pointed the finger at him ... The CD needs to be played at the party and the police need to be there... Jake needs to try to save his own skin by implicating his own family and revealing the truth behind who Adrian really is.

Please do not keep us waiting...

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago
i think its time for good times


as i reread thru my Adrianick i have realised that the culprits have got enough

plz make the truth out becoz it will be there last punch..Oh dont forget our suggestions on how u may do it

bring back our old Adrianick love...And make them yearn for eachother but nick yearning more PLEASE let adrian not suffer more

still forever yos on top,,anndddd actually

i'l base on the reconciliation to determine the leader

I love u,plz post soon

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago
I definately dont agree with the previous comment

u know,its all about creativity and the plan,anyway even in real life people are framed

and if u dont get it,nick is mad at adrian do u want him to shower love after that all trouble even with evidence??? c'mon

guys what do u think Adrian's planning with george???

Nick needs some hurting by adrian since he said he dont wana tok to him

Adrian can even walk naked from his room just to make the guy,,yearn u know.

Damn i dont wana wait for so long for another chapter

and for the culprits,let them get it.SHAME

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It's difficult to like a story where there are no sympathetic characters. Sure Adrian has had much to feel bitter about but the way he is treating Jake and Victoria is totally unacceptable. They may be deeply unpleasant but he is probably driving them to suicide. Then Nicholas is a weakling only interested in the pleasure of sex. If he is married to Adrian then they should have been able to talk. The peripharel characters are not really interesting. Only George is in any way likeable in that he does seem to genuinely care for Nicholas and even he has had his moments.

Maybe in a perfect world Nicholas would kick out Adrian and settle down with George. The sex might not be so good but at least he would be with someone with whom he would have a genuine relationship.

It would be nice for you to try and write a story with believable characters and genuine emotions. But it's fair to say that this story is addictive even if it is not likeable.

kelvinvictorkelvinvictorover 6 years ago

Loving every moment of this story!!!

I want Victoria to really fall off her perch and realize that there is more to life than being rich and famous. I want her to realize just how people around her, her supposed friends really feel about her.

I still think that Jake and his family need their cumuppance. Why are they like they are to Adrian? Is his father the oldest son and should have inherited what his brother has. if the truth comes out will the family be ruined and Adrian get it all? Just why were they like that to their own flesh and blood?

Please post next chapter quickly as I go into a pining remission when I don't have your story to read.

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