Stand for Love Ch. 13


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"Of course," Adrian said, softly taking the spoon.

He took the spoon and began feeding his husband sweetly and softly. He knew that his husband was still regretting what he had done. He could tell from the way his husband remained quiet. All he hoped for was for his husband to wake up and forget everything that had happened. He knew it was gonna be difficult even for him but at least they could both try and think about happy memories only. The good thing in all this was that they were finally back together. That was all Adrian had wished for and it had come true. He loved it even more than anything.

Nicholas allowed Adrian to feed him. He thought he would enjoy the food cooked by someone he loved...someone who took his heart...someone who made his heart race. But that was a different matter. All he could think about while he ate the food was what he had done. He wanted to punish himself for it but he just couldn't do it because Adrian wouldn't allow him.

Adrian was really an angel from above. Thinking about it actually brought wonderful memories to his brain. He would have smiled but the emotions of anger and pain that he felt was more than anything else. The only way he knew he would make up to it was to do what Adrian wanted him to do.

Of course, he was gonna do his own part by showering Adrian with wonderful gifts. It wasn't gonna do anything good but at least it would make him feel happy knowing that his husband was happy with everything that he had made.

After those wonderful thoughts and plans about how to make it to his husband, Nicholas felt at least happy. He was really happy and he stared at Adrian even when he fed the wonderful food to him. Nicholas ate every bit of it and he was full to the maximum. He wouldn't have wished for anything better to it.

"How does that feel?" Adrian asked after feeding the last spoon to his husband. "Does it make you feel any better?"

Nicholas smiled faintly. "Anything that you do for me will always make me feel better."

"Good," Adrian smiled. "I'm glad I was able to make you feel better." He stared at him and saw that his eyes were not bad anymore. They actually looked better than before. They were not blood red anymore but just light red. "You look good." Adrian smiled. "Your eyes are no longer bad. You're as handsome as ever. Now don't ever cry like that okay?"

"Okay." Nicholas tried to smile but it failed.

Each time he stared at Adrian, something always went wrong with him. It was like he was looking at the images of what he had done to him and that made him emotional to the point where he felt like crying. Had he been alone, he would have cried to himself.

Taking a quick look at Nicholas, Adrian gathered the plates and got up. He was about to move when he felt Nicholas grip his wrist. He moved his face and stared into Nicholas' eyes. Man, the man was really handsome.

"Please...stay." Nicholas muttered. "Please,"

Adrian smiled. "I'll not leave you. I just wanna go to the kitchen and take back the plates."

Hearing that, Nicholas dropped his face and sighed. "Okay."

Adrian gave a nervous chuckle, put down the plates and raised Nicholas' head with his index finger.

"Hey," Adrian said, looking deep in those beautiful green eyes. "I'm not going to leave you. I'll be back real soon."

Nicholas smiled faintly and then nodded. He watched as Adrian took the plates and left the room, leaving him feeling lonely and empty. He was suddenly missing Adrian a lot. He had almost lost him and now that they were back together, he needed him by his side. He took a deep breath of courage and then waited impatiently for Adrian.

In a few minutes, Adrian came back to the room and Nicholas was able to breathe again. He sat on the bed beside him, smiling brightly and blushing in the process. Nicholas stared at him closely and wondered, "Did people like Adrian really exist?" It made him wonder a lot because Adrian was like a saint. He had never met anyone like him before. He was the true definition of a saint and he loved him more than anything in the world.

"My love," Nicholas said as he took both of Adrian's hands in his.


"In what I do, know that I love you so much," He said earnestly with a small smile. "I know that I broke the other vows that I made to you but this time I promise to keep all my vows and..."

"I thought you didn't break them." Adrian said with a smile. "I thought you didn't stop loving me or..."

"No," Nicholas gasped when he came to realize what Adrian meant. "I never, ever stopped loving you. I'll love you forever."

"I'll love you forever too." Adrian smiled brightly. "What we just passed through was a storm. It was just there to test our love we are, together again. That's really what's most important to me and I'll never, ever love anyone the way I love you. I'll never give myself to another the way I give it to you. This love that I share with you is really important to me. That's why I never gave up on you."

Hearing those words from Adrian, Nicholas totally broke the promise that he had made to Adrian as he felt a billion tears falling down his cheeks. Never in his life had he heard something as beautiful and as lovely as that. He couldn't contain himself so tears came down his face even though he was not crying. They were just tears of joy.

"Hey," Adrian extended his hand and captured some of Nicholas' tears with his thumb. "I thought I said no more tears."

"You said I shouldn't cry." Nicholas was more than happy. "But these tears are tears of joy. What you've said to me is really emotional especially after what I had done to you and..."

"What did you do to me?" Adrian chuckled as he rubbed Nicholas' tears. "Stop apologizing to me. I told you..."

"Please," Nicholas said as he took Adrian's hand and planted soft kisses on it.

Adrian couldn't say anything because the kisses on his hand were really beautiful. He felt like his hand was on fire. Feeling Nicholas' soft, hot lips on his hand was making him quiver with pleasure. He loved Adrian's mouth and he wanted more of it. He wanted it kissing the rest of his body but he just couldn't do it. His husband had been through a lot and was in no mood for love making. He needed to spare him from all that.

"I love you." Adrian moaned. "I love you so much."

Nicholas quickly raised his head at the realization of what had happened. Hearing Adrian telling him that he loved him got him emotional again.

"I love you a lot." Nicholas sighed. "I'll never love anyone else apart from you. You'll always remain my one and only babe."

"That's so sweet," Adrian smiled. "I'll..." He trailed off when he saw Nicholas' tears again. It was getting to him and he knew if Nicholas continued like that he would make him break down right there on the bed and that was gonna be bad for the both of them.

Besides, he was no longer that weak Adrian. He was now stronger and smarter but his husband was getting him emotional. In that situation he had found himself in, he knew exactly what needed to be done.

Slowly rubbing the tears from his husband, Adrian leaned forward and captured his husband's lips and gave him a deep, passionate and intense French kiss. By the time they both pulled from each other, they were moaning softly and gasping for air. Nicholas wanted more but his lips were really swollen for another hot kiss so he remained silent and licked his lips sensually.

Seeing that his husband was still in need of a kiss and probably afraid to ask, Adrian leaned forward again and gave him a light kiss on his lips. He held his cheeks and gave him another one.

I think we need to sleep." Adrian said as he kissed Nicholas softly.


"It's really late and after a day that we've had today we both deserve a good night sleep."

Nicholas nodded, licking his lips sensually as he yearned for more of Adrian's wonderful kisses. Adrian's suggestion was the right one. Nicholas could use a little shut eye and forget about everything that had happened earlier in the day. He just wanted to wake up in the morning with no memory of what had happened. He needed to forget all of it.

"Sure," He smiled.

Nicholas brought Adrian's lips closer to him and gave him one final, intense kiss that made his lips twitch and his cock pulse. He was dying to make love to Adrian for a week of not feeling that hot ass wrapped around his cock, feeling it's hotness and sweetness. He couldn't wait to make love to Adrian but in a slow and passionate way.

After the kiss, Nicholas wrapped his arms around Adrian's legs and the other on his neck. Looking deep in his eyes, he carefully picked him up, pulled the covers and then made him lie down. He then removed his t-shirt, threw it on the floor and then climbed the bed.

Pulling the covers on the both of them, Nicholas looked on Adrian's side and caught him staring at him. He smiled faintly and then opened his arms as wide as he could.

"Can you sleep in my arms tonight?"

Adrian opened his mouth wide and the blushed. That was not a question and there was absolutely no way he was gonna say no to Nicholas. He had spent the last one week thinking and hoping to sleep in Nicholas' arms. Now that the opportunity had presented itself, wouldn't he be a fool if he rejected that wonderful tempting offer, Adrian thought as electrical impulses took a sweet sensation to the rest of his body.

"I'd love to," Adrian blushed.

After saying that, Adrian slowly moved towards Nicholas' open arms with a bright smile. He was near...he could smell the aroma coming from Nicholas' chest hairs...he could smell him. Fuck, he got instantly turned on and then he gulped. He had really missed sleeping in those arms.

Adrian reached Nicholas' hairy chest and smiled. Leaning downwards, he laid his head on Nicholas' chest, feeling those tingly hairs make him breath fast. Then he felt Nicholas' arms wrapping around him. He felt warm and cozy from Nicholas' arms. He knew he was now safe and couldn't fear anything because his husband would now protect him. He was safe in those big and strong arms of Nicholas.

"I love you." Nicholas said softly as he tightened his grip on Adrian.

Adrian looked up and then smiled. He still couldn't believe he was in Nicholas' warm and beautiful arms. It was like a really good dream. Had he not been smart, he would have been in the street somewhere holding a trash can and remembering the wonderful memories of Nicholas. But now he was in Nicholas' arms after his victory against his enemies.

"I love you too." Adrian said as he adjusted his head on Nicholas' chest.

Nicholas gave a deep sigh. "Good night, my love."

"Goodnight," Adrian responded. He was getting into his sleeping mode and he knew he was gonna have probably the most wonderful night. He was feeling like a newlywed once again but this time he was a different Adrian.

Nicholas leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Adrian's head. He smelt the hair and it was really beautiful. He closed his eyes hoping to get some sleep and get all the regrets out of his mind for once. He knew he was not gonna sleep any time soon as he had a lot of thinking to do. He was gonna pretend as if he was sleeping and then after Adrian sleeps he was gonna wake up and stare at him, probably kiss him and cry.

Nicholas held Adrian tighter and then took a deep sigh and pretended to yawn. He closed his eyes tighter after that.

Adrian was in heaven. He had his husband back...sleeping on his chest and smelling him. It was so wonderful and the waves of emotions that took over his body were powerful and made his whole body vibrate in pleasure.

Now that he had his husband back, he wanted all the things that they did again to be back. He wanted to make love...he wanted to cuddle...he wanted to receive his good morning kiss and he very much wanted to shower with him, sleep between his legs in the shower and Jacuzzi.

Ah, he couldn't wait for all those wonderful things to be back in his life once again. But right then, all he had to do was enjoy his husband and feel the warm and comfort of his hard, muscular, hairy and beautiful chest.

Adrian gave a deep breath, burying his head deeper in Nicholas' chest. He closed his eyes shut and enjoyed his husband. In no time at all he was fast asleep.


The next morning Adrian woke up from a very beautiful dream. He had just come from making intense love with Nicholas and it had felt so real and beautiful that he woke up smiling. He felt that his head was lying on a pillow and not his husband's chest like he had gone to bed last night. It made him to feel empty and lonely. He needed his sweet husband to be by his side but maybe he had just moved to the other side.

With his eyes shut and a beautiful smile on his face, Adrian extended his hand and passed it on the bed to feel his husband's body. He searched and searched but to his surprise, he couldn't find Nicholas' body.

When he realized that Nicholas was not on the bed, his smile faded replaced by a frown. Then he quickly opened his eyes and truly, Nicholas was not on the bed. He was instantly welcomed by fear and worry. He had no idea where his husband was but he got really worried.

Adrian quickly rose from the bed, looking all around with his heart racing. Before he even went far, his eyes spotted rose petals carefully displayed on the bed in the shape of a heart. He smiled softly, relieved from the worry that he had felt after finding his husband was not there anymore. Next to the petals was a bouquet of beautiful blue flowers that made him blush even though Nicholas was not in the room. He was so happy that he had awaked to such a beautiful thing.

Smiling brightly as he gave a soft chuckle, Adrian slowly moved and gripped the flowers. The first thing that he did when he got those wonderful flowers was to think about Nicholas. He thought about where he was and what he was doing...his crazy mind even took him to dirty thoughts. He imagined Nicholas standing in front of him naked and...ha ha...with his hard throbbing cock in his hands. He imagined he was stroking it and then moaning as cum oozed from that wonderful cock.

Adrian shook his head and then came back to reality. He had missed Nicholas a lot that even those crazy thoughts were making him horny. Gee!

He brought the flowers close to his nose and then sniffed the aroma of the wonderful flowers. They smelled unbelievably wonderful and made him wish Nicholas was in that very room kissing him furiously. Hmm, the thought of it all actually made his cock to stiffen. He was yearning for Nicholas so badly that he wanted him right then.

He held the flowers close to him while a smile hit his face. He was really happy. After so long, he was able to wake to the warmth and sweetness of marriage. It felt really breathtaking and he couldn't wait for Nicholas to come out wherever he was hiding.

Speaking of Nicholas, Adrian opened his eyes and yearned for him. He needed him. He needed his touch and he needed his morning kiss. As he carefully put the flowers on the bed with a wonderful smile, Adrian pulled the covers from his body and slowly got up before he suddenly stopped. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened when his eyes caught the most beautiful thing ever. Just in front of him, were also flowers and a greeting card?

In fact, it was almost like the whole room was filled with flowers. He hadn't seen them at all when he woke up so all that was kind of a surprise to him.

Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the flowers and picked the greeting card beside them. The words were really beautiful and they captured his heart with their wonderfully and romantic feel. He never wished for anything more than that in the morning. It was really beautiful and it melted his heart.

"Every morning I wake up I can't wish to see anyone else aside from you. You're special my love and I couldn't wish for anything more. Good morning!"

Adrian held the greeting card close to his heart as he imagined Nicholas telling him the exact sweet words. It was really sweet and his heart raced miles and miles. There was nothing better to do than just sit and think about Nicholas telling him the exact things.

Adrian pulled away and looked all around the room which looked like it was a shop where flowers were sold. There were flowers of different colors and they all made his heart warm. He had never been happy in the morning like the way he was. The feeling of his victory plus the happiness of having his husband back was too much. It was joyful.

Adrian stood there looking at the different flowers that were inside the room. He just couldn't move his eyes away but when the feeling of missing Nicholas intensified, he couldn't stop it. He needed him by his side or he'd definitely go crazy over love.

He quickly started moving and went to the bathroom to check if he was at all in the bathroom. To his surprise, Nicholas was not in the bathroom and he got worried. He checked other room but he was not there either.

Adrian came back to the room and sat on the bed, wondering where his husband had gone. He glanced on the watch and realized that it was only 7.30 in the morning. He somehow got worried that his husband was probably crying somewhere. He got really worried especially when he thought of how his husband had blamed himself for what had happened to Him.

Adrian placed his face on his palm as he got even more worried. Wherever his husband was, Adrian needed to find him. Sure, he had left Adrian with the most wonderful gift of the flowers which filled the room, Adrian needed to see him. He couldn't bear not seeing in the morning.

He quickly raised his head up and got up from the bed. Then as he was about to start moving, he heard the door opening and when he looked, there stood his husband. He had a tray of breakfast with him and it was toasted bread, scrambled eggs, sausage and coffee. Adrian smiled and felt his heart settling.

"Morning," He smiled.

"Morning," Nicholas said softly. "I hope you like...err...what I did with the room."

"It's beautiful," Adrian smiled. "But what was the need for all this." He pointed with his finger. "I didn't need all this and..."

"I just made something beautiful for someone special." He muttered. "And I made breakfast for him. I just wanna catch up for lost time."

"Really," Adrian laughed softly, folding his arms on his chest.

"Really," Nicholas chuckled as he came near the bed. He pulled the tray on the bed, gripped Adrian's waist and gave him a sweet good morning kiss which he loved a lot.

"I knew it was what you wanted, right?"

Adrian blushed and then nodded. He didn't joke around with the good morning kisses because they made him start his day wonderfully.

Adrian gripped the back of Nicholas' neck and the brought him closer. He captured his lips and then gave him a wonderful kiss too, sucking on his lips like a lollipop.

"I figured you might need one too." Adrian chuckled as he let go of Nicholas' neck.

"I did." Nicholas moaned, licking his own lips. They tasted sweet especially after being kissed by some wonderful and sexy like Adrian. He was even tempted to go further. "Breakfast might get cold. I made it myself." He chuckled.

"Really," Adrian babbled, looking directly at the wonderfully made breakfast. "Then I guess it's worth trying. I think it's tasty too."

"I married the best." Nicholas gave a chuckle. "What do you expect?"

Adrian raised his face and smiled brightly at his husband. He noticed that his husband was back to the way he used to look like. His eyes were neither red nor swollen. They were just green and beautiful just like they had been. He loved him like that and he couldn't wish for anything more.

Looking deep in those wonderful green eyes, Adrian got caught in them. He was hypnotized and couldn't stop looking away. The way Nicholas was staring at him was really beautiful and quite tempting. He was looking at him with lust...with love...with desire...with passion.
