Stand for Love Ch. 13


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"Excuse," He said to the maids who were still standing. "Are you busy?"

"No" Both of them said. "We have no chores."

"Alright," He smiled. "Can you please clear Jake's room after lunch, pack all his things and then let me know?"

"Alright," They said and quickly left.

Adrian turned and happily went to the dining room feeling really nervous. His hands even trembled in fear and he had no idea what he was going to do. He slowly opened the door leading to the dining room and found all the family members seated on the chairs looking sad and lonely.

From the look of things, they were barely eating. It was like they were deeply lost in their thoughts. They didn't even seem to notice him at all. Without even doing anything, Adrian stood still and scanned the people that were at the dining table. Then he realized that there was no Nicholas or George.

Realizing that his husband was not at the dining, Adrian stood quietly, rubbing his hands together. He did not even know what to say or do. Then he wondered where his husband could have gone. He was really missing him and just wanted him to come home.

"Hey," Adrian heard granny's voice and snapped out of his thoughts. He quickly looked towards granny and saw her smiling.

"Good afternoon, granny," He said softly. "Afternoon everyone,"

Everyone at the table raised their faces but none said anything. They rather just smiled faintly and went back to whatever it was that they were doing. He smiled back and then went back to thinking about his husband and where the hell he had gone. Right then he wished Gabriel had been around to cheer him up but the little guy was at school.

"Are you okay?" Granny asked when she realized that Adrian was quiet.

"Err...yeah," Adrian chuckled nervously, quickly raising his face to look at granny. "I'm fine."

Granny gave him a raised eyebrow and he knew he couldn't fool the old lady. He knew she could see right through him so it was either he asks or she gives him more of that raised eyebrow.

"Err...has anyone seen my husband." Adrian asked, looking around everyone.

"," Granny said softly. "Did something happen? Didn't you..."

"No," Adrian chuckled. "Actually I saw him but...never mind."

"Alright," Granny said. "Have a seat and eat lunch with us."

Adrian smiled brightly and then took a seat beside Noah who seemed nervous and he swore the guy trembled. He could hear his violent breaths and he wondered what was going on. He thought he had forgiven what was with the silent treatment? Slowly moving his eyes from Noah, he stared at everyone at the table. They all had the same expression except granny.

As he took a plate, Adrian stared at his granny, shrugged and then raised his eyebrow to signal granny about what was going on. She shrugged and signaled him that she had no idea. Adrian then knew that it was his duty to bring his old family members back or it was gonna be a silent treatment for as long as he lived.

Sure, things had happened...trusts had been broken...hearts had been broken...relationship had almost crumbled...pain had been in everyone's hearts but that was just it. People needed to forget about what had happened and move on. Besides, Adrian was the victim and he was okay with it so what was the big deal? Or could it have been that they were missing Victoria and wanted her back? If that was the case they all they had to do was ask and...probably tell Victoria to come back.

Adrian figured he needed to do something in order to break the silence and brighten the mood.

Adrian opened the serving pot, sniffed the aroma which came from the pot and sighed. He took the pot and then started serving himself.

"Hmm, Mexican Rice," He said, putting the rice on his plate. "Isn't it wonderful? I think it's one of the best on the planet don't you think?"

But that was it, it was dead silent. Everyone had their eyes on their plates either playing with the food or shaking. Did they fear him that much? The thought of it all actually made him wonder and get worried. Where they gonna stay like that for good?

Noah was dying on the inside. Sitting so close to Adrian was making him quiver and shake. He just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole, the way he was feeling was absolutely scary. Never had he felt like that in his life. He understood perfectly clear because he had treated Adrian so badly and now that the boy was innocent he had no words to say. He could still remember the time Adrian had called him his elder brother and he had rejected him. What was he going to say now? Sure, Adrian had forgiven them but he still felt guilty for everything.

As he sat on that table with his eyes on his plate, the only thing that was on his mind was to get away from there and go to his room and stay there for good. He blamed his mother for everything and he didn't know if he would ever forgive her for hurting his brother, Adrian and everyone else. She was supposed to be a mother and not an enemy to her family. Everything was just confusing and made him tremble.

Adrian sat quietly, tasting the wonderful Mexican rice. It tasted really beautiful and amazing, leaving that wonderful zing in his mouth. It was like he was somewhere beautiful and absolutely lovely. He knew his food was tasty as well but he also appreciated great food when he saw one. He slowly chewed on the food, letting it water his mouth with its lovely flavor. Then he quickly took a sip of the juice and it added to the tastiness of the lovely food. It was incredible but he also couldn't shake that worry. He couldn't just understand what was wrong with everyone. He had no idea if they were actually thinking about him, Victoria or the situation that had happened. He knew he had to ask or it would make him even more worried.

He took a quick sip of the juice, dropped it on the table and sighed audibly. Then he took a deep breath, gathering his confidence to ask them a good question. He had dreamt of having a good dinner with his family after revealing the truth and now they were silent?

"Okay what's going on?" Adrian asked, slightly raising his voice. "What's with all of you?"

Noah hadn't seen that coming and seriously had no idea how he was going to answer it.

"Why are you all quiet?" Adrian said, directing his eyes at Noah. "Noah! Are you mad at me or something?"

"No!" Noah quickly raised his face in fear and stared deep into Adrian's eyes. He then dropped his eyes to the plate again and felt the fear slipping in him once again.

"Then why?" Adrian said, extending his hand to touch Noah's hand which was on the table. When his hand reached Noah, he could clearly feel his hands shaking. "Why are you quiet? If you are thinking about what had happened yesterday I thought I told you I forgive you."

"That's not it," Noah muttered.

"Then what?" Adrian said, passing his hands on Noah's. "Or maybe it's my presence." He said softly. "If my presence is bothering you, I'll leave."

After that, Adrian slowly moved out of his chair before Noah gripped his arm and raised his face. Adrian sat down and then looked into Noah's eyes. They were filled with a lot of emotions, anger to top it off. He had never seen Noah look as vulnerable as he was.

"Please, don't leave." Noah said softly. "I'm sorry I'm in this mood but I can't help it. All those things I said to you and..." He paused and then took a deep sigh as pain and regret took him over. "...I just feel..."

"What did I tell you?" Adrian asked. "I told you I don't hold anything against you. You did what anyone in your shoes could have done. All of you." He looked at the sad faces on the table. "I fought this so that I could have the family that I once had. I was hoping that I could get back the brother I had." He squeezed Noah's hand. "The sisters that I never had," Adrian smiled at Arianna and Clara. "And the...aunt that I had,"

"I don't know if..."

"Please," Adrian begged. "Do it for the happiness of this family. Just forgive yourself and let's live happily together. I know mother is..."

"I don't want to talk about mother," Noah said hoarsely. "She's better off living alone."

"Alright," Adrian said, raising his arms in the air. "But I want you to promise me, all of you. I want you to promise me that you'll get out of this mood that you are in. I don't want you to think about it anymore. I just want the people that I used to live with. I want the people that were happy and exciting. You're not those kinds of people now."

"Adrian's right," Granny said, rubbing Emily's shoulder. "All of you need to snap out of the mood that you are in. Look at Adrian," She pointed with her left hand. "He was the victim and yet he is right here. He is happy and he is telling you to do the same."

"Aunt," Emily said softly. "I know..."

"Do you really want to see me happy?" Adrian asked everyone. "Then snap out of the mood that you are in. I'm only giving you this day to be like this." He said angrily. "I know all of you are my elders and that I'm the youngest but I'm only giving you today to stay like that. I don't want to see any of you like this." Adrian said as he quickly let go of Noah's hand. "If you truly value my forgiveness and you apologized sincerely then..." He paused and got up from the chair. "...You'll grant my wish."

Adrian quickly stood up and left the dining room, ignoring Noah who was calling him.

The remaining people at the dining looked at each other. They knew Adrian was right but they couldn't just pull out of the mood that they were in. They all blamed themselves for hurting Adrian. They should have known that Victoria was capable of anything. They should have known.

"Adrian is right you know." Granny said softly. "You really need to brighten up."

"But granny..."

"Noah," Granny chuckled. "You heard him. If your apology was sincere, you're going to do as he asked."

Everyone remained quiet. They had known that Adrian had told them the truth and since their apologies had been sincere, they had no choice but to listen to what he had told them. It was gonna be hard but at least they had to try.


Adrian reached the room, quickly sat on the bed and buried his face in his palms. He was really hoping what he had said would somehow get in their heads and they'd live happily, forgetting any bad thing that they had said to him. Sure, every words had hurt but wasn't it enough that he had forgiven them without even saying anything bad to them? It was all that they wanted to do.

He quickly snapped out of it and forgot about everything. Now his mind was only on his husband who seemed like he was not in the house. He had left a note but Adrian needed to know where he had gone without even saying a word.

He rose from the bed and picked his phone from the table. He quickly dialed Nicholas' number and in no time the handsome hunk answered. Hearing his wonderful manly voice had Adrian's body feeling hot...his heart jumped with joy and he missed him some more.

"My love,"

"Where are you?" Adrian said softly, holding the phone closely to him.

"I had to do something." Nicholas said from the other end. "I'm really sorry but I couldn't wake you up. You had passed out when we...I'll be home."

"Please, come home." Adrian said softly, getting up from the bed. "I miss you already."

"I miss you too."

"Hurry home, I am waiting for you." Adrian said as his heart raced.

"Alright," Nicholas chirped. "I love you."

"I love you too."

After a few kisses Adrian cut the call and then smiled to himself. Hearing Nicholas' voice made him feel good and happy. He was so happy that his worries went away. His mind slipped to the time they were making love and he couldn't help but blush. Things had turned out to be good after all. It was only yesterday when everything was bad but now he was back with his husband. All the troubles from his life had gone. He was really happy.

Thinking about the wonderful memories of Nicholas had him bad. He felt really hungry and his stomach rumbled. He really loved the hunk a lot and couldn't have wished for anybody better when he had the best with him.

The hunger he felt was intense especially since he had nothing at the dining table. The love making they had also added to his hunger. He'd never thought he could be as hungry as he was at that very time. He had to grab something or he would definitely die.

Adrian took a deep breath and then smiled. Putting the phone back on the table, he went out of the room to the kitchen to grab a snack.


It had been 4 hours and some minutes since Adrian had spoken to Nicholas. Nicholas was still not home and Adrian couldn't help but get worried. He had tried to call him but his line was off. He had tried to call George but the guy's phone was switched off. He knew Nicholas was probably busy so instead of getting worried and panicking, Adrian took Nicholas' tablet, plugged in the earphones and listened to some music.

He was now lying on the bed with his eyes closed and listening to 'your love' by Nicki Minaj. The song had him going and he swore that it reminded him of the relationship he shares with Nicholas. It was really a wonderful song and Adrian couldn't have wished for anything.

Lying on the bed as he listened to the music, nodding his head in movement with the music, Adrian felt hands touching his thighs. He didn't know if it was real or just the imagination of Nicholas touching him so he chose to ignore it. He continued with the music and then he felt it again but this time he felt a weight on top of him.

Adrian quickly opened his eyes, wondering who had the effrontery to get on top of him. He got the surprise when he found two beautiful green eyes staring at him. His heart raced and his face brightened up with a radiant smile. Nicholas was looking really handsome and Adrian yearned for him. He quickly removed the earphones and then grasped the back of his head and brought him down for a hug. Damn, he had missed the guy a lot.

"My love," Adrian gasped as he held Nicholas' neck tighter. His body got warmer and his hormones got out of control.

Nicholas had missed Adrian so much. He had not intended to stay that long when he went out but everything was worth the wait. Now that he had him, he didn't want to pull away. He just wanted to be with him and spend the rest of the evening with the lovely boy who made his heart race and his mind to be lost. The boy had a magic touch which made Nicholas' pain, anger and worries to go away. He just wanted to stay like that forever.

"I told you I'd be back soon." Nicholas said softly as he pulled away from Adrian's hug.

"You told me that..." Adrian trailed off when he saw Nicholas' face getting closer. He knew he was gonna be in for a sweet kiss so he got himself ready.

Nicholas cupped Adrian's cheeks. Then he leaned downwards and captured those wonderful sweet lips and sucked on them for some seconds. Then he slipped his tongue right through Adrian's lips and then sucked on his tongue while they both moaned in ecstatic pleasure. It was an intense kiss and in a few moments, they were both gasping for air, chuckling nervously.

"I never got the chance to tell you how much pleasure you gave me this morning." Nicholas breathed, licking his soft lips. "It was really wonderful. You were amazing."

Adrian blushed. "I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you!"

"No," Nicholas said softly. "Thank you! For loving an idiot like me and for coming back into my life,"

"I love you a lot and I'll never love anyone else." Adrian chirped. "And you're welcome."

Nicholas chuckled at Adrian's words and rubbed his own lips. He was still in pleasure and he felt his cock rising in his pants. He wanted Adrian right there but he had to control himself in front of his husband.

"Oh!" Nicholas chuckled as he slowly got off of Adrian. "I need to show you something outside, a surprise."

"No!" Adrian moaned as he grasped the back of Nicholas' head and brought him down for a kiss. "Please, stay."

"My love..." He paused as Adrian had him pinned on his lips kissing him. "My love..." He tried to get up but Adrian had his lips sucked. "I need to show you something."

"What?" Adrian moaned as he planted soft kisses on Nicholas' lips. "Don't you like what I'm doing?"

Nicholas' cock was rising. "No...I mean yes," Nicholas moaned softly as he felt a powerful vibration make his cock throb. He wanted Adrian so badly. "But I have to...oh shit..." He paused and moaned when Nicholas bit his lip. "I have to show you something first. I promise I'll make love to you whole night long."

Nicholas was slowly being drawn into Adrian's attempts. He was losing it and he didn't want to pull away. His cock was now stiff in his pants but he had something really important to show Adrian. But the way the boy was moaning and sucking his lips was a total turn on. His whole body vibrated in pleasure.

"Adrian...Adrian," Nicholas moaned as he tried to pull away from Adrian but the guy had a really firm grip on his neck. "My love, please wait."

Adrian quickly broke his kiss and then stared at Nicholas with a question mark on his face. He had no idea why Nicholas was not in the mood.

"Is there anything wrong?" Adrian breathed, feeling his cock pulse. "Don't you...?"

"Shhhh," Nicholas whispered, putting his finger on Adrian's lips. "You don't know how much I need this. I need it badly cock is hard." He moaned softly. "...but I need to show you the surprise that I got for you."

"Can't it wait?" Adrian complained, softly rubbing Nicholas' temple.

"No," Nicholas got off of Adrian. "I need to show it to you. It can't wait."

"But..." Before Adrian could even utter a word, he felt Nicholas wrapping his arm around his legs and lifted him from the bed. He felt really special and smiled brightly. He was now eager to see what surprise Nicholas had for him.

"What is the..."

"Shhhh," Nicholas whispered and then kissed his lips softly. "Like I said, it's a surprise."

Adrian kept quiet and just smiled even when Nicholas kissed him. He was happy but he couldn't wait to see the surprise that his husband had got for him. It was making him think a lot about what it was. He just couldn't wait.

With a beautiful boy in his arms, tight arms wrapped around him and a beautiful love that surrounded the both of them, Nicholas left the room smiling and chuckling. He had his eyes on the boy even as he went down the stairs to the living room. Reaching the living room, Nicholas slowly put the boy down and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Are you ready for the surprise?" Nicholas said softly, locking his eyes with the wonderful boy.

"I am," Adrian breathed, excited about the surprise.

Nicholas smiled brightly and then walked to the back of Adrian. He brought his hands further and covered Adrian's eyes. Then he kissed him on the temple and began leading him outside. He kissed Adrian again.

"Are you ready?" Nicholas asked.

Adrian nodded at Nicholas' question and waited for the great surprise that Nicholas had for him.

Nicholas on the other hand was more than happy. He wanted nothing more than to spoil his Adrian after what he had done to him. Taking a deep breath, Nicholas removed his hands from Adrian's eyes, wrapping his arms around him.

"What do you think?" Nicholas asked with a chuckle.

Adrian opened his eyes wide and then froze. He heard Nicholas' question but he had no answer to give him. He felt himself shaking as his breathing rate increased drastically. His heart began pounding in his chest and he was filled with a myriad of emotions. His hormones erupted and made his body warm. Then a powerful vibration took over his body as a wave of pleasure travelled along his spine.

He couldn't believe what he saw. It was just too much to believe. Immediately Nicholas had removed his hands from his face, Adrian had seen it, a beautiful bright red Suzuki Vitara SUV parked just right in front of him. And now he was standing still with tears in his eyes, shaking and staring at the beautiful machine in front of him. He still couldn't believe his eyes and the beautiful machine was just in front of him. From the smell, the look and the radiance, Adrian could tell that it was brand new. It was really beautiful and he couldn't believe it.
