Staring at the Sun Ch. 12


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"Sure. Take your time. I'll order the wine."

"Just water for me, please."

"Oh no, Louise. There's a fantastic red on the menu that I know you'll love. Just one glass?"

Ignoring him, I made my way to the ladies' room that was more sumptuous than my own bathroom at home. I stood in front of the mirror and gazed at my worried reflection. What had Mike told Jake? And what if he lied and said we'd slept together? I had no doubt that Jake would bribe me and threaten that he'd tell Richard. All part of his plan to humiliate me and ensure I'd go along with my husband to sign over the business. But why? What was his motivation?

Tearing myself away from the safety of the bathroom, I returned to the table to see Jake admiring a glass of deep ruby wine. Its twin stood next to my plate and I sank onto my seat, feeling a deep sense of defeat.

"Taste the wine, Louise. It's fabulous."

I lifted the glass to my lips and smelt the rich fruit flavours. Jake was concentrating on his glass, his eyes closed as he swirled the wine around his mouth.

"God, that's good," he said, swallowing his mouthful. "What do you think?"

"It's OK," I replied, letting the silky liquid slide down my throat. The alcohol hit my empty stomach and I felt the warmth spread out through my body. "Which wine is it?"

He smiled. A slow, smug smile that gave me my answer straight away. "It's mine, Louise. My first growth. A real success, don't you think?"

I thought of Mike and his precious vineyard and knew that Jake would delight in the knowledge that a top-class restaurant stocked his wine. Suddenly I felt a stab of sympathy for my erstwhile lover.

"What does Mike think of your success?"

Jake shrugged. "He accepts it."

"Does he? Not jealous at all?"

For the first time I saw a hint of guilt in Jake's eyes. The mask had slipped slightly and I decided to try and chisel my way through this chip in his armour.

"You must know how passionate Mike is about his wine. It's all he lives for, right?"

"Yes, I suppose he does. But I try and help."

"Help? Isn't that a bit patronising?"

He ignored my question and stared at me, his face darkening. "I try and help my friends, Louise. Isn't that what friends are for?"

"Why are you so desperate to help Richard and me? What's in it for you?"

Our eyes were locked and I felt the tension grow. My hand trembled slightly as I raised my glass again, needing another hit of alcohol to steady my nerves.

"We go back a long way, Louise. I already told you."

I knew then that he was holding something back from me. There was a strange expression in his eyes and I shuddered. The tension was broken by the arrival of our meals and I looked down at the beautifully presented food and wondered how I was going to get through the rest of this dinner.

But Jake concentrated on his own meal and silence reigned for a while as we ate. Around us the diners were chatting happily and I envied them their relaxed moods. I felt as if I were on trial here, any word I said carefully analysed and recorded for future use. My mind went back to the last afternoon with Mike. Had he been set up by Jake to seduce me and use the evidence to get back at me? For what reason? Surely they wouldn't go to all that trouble to seduce me when, in effect, Mike had already done so? My mind was whirling with thoughts and I felt suddenly tired and exhausted. I just wanted to go to sleep and blank everything out, be back with my husband and packing to go home.

"Are you OK? Food alright?"

I looked up to see Jake watching me carefully. I set down my knife and fork and rubbed my temples. "I'm fine, just a headache, that's all."

"It's been a long day."

I nodded and pushed my plate away. I'd eaten hardly anything and Jake noticed. "Are you sure you're alright? Want me to take you home?"

I shook my head. "No, I might just go outside for a breath of fresh air, if you don't mind."

I stood up shakily and held onto the table for support. Jake continued to watch me, his eyes giving nothing away."

"I'll pay the bill and meet you outside. I won't be a minute."

I nodded and made my way unsteadily to the door, my legs feeling as if they were made of jelly. What was wrong with me? I'd barely drunk two glasses of wine so it couldn't be the alcohol, but I felt dizzy and disorientated.

The cool night air felt like a balm to my hot skin and I leant against Jake's Range Rover, trying desperately to calm myself and slow down my rapid breathing. I couldn't faint now, not when I needed to keep my wits about me and hold Jake at arm's length. Praying fervently that he would appear soon, I jumped when I felt his hand touch my shoulder.

"Feeling better?"

I shook my head. "No, I want to go back."

Jake opened the door for me and I almost collapsed onto the leather seat, my vision blurring again as he made his way around to the driver's door. The noise of the engine started up but it seemed to come from a long way away and I finally succumbed to the unconsciousness that I knew was inevitable.


Dreams...was I awake or dreaming? I could hear a voice...deep and soothing, but I couldn't see anything. My eyelids felt as if they were taped shut, but with a huge effort I managed to open them. A soft light came from somewhere but even that burned into my pupils, making me shut my eyes again. I tried to move, but the effort was too much.

"Don't struggle."

That voice again. Why did I recognise it?

"W...where am I?" My lips were dry and parched and I struggled to open my eyes again.

"Shush...stay still..." A finger was placed on my lips and I inhaled a hint of spicy aftershave. The finger was taken away and I felt a hand stroke my face. "Everything's OK."

But it felt wrong. My head was hammering and I was so thirsty. "Water, please..."

I felt the person leave me and struggled again. This time I opened my eyes properly but everything was hazy. The walls quivered and trembled, the soft light hazy, becoming brighter one minute and dull the next.

The effort of trying to keep my eyes open was too much and I collapsed back onto the soft fabric beneath me, only then realising I was completely naked. Fear and panic started to well up in me and I felt the warm tears roll down my face. I knew that I was virtually helpless; at the mercy of whoever it was that had put me into this state. Thoughts of my children came into my mind and I cried harder. What had happened on the drive back? I struggled to remember but couldn't.

I heard footsteps and opened my eyes again. A man's face swam into view and I felt a hard object held to my lips.

"Drink it. You'll feel better."

"Where am I?"

"Shush...don't worry."

The cup was taken away and I tried desperately to focus on the man in front of me. His voice echoed around the room and I put my hands to my ears in an effort to channel the sound.

"Oh, could have been so simple..."

I jumped as I felt a hand touch my breast. "Who are you?"

This time I felt warm breath on my cheek, that hint of spicy aftershave again. "It's Jake. You're a bit drunk, aren't you Louise? Were you drinking in your room before we went out?"

I gasped. "N-no. You know I wasn't!"

"Such beautiful skin you have, Louise...did Mike enjoy what you gave him?"

My head was whirling now. I felt confused, dizzy and sick with nerves. This couldn't be happening, could it? "Jake...please...tell me what's happened. Where are my clothes?"

He laughed. "You took them off, Louise. Don't you remember?"

I shook my head to rid my brain of the thick fog. I couldn't remember anything; the drive back to the farmhouse, nothing at all.

"Did we..."

"Did we what, sweetheart? Did we make love...yes, I suppose we did. You were very good, so responsive...Richard, and I suppose Mike now, are lucky men."

I put a hand to my ears to block out his words. My cry was that of a wounded animal. How could this have happened to me? The tears flowed again and Jake leant close to me again. " was beautiful...just how I imagined it would be."

I shook my head. " tell me you're lying Jake. I don't remember...please..."

"You want to see a video of us together? Would that make you believe me?"

I gasped in horror, struggling to sit up again. The room swam and I felt sick. "What have you done to me? What have you done?"

He looked down at me and smiled. Then leaning in closer, he kissed me softly on the cheek. "This would have been so much simpler if you'd given into loverboy, Louise. You liked Mike, didn't you? I presume he liked you...but no, you had to ruin it all and run off, like a frightened virgin. I thought better of you. Thought you were ready for a bit of adventure."

He walked away, flicked a switch on the cabinet and the huge television screen flickered into life. I was able to make out the room I was in now, the Harpers' living room but the lights were much brighter. As I watched, I saw two figures almost stumble into the room, and then the picture grew clearer. With a mounting sense of horror, I watched Jake and myself kissing passionately by the sofa, his hands roaming all over my body. I seemed to be slumped against him but I was kissing him back, my hands rifling through his hair, my eyes closed.

He moved away from me and turned me around, his fingers finding the zip of my dress and loosening it for me. I watched as I saw myself pull the dress down, revealing my skimpy bra and briefs, my body paler in the bright lights of the room.

I turned away from the screen and sobbed, but Jake twisted me around to look. "Louise, you're a natural. I wonder how Richard will feel when he sees this."

"No...oh God, no, Jake. Please..."

"Oh yes, Louise. He'll see it alright. Maybe it'll be the first thing he sees when he returns tomorrow. What are you going to tell him, hey?"

I tried to get up then, but he wouldn't let me. He gripped my arms hard and forced me to watch as the on-screen lovers kissed and groped each other, Jake's hands pulling down my bra and feasting on my swollen nipples.

"God, you tasted good. Just like I knew you would."

I cried silently, my head full of the children, my parents, how my whole life was about to explode and there wasn't a thing I could do about it.

"This next bit's good. Surely you remember this?"

I watched in horror as Jake knelt before me and pulled my panties down. I could see my eyes were closed, but my hands were pulling his head in closer to my pussy, almost grabbing him in an attempt to get him to eat me. As he parted the soft folds of my skin with his fingers, I watched myself collapse back onto the sofa and open my legs wide for his tongue and fingers. The sound was not clear, but I could hear myself moaning and crying as he expertly tongued me, his fingers holding my folds apart as I writhed on the sofa.

"That's not me," I whispered, my hands covering my face. "What did you give me in the restaurant?"

Jake laughed. "Nothing, Louise. I think you were having a secret little drink in your room before we went out for dinner. You don't seem to be pushing me away, do you?"

"I don't remember this...I can't..."

"Shush...look...this is good as well. I don't often video myself but I have to admit, I look in great shape."

He turned back to the screen and I saw him remove his clothes, his rigid cock springing to attention the minute he released it from his pants. I watched as he turned me around and rubbed the head along my pussy lips, saw myself collapse back onto the sofa, my head buried in the thick cushions.

"You don't know how erotic I find this," he murmured and I remembered I was still naked. I looked up at him and saw the fierce arousal in his eyes and felt how vulnerable I was. I still felt dizzy and sick, my eyes were finding it hard to focus, but I shrunk back into the chair and looked at the screen again as I saw Jake thrust his cock hard into me. He gripped me by the hips and began a long, slow rhythm, his eyes closed in concentration. I watched myself push back at him, my moans still distinct, but even with my face buried in the cushions, it looked like I was receiving as much pleasure as him.

"This can't be true," I whispered.

"It is, Louise, and you look like you're enjoying every thrust of my cock. You have to agree."

He sank down so he was level with me, his hands reaching out for my breasts. "I want to do it again. You felt so good, do you know that?"

" Jake, please. I'll do whatever you want, just don't show this to Richard."

"Fuck me again, then...make it worth my while..."

I looked up at him and saw the dark desire in his eyes. They were almost black now and I knew that even if I tried to resist, he would have his way. Whatever he'd put into my wine was strong enough to disorientate me and make me believe I was making love with someone else. How else could I explain the two people panting and thrusting on the screen in front of me?


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john-the-authorjohn-the-authorover 17 years ago
Holy crud, what an SOB!!!!

Rohypnol and rape? Jesus, he's a world-class shithook! Is this the thing he's going to be selling in exchange for a chunk of the business? Something vigorous is going to have to happen in return. I wouldn't be surprised if Louise ditches Richard for this; it's going to be really hard for him to convince her he didn't know what was going on and, even if he didn't, these are all his friends and his excursion off on their holiday.

Yeah, I think Richard's toast as far as Louise is concerned. And I wouldn't blame her under the circumstances.

MacDukeMacDukeover 17 years ago
Jake's True Colors

Well, it's about time Louise got laid! Nice culmination to what became increasingly inevitable. And Jake's conduct is entirely consistent with the character you have given us. What will he do with his conquest? And whither Richard? Now come the hard choices for Louise, and we can't wait to see what she does. Good job, Janie!

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 17 years ago
She might as well lie back and enjoy it!!!!

So Janie, I was right! The true agenda of Jake indeed was, with the help of Mike and the reluctant Lisa, to seduce (rape) Louise and blackmail her into letting Richard sign over the business. Mike failed so Jake had to do the dirty deed himself and now Louise is well and truly screwed! The drugged red wine at dinner was obvious but Jake's insistence that she had been drinking earlier makes me think that things are not so clear cut. Well Janie, Louise is now in the fertilizer and might as well lie back and enjoy it. Can't wait for the next chapter. Pete.

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