Stella Enchanted Pt. 02


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"Stella seems nice," Chrissy commented as he put clothes away.

"Yes, she is," Louis agreed.

"You happy she's here?"

"Of course. Are you?"

"Makes no difference to me. She's not here to see me."

"Nor me."

"You sure about that?"

Louis merely shrugged. He couldn't tell for certain how Chrissy really felt about Stella's visit and was too happy that the woman was here to get into it with his girlfriend. When he finished unpacking, he said, "Want to go hang out at the pool?"

"Sure," she answered, knowing he probably did.

Neither had bothered to dress and they headed to the stairs as they were. Louis glanced down the perpendicular hallway that led to the guest rooms as they passed, but all doors were closed. Once outside, they went to the cabana on the other side of the pool and stretched out together on a double lounger.

"Do you know what the business lunch was about?" Louis asked.

"She's having lunch with Will Longbaugh to see if she can get him to come work for us."

"Oh, wow. That would be a big boost for the company."

"Who's Will Longbaugh?"

Both Louis and Chrissy had been lying with their eyes closed and didn't hear Stella approach. They looked up to see the older woman wearing a beach cover-up that was mostly see-through, and further revealed she was nude underneath. Her discomfort was evident.

"He's a big porn star," Carly said, also approaching silently, also still completely nude. "Very popular. And don't you look nice."

Stella forced an uncomfortable smile. "Didn't want to be the odd person out."

"You'll come to enjoy nudity. Won't want to wear clothes when you go back home."

"I doubt that," Stella said.

"Can I get anyone anything?" a now nude Diane asked, joining the group.

No one wanted anything, so she laid down on another lounger.

"If Anthony could see her now," Stella remarked in a whisper to Carly.

"Yeah, she's grown into quite a woman," Carly agreed.

"Does she do—what do you call them—scenes?"

"No. She's content to work behind the scenes for Lonnie. Which is perfect because she is terrific. But she likes to play, also."

"Likes to play? You mean that sexually?"


"So, is Louis the only male here?"

"The only one that's part of the family."

"Part of the family?"

"He lives here with Lonnie, Chrissy, Diane and Gwen Davis, whom you haven't met yet. We're all from Littleton, so we consider ourselves family."

"But you don't live here?"

"I was here in L.A. before all the others came, so I have my own place. But I do spend a lot of time here." Carly got up. "Let's go sit on the side of the pool and dangle our feet in the water. It's quite refreshing."

They did as Carly suggested. Once seated again, Stella observed, "You moved us away from the others. Did you want to discuss something?"

"Actually, I thought you might. Like Louis."

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"I've noticed you've been focused on him. You even came down to the pool essentially nude, and though you're obviously quite uncomfortable, you did it for him. You came here under the guise of visiting your old friend, Lonnie, but you really want to fuck Louis again. I'm guessing he was the best you've ever had."

"I don't . . ." But Stella was too embarrassed to say anything.

"No need to be embarrassed or upset, or any of those things," Carly assured her. "We know all about Louis's trip. He told Chrissy everything, and Lonnie and I were there when he did. We don't have secrets around here. And as we've previously explained to you, sex is different for us."

"That's going to take some getting used to," Stella remarked.

"You'll be surprised that you will."

After a deep breath, Stella said, "I really did come here to visit Lonnie. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see Louis again. Yes, I would like to have sex with him again, but I didn't come here expecting it. I've known him a long time, from the days when he was this nerdy little kid who didn't make friends easily. I actually knew is parents. It was horrible what happened to them. But more than that, it was sad that he had to grow up without them. Fortunately, not only did his grandmother give him the best life she could, but he seemed to adjust very well.

"I was thrilled when my son and he became friends, even though there was a big age difference. Of course, despite that, Louis's above-average intellect probably puts him on the same level as Anthony. The great sex aside, I also felt a motherly affection for Louis because of his upbringing, so part of coming here was to really see what kind of life he had here, particularly once I learned everything he did here."

"Louis is very well taken care of," Carly said. "And though we've all had sex with him—and love having sex with him—Lonnie and I mother him, Chrissy is his girlfriend, and Diane and Gwen are like sisters to him. He is never forced to do anything he doesn't want to do—including doing scenes. He's free to come and go as he pleases—as his trip home proved. Chrissy is devoted to him, and he lives—" she gestured back to the huge house "—better than most."

Stella nodded her understanding. "Do you think he's happy?"

"I think he is, but I guess you'd have to ask him to be sure."

"Maybe I will."

As they were talking, Stella was sitting in such a position that she could watch the younger people in the cabana. She observed Chrissy casually reach over and gently grab Louis's cock and stroke it lightly, as though just to play with it than to seriously bring him off. Diane was lying close enough that she was able to reach over and finger Chrissy's pussy.

Carly noted Stella's eyes widen, glanced over to the action in the cabana and chuckled. "Guess there will be sex."

Louis's breathing was steady, and it was obvious he was asleep. When Chrissy realized this, she let go of him and allowed him his rest. She spread her legs to give Diane room. The assistant then eased out of her lounger and moved onto the double lounger between Chrissy's legs. She began licking Chrissy's pussy.

"Oh, my!" Stella couldn't help saying. "Is Diane a lesbian?"

Still watching the activity also, Carly explained, "Bisexual. Many of the women in porn are. In fact, there are some who would otherwise be lesbian, but they do men to get work."

"What a business."

"Have you ever been with a woman?"

"No, of course, not," Stella responded with distaste and a frown.

"Don't knock it until you've tried it. No one knows how to do a woman like another woman."

"I don't know any women in Littleton who are like that."

"You mean, none of the women you know of."

Stella watched Chrissy grab Diane's head and hold it in place for a few seconds. Chrissy seemed to tense up, suggesting she was coming, but Diane kept her face glued between Chrissy's legs. Finally, Chrissy gently pushed Diane away. A moment later, Diane returned to her lounger with Chrissy following to reciprocate. The assistant laid down and spread her legs as the other stretched out on her stomach between them.

"And Chrissy, too," Stella said, stating the obvious.

"Uh-huh. If you ever want to try . . ."

"Hmmm. Not sure about that. But it is exciting to watch."

* * *

A while later, Stella finally got to meet Gwen, who brought out a huge salad bowl filled with a variety of salad items and chunks of grilled chicken. They all sat at the patio table to eat with casual conversation unrelated to porn, but rather southern California weather, places for Stella to visit, good restaurants, and similar such things.

Afterward, Stella excused herself, having had enough sun, and returned inside. She heard activity in the kitchen, and so, headed in that direction. Gwen was there cleaning up. She was actually dressed, although in very skimpy shorts and a thin, white tank top. She might as well have been naked. Stella offered to help, but Gwen declined. However, the older woman insisted, claiming she wanted something to do.

That finished, Stella returned to her room to shower and dress, not ever becoming comfortable as she was.

After showering, she decided to compromise and not wear underwear, slipping on a light summer dress, in which it was obvious she wore nothing underneath. She then sat in a comfortable chair in her bedroom as she was reminded of a thought she had during lunch. The discussion had been about sightseeing, and she wondered if she would be left alone to do these things on her own. She hoped not. She knew she could not expect everyone to step away from their normal duties to entertain her, but she did hope that they could spare some time.

A short while later, there was a knock on her door. "Stella, it's Lonnie."

"Come in."

"Hiding?" Lonnie asked, opening the door but remaining in the hallway.

"No. Just came up to shower and dress. Couldn't get accustomed to being nude."

Stepping in, Lonnie said, "Think I'll change also."

"You mean, strip?"

With a grin, Lonnie said, "Contrary to what you might think, we don't hang around nude all day. We do wear clothes. Particularly downstairs, except by the pool. And we always dress for dinner. Come to my room. We can talk while I change. You look nice. I'll wear something similar."

"How'd your lunch go? Is Will Longbaugh on board?" Stella asked as they walked.

"You know about that?"

"I overheard the others talking about it. I hope that wasn't—"

"No, no. Not a big secret. It went well. He agreed as long as I do a scene with him."

"Do you not want to?"

Lonnie shrugged. "People have been trying to get us together for years. So, I guess, now it will finally happen. And once horny old Carly hears about it, she'll want to do a scene with him also. Maybe we'll do a threesome."

"A threesome? Hmmm."

"Guess you've never done one."

With a grimace, Stella said, "I barely get to do a twosome anymore."

Without regard for Stella, Lonnie started shedding her clothes once they entered her bedroom. "Things not good at home?"

"No. Stephen doesn't seem interested in sex anymore. At least, with me."

Lonnie peeked her head out of her closet. "You think he's having an affair?"

"The thought has occurred to me."

"So, you wanting to take this trip really caught him off guard?" Lonnie deduced, stepping out of the closet as she slipped on a dress very similar to Stella's.

"Yes. But he didn't put up as much of a fight as I expected."

"But didn't you go to his work to tell him for that very reason?"

"I did. I also expected him to say we would discuss it at home. But he didn't. He argued a little, which I guess, was good. I mean, in the end, he finally just said to go. If he had said that right away, there would have been cause for concern."

"Are you concerned? I mean, do you even want to save your marriage?"

"I think I do. But then I think if I did, I should have stayed home and worked on that." Stella shrugged. "Truthfully, I don't know. Maybe this time apart will help decide. I don't know how Stephen feels. Perhaps if he calls me, that might tell me he's interested. And if he calls frequently—"

"You'll have your answer." Lonnie joined Stella on the sofa. "So, how does Louis fit into this?"

The sudden change of subject had Stella hesitating. Then, she said, "Louis was an impulse. A happy impulse, but one, nonetheless. I didn't know my son was going to invite him home. When I saw him in bed in the guest room the next morning, in only boxers, hanging out . . . I had attempted to . . . engage . . . Stephen the night before, but he put me off, claiming he was too tired from working so hard, yada, yada, yada—"

"And Louis's big cock was just irresistible."

"Something like that."

"He has that effect on women. First time I saw it, I had to have it."

"I really needed it."

"Yeah. He said he sensed that."

"I didn't come here expecting to . . . get with him again." Stella offered the same explanation she gave Carly.

"But you would if you could. Would you like to do a scene with him?"

Stella was taken aback. "You mean, in front of a camera?" She didn't mention that Louis had suggested that also.

"Yes. Louis enjoyed having sex with you because he said it was natural and innocent," Lonnie told her. "You weren't a porn star performing. You were just having real sex. Before you, he's only ever had sex with women in the business. Whether in front of the camera or not, they were . . . skilled . . . women. You did what came naturally, and he had never experienced it like that. I would have liked to see that raw emotion. I'd like to try to get it on camera."

With eyes wide, Stella said, "I don't think I could perform—"

"I don't want you to perform. I want you to be yourself."

"I don't know if I could do it in front of a bunch of people."

"We can have a closed set. As few people as possible."

"I wouldn't want to be recognized."

"We could change your make-up, put you in a wig." But Lonnie could see her friend was not convinced. "Well, think about it. You don't have to decide this minute. We're going to work on a scene tomorrow. You can watch, if you like, to understand the process."

"Yes, I would like that."

"Great!" Lonnie checked her watch. "Four o'clock. How about a glass of wine?"

"Mmmm sounds good. I'm going back to my room to put some shoes on. Meet you downstairs."

* * *

They left Lonnie's room together, and she headed downstairs as Stella veered off toward her bedroom. She checked herself in the mirror to decide if to change, but quickly decided to remain as she was. Slipping sandals on her feet, she was about to leave her room when she heard footsteps and giggling. She peeked out of her door in time to see Louis and Chrissy, arm in arm, grabbing and fondling each other, heading to his bedroom. They entered with Louis backhanding the door, causing it to swing but not completely shut.

Stella felt it was now safe to go. However, the sounds coming from Louis's room as she passed were too enticing for her not to snoop. Carefully, she peeked in just as the pair entered his bathroom.

"I've got to pee," Louis said.

"Want me to hold it for you?" Chrissy asked with a giggle.

A moment later, Stella heard him doing just that.

"Don't get a hard on while you're peeing," Chrissy said with a snicker.

"Well, don't stroke me while I'm peeing."

"Hurry and finish. I want it!"

Stella found herself tip-toeing into the bedroom toward the bathroom not considering the possibility of being caught. She got close enough to be able to see Chrissy push herself up to sit on the bathroom counter and spread her legs. Louis stepped up aiming his erect cock at her pussy and walked it right in.

"Mmmm," Chrissy moaned. "Oh, yeah, baby, fuck me!"

Stella was embarrassed to be a voyeur, but also too excited by it to turn away. She couldn't help but imagine it was her perched on that counter being plowed by that magnificent cock. Besides Chrissy's moaning, the squishy sounds of her juicy pussy taking all his cock had to give could be heard. Stella had never watched two people have sex and this was completely thrilling, particularly two as skilled as these. She couldn't take her eyes off that big dick glistening with Chrissy's juices.

Within minutes, Chrissy wrapped her arms and legs around Louis as best and tightly as she could. Burying her face against his shoulder, she groaned and moaned as her orgasm totally engulfed her.

Stella could almost feel it herself, but had to scoot as she heard Louis say, "Let's move to the bed."

Once out in the hallway, Stella halted to the left of the doorway. She was breathing heavily, a mixture of exertion and the excitement of what she had witnessed. Seconds later, she risked another peek inside Louis's bedroom. She saw Chrissy on her back near the foot of the bed, her legs propped up on Louis's shoulders as he lowered his face to her pussy. Licking and slurping sounds could be heard. Stella even thought it sounded like kissing, as though he was kissing her pussy lips as he would her facial lips.

Imagining that made Stella wet between her legs.

Chrissy reached out to hold—make that fondle—Louis's head. She ran her fingers through his hair and around his ears. Her touch was gentle, but firm enough to make certain his tongue was directed in the right place. At the same time, he reached up to caress her breasts, which Stella noticed were very rounded mounds on her chest. Louis latched onto her nipples, tenderly pulling and twisting them. All the while, Chrissy softly moaned. The look on the girl's face was pure contentment.

Every so often, Chrissy would issue a louder sound as though Louis hit just the right spot. "Oh, yes. Please, please!" Chrissy uttered.

Stella saw Louis whip his head from side to side against Chrissy's thighs. This earned him one of her higher-pitched moans. Stella could only imagine how wonderful that must feel. The word "devour" occurred to the older woman as she witnessed what Louis was doing.

Louis pulled back for a second and then rubbed his entire face all over her pussy. He then stood and rubbed his hands from her abdomen down between her legs and the sides of her vagina, not touching her labia or anything in between, then back up all the way to her breasts and neck, then back down. This he did several times. Chrissy's moans were laced with giggles. She seemed to love it every time he touched any part of her pussy. It was clear these two really enjoyed one another.

"I want you so bad," Chrissy whispered.

"Do you?" Louis asked, also in a whisper.


"Are you ready?"

With a nod, she responded, "Please."

Stella resisted lifting the hem of her dress to finger her bare pussy. But she really wanted to.

Chrissy spread her legs even wider and rubbed her pussy. In a playful, little girl voice, she said, "Give me that cock. Please? Please?"

Louis stepped up to her, his large cock hovering over her inner section. She licked her lips.

Stella couldn't help but do that also.

Chrissy reached out and gently grabbed his dick. She rubbed the head against her labia and clit a few times, and then pointed the tip at her hole. He drove it all the way in very slowly. Chrissy sucked in her breath.

Stella could almost feel the sensation of that magnificent penis sliding in.

Louis pulled back slowly, went back in at the same pace. He repeated this a few times before thrusting a little faster.

"Oh, that's so fucking good!" Chrissy murmured.

"Oh, yes, it is," Louis agreed.

"Please don't stop," Chrissy urged.

No, please don't, Stella silent agreed.

Chrissy's moaning and mewling became louder. She threw her head back, mouth wide open, eyes closed, merely enjoying the orgasm she was suddenly having.

Then, to Stella's surprise, Louis pulled out, rested his cock on her pubic bone, and spurted a half dozen drops of semen on her abdomen and above her naval. Chrissy giggled, took his dick with thumb and forefinger, pressed it to her hole where he eased it back inside her. As he resumed thrusting, Chrissy used the pearly liquid to rub her clit.

"Yes, yes! You make me feel so fucking good!" Chrissy whined.

To which Louis responded by pulling out again and shooting three or four strings of cum to join with the drops already there. Once more. Chrissy re-inserted him into her.

"That feels good, doesn't it?" she sort of asked.

"Oh, yeah," he responded.

There was something about seeing the gooey mess on Chrissy's skin that Stella found utterly exciting. She'd never been so aroused by such a sight. Add to that the creamy coating on Louis's shaft and she felt she could almost come herself without touching herself, though she really didn't. Furthermore, she couldn't believe he was still hard and continuing to pump his girlfriend. What a fuck!