Stew, Steph, Sherry and Rich

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A cross over story. Love on the Overnights and Steph.
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Rich worked as a Customer Service Representative at the local bank, Steph worked for an ambulance company as an Emergency Medical Technician. She worked an ambulance on a 12 hour shift. She had done 3, 24 hour shifts per week, but the company owners altered the schedule to 12 hour shifts when they found that many of the crews were becoming a bit too tired on busy nights. Steph could not have been happier. The 24 had been interesting and challenging and there were some UP sides to it, but overall, she was glad to get to a semi-normal life. When dispatching, an EMT would work a straight 8 hour shift since they were required to be awake the whole shift wherein the crews working the trucks could grab naps, especially on the 6pm-6am shift when, depending on the night, NOTHING might happen. Steph worked the day half but when the opportunity knocked to grab another 6 (until midnight) she would. Steph would grab these six as often as possible. The extra money was a blessing. This being a night off, she could have gotten the whole 12 hours but settled for just the 6-midnight.

The shift was going slow. Since the city EMS/Fire Department did most of the emergency runs, the private company was essentially the backup ambulance and of course would have to handle the transfers, and ordinary runs expected of a private ambulance company. A prime example was Henrietta Henshaw who on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays need dialysis and the company would transfer her to the kidney center where the 24 hour staff would help get her over to be fixed up. Easy work. She'd come out at 4 a.m. and they would simply drive her to her treatment. Such excitement!!!! There was always at least two crews working, days often meant at least 3.

Steph was working with Joel. Joel was a worn down, beaten up old school EMT with the 'been there/done that' attitude. He had worked for a neighboring city's EMS for almost 15 years but had gotten burnt out and quit after an especially tough night where in one shift he had taken a kid to the hospital who had drank drain cleaner, a woman who had been beaten by her husband, and a 60 year old woman who was hit by a hit and run driver. He needed a break and took one. After four months of laying around feeling self pity and trying a couple of different menial jobs, he decided being an EMT was his calling, but the city wouldn't take him back, so here he was working for a private company making far less and having no union.

Steph and Joel got a call to the college on a report that the cops had a student drunk and vomiting. It was a call no one liked, especially the cops on campus. They always felt like they were bothering the ambulance crews and in a way they were, but it wasn't THEIR fault, they were doing what they had to do. The crews didn't like the calls either. A stupid kid who didn't know how to handle a few drinks and tied up an ambulance, but they certainly didn't expect the cops to put a puking kid in a cruiser. It was a lose/lose situation. Well, not for the owners of the company. A run was a run and a run was income.

They pulled up by the police cruiser and were directed in by a student who was a bit hyped up. "Oh my God, he's in here. I have no idea how much he drank, but it was a LOT. I hope you can help him. I hope he doesn't die. I gave him some water and...."

Steph cut him off. "Why did you give him water?"

"I didn't want him to dehydrate. I mean he's bad off enough why let that happen?"

"Nimrod, it's going to take more than that for him to dehydrate. When you gave him the water, what did he do?" Steph asked.

"Threw up again."

"Right. Don't do that again and don't worry, he's not about to die, just please calm down."

They entered the room where a kid of about 19 was lying on his stomach, puke was everywhere and the kid's pants were ½ down. He was sort of mumbling and spitting. The cop handed the kid's identification card over to Steph and said, "This is his third time like this. You guys took him the second, we took him the first. This seems to be his worst."

Steph had dealt with this cop before on a number of occasions. Nice guy, kind of cute. He gave them a hand bundling the kid up and getting him on the gurney without getting vomit on them and off they went to the hospital. Later on, Steph and Joel stopped by the Dunkin Donuts for a coffee and a snack. A cruiser was parked in the lot. "Typical, eh?" said Joel. Steph smiled but was a little irritated by the stereotyping.

Steph said, since Joel was driving, she'd go in. When she got inside, she saw the cop from the drunken student standing at the back of the line. Walking over she said, "So, let's hope that's it for the night, eh?" Then she stuck out her hand and said, "With all the times we've worked together, we've never actually met. I'm Stephanie, or Steph."

The cop looked at her hand, grunted and looked away. Steph was about to lose it when he laughed and turned and said, "Sorry, that didn't come off as funny as my mind said it would." He offered his hand and said, "I'm Stew. How is it you often seem to get our drunken little children? You always work nights?"

"No, actually I'm a day slug, but I do pull a night shift now and then and it always seems that I end up visiting you guys. I gotta tell ya, we deal with you guys, the city cops and the Troopers and you guys are always the nicest. The city guys are OK I guess, but it always seems like their pissed off at EVREYTHING and the Troopers, well, I can't put my finger on it but...."

"Kind of stiff?"

"Yeah, that's a good way of putting it. I mean professional, courteous efficient, but a lot of them seem to lack personality.

The both chuckled at that. "My wife is a city cop." Stew added. Steph wasn't sure if he was telling her this to make a point of letting her know he was married or to put her on notice to not dump on the city cops. Either way, she would let the comparisons die.

"So, you're a 3-11 guy?"

"No, I'm on overtime. I'm 11-7 and LOVE it."

"Been there, done that, never again." Steph countered. "If it works for you, you're golden. If it doesn't, BLECH!

Both chuckled again.

They both got their coffee, bid each other adieu and went their separate ways.

The shift ended with virtually nothing else happening which made Steph VERY happy. She was tired. When she got home Rich was already asleep. As tired as she was, Steph needed to sit up for a few and unwind a bit. She got some hot herbal tea and put on the TV only to find it was tuned to their favorite premium cable channel and one of the soft core porn movies was playing. Steph grunted and reached for the remote to change the channel when she saw that the scene it was on had a uniformed cop. Lack of interest turned to mild interest. These movies were always a bit silly and the sex a bit unreal, although Steph now knew from personal experience what COULD happen! She grinned. She and Rich would occasionally watch these and play "Spot the Limp Dick" a game involving trying to spot a quick shot of a guy's penis in the middle of screw scene. Since it was simulated sex, the guys were NEVER hard in real life and on occasion, a director or editor would miss the guy's flaccid member lying on its side or hanging lifeless.

The cop was asking the woman about some crime, "Who cares. The stories are always so thin," thought Steph and as the cop questioned her, the woman began to come on to him. He stripped off his uniform and well, 'got it on'. As Steph watched, her primary thought was, "I wonder if cops can get their stuff off as quickly in real life as in the movies. It seems like it's just, unhook the belt, drop it on the floor, strip off a thin layer of uniform and BANG, he's in." Then she wondered about Stew. "Not a bad looking guy really. I wonder how fast he can strip. I wonder if I'm met his wife?"

Her eyelids were getting droopy and it was time to sleep. Back up again in the morning and back to work. If she was lucky, she'd get about 4 hours sleep; better than some nights!

The alarm went off at 5 and Steph was in and out of the shower before Rich even budged. She made some toast and was out the door by 5:30 for the 20 minute commute to the 'barn', or the garage/headquarters of Bay State Emergency Medical Service. Twelve years she'd worked there and had decided early on, being an EMT-Basic was fine with her. She had no real desire to move up to Paramedic. Too much work. She had dabbled with Nursing School briefly about 10 years earlier but found it costly and very unexciting. She enjoyed the emergency runs, even if they weren't as plentiful as the city's. She had applied to the city's EMS but they hired 12 immediately before facing a hiring freeze. Two years later when they were ready to hire again, Steph just didn't bother. She had a decent amount of seniority here and plenty of vacation time and blah blah blah. She was just not up for starting at the bottom at this point in her life, no matter how good she'd do in the long run.

She met up with her partner, Ralph "The Bad One" Sanders. Ralph had been with a county ambulance service down south and had more horror stories (car wrecks, burns, explosions, gunshot wounds, etc.) from his 17 years there than anyone at Bay State had, EVER. And most were verified as REAL stories. He was just BAAAAAAAAAD!

They climbed into the truck and headed for their 'satellite' area near St. Mark's Hospital. They began to chit chat about mindless things, weather, sports (which neither really cared about), movies, the usual things people chat about when there's nothing to chat about. Then without warning, Steph asked Ralph, "You ever do it in an ambulance, Ralph?"

"Should I park this somewhere more secluded or is right here ok with you?" he asked very matter-of-factly.

"No, I'm not suggesting anything, I'm just curious. You're a good looking guy, been married, what 4 times; you MUST have done it in a rig once or twice. What's it like?" then she added, "And no, I'm not asking for a demonstration."

"It's kind of hot. Best part is, the damn thing IS a kind of a camper, bed and all. I met my second wife after getting the job with the county. She had started 5 years before me and she was training me. We got a call of a naked guy on his roof with bad sunburn. I mean, STUPID call, right? So, we get there and his wife brings us up there, thank God there were stairs. I was much younger then, but I was NOT going to carry this a-hole down a ladder. We get there and he's cooked. Went for a damn tan and fell asleep, NAKED. His damn pecker is cooked too, COOKED SAUSAGE! Hung like a steer too. BEEF sausage." Ralph giggled at that one. "We get him as wrapped in gauze as possible and, well, long story short after we drop him off at the E/R, we're driving back to the sub-station to write this up and Kelly says, Kelly was her name, Kelly says, 'Big Dick, eh?' I says, 'What, HIM? Nah, that ain't nothin''. She says, 'What's that supposed to mean. You bigger?' I just grinned. She says, 'PROVE it.' We pull over, climb in back and screwed like rabbits."

"So," Steph was curious now, "Were you bigger?"

"Nope, and I never did say I was, but she liked my boldness and she had a sense of humor. We got married three months later. Divorced three years after that."

Rich in the meantime was at work and being flirted with by Mindy Klausen, the assistant manager who kind of had a thing for Rich. Rich was trying like hell to ignore her since he found her, well, he didn't really like her. She was one of these women who calls everyone, Honey, and sounded so sincere that she dripped honey all over the place. She made things sticky. But, even Rich had to admit, she had a nice face and killer tits.

As Mindy sat at Rich's desk, keeping him from his work, which he REALLY needed to get done, there was suddenly a commotion at the teller line. A guy immediately ran out and bolted. Mindy went over to find out what was going on and Ruth, the senior teller, a woman of about 64 calmly stated, "We were just robbed." Ruth had been through 5 robberies and so as long as no gun was shown, she took it all in stride and was as cool as a cucumber. She said she had already hit the alarm and put a dye pack in the sack with the money and "That asshole should be turning purple within the next five minutes. Sons Of A Bitch rob me, eh?" Cool as a cucumber.

While awaiting the responding police units, Mindy called 9-1-1 and had Ruth give a description of the guy to the dispatcher so that any car in the area could start looking as soon as possible.

The first cop in the door was a older guy. He came in very cautiously, looked around and then motioned for his partner to enter. Rich watched as this rather cute lady cop walked in and also surveyed the area. She and her partner got the basic scoop from Mindy and while the older cop talked to Ruth, the lady cop was asking various people what they had seen, if anything. When she got to Rich, he said, "Well, I'll be honest, I was trying to get some work done here at my desk and fend off the advances of my assistant manager, so I didn't see a damn thing. Didn't even know anything was happening until it was over. I did see the guy run out and got a bit of a look, but, honestly, I doubt I'd be of any use." She thanked him and took his name. "I'm sorry; I didn't get your name." Rich added.

"Well, I hadn't offered it but its Sherry, well, Officer Leary, Sherry Leary."

They shook hands and off she went.

That evening after Steph got home about 6:30, they sat for dinner and Rich told her all about the robbery and the cute cop he met.

"It must be fate," said Steph, "We're both meeting cute cops these days." Then she told him about Stew.

That night, Steph was feeling a bit horny and sensed Rich was also. She went into the bathroom and while there, 'cleaned up a bit' and brushed her teeth and came out naked. Rich was already as hard as a rock.

"Let's do some roll playing," said Rich. "You be a lady cop named Sherry and I'll be a guy cop named Stew and we'll make out on a stake out!"

"I see you're expandable baton is at the ready."

"I have to be careful not to shoot my load too soon. I'm glad I got fixed after the kids were born, 'cause shootin' blanks is much safer." He paused. "Ok that was bad."

Steph walked over to the bed and slid her hand around Rich's ball sack. He just smiled and watched her. Then she said, "Ok, partner, what do you say to a little interrogation?"

"But I'M not the suspect. However, if you keep this up, I'll tell you anything you want to know."

Steph, still grabbing his cock began to push it over, like she was slapping his abdomen with it and she said, "I'm beating you with your own club!" Then she took it in her mouth. "I'm going to try and disarm you." She said when she released him...temporarily.

She started to suck him and pump him, her grip tight and firm, her tongue darting around the head, then she climbed up and straddled him and began to ride him for all she was worth, humping him, hard and furious, her tits dangling and swaying in front of his face. Rich tried a couple of times to grasp one with his mouth, but found himself simply slapped in the face. He gave up and just enjoyed her ride.

Her hips were rising and falling like a machine on his member and she looked like she was in a rodeo, riding for the big brass buckle. Then she sat up, turned around slowly, not losing his cock, and began to ride again, this time massaging his balls as she went. Rich had no choice, he came, firing his jizz like he was shooting off a bazooka. Steph, for her part began to squirm and mouth incoherent words as she rode him for all he was worth. She hummed and moaned until she came, squirting again! Rich was suddenly soaked but she kept going for another minute or two. Neither was sure but Rich knew he had NOTHING left and was getting worn out.

Once she was finished, Steph stripped the bed, put on new sheets with the help of Rich and they lay naked together, holding onto each other.

"So," began Rich, "Thinking of your cop friend?"

"Were YOU?" She countered.

They both laughed at that. Steph gave Rich a little pickle tickle and they went deeply into sleep.

The next shift for Sherry was a bit much. Another robbery, probably the same guy had tied up many of the cops for a good portion of the morning. Once things got back to normal, she had responded to two vandalisms, two parking complaints and what was reported as a domestic dispute that turned out to be just a couple arguing about how much to fee their cat. It had gotten a bit loud and a neighbor got nervous. Then there had been a car accident in which two people were severely injured. The city ambulance/fire rescue got overwhelmed and Bay State had been called. The EMTs arrived and found that the worst injured were already gone and they got the leftovers. Steph walked up to the guy lying on the ground with a cut over his left eye.

"I told him to stay put since he's out of traffic and said he hit his head. You can clearly see how spider webbed the windshield is." Sherry told the EMTs.

"Yeah, you did the right thing just having him stay put." Said Steph. They began to package him up and Steph got up and looked at Sherry. "Hmm, cute lady cop. I wonder..." and she checked out Sherry's name tag. "Oh, Leary. You met my husband."

"No it's just Leary, not O'Leary and who is your husband?"

"He works at the bank that got robbed yesterday. Rich Danner. He said you were very cute but...." She caught herself, "and I let him know in no uncertain terms that he was to keep his eyes on ME. But I do understand men, I think." Said Steph. "I'm Stephanie Danner, I'm pleased to meet you."

With that Steph had to turn her full attention back to the patient and after they put him on a backboard and wrapped him up, they headed with lights only (it's not like he was dying) to St. Marks.

Sherry finished scribbling some notes and then remembered Stew saying something about a sexy EMT the other night. "What are the odds?"

Sherry got home that evening and Stew was asleep still. She crept into the bedroom and slipped off her clothes leaving just her panties. She slid into bed and wrapped an arm around Stew who began to come around a bit. He woke up and kissed Sherry's hand as she ground a bit against his back. Then he rolled over and said, "Hello sexy. How are you this evening?"

Sherry purred that she was fine but tired and planned to go right to sleep.

"It's only 5 o'clock?" grumbled Stew, realizing he hadn't gotten as much sleep as he had hoped and would have to be up to go back to work in 4 hours. "Arrg, I love you but sometimes...."

"You love me, that's enough. Oh," she suddenly barked from her half sleep, "I met your hot EMT today. I'm pretty sure it was her."

"YOU DID?" Now he was awake. "Where?"

"A car accident. We got talking a bit and she introduced herself. I didn't have a chance to, off they went, but I recall you mentioning her name, Steph. She is kind of hot." She added.

"You think so? I love that you would say it. Gives me the tingles." Stew grinned.

"Yeah, me too. Good night." And Sherry fell asleep. Stew managed to get another hour in before work, he was lucky he did since his mind was so focused on Sherry making that kind of comment about a woman and NOT being jealous. He knew he had hit the jackpot with this one.

Steph got home and said to Rich, "I met your cute cop today. You were absolutely correct in calling her cute. Very pretty, nice titties and a little extra in all the right places!"

Rich just sat and stared. During the Frank Discussion she had eluded to having sex with a woman, but now she was even talking like she was attracted to one, and a cute one at that. "So, you agree, she's cute?"

"Hell yeah," replied Steph, "I'D do her!" and she left the room. Rich began to scheme. Then Steph came back in and said, wouldn't it be funny if she was married to the cop I talked to the other night? They laughed about that and had dinner, put the kids to bed and then settled to watch some TV.