Stranded Ch. 02


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Sarah moved and twisted and rocked and squirmed on his cock, rubbing her clit against the shaft and his groin. The effect on Dave was to move him quickly to orgasm, his cum splashing into her tight love canal. His mind blanking as his hips rocked. Sarah, lost in the mind blowing orgasm she'd induced rolled forward and flattened herself against him. Several minutes passed before they began to breath normally. Sarah sat up on Dave and ran her hands over his abdomen and chest.

"Fuck, big brother, you are so good, I thought I was going to take off then. I'm knackered now though, sleep time," she felt Dave slip the towel under him as she lifted off.

Grinning she crouched over him, but low enough to rub herself against his wilting cock, feeling the juices from their cum dripping onto him. She wiggled again and slipped down by his side, seconds later she slept her arm over his chest and a leg over his thigh. Dave sighed and closed his eyes.

Later they woke and kissed, then slipped into the shower together. After thoroughly washing each other, they dried off, dressed and headed for the kitchen. Half and hour later they were munching bacon sandwiches and drinking steaming mugs of coffee.

"So what are Mum and's plans then."

"Well they are leaving early Friday morning to drive up here, meeting me at the Station about three thirty-ish, depending on when my train comes in and then they plan to arrive mob handed to surprise you. They'll stay over Friday 'til Monday and drop me at the station on their way back and I go on to Plymouth."

"Perfect, we can do this can't we?"

"Yes my love we can, we'll be perfect siblings, and Mum and Dad will go home full of love and pride at their offspring,"

"I hate this deceit, I wish we could tell them, just get it out in the open, I..."

"Me too, but we may have to see how the land lies and maybe take a chance and tell them, it may work in our favour."

"I hope so, I really do, but you're right, for the moment, we'll be the perfect siblings, do you want anymore?"

"Tea, bacon or you?"

"The only thing I can't give you right now is bacon."

"You it is then, come on stud, you can do that licky, sucky thing you do."

"Can I finish my tea?"

"Kiss my arse!"

"How vulgar, I may bite it instead,"

He lunged for her and she screamed and jumped away shrieking, running along the short hallway. There was a brief chase, before he pulled her backwards onto the bed, more giggles, shrieks and then moans drifted out from the room. then a silence, then more moans as he mounted her missionary style, bringing them both to another series of orgasms. They lay together and held each other in silence. After some time he kissed her lips lightly.

"Sarah, what do you want from our relationship?"

"Relationship, is that what this is?"

"It's not just the sex is it, well it isn't for me. The sex is great, stupendous, but I love this, just being together, lying still, hearing you breath, feeling you near me."

"No it's not just the sex, but it is good I agree. We need to think where this is going, because every minute we are heading deeper and deeper towards..."

"A lifetime together, is that what you're thinking?"

"I think so, I can't see me wanting anyone else, not if I feel this way, this constant need to feel you near, hear you speak, feel your love."

"So, we need to think of how this will work practically once I finish, and then when you finish."

"What did you plan to do, before us?"

"Find a job, or see if I could do a Masters, I was unsure what I wanted."

"And now?"

"And now, all I can think of is, what will Sarah want, how can I be near her, what would I do if we can't be together."

"Shit! That's how I'm feeling. God brother of mine, we're so screwed if we can't resolve this."

"Would Mum and Dad be suspicious if I looked for work or a College place in Plymouth?"

"It would seem to rather rub their noses in it, or at least flag up a great big warning symbol."

"Right, right, I see that, but I don't want to be six or seven hours away from you."

"me neither but Dave, we need to be honest about this. I am so completely in love, I probably shouldn't offer any options, because they'll be skewed towards putting us together as much as possible. We both want it, but we need to be careful how we handle it."

"Let's not dwell on this at the moment. Suffice to say, neither of us is about to make a truly rational decision, Perhaps we need to just go with the flow over the weekend and see where it leaves us."

"OK, let's just live in the moment."


"What are you like, come on let's get this place tidy,"

"But not too tidy, I'm a young man living away from home, catering for myself, cleaning or not. No lady touches this pad..."

He stopped as the front door bell rang.

"Wonder who that can be, hang on..."

Dave pulled on his robe and slipped out to the door, he heard the bell again and shouted,


He opened the door and stopped, his smile vanishing as he looked at his parents standing in front of him.

"Mum, Dad..."

"Hi honey, we're home!"

His Mother kissed his cheek and walked in, looking at the apartment with a grin. Paul, Dave's Dad, patted his shoulder, then gripped it turning Dave around, a gentle push in the back propelled him forward towards his Mother.

Dot Jones stood in the hallway by the lounge door grinning, she looked towards the two doors at the end of the short hallway.

"Hi Sarah, it's Mum and Dad, you can come out now."

They heard a gasp then a short expletive before the bedroom door opened and Sarah emerged in a knee length top.

"Come on Honey, let's sit down and talk, I think we need to, don't you?"

Sarah nodded and looked past her Mother to Dave, he looked completely dumbstruck, but brightened at her quick grin. "Alright," he mouthed, she nodded, her Father grinned and nodded back. They trooped into the lounge and Dave and Sarah sat together on the sofa, hands clasped tightly. Their Parents sat in the arm chair, Dot on the seat, Paul on the arm.

"Well this is cosy isn't it, very cosy, so who's going to lead off, Dave can you explain why your sister is here, a day earlier than we arranged? In your bedroom, obviously in your bed, huh, tell me honey, what's going on?"

Her smile slipped for a second, then returned.

"Mum, Dad, I can't lie to you, Sarah came here last night, because I begged her to, we're lovers, in love, I can't explain it, we love each other. But if there's any responsibility it's mine, I'm the eldest and should know better."

"I love Dave and there's no question of him being responsible, we're adults and we share any blame equally. I went into this voluntarily, well as voluntary as my heart allows."

"Baby, you're what eighteen, nearly nineteen, you're an adult in the eyes of the law, but really you're a young girl in a woman's body. Dave I don't blame you, I don't expect this is coercion, but as the elder brother, I am disappointed in you."

Dot, reached upward and held Paul's hand.

"Guys were feeling a bit bruised and battered at the moment, it's a shock to find your children are adult and sexually active, worse still to find them active with each other."


"Sarah, my little princess, it's okay, I expect you have a million conflicting feelings at the moment, what say we have some tea, Dave and you slip some clothes on and we try to unravel this?"

They nodded and stood, as Dot and Paul stood, suddenly they grabbed their parents and hugged them, tears fell from their eyes. Arms held and stroked, patted and soothed. Dot kissed Dave's cheek and shushed him, tears streaming down her face. Paul enveloped Sarah in a gentle bear hug, swaying slightly and kissing her forehead. After a while they separated and stood holding hands by the fingertips. Dave and Sarah went off, hands held to shower and dress. Meanwhile Paul and Dot checked out the kitchen and located mugs, a teapot and tea bags. Dot sniffed the milk bottle suspiciously as Paul grinned. She gave a wry smile, nodding,

"It's probably okay, it's about three days old, but it'll do."

Paul began to make tea as Sarah wandered in, unconsciously she went to her mother and slipped an arm round her waist. Dot's arm slipped round hers and gave her a quick squeeze. Dave appeared as the tea was being poured and he expertly held two mugs in each hand, gesturing with a nod to the lounge. They wandered back and he set the teas down, before sitting next to Sarah on the sofa.

"So, who's the storyteller?" Dot grinned and reached for her mug, taking a small sip. She nodded at the pair, who looked at each other.

"Well it started when we got stranded,"

"We just kind of ended up sleeping together, it was a surprise to us, we never really had any feelings..."

"Other than brother and sisterly that is.."

"Yeah I mean we never thought, you know..."

"We never fancied each other, but..."

"We just kind of clung to each other and suddenly..."

"It was crazy, we were just brother and sister but..."

"We're getting the picture, you sound like a pair of lovestruck teenagers, hmmm, Paul?"

"I think the thought of losing everything, of being alone brought you closer together, you may be confusing that with love and affection..."


"Dave hear me out! I understand what you went through, it was traumatic, life-threatening perhaps. It was probably inevitable that you clung to the basic human instincts. Food, warmth, protection, desire. Not that I think you aren't in love, but the impetus, the driver was the fear of being alone. We all go there at sometime, but you had it in spades." He shrugged.

"We never intentionally did this to hurt you, please believe me."

"Sarah! your Father and I aren't hurt, or offended, we're confused, our orderly world disappeared when you two vanished, it was frightening, we clung together, it strengthened us too." She held Paul's hand.

"But, guys you have a mountain to climb, you must see that. The law says your relationship is wrong, criminal, exposure could mean prison for one or both of you, your mother and I only want to protect you, can you understand that?"

"Yes Dad."

"Yes Dad,"

"Okay, so where do you think your relationship is going, have you thought about what happens now, in six months, six years?"

"Mum, we began to look at the options this morning, we were going to spend today sorting things out, looking ahead, working out what we could do."

"But you ended up in bed?"

Sarah flushed and giggled, nodding. Paul grinned and Dot flushed too.

"Sorry Mum,"

"Don't be sorry, all relationships start like this, you become besotted, clingy, constantly needing the other, jealous of the other when apart. Don't look so confused, your Dad and I were your age, a while ago but we were. We skipped lectures, snuck back to our rooms..."

"Fucked like bunny rabbits."



"Oh come on! we were dreadful, we rutted like deer for the first year, don't deny it, we were as bad as each other. It was great, remember?"

"Of course, but we didn't come here to brag about spending a large part of our youth humping like whales, but you're right it was so exiting, I loved the fact we were naked in our rooms, enjoying each other when everyone else was working."


Dave was grinning as Sarah's blush deepened.

"Your Mother has great boobs, they just get better as she gets older, but in her youth... Wow!"

"Paul, that's enough, or would you like me to comment on that lovely equipment of yours?"

"OK, truce, but you have a great body Dot, always have."

"Err, thanks, but can we get off the sex thing please?" Sarah pleaded.

"Sorry Honey, embarrassing huh?"

"A little, but good to know you and Dad are still in love." She gripped Dave's hand tightly.

"Well now, what have you decided so far?"

"We know we want to be together, but Dave's just coming to the end of his final year, so does he do a Masters or does he get a job."

"If I do a Masters I'll need to fund the day to day costs, since the tuition fees can be added to my student loan, but I either need to get a job for a year, sponge of you and Dad, or delay until I build up a reserve, or finally work part time in the evenings and weekends to fund my studies during the day."

"You said the alternative is to get a job, doing what?"

"Well that will depend on the results of my Degree, I need a First or a 2:1 to get a chance of Graduate Training, but I need to secure a job before the results, otherwise it's me and a hundred thousand others."

"And you'll do what?"

"Well I know of two or three companies who are recruiting, but again, I'm not sure I want to move to London or Edinburgh, there's nothing down in Devon at the moment."

"So you've considered moving down to be with Sarah?"

"Of course, but again, now you know I don't want to rub your noses in it."

"Don't worry about that, we're big enough and ugly enough to sort that out. Look now we know and I can't say I understand you two, but I can kind of see the attraction. Neither of you can hide your past from the other, so no dirty little secrets, that's a good start. But, what you're doing is against the law. That you have to live with day after day. That could grind you down."

"Hey ugly yourself, but Dad's right, this is not some glorious movie, there ain't no Happy Ever After. You'll have to be so careful, what about your cousins, aunts, uncles. When we have a family get together, how will you explain the fact you're both still single? You can't just say you're together can you?"

"You're right, it won't be easy,but then again if it was, would it be worth it?"

"Hmmm, well you guys have a whole range of mountains to climb, more tea?"

They all nodded and Paul took the mugs and went to the kitchen, Sarah followed.

"Mum, I, we never meant to hurt you, we would have tried to keep a lid on it round you."

"I know darling, but unfortunately you have, but don't worry, it's already healing. Now when was the last time you vacuumed this place?"

"Ever practical huh!"

"You know me, if it stays still vacuum it, if it's wood or metal polish it, that's what makes my world go round, that and a good long hug from your Dad."

"I'll break out the polish, you dust, I'll vacuum."

"Oh doesn't the visitor get first pick?"

"Okay you win, we gonna be moving furniture?" he said in mock disdain.

"It'll be fun, never know what you might discover," Dot winked and grinned.

"Oh Mum! I love you so much." Dave stood and pulled Dot to her feet and hugged her tight.

"Dad, sorry, you know, not about loving Dave but all the other stuff." Sarah gazed adoringly at her Father.

"C'm'ere kitten," Paul held his arms wide and Sarah walked in and placed her arms round him, snuggling into his chest. His arms wrapped her in him and he kissed the top of her head,

"Baby you know we love you and just want you to be happy, you never chose an easy path, but you always knew what you wanted. If Dave is your ideal, who am I to protest, after all he's a decent man and it's almost like I've known him all his life."

Sarah giggled and tapped her fathers back with her hands,

"Silly, I love you you know."

"I should hope so too, I love you too, very much and Dave as well, so everything will be okay."

"Thanks Dad, ohh ohh! Vacuum cleaner, Mums clearing up, don't stand still."

They broke apart and did a crazy dance round each other, as Dave and Dot looked on with grins. Ever since she was a toddler Sarah had danced when the vacuum was on, having been told Mummy would vacuum up anything standing still. They made tea and waited for the cleaner to shut down before taking the mugs into the lounge. Dot was on her knees with Dave cleaning the underside of the table, Paul lightly tapped Dot's bottom with his heel as he passed.

"Tea for the workers, luvverly and strong, c'mon get it while it's hot."

"OI! Cheeky, you leave my bottom alone. Tea oh good show. Right Dave, remember you need to dust under there at least weekly, and vacuum daily ideally."

"Hah! Like that's going to happen," Sarah chuckled.

"Yes mum, will do," said Dave earnestly.

Paul grinned and sipped his tea.

"Are you a man or a mouse?" he said,

"You gonna share that cheese?" Dave said looking at Paul, who grinned.

The morning soon became afternoon and they went into town for lunch. Paul insisted on paying and they settled into a local pub with a bottle of wine and some club sandwiches. They ordered another bottle and then walked back up the hill to the apartment. Inside they flopped into the available chairs.

"One thing has been puzzling me," Sarah said as she snuggled into Dave's side,

"How did you know I'd be here?"

"Yeah, Sherlock, how did you do that?"

"Elementary my dear Watson. Who pays your credit card bill?"

"You do Dad,"

"And who has electronic Banking, including the Credit Cards?"

"Ohh! Oh! I get it, you saw the entry for the ticket."

"Bingo, now your Mother and I have been a little suspicious of you two ever since we rescued you from that island."

"walking round bare arsed in front of each other, holding hands, long walks,"

"Dark corners, the whole "Normal Behavior" sctick, very suspicious,"

"So we set a little test, and you fell down spectacularly."

"Oh Dave! you should have seen your face when you opened the door!" Dot started laughing, as did Paul, Dave had a rueful grin and Sarah just blushed.

Dot lay back in the armchair, laughing until tears ran down her cheeks,

"It's not that funny, Mum, it's not that funny."

"But it is, oh Sarah it is!"


This started Dot off again, Dave grinned then laughed, Sarah tried to remain stern but her Mother's laughter was infectious, soon she too was laughing.

They made tea and then the two women went shopping as the men began to trawl the internet for job options for Dave. Coming back they placed the shopping in the cabinets and cupboards, fridge and freezer. Dot put the kettle on and Sarah found the mugs.

In the lounge Dave and Paul were immersed in the screen and Dave had made copious notes, and Favorited many pages. They looked up as the tea came in and decided to pack the laptop away for now.

"Any luck?"

"Yes, there are a few options to work on, but it's becoming clearer."

Work or Masters?"

"Ohh! casually dismissive of the Masters Degree, not work at all!"

"You know what I mean?"

"Yup, well I'll look around a bit more, then you and I will sit down and thrash this out."

They drank their tea, each lost in their own thoughts.

"good, so what now?"

"Well Dad and I are booked in at a hotel opposite the old council offices. I think we'll go and register, what say we meet in town at about eight-ish and find a restaurant or bar and take it from there?"

"Sounds good, see you later."

They stood and hugged and kissed, then Paul and Dot made their way out. After waving them off Sarah and Dave came back into the flat.


"Yeah, what a day!"

"And it's not over yet."

"True, wanna cuddle?"

"Are you kidding, I need a whole heap of cuddling, I nearly wet myself when I opened the door."

"I couldn't believe Mum calling me out."

"I'm glad they know, no really I am."

"Me too, it takes all the sneakiness out of it."

"C'mon then, let's go cuddle."

"In the lounge?"

"As if..."

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unclemerv77unclemerv77over 1 year ago

I know it has been 7 years but, any chance for a chapter 3?

dikupinyadikupinyaalmost 3 years ago

im glad you didn't add mom and dad to their sex life i like it this way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

the two idiots get it honestly from mummy and idiot dad...

Turtle1952Turtle1952over 6 years ago

Just read this for the second time and still love it. I would love to see you keep going with this story. There is so much more that can happen between these two and hopefully they end up together and making babies.

Corrupted_DreamsCorrupted_Dreamsover 6 years ago
I really like your story... but...

Well, I have read some of your incest/taboo stories and in each of them the parents have no problem at all with their offspring humping like whales (I liked that expression)

Again, I really do like your stories, but if I might me honest, I would like to see some more reality.

I did like the "accidents happen" story by the way, it was very funny.

Apologies for my English, I am Dutch

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