Stranger Than Truth Ch. 05b

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Barry tries to change the film.
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Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/04/2007
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Valerie's alarm went off at 6:00 with its usual beeping noise. Val's eyes opened to see the face of her lover up close and personal. She smiled at the face looking back at her.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head. We have a date with a movie set."

"Am I going with you, Mistress?"

"Yes, I don't want to have to face Barry on my own. We'll pick up something for breakfast on the way."

They showered together, sharing a few moments of intimacy as a promise of things to come. Half an hour later, they were out the door and on the road for Francine's old place. Valerie found that her nerves were on edge, the return to the site of the attack affecting her more than she had anticipated.

They pulled into a driveway that was overflowing with vehicles of all types. A fence had been erected and a security guard was at the gate. Valerie showed her pass and was waved towards some free space for parking. Even at a distance, it was plain that much renovation had been, and was still being done, to the house. Scaffolding was visible on all sides and scores of people were milling about, the vast majority of whom seemed to have a lot of things they were trying to do.

"Have you ever been on a movie set before, Sally?"

"No, Mistress, I've never had the pleasure."

"It's not as much of a pleasure as you might think. While we're here, I want you to call me Val. Mr. Gaskin is already hostile enough towards us without rubbing his face in the idea of slavery."

"Are you sure that's the best way to handle him?"

"No, not really, it's just the best I can think of right now. They'll put me in jail if I tie him up and whip him."

Sally chuckled at the thought of her friend whipping someone against their will.

Valerie continued. "There will be an awful lot of activity going on, with all the noise, distraction and bother that goes with it. Today is supposed to be merely rehearsals, but there will still be calls for quiet. The fastest way to be kicked off the set is to make noise during a scene. There will also be some horse play. Don't be surprised if some of it is directed at us. That will be a good thing. It means that the crew accepts us as part of the team."

"I understand. Sort of like initiating new people into a club."

"Exactly. By the way, we're probably late. Movies can start shooting as early as 4 AM unless they need the natural light. They can also go very late, especially when night scenes are needed. Let's get going."

They couple locked the car and walked towards the house. Once she was here, Valerie found that the place looked so different, on the outside at least, that her nervousness was subsiding. As they approached, they could see that some of the work going on was literally adding new rooms to the house. Since she had only worked with TV ads before, she had never seen this done, but had heard of it. With a location that they owned in a non-movie city, the producers had chosen to build all or most of the needed sets on site. She was sure that these new additions would be such locations as her offices at Bradford and Gashune, the dining hall at the Crystal Match, and her own former apartment.

"Valerie, Sally, over here!" a voice called out.

Val and Sally looked towards it and saw half of Samson waving at them. They waved back and moved towards her. Her partner became visible as they neared and soon the four were next to each other.

"You two are going to have to get used to movie time. They've been rehearsing on and off for two hours now." The smile on the man's face let them know that the criticism was not serious.

Val asked, "Have they started with any of the BDSM scenes?"

"No, I think Barry is putting those off until the construction is done. They will have the actors naked, after all."

"Yes, I can see that. Tell me, Samson, did you hear about Barry's and my, disagreement, earlier?"

They pair looked at each other. It was obvious that they were uncomfortable. Caroline broke the uncomfortable silence. "Barry has let everyone know his side. I've worked with Barry several times before, and he can be a vindictive little shit. Why don't you tell us what really happened."

"There's not much to tell. Mr. Gaskin was rude from the get go. He made it clear that he found D/s to be an evil perversion and that he had every intention of making a cautionary tale. He claimed he was going to have me barred from the set. Then he called Milton and made up a cock and bull story about me trying to take directorial control of the movie. I'm not sure where things stand right now. Milton made it clear that the two of us are to cooperate with each other."

Thomas made a, "Hmm," sound. "That's what we were afraid of. I don't suppose either of you follow the tabloids?" Both women shook their heads. "Four years ago, Barry's third wife divorced him. That's not a big story, especially out of Hollywood. What made it big was that she left him for a lesbian lover who was also a dominatrix."

"Oh my!" replied Sally.

"Oh my, indeed," Caroline sneered. "The irony is that I don't think the wife was into BDSM. The other woman was a professional dominatrix, works out of one of those houses, you know, like Lady Heather from CSI."

Sally rolled her eyes. "I know the type. They are part of the scene, but not really. Most are in it for the money, being paid by men who can't or won't take the time to find a real partner. That's where most of the stereotyping comes from."

"Exactly," added Thomas. "Since Barry's on his fifth wife now, I'm certain there was no love lost, but it had to be a hit to the old male ego to have the woman you were sleeping with dump you for a 'strong' woman."

Val snorted. "So that's what this is all about; jealousy?"

Sampson nodded their heads in unison. Thomas added, "Yes, that's it. The good news is that everyone of importance on the set knows that. Please, try to take his hostility with a grain of salt."

"I'll try, though he doesn't make it easy."

"He never makes anything easy. That's part of what makes him such a good director. In the movies, easy is cheesy." Caroline chuckled with everyone else at her little joke.

At the house, Val and Sally found they had been assigned an official assistant, though "gopher" was a more accurate term. Mitch Wallace was a cinema major from UCLA doing an internship over the summer. In exchange for being the virtual slave of whomever they pawned him off on, he had full access to the set. He seemed very enthusiastic. He was also very knowledgeable about the production and the set.

Mitch gave the ladies a tour of the house, including the unfinished additions, explaining what each room would be used for in the picture. Several times, his rapid fire travelogue was interrupted by the harsh cry of, "Quiet on the set!" Amazingly, every sound stopped cold within fifteen seconds of the cry and its accompanying bell. Anywhere from five to ten minutes would pass before another bell would go off and the cacophony around them would resume.

Valerie asked Mitch a question that had been puzzling her. "Mitch, isn't it unusual for a movie to have so much time devoted to simple rehearsals? I thought that they would just rehearse each scene several times, the director telling everyone how things were to go, and then shoot enough times to get a perfect shot."

"You're right. However, the construction work is behind schedule, so Mr. Gaskin is trying to save time by rehearsing in toto, hoping to make up the time by being able to shoot scenes without rehearsals later."

"Mitch, are you keeping us away from the action on purpose?" Sally asked, after the tour had gone on for an hour.

Mitch looked pleased and sheepish at the same time, something both women wondered how he pulled off. "Yes, ma'am. Mr. Gaskin told me to keep you away from 'his actors'."

Val gave the college student a stern look. She could see that he was not happy with what he had been ordered to do. Valerie recalled an intern or two at Bradford and Gashune who were far more perceptive than most gave them credit for. She wondered just how good this kid was. "In that case, Mr. Wallace, I'm going to have to be an ass and demand that you take us to where the rehearsals are going on."

"I was hoping you might do that," he muttered under his breath. Louder, he said, with a heavy sigh, "If you'll come this way, then?"

Mitch led them through the house. The trip ended out back. The back of the house had been redone to look like the parking lot of a motel. While it looked nothing like the place she had rescued Francine from, Val knew that was the purpose for the scene. They arrived just as another call for quiet rang out.

"Okay, Tasha, remember, your best friend just called to say she was attacked and you don't know how badly. You're in a hurry, but, because of the wounds on your back, unable to risk being pulled over by the police." The actress, standing beside a BMW, nodded her head and climbed into the car. "Action!"

Tasha drove the car swiftly to the parking space in front of the only working door on the back of the house. As the engine was dying, she had leapt out of the car, a gym bag in hand, and ran to the door where she knocked.

A voice from the other side called out, "Who is it?"

"Francine, It's me, Valerie."

The door opened and Tasha slipped into the darkened room. Barry made a circling motion with his hand and the all clear bell sounded. "That was great! Now, let's set up for the exit. Valerie and Francine will come out of the motel room, get into the car and drive off. Francine's feet are a mess, so Valerie will have to practically carry her."

Barry moved towards the two actresses to talk with them in more detail. Stan and Melanie saw Valerie and Sally and walked over to see them. The two actors looked relaxed and seemed to be having a good time.

"Sally, Valerie, I'm glad you could make it," Stan called out with more volume than was needed. Both women could see Barry's head turn their way for a short while. "What do you think of your first visit to a movie set?"

"It's not what I expected," Sally answered. "It's so busy."

"That's a common response," Melanie replied. "Most people have no idea how busy a set can be. Even when the construction work is done, this place will look like a beehive, with little worker drones scurrying about making the rest of us look like geniuses." The relaxed smile on her face gave lie to the idea that she actually thought of the crew as drones.

"And yet, there's never any evidence of all this work on the screen."

"Actually, I've made a couple of low budget numbers where that couldn't be said," Stan quipped. "I remember a scene in Dangerous Crossing where a worker had left a hammer on the bed and we didn't have enough budget to reshoot the scene, so they left it in, hoping no one would notice. Of course, everyone did."

Sally's eyes brightened. "I remember that scene. Everyone I saw it with thought it was some literary thing the director was doing. That was an accident?"

Stan chuckled. "Yes, an accident. You'd be amazed at how many things in a movie are there by accident. Remember the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where Harrison Ford shot the swordsman instead of fighting him with a whip?" Val and Sally nodded. "It was supposed to be the sword against whip fight, but they had so much trouble getting it right that Ford just drew the gun and fired. The stunt man played along and keeled over dead. Everyone thought it was so cool that they left it in."

Val and Sally both broke into laughter. Both could remember similar times in their own lives when the tension was in need of that kind of fracturing. Once the laughter had subsided, Melanie's face took on a serious mien.

"Valerie, Sally, there's something I need you to do."

"Sure, what is it, Melanie?"

"I'm not in any scenes for the next hour, and we're not doing any scenes that need your input today. Could you take some time with one of the makeup artists?"

"I suppose. How can we help with makeup?"

"This man is in charge of all the injury effects. He has worked on several slasher and horror films before and is really good at making realistic looking wounds. I'm concerned that he will go too far with the whip markings."

"Ah. I see what you mean."

Stan added, "I have to be in a few scenes coming up, so I'll leave you ladies to make sure our gore artist understands how little gore is needed."

Melanie and the lovers wandered off, heading around the front of the house where several trailers were parked. One had a hand painted sign saying, "Make up." Melanie led them to that trailer. On the way, she used the relative privacy to talk with Valerie.

"Valerie, I want to thank you for what you've done. Not just with the movie, but with Crystal."

"It was the least I could do. She seems to really care about you and wants to make you happy."

"Yes, I want that for her as well. The woman you told her about is a fantastic teacher."

"I take it you and Crystal…"

"Yes. We played. I've missed that part of my sex life. Crystal's not sure how much she can enjoy, but she is willing to give it a try. It helps, I think, that I've never been into as deep a submission as you seem to be."

Valerie stopped. Francine's words from earlier came back to her. "Don't confuse intensity with depth." She also realized that last night was an incredibly deep submission to Charles, yet the only pain she had disliked had been the pillar of pain used on her tits. The sensations from the horse hair flogger had been very enjoyable.

"Val, are you all right?" Sally had a look of concern on her face.

"Yeah. I just had a thought. I'm not quite sure where it's going yet, but it's a thought. I'll tell you about it later." She turned to Melanie. "I'm happy for the two of you. Don't belittle what the two of you have by comparing it to Master and myself. I'm sure that the two of you will find the balance that is right for you."

"Thank you Valerie. Here we are." She opened the door and called out. "Harvey! Are you in there?"

A deep voice called back. "Yep. I'm trying a few things out. Come on in."

The ladies entered the trailer to find something that looked like an assembly line beauty salon. The large owner of the deep voice was applying something to a mannequin head with a fine brush. It seemed odd to see such large hands move with such delicate motions.

"I've been working out just what these marks I'm supposed to create look like. Oh," he said, seeing Val and Sally for the first time. "Who are these lovely ladies? Extras for the SM club scenes?"

"No, Harvey. These are our technical experts, Valerie Burbon and Sally Thatcher. If anyone can tell you whether you've got the welts right, it's these two."

"Ah! A godsend. Come over here. Is this the effect we are looking for?"

He showed them the work he had been doing on the head. There were three wounds on the head, all oozing fake blood. Compared to some of the things Sally had seen in horror movies, they were quite tame. She cringed at the thought of being on the receiving end of those marks for real.

"Not really. Those, will be good for the wounds Valerie, uh, Tasha, will have after the crisis scene, where Francine, uh, Crystal, beats her bloody."

"What's wrong with them? These are the lightest wounds I can imagine whips inflicting."

"That's part of the problem," Valerie replied. "You're thinking of them as wounds. In most cases, if they're wounds, then something has gone wrong. What you're looking for is redness, perhaps in a pattern from the implement, but just redness."

"I've seen pictures of sailors put to the lash. There's more than just redness."

"I see." Sally looked thoughtful for a minute. "Have you ever seen a cat in use, either a 'real' one or one that is used by people like us?" Harvey shook his head. "You should. Would you be willing to do some on site research?"

"You mean I can actually see these marks that I have to create?"

"Of course. There are always public scenes and demonstrations at Mephisto's. You might not be able to take pictures. In fact, I would be shocked if you could, but observing will be fine. Anyone doing something out in the open intends to be watched, or at least, the dominant intends for it," she amended with a smile.

"Will I need one of you ladies to escort me?" It was clear that, for whatever reason, he had no desire to be accompanied.

"No, not really. Just be careful how you dress. The wrong clothes and someone will think you're trolling for a dominant of your own."

"Jeans and a flannel shirt?"

"That will be fine. If you want us to look over your work again, after you've had some time to perfect it, let us know," Valerie concluded.

Melanie had let the ladies do their job while she stood in the background. As the conversation was winding down, she asked, "Harvey, why have you been calling the marks wounds? I know I haven't called them that around you, or anyone else, for that matter."

"Mr. Gaskin calls them wounds all the time. In fact, he told me that my horror film experience would be invaluable on this film."

"He's right about that. You know what deadly wounds look like. Remember, what you will need to portray are things that people walk away from smiling and looking forward to more."

Harvey looked introspective as the three ladies walked out of the make up trailer. As they walked back to the house, Melanie forestalled any comments from the others. "This is the sort of thing we have to watch out for. Everyone knows about Barry's third wife. He will be subtly trying to sabotage Milton's vision for the movie. When I had the chance to work on a movie that would portray us in a positive light, I was ecstatic, especially when I realized how serious Milton was. The idea of Barry screwing that up just nauseates me."

"That doesn't thrill us much, either," Sally responded. "I don't know how much anyone besides Master and myself realizes how the publicity and the repercussions affected Valerie." Valerie blushed at the reference to her emotional agony during the week that her life started to fall apart. There were occasional reminders of that pain as well. "I won't see this movie reopen those hurts."

Valerie looked at Sally. The sudden forcefulness in her voice was surprising, given the extremes she had taken in the last week or two to avoid showing that side of herself. Even the most submissive person could be riled to vehemence in the right circumstances. For Sally, those were a perceived attack on her Mistress and lover.

For Sally and Valerie, the rest of the day was an exercise in boredom. Watching a movie being made reminded one of an old soldier's definition of being a soldier. "Long hours of dull tedium interspersed with moments of gut wrenching terror." In the case of watching movies being made, lots of repetitive stuff was going on that started with varying levels of excitement and universally dropping to mind numbing tedium as they were repeated ad nauseam.

The people actually working on the movie were a little better off. They, at least, had something to do. The only thing that the ladies picked up on was an undercurrent of resentment from Gaskin and some of the other crew. Sally, with her experience in crisis management could see the crew on the set polarizing into two camps; those who supported Barry Gaskin for whatever reason, and those who seemed to dislike him. The reasons were not clear, but the potential for trouble was. Sally was sure that she would see evidence of the two factions subtly sabotaging each other's efforts. Most of them would not even be conscious of what they were doing.

They took lunch with the crew on the set, finding the catered fare very good. Valerie was surprised at that, having only experienced the take out meals that ad shooting crews subjected themselves to. However, after some thought, it made sense. Ads, at least most of them, did not include big names. A movie set, with the bigger egos, would have to cater to those egos and would find it cheaper to cater everyone's food. The remote location of Francine's former home also contributed to that decision.