Streaky Confessions Ch. 06

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More adventures on a changed home turf.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 05/04/2013
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The new experience on that fort made me eager for more such adventures. But it really was impossible in Bombay living in the hostel. A couple of months later though, I caught what I thought was a break.

We had two weeks off to study between the end of classes and the first semester finals. My initial plan was to stay in the hostel and study with my classmates. Engineering was turning out to be a lot harder than high school and I had to study almost every waking hour to feel confident. My parents had visited me in Bombay a couple of times. They found the strict hotel curfews very appropriate, were happy with the safety of the area I lived in, and more importantly, found all my friends to be "nice studious girls". So I was pleasantly surprised when they didn't insist that I come home to spend time with them like they had during every previous holiday.

A few days into the study break, I got a call from my mom.

"Urja, I have some bad news. Uncle Kamlesh passed away. Heart attack."

"Oh, I am so sorry to hear that."

"Your father and I are leaving for Ahmedabad tonight for the funeral. And we'll stay over for a couple of days."

"Should I also come?"

"No, you need to focus on your studies. Our family will understand. But do make a call to his wife."

I made the condolence call to my aunt, expressed my sympathy the best I could. To be honest, I wasn't really impacted by the death. I mean I felt bad that a relative had died, but Uncle Kamlesh and his family never really kept in touch with us too much. I had met him only a couple of times in my life. And I barely remembered what he even looked like.

I was working on a particularly vexing calculus problem when "she" spoke up. Hey, your parents are going to be out of town for a couple of days. You know what that means? No way, I replied. I have to study. Come on, there are 24 hours in a day. Yeah but after the last time, I am worried about what will happen. It's too risky. Isn't that the thrill, Urja?

I carried out an argument with myself for another hour before calling home again.

"Mom, I need to come home for a couple of days."

"What? Why?"

"There was a gas leak in our hostel. They are putting us up in another hostel for a couple of days while they fix it. But it'll get too crowded and I won't be able to study."

"But Urja, we are going to Ahmedabad."

"So? I can survive on my own. I am in college now."

"Okay I suppose. But be careful. And don't leave the gas on at home."

"Yes obviously. I will be there tomorrow."

I felt guilty lying to my mom. And was a bit worried that she might call up the hostel to ask how serious the gas leak was and find out no such thing had happened. But that didn't matter. My parents were leaving that night. I took a bus early next morning to go home. The plan was, get home by noon, study non-stop till midnight. And then.....yeah!

My rickshaw pulled up in front of the building. It was bright out. There was a lot of activity. I paid the driver, picked up my bags and walked inside the front gate when a sturdy middle aged man with thick handlebar mustaches and dressed in a khaki shirt and pants came running towards me.

"Yes madam?"


"Visitor, madam?"


"Who are you visiting?"

"Who are you????"

""Let her come, watchman. She lives in the flat next to ours. Goes to college in Bombay." I looked up and saw Mrs. Wagle hanging laundry in her balcony. "How are your studies going, Urja?"

"Good, aunty. Thanks." I said "We have a watchman now?"

"Yes, your parents didn't tell you? He started working only last week. There have been a few robberies in the neighborhood. So the society board decided we needed a watchman. This town is becoming so unsafe!"

"Oh, I see."

"They also put a sliding rail door at the entrance. It's locked at night."

The watchman politely took my bags and started walking. As we crossed the entrance passage I saw the rail door. It was open right now. Next to it was a chair and a stool with a visitor's log on it.

"I lock the door at 11 madam."

"Okay. And if I have to go out late?"

"I will be here all night."

"And what if you are sleeping?"

"I don't sleep at night, madam. I sleep in the afternoon. Don't worry. I used to be a subedaar in the army. I won't be like other watchmen who sleep at nights. What's the point of being a watchman and then sleeping at night?"

"Good." I said, but I was thinking BAD! Very BAD! This trip had been pointless. The building had suddenly been fortified with a secure door. And a watchman. That too an ex army guy who would be up all night.

Things went from bad to worse. After putting my bags inside and freshening up, I went for a seemingly casual stroll up to the roof. It was locked! When I was walking back down the stairs, I ran into an aunty who lived on the fourth floor. She told me that they had locked the roof after some kids went up there to play and were seen just in time. The key? it's with the building secretary and the watchman has a copy too. If people need to use the roof for things like sun drying chilies or papad, they just ask the watchman to open it.

Great! Here I was, excited about using my home as the base for my streaking adventures at night. As if a locked front entrance and a watchman weren't bad enough, even my first naked playground, the roof, was off limits. I considered asking the building secretary for a copy of the key but couldn't come up with a good excuse for why a first year college student would need it.

I had to make do with small consolations. Making absolutely sure that the apartment door was bolted shut, I got naked. And stayed naked the whole day, even when I studied. I kept easy-to-wear clothes handy in case someone came knocking so I wouldn't take a suspiciously long time opening the door. When Mrs. Wagle, who knew my parents were away, came to give me some food she had made, I was able to quickly slip on sweat pants and a thick sweat shirt that hid the fact that I was braless underneath.

After midnight, when things started quieting down, I put my books away. The novelty of walking around the apartment naked had worn off. With just a t-shirt on, I went to the windows and opened them. After making sure that no one with a direct view of the windows was awake, I took the t-shirt off and paraded in front of them for a while. That grew old too. I needed a risky thrill.

A little while later, a relatively minor but still significant challenge started taking shape in my mind. The balcony adjoining my parents' bedroom faced south, which was the side along the entrance. This was the side where I had first ventured naked anywhere outside the building. From my previous adventures, I knew that at this time, odds were that all other neighbors with balconies on the same side would be asleep. I knew from strutting in front of the window that the houses with a view of the balcony were also dark by now. And this late, the watchman would have locked the rail door and be sitting inside it, with no direct visual angle to my balcony. So the challenge was to just walk out naked into the balcony, without checking first if the coast was clear. The risk being that someone might be around to see me.

Naked, I walked to the balcony door and slowly opened it. It made a slight squeaking sound. God, are all hinges in this building dry, I wondered. I thought of peeking out to see if the squeak had drawn anyone's attention. But no, that would be cheating, I told myself. The challenge was to brazenly walk out naked, risking being caught.

Here goes, I thought, and opening the door completely stepped out into the balcony, buck naked. It brought back memories of the previous summer when I had been naked outside. I just stood there, staring straight into nothingness, feeling a gentle breeze on my nipples, for about a minute. Only then did I turn my head to see if I had an audience. Nope, everything was completely dark. I checked out all the now familiar windows and corners. Completely empty. No watchman either.

Then I propped myself up on the balcony's parapet wall and sat there, facing inwards. Half my butt was now on display to the world in general. I sat like that for a minute or so, before climbing down. I laid down on the cold balcony floor and brought myself off to a mid sized orgasm. Then I got up, stood there for another minute until I started feeling really cold (winters in my town are mild, but are still winters after all). I walked back in, slipped under the covers of my parents' bed and warmed myself up. I then repeated the balcony task a couple of times without incident until it lost its appeal too.

At about 3 AM, I started contemplating a new challenge. The stairs! The watchman said he didn't sleep. But what if he did? Obviously, I couldn't risk going out. But I could at least roam the stairs without drawing his attention. But how do I verify that at 3 AM? What if I went down even fully clothed, and he was awake? He was sure to tell my parents that I had been prowling around the building at 3 AM. They'd suspect it was to meet some boy. I needed a convincing excuse for my being there if he was awake.

Dressed in my sweatsuit, I opened the front door. Damn squeaks! Regardless of my streaking aspirations, I decided to buy a bottle of machine oil and silence all the hinges in my apartment. Slowly, I closed the door behind me, making sure the deadbolt was open. Then I started gently walking down the stairs. My best case scenario was, I sneakily make my way down to the stairs between the ground floor and first floor. Poke my head over the banister. Find him asleep. But I had just started walking down that staircase and even before I could peek over the banister, I heard the screeching sound of a chair moving. Fucking idiot really was awake!

"Who is there?" he asked advancing towards the stairs.

"Oh hello watchman." I walked down the stairs as if they belonged to me. "How are you?"

"I am fine, madam. What brings you down here this late?"

"I was studying and remembered that I hadn't checked the mail. I am supposed to get an important exam form."

I held up the letterbox key and walked past him. Opened the box. It was empty.

"You study this late? Wow, you must be quite a scholar, madam."

"It's nothing really."

"Education is really important. Especially for girls these days. That's what I tell my granddaughter..."

I endured a ten minute conversation about education and grandchildren which then turned to how he wished he had gone to college so he could have become an officer in the army, and so on, until I let out a yawn.

"Oh, sorry madam. Look at me yammering. Please carry on."

"I want to carry on, you idiot! I want to carry on running around naked. I want to explore my limits further. Maybe try walking to the road naked. But your being here makes it impossible. Not only are you here, you are awake. Not only are you awake, you are so fucking alert that you detected my presence instantly even though I was on my tiptoes 20 feet from you. Fucking army training! Why couldn't you have bean a portly old man who sleeps 12 hours a day. And preferably snores when he does so?"

Obviously, in my head. Out loud I said,

"No problem at all. Good night."

"Good night, madam. Study but don't study too hard."

Shaking my head with frustration, I walked back up. But I didn't stop when I reached my door. I kept walking up. All the way to the roof door. Which was still obviously locked. But I needed to do something. I stood in front of the door and listened carefully. I was worried that the zen master down there might have sensed my walking all the way up here and might be coming up to investigate. But there was no sound.

After a couple of minutes, I quickly took all my clothes off and got naked. Put them in a pile next to the door. And started walking down the stairs in the buff. My heart pounded with the fear that the watchman might come charging up an minute. I was really afraid of that. And that fear is precisely why I was doing this. I needed to take a risk and get away with it. Naked.

The doors on the 4th and then the 3rd floor stayed closed. By now I had almost started ignoring them. I was incredibly lucky not to have someone just walk out one of those doors while I was bare ass in front of them. I was about to open the door of my apartment and walk in when my mind goaded me on. Taking really soft steps, I walked down to the first floor. I was now half a staircase away from the point where he had first detected my presence.

I took just a couple of steps and then stood there naked. I heard soft sounds of a radio which I had earlier seen sitting next to his chair. I guess he was listening to the radio. So far he had not detected my presence. Standing where I was, he couldn't see my unless he turned around the first banister. And since I hadn't heard his chair move, I presumed he hadn't gotten up.

I breathed very slowly through my mouth as I stood there, naked, bathed in the rush of knowing that I was just a 10 second walk from someone who could see me. I kept breathing through my mouth and just stayed like that, standing in attention, my boobs bathed in the staircase tubelight. If he walked up right now, he could see my boobs, I thought. Then I turned around very slowly, rested my knees on one step, and put my palms three steps up. Now if he walked up, he would see my ass. With my cheeks slightly parted. And he'd get to see my pussy too.

Staying in that position on the stairs, I took one hand off and started teasing my clit with it. The gentle sounds of old Hindi songs from the radio was still audible. The chairs still hadn't moved. I kept fingering myself for what seemed like forever but what probably wasn't more than a couple of minutes. As the orgasm approached, I bit down on my lower lip hard to stay silent. I willed my limbs not to shake hard enough to create a sound. And came in the most disciplined way possible, almost with military precision. The watchman would appreciate that.

Once I was done cumming, I looked back, half expecting him to be standing there with his mouth wide open. But the stairs were empty. I tiptoed back up the stairs. Went to the roof, picked up my clothes. Walked down softly. Winced as the apartment door squeaked again when I entered. And plonked myself down on the couch and started masturbating again. Under the exhilaration of what I had just done, the next orgasm was hard and long. I shamelessly hollered through it, hoping that the concrete walls were thick enough not to rouse the neighbors.

I masturbated many more times that night, once on the balcony just as the sun was coming up. That last time, I kept pulling back from the orgasm for about fifteen minutes before I let it hit. I stayed quiet through it. When I was done, it was bright out. I then just got up and walked in, knowing that if someone had come out into their window or balcony since I last checked, they would have gotten a fleeting glimpse of my boobs.

I never found out if anyone did. So to the best of my knowledge, this was the end of my lucky streak (see what I did there) of not being seen despite taking ridiculous risks.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I wished it went further

I wish the story continued. I'm actually someone who does this. But as a male in a city its bit difficult though I'm not sure if girls actually have this urge for nudity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Cant wait for the suspense

Hi.. I am dying to know -- what is the suspense? Where did the guy in Part 1 saw you..Please complete the story..

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Almost 2 Years :(

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Please please please.. !! It's been a year now. How long will you take to complete the remaining parts dear... :(

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

seriously can't wait any longer

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