Strip Game Addicts Ch. 09


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"Honey, are you alright?" Betty finally jarred her daughter out of her deep thoughts with a shake of her shoulder "You looked a bit zoned out, are you getting light-headed?"

"Huh? No I'm fine." Amy reassured her mother, she did feel fine (physically, at least), and she reminded herself that this was her choice to begin with "Well, let's get back to the game."

"That's just it, honey," Betty looked at her daughter with a bit of pity in her eyes "the game's over."

"... What?" Amy's brain didn't process the information immediately, it took her a few seconds before she realized what her mother had said.

"We just passed a tractor, I got a bingo." Her mother explained, showing the line of stamps on the bingo card she held, sure enough, the missing square read the final item:


Amy mentally kicked herself, though it was very unlikely that she could have beaten her mother at that point, but she may have held out longersomehow.

"Sorry honey, but you owe me a forfeit." Amy felt a pit in her stomach as her mother reiterated what would happen next, there was the excitement all over again, she felt her repressed arousal returning, now shereallywanted to masturbate, thankfully, her mother seemed to sense her apprehension. "I think you need to let loose a bit, dear."

And with just that, Betty asked Debbie to pull over, while it was true that Amy was teetering on the edge, she didn't like where this was going.

Once the car came to a stop on the side of the road the three came out. Amy, still unsure where this was going, but with a little more than inkling, watched as her mother, now fully dressed again, went with her sister once again to the trunk to fish something out, when the returned, Amy saw a couple of towels in her mother's hands.

Laying the towels on top of the hood, Amy was told once again to sit on top of it, this time there was no cover provided by the gas station, they were smack dab in the middle of the road, and Amy could barely keep her hands to herself.

Thankfully, her mother finally gave her a reason to stop:

"I saw what you were doing when you last sat on the hood." Betty grinned, Debbie's eyes widened for a moment before her face also copied her mother's expression, Amy lowered her gaze in shame, remembering her moment of weakness, when she saw this, Betty's expression seemed to soften a bit.

"You look like you're holding back, sweetie." Betty comforted her embarrassed daughter "You shouldn't have to think too hard about any of this, just do what comes naturally and let it flow out."

"Literally!" Debbie chimed in, taking her phone out and getting ready to record her younger sister's lewd act, something that earned her a half-hearted little slap on the arm from the mother. "Hey, c'mon."

Finally giving in, Amy let her hands do the work that came naturally to them, one taking a breast in hand and toying with her nipple, the other creeping down to her bald pussy mound, her finger tapped her clit, causing her to react strongly with an audible gasp and a snap of her back, she began rubbing circles over the joy button as soon as it was bearable, and began to get into the groove of pleasuring herself.

Amy finally let her fingers plunge into her moist folds, the slick walls almost sucking them in as she began pumping away with one finger, then two, and it wasn't long before Amy had lost all sense of her surroundings, sinking into a deep sensation of immersion, she was completely absorbed in her own world of pleasure, moaning loudly and grinding her hips along with the motions of her own hands.

And with that, Amy let herself go; she felt the build up of her climax deep in her loins before exploding in a massive orgasm, her juices squirting out all over the toweled hood.

In the corner of her perception, Amy could hear the cheers from the two watchers,

"Nicely done!" Betty exclaimed, quite impressed with her daughter's performance.

"Nowthatwas a show." Debbie stopped the video recording, satisfied with the product.

The two let Amy bask for a while, realizing that this was the best thing that happened to her all day; all those worries that held Amy back melted away as she felt her body relax and her frustrations coming undone.

She felt so free; for once she wasn't even worried about being exposed, she felt no shame whatsoever lying on top of the hood, completely naked and totally exposed to any coming cars.

"Well, enough rest, we need to make time before it gets dark." and so, surprisingly enough, Amy felt reluctant to leave her exposed position and get back in the car, but she did so as her mother picked up and safely wrapped the wet towels in the trunk of the car. "Oh, and it's your turn to drive, Amy."

The remainder of the day, or what was left of it, was quite uneventful. Aside from the nude Amy, nothing seemed out of place, even her now relaxed demeanor seemed natural if not for her lack of clothing.

Finally, the three stopped at a motel; though Amy had accepted her nudity, it was still nerve-racking to hear a car or truck's horn every time they got overtaken, Amy felt embarrassed, but it was a good embarrassment.

Letting her off the hook for a bit, Betty allowed her daughter to sit in the car while the other two went up to the front desk to get the room keys.

Coming back, Debbie seemed quite excited for some reason:

"Amy, they've got a game room in here, let's go check it out!" And the older sister pulled at Amy's arm enthusiastically, flashing a small key chain in the other hand, Amy's exposure almost entirely forgotten.

"What about the other guests?" Amy asked, hoping to at least gain some peace of mind before charging into what could be a sizable collection of people.

"There really aren't any," Debbie practically brushed the question aside "Most of the keys were still at the desk, besides, look around you, not that many cars."

And Debbie was right; aside from their own car, there were, at best, a few old cars in the parking lot, at least one of which had to be the owner's car, right?

Once dragged into the old room, Amy took the scenery in, a pool table took up most of the room's real-estate, a dart-board hung on the wall in the back, and one of those old-timey pinball machines that looked ready to crumble at any second was crammed into the opposite corner, there was also a small stool folded and leaned against the wall.

The windows were covered by dusty, half open blinds, she could see the parking lot through it, albeit unclearly, for a second there, Amy's feeling of exposure returned, anyone could easily see her either through the blinds or through the open door leading outside

"How about it? Wanna play, sis?" Debbie asked her naked sister, now brandishing pool cue in her right hand as she kicked her shoes off to feel the shag carpet beneath her toes, leaning on it in what Amy would consider a confident manner.

"Why not, but just play, okay?" Amy hesitantly grabbed a pool cue of her own, almost as if she was expecting some sort of ambush from her sister.

And so the two racked the balls up and began playing a simple and relatively quick game of pool, the two were so engrossed in their game that they only noticed someone at the door when they cleared their throat.

"Hey, hope we're not interrupting anything." A young man, apparently in his mid twenties was standing just inside the room, and besides him was another man, clearly younger but still about Amy's age, looking in surprise at Amy.

That's when Amy remembered her naked state, she felt herself blush and attempt to cover herself up with whatever she had in hand, unfortunately, all she had was a simple pool cue, she now felt silly and even more exposed just by doing that.

"No, not at all, come on in, we were just shooting some pool." Debbie, either unaware or deterred by her sister's sudden embarrassment, welcomed the two boys in, the older was clearly more confident, keeping his gaze from fixating on Amy's bare body too much.

The younger was another story altogether, his eyes were roaming Amy's body whenever he thought she wasn't looking, and only looked away whenever he felt she saw him, or even whenever he caught himself looking too intently.

"My name's Scott, this is my brother John." The older boy clapped his younger brother on the back, almost sending him reeling forward "Don't mind us, keep playing."

And so, shyly and reluctantly, Amy returned to playing the game, at first she was conscious of how she moved and bent over when lining up a shot, acutely aware of what kind of show she was giving the two new guests at any given moment.

The difference was, Amy was actually beginning to enjoy teasing her audience; now that she felt more relaxed and in control of her own situation, she relished the attention she was being given, so much so that she was beginning to get wet again.

When asked why Amy was naked, she felt a little bit ashamed answering the question:

"I uh.. I lost them." Amy self-consciously and subconsciously scratched the back of one foot with the other's toes, more embarrassed about that than being naked.

"What, like, you lost your luggage?" John probed further, getting a bit more comfortable with the naked Amy, though she determined he was still a bit uncomfortable, looking at the bulge in his pants.

"No, I lost a strip game..." Amy felt herself quiver as she confessed the reason of her nudity, lowering her gaze to the ground, another pang of shame hitting her as she did.

The stunned silence from the two boys almost made it more awkward until Debbie stepped in to keep the game moving, Amy noted that even Bill was a bit taken aback.

The game continued as such, with her having a slight advantage over her own sister, giving the two young men sly looks and sideways glances, letting them know how much she was enjoying the control she had, all the way until she won the game.

"Good game." The younger of the two boys lied; the two took their time playing, and they also missed so many shots it was almost an embarrassing display in its own right, but you certainly would not hear complaints from the two.

"Up for another game?: Debbie asked her sister, before feigning apology for not considering John and Bill's opinion "Oh, if it's alright with you two."

The two boys mumbled their allowance of the second game, Amy felt a bit impish, playing hard to get as if she was getting anxious from being watched continuously, she wasn't.

"I don't know, maybe once is enough for me." the smile on Amy's face betrayed her lack of hesitation, something all three caught looking at her.

"Tell you what, why don't we raise the stakes a little." The new offer took Amy a bit by surprise, she was just expecting a little extra goading from her sister, but more? How? She had no clothes left. "Whenever you sink a ball, I have to take a piece of clothing off, that takes care of the first four balls, the last four, you get to wear my clothes, one piece at a time.

"Now when I sink a ball, you get one smack on the rear from each of us, that's twenty four spanks in total."

Amy thought for a second, that didn't seem like much of a downside to her, she gets spanked a bit for the chance to win clothes,andshe gets to strip her sister? Looking at the last game's results, she'd be sporting a new set of duds and possibly a slightly red bottom, but that was it.

Of course, Debbie had more in mind:

"The big loser, however, has to do whatever these two gentlemen want." And so she dropped the bombshell, Debbie noticing that she was the only one left grinning.

"Wait... Anything?" Amy confirmed with her sister, the look on her face disappeared almost instantly "You mean-"

"Anything they want." Debbie reiterated the deal, now the two boys' faces changed from stunned shock to a bit of a dopey grin; there was no downside in it for them.

"I... I don't know." This time Amy's hesitation was genuine, she was being asked to risk having sex with two complete strangers on a bet, all for the sake of getting dressed a little earlier than agreed upon.

But damn if the thought didn't make her weak at the knees, if she wasn't dripping wet before, she was now.

"You know what? Let's do it." Amy's voice was still shaking, she couldn't believe herself, agreeing so readily to such an outrageous bet,

Amy did figure she finally understood how Debbie felt whenever she played a strip game; with what she was feeling, there was no real downside, either she wins, gets some clothes and some extra payback from all the humiliation her sister put her through this entire day, or she gets to have some fun with the two boys who have been lusting after her, and she'd be lying if she said she hadn't already fantasized about the two throwing her on the table and taking her right where they stood.

Her heart was still racing, her mouth was still dry, and she still felt her entire body trying to shake itself apart; but now it just felt good.

Racking the balls up, Debbie was given the break since she had lost the previous game, she sunk the 10 ball, one of the striped balls, and so that group was hers.

Of course, that meant Amy had to place her hands on the edge of the pool table to receive her first three smacks, up until this point, John and Bill had kept their hands to themselves, but once they were allowed to touch her, they took the opportunity to cop a good feel of Amy's body as they lined up their own shots.




Amy received her first three swats graciously, though still nervous about going through with this whole idea, she was certainly enjoying herself more than she ever thought was possible, already feeling slightly aroused by this "punishment".

Hitting a normal but fruitless ball on the next shot, Debbie handed her turn over to Amy, who immediately found an easy shot of a solid ball sitting (number 7) at the top-left corner, she lined up the shot and sunk her own first ball.

"This game is already getting good." Debbie commented as she slipped her shorts off, while it meant that, for now, she would be mostly behind cover until Amy sunk another ball, she made sure to give the boys a good show, walking over to them and purposefully peeling the shorts off while bending over, looking back at them getting an eyeful of her round bottom, the lacy underwear peeking ever so slightly from underneath the shirt she wore.

The game continued with a few fruitless shots, until Amy actually managed to sink the 3 ball, yet another solid colored one, meaning that Debbie had to remove yet another piece of clothing.

This time, Debbie lifted her shirt over her head, her luscious tits almost spilling out of her bra, the boys did not know where to look anymore, at Amy's naked and somewhat slender body, or Debbie's underwear clad, curvy hourglass figure, the two sisters glanced knowingly at each other.

She twirled the shirt in her fingers before tossing it into one of the room's corners, and went back to the game.

The game was actually going quite in Amy's favor, it was quite obvious that her shots were more on the mark than her sister's, and her balls seemed to gravitate towards the pockets more easily, this was confirmed by the third sunk ball in a row by Amy, this time of the number 6 ball, something that made the boys cheer quite happily.

Unphased by her consecutive losing streak, Debbie seductively began removing her lacy bra; reaching back to undo the clasps, holding the bra against her chest while she daintily slipped the straps off her shoulders, then turning away from the boys and letting the bra fall off, she had her breasts cupped with her hands as she turned back around and finally moved them away to reveal her gorgeously firm breasts and hard nipples, not out of shyness, but to raise the boys' anticipation, they were practically eating out of her hands when she was done.

Maybe it was her sister's strip tease, but Amy found it very hard to concentrate all of a sudden, she took her next shot, and found that her shot accidentally the number 12 ball, in other words, her sister's ball.

What this meant was that Amy now had to take another set of spankings, she found her hands on the table yet again, her butt stuck out to the three as they gave her the next three swats, once again making sure to enjoy Amy's naked body as much as possible.

Amy was sure of it now; she was getting horny.

It was pretty clear that Amy's head wasn't as in the game as it was at the start, she missed more shots and she was having trouble getting her balls into the right positions, she still managed to sink her 1 ball, meaning that now, both girls were about to be completely naked.

Debbie hooked her thumbs into her panties' waistband, and slowly peeled the lacy undergarment off her hips and buttocks, it was no surprise that she was already quite moist down below, much like her sister, though she seemed more at ease with that feeling.

The boys drank in the sight of the two naked girls playing pool in front of them, taking as many opportunities to strut their stuff, the game was no longer so much about the competition as it was about indulging in exposing their bodies, though the game did continue, regardless.

The next to sink a ball in was Debbie's 13 ball, so once again Amy found herself being groped and spanked by the other three, and though she might have been imagining things, she could swear that the period of fondling was getting longer and bolder.

After that, Amy finally managed to sink her fifth ball, number 4 to be exact, meaning that she would get her first proper piece of clothing in nearly six hours.

The only problem was, Amy wasn't so keen on getting dressed again...

"So what'll it be? I doubt you want my bra." Debbie joked, jiggling her visibly larger breasts as she grinned, this was probably the only time Amy felt truly embarrassed throughout the whole two games.

Thinking about it, Amy did agree, besides, she had a better idea:

"You know what? You're right," Amy put her hands on her hips, looking a bit more triumphant "I want something else."

"Well go on, which piece?" Debbie asked, still unaware of Amy's meaning.

"I'm not talking about clothes." Amy clarified, in an almost sinister tone.

"Oh..." understanding finally dawned on Debbie's face, she looked equal parts surprised, excited, bitter and bemused "So what'll be my punishment?"

"First, sit down here." Amy brought the small stool that was leaning against the wall; it was the only one, so in the end nobody used it at all.

"Easy enough, what's next?" A hint of nervousness creeping into the confident sister's voice.

"Also easy, cum for us." Amy said with a satisfied tone as she leaned back against the pool table and pulled out her phone, ready to watch (and record) her sister's forfeit as a hush fell over the room, sure, the loser would have to do far worse than this, and Amy already experienced something close with her spankings, but this somehow felt different.

"Is this revenge for earlier today?" Debbie asked, trying to lighten the mood, but it only served to pique the boys' interest in what they weren't told that day.

"Maybe..." Amy's vague answer didn't serve to improve the mood, she was enjoying her rare opportunity of dominance to its fullest extent "Go on, get to it."

"Oh well, here goes." And with those words, Debbie wasted no time in letting her hands attack her privates, she was lost in her own world and enjoying the sensation of playing with herself quite quickly, rubbing her clit and pulling on her nipples in no time.

Watching her sister play with herself, inserting two fingers into her pussy with ease, felt quite enjoyable to Amy as well, in fact, it was perhapstooenjoyable as Amy felt her own horniness building the more Debbie closed in on her own climax, her moaning increasingly audibly in conjunction to her mounting pleasure.