All Comments on 'Struggling to Survive Pt. 02'

by javmor79

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CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 8 years ago
Oh such horrible things are going to come of this

She'll start falling for him and actively cheating on her husband of her own free will then hubby will find out and a big confrontation will happen. Then of course he has to forgive her and either she'll run away with this guy or the hubby will wimp out for the sake of the kids and reconcile with her... booo

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
The surge of something primal

I was with this chick 100% until that last part. I mean even the blowjob. That was about sacrifice to feed her kids. But this bullshit that's about to happen, reminds me of when Anakin when to the dark side. Only it's lust instead of fear."LUST leads to sex, sex leads to betrayal , betrayal leads to divorce".

HeWhoGoesThereHeWhoGoesThereabout 8 years ago
Hoping against hope

That you have a twist planned here. I want to believe you're leading us on with such an obvious set up, and a curve ball is coming. I really want to believe that. But I can't. Never mind my natural cynicism; I've read all of your stories to date, and while I can't call you a one-trick pony, you don't rate much higher in my opinion.

You say you don't do "good guys" and "bad guys", but you do. Every one of your stories has a defined "villain", if you will; someone who causes pain through deliberate actions. Not one-off "mistakes" or errors in judgement, but making conscious decisions to do things that they know will surely hurt their significant others if discovered. Even if there was no actual malice behind those actions, they are still the "bad guy" of the story.

In your "Deployment" series, it's the wife. She's selfish and disloyal. It wasn't a matter of a "mistake"; she put her foot in it *deep*, and never took it out.

In "Innocent Texts", it was both the wife and Brian. Even if she didn't actually do anything physically, she did enough, all for the sake of satisfying her own ego. Had the roles been reversed and she had found texts like that on her husband's phone, I'd put money on her ripping into him with gusto. And Brian was a flat out snake for going after a married woman to begin with, and you solidified his status as a crappy human being in your spin-off story about him.

In "How 'Lucky' Am I?", it was a threesome of villains, quite literally.

In "The Real Girl", it was the husband, with his insensitivity to his wife's feelings about her past. Not as bad as some of the others, but with only two characters in the story, he was certainly the closest to being the bad guy.

In "To Have and to Cuckold", you manage to avoid having a defined "bad guy" until you reveal the wife's past. Then you've got a freakin' supervillain in her father; a life-long asshole, a serial cheater, abusive spouse, hypocrite and murderer. Holy shit, that guy.

"Selfish Spouse" had a very nice twist ending, where the supposed protagonist ended up being the villain himself. But twist or not, there was still a clear "bad guy".

Even in "Catwoman Caught", "Tarzan" is a complete douchebag, and the wife is hardly painted as a good person. Given, that story was supposedly based on true events, so I suppose it could get a pass. But your fictional follow-up to it had very clear-cut black and white structure. The jilted husband's greatest sin was working too hard and being too tired to give his wife the full treatment. If he had half-assed it, it stands to reason the outcome would've been the same. Some might even argue that lousy sex is worse than no sex, and would've made the wife even more resentful. In comparison, his wife fucked around on him, and couldn't even meet the one condition of his second chance offer.

So yeah, you most certainly do good vs bad, don't kid yourself. But of all your stories, the most common theme is that of an outside force compromising the relationship. Roomates, old friends, co-workers; there's usually a real villain lurking somewhere, who "corrupts" the previously innocent wife. This story is blatantly following that same path. The blowjob is one thing; desperation makes a person do crazy shit. But now she's developing this "inexplicable" attraction to the new guy on the scene, and something tells me he has no scruples about facilitating that attraction.

I'd like to see you actually do something different and write a female character who's not massively insecure, and is strong and loyal enough to remain faithful on her own. As in WITHOUT her husband finding out and making her come to her senses before it's too late. But all I'm seeing is another wife about to lose herself to "primal urges" and the need to stroke her own ego.

Here's hoping you can prove me wrong and learn a new trick. I'm withholding my rating until things get further along.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I could swear that voting was on for ch. 1

but now it doesn't appear to be and neither for this new chapter.

sugnasugnaabout 8 years ago
More Options

They have more options than a secretary sucking dick for a shitty job. Those options are called work. Tens of millions of illegal aliens stream into this country and do not have any trouble finding work. Now, they own houses and drive SUV's. Some may be sucking dick but most are not, most are working - hard. So, this self pitying, feel sorry for poor me story of entitlement and whoring is sickening. Now the little whore is hot for the rich boss man - big surprise, money always makes whores hot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
She has to cheat for the sake of the Author

Well a guy who loves a woman enough to accept that she was a stripper and had a kid with an unknown guy had to be wimp isnt it . Any way that is how the author sees it . He painted him into a wimp long before she started to work and naturally only wimps get fired and cannot find jobs . So she falls for another man . Chapter 3 will have her not too thrilled about her hubby' s job . He will be disappointed . He naturally has to work harder at new job so will be too tired for sex and chores . Wife will have secrets from him which she share with new guy and therefore starts to fall more for him. Meanwhile caught up in the thrill of finally getting revenge for his freind the boss starts to find the secratary quite sexy. Hubby finds wife not appreciate anymore and finds a symphatetic woman at work . Blah Blah Blah same old .

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
Starting to go way of Penny Dreadful Telenova

No rueful humor, zero sex , no rainbows rising from the gutter. Things are supposed to be getting better with husband scoring a job but communication snafus allow dysfunction to carry the day as installment closes. Seriously work on inserting the odd silver lining along with requisite pathos. I respect the overall intent but this is reading like an unrelenting dirge.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
To HeWhoGoesThere

I have to say, your comment is spot on.

Your comment goes to show that a story's interpretation is truly up to the reader to decide. I guess to say that i don't do heroes and villains can be interpreted as being false, even though i disagree.

I try to make my stories about real life. With the exception of "How lucky Am i" all of my characters have been based off of real people, and the situations that i put them in have been ones I have observed. So to say that i don't do heroes or villains means that in real life EVERYONE in a situation contributes to the outcome. People want to find a scapegoat when things go badly, but in truth the situation that blew up happened because of everyone's contribution. That's not to say that everyone plays an equal role. But even if you are a person to played the lesser role, recognizing your own contribution can prevent you from falling into that trap again. That is the lesson that i try to get readers to see.

In Selfish Spouse, the husband was a selfish jerk, but the wife allowed that situation to fester. She was passively allowing him to always have his way until the point came that he always felt that she preferred it that way.

in Catwomen Caught, the husband neglected his wife. There is a difference between always being gone at work and neglecting your wife. Work is work, home is home. Even for those who work insane hours like I do, we have to take time to let the people that we love know that they are important. My wife knows that i work hard for her, but she still has to HEAR it.

In To Have and To Cuckold, you have me there. The dad was the supervillian. In that case, i have to concede that there are times there is an actual bad guy. Children are in that exception. i have to accept my defeat on that one. LOL.

What i want the readers of LW to do is look broader. The "she cheated just because she's a slut" mentality is good for venting, but it doesn't actually help the victims of cheating. "Once a cheater always a cheater" is a justification for always remaining the good guy by putting ALL of the blame on cheater. It doesn't help AVOID the situation. it justs makes you feel better about it in the short term.

I troubles me in this section that any look into the why of cheating is justifying it. People feel that if you try to scratch beneath the surface, you are sympathizing. Life is not skin deep. There is always a why to an action, no matter how heinous. I'm not out to redeem a cheating woman. In this story, I'm not attempting to make Kara look like the good guy. My goal is not to make you sympathize with her. I'm telling a story of a situation, and giving you the why it happened. This "with us or against us" way of thinking blinds us and makes us think that every author who doesn't completely exonerate the husband is trying to side with the woman. Real life is usually in the middle. But, as HeWhoGoesThere made me see, there are exceptions to that logic.

I heard a quote that stuck with me. " in order to protect yourself from pain, you have to protect yourself from happiness." i feel that the one sided mentality does that. I feel that people would be better served to find their contribution to their situation, however small, and learn how to avoid the situation again.

Once again, thank you all for reading.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
To LordSlamdawg

I think I may have mistakenly deleted your comment when I was filtering out the ones that added nothing to the story. I'm sorry for that. If you see this and wish to comment again, I would greatly appreciate it.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
Never mind LSD. I see it.

Thanks for that. Really helpful.

BriteaseBriteaseabout 8 years ago
Not sure if this is going to add anything to your story

But I have to say that I'm really enjoying it. I can sought of see where (I hope) it's going but not at all sure how it's going to get there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

but why a num head geek for a husband.I know geeks and were the other end of the scale when it comes to our women. u need to redefine the husband.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago

I see where this is going...I think. That uncertainty is what keeps me reading. Kara's personality seems to have performed an abrupt 180 degree turn in this story: from desperate and submissive to cunning and driven. This switch seemed a little too abrupt to me, and the husband's character remains (so far) superfluous as Kara runs the show and makes all the decisions on her own.

I'm enjoying this story so far, and appreciate the thought that went into its development. Keep up the good work, Javmor. (And thank you, evidently, for joining my protest against the LW ratings system.)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

The quality is as expected and I cannot wait to read the rest now that you have left us with the juicy cliffhanger that is Kara's kindling passion for this new knight in shining armour. I hope it's not too late for her and her husband though I can't forsee him being able to handle her oral infidelity and/or her relationship with her new "friend-in-arms" once he finds out. I'm hooked!

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
As most comments, I'm still liking this story...

As most comments, I'm still liking your story...I also begin to understand the problems the writer will be face to end it the way he would like...But once again let's see what part 3 will bring us...Then I can tell how I see the whole situation...3* for now...

GrandPaMGrandPaMabout 8 years ago

I read both your story and the comments with interest.

Your readers are an insightful bunch.

I know you understand that the main root of the problem in is some broken-down communications, but there is more here than just that.

The husband has a perspective issue because his self-confidence was too strongly rooted in his ego's perception of his role as a material provider. ...but there is more to his role as a husband and father than just this. ...not that I'm one to minimize the importance of the role of a provider in a family, or what it means to a man to be able to fulfill that role.

What I'm getting at here is that once this particular mote is removed from his eye, and he can once again see past the self-inflicted parts of the wounds of his psyche, his minds eye will have a window of opportunity to look beyond the horizons which have limited his worldview to the disaster he imagined his circumstances to be. There will be an opportunity to see the things he's been missing because he's taken some of his proverbial (mental) blinders off.

Will he spot the problems brewing in their relationship - or recognize them for what they are, and decide to act? time, before other circumstances close in once again?

He will have the opportunity to choose a new perspective on things, and everything that follows will really depend upon that choice. Right now, at this point in the story, he has "the bounce", tactically, and can decide how the next moves are played. However, he no longer knows the whole story of where things lie, but depending upon how HE reacts to the changed circumstances before delivering his welcome news to the family, he has that brief window in time to first THINK about where they all are, strategically, economically, and tactically. ...but, will he?

I heard a quote attributed to Mr. Stanley and Dr. Livingstone (after they meet in Africa), but have been unable to verify it.


Stanley: Dr. Livingstone, what do you think is the problem with modern man?

(a poser of a question if ever I've heard one, you would think that the responder might pause for a while before trying to handle such a weighty question...)

Livingstone: (pouncing on the question instantly) The problem with modern man is that he Doesn't THINK!


an accurate quote or not, I surely agree with the sentiment.

So, my question is: applying the insight above, will he THINK first and act second, or...?

The opportunity to make the choices between salvation and dire peril are often overlooked...until it is too late to see them for what they actually are. Such a moment is before him right now.

burlysmithburlysmithabout 8 years ago

Wondering why you have voting off for this story. Think it is great and would have liked to have voted.

patilliepatillieabout 8 years ago
Uh oh

after the slow start in Chapt 1, this is much better and off to the races. Richard will be her conquering hero, the bonding has started. they are in cahoots together, to get rid of James, and that will bring them far closer than Tom would ever want or imagine.

Now this is getting good...just as Tom is seeing the light of day, his wife will be growing ever closer to another man. Such duplicity and deception as may occur, with their already poor communication, will grow and fester until like a boil either seeps or explodes into conflagration. I am hooked and want to see how you end this.

Not happy you dont have an ending, in fact dont have Chapt 4 done, but I am confident you will. Take the advice from the novel writer in the last chapters comments, pick a resolution you want to see for the characters, then go about your life and the answers will fill in themselves in a blindiing flash. Hope it doesnt take too long for you to get struck by the bolt of inspiration.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
About a 2.5

I wish you would let people vote. Your story was okay but not great. Ill try and remember you name so I dont have to read any more so so stories.

martshubby12martshubby12about 8 years ago

This was a good story at least 4 stars and possibly 5. Not all stories have to have a lot of sex. Looking for ward to the next part. Thanks

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
To SwingerJoe

Love the observation. Her 180 degree turn around is quick as far as the story goes, but remember, i flashed forward 6 years. I also gave a hint to her side that she kept hidden in the first chapter when I showed her reaction to her car being broken down in contrast to how she acted at work. I also wanted to show how much she changed when i had her first interaction with her boss at the restaurant.

I've seen Unoriginalist's comments on other stories, and I agreed with him. Sometimes too much back story takes away from the current events. I wanted to set up enough of a backstory to accomplish a few things, but not overload the reader with it. Looking back, i could have done that better. But hindsight, right?

Thank you for that SJ.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
love this tale

Don't know if Kara will ever get back to the way she was with Tom. There is a growing distance in their marriage and with lack of communication. Tom is too sensitive but Kara has some deep seeded issued especially going back to her parents who threw her out of the house. She needs some therapy if Tom and her marriage is to be repaired. Tom loves Kara's son like his own son so who knows how this will play out. Thanks again for writing and sharing.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
An anonymous person sent me an interesting email that I felt should have been put here

His feedback was very honest, and I think it belongs here. Here it is:

I'm waiting until the story is finished until I read it and score it


But I read your comment on this chapter. And I'm going to foolishly wade in with my perspective. You (or anyone else for that matter) can't "teach" the reader's anything with your story telling. First off - you're in the wrong place for anything like that. This is a Porn Site on the world wide web. The cross section of the population you have here isn't particularly open to being taught anything. So toss the "teaching" bit into the can and stick with trying to be entertaining and/or clever in your stories. Anything else is a waste of time, both perceived and reality wise. Good luck.

I omitted some parts of the message, but for the most part this is word for word. I thank you for this anonymous. I will take your advice under consideration. Your feedback is much appreciated.

Quickfingers8Quickfingers8about 8 years ago

Such a cool plot and believable characters. You write Tom and Kara very realistically. Although, with that last name, I expected his name to be John… Though with her past is a stripper that may not be appropriate. Definitely following this story.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor

I was wondering when anyone would catch that. LOL. Supernatural is one of my favorite shows. We could very well be friends.

I didn't want to be too obvious though. Good catch.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopabout 8 years ago
I knew that there was more

I'm glad that I'm still reading. This is turning into a very interesting story. I'm looking forward to Pt 3. Xoxoxoxoxo Annette

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 8 years ago
Hubby is being completely idiotic

And no flashback to see his rejection of her advances from his perspective? Of course, considering how much of an idiot he is, what possible reason could he have for turning down sex with his wife?

Lex1Lex1about 8 years ago

I think the interesting dynamic in the sex scene is how differently they looked at it. She was horny, and he was unobservant. In her mind, she gave him clear signals. But they couldn't have been too clear, or he would have gotten them.

On the flip side, he did come to her and approach her. His come on was obvious. "Let's do it" can't get more obvious. But now she was turned off.

I think that he was looking for more obvious signs from her because that is his approach. On the other side, she is looking for subtle jestures because that is what she does. Yet, neither of them are taking the time to see what the OTHER person is looking for.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago

Still interesting but moving at a slower pace. I'm guessing things are going to pick up and soon. Please continue...

HcopHcopabout 8 years ago
Nice story so far... your instict as an author, don't let our comments and expectations change the flow of the story, as you have envisioned it so far. In my opinion, great stories are not always original in their plots, but are always about what makes the principal characters click and how they evolve through the story. Kara's stripper past obviously plays a major role in the way she thinks and behaves, and the husband also has his own issues. Find a convincing way to blend those things in the story, make us feel their feelings, make the characters mature and grow through the events that will follow, and you ll have written an excellent story..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Re: "It doesn't help AVOID the situation."

Well, yes, it does, in at least one way. By labeling certain actions as "unacceptable" rather than painting them as some shade of gray, it may help prevent the predecessor situation that leads to infidelity or other immoral or criminal acts.

That's why we have the "spouse" test or "boyfriend/girlfriend" test. The expression "lead us not into temptation" is usually a very good idea. As some philosopher once replied, when his questioner asked 'what if I am very persuasive ?", he said 'Ahh, but if I never LISTEN, you can never persuade me.'

Similarly, allowing oneself to be IN certain circumstances to begin with IS culpable to some degree. That's what we ask "WTF were you THINKING by XXXXXX ???"

None of which is a critique of this story, which I am enjoying a lot, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I agree with a previous poster

The Lack of communication causes many problems and with the both of them finally making money and employed there will be a lot of times where they aren't in contact. The question then is do they actually love each other? If so they should really be more communicative. Even worse she is going out with Richard while having those thoughts and has ignored her husband's phone call, a situation that would only make him feel more ignored especially with all the anger that has built.

This is gonna detonate badly.

rvwsrvwsabout 8 years ago
It appears to me

that Kara has a "damsel in distress" type of personality. When her car broke down, she was a damsel in distress saved by the gallant knight, whom she fell in love with and married him. Fast forward a few years, the gallant knight is in trouble, she is in trouble and now a new knight in shining armour, with honourable intentions, comes along and all of a sudden the old knight no longer fits the bill. The old knight is unemployed, moody, inattentive and a general loser,

In Western societies, the pressure has always been on the "man of the house" to provide and protect the family. Even the so called modern woman subconsciously feels that way. When the husband fails to do that he is subjugated to the level of burden, to the point of being disrespected by the wife. That is what is happening in this story. Mark my words, the wife has lost her respect for her husband, the old knight, and will end up in the arms and bed, with the new Knight in shining armour.

DrPopeDrPopeabout 8 years ago
not much to say ....

So far it isn't really actually THAT engaging ....well at least not up to your usual high standards. It's very difficult to pass judgements on partially written works especially when the author is known to be stuck down the road somewhere. One thing I will say on it is that in a literary sense you don't really have a "couple" to protect here. Tom and Kara's backstory together remains untold or skipped over and therefore the reader really has nothing invested in them as a couple All we know about them is they met, married and were ok for a while before he lost his job. Tom is pretty much ignored completely all we know about him is he used to have a good job, was unemployed for a year, got a new job and his mother is alive. I think before I can pass much comment I need to know the backstories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Why do I think you are fucking with us, . . .

when you end the chapter with Kara looking at Richard like he is her next main squeeze? Nothing that obvious, can be what it looks like. From a good author. Please don't be a mediocre author. So far so good. No rating yet, but its trending a weak 4 so far, in absolute terms. In LW competition units, its about an 8.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
So, where is this all going. I confess it seems to be getting murkier by the paragraph here.....

.....and with what was once a great marriage now clearly on the rocks and quickly becoming kindling, you have some work to do to salvage a situation gasping for air. Either they communicate, or they separate. She no longer expresses anything like love or affection towards her "loser" husband. He's so caught up with his reduced circumstances and damaged ego, he's not apparently at all sensitive to her....and she is now actively shutting him out.

You either need to provide a device for them to work it out, or let the catastrophe hit, so we can watch the conflagration as four lives burn to a cold cinder.

I hope they'll work things out. Reading that this new conspirator gets her wet, only further serves to show how far her marriage has decayed, by her own hand and betrayal, as well as by the very difficult circumstances her husband struggles with.....and not too valiantly at times.

I'm losing hope....I still hope you have some to offer, because in spite of myself, I find I like these two characters. I hate the thought of them falling apart, of her disloyalty in this final scene and the inevitable struggles she will have for her "compelled" betrayal.

I dated a former stripper once....what killed any hope for us, was her skewed morality. She was jaded by her experiences in that lowest phylum of society. That experience and the exigencies of the lifestyle that attends, allowed her some years later to comfortably engage in activity with her employer that surely precluded her enjoying a deep, mutually satisfying, loyal, trusting long term relationship and/or marriage with any man but a pimp or a strip club owner (and really, how close can a woman be with a professional user?). The tragedy is that she was otherwise a wonderful woman, quite beautiful, not in that "overdone, hard edged, slutty, plastic EE breasts" kind of way of the career girls, but in a "girl next door grew up over the summer and is beautiful" way. She had only stripped for a little over a year, until she got her situation squared away and could concentrate on graduation. But the environment made its mark on her.

When I found out she was willing to blow or even fuck a boss at work to get a raise or a better position.....well, it just bled the life out of our nascent relationship. I became more distant within minutes of hearing what she had done while we were supposed to be exclusive. And as I actively distanced myself, she was at first hurt, then angry, then shocked when she confronted me and I revealed that I knew what she did for "perks" at work. I told her she had a choice to make every day. When she agreed and was so happy to be exclusive, it meant that she had to actively choose to honor that, herself and not doing anything destructive to the relationship. Spreading sexual favors was at or near the top of that list.

Since she neither loved/liked/cared for me enough to prohibit her perfidious behavior, nor respected me enough to talk about things of that nature, she guaranteed we could not continue.

I got up and left her there in the coffee shop. I doubt she cried, probably just fumed, but we never saw each other nor spoke again. She'd had some items at my apartment that I boxed up and Fed-Exed to her office with a brief note. It read, "You may want these things back. This will save you any inconvenience over them."

And so ended my sole experience with a former stripper.

Good luck and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I am definitely curious to see how things play out.

I hope it is thoroughly fleshed out with all the angles and consequences covered.

Got my attention now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great Story so far...

I do concur with rvws's comments about the damsal and the knight. There is something there with the new knight and lets not forgrt the husband of Kara ha a new job and a new secutary, she might be a retired stripper as well,.. !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
just and observation

Although I can understand why Richard would want to keep his relationship with the former secretary secret for the stated favoritism reason I honestly don't believe most women would submit to the harrassment instead of telling their benefactor of their predicament.l wonder if he's being honest with Kara about how he knows. I hope I'm just not reading to much into it. Great story from a great author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Wow great stuff

I normally skim more than reading every sentence of stories I am interested in. This has me reading every word. Only a handful in this site have had me not only reading every word but after each chapter wanting more. By the way to other comments...who cares where this goes just enjoy the ride.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
Another comment sent by email that i felt should go here.

I want to thank this commenter for his feedback.


good work.


I don't have any trouble finding this story believable, except perhaps the extent of the dysfunction in Kara's marriage, such as him completely missing her signals that she wanted him to come to "bed" when his libido was intact, as was evident 2 hours later. I don't know anyone that clueless, I hope. Either he follows her upstairs, or his libido is a wreck, his confidence gone, etc, due to recent circumstances, in my mind. But a good read, 3-dimensional characters, and I really, really appreciate the fact that you can spell and compose like English is actually your first language.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I love your story

You make your characters work. This can be a true story in the real world. The husband is low on self esteem and not working and being the bread winner is destroying his ego and its leading his marriage into the tolet. Are you going to let Kara fall for another stronger male fiqure. She doesn't know he just landed a when you post chapter 3 I can't wait to see where you are taking this story. The low life boss has to go.

FD45FD45about 8 years ago

I am eating a tiny bit of crow. You have done something which is as rare as hen's teeth on LW: made an intelligent woman who realized the strength of her own position re workplace blackmail.

We have SO many stories where, with a single salacious picture, finds the woman, ass in the air, taking all comers in any hole they happen to select.

This was not that woman. So Bravo for that! About fucking time too!

And...we can all see where this is going. It is going to a Place of Sad.

So two thumbs up from me thus far.

FD45FD45about 8 years ago

I would not be the asshole you know and hate if I did not add a quibble

It is free REIN, not free REIGN. It is reference to horseback riding, not one's version of monarchy.

HcopHcopabout 8 years ago
chapter 3?

You wrote that the first three chapters are ready and you are posting them... So does the delay in the posting of chapter 3 mean you are revising?

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 8 years ago
Well to each his own

You have drawn the wife as a strong woman. She bested the letcher, and trimmed the sails of the big boss. She didn't let him get away with shit. I don't see that changing. She's no dummy. Her suggestion for improving profitability sounds idiotic, but you needed her to say something, and there is rarely one thing wrong that would set things right I can see her as an admin person, sussing out problems for him to set right. He may make a pass at her, but were I writing it, she would shut him down...tactfully.

I see her emotionally scarred, and with a husband that accepts her and her son, and is good with kids, and now back on his feet...her baggage is considerable, she was not a high class courtesan, just a bar room stripper, marrying up is problematical for her.



Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 8 years ago
I am stunned by the number of people here who are blamed the husband.

In western societies men define themselves completely by their work and how much money they make. Only very recently has a started to change. To show you how wrong kara's behavior is -- change things around . Suppose the wife had put on a whole bunch of weight because she could not find a job while the husband was working . And suppose the husband started to fucking one of the secretaries . All the blame and strong reaction beyond husband - and rightly so.

Kara is completely in the wrong here. And she is completely wrong with regard to turning down your husband for sex .

He has been unemployed for months while she is engaging a power struggle with her boss which has turned her on sexually. And she has kept all of this a secret from her husband.

Even worse ... because he is unaware of what is really going onwith her at work ...that she is now sexually aroused... He is SOMEHOW supposed to in his depressed state mind read her new found sexual desire.?

what a cunt

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 8 years ago
Moral relativism

One other note - As a General rule I do not like responding to this particular authors stories anymore... for a lot of different reasons. But the number one reason is that this particular AUTHOR while very skilled and writes some great stories ---is filled with moral relativism.

In many of his stories and sometime in the feedback Jamor79 is constantly reminding us that most things are shades of gray. And therefore it's hard to judge people.

This is of course complete bullshit. Yes the author is correct in that are complicated motivations as to why people - husbands and wives -do certain things.

And I do agree that it's not always the case of simply being good or evil . But that doesn't mean that one cannot judge a particular action regardless of the motivation.

The motivation maybe a extenuating circumstance but again that does not take away our ability to judge an action or words or behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well one thing is certainly true regards this story

It seems to have brought out a lot of comments. Whether or not all the comments are relevant or worthwhile is for the readers to decide. The second chapter improved. More things going on, the wife appears to have righted herself and now appears on the verge of frying her lecher Boss but falling into the grasp of a more powerful one with unknown motivations. I think she could have done things a little easier by using her phone to simply record her Bosses actions and then hiring an attorney. Still not sure where her relationship with her husband is going but you have 3 more chapters to settle that ship. We'll see.

OnethirdOnethirdabout 8 years ago

Well, I thought I knew where this was going, but now I don't. The husband could observe her with her new partner in revenge and think she is having an affair and things could go down the toilet. Nothing for it but to read on. Oh, and why is everyone always trying to figure out who is more to blame? It's sort of a tie right now. Only a dense male would miss come hither looks and mess up his opportunity, and like many women, they think their signals are like five alarm fires when they are really mostly smoke. Lots of blame to go around.

RedDevil5875RedDevil5875almost 8 years ago
Communication or the lack thereof

The story so far can be summed up in the words of Strother Martin in Cool Hand Luke: "What we've got here is a failure to communicate." In real life I would hope some family friend would suggest family counseling, but then, that would ruin the story. The story has been written and I'm hooked. So let's proceed. I'm new to your writing but I like what I've read so far. So many stories are too predictable with no tension at all. You've made me care about these characters.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 6 years ago
Wow knd of slow to suit mebut still good!


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I can see it coming....

I can see her cheating on her husband with this guy, since he is also married that migth not happen, but the crack is already there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Interesting. I think I know where this is heading. A little slow moving, but just fast enough to keep me going. Nice story.

dawg997dawg997over 2 years ago

Good story with twists that caught me off-guard.

On to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Almost a good story BUT I see stormy seas ahead

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I enjoy my job as much as anyone else, but I LOVE writing. It's a fun escape. Real life leaves me precious little time to fully enjoy my hobby. I apologize to people who have to wait weeks between chapters of my stories. I enjoy reading erotic stories, but find that when I ...