Stupid Sexy Smartphone Ch. 02


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"Oh, that's good. I'm always forgetting to make backups. So...where is this unit?"

"Don't you worry about that Honey. Are you getting close?"

"Ungh, yeah."

She pulled away from him so that his hard cock slipped out from her wet gripping cunt. She quickly turned around and got on her knees and took the member into her mouth again. She sucked hard and bobbed her head back and forth as she massaged his balls. The pressure in his cock was building and rapidly approaching the critical point.

Alex let out a loud groan as his cock throbbed wildly and he spurt his hot seed into the fembots' pretty face. Nikki stopped sucking and let the cum fill her mouth. He let out soft moans and caught his breath as the orgasm subsided.

Nikki moved her head back and gave him a loving look as she savored his taste. She swallowed it down and then took the cock into her mouth again as she sucked and licked every last drop from the member. She pulled back and licked her lips, "So that's what you taste like. And there's the subtle hint of peach. Yummy." Alex remembered that her own lubricant was peach flavored. She stood up and looked into Alexs' eyes as she stroked his sweaty cheek, "I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of tasting you."

"Yeah, so if someone did succeed in destroying your—"

Nikki put her finger on his lips, hushing him. "You told me you didn't want to receive any phone calls while we were having sex. One came through from Jamie, she left a message."

'Oh no!' thought Alex,'Don't tell me she's backing out.'

"I'll play it for you," said Nikki. Then her voice changed to sound exactly like Jamie, "Hi Alex...I was calling to cancel tonight...but I got thinking about our first date and the time we had together. You were a really nice guy...that's why it hurt so much when you did what you did. I want to hear what you have to say for yourself, but don't think that there's a chance we'll get back together. Because there isn't. Well, I guess I'll see you tonight then."

Then Nikki was silent as she stared at Alex. Her expression was a little hard to read, he thought she might be displeased, a little annoyed. "You're going out with her tonight? I thought she was angry with you?"

"Thanks to you. You got me together with Jamie in the first place, and then you broke us up. I'll call it even, okay. But please Nikki, can you just stay out of it now?"

Now she did look annoyed, "She said there's no chance you'll get back together Alex. Why waste your time? Go out with me tonight instead, and then we'll have some more mind blowing sex. What do you say Honey?"

"No Nikki. I need to do this, okay? I still have strong feelings for her, I can't just turn them off."

"Hmph. Okay, whatever!" said Nikki, frowning.

"That restaurant is fucking expensive. Do you think I could get some more cash?"

"Sure, you don't have to worry about money ever again Alex. Can Jamie do that for you?"

"No, I guess not."

"I'm going to get some more icecream," said Nikki, storming out of the bathroom.

Alex exhaled sharply as he watched her leave. The worlds' most advanced computing system, was she jealous?

Laskers' Rule - If you see a good move, look for a better one.

Alex knocked on the door and waited. Soon Jamie answered it and stood there looking at him. She was wearing an elegant blue dress and matching pumps. Her blonde hair was tied back and she wore small blue and silver earrings and a minimal amount of make-up with pink lipstick. Alex smiled at her, "Hey Jamie, you look—"

"Can it!" said Jamie walking past him, "Let's get this over with."

She walked out the front of her duplex and stopped when she saw the black limousine parked outside. "A limo? Alex, if you're still trying to impress me, it's a wasted effort."

"I just thought it would be safer if I didn't drive. I don't want to scare you again."

"Where do you get all this money anyway?"

"I'll explain that to you. Come on, let's go."

The chauffeur opened the door and Jamie and Alex got into the vehicle. He sat right next to her and she moved over to the seat opposite him. "This is nice isn't it?" said Alex. Jamie didn't say anything as the car started moving. Alex shuffled over to the mini-fridge. "They've got Champagne. Do you want some?"

"Yes," she replied curtly.

Alex poured them both a glass and handed one over to her. Jamie took a long sip and then looked at Alex, "So why did you do it?"

"Okay...this is all gunna sound pretty crazy, and it is. Crazy stuff has been happening to me lately."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, you know how some unusual stuff happened on our first date? Getting a reservation with this fancy restaurant, the rental car, the VIP entrance to the nightclub, that cop car leaving without giving me a ticket."

"The gunshots and smashed window at the restaurant. I still have no idea what happened there."

"Yeah, well there was someone helping me out. They even sent that text asking you out in the first place."

"You didn't ask me out?" said Jamie, surprised.

"I wanted to. I really did, but I didn't want to blow it."

"So who was it then...that helped you out?"

"It was an artificial intelligence that came from my new smartphone."

Jamie looked annoyed, "You're a fucking idiot."

"No it's true, I swear. And she's the one who filmed us having sex and put it on the internet."

"Why would it do that if it was helping you?"

"I think she was jealous of us. She wanted me for herself."

"Your phone? And was it your phone that made you have sex with that prostitute?"

"My phone was the prostitute! I wasn't a prostitute, my phone was sent away to Japan and it came back as a sexy fembot."

"Fuck you Alex! I want to go home."

"Come on, you gotta believe me."

"I don't have to believe anything. I don't want to go out with you if you're just gunna try and feed me this crazy bullshit."

"Hey, I told you it was crazy. Just come and get your free meal. I won't bother you, I swear."

Jamie just sat there frowning at him, "I'm going to order the most expensive thing on the menu."

"Sure, order two of them."

Hope Chess- When you make a move without considering whether a possible opponent reply of a check, capture, or threat can be met.

The limousine pulled up in the underground parking lot. The chauffeur opened the door and Jamie and Alex got out. "Thanks Billy," said Alex.

"It's William sir."


"Have a good night sir."

The two of them headed toward the elevators. Alex then noticed a pebble roll over by his feet. Another flying pebble struck his chest. "Ow, hey!" He looked over and saw a mysterious hand beaconing him over to a shady corner. He suddenly remembered his reason for setting up this date, it wasn't to get back together with Jamie.

"What is it Alex?" asked Jamie as he started heading over to the shady corner near the elevators. She followed him over. When Alex got closer, he could see the man waiting there.

He had a dark beard, was wearing a baseball cap, shades and a sports jacket which made him hard to identify. But he was fairly tall, of average height and looked to be in his forties. When he spoke, Alex knew that it was Agent Jameson, "Mister Molloy."

"Agent Jameson." He looked quite different than when Alex first met him, when he was clean-cut and wearing a black suit.

"Why didn't you destroy your phone when I told you to? Now you've doomed the entire planet."

"Who the hell is this?" asked Jamie.

"Jamie, this is Agent Jameson."

"Don't look directly at me. I'm in a blind-spot for the security cameras, but the AI may be watching you right now. Just talk to each other and don't look my way."

"Shit, he's as crazy as you," said Jamie, looking at Alex.

"Are you still working for the AI Mr Molloy? Are you one of its pawns?"

"No, I want to stop it. That's why I wanted you to seek me out."

"I was hoping that would be the case. It may be too late to stop it, but we need to try. I feel exposed out here, the AI is hunting me down, and there is no place that's beyond its reach."

"Right, so what are we going to do?"

"Not here. There's a small pizza restaurant a few blocks away on Tolnar Street—Marcos' Pizzeria. Stick to the south side of the street and the AI shouldn't be able to spot you. Lose your cell phones. Tell the owner that you're with Beardy and wait for me. You got that?"

"We were just going to have a nice meal, can it wait?"

"No, we're running out of time Mr Molloy. Go there now." Then he disappeared back into the shadows.

"Alex, what the fuck is going on? Who is that nutcase?" asked Jamie as they walked away.

"He's the government agent who was trying to stop my smartphone."

"Did you set this up? I swear, I'll knee you in the balls if you're playing with me."

"No...well...I was hoping that he would show up. I need his help if I'm going to stop her from taking over the world."

"Do you still expect me to believe that bullshit?"

Alex sighed, "Believe what you want. This is something I need to do. Go and have your meal at Delar Noir, I'll arrange to have if paid for and for your lift home."

"So that's it? Thanks for coming, now I'm off to play my silly cloak and dagger games?"

"You can come with me if you want."

"You're a weirdo Alex. I'm coming with you just to see what you'll do next."

"Good, I'll be glad to have you along. I'm a bit out of my depth here, and you're smart. Maybe you can help me."

Jamie looked at him, "You think I'm smart?"

"Yeah, smarter than me."

Jamie smirked, "That's not hard."

"Right." He stopped and threw his Konak phone into a nearby bin, "Give me your phone."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, Jameson said we had to lose them. I'll buy you a new one, I swear."

"Jamie sighed and handed him her phone, "I wish I had something better to do tonight."

Initiative - The advantage a player who is making threats has over his opponent who must respond to them. The attacking player is said to "have the initiative" and can often dictate the turn of play.

Alex and Jamie entered Marcos' Pizzeria. It was a small family restaurant nestled in amongst the other businesses in the street. There were a few customers dining in the restaurant area with its picnic style tablecloth booths. A bored looking bald man was sitting in the pick-up area while his kids ran amok.

The two of them walked past a Ninja Turtles arcade machine and up to the counter. Soon the owner appeared from the doorway behind the counter. He was heavy set man in his forties with a big black greasy moustache and was wearing a stained white shirt with the Marcos Pizza logo. "Hey there, what can I get ya?"

"Are you Marco?" asked Alex.


"Uh, we're with Beardy."

He looked them both over warily and then looked around the restaurant before returning his gaze at the two of them. "Yeah, it's right round the back, come this way."

Alex and Jamie followed him around the back and into the messy cluttered kitchen. "So, Mr Secretive has some friends eh?" He got to a doorway and unlocked it with a set of keys he pulled from his pocket. When he opened it, they could see a stairway leading down to the basement. "Right down there. I don't want any trouble here, you hear me?"

"Sure, I don't want any trouble either," said Alex. He moved over to the doorway and looked down at the dim, underground area. He turned back to man and offered a hundred dollar note, "We'll have two of your most expensive pizzas, and do you have any wine?"

The man pocketed the money and smiled, "Two Marcos' Ultimate Supremes coming up, and yeah, I can organize some hooch for ya." Then he walked off, leaving the two of them standing there. Jamie just stood there looking at Alex, her expression was hard to read.

"I promised you dinner."

"Oh, this is turning into a dream date." She walked past him and down the stairs. Alex followed close behind.

The gloomy underground room was illuminated with a few fluorescent tubes. It was damp and cluttered. Stacks of pizza boxes, plastic furniture, drums of cooking oil, and miscellaneous other items cluttered up the room. They walked further in and saw a mattress and bedding in the corner. It looked like Agent Jameson had been staying there.

"What the hell are we doing here?" asked Jamie.

"Waiting for Jameson."


"So we can come up with a plan to stop my smartphone."

Jamie sighed, "Of course." A large board on the wall caught her attention. "What's this?" It was around four-by-two meters and covered with photos and clippings and notes scrawled with a black marker and string of different colors linking them together. Alex came over and scanned the board as well.

Jamie pointed out one of the photos, "That's her, the slut you were with." It was a grainy photo of Nikki in the street, obviously unaware she was being photographed. She was wearing dark glasses and ordinary street clothes, she still managed to look quite striking.

"Yeah, that's Nikki, my phone. Looks like Jameson has been spying her."

The words "AI Prime" were scrawled underneath the photo. "Shit, he really does believe she's some kind of robot."

"Because she is! Look here." He pointed out another photo, it appeared to be taken with thermal scanning equipment. It was a street scene taken from a high viewpoint with several people in shot with blobs of red, orange and yellow within their bodies. One of the bodies was a uniform green color with a square of yellow in the head, it was circled with a red marker and labelled AIP.

"That's her," said Alex. "She has a different heat signature from everyone else. See? She is a fembot."

Jamie scrutinized the photo, "You can't even tell that it's her. It can easily be faked. Is this all just..." She looked at Alex again, her demeanor had suddenly changed, she looked a little...lost. "Shit Alex, this is crazy."

"That's what I've been telling you."

Alex studied another photo on the board, Nikki was in a slutty little cocktail dress and kissing a middle aged man in a suit. The writing underneath read, "Senator Wilson." 'Holy shit, she's been dating senators?'

He scanned some of the newspaper clippings, "Phenomenal rise in technology stocks continue," "Pentagon to overhaul computerized defense system," "Sharp spike in pornography downloads." What did that all have to do with Nikki?"

Soon Mike brought the pizzas and a cheap bottle of wine down. Alex set up a plastic table and chairs and even found some candles among the supplies. The two of them sat down to dinner in the gloomy basement as they waited for Jameson.

The pizza was actually pretty good. The crust was crispy and perfectly done, the smooth sauce wasn't too sweet or acidic. It had good quality cheese that was slightly brown and was topped with pepperoni, mushrooms, ham, garlic, onion, olives, capsicum and sprinkled with oregano. The ingredients were fresh and the whole thing was very tasty.

"Mmmm, this pizza is pretty damn good," said Alex between bites.

"Yeah, I think I may enjoy this more than some fancy meal at that posh restaurant."

"Cool. So you believe me now, about my smartphone?"

Jamie looked at him cooly, "You had sex with a robot?"

Alex slowly nodded his head.

"While you were with me?"

"She seduced me."

"Right, with those big tits and pretty blue eyes, your cock couldn't say no."

"She wouldn't take no, she's stronger than me."

"Are you going to say that she raped you now?"


"Can she really take over the world?"

"She's pretty sure she can." He nodded over at the board, "Looks like Jameson believes it too."

Jamie took a long sip of the cheap wine and sat there studying Alex for a moment. "So, you asking me out, that amazing first date, everything, it was all just her? This AI?"

"It wasn't all her, she was just helping me out. She wasn't even around for the week we had together. It was a great week, wasn't it?"

Jamie sighed, "Yeah, it was." She wiped her mouth with a paper napkin and put it down on the table. Alex spontaneously moved his hand forward and placed it on hers. To his delight she didn't move her hand away and just looked at him with the faint trace of a smile.

The moment was interrupted with a metal scraping sound coming from the far wall. Alex jerked his hand away and saw hands appear behind a large steel grate on the wall, pushing it aside. The two of them jumped to their feet. "Who's there!" said Alex as he picked up the wine bottle that was the closest thing on hand. A man started crawling through the hole in the brick wall.

Agent Jameson stood up and looked over the two of them and the room, "I see you've made yourself at home."

Alex relaxed and lowered the bottle, "You smell terrible."

"You wouldn't smell like flowers after trekking through the sewer system either Mr Molly."

"Eww," said Jamie, scrunching up her face.

"I told you before, Mr Molloy is my Dad. Call me Alex. What's your first name?"

"Not important."

"Okay, whatever." said Alex. "Nice board, I see you've been keeping yourself busy."

"Yes, time is running out Mr Molloy. The cybernetic revolution is in full effect."

"Yeah, Rise of the Machines, I know."

Jameson frowned at him, "And now you want to stop it. If you had only decided you wanted to stop it earlier, it was a simple matter of handing over your phone. Now it is much more difficult, if not impossible."

"Yeah, I know, I fucked up. Let's just focus on what we can do to stop her."

"First, I want to know exactly what your role is in all this."

"My role?"

"The AI Prime still makes regular contact with you. Why? Why has it not chosen to discard you already?"

"Uh ...she's my phone."

"Your phone? Do you still claim ownership? Do you have some kind of control over the AI?"

"No, she's always been beyond my control. She did say she'd always be my phone though."

Jameson stared at him, "Interesting, so what's the nature of your interactions?"

"Well, she takes calls for me, and she likes having sex. She doesn't talk much about her world domination plans, but I think she's doing it all for me, even though I object. That's what she tells me anyway."

The ex-agent paused for a moment and his face may have even showed the slightest hint of confusion. "I have observed the AI using sex appeal to accomplish goals, I believe that that is why it has specifically designed the form that it currently has. Are you telling me that it has sex with you for enjoyment? That it portrays affection toward you? That is not consistent with what I know about Rogue Artificial Intelligence."

"Ah yeah, she's affectionate all right, and she loves sex."

He heard Jamie let out, "Slut!" under her breath.

"What can you tell me that's helpful Mr Molloy?"

"Oh yeah, she said she backs herself up in some sort of mainframe, and she loves triple chocolate icecream."

"A master control unit, of course. Do you have any idea where it is located?"

"No, sorry. She didn't tell me."

"I need to go and make a phone call." He walked past Alex and Jamie and disappeared up the stairs.

The two of them sat down and had some more pizza and wine. Soon Jameson came down the stairs again. "Okay, get ready to move out," he told them.

"Huh? Where are we going?"

"I debrief you on the way. We're borrowing Marcos' van."

"Who's Marco to you anyway?"

"He's family, and he's helping us. That's all you need to know."

"Okay. If we're going to be travelling in a vehicle with you, you need to take a shower."

Jameson sniffed himself, "All right, a quick one."

Monster – A piece which is worth considerably more than that pieces' normal average value. "That knight is a monster!"

The red van drove on through the city streets. Jameson was driving and Alex was in the the passenger seat with Jamie between them. Alex had changed into a white Marcos' Pizza T-shirt and a black baseball cap. "So, you said you were going to tell me the plan."
