Summer Ch. 07


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He paused to savour the feeling, his fingers moving gently over the springy material, tracing the expanse of hair to the left and right; the division, the line of demarcation between her tummy and her sex, between intimate exploration and final intimacy, between experimentation and penetration. Sue watched the fingers in mounting anticipation, moving across the material covering her mound, casually exploring, moving ever closer to her sex.

His fingers spread outward, covering the narrowing shape of her pubic mound. Slipping slightly sideways to find the line between the material of her knickers and the crease where her legs join her hips, the soft skin close to her sex; His hand covered her mound and paused again, feeling the shape of her, a small pause on the threshold of commitment, a last chance to halt. Sue watched the hand and licked her lips. He rubbed lightly across the shape of her slightly raised mound, a small circular movement of his whole hand, before very slowly and very deliberately, like the sun setting in the west, it slid gently down between her open legs.

Sue had lain silently beneath the stranger's hand, her legs open, as his had first exposed her and then moved relentlessly down over her stomach. Lying as she was she could not have closed her legs even had she wanted. As his fingers gained her mound she felt her legs tremble slightly, whether in anticipation or in fear she was not sure. His hand was remorseless, moving intimately over her, exploring her pubic mound, touching the tender skin where her knickers met her legs. The muscles in her legs flexed as if unsure if she should allow this very personal intrusion; but then she stiffened as his fingers finally slid down between her legs, moulding themselves to the obvious shape of her lips, his fingers probing gently at the thin material covering her sex.

I watched all this happen. As his hand slipped between her legs she squirmed a little in her seat, whether to make herself more comfortable or to aid his exploration I was not sure; but she never made a sound, her eyes fixed on the hand moving down between her legs. She jumped slightly as the hand settled over her sex, his fingers flexing slightly as they explored the soft shape beneath. Now completely confident that there would be no resistance to any further advances, the stranger moved his hand back up over her stomach to the waistband of her knickers. He fumbled for a second before his hand slipped easily down inside. He paused for a moment, as if overwhelmed by this actual moment of conquest, before his hand, clearly visible beneath the stretched thin material, slowly and silently moved down across her stomach, across her pubic hair, to finally settle between her legs.

I heard Sue's brief intake of breath as his hand closed over her naked sex. She was now his. I knew from experience that once his fingers touched her she would not resist; once she had allowed him possession of her sex she had completely surrendered her young body and her will, to his tender mercies.

His hand stopped as he absorbed and savoured the warmth and slick wetness beneath his fingers. Then he began to move, exploring her intimately. I could clearly see his fingers as they slowly traced the outline of her lips, gently opening her up. He was in no hurry, his fingers exploring at leisure. I could almost see his long manicured fingers, moving slowly in the warm darkness beneath the soft material of her knickers, moving up between her gradually opening lips. He was being very gentle with her; he was making love to Sue in the darkness.

I clearly saw him curl his hand as his finger dipped slowly into her sex. Sue inhaled sharply but made no other move. He withdrew his finger and then equally slowly, pushed it back deep inside her. She was obviously wet as his finger slid easily in and out. Sue bit her lip but never made a sound. I took her hand in mine and the stranger smiled. She looked at me and flashed the briefest of smiles before returning her eyes to the screen. The stranger and I had long ago given up any pretence of watching the film.

The stranger now began to move over his conquest with an easy confidence. Removing his hand from between her legs he leaned forward and taking hold of the waistband of her knickers, he carefully began to work them down over her hips, pulling them down side by side. Sue glanced at me and then raised her hips slightly so that he could slide them under her bottom and down over her thighs, then closed her legs slightly so that he could push them over her knees. I leaned forward and helped from my side and her knickers slid over her knees and down to her ankles. The stranger nodded his thanks; his eyes reflecting the light from the screen, making them appear to shine in the dark. Sue looked at me as I helped the stranger unclothe her but her eyes reflected nothing that I could see.

Now naked from the waist down Sue opened her legs again and the stranger leaned closer to get a better look at her young body. Sue lay quietly while he gently pushed her knees apart with his hands to open them, stretching them as far as they would go. With her legs open her sex glistened in the faint light. The stranger breathed a small sigh of contentment, an almost silent mark of approval, as he gazed down upon her. He ran his hands slowly over her legs, feeling the texture of her young skin. He caressed her hips and the smooth, taught, fullness of her stomach. He moved his fingers through her pubic hair, watching it spring back as his fingers passed. Finally he dipped his fingers into the wetness of her sex, causing her to draw a breath. Smiling he raised his glistening finger to his nose and inhaled the scent of her before licking her juices from his wet fingers.

We were all so engrossed that we never noticed the Usher, making his rounds of the balcony seats, until he was standing there at the side of us. The sudden torchlight blinded us and Sue gave a small cry of surprise and fear, struggling to free her hands to pull her skirt down but surprise had frozen me and I did not release her. There was silence for a moment as the usher played his small beam of light over each of the three of us in turn before finally coming to rest on Sue, almost laying flat on the seat between us. From her face he slowly moved the beam down over her upper body, over her bunched up skirt, to finally stop where the stranger still sat with his hand between her naked legs,

Sue and I had frozen in shock and fear but the stranger never seemed to flinch, he looked up, beyond the light; as if trying to see into the eyes of the Usher almost invisible in the darkness, eyes that were further lost beneath the brim of his peaked uniform cap. The Usher never moved, his torch remained fixed between Sue's naked legs. Leaning slightly forward the stranger again pushed open Sue's reluctant legs to fully expose her glistening sex. Sue feebly tried to pull her skirt down to cover her nakedness but the stranger stayed her hand and pushed her skirt back up onto her hips. Almost casually he opened her legs as far as they would go, exposing her completely to the Ushers unseen gaze. Using two fingers the stranger opened the lips of her sex, the shiny pink coral of her erect clitoris stood out clearly between his fingers.

The torchlight never wavered, highlighting her wet sex. It shone starkly and obscenely in the small white circle of light, like the spot lit star of some very private stage show. The stranger looked back up at the usher and nodded briefly, smiling, as though some unsaid message was passing between them. Finally, as if reaching a decision, the beam wavered a moment and then, almost reluctantly, moved away from her opened sex, back to Sue's ashen face. "Are you alright young lady?" He asked quietly. Sue nodded without looking at him.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." She answered her voice small and distant.

"Is this man bothering you at all?" He asked.

"No." She coughed a little, trying to keep her voice from breaking.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Her answer was barely audible, little more than a whisper.

The light was extinguished. The Usher paused for moment and then turned and walked back up the aisle; presumably quietly resuming his rounds. The stranger smiled at no-one in particular and then hung his head slightly, his hands still between Sue's open legs. Sue looked at me and shrugged slightly. I looked over my shoulder. The Usher had disappeared.

The three of us sat unmoving; Sue naked from the waist down, gripping my hand tightly, the stranger with his hand still between her open legs; a strange parody of the three wise monkeys. Slowly, as the shock and tension left her, Sue began to relax her grip on my hand. I looked at the stranger and then followed the direction of his gaze; he was looking at his hand between Sue's legs and realised that he was lightly moving his fingers, gently stroking her sex.

She sighed and despite the recent trauma, the gently stroking finger seemed to be relaxing her and she slowly opened her legs a little further. As her legs opened I could see the stranger's index finger was now slowly travelling the length of her sex, lightly pressing down between her slickly glistening lips. Sue shuddered and settled back lower in her seat, almost horizontal, her slowly gazing eyes only just able to see over the seat in front at the shadowy characters on the screen.

The stranger continued to gently stroke his finger through the folds of her sex. Taking his time, feeling the little movements his fingers were causing in the beautiful young woman who had again opened her legs to him. He was stroking her so very slowly, delicately, his fingers delving centimetre by centimetre deeper between her slick, wet lips. Sue sighed and arched her hips slightly, looking to take him deeper inside her but as she rose to them the fingers retreated and she settled back with a barely audible groan.

The stranger smiled and pressed the length of his middle finger down between her lips, opening them, filling the length of her. I watched him linger for a moment, savouring the feeling as his finger absorbed the liquid heat of her sex. As her lips wrapped themselves around the intrusive digit he placed his ring and index fingers either side of her kips and gently squeezed them together, pressing her lips in against the hardness of his finger in the middle. Sue shuddered and her eyes closed. Slowly his middle finger sank further inside her and his other fingers closed her lips behind it, sealing him inside her.

I saw the muscles in Sue's legs tense and tremble slightly as she absorbed the movement of the stranger's finger inside her. From the shape of his hand I could see that the stranger was moving his finger inside her; and with every movement Sue's hips rose slightly to meet the movement. His hand moved slowly, small circular movements with his middle finger buried deep inside her. I could hear Sue's breathing slowly change as the liquid friction between her legs began to move her towards her inevitable climax.

Sue was vainly trying to fight the growing pressure between her legs, the stranger's finger causing her occasionally to whimper slightly like a child in the middle of a deep dream. Her legs flexed as the finger delved deeper into her. The stranger slipped a second finger inside her and Sue groaned softly. I watched her beautiful face as she struggled to keep from crying out. The stranger was skilfully and patiently taking her higher with every movement of his fingers inside her. Slowly the slight trembling in her hips spread to her legs; her hips rising to meet the steady movements of the fingers that were buried deep inside her, filling her sex. Her eyelids fluttered as she fought to control the sensations that were washing through her. She gripped my hand almost painfully as the bright, fierce surge of her climax began to shout for release.

Suddenly her climax was upon her and her hips thrust up at the stranger's fingers, trying to draw them deeper into the centre of her open sex. The grip of her hand threatened to crush the bones in my fingers and she cried out as the sensations exploded inside her. She arched her body up off the seat, a perfect backbreaking arc, every muscle taught, tight as a drawn bowstring. For a few seconds she held the pose, arched in the moment of passion; a moan strained through her throat, even her voice locked tight, a rigour mortis of passion, a mini death.

The fierceness of her climax took me by surprise; every fibre of her being was locked into the sensation, obliterating everything in its intensity. Then it was over and as if someone had pulled a plug and she was deflating, Sue slowly collapsed back into her seat. Mini climaxes washed through her and she shuddered with each one, each slightly less intense than the one before, until she lay there, limp as a rag doll, soft as a sleeping child.

Both the stranger and I stared silently at her as she lay quietly in her seat; her chest heaving as she tried to get her breathing under control. The strangers hand was still between her legs and I could see his fingers making small, gentling, movements; calming rather than exciting. He was smiling in a small protective way as his eyes roved over her recumbent form. Never had I seen her look more vulnerable than she did at that moment.

I could not simply watch anymore. Reaching over I pushed the strangers hand away and ran my finger through her sex to feel her wetness. The stranger watched as I touched her again, feeling her wetness, my fingers slipping between her lips. The stranger smiled and for a moment his hand joined mine between her legs, our fingers wetly touching at the lips of her sex.

A glimmer of sudden light off to my side brought me back to the moment. The exit curtain opened and the woman who sells ice creams and soft drinks during the intermission pushed her way through the heavy material and made her way down the centre aisle to the front. The film was coming to an end.

As if waking, Sue slowly struggled to sit upright and to pull her scattered senses together. The stranger removed his hand from between her legs with obvious reluctance as though not wishing to relinquish his privileged and coveted position. Sitting up she pushed her skirt down, smoothing the material over her thighs as the credits began to roll on the screen in front of us. She leaned forward and reaching down pulled her knickers back up her legs, lifting her hips to slide them up over her hips. As the lights came up she shook her head and smoothed her fingers through her hair. "Think I need the toilet," she said brightly and I stood to let her past.

The stranger got up without speaking and left by the other end of the row. I watched him queue to buy some tubs of ice cream from the lady with the tray and then make his way back to his seat. He sat down heavily and passed me a tub. "Everyone likes ice cream," he said to my unasked question. I nodded and opened it, taking a spoonful with the flat wooden spoon provided. The stranger sat back and looked slightly sideways at me. "She's a beauty." He said and I nodded noncommittally in response. "Girlfriend?" He asked.

"Girl friend." I confirm, not really sure myself.

"Did you mind what we were doing?" He asked. I paused, I wasn't sure about this either; these events were outside my experience and without Sue and I's relationship being defined I was at a loss about how to react.

"It's her choice," I said at last, "if she objects I will stop it."

"Quite right." He said and with obvious relish he placed another spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. "Then we had better make sure she enjoys it and does not object hadn't we?" I did not answer. "She certainly is a beauty." He repeated almost to himself.

"That she is." I echoed.

"Can I ask a somewhat delicate question?" He asked leaning towards me conspiratorially.

"No she won't." I said flatly, anticipating the question. "She's a virgin and I certainly would draw the line at that."

"Ah!" He said and sat back, looking at me. "Quite right old man, quite right." He took another spoonful of his ice cream. "Not seen her breasts though have we?" He said looking at me.

"I have." I said somewhat spitefully; and then immediately regretted it, feeling childish and out of my depth; wishing he would stop the conversation.

"Quite," he answered, "perhaps we may all get the chance later."

"That's her choice." I answered.

"Quite," he responded quietly, "quite"

We sat in silence for ten minutes or so before he craned around to look at the exit behind us. "I wonder where's she is; been gone a long time. They'll be starting the trailers and adverts soon."

"I'll go look for her." I volunteered.

"Ah, no need," he said as the house lights began to fall, "here she is now."

I squeezed my legs in as Sue pushed passed me and plumped herself down in her seat. "Thanks." She said to the proffered tub of ice cream.

"You OK?" I asked. She smiled sweetly and opening her tub she scooped up some ice cream, rolling it around her mouth with her tongue.

"Fine. Looking forward to the next film. It should be a good one." I smiled at her and wondered if she was actually talking about the film.

We sat in silence eating our ice creams as the trailers and ads came and went. We abandoned the empty tubs at our feet and settled back as the lights came up and then immediately went down again. The overture for the next feature filled the cinema.

Sue quickly slid down in her seat almost immediately, lying almost flat, obviously ready and eager for whatever would happen next. She reached out and took hold of my hand, squeezing briefly, reassuring me that she was OK with this. Her eyes were alive with excitement as she tried to pretend to concentrate on the film which had just started, as though by the pretence she can absolve herself from responsibility over what was about to happen to her.

The movement was not lost on the stranger. This time there was no preamble, no hesitancy or pretence. Almost as soon as the lights had dimmed he leaned over Sue and taking hold of the hem of her skirt, he raised it up to her waist and smoothed it down, exposing her legs and knickers in the one movement.

Sue looked up at the two faces hovering above her in the semi darkness. Our heads almost touching as we leaned over her, I to watch and he to action. Leaning together, creating a small tent of intimacy in which intimacy could take place. "May I?" the stranger asked and without waiting for an answer, he ran his hands appreciatively up and down her long slim legs and over the front of her cotton knickers.

A small sigh escaped her as the stranger again briefly traced the outline of her sex through the thin material. He pulled on the waistband of her knickers, "Shall we have these off?" he asked quietly. Sue lifted her hips slightly and the knickers slid down under her bottom and down her legs. He opened her legs fully to inspect her sex. He touched her briefly and she stiffened. Moving his inspection higher he brushed up her public hair with his fingertips. "Beautiful," he breathed softly. "Quite beautiful." Sue smiled slightly at the compliment. "And the skirt I think," he said quietly. Sue threw me a quick glace as, without a word, she lifted her hips so that her skirt could join her knickers around her ankles. I noticed her kick the skirt and knickers clear of her ankles to enable her to better open her legs,

Sitting back he smoothed his hands over her naked lower body, "Absolutely wonderful," he said again to himself. "Do you know that you really are a most beautiful young woman my dear?" Sue quickly looked at him and smiled faintly before refocusing her already unfocussed eyes on the film. The stranger's hands continued to drift slowly over her legs, thighs and hips; stroking, touching, causing Sue to stir softly in her seat.