Summer Ch. 07


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He sat back slowly in his chair, his hand still softly caressing Sue's breast. He sighed and ran his hand down over her ribcage and onto her stomach. His hand flowed over her skin, his fingers following the shape of stomach, dipping briefly into her belly button and on, down to the line of her pubic hair.

He spread his fingers through the small bush of blonde curly hair, luxuriating in the feel. Then slowly, as if drawn by an invisible thread, his hand slid slowly down between her open legs, cupping her sex, feeling the warmth emanating from her. He closed his eyes for a moment as if trying to capture the feeling and lock it away forever in his memory.

His middle finger slowly .traced the shape of her lips, sliding softly over the sticky wetness, opening her as he passed. Sue stirred quietly, almost as if asleep. His finger moved inside her and he smiled as her warmth folded in around it. He gently inserted another finger. A slight movement of her hips was all that indicated that she was even aware of the fingers so softly insinuating themselves into her sex. Moving his finger he slowly and gently explored her, taking his time, committing every part to memory.

Slowly he withdrew, drawing his fingers up through her sex to the top, exposing her small, sleeping clitoris. Even in the dim light I could see it, sleeping softly between his open fingers. Sue's eyelids fluttered briefly and then closed as his finger gently stroked the small nub of sensitive flesh. A small groan escaped her but her eyes did not open again. She just lay there, spent and open, arms spread out, legs wide apart, while the stranger quietly, intimately, moved across her open sex.

His finger drew small little circles over her clitoris, an almost continuous, slow, figure of eight. Sue groaned slightly but otherwise did not move. The stranger continued his soft, slow manipulations between her legs, taking his time, loving the feeling of his fingers floating over her swelling and hardening clitoris

The stranger kept up the steady manipulation between Sue's legs, building the pressure within her with infinite slowness. Suddenly she grunted and tried to close her legs but her position and the chair back stopped her. She raised her upper body slightly as a subdued climax washed over her. She moved her hand over his to try to stop his fingers moving but at a nod from him I took her hand and held in mine; he did the same with her other hand. Sue collapsed back into the seat as his fingers slowed a little but otherwise kept up the same soft, insistent rhythm. Sue moaned quietly and moved her head softly from side to side but then settled down again as the feelings between her legs reclaimed her.

That is how we passed the remainder of the film, Sue skipping from one small climax to another as the strangers fingers continued to stroke between her legs. As the pressure built she would softly climax and then fall back, waiting for his fingers to take her onto the next. She was totally spent and completely pliable, a beautiful naked doll with her legs open and the strangers fingers gently moving between her legs.

She did not stir at all; she had gone beyond her limits. How many times she climaxed I have no idea; she just kept coming under the strangers skilful fingers, all small, all soft, skipping from climax to climax like a stone across water.

Eventually the sound of gunshots from the film soundtrack brought us back to reality. On screen a celluloid figure died dramatically and someone wrested a smoking gun from the heroines hysterical grip. At the sound the stranger reluctantly withdrew his fingers from between Sue's open legs. He ran his hand over her recumbent form for a last time, caressing her breast, rolling her nipple gently between his fingers. He stroked her face, "Come on Sue, my beautiful little nymph," he whispered, "I'm afraid it's time to get dressed."

Returning slowly from wherever her multiple orgasms had taken her Sue opened her eyes and slowly focussed on the stranger. As her awareness of her surroundings grew she looked around her and a little startled, she sat up.

"The film is over," I finally whispered, releasing her hand. She shook her head and pulled her blouse across her chest, her eyes focussing on the credits beginning to roll on the screen. Pulling her bra down over her breasts she leaned forward and I reached behind and fastened it. Finding her skirt and knickers at her feet she quickly pulled them up; lifting her bottom to get them over her hips. As the house lights came up she fumbled with the buttons on her blouse. In all but a few moments Sue's beautiful body had disappeared back beneath her clothes. The beautiful, naked, wanton Sue had evaporated and respectability had emerged like rabbit from a hat.

I looked around, the few other couples scattered throughout the arae seemed to going through their own brushing down and buttoning up routines, no one had any eyes for us. Sue blinked and seemed a little dazed, as if confused by the sudden lights and the rapid change from nymph to normal. She patted herself down as if searching for something. She checked to see if she had her shoes on, felt at her hips to ensure her knickers were in place, her clothes straight and all fastened. Eventually she sat back and took a deep breath. "Ready?" she asked at last. If you had looked at her you would never have suspected that mere minutes before she was lying almost naked in her seat, eyes closed as she skipped from climax to climax. I shook my head in wonder.

The stranger and I nodded and the three of us stood and made our way out of the cinema in silence. When we reach the street the stranger took Sue's arm and led her away a couple of paces. He spoke earnestly to her for a minute or so and then pressed something into her hand. He turned and walked over to shake my hand, formalities had returned and needed to be observed. He offered a somewhat embarrassed 'goodbye '. He looked at Sue and seemed about to say something but thought better of it and simply raised his hat to her. He nodded slightly, "I would not have missed it for the world," he said,

"Thank you." Sue mumbled, looking down at her feet and blushing. With nothing left to say the stranger turned and walked briskly away. We stood together and watched him go.

Dodging cars and pedestrians we had to run for our bus which had just pulled up across the street. Jumping aboard we made our way upstairs and sat down at the back. Sue looked out of the window in silence. "Are you OK?" I eventually asked as the bus pulled away.

She nodded, "Fine."

I looked at her, "What did he say to you at the end there? He obviously did not want me to hear."

"He gave me his business card with his telephone number on it," she held out her hand to show me the small, white embossed card with the bank's logo on it, it was already creased from her hand. "He said if I wanted to go to the pictures again anytime to give him a ring. His home number is on the back." She turned the card over to show me the number written in a small neat script on the back.

"Are you going to ring him?" I asked. Sue shrugged and turned back to look out of the window.

We made the rest of the journey in silence, both lost in our own thoughts. By unspoken mutual consent we got off at the bus outside the local pub. I went inside and bought the beers. Leaving the noise of the pub behind we seated ourselves on the wall outside. The soft, warm, evening air settled around us.

Unsure of what to say we again sat in silence for while. "What happened this evening?" I eventually asked.

Sue looked down into her drink; she had obviously been expecting the question and had been thinking about it for a while. "He was a nice man." She said. "When we were talking to him I though he seemed very lonely, I liked him."

"He certainly liked you. He showed that in no uncertain terms."


I laughed in the best nonchalant manner I could muster, it even rang hollow in my ears, "No, of course not, why should I be?"

"Just a thought." She inspected her beer for a second, "He was kind and he seemed safe. I felt OK with him; and ... I guess it was just so exciting, you know, just being wanted. I could feel his need."

"We could all feel his need," I responded sarcastically. Sue looked hurt and I immediately backtracked, "Sorry, maybe I am a bit jealous."

"It was knowing that he wanted me, that I excited him, that was just so exciting. The cinema, the hands in the darkness, the fact that he was a stranger, lonely, all of the above...." She tailed off with a hopeless shrug of her shoulders.

I looked at her; she was obviously struggling to come to terms with what had happened as much as I was. "I guess the main thing is, 'Did you enjoy it?'" I asked, trying to make her smile.

"Yes," she said seriously, "I thought it was wonderful. I loved it," Then perhaps she saw my face fall and added, "but I also knew that you were there to protect me. That's why I felt so safe, why I did what I did."

We sat for a while and drank our beers in silence.

I tried to find something to talk about. "What took you so long in the interval by the way?" I asked eventually, "You were gone for hours."

"Hmm," she said inspecting her beer even more closely, obviously not sure where to begin or even if she should begin. Eventually she burst out, "It was that bloody Usher!"

I turned to face her. "The Usher? Why, what do you mean?"

"He was waiting for me when I went to the loo."

"Waiting for you? Where? What do you mean?"

"Well, there was no one else around was there?" She was now speaking quickly, he words tumbling over each other in their hurry to be heard. "He grabbed my arm as I went passed his cubicle and just pulled me in before I had realised what was happening." I looked at her incredulously but she quickly rushed on. "He asked me what I had thought I was doing committing an 'indecent act' in a public cinema! He tapped at a notebook in his breast pocket and said he had written it all down for the Police!"


"He said he was going to take me down to see the manager, 'accompany him' I think he said, and then they would call for the Police. Get us all arrested! In my head I knew he was lying but I was still frightened! It was all happening so fast and I was confused! He was talking at me so quickly and he was standing so close; I didn't have time to think! There was no room in that little cubicle. I didn't know what to do. I almost begged him not to call the police, I was nearly crying.

Suddenly he put his hand on my shoulder and told me not to get so upset and that he was sure we could 'work something out'. I sort of sobbed my thanks and then he took his hand off my shoulder and just placed it on my boob! I tried to step back but there was nowhere to go, he had manoeuvred me around so I was standing at the back of his bloody cubicle. I was upset and confused; I asked him what the fuck he thought he was doing?

He laughed and said, "Look, I've just said I'm not calling the police; I'm being nice to you aren't I? Now," he said, squeezing my boob, "you've got to be nice to me. I can easily change my mind you know." He just keep squeezing on my boob, he was beginning to hurt. I tried to think of what to do but he didn't wait; he just yanked my blouse out of my skirt and pushed it up over my boobs; then he pushed my bra up out of the way and before I knew what was happening he was holding my tits and pulling on my nipples! He tried to kiss me but I turned my head away and the next thing I knew he had my boob in his mouth."

I just sat and listened, open mouthed. All this had been happening only yards from where we had been sitting!

"I was scared to make a noise in case someone heard."

I snorted derisively, "I would have thought you wanted someone to hear and come and help! Why didn't you call out?"

"I was frightened and I guess that in the back of my mind there was still the threat of the Police! I've never been in that position before and I never even thought that what he was doing was illegal and would get him into trouble rather than me. Anyway while I was trying to push him away and stop him sucking on my boob he hooked his fingers into the waistband of my skirt and pushed it down to my thighs! I tried to push him away but he was far too strong and it's difficult to fight in that position. As I tried to reach down and pull my skirt back up he grabbed my knickers and pushed then down as well! I did try fighting, honestly I did, but it all happened too fast and he was too strong! Once my skirt and pants were down he pushed his knee between my legs to keep them open." Sue saw the look on my face. "Look!" She said getting angry with me. "You want to try fighting off bloody great slob when you're half bloody naked and trying to keep your balance because you're hobbled by your skirt and knickers! And then he puts his bloody leg between yours!" She took a breath and I shrugged noncommittally. "Anyway," she resumed, taking a deep breath, "he then just sort of pushed his hand up between my legs and grabbed a good feel!" She looked at me, "I kind of gave up fighting then."

I knew that feeling with Sue all too well. Once you had your fingers inside her all fight left her, you could do what you wanted with her. "What happened?" I asked, not really sure that I wanted to know.

"He pushed me up against the back wall of the cubicle and began to move his fingers about inside me. 'It's my turn now,' he said 'the others have had their go.' This guy wasn't taking no for an answer so I just opened my legs so he didn't hurt me. He wasn't messing about and he just carried on fingering me and sucking on my boobs. I was bloody half naked in there! It had all happen so fast! He just kept at me! He kept his fingers inside me for ages. His other hand was all over me, mauling me. I honestly didn't know what to do so eventually, calmly as I could, I said "My friends will be wondering where I am, they'll come looking for me soon," and he suddenly realised I was right and stepped back. He kept me pinned against the wall with one hand and with the other he began to open his flies. I almost yelled at him "Keep that bloody thing away from me! Touch me with that and I'll scream the place down!" I guess I was a little hysterical!

"Perhaps a little late;' I offered, "half naked and pinned to the back of a kiosk in the flicks!"

"Better late than being raped by some pervert in a uniform!" She answered and I nodded, I couldn't argue with the logic. Anyway he grabbed my hand and put it under his coat, his dick was already out and he wrapped my hand around it.

He said, "Toss me off and I'll let you go." I told him to get lost but it was too late, it was in my hand and I wanted to get out of there in one piece."

"So you tossed him off." I finished.

"Yes," she answered quietly. "He let me go then. I almost fell out of the cubicle in my hurry to get passed him. He was cleaning himself up and I was passed him and in the corridor before he could do anything to stop me."

"Still half naked?"

"Dead right! Skirt and knickers down around my knees and my top up over my boobs! Hell of a shock if anyone had been passing but the corridor was empty thank goodness! I ran across the corridor and into the ladies and tried to pull myself together; I knew you'd be wondering where the hell I'd got to. Anyway, by the time I came out he was gone and the lights were going down for the ads!"

"I had no idea! You looked calm enough when you came back."

"I had calmed down by then. I remember thinking what the hell? He had done me no real harm, little more than just copped a quick feel really. And it was partly my fault for getting caught doing what we were doing before."

"And what you were about to do in the second half." I added.

"Yes," she agreed somewhat sheepishly, "and that."

"Because you knew what was going to happen when you came back and the lights went out didn't you?"

"Yes,'" she answered quietly.

"And what happened with the Usher had really turned you on hadn't it?" I asked. Sue looked down at her feet. We had already recognised that Sue was an exhibitionist and that she quite liked being semi-forced to the sex.act.

"Yes," she said with a slight smile, turning the tables, "but what I've also realised is that you enjoy watching me being used don't you?"

It was my turn to smile ruefully, "Yes," I admitted, "I love watching you."

"With other men?"

"You're talking about tonight now aren't you? You're not talking about 'the lads' are you? I've seen the lads climb all over you."

"I'm talking about tonight, strangers. Did you enjoy watching that?"

"In truth I'm not sure." Sue looked at me strangely.


I tried to change the subject; I did not want to get drawn into a discussion about how I felt about all this. "You seem happy enough with what went on tonight -- even taking in to account episode in the cubicle with the Usher! And that makes two strangers in one evening! Quite an exciting turn of events for one quiet trip to the cinema."

"Too bloody true. I can't believe I actually did all that! Any of it! And in the cinema too!." She said shaking her head and grinning from ear to ear. Then she stopped and turned to face me, suddenly serious, "Are you really alright with what happened? I wouldn't want this to affect us. I didn't really think about it when it was happening, I guess it was all too exciting; but I'm worried now."


"About you."

I thought about it for a second. "I guess I'm OK with it. It's your body and you can do what you want with it. You don't need my permission."

"I don't need your permission, I want your approval."

"Ah," I said quietly, "I probably need some time to think about that." She nodded and looked at me strangely, almost regretfully. We finished our beer in silence and I helped her down off the wall. "Home?" I asked and she nodded and we set off down the street, Sue tightly holding onto my arm.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Marvelous story and very well written. I thought the story could have ended somewhat differently though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


it was completely the strangers and sams fault for not releasing her hands to cover herself when the usher came

she says that the stranger was kind i kind man would not showoff her to usher

she says sam will protect her lol sam never protected her he actually pimped her

he is blaming her for usher to almost rape her

whereas he and his friends finger raped her so many times

whats qualifies him to think he or his friend is entitled to her body

sam never bothered he never stopped when she said no during her finger rape ordeals

how hypocriric are all the male characters in your stories sam and the other guys and the strangers

all of male characters blame and shame the victims when its completely their choice not to rape in first place whether its alan and his friends ,sam ,the stranger,the usher or the lads

yankinenglandyankinenglandabout 11 years ago
Very Erotic

This is the kind of writing you do best. Slow and sensual - all the little details of movement and sensation. Really well done! I loved it!

TheTykeTheTykeabout 12 years agoAuthor
Thanks anonymous

I love wet endings, keep reading!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

That was bloody brilliant. Your writing is fantastic. Got me very wet indeed.

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