Summer Storm


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"Ungh..." he groaned deliriously, having difficulty focusing on anything. "No... Not hardly. Maybe... maybe once when..." He broke off and almost mewed in agony as he watched her run a finger through the streaks of cum all over her chest, lifting it to her mouth to taste. He bit his lip, eyes glued to her.

Cassie licked a second fingerfull clean. "This even tastes good," she murmured, but realized that she'd never clean herself like this. His cum tasted good all right... for cum. But she had better things to do that take the time to wipe and lick it all clean. She rose and smiled over her shoulder at him as she stepped out into the torrential downpour. The water thundered down over her, washing away his prodigious output. It had been marvelous, but she wanted to look forward, and she was pretty sure that he was definitely looking forward...

He sank to the bench as she stepped back out of the rain, water cascading off her body. She wrung most of the water out of the ponytail that she always kept her hair in while running, and smiled as she took another step over before him, draping the thick shock of wet hair down over a breast.

He reached out and let a hand brush gently down her hip, muttering, "Fucking incredible."

Her lips curled up at the flattery and she slipped her thumbs under the waistband of her shorts, the only garment either of them still wore.

But he stopped her. "Wait! Please... I love those shorts. Turn around and let me look at you in them before you take them off," he plead.

Arching an eyebrow, Cassie turned around for him. She had never had a guy beg her to not take off her pants before. With her ass turned full on to him, he reached out both hands and grabbed her hips, stoping her rotation. "Oh-h-h-h-h," he moaned in a stutter, as he ran his fingers over the tight curves of her ass in the elastic fabric of the shorts. She looked over her shoulder and saw him as he leaned forward, rubbing his cheek against the outer curve of hers. Then he dragged the tip of his nose across her glutes and rubbed the other side of his face up and down her other hip. She felt her flesh quivering in appreciation of his touch.

"Thank you. Is it still okay to take them off?" the redhead asked her breathlessly, placing his hands with infinite restraint on her hips, fingers brushing the waistband. Cassie was almost vibrating by now and only nodded wordlessly. He hooked his fingers into the elastic and tugged downward slowly. He hissed as her bare cheeks emerged from their confinement and he accelerated their passage down her legs. She almost involuntarily lifted one ankle and pulled her leg free. Rather than letting the shorts fall to the increasingly muddy grass at their feet, she lifted her other ankle and pulled them free. As she was tossing the wet wad of lycra behind her onto the other end of the bench with her top, she suddenly jumped and squeaked.

He had bitten her ass!

It was just a nip, but this was new to her. She twisted around quickly to sort of glare at him, but she did not feel inclined to turn her backside away.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed. "But damn... how the fuck is your ass shaped better bare than in those absolutely banging shorts?" He grinned at her. "I just... needed to take a nibble."

It had been just a nibble. And it had felt surprising... not bad.

However, things were moving at the speed of, well, lightning here, and she felt the need to put down a firm marker before something happened to make it awkward. "I'm, like, really not into butt stuff," she said, with gentle finality.

"Oh, hey, me either," he protested quickly. But then he nipped her ass again, on the other cheek! It wasn't any harder than the first time, and her glutes clenched with another thrill. "At least... not the big butt stuff," he added puckishly.

She turned around, slower than her words would indicate as she said, "I think I'd better turn around before you get any... munchier."

He just chuckled as she faced him, her waist still at his eye level. He let a hand drift up the inside of her thigh. "Oh, I don't know," he drawled, "I'm still feeling pretty munchie from this direction..."

"Oh yeah? I think I'm starting to really like you," she chuckled. A fresh clap of thunder came from not too far away to the East. There was still more storm coming. "See? You have me all safe-feeling. I almost didn't jump at that one."

"Too bad," he snorted, looking up halfway to her face. "You look fucking amazing when you jump..."

In appreciation of the joke and the compliment, Cassie bounced on her toes for him—just once. Then she grabbed his wrist and tugged him to his feet. In the same movement, she sat herself on the bench in turn. "I think I'd better defend my backside from your munchies!"

He just leered at her and bent his russet-haired head before her. He started to sink to his knees and she spread her legs a bit in reply. But then he hesitated and straightened. He grabbed her hands and pulled her upward. Confused, Cassie started to stand, but he said, "No. Don't stand. I just want you to sit up on top of the backrest instead." He lifted his feet in alternation and they squelched audibly. He shrugged. "It's getting awfully muddy to kneel on the ground right here."

Cassie smiled hungrily and stepped backward onto the bench. She sank to the top edge of the backrest, which was thankfully sturdily made of four by fours and didn't dig into the backs of her thighs very much. She grabbed one of the shelter supports to make sure she stayed upright, and let her legs spread out even further.

"I like where you are going, Mister," she purred.

"Yeah?" he replied in a low growl. "I hope you are going to like it a lot more when I get there," he added as he knelt one knee on the seat of the bench and bent once more between her legs.

Cassie shaved down there quite religiously, and she silently gave thanks that this morning had been no exception. She looked down at the tangle of red hair which was slowly moving up between her legs, his lips kissing along her inner thigh in slow progression. She reached out and ran her fingers through his damp mop. Even totally wet, his hair still blazed red. He was so fucking hot.

Thought of his hair went out the window as he reached his destination and kissed his way, just as softly, up and down her smooth expanse. Then he repeated the passage, only this time the tip of his tongue dragged the route a bit more robustly. Cassie shivered a little, then a lot as he pressed that tongue inside her, working her gently open.

"Mmmm," he sounded, savoring her. His tongue pressed deeper, almost corkscrewing in its dominating progress. Her fingers were almost instantly white on the support pole as her body tried to fall backward.

A simple, "Oh," quiet and high pitched, leapt from her mouth, but that sound signaled multitudes. She was so goddamned ready to come by now, he could have held still just like this and she'd have gotten off on his extended tongue all by herself in no time.

But of course, he had no intention of holding still!

His tongue slid higher, escaping her depths, and it sought and found her small but currently engorged clit. He stroked it, caressed it, and pressed it with his tongue. Cassie's breathing became dangerously shallow. If she didn't come soon, she might hyperventilate... But she struggled to hold off, to enjoy this as long as she could.

Then she felt a finger lift between her legs and press into her moist depths... deep into her depths.

That was it. She could not hold off any longer. She was about to come and... another lighting bolt struck, close enough that the sound followed in less than a second. She jolted in shock and her body instantly came with mind-bending energy, starting before the sound could even arrive. Her vision, blanked by the flash, remained obscured, throbbing from the blue-white of the light, to an internally generated yellow, back to an internally generated replica of the bolt. She shrieked loudly, the kind of scream that in this park, even as far from homes as they were, would probably have produced a call or three to the police, had the sound of it not been smashed into oblivion by the thundering cascade. She utterly lost her breath, struggling and barely managing to collect any oxygen after her cry of passion. Her death-grip on the pole slipped, and she started to tumble backward uncontrollably. Before she could even register what was happening and start to flail, his free hand shot out and clamped onto her other wrist, the hand of which she discovered was tangled in his sexy hair. He instantly righted her, all while keeping his tongue on her button.

"Fuuuuck," she groaned heavily. "Fuck," she said again, wriggling against his still vigorous stimulation. She rode the wave for a few moments before it became too much. Her hand, the one that had slipped and had been waving around desperately, reached down and pushed his head away from its glorious position between her legs. "Enough," she gasped. "Have mercy!"

Cassie slid forward off the back of the bench and downward, legs wrapping around his thigh that knelt on the bench. He straightened out of the way as she did so, and they found themselves face to face. She swiftly took advantage of that and kissed him. Hard. He kissed her back, so firmly that tongues simply could not come into play. Both of his hands leapt to her breasts, kneading at them with barely restrained eagerness.

She gasped for breath, and resumed her kiss gently enough to finally employ her tongue against his lips. He eagerly opened his own and she delved swiftly into his mouth. They kissed and felt each other up almost frantically for a few minutes, then Cassie suddenly broke off the contact between their lips.

"At this moment," she said with breathless seriousness, "the most important thing in the world that I can think of to say is that I have a contraceptive implant."

A laugh burst from his mouth through lips that, if possible, were now smiling even more eagerly than before she spoke. "Extraordinarily good to know," he practically purred.

With that, he pulled his leg off the bench and slid her hips forward to the edge, with her ass only half on the seat. He slid instantly to his knees with a splash and pressed his hips forward, letting his tumescent head come to rest against her swollen, still lightly spread, labia.

"Hey," Cassie exclaimed quickly, "I thought that you didn't want to kneel in the muck!"

"For this," he purred on, "I'd swim in the swamp."

Her hands went to his hips and pulled them toward her. If his cock had ever gone soft, that time had most definitely passed. His hard shaft slid into her in a smooth motion, slowing as it encountered her tightness. He paused, then pressed in deeper. She cried out happily as he explored her depths.

His thrusts drove into her and she rocked her hips up and down to increase the amount of her that he was stroking.

It felt incredible. Fortunately they had both already come, or she doubted that either of them would have lasted a second. He drove into her with smooth, natural--not mechanical, regularity. Cassie just held onto his hips and reveled in the ride. She had not until that very moment realized that there could be real skill and artistry to the simple, delicious act of driving a cock into her, but this guy was indeed an artist.

For minutes, the rain thundered down around them as he rode her. Perhaps she was riding him? It was hard to distinguish since Cassie felt so in sync with her amazing, copper-topped stranger. His thrusts became fiercer, more assertive, and her body responded in kind. Her nails dug into the flesh of his hips, at one point digging so hard, she caught a wince on his face. She quickly relaxed her fingers... a little.

But his breathing was becoming labored, not the shortness of imminent orgasm, but the oxygen-sucking scratch of an exhausted runner who sprinted too far before the finish line. Cassie most definitely could not have that.

Releasing her grip on his hips, she gently slid her hands over his ass, squeeing it gently and pulling him into her, but resisting any retreat. "Slow down," she said, kissing him softly. Then she pulled him fully into her and held him still. He panted around her mouth, unwilling to stop kissing her. They 'rested' like that for a bit, his hands exploring the firmness of her tits and his cock occasionally throbbing happily inside her.

Tentatively, Cassie pushed him off of her. His hips were reluctant to be moved, but he seemed overall willing to go with whatever she was up to. They slid to their feet, his member sliding slickly free of her and bouncing upward. No exhaustion there! Once again they embraced, making out slowly as she felt his breath recover.

Finally, with a huge, happy, deep breath, he simply said, "Thanks," meaning for the break that she had just orchestrated.

Cassie just smiled, kissed him, and asked, "Ready to come inside me?" He just grinned.

They seemed to have the same idea of what to do next, and his hands twisted her hips just as she had begun to turn them anyway. She faced the bench and knelt on the edge of the seat, bracing herself against the sturdy back.

He knelt down and bit her ass again!

"Hey!" she laughed!

"Sorry," he non-apologized. "It's just such a fucking amazing backside. I'll make it better," he added, then ran his slick cock over and back across the spot where he had bitten her. She wiggled her butt in reply.

"Good recovery, but this is not getting the job done," Cassie said back over her shoulder with a grin. "Please get back on task!"

"Yes, ma'am!" He saluted with a matching smile. Then, takings his rod in his hands, he bent his knees slightly and tilted it between her legs. Cassie kept watch over her shoulder as his cock disappeared from her view, then relaxed her neck, turning away as she felt him slide back within her.

This time entering her was much easier, of course, but they both still groaned in unison at the sensation. He paused to caress her ass for a moment, then he began to fuck her once more. Cassie was instantly moaning at the sensation of the new angle of his entry, along with the sudden resumption of penetration.

Leaning over the back of the bench like this, her face was almost out from under cover, and water from the heavy, wind-blown mist was soon cascading down it. Rather than being irritated anymore at the rain, Cassie just closed her eyes and tilted up her head into it, letting the water run down her face as she moaned to the sensation of being filled so expertly from behind.

A hand slid up her back from her ass as he leaned forward, changing his angle wonderfully yet again. He slid his fingers down around her body and under her, first caressing, then desperately clutching at her dangling, swaying softness. "Ohhhhhh...." Cassie sighed.

"I have... two very... important questions," he asked, his face bent over her and close to the back of her head. His words came with each thrust, pausing during each withdrawal.

"Questions? Now?" Cassie asked wildly, fearing another interruption. She was starting to get a little mentally disorganized. She was close...

"No time... like the... present," he replied, his own voice getting a little short of breath once more. "First... Will you... go to dinner... with me... Friday?"

"Sure, ungh," Cassie replied chipperly, trying and failing to sound no different than if they had been talking in a coffee shop. "What... ohhhhh, fucking hell that is good... What... time?"

"Great... How about... seven?" he exclaimed. They both were having fun trying to pretend this was a normal negotiation over a first date, and not one held near the peak of intercourse. They failed, but they tried.

"I'll give you, oh wow... wow wow wow... my address later," Cassie gasped.

"Good... idea," he grunted in reply.

"That's one question," Cassie went on, pausing to blow her mouth free of a sudden increase in the rain running down across it. "What's your second question? Be quick, because I may, oooooh, start screaming at any moment." She was not kidding. Every muscle in her body was twitching, each seemingly ready to leap off in its own direction when the orgasm she felt building finally let fly.

"What's... your name?" he groaned.

Cassie just laughed... and that did her in. In a flash, the trembling of laughter in her abdomen transformed as it moved lower, and she was coming.

Her muscles, poised for some time now to spasm in all directions did just that. Every drop of rain or mist that struck her was ecstasy. Her laugh transformed into a wild, "Eaughhhh," of delight and release.

Her head dipped for just a moment as the wave passed, but she was instantly aware that he was still hammering into her. His hand, which has clung to her breast through her entire wave of release now pinched her nipple, tugging it downward.

She came again, slamming her ass backward against his thrusts, feeling herself ripple internally around his stimulating invader.

He rode her bucking form beneath him, relentlessly but now raggedly thrusting into her.

Suddenly, the hand caressing her breast squeezed.

A deep, wordless moan erupted from his throat, his ragged thrusts morphed into little more than a mighty vibration, and she felt him come within her.

A surge of wetness introduced itself forcefully to her already thoroughly sodden interior, then another followed.

"Ohhhh," came another bellow and Cassie perceived that it had sprung from both their throats, accompanying yet another surge of cum from his dick, planted to the hilt as it was, inside her.

The sensation of yet another blast of cum jetting from him was lost to her before it was over. Her shout of passion devolved into a noise akin to joyful sobs as she was herself taken by yet another wave of ecstasy. Her body no longer had the energy for the spasmodic release that his earlier gifts to her had produced, but that made this one seem so much more overwhelming, subsuming her mind in pure, non-physical waves of pleasure.

Her head drooped. She sagged against the bench. He clung to her, utterly spent as well.

They perched like that in communal recovery. Only his hand still moved, unable to resist continuing to explore the curve of her boob.

"My name is Cassie," she giggled at last.

"Nice to meet you, Cassie. My name is Sean."


Thanks for reading. I hope everybody is enjoying all the entries in this year's Summer Lovin' event. Since this is a contest, I am especially eager for your votes, should you feel my story was worth your time, but I always first and foremost would love to hear your honest thoughts in the comments.

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BiologoBiologo27 days ago

I particularly like:

“The long-lived bolt, ionizing multiple jagged tunnels through the air, winked out. It left in its wake a huge expanse in the atmosphere where the air had essentially been displaced or even destroyed. That space was now filled with vacuum, and the surrounding air slammed into it, making a triple blast of literally breath-taking thunder which struck them both with physical force.”

Apart from the fact that air, like other matter, cannot be destroyed but only transformed, this was a lucid accounting of a thunderclap. Too many stories here don’t even get the anatomical and physiological details right.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


OpenToOpenMindedOpenToOpenMinded7 months ago

Sorry but I felt this one could use more beginning, middle and end so I just comment and not rate.

DenaliFXDenaliFXover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I know this was a one off. But this story could use an encore.

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