Summer Surprise Pt. 04


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Despite the tension she felt every time Matt got close to one of her forbidden zones, Ethel had to admit it was a fantastic massage and she felt as limp as cooked ramen noodles when he finished. She didn't want to move.

"That's the exact massage I gave Elaine except she had more tension around her neck and shoulders and it took longer to work it out," Matt said, covering Ethel up with a sheet. "I recommend you just lie there for another fifteen minutes or so, maybe even take a short nap."

"Wow. That was great. I guess it's a little odd you'd give one like this to your sister, but I wouldn't really look at it as hanky panky. I won't tell your mother."

"If I'd known it was my sister when I first started giving her massages, she'd never have been naked, but know...mere nudity didn't seem that big a deal anymore. Families go to nudist camps together. Obviously, I can't do more, but I didn't feel I should do less, considering. Beth would have to wear a swimsuit if I gave her one."

"You even got an erection while massaging me. I suppose I should be flattered you consider an older woman arousing."

"Chloe was right. You look good, Ethel. I'm not sure it's possible for me to give one of those massages to a naked woman and not get one."

"Do you give ones like that to men?"

"I haven't. I guess I'd expect them to keep on some jockeys or something. Let's go, Chloe. If you want one too, let's do it in your room."

"Quick question, Chloe. Why do you feel comfortable being naked around Matt?"

"When we were dating, he saw me naked. We had sex together, so he's not seeing anything he hasn't already seen. Plus, I know Matt won't do anything I don't want him to. Just because I'm naked, he won't touch me or expect anything from me except to enjoy the view. It seems foolish to cover up for him now. I'm sure it would be somewhat similar for you. He's seen you naked now. Is there any point to him not seeing you again, except you're also covering up for others. Matt would never do anything to hurt me. I know naked pictures won't show up on the internet somewhere, or that he would ever abuse the privilege he's been given.

"I couldn't do the same with Marty, but I completely trust Matt. So does Dianne. So did Elaine. Matt never treated her like a prostitute, even though that's what she was when they met. He didn't expect her to do things because she'd done them before. He treated her like he would any other woman, except just once, the first time they had sex, he paid for it, but it was her expectation to be paid, not Matt's that she should be treated that way. If I was into men, I would have married him. He's one of the best people I've ever met. I just don't feel uncomfortable being nude around him."

"That's very high praise. I'm glad he's such a fine young man."

Matt and Chloe left, and Ethel did take a pleasant little nap, waking up to the scent of barbecue drifting through the open sliding patio door.


Ethel put on her bikini again and went outside. The Hamiltons were suited up in their new swimsuits, playing Yahtzee with their daughter, Dianne, Beth and Matt. Yolanda and Marty were horsing around in the pool.

"Smells delicious, René. How soon before it's done?"

"Thank you, Madame. Fifteen minutes perhaps."

"Do we have plates and silverware out already?"

"Yes, Madame."

She drifted over to the game where there was a lot of laughter. Beth got a text.

"Ethel, can you take over for me? I need to answer this. You still have a shot at the bonus score up top, but you'll need four fives to get it."


"Don't think you have a chance in hell of winning," Matt said in a dramatic villain stage voice. "Mwaahh, hahhh, hahhh, hahh, ha."

"You're going down, Dastardly Dick," Chloe countered. "All I need is to roll a Yahtzee and you're toast."

"Fat chance, both of you," Dianne said in a high falsetto. "I've already rolled my Yahtzee. All I need is to roll four fours to collect my upper bonus and you're all curtains." The three of them giggled.

"How long has this been going on."

"Pretty much all game," Mary Jane said. "Chloe started it, then they all jumped in. I've never been treated to such a collection of different voices before. I think I've heard Tallulah Bankhead, Greta Garbo, Bette Davis, Katherine Hepburn, of course, Marilyn Monroe. Let's see, on Matt's side we have Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, Humphrey Bogart and Groucho Marx."

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn," Matt said.

"And now Clark Gable. You can tell they've all been watching a ton of old movies."

"Movie night every weekend. Don't really have the money to go out that often," Chloe said. "I try to introduce them to great films, but every third week, Matt picks and we get something like, 'Why did you name yourself after the dog,'" in a passable Sean Connery. "Not that it isn't passable Saturday Matinee fare, but how often can you watch Indiana Jones, and really, only two of them were much good. You can toss out anything Star Wars with Jar Jar Binks. He redeemed himself one week with 'From Here to Eternity,' but really."

"We'll always have Paris," Matt said, snickering.

Ethel laughed and rolled the dice. "Only three fives, Beth, sorry."

"That's okay, I crushed them last game," Beth said, still texting.

Chloe missed out on her Yahtzee, but Dianne got her four fours. "I told you it was curtains," in her high squeaky voice. "Consider yourselves draped."

Ethel laughed. She could tell she was going to enjoy having people around the house. "Food will be done in a few minutes. You might want to wash your hands. What would everyone like to drink? We have wine and cold beer. Corona or some European brand."

"Nothing made in Milwaukee?" Ben asked.

"Not this go around. Although I might have some Amber Bock from Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis by a European company, Inbev."

"Corona will be fine for me," Ben laughed.

"Me, too," Matt said.

"Me three," Marty said, "and whatever the little woman wants."

"Corona will be fine for me," Yolanda said.

"Can I have one glass of wine, Ethel? I'm only three weeks from being legal in Wisconsin," Beth asked.

"One glass, no more."

"Thank you, Mom. Am I going to have two Mom's now, or will you be my Dad?"

"I think you'll have two Mom's," Ethel said. "I think you'll have to use your older brother for Dad advice, but from what I've seen, I think he'll do a good job."

"Just remember, Beth," Matt said, "a lot of men are only interested in what's between your legs. Don't be browbeaten into surrendering it before you're ready."

"My Moms already gave that advice."

"From the male perspective, it's absolutely true. You wouldn't believe what you hear in the locker room, right Marty?"

"Listen to your brother. Men are horn dogs, and I'm the worst, so don't have anything at all to do with me unless you have bodyguards," Marty said. Yolanda nodded her head in agreement

René announced the food was ready. Everyone grabbed a plate and got something to eat.

Both the young guys loaded up their plates while the others had more modest proportions.

"Mrs. Thornhill, this barbecue sauce is great," Marty said, eating one of the ribs, "what is it?"

"It's a closely guarded secret of René's," Ethel said.

Marty leered at Yolanda, "I can think of some dark meat I''d like to lick this from."

Yolanda punched his arm, but still smiled. "You're disgusting. I swear you can't be let out in polite company."

He batted his eyelashes at her and grinned. "Does that mean you're going to punish me again tonight so I can't speak again tomorrow morning?"

"It feels more like rewarding you than punishing you."

"Now you know all my secrets. You've uncovered the last one. I guess we'll have to get married now. No more secrets."

"I've still got one or two I've kept from you." Still Yolanda laid a lip lock on him.

"Just out of curiosity, Ethel," Chloe asked. "Nice heated pool, a modicum of privacy. Do you and Georgina ever go skinny dipping?"

"Most evenings," Ethel admitted. "It's one of our guilty pleasures."

Marty opened his mouth to speak but Yolanda slapped her hand over it. "Don't speak, if you know what's good for you."

He mimed zipping his mouth closed.

Ethel smiled. "By the way, Chloe, did you get a good massage?"

"Just as good as yours, Ethel," Chloe said.

"Aren't Matt's massages just the dreamiest?" Yolanda said.

"How come you've never given me a massage?" Marty asked.


"Right, I don't look as good in a bikini. How would you know? You've never seen me in a bikini."

"You put one on right now, I'll give you a massage," Matt said.

"Yolanda, babe, help me out."

"Hell no. You'll stretch it out. I won't be able to wear it anymore."

"I'll buy you two new ones."

"Make it three and you've got a deal, and it has to be tomorrow before the Memorial."

"But," Matt said. "We all get to take pictures of you in the bikini."

"You're busting my balls, Matt."

"Yes, I am, but I'm going to be rubbing damn close to your balls, so it's a fair trade."

"Fine, mock me, make fun of me, jeer and ridicule me all you want, but every one of you girls rave about Matt's massages, so I'm going to get one."

"Yolanda, let Marty use a little of your lipstick," Matt said. "I know it's like putting lipstick on a pig, but it will look good in the pictures."

"Will do."

"I'll see you out here when you're nice and pretty, Marty," Matt said. "Ethel, we're going to need some of that body lotion you have."

"You kids are nuts," Ben said.

"Yeah, we kind of are," Chloe said.

Yolanda and Marty disappeared in the house to change clothes. Ethel returned with some lotion.

"It isn't the stuff you used on me, but that's ridiculously expensive wrinkle cream," Ethel said. "Marty doesn't need wrinkle cream."

Pretty soon, Marty came back in Yolanda's gold bikini. His male equipment was squeezed into the bottom as it was ridiculously tight on him. The top, proportioned to Yolanda's nice mammaries, was flat against his chest. Yolanda had a pair of boy shorts lingerie and a t-shirt, one of Marty's, on. He had a slash of red on his lips, not being as fully delicious as Yolanda's lips. All of them started taking pictures, even Chloe's parents as Marty posed for them, trying some cheesecake poses that had them all laughing.

"Yeah, posted that on my FaceBook page," Beth said, laughing. "I already got a slew of LOL's in response."

"Me too," Chloe said. "I'm using it as publicity to get more people to show up at the Memorial tomorrow. I think Marty should wear it then."

"I don't know," Dianne laughed. "His dick looks like it's about to pop out and isn't there going to be news cameras tomorrow."

"Erin and Babs pointed out the same thing," Chloe laughed. "They're thinking he should be the transgender poster boy."

"Ha-ha," Marty said. "Get your jabs in now. I don't want to hear any more about it after tonight."

"I think I'm going to send it to the football team newsletter," Matt said.

"I don't care. I'm not playing next year anyway. Senior, remember."

"Maybe he'll encourage more people to come out," Ethel said.

Chloe snickered. "Or scare them away."

"You get all your photos now? It's time for my massage."

"Sure," Matt said, "get over here. Lie down on the lounge."

Marty lay down on his front and Matt began massaging his back and shoulders, working his way down.

"Damn, girls, you're right. This is amazing."

Chloe whispered something to Yolanda and then Beth and Dianne, then her parents, moving all around the pool. Finally, she reached Ethel and said something to her. When Matt had reached Marty's calves, Chloe and Yolanda got in the pool together.

"Whoa, Yolanda. Do you know how transparent your shirt gets when it is wet. Your tits are gorgeous."

"Why thank you, Chloe. You've got nice boobs too."

"Can I kiss them?" Chloe asked. "They're so big compared to mine."

Marty didn't even look. "Quit fucking around," Marty said, "You're just yanking my chain again."

"I don't mind," Yolanda said. "I imagine your lips are much softer than Marty's."

"I would certainly hope so, and I love big fat nipples like yours," Chloe said. "Plus, I do know how to please a woman."

They kissed, a sound heard round the pool.

"Kissing your arms again. That shit gets old," Marty said.

"Mmm, your lips are soft. Kissing a girl is nothing like kissing a boy," Yolanda said.

"Can I take your shirt off. I'd bet you're much more comfortable with it off?" Chloe said.

"Please, yes."

There was some splashing, and the sound of more kissing.

"Wow," Beth said, "those are some amazing hooters, Yolanda. I wish I had breasts like yours. I'd have to beat boys off with a stick."

"Nonsense," Ethel said. "You have beautiful breasts, Beth. I've seen yours when we skinny dip. They're wonderful."

"Can we skinny dip?" Mary Jane said. "That sounds like fun. Come on, Ben. Let's. I haven't done anything like that in ages."

"Okay. I'm game." Two more splashes in the pool.

"Me too," Dianne said. "Come on, Chloe, quit kissing Yolanda and take that top off." She jumped into the pool.

"Fool me once, shame on you," Marty said, "fool me twice shame on me."

"Oh, I love how you suck my nipples, Chloe. You're right; girls lips are so much softer. Here, Matt, I don't need this shirt anymore."

There was a huge splat and a soggy t-shirt hit the patio right by Marty's head.

Marty looked. "Holy shit, Yolanda, that's your shirt." He looked around and although Yolanda's breasts were under the water, her shoulders were bare and she was kissing Chloe.


Marty turned so he could see better.

"Oh, shit, your massage is over, Marty. Put it away," Matt said.

Dianne said, "Marty! You can't show everyone your dick. Cover it up. Beth is present."

Marty looked down and saw his erection was bursting from the bikini bottoms. He grabbed the wet shirt and put it over his groin. He looked around and no one had removed their tops and they were all smiling.

Yolanda stood up and she had a towel tucked around herself. "It was just a kiss, Marty, honest. It didn't mean a thing."

"Fuck, you did it to me again. Fuck you all. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Beth, Ethel. You were all in on it?"

"Hey," Beth said, "I didn't believe it when Chloe told me how excited you'd get. It's a good thing I closed my eyes. Can I open them yet?"

"Yes, he's more or less covered," Matt said. "If you think I'm going to massage the front side now, you're barking up the wrong tree, buddy."

"It's almost too easy," Chloe said. "Thanks everyone. This has been another Chloe Hamilton production, starring Martin Hanson with a guest cast of everyone else but Matt."

"You just wanted to kiss my girlfriend," Marty said.

"Who wouldn't," Chloe responded. "She's a great kisser." Chloe kissed her again for good measure. A kiss which Yolanda returned. Marty groaned.

"Look at the bright side, Marty," Dianne said. "You're learning. You didn't look for around ten minutes. That's better than last time."

"Ten more minutes of kissing your girlfriend, Marty," Chloe said. "I'm going to turn her into a lesbian yet."

Marty laughed. "Fine, turn her into a lesbian. Just let me watch. I can't believe I fell for it again."

"Would you like a dry towel so you can go change into your clothes again?" Matt asked.

"Forget the clothes. I just need Yolanda, and I'll see you all tomorrow morning."

"I'll go to bed with you, Marty, but you owe me a lot more rug munching tonight for exposing yourself to all these people."

"What else is new," Marty muttered. "It's a good thing I don't have any lines tomorrow, Chloe."

"I just need you for your body, stud. That big, manly, tight end body. Go take care of your man, Yolanda. Don't let him sprain anything but his tongue."

Marty laughed again. Matt handed him a towel and he wrapped it around his waist as he and Yolanda headed to their room.

"Damn that was fun," Beth said.

"Mom, Dad; if you want to go skinny dipping for real," Chloe said, "we can all go inside and watch a movie or something. Ethel had a nice selection."

"Thanks, dear. I think we'll take you up on that."

Everyone went into the house, leaving the pool to Ben and Mary Jane.


Elaine and Georgina came in around 11:30 PM. The others were watching the tail end of 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre'. They paused the movie.

"How are you doing, sweetheart?" Ethel asked.

"Well, my feet are killing me, but otherwise, I'm doing great? Whatcha watchin?" Georgina said.

"'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre'", Chloe said. "Walter Huston and Humphrey Bogart. Huston directing. Great movie about greed."

"I always wondered where they got the line, 'badges, we don't need no stinkin' badges.'," Dianne said. "Matt, Marty and Yolanda played around with it on our camping trip using campsites instead of badges."

"But everybody always butchers the real line," Chloe said. "It's 'Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges,' which is quite a bit different. Everyone always says it wrong."

"It would be too long and overly comprehensive saying it that way," Matt said.

"Matt, could you rub my feet?" Georgina asked.

"Sure. Elaine, you want some of this too?" Matt held up his hands.

"Absolutely. Turn on the rest of the movie. We'll watch the end with you."

Chloe started it again. Matt started rubbing his mother's feet.

"Georgina, dear," Ethel asked, "have you ever had one of Matt's 'good' massages?"

"Matt always used to give me good massages when he was home."

"Mom, Ethel is making reference to a code word Dianne uses," Matt said. "A 'good' massage is one where you're naked."

"God, no. Never!" Georgina sputtered.

Ethel laughed. "You ought to try one. I did. It was wonderful. I suppose it might make you uncomfortable when he rubs your breasts, but other than that, it wasn't bad."

"Matt saw you naked? He rubbed your breasts?"

"He did and Chloe watched too. She confirmed it was one of Matt's good massages. She gets them too. Apparently, the younger generation isn't all that particular about getting naked around each other. It surprised me a little, but as I said, it felt damn good. It was professional except no towel was used."

"Yeah. I'm not sure I could give Mom one of the 'good' ones," Matt said, finishing up his mother's feet. "That would feel like crossing a line."

Elaine stuck her feet out, wisely keeping her mouth shut. Matt started rubbing her feet. They watched the rest of the movie, then disappeared into their respective bedrooms, having a lot on their plates tomorrow.

Matt and Dianne made love a good long time before falling asleep.


Matt and Dianne indulged in a little sixty-nine to start the day off right, because the rest of the day would pretty much be crap. They joined the others at breakfast. Marty was having trouble talking again. He seemed in good spirits despite it. Ethel had arranged for another limo to pick everyone up at 11:30 as Chloe wanted to get to the stadium about forty-five minutes ahead of time to ensure everything was ready to go. They had a lot of stuff arriving on the student busses coming from La Crosse. Chloe was staying in touch with Erin and Barbara to ensure they were on the way with everything needed.

Chloe was reviewing her script again, playing with how she would speak her part of the program, the tone she wanted to set. She was angry, but didn't want to come across as strident. She was sad, but didn't want to come across as a victim. She wanted to come across as a fighter, battling for the rights of everyone who wanted to live the best life they could.

Yolanda was the only one of their group who had a speaking part in the script. Marty had his part to play. Matt and Dianne weren't in the script unless someone else didn't make it or dropped out for some reason. They had their own copies of the script that they could follow along with and leap in for any reason. The Stadium crew had all the pictures of all the victims and movies and where they were supposed to appear on the big scoreboards where everyone could see them.