Summer Surprise Pt. 06


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"We're all poor college students, we never object to free food," Chloe replied, "thank you. I'll let them know to order the pizza and be dressed decently."

"We can give you a lift. I have a limo outside. How much longer before you're ready?"

"Ten minutes tops. I just have to get the rest of the make-up off. What should they get on your pizza?"

"We'll eat any of the normal ingredients," Evelyn said. "We're not that fussy."

Chloe called Matt and Dianne and told them to order two large pizzas, to be paid upon delivery, courtesy of William Thornhill and to expect guests, so be decent when she got home.

The Thornhills stepped outside the dressing room to wait and Chloe quickly finished removing her make up. She came out and they led her outside where a driver opened the door for her. Chloe gave him the address.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should get used to riding in limos, Miss Hamilton. I see big things in your future," William said. "You have a lot of talent."

"Thank you, Mr. Thornhill. I like to think so. My friends call it boundless optimism considering I'm living in a small town far from any of the usual acting hot spots."

"Call me Bill, please, and my wife is just Evelyn. Cream usually rises to the top, no matter where you start."

"By the way, I should thank you for the use of your jet. It made a lot of things possible."

"No problem. Given the circumstances, I couldn't refuse."

It was a short drive and didn't take long before they reached the apartment. Chloe brought Bill and Evelyn in and introduced them to Matt and Dianne.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, sir," Matt said. "Ma'am, I can see William is a lucky man." He was staring a bit at the dress.

"He's lucky now. It wasn't always so," Evelyn replied. "I wasn't always the best wife I could be."

"A story for another time," William said, before there were any follow-ups to her remarks. "Please, call us Bill and Evelyn. We're practically related now." There was a knock on the door. "That must be our pizza."

Bill answered and gave the delivery person a hundred dollar bill. "Keep the change."

He brought the two pizza's in and set them on the coffee table. Chloe got five plates and silverware. Matt asked if they wanted anything to drink. Bill and Evelyn had water, the rest of them had soft drinks.

"My mom is a waitress, so I always try to tip," Matt said, "but it's usually only ten percent because we don't have a ton of money. That delivery person is going to be thrilled the tip was so large this time."

"I very seldom have anything smaller than a hundred on me," Bill said. "I'm used to handing them out like party favors."

They spent much of the rest of the meal talking about Ethel, the theater, Matt's family and the relationship between Matt's mom and Bill's sister.

"I know Chloe has the play tomorrow, but since this is the weekend, I was wondering if Matt and Dianne would be interested in going to Madison tomorrow with me. We'll fly down there on a helicopter and I'll see you are flown back on Sunday morning?"

Matt and Dianne looked at one another. "I think that would be fun, Matt. I've never been on a helicopter before. As long as we get back Sunday morning, I'll have plenty of time to study."

"We couldn't bring her tonight, but our daughter, Madeline, will be with us, along with the nanny," Evelyn said. "She hasn't met her aunt Ethel yet."

"It sounds nice," Matt said. "Like Dianne, I really need to get back on Sunday morning."

"As someone who had a hard time getting her family to accept her sexual preferences," Chloe said, "it's refreshing to know Ethel and Georgina aren't having any problem gaining your acceptance."

"You know what they say about stones and glass houses," William said.

"I do," Chloe said, "but I'm not sure I understand the reference since you're clearly in a heterosexual relationship, unless Evelyn is a transsexual?"

"No, she's all woman and has been all her life, but not all relationships of a heterosexual nature are what you would call normal."

"What would you call it?" Matt said.

Bill paused before he answered. "How well can you keep secrets and how subject are you to shock?" William finally asked.

Dianne said, "It's not widely known past a few of our closest friends and a few others, including Matt's family, but we three are in a polyamorous relationship. I guess that makes us pretty immune to shock. Plus, we're not gossips."

Bill nodded thoughtfully. "Evelyn, strip," he said.

"Yes, Master," she replied and before any of them could catch their breath, Evelyn had her dress off, the only apparel she had on, standing totally naked in their living room, before she knelt down, facing her Master. Her legs were widely parted and they could see a piercing near her clit.

"As you might infer from that, Evelyn is my voluntary sex slave, my submissive, and I'm her Master. So you see, glass house, no stone throwing."

The three of them were speechless for several seconds. "Holy shit!" Chloe said. "You have to tell me this story and don't be surprised if it doesn't make it into a screenplay some day, although I will protect your identities."

"It would have to be completely protected. It couldn't be some American billionaire. There aren't a ton of us out there. In fact, non-wealthy would be the minimum I'd agree to. I'd need to approve any screenplay. Come sit in my lap, Evelyn."

"Yes, sir."

"I'd agree to those terms, Bill"

As Bill told the story of how he'd acquired a slave, he kissed and caressed her idly in the telling, getting Evelyn to orgasm several times in the process. Each time she got close to an orgasm, she asked for permission to cum. Sometimes Bill gave it, and sometimes he didn't. If she was embarrassed at all in doing so in front of others, they couldn't tell.

"Which is why Evelyn said she wasn't the best of wive's. I was close to divorcing her for her infidelity. Fortunately, we ran across someone who believed Evelyn might be looking for a strong Master instead of merely a husband. As it turned out, he was correct. She quickly acquiesced to being my slave in lieu of getting a divorce, and she's been one ever since."

"What exactly does it consist of, your slavery?" Chloe asked Evelyn.

"Essentially, I've surrendered my will to his," Evelyn replied. "I do have an agreement with him as to the limits I'm willing to go. Within those limits, everything goes, which is why I was so willing to strip for him in front of you, and he's able to fondle me to orgasm in front of you. If I fail to obey him, I'm subject to punishment which can consist of any number of different things from orgasm denial, or forced orgasms, to corporal punishments, such as spanking or whipping. In fact, since I orgasmed twice without permission. I'm now owed a punishment. Since I was an unfaithful bitch for so long, Bill gives me a hard 50 swat spanking every morning to remind me to be a better wife."

"When you say a hard spanking, what does that mean?" Dianne asked. "I would think a fairly substantial number of people have engaged in a couple of playful swats to the backside sometime. My first husband did it a few times, more in play than anything."

"I think this would be less in play and more in punishment, wouldn't you agree, Master?"

"Definitely. There's nothing playful about it."

"Should we show them, sir? You do owe me twenty."

"Over my lap. Keep count and thank me."

"Yes, Master."

Evelyn draped herself over William's lap, causing Matt, Dianne and Chloe to vacate the couch to give him more room. She thrust her butt up in the air. William laid on twenty hard strokes of his hand. She kept count and thanked him for each swat. Her ass quickly became red, starting with a single hand print, to a nice red shade all over both globes. Before Bill finished, Evelyn asked for permission to cum. When she did, he granted permission and finger fucked her to a stronger orgasm. Evelyn licked his fingers clean before he finished the spanking. She remained draped over his lap when he finished.

"It will be a couple minutes before I can sit down again," Evelyn said, explaining her remaining over his lap.

"How does it feel being naked and spanked in front of everyone, and what's the pain like?" Chloe asked.

"Around the house, I'm mostly nude all the time, and I actually prefer it now. It leads to a lot of sex which I enjoy. I'm used to being spanked in front of others who share this lifestyle. The first time it happened, I was on a boat with other people watching. In fact, most of them were also allowed to spank me because I was pretty nasty and snotty to everyone. I think they enjoyed paying me back for my rudeness. Since I'm spanked every day, I'm used to it. This one was rather mild compared to some. You saw how I orgasmed during it."

"How is that possible?" Dianne asked. "Would you consider yourself a masochist?"

"I don't think of myself as taking pleasure in pain, but I can be aroused in spite of it. You saw how Master helped me enjoy my orgasm once it started."

"Do you always call Bill, Master?" Matt asked.

"Only when I'm allowed to show my true nature, which I now consider to be a submissive sex slave. There are a few people I'm allowed to be natural around, mostly other Dominants and submissives. My parents still don't know."

"Bill, I want to know what a spanking like that feels like," Chloe said. "I'd like to understand this better. I saw a movie called A Dangerous Method about Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud where Keira Knightly played a character called Sabina who Jung would spank with a belt. Of course, I'm sure they faked it, but this is something I haven't had exposure to. Would you spank me like you did Evelyn?"

"Really! You want to be spanked, Chloe?" Dianne asked.

"Yes. I've never really been spanked. My parents didn't spank me except for maybe one swat to my behind. I'm curious what it would feel like. How can I write about it if I've never experienced it?"

"You don't know about death. You don't need to die in order to write about it," Matt said.

"Not the same thing," Chloe said. "Plus I've been around death. My fiancée just died. for God's sake. My grandparents died. I've never been around anything like this. Completely outside my frame of reference. I want to see what it's like. Please, Bill."

"There's a couple things which you should be aware of first," Bill said. "The first of those things is Evelyn enjoyed four orgasms before her spanking. If you're not aware that orgasms produce endorphins in the body which reduce the pain experienced by the spanking, you should be as it does make a difference. The second of these is that by this point, she's more used to spankings than you are and can tolerate more. The third is if you should become aroused enough to experience an orgasm, it's helpful to make it a bigger one by undergoing additional stimulation. The fourth is you're naked."

"I can masturbate to a few orgasms first, so I don't see that as a problem. If it's too painful for me, I can ask you to stop, can't I? I don't care if I'm nude, and if I do have an orgasm from it, which I'm not anticipating; go ahead and finger fuck me the way you did her."

"Master, with your permission, I could give Chloe her orgasms," Evelyn said.

"Is Evelyn bisexual?" Chloe asked. "I definitely wouldn't mind her giving me orgasms."

"I don't consider her as such," Bill said, "but she's been trained to be pleasing to whoever I want her to be pleasing to. Mostly, that's other women. I very seldom allow her to have sex with other men."

"But that does happen?" Matt asked.

"Rarely, but it has."

"How is that different from when she was cheating on you?" Dianne asked.

"Because it's my choice and not hers. All three of you are having sex with each other. Do you consider it cheating when Matt has sex with Chloe instead of you?"

"Not really, but he won't unless I'm there," Dianne replied, "and Matt has to be there if I have sex with Chloe. Only Matt and I can have sex when all three of us are not together. The relationship is primarily ours, Chloe is a plus one for each of us. We're not interested in having sex with anyone else. Chloe can have sex with whoever she wants to, which I'm assuming, would be other women, but even if it were a man, we wouldn't care if she's careful."

"Since Evelyn can't have sex or even masturbate without my permission, nor can she orgasm without my permission, I feel as if I'm in control of her sexuality. She won't have sex with anyone without my permission, which, to me, makes it my decision if and when she has sex, so I'm in control."

"So the question remains, Bill. Will you spank me?" Chloe said.

"If you really want to, I have no objection."

"Do you have an objection, Evelyn?"

"No, Chloe."

Chloe started removing her clothes, soon divesting herself of everything. "If it's all the same to everyone here, I wouldn't mind getting my orgasms right here, but if anyone has a problem with it, we can go into the bedroom."

No one had any problem with Chloe receiving her orgasms in front of them and she sat on the couch and spread her legs and Evelyn knelt between them and gave her three quick orgasms, one after the other. The last one had Chloe rolling her hips up to Evelyn's lips while clinging to her hair, moaning loudly.

"She may not be a lesbian, but heavens, is she ever good at licking cunt," Chloe gasped.

"Sex slaves are expected to be pleasing and are punished if they're not," Bill said. "It gives them incentive to get good quickly."

"Do you have any advice to give me, Evelyn, before I do this?" Chloe asked, preparing to drape herself over William's lap.

"Submissives can often go into what we call sub space. I think the closest I can come to describing it is to think about something else which is pleasant. Think of a favorite memory, a pleasant thought, recent good sex, and to put the pain in the background. Push it to the back of your mind. Feel the heat, but let it flow through your body and not concentrate in your buttocks. I feel it flow to my cunt which is why I can sometimes cum from my punishment."

"I've heard it described as similar to working out to the point where everything hurts, then getting a second wind," Bill said. "Remember, you may ask me to stop at any time. I will make it as hard as Evelyn's but she is accustomed to them now, so don't be afraid to stop it."

"Right," Chloe said, then draped herself over William's lap. She could tell Bill had an erection. Hell, Matt probably had one too. Two naked women in the room. They'd probably all need to fuck after the Thornhills left. The orgasms Evelyn had given her had just warmed her up.

Smack. "Ow. That's harder than I imagined it would be," Chloe said.

"Do you want me to stop?" Bill asked.

"No. I can take a few more at least."

Bill gave her several more, pausing between each one to give Chloe time to say stop. Chloe wasn't counting, but after what she thought was a dozen, she called a halt.

"That's enough. I can't believe you orgasmed during your spanking, Evelyn."

"Stay there a moment, Chloe," Bill said. "Evelyn, please give her a couple more orgasms."

"Yes, Master." Evelyn buried her face in Chloe's upturned bottom and licked her to a couple more. A squirming, naked Chloe cumming while over Bill's lap was arousing to all of them. Evelyn sat back on her heels after precisely two, Chloe's cum all over her face. Chloe lay there a couple more minutes luxuriating in the sensations of the two powerful orgasms and the lingering, but rapidly diminishing pain in her bottom.

Finally, Chloe stood, gingerly rubbing her heinie. "My ass feels ten degrees hotter than the rest of my body. I couldn't even take twenty of those, let alone fifty. How do you do it?"

"When they first began, I felt I deserved them for being a cheating, unfaithful wife. And it wasn't only the infidelity, which was bad enough. I was also a racist and sexual bigot. Lesbians disgusted me, even though they fascinated me. Public displays of affection offended me even though I was almost openly carrying on with a man not my husband. We were on what was supposed to be a romantic, barefoot cruise which Master brought me on to rekindle our marriage and the only person I was fucking was someone else, and I was criticizing everyone else for being sluts and whores for doing what I should have been doing. I deserved every swat I received.

"I would have used the filthiest names to describe Master's sister and Georgina. I would have acted like a nasty bitch to you, or even all of you since you're having sex together and you're poor. I was a miserable excuse for a human being. Now, the spanking is a reminder to be better than I was. Master would have had every right to divorce me and I had a prenup which would have left me relatively penniless. Not to you, perhaps, but I was spending twenty to thirty thousand dollars a month on clothes alone, many of which I wore once or never and they sat in my closets until I gave them away or disposed of them. I look at my morning spanking as Master loving me enough to care how I behave. What's funny is that I'm much happier now as a naked slave than with all those clothes in my closet. To me, they're a reminder he still loves me, because he wouldn't care what I did if he no longer loved me. The most treasured jewelry I have is Master's collar, even though it's not the most expensive."

"How would being a sex slave alter your racial and sexual bigotry?" Dianne asked.

"I was no longer on a privileged white pedestal. I was now the lowest of the low, beneath everyone else, no matter their race, sexual identity or gender. It is hard to be anti-lesbian or anti-black when you are licking a black cunt yourself. I lost my status and was made to serve everyone, in the process losing much of the bias I had. I was fucked in public, hung naked from the ship's mast, made to orgasm in front of everyone. I wasn't allowed any pride. Everyone saw what a slut I was."

"It sounds horrible," Dianne said.

"I was horrible. The punishments for my behavior were humiliating when they started, but I realized they were also freeing. I was so locked into my role as wife of billionaire William Thornhill, that everyone was beneath me. I felt I had to maintain this public persona. When I was made a slave, the mask was torn away, the pedestal smashed. No one is beneath me anymore. I can be Master's slave slut and am happy to do so."

"Speaking of slave slut, if these young people aren't opposed, I could use some relief," Bill said. "Matt looks like he could use some as well, but I leave it up to him how he wants to handle it."

"Yes, Master."

Since no one posed an objection, Evelyn extracted his cock and lovingly bobbed up and down over his appendage until he squirted his hot cum into her sucking mouth, cleaned him off and tucked it away. Each of them had seen sex between each other, but never seen sex so openly done by anyone else. It was better than watching porn and all of them were aroused by it.

"Would you like Evelyn to take care of you, Matt?" Bill asked.

"I think it would be weird getting sucked by your wife, Bill, and I'm reasonably certain my partners might wish I'd saved myself for bedtime. Except for Chloe, Dianne and I think of ourselves as exclusive, so thanks, but I'll pass. What time do we need to be at the airport?"

"We'll be by to pick you up at eight in the limo. We should be in Madison before nine. Speaking of bedtime, I think we'll leave now. Evelyn, you may dress again."

"Yes, sir."

Evelyn quickly got dressed, having only the one dress and no underclothing. William took Chloe's hand. "Thanks for inviting us over," he said.

"Thanks for the pizza and the trust?" Matt said.

They both smiled and left.

Dianne quickly stripped out of her clothes. "Fuck me now, Matt, and thank you for waiting."