Summer Surprise Pt. 06


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Matt pushed her over the arm of the couch and released his rock hard cock, pushing it in without any trouble at all. Her sheath was hot and wet and welcoming. Chloe maneuvered herself in front of Dianne's face.

"Your mouth is free, Dianne. Use it."

Chloe felt a tongue caressing her folds and it felt good, despite what Evelyn had already done. Matt was slamming into Dianne pretty hard, but the couch arm kept her face from ramming into Chloe's crotch. The only thing that interfered with Chloe's pleasure was each time Dianne came, she would lose concentration on what she was doing, but they both managed to orgasm several times before Matt grunted and climaxed himself. They resumed their activities in the bedroom, Chloe being the beneficiary of Matt's cock while Chloe cleaned the cum leaking from Dianne's pussy.

Their needs taken care of, they were relaxed in a loose cuddle.

"What was your spanking like, Chloe?" Dianne asked, stroking Chloe's breast while Matt fondled Dianne's ass in a relaxing way.

"Much harder than I expected, but I felt a hint of what Evelyn was talking about, the heat rising in my pussy. I don't think it would have given me an orgasm, though possibly something lighter might have at some point. The pain didn't last as long as I thought it would when it was over. I thought my cheeks would still be warm an hour from now, but even though I knew it was handled roughly, it feels fine now. I think the orgasms did help. If you'd like to try it, I'm sure Matt or I could be persuaded to lay hands on you."

"So you don't think you'd want to do it again?" Matt asked.

"Maybe less strenuously applied. It was interesting, but I don't think I'm submissive material. I could see myself in a role as one, but that's all it would be; a role. I'm interested in what it would be like on the other side of the dynamic. Perhaps if you or Matt would consent to be my sub for a day."

"A whole day? I could see experimenting for a couple hours, but I'm not sure I could do a whole day," Dianne said.

"Really, a few hours?" Matt asked.

"Why not? It won't be any time soon, since tomorrow and Sunday are spoken for, but it might be interesting to see what Evelyn's life is like when she's in submissive mode."

"Hmm, looks like I need to do some research," Chloe said. "Helga, Nazi bitch Dominatrix."

"Don't get too carried away," Dianne said, laughing. "I'm not into role playing as much as you are."

"But you do love licking my cunt, and you'll be doing a lot of it, pet," Chloe laughed. She kissed Dianne.


Matt and Dianne were standing outside the apartment holding one knapsack with changes of clothes for both of them when the limo arrived. The driver put the bag in the trunk and they got in the car with the Thornhills.

"Dianne, Matt, I'd like you to meet our nanny, Delphine, and the little rascal in the child seat is our daughter, Madeline. She's about 15 months old. 'Delphine, this is Matt Sanders and Dianne Rogers. The people staying with my sister include Matt's family."

"Hello, Dianne, Matt, a pleasure to meet you. You go to school here?"

Delphine had a very pleasant accent which struck Matt as foreign, perhaps French or Italian.

"Pleased to meet you, Delphine," Matt said. "We do. Where are you from? I'm guessing France, but it could be someplace else."

"No, France is correct. I'm on a temporary work visa for a year, hoping to learn to speak better English, then I hope to work as a model at one of the fashion houses. I only have another couple months to go, then Bill and Evelyn will have to find someone else."

"If you wanted to speak better English, England is probably the better choice. Americans butcher the language frequently," Dianne said.

"Oh, no. The Thornhills are quite cultured and speak English beautifully."

"Is Delphine safe to speak in front of?" Matt asked.

"Yes," Bill replied. "One of the benefits of a European au pair is they tend to be less puritan in their beliefs."

"Plus my mother is a Dominatrix," Delphine said. "Their relationship is not so strange to me as it might seem to others."

"Which reminds me, Evelyn. You haven't had your spanking this morning. Pull your dress up and get over my lap," Bill said.

"Yes, Master."

Evelyn pulled her dress up to her waist and lay over Bill's lap and he proceeded to give her fifty quick, but decisive, hard strokes to her ass and the back of her thighs, leaving them quite red. At some point around two-thirds to three-quarters of the way through her spanking, she asked permission to cum and Bill fingered her to two fast orgasms, licking his fingers before he completed her spanking. When it was over. She dropped her dress and sat next to Bill leaning her head against his arm.

"Thank you, sir, for proving to me you still care how I behave."

"I can't believe you do that every day, Evelyn," Dianne said.

"I am pleased Master is still my husband when he could easily have gotten rid of me. I didn't deserve to be kept."

"We don't normally do it in front of Madeline," Bill said, "but she's young enough not to be affected by it since Evelyn doesn't scream or rant and rave. At some point, we'll have to cease doing it in front of her."

They arrived at the airport and all climbed on board the helicopter to take the short flight to Madison. The helicopter was noisier than the jet was, so there was limited opportunity to talk on the trip, but thankfully, it was relatively brief. Ethel had another limo waiting for them when they arrived. As soon as they entered the house, Ethel introduced William and Evelyn to Matt's family and William introduced Delphine and Madeline to everyone. Bill and Evelyn gave everyone a friendly greeting, a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. Elaine and Beth had swimsuits on. Ethel and Georgina wore casual attire.

Madeline was an immediate hit and everyone oohed and aahed over the little girl, Beth and Elaine quickly taking charge of the munchkin.

"Be careful," Evelyn said, when she saw them taking her towards the pool, "she hasn't had drown proof lessons yet."

"One or both of us will watch her like a hawk," Beth promised. "If Delphine has a swimsuit, she can join us."

"I didn't bring a suit," Delphine replied, "but it is secluded here. Would anyone mind if I went 'au naturale'?"

"It's your home, Ethel. What do you say?" Bill asked.

"I guess it's okay. Some of the servants might see her, but if she doesn't mind, I don't.

"Go ahead, Delphine," Evelyn said. "I wouldn't mind going out to the pool myself. It's not that I don't trust everyone to look after Madeline, but I'd like to help keep an eye on her."

"It's a pleasant enough day," Ethel said. "We can sit out by the pool as easily as the living room. Can I order anyone some refreshments?"

"Iced tea for me," Dianne said, "sweetened. I'm from the South where iced sweet tea is the primary hot weather beverage."

"Iced tea sounds good to me too," Matt said. "I could use a little more caffeine this morning. We were up fairly late last night."

"Studying?" Georgina asked.

"Something other than studying," Dianne said. "When Bill and Evelyn left last night, we were a little wound up."

Ethel tittered and Evelyn and Bill laughed, knowing what caused the winding. Georgina smiled. "Anatomy lessons then?"

"That's it," Matt said. "Anatomy lessons. The reproductive system."

That got a brief laugh. Bill and Evelyn both got iced tea, Georgina had coffee and Ethel orange juice. By the time they reached the pool, Delphine was naked and Elaine and Beth had Madeline splashing in the pool with them.

When they were settled at a table near the pool with their drinks, Ethel said, "You haven't said anything about my desire to marry Georgina, Bill. Do I have your approval?"

"You don't need my approval, Ethel. You're older than I am, for God's sake. From what little I can tell since I just met the woman, Georgina seems to be a wonderful woman, and nothing I've learned about her family has led me to believe bad things about any of them. If you love her, marry her."

"You don't care if I'm in a lesbian relationship?"

"Ethel, I've either guessed or known you were a lesbian for twenty years. If it bothered me, I would have spoken up about it years ago."

"You never said anything to me," Ethel said.

"You never said anything to me. I figured when you got the gumption to tell me, we could talk about it. Until then, it was your business and none of mine."

"Thank you," Georgina said. "She's been on pins and needles since we heard you were coming. I don't blame her. I was worried what my own family would think. I'm blessed none of them has a peep bad to say about any of it."

"Yes, well since we're baring our souls to each other at the moment, Evelyn and I have something to tell you as well."

"You're not getting a divorce are you?" Ethel asked. "I knew you were having some marital problems a couple years ago, but I thought they'd been resolved with the baby and all."

"No divorce. Our relationship has never been better," Bill said. "It reached rock bottom in the time frame you mentioned, probably for the reasons you suspected, but Evelyn has since taken steps to resolve those issues. I'm very happy with her. She has become my submissive and surrendered full control of her sexuality to me. The only thing I feel guilty about is taking so long to bring Madeline here to see her aunt and tell you."

"What do you mean, your submissive?" Ethel asked.

"To be perfectly frank, she's my sex slave," Bill said. "She is obedient to my wishes or suffers punishment for her failings."

Ethel and Georgina looked at each other. "When you say sex slave, what exactly do you mean?" Georgina asked.

"About what you're thinking now, I expect. Evelyn does what I want her to do, when I want her to do it, within the limits imposed by her slave agreement. So worrying about your lesbian relationship doesn't even approach how worried we were to to tell you how our relationship has evolved."

"And you don't have a problem being treated as a sex slave, Evelyn?" Georgina asked.

"Not treated as a sex slave. I am a sex slave, and not at all. I feel fortunate to still be married. I was a total bitch to everyone around me in the past and a repulsive cheat and lying slut, having sex with other people more than I did with my own husband. I am much happier now than I ever was before. I enjoy my life more, have a better sex life. If I hadn't changed, I would be divorced and it wasn't even that I didn't love my Master. I didn't appreciate how good he was to me. By accepting his control, I'm much nicer and happier."

"Well, I guess we know where you get your desire to tie me down, Ethel. Apparently depravity runs in your family," Georgina smiled as she said it, showing she wasn't offended and kissed Ethel to further demonstrate her affection.

"We saw Evelyn get a spanking last night and again this morning in the limo," Matt said. "It's quite hard. Chloe wanted to see what it felt like and could only do a little more than half of what Evelyn got last night."

"What about Delphine?" Ethel asked. "What does she think about your lifestyle? Aren't you afraid you'll become fodder for the tabloids?"

"Delphine's mother is a lesbian Dominatrix. She doesn't think it's nearly as odd as you probably do," Bill said. "She's signed an NDA, but I would trust her even if she hadn't. Apparently, some of her mother's clients are important political figures."

"So it's more than just sex?" Georgina asked.

"Full submission," Evelyn replied. "I cannot orgasm without Master's permission or I am punished. That's why Matt and Dianne saw me get punished last night. I climaxed four times during our discussion, only twice with his permission."

"How do you cum during a discussion?" Ethel asked.

"Master fingered me as we talked. My body must always be available to him. I no longer wear underthings so he may fuck me whenever he wants."

"And the only reason I'm not fucking her now is due to the presence of your two daughters, Georgina," Bill said. "I've been half erect since she got her morning spanking. I'm not even sure I'd care if it were just you and Ethel."

"What about Matt and Dianne?" Georgina said.

"They seemed fairly open minded last night, although all they witnessed was my fingering and oral sex when Evelyn relieved me. I think it's why they didn't get to bed early last night. Chloe even got undressed so she could feel how hard Evelyn got spanked."

"Well, Elaine was a prostitute for over ten years, so I'm sure not much would shock her. It probably wouldn't shock Beth either, unfortunately. I think children today get exposed to so much more than they used to. She's over eighteen, and legally an adult, but I appreciate your restraint."

Now it was Bill's and Evelyn's turn to be shocked. Georgina noticed the astonishment on their faces and realized the source of it.

"Elaine is older than she looks and it's from a very painful time of my life. My second husband molested her and I didn't believe her when she told me and I drove her out of the house. She was on her own out in LA for many years making a living the only way she knew how. You would never believe how angry I was at myself for not believing her. He almost did it again to Beth even though I watched her like a hawk. The bastard is in prison now. I'm just thankful she forgave me enough to let me be a part of her life again. I didn't deserve it."

Evelyn reached over and squeezed Georgina's arm. "That's the way I felt about my infidelity and why I am serving my penance now in a way that not only allows me to remain married, but shows how willing I am to atone for my sins. I'm happy you've managed to repair your relationship."

"Monsieur," Delphine called out, "Madeline needs new pull ups. Where are her things?"

"I left them in the kitchen," Evelyn said.

"I'll get them, since you're nude," Dianne said. "I need more ice in my tea anyway."

Dashing into the kitchen, Dianne added more ice to her tea and returned with Madeline's travel bag. Delphine quickly and efficiently took care of Madeline and Dianne watched them splashing about in the water.

"I wish we'd thought to bring our suits, Matt," Dianne said, returning.

"Yeah, it looks fun. Why don't you do what Delphine is doing. Just shed your clothes."

"What about you?"

"I don't think I'd feel right stripping off in front of my sisters and Mom," Matt said, "but there's no reason you can't."

"In the evenings, we often go skinny dipping, but it's usually just us girls," Georgina said. "It is nice."

"Evelyn, join her so she doesn't feel quite so uncomfortable."

"Yes, sir." Evelyn quickly removed her dress. Ethel and Georgina saw the piercing on or near her clit, which looked as if it were excited, protruding slightly from its protective sheath.

"Is that a clitoral piercing?" Georgina asked.

"It's beneath the clit, pushing it up and keeping me aroused," Evelyn said. "I frequently undergo orgasm from the stimulation alone. Dianne, are you going to strip?"

Dianne blushed and more shyly removed her clothes, but they were soon splashing in the water with the other four.

"She was very quick to obey," Ethel said.

"Evelyn is a very good slave. She strives to obey, and not only to avoid punishment. She is truly happy as a submissive. I think she enjoys being naked more than she enjoys clothes. Our clothing budget has plummeted from roughly $25,000 per month since she became my submissive to less than a thousand. Her clothes are more often chosen for their provocativeness than the designer on the label. I like her looking slutty and available."

Ethel and Georgina laughed.

"Matt, if you have a pair of shorts, why don't you put them on. We can throw them in the dryer later if you'll need them tomorrow," Ethel said. "If you don't, you can wear your jeans, or I'll give you the keys to Range Rover and you can run down to Target."

"I do have a pair of shorts. Think I'll take you up on that." Matt got up and went to get his backpack and get changed.

"What about you, Bill?" Ethel asked.

"I have neither a swimsuit or shorts. You know me, always dressed for business. I don't see the point in buying a suit for for two days when I have five at home."

Ethel said, "Georgina, should we join them? It is warm today."


They got up and went to Ethel's room. When Ethel and Georgina came out, they were both naked, slipping into the pool together. Bill grinned at the two of them. Georgina had a whispered conversation with Beth and Elaine. They both took their suits off and tossed them up on the edge of the pool.

"Everyone is in the pool, Bill. Are you going to join us or not?" Georgina called out.

He laughed and took off his clothes, quickly joining the others in the pool. Georgina drew him into a naked embrace. "It's nice to know Ethel's wealthy brother isn't too stodgy."

"I've been spending a fair amount of time in California recently on the estate of a female Dominant who has a harem of women. Nobody bothers wearing clothes there. It's actually quite pleasant."

"Anyone we know?" Ethel asked.

"The owner of Brianna's Baubles. I've recently become a silent partner so she could expand her business."

"Brianna's Baubles is fairly big in LA," Elaine said.

"They're about to get bigger. In addition to doing the mass internet selling, she's started designing custom jewelry for the glitterati. She'll be opening a store on Rodeo Drive, plus a new manufacturing facility. It's what I put money in for."

Matt came out and got into the pool, realizing he was the last one. He didn't notice all the clothing lying beside the pool before he got in. Everyone was sunk down in the water up to their necks, even Madeline, held in Beth's arms, so didn't realize everyone was naked. Matt was more than a trifle shocked to see his mother in her altogether when she stood up. When Madeline was passed to Delphine, he saw Beth was nude as well. He suddenly realized he was the only one wearing anything except for Madeline's pull ups.

"Well, are you going to get naked like the rest of us, Matt?" Beth asked.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Elaine asked.

"There are seven spectacular naked women in the pool right now. I'll give you seven guesses, and the first six don't count."

"Why, Matt," Georgina said, "you think your 53 year old mother looks spectacular? What a lovely complement."

Dianne came over and gave him a hug. "Oh, my! I think his zipper might burst open. Is that for me, or is that a salami in your pocket?"

"Matt, I don't believe you gave me a hug when you got here, we were so wrapped up in Madeline," Elaine said. "In fact, I don't think you gave anyone a hug. I find that derelict in my younger brother."

"You're right, Elaine. I didn't get a hug either," Georgina said.

"Nor I," Ethel said. "I think that's the first time I've seen him I haven't gotten a hug."

"Hmm, me too," Beth said. "Was there too much confusion when you arrived, Matt? You always give me a big squeeze when you see me."

"I was belted in the car when I met him. Does he always greet someone with a hug?" Delphine asked. "How disappointing I didn't get one."

Soon six other women descended on Matt. One after the other they came over and squeezed him in a warm embrace.

Delphine kissed him on the cheek. "Ooh, la la. Magnefique. I prefer women, Matthew, but for you, I might make an exception if Dianne didn't mind. Perhaps I could visit the two of you in your bedroom tonight?"

Elaine was bold enough to put her hand over his cock, which no one else did. She smiled and kissed him on the corner of the mouth.

Beth was now a grown up young woman; easy to tell once she wrapped her hands around his neck and gave him a hug. Ethel did the same, as did Evelyn.

When Georgina hugged him, she said, "My little boy, all grown up." She emphasized 'grown', and Matt blushed.