Surrounded Ch. 04


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But that came with a great struggle. Even as I arranged for some flowers for me to give to my wife, and planned out our big surprise night together, a night that should fill me with joy, I kept thinking about Aisha. About her naked body. It wouldn't be so bad to just check her out, right? To see her naked and end this sick fascination once and for all. No... NO! I couldn't. I had to be strong. Giving some flowers to my wife and having a nice dinner with her at her favorite restaurant sounded way more fun. Right?

In spite of my renewed hope, that rhythmic beat in my head lasted all throughout my flight. My stiff dick reminded me of what I was losing out on by choosing my wife. All the hot, sweaty sex. All the thrill and adventure. All the pleasure. Endless, blissful pleasure. Sister Jodie's words kept echoing in my ears. Her urging me to embrace my sin, to find balance between my sex life and my married life. It sounded so tempting, but it was clearly so wrong. Maybe I could do it though... it would solve all my problems. No! Stop it! I wasn't that guy. I didn't need that stuff anymore. I had Amanda, and she was all I needed. Despite this renewed resolved, the beat in my head, that tempting, rhythmic beat, it was not going away. And my gaze was still haunted with visions of Aisha. On the day of my anniversary, all I could think about was her dark, luscious body, waiting for me. Tempting me to her, like a siren's song. Her round, juicy ass. Her huge, mouth-watering breasts. So big... so soft. I wanted them so badly, but no. I couldn't. I just couldn't. I had to stay strong. Despite every fiber in my body telling me otherwise, I had to stay strong. This was the hard part, and if I could just get through this, I would be home free.

One problem was, the airport was on the same side of town as the strip club. The flower shop was near there as well, so to give my wife the night she needed, I had to venture into dangerous waters. I had to resist the temptation to give in. But it was getting tough to avoid. The way traffic was going pretty much forced me to drive towards the club. Forced me into proximity of "Skin". Even when I picked up a bundle of my wife's favorite flowers, knowing I was so close to Aisha again made the pressure in my mind rise. Wouldn't this money be better spent tucked snugly into Aisha's thong? My blood began to boil. The beat got louder in my ears. Her body was crystal clear in my vision. God, the idea of giving in sounded so good. I wanted to give in. I really wanted to, but I just couldn't.

Sister Jodie's words echoed in my head as I got closer and closer to 'Skin'. And with all these forces pulling me in one direction, the ones inside me began to take over. Despite knowing better, I felt like my limbs were out of my control when I got impatient with the traffic, making a hard turn, knowing it would take me right by 'Skin." I was strong. I could simply go by there with no incident. Right?

But when I got closer to the club, when I could hear the loud music booming, my cock stiffened, and clouded my better judgment. I could almost see Aisha dancing in front of me, her body shaking in beat to the music. All that sexy black skin, right in front of me. It was almost too much to bear. I just wanted to reach out. I just wanted to touch.

I felt barely in control of my actions as I pulled off the street and parked outside the strip club. I needed to pause. I needed to get my head straight. I stepped out of my car, telling myself I needed some fresh air. Maybe the evening breeze will cool me down. But the loud beat only got louder. The echoing rhythm of the loud music resounded both from within the club and in my mind, beckoning to me. I was already out of the car. Why not just go inside, and take a peek? No... NO! I had to stay strong. I had to stay firm. Firm like Aisha's big, round black titties. Titties I wanted to see bare. Titties I wanted to squeeze. To suck. To slide my married cock into that deep, soft cleavage and fuck.

My feet were already leading me towards the club, despite me knowing better, the flowers I bought for my wife forgotten in the passenger seat as I walked like a zombie towards my moment of destiny. I told myself that I was going in there to put an end to this once and for all. To just see her naked and get this sick fascination out of me for good. But my achingly stiff prick wanted something else. Something I had been trying to resist for so, so long.

Would I withstand Aisha's charms, and prove myself right, or would I prove Sister Jodie right and surrender to the lust?

In a daze, I paid my way into the club, the music booming in my ears, erasing my better judgment. I stepped through the tinted doors, into the dim haze of the club, into the shining, colorful lights and the loud rap music. The place had been haunting me in my nightmares were now reality. I was now in the strip club. I was seeing what 'Skin' had to offer.

And my eyes were wide open.

All around me were women, working the club. Most of them were black women, as I expected, but there were a few white women in the mix, and at least one Asian woman. All of them were wearing very little, and seeing women exposed like this filled me with a sense of belonging. Being around women like this made me feel like a man. Like the cursing, rutting, fucking man Katie and Michelle made me feel like. Like the beast I was trying to stifle, the one trying to burst free.

I was hanging towards the back of the club, almost afraid to fully commit to my decision. A stripper was walking by me, and I stepped back, letting her pass. I scanned the room, looking for Aisha, but I didn't see her. Maybe she wasn't even here tonight. I don't know if that thought excited me or disappointed me. The place was pretty packed, and by the looks of it, the clientele were varied, black and white, men and women, rich and poor, nervous and excited, all united for one common cause.

To see some big tits.

And they were all about to get their wish.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for my girl!" the DJ announced. "Here is Sydni!"

A heavy beat echoed through the speakers as a black woman appeared from behind the curtain. I didn't recognize her, but she immediately had my attention. She was absolutely stunning. Simply gorgeous. And not even that trashy kind of hot. But, like, legit, could be a model, hot. She was beautiful, with stunning, mesmerizing eyes, straight black hair, and a smooth pair of plump lips, turned wickedly into a nut-busting sneer. She had a lighter complexion than Aisha, and her smooth, exposed skin was amazingly sexy. She was clad in a tiny, pink, stretchy bikini top and a matching pink thong. Her legs were clad in pink, fish-net stockings, and she had matching, platform heels.

She wasn't especially tall, but she had a lithe, fit, taut frame. This really emphasized the size of her breasts, which could only be classified as absolutely enormous. They jiggled with every perfect step she took, bursting to escape the clingy bikini top.

She looked out on the crowd with intensity as she began to dance, shaking her perfect assets like a seasoned professional, despite her relatively young age. She spun around to showcase her ass. The tiny thong split the two firm, juicy cheeks, leaving her shelf-like rear exposed to the appreciative audience. Leaving her clothes on for the moment, she ground against the pole, spinning around it, her lithe fit body moving with liquid smoothness, like a coiled snake wrapped around her. The crowd hooted and hollered in appreciation, and I couldn't even stop myself from drooling. She looked incredible.

Sydni then uncurled herself from around the pole and faced the crowd. She reached up between her breasts and undid the clasp, holding the bra on, despite her fleshy delights bursting to escape. Finally, with a flourish, she pulled her top apart, exposing her big tits to the crowd.

My jaw dropped just staring at them. Finally seeing a pair of large, naked breasts, after having gone so long without... it was like an addict getting his long awaited fix. I was in heaven.

They were perfect. Just absolutely massive, and perfectly firm. The mammoth udders jutted out from her chest, flawlessly dense, the skin looking unbearably smooth. Her hard, dark nipples were turned up firmly, aching to be touched. Men were tossing bills onto the stage as she got on her knees in front of them, teasing the front row crowd, sliding her breasts under their noses, causing them to be caught in her vapor trail. She had these massive melons on her chest, and she knew how to use them to get exactly what she wanted.

These breasts sent me into action. I began slowly moving forward, towards these perfect titties. I had to get closer. I had to see them. Smell them. Feel them. Anything. I made it halfway across the room before I was interrupted.

"You want a dance, baby?" a stripper asked, appearing in front of me. Unlike her friend on the stage, this woman was an amazon. She was tall and imposing, yet still very fit. She had darker skin, much darker skin, equally exposed by her tiny, blue number. But she wore a similar sneer as she looked down at me, jutting her mammoth udders outward, right in front of my face. I looked down at them blatantly, checking out the smooth, dark skin, the canyon of cleavage, and their immense size, and for a moment, she might have had me. But some small part of the good man inside me rose to the surface.

"Uh... no. No thanks," I croaked out. She simply rolled her eyes and pushed by me, looking for someone to pay to see her naked. She marched away, and as she did, I watched her large, firm, jutting ass, clad in a miniscule thong, shake side-to-side, making many men stare, and for a moment, I regretted turning her down.

"Baby!" I head a woman shriek, and before I could turn my head, a woman leapt into my arms. I looked down, and sure enough, Aisha was pressed against me, hugging me, before stepping back, looking up into my eyes, beaming. "I knew you'd come back for me! What do you think?"

She stepped back and posed in front of me, putting her hands on her hips so I could take her in. She looked incredible. She was wearing a skimpy neon yellow outfit. The stretchy, tiny yellow bra struggled to contain her massive breasts. The top was composed of two tiny triangles of stretchy material, her smooth, soft, dark flesh pouring over the edges. Down below, she had a tiny yellow thong, scooped low to reveal as much as possible without giving anything away. She had matching yellow fish-nets and tall platform boots. Her hot body looked amazing being shown off like this. Her smooth, dark black skin was coated with a thin sheet of perspiration, adding to her appeal. Her outfit left a lot of her hot body exposed. Her slim, lithe arms. Her fit, taut belly. Her long, firm, juicy legs. And most importantly, her massive, jiggly breasts, rippling with every small move she made. I was transfixed.

"You look incredible..." I said, causing her to smile. This almost didn't seem real. This was the woman who had been haunting me, and now here she was, right in front of me. And she looked even better than I remembered.

"Did you come here for me?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied, exhaling. I had tried to avoid this for so long, but now, I needed to face her down. I needed to see if I could withstand what she was offering. I tried to be strong, but as she bent forward to take my hand in hers, her big tits hung down, the full udders bouncing off each other, forming a chasm of cleavage that I could not take my eyes off of.

"Come with me," she said quietly, stepping forward, pressing her tits against my chest. "Let's go somewhere more private."

She led the way, sauntering, my hand in hers, allowing me to take in her exposed ass. Its size and shape were remarkable, two round, full, juicy cheeks, jiggling with every confident step she took. The yellow of her thong really stood out against her dark skin, the material meeting in a pronounced triangle before diving downward into a single string, disappearing between her meaty ass cheeks. Her shelf-like ass bounced and moved, side-to-side, beckoning me to follow, despite any objections I might have. She led me past other patrons and strippers, with a clear destination in mind.

"You taking a dance with that bitch?" the tall stripper called out to Aisha, just ahead of us.

"Uh huh, that's right, bitch!" Aisha stated proudly. "This one is all mine!"

"Why would he take a dance from you when he could have had all this?" the tall stripper said, running her hands down her imposing body.

"He don't want your skanky ass, Monique!" Aisha called out as we passed her. "He wants my skanky ass." She said with a smirk. We soon escaped the throngs of people and we ascended a small staircase. "The private rooms are up here, baby... just me and you," she teased, looking back at me with a smirk. As we got upstairs we approached a set of closed doors, with a bodyguard standing nearby, we were approached by an older Asian woman, dressed professionally, carrying a portfolio.

She looked out of place standing here, in a strip club. As she approached us, with a seething expression on her face, I suddenly realized she stood out to me for another reason. A reason that made me nervous. Cause as she moved closer, I realized that I recognized her. This was the woman from the parking lot. The one that was convinced I bumped into her car. The one that yelled and screamed at me. What was she doing here?

"What are you doing, Aisha?" she asked, sensing something off as she eyed the two of us. They knew each other?

"I snared me a keeper here, Mel," Aisha boasted. "Rich, white and married! He's perfect! It's been coming to this for a long time."

"What are you talking about?" the woman asked. She took this opportunity to take me in for the first time. I tried to look away from her judgmental gaze, hoping that she wouldn't recognize me. But it was all for naught. "Wait a minute... you're that piece of shit who bumped my car?"

"Okay, I didn't bump your car! It wasn't me!" I replied, still kinda mad about that whole thing.

"Bull-fucking-shit!" she replied.

"You've met?" Aisha asked, confused.

"You've met?" I asked, turning it back on her.

"Yeah, Mel's my boss. She runs this place." Aisha stated plainly. I thought she was some high-powered executive or something. Someone who was a peer of mine in the business world, probably someone higher up the ladder than me. Turns out, she was the boss of the filthiest strip club in town. Small world.

"And this is the motherfucker who bumped my car! The one I told you all about." Mel said. Even under her cold gaze, I couldn't help but take in her incredible good looks. For a woman in her forties, she looked spectacular. She was gorgeous, with straight black hair, hazel eyes, and smooth golden skin. Her body seemed fantastic, with seemingly large, luscious breasts packed into her tight business top, bursting out from a blazer. She had long firm legs, flattering tight pants, and expensive looking heels. Even staring me down with dislike, she looked amazing. "I should get Hector to throw your white ass out!" she said, gesturing towards the bodyguard behind her.

"Oh, calm down, bitch," Aisha said flippantly, unafraid at talking like this to her boss. Either she was unafraid of Mel, or she felt like she had the clout to talk like this. "I've got big plans for this one." Aisha teased. Mel looked down her nose at me.

"Like what?" Mel spat out.

"Oh, I'm taking him into one of the private rooms," Aisha began, looking back at me with a raised eyebrow. "Me and him are gonna FUCK!" My eyes widened as she announced this fact in front of her boss. Would this proclamation get us into trouble? I looked at Mel, this woman who already hated me, waiting for her reaction, knowing that any legitimate club would never allow this type of thing to happen.

Mel, for the first time, really appraised me, looking me over with a scowl on her face. Her gaze was slow and deliberate, but hot in a way I couldn't describe. I swear I could feel her gaze pass over my crotch, and it sent a jolt through my cock. She looked me in the eyes for a moment, evaluating my looks and coming to a final judgment.

"Fine." Mel relented, stunning me. Did I live up to her standards? Did she think I was hot enough for Aisha? After she answered, she simply glanced down at the crowd, her expression unchanging. "Shouldn't be a problem tonight. Just try not to make too much noise."

"You see this stud?" Aisha asked her boss incredulously. "Bitch, I'm gonna fucking scream!" Mel, smirked wickedly, and I suddenly realized that despite their relationship as boss and employee, she was on the same page with Aisha. As Aisha led us towards the private room, the boss reached down and slapped Aisha's round ass, making the firm cheek jiggle. As Aisha pulled me forward, I glanced back at Mel, shocked that she was allowing this to happen, but her narrowed gaze told me I would find no respite from her. She had no love lost for me. She was the last person interested in my marital vows. So, I was truly on my own now. Me and Aisha walked by the bodyguard and through a heavy black door, which shut behind us. Once we were alone, Aisha pulled me forward and shoved me onto a couch. I landed with a bounce as she looked down at me proudly.

"Finally!" she called out to me, stepping forward. "It's just me and you!"

"Aisha, listen," I began, breathing deep. "I don't want you to have the wrong idea. I just came here to, uh... to watch. To see you dance. That's it." I affirmed, not sure how strong this sounded. She paused in her approach to study me.

"Sure, baby, I got you," she said with a knowing grin. "I'm gonna take off my clothes, dance for you, let you see me totally naked. Let you see my hot ass and big tits. Then, I'm gonna grind all up on you while you sit there with a stiff fucking dick. I'm gonna slide my big black tits on your face. I'm gonna let you put your hands all over me. I'm gonna grind my dripping cunt all up against that married dick, till the point that you're driven insane! Till you will need my tight black cunt, or you will just die! And then... you'll just walk away. Go back home to that wife that you clearly love with all your heart. Who you would never, ever betray." Her tone was mocking, making her intentions clear, despite my objections. She wanted to fuck me. She wanted to tempt me into sex, and it was up to me to be strong enough to stop her.

This was the test. Could I be the good husband I believed I could be, or was I truly the cursing, rutting animal who got off on betraying his wife, humiliating her behind her back while fucking various gorgeous women with huge tits, hot asses, who's luscious bodies radiated a pure, intoxicating evil that I could not resist?

I was in trouble.

A beat echoed through the speakers, seemingly matching the exact pulsing that had pounding in my brain for weeks now. And as Aisha began to shake her hips, I realized that the exact scene that had been haunting me was coming true. Despite everything, I had ended up in front of her, in this club, watching her dance.

"Most the guys that come here... they're forgettable," Aisha said, raising her hands above her, rolling her hips in front of me, like a belly dancer. I watched her fit, taut belly flexing, her smooth, black skin arresting my vision. "Just a bunch of nameless, faceless men, gawking at what they could never have."

She spun around, still rolling her hips, with her round, juicy, thong-clad ass now facing me. I watched it roll, each of the large, firm cheeks jiggling.

"But not you..." she began. "You're different." She slid her hands down her body, her luscious frame and the booming music dulling my resolve. "You're so fucking hot, just about any girl would scratch and claw just for the honor of spreading their legs for you. None of those other guys could dream of having a woman like me... but you can. You could have women like me every fucking day..." She put her hands on her knees and began twerking, bouncing her luscious, exposed ass for me. "But baby, you act like you don't want this, when deep down you do. You play hard to get every day of your fucking life, and you don't even know it. Your wife don't know it. But I do. I can fucking smell it on you. You're fucking filthy, just like me. Even at your bachelor party, I could tell there was something inside you, bursting to get out. Tell me Matt... are you ready to burst?"
