Susceptible to Suggestion

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A hot friend takes suggestions enthusiastically.
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We became Blake and Julie Sanford when we were only eighteen years old, obviously too young for a realistic chance at a totally successful marriage, but as this story starts we had made it work over the last twenty one years. Since we got married and had kids early, we were empty nesters by the time that we were both thirty nine years old.

Our son Roger, nicknamed Rock because he is six four, 240 pounds and built like a rock, was a roughneck as this story unfolded and made almost as much money at twenty one as I did at thirty nine – but then again I don't work in the physically demanding unsafe profession that he did.

Our daughter Brittany was at the Air Force Academy hoping to become a fighter pilot.

Both kids are very independent. Of course Brittany's education was being paid for by the U. S. Government, and Rock was working as a roughneck to save enough money to put himself through college (he didn't want to put his parents into debt) since the only full ride football scholarships he was offered out of High School were to schools that he didn't want to attend. He ultimately planned on becoming a high-rise construction manager which usually requires some sort of an engineering degree.

One of the main problems with my marriage to Julie was that our libidos were out-of-sync. Another was that we matured very differently since we tied the knot at eighteen, and had developed different interests.


This story centers around two of our then childless friends, Jack and Alysia Burton; Jack was thirty eight, Alysia thirty four, at the start of this tale. Jack was a reasonably good friend of mine, Alysia and Julie were very good friends. To me Alysia was kind of an enigma, wrapped in a puzzlement, topped by a conundrum; Jack, on the other hand, was simple and straight-forward.

One of many reasons why I was so confused by Alysia was because she seemed to be naïve at times, sharp and worldly at others. Also, I was mystified by her looks. Sometimes she looked as sultry as a tropical breeze, while at other times she looked almost drab. She always was friendly and helpful regardless of how she looked, or if she was sharp or naïve, at a particular point in time.

Jack and Alysia had a fire at their house while Alysia was out but Jack was at home. The circumstances of how it started and spread seemed to be difficult to pin down. Regardless, however, Jack was seriously injured in escaping the blaze, and it turned out that they were underinsured so they were hit with financial hardship. I suggested to Julie that we invite them to stay with us since they undoubtedly couldn't afford both temporary accommodations and Jack's extensive physical therapy and we had plenty of room since we had four bedrooms, including one on the first floor, and the kids were long gone. Julie agreed but wanted to charge them rent; I nixed that idea which for reasons I can't explain didn't sit well with her, but she ultimately relented.

There were no initial problems when Jack and Alysia moved in, although Jack was greatly restricted in what he could do. Alysia took over most household chores that Julie normally did, which did sit well with Julie; I continued to do the household chores that I always did. Alysia, not wanting to be a total mooch (she was sensitive to invading our privacy and embarrassed by her inability to live financially without our help) bought and paid for most of the groceries.

After Jack and Alysia had been with us for about a month it seemed like all of our work (or in Jack's case physical therapy) schedules changed at the same time. It turned out that Alysia and I were home together for about ninety minutes every weekday afternoon while Jack was at therapy and Julie was at work. Then either Alysia or I would pick up Jack from therapy while the other would start dinner.

About the third day of our new arrangement when Alysia and I got home almost simultaneously with a sly smile she asked "Is there something that I can do for you Blake."

Getting an open-ended question like that I first laughed and said "You better be careful about asking something so unrestrained." She laughed too. Then I continued "However I would like a small peanut butter and jelly sandwich as a snack, and I'd like you to prepare it with your hair down." Alysia usually put her hair up in a bun which I could never understand since when she wore it down she looked great, and her hair had a natural, pleasant, sheen.

"OK," she chuckled, removed the pin from her hair, and made and served me my sandwich. We chatted about our days for a few minutes, she went to work out in our exercise room since it was my day to pick up Jack so she had time before she started dinner, and I went into the garage to work on a project.

For some reason that I couldn't put my finger on the exchange with Alysia that Thursday really put my imagination into over-drive.

Friday Alysia asked the same question. I gave the same answer only I asked her to both let her hair down and remove her makeup – both of which she did without complaint or comment. She looked really good. I had to hide my "boing."

That Friday night I had the best sex with Julie that I had had in a year. I was like the Energizer Bunny I was so wound-up and Julie was in –at least after I ate her to two orgasms – an unusually receptive mood, so I fucked her both missionary and – after what was a really short interlude for me – doggy, resulting in mammoth orgasms for both of us each time.

"What the fuck got into you?" Julie mumbled after I withdrew from her overworked pussy after our doggy fuck and we snuggled together.

"You just looked so nice tonight, I couldn't help myself," I lied. Actually my sexual intensity was inspired by Alysia without complaint being susceptible to my suggestions two afternoons in a row.

That Saturday night Julie and I went to a party while Alysia and Jack stayed home and watched TV – Jack wasn't really capable of, or in the mood for, partying yet. I saw Alysia in a shorty bathrobe when I got home, which caused another instant "boing" at my midsection, and Julie had no hope of not being attacked when she came to bed. We both slept soundly after a vigorous fuck that ended in the cowgirl position.

I spent all day Sunday trying to figure out what was happening to me and what I should do about it. It didn't help that Alysia, Julie and I went to the community pool that day and I saw Alysia in a bikini for the first time in my life – actually it likely was the best bikini body that I had ever seen, and it was lucky that I brought wrap-around sunglasses to cover my bulging eyes, and a large towel to cover the activity at my crotch.


Over the weekend I had decided that I would play Monday by ear – I'd see if Alysia would ask her same open-ended question. She did. I boldly said, although with a smile and a chuckle so that I could pretend that it was a joke if she got pissed, "I'd love for you to make me a small pb&j for a snack while in your underwear."

I couldn't fucking believe it when without comment, or even any type of strained look on her face, she shed her dress and made and served me the sandwich in her bra and panties, then got her exercise togs on for a workout since it was my turn to pick up Jack from PT.

Tuesday I asked for my snack preparation with her bra off and I almost came in my pants when I saw her gorgeous nipples on her perfectly sized tits; and that her nipples were supernumerary. For those of you unfamiliar with that term, she had a third fully formed nipple just below her right breast. She was completely non-embarrassed (although I might have turned red) when she served me my snack topless.

I had no idea how far this would go, but by now I had become obsessed with Alysia and I sure wasn't going to stop ramping up my "suggestions." I was leaving it to her to draw the line.

The line was NOT drawn on Wednesday when I asked her to prepare and serve my snack nude. She nonchalantly removed her dress, bra, and panties, although she did keep on the three-inch heels she normally wore to work. Her pussy was as spectacular as her tits – characterized by a large clit that could be seen six feet away, and a sparse bush.

I knew what the logical conclusion of our activities would be on Thursday when I asked her to just bring me the jelly jar and her naked body and I proceeded to put jelly on all three of her nipples and suck it off. The sucking of her third nipple clearly resulted in her having a small orgasm, which she unsuccessfully tried to hide.

I had the next steps planned when a monkey wrench was thrown into them on Friday when Julie came home from work before Alysia did. I tried to gauge Alysia's reaction when she saw Julie, but it was as inscrutable as the rest of her. She merely smiled at and hugged Julie, and they chatted away like I wasn't there – which I wasn't after a while since I went to work out since Julie offered to cook and Alysia to pick up Jack. I swear that Alysia intentionally swung her ass into me – and laughingly apologized – when I walked past her, resulting in another instant "boing" at my nether regions.


The weekend was difficult. I tried to stay away from Alysia, and not be too obvious about my need to energetically pork Julie; in fact I even masturbated once (obviously looking at a photo of Alysia) instead of taking another shot at Julie's pussy so as not to make her suspicious.

My apprehension about whether my now obsession would be sated disappeared when on Monday things were back to normal – and the next step to normalcy was for her to sit on my lap while I licked the jelly off of her three nipples, this time resulting in an even more substantial orgasm for her.

Tuesday was to be D-day – I stripped down to my shorts before suggesting to Alysia that she get nude and bring the jelly over to me, and then sit down on my lap. Of course my hard-on was sticking through my boxers, as proud as it ever was in my life. When Alysia sat down on my lap she weakly mumbled "Please don't fuck me."

Sadly, despite the fact that she had been susceptible to all of my suggestions, I apparently wasn't to hers. After licking jelly off of all three of her nipples – in a more perfunctory manner than previous days – I lifted her up slightly and lowered her obviously wet pussy onto my upright cock. We both grunted and groaned as her body got used to the invader, and then she kept mumbling "Please don't fuck me," as I bucked up and down while she pushed her tits into contact with my chest.

I found it a little odd that even after we had been at it for a while Alysia was not participating in what to me was a monumental fuck; then I found it even more strange when suddenly – without much movement of the rest of her body – her pc muscles clamped hard on my dick. It may have been the nicest sensation that I had ever felt – that is until she started pulsing her pc muscles, something I hadn't known was possible. It took only seconds after she started peristaltic contractions of her pussy that I came like a freight train. I came so hard thatI was momentarily surprised that I didn't buck her off my lap. I grunted as I came – she groaned, cried out, and then went limp.

A few minutes after my cock deflated and popped out of her pussy she got up with a weak smile on her face, calmly asked "Would you mind starting dinner tonight and let me pick up Jack?"

While startled at her blasé question I stammered " problem," in reply. She smiled again, picked up her clothes, and went into her bedroom, shortly after which I heard the shower in her bathroom running. I took my own shower in a complete daze. I didn't know what the hell was going on, but it had been the best sexual experience of my life, and there was no way that I was calling an end to it – Alysia would have to – even if it cost me my marriage.

Starting the next day, Wednesday, I got completely naked and carried Alysia to the bed in one of the kids' old rooms, and energetically reciprocated my cock in her pussy. She again incantated "Please don't fuck me," and didn't really participate until suddenly her pussy clamped on my cock like a vise, she pulsed her pussy muscles, and we both came like B-52s taking off.


Alysia and I played hide-the-salami at least four days a week – always with the same M. O. regardless of the sexual positions we used – until the dreaded day came that simultaneously their house was restored and Jack no longer had PT and surprisingly could return to his job despite a months-long hiatus. The Thursday before the weekend that Jack and Alysia were to move out I arranged to take Alysia to a park using a pretense that neither Jack nor Julie adversely reacted to. Alysia had been distracted the last week or so, and obviously something was on her mind too.

When we sat on a secluded park bench I said "Alysia, I need to know what we're going to do in the future."

"I love you, and I think that you love me too since you were putty in my hands when I seduced you over a period of a couple of weeks; I always wanted you since we met," she said with a grin.

"Here I thought that I was in control while the bitch was playing me," I chuckled to myself.

Then she continued with a serious look. "There's a complicating factor in making that decision," she replied, seemingly having a difficult time making eye contact.

"Oh...what is it?" was my stellar reply.

"I'm eight weeks pregnant."

I gulped. "Have you and Jack been having sex?"

"Jack and I fucked twice in the last three plus months, while you and I have been making love," – she did make eye contact when she said "making love" instead of "fucking" – "at least four times a week during that time. That would mean that it's probably your kid – but something else makes it certain that it is."

"What's that?" I gulped.

"Years ago both Jack and I were tested because I wanted kids – and he pretended that he did too. He told me at the time that the lab said that his sperm count was normal but that I had a problem conceiving, so I never went on the pill. When I had morning sickness the first time a couple of weeks ago my OB/GYN ran tests of her own and said that I NEVER had a problem with conception. Jack was lying to me because he really didn't want kids, while I did, and he was sterile. We can have a DNA test to confirm it, but there is no doubt that you are the father," she concluded – with a hopeful gaze into my eyes.

The number of thoughts and emotions that raged through me then were like the flow of the Amazon during rainy season. I'm not sure how long it was before clarity hit but when it did Alysia was still staring expectantly into my eyes.

"When you said that we were making love the last three months, was that what it was to you?" I hesitantly asked.

"Absolutely," was her resolute reply.

I chuckled. "I can't believe it. Until this second I've been unwilling to admit it to myself, but I'm madly in love with you. Now, answer my question – where do we go from here?"

"Why we get divorces, marry each other, and raise our baby – and maybe another one – together. You know damn well that even if you didn't love me you couldn't go without sex with me more than a few days before you went crazy – so man up!" she retorted, the "man up" delivered with a giggle.

I probably did the riskiest thing that I ever did in my life when she said that by taking her behind the bench and making love to her once again – where any passerby could see us (fortunately I don't think there were any, although to be honest none of my senses were working when our orgasms hit they so overwhelmed my entire body). This was the first time that we had intercourse when she didn't say "Please don't fuck me." It suddenly became clear to me what she meant. The entire time she wanted to make love – not fuck.


We didn't get arrested for public indecency.

Jack and Julie didn't take the news well – which we delivered to them that very Thursday night. Ultimately Jack had less reason to complain because he had deceived Alysia about her ability to become pregnant; Julie had every reason to be pissed though.

Shockingly after Alysia and I were living in an apartment together for about two weeks after we broke the news apparently Julie had an epiphany. In a surprisingly civil conversation at my old house between Alysia, Julie, and me, Julie calmly laid out the conditions for divorce, I accepted them on the spot, and she even hugged Alysia and me good-bye, and wished Alysia well with her pregnancy after telling her that I would be a great father.

Jack had no choice in the conditions of his divorce from Alysia since she threatened a fraud action against him, and apparently his attorney told him that it was a colorable claim.

Alysia and I were married before our twin baby girls were born – yet another shock since there are no twins in either of our families.

I never was certain why Julie became so accommodating, but I have my suspicions since she remarried only three months after Alysia and I were wed.

In the third major surprise by the time that Rock was a sophomore in engineering school and Brittany was in flight school my relationships with them were as solid as ever. It undoubtedly was in part due to the facts that their mother was happy with her new husband, they really liked Alysia, and they were enthralled by the twins, who to them were the cutest creatures on the entire planet.

My libido is in perfect sync with that of my second wife and her peristaltic pussy action never fails to bring me to the Mt. Olympus of orgasms.


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dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

LOL. Mischiefmaker enjoy making stories from the point of view of a cheater. I have no problem with that but I prefer some plot, this is sort of meager, I guess OK for 1 page.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

Another cheating asshole story. I really like when the man is the good guy and his wife is the cheating slut...

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 5 years ago
Cheating stories really have to achieve to be fun.

Didn't quite clear the bar.

amyyumamyyumalmost 5 years ago
I would love a third sensitive nipple

Very original story; 5*

MajorRewriteMajorRewritealmost 5 years ago
Three nipples?

Is she a witch?

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