Suzanne's Supreme Night of Poker Ch. 04

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Jim puts the cherry atop Suzanne's sundae.
2.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/04/2015
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Best enjoyed if you read the earlier sections, at least Part One.


There was a bit of quiet after the boys left, the sound of their trucks starting and then heading down the driveway. I heard Jim locking the front door, turning off the lights before making his way to the back of the house. I stood, leaning against the side of the bedroom doorway, waiting for him.

I suddenly got tense. What was this going to do to us? I had acted a bit rashly. Well, not "a bit," but completely. While I had done some checking in with Jim while our little group sexual adventures spooled along, and there were several pivotal times when he could have called a halt to everything, we certainly hadn't discussed this together beforehand. I didn't know his interior mindset, and I was now near-paralyzed with concern.

His embrace of me when he got to the bedroom calmed a lot of my worries. He had only carelessly pulled on his clothes, and I could feel his bare chest press against mine with his shirt open. He hugged me hard, and I found myself melting into him, my head resting on his shoulder.

We looked at each other.

I had been standing long enough that I had started to feel some of all that semen inside of me begin to drip down and out of my groin, and I grew a bit uncertain.

"Would you like me to shower first?" I asked. It occurred to me that this might make a difference to him, that he might want me cleaned up a bit, free from the smell and soggy fluids left over from his over-heated male buddies.

I got a keen look from him in response.

"No babe, I would like to take you just as you are."

His words excited me.

He looked evenly at me. "Feel this."

He placed my hand on his crotch. His cock was pointing straight up, I could feel it right through his pants, no doubt of his arousal.

"See what you have done?"

"Let me pee a second Jimbo? I can't wait for you though..."

His hug loosened and I gratefully made my way to the bathroom. After a good release of fluids, I gave my oozing crotch a good mopping up with a towel.

Jim was waiting for me back at the bedroom doorway, clothes off, penis out stiff. He had turned off all the lights except one on my bed-stand, the one with a dimmer control, which we liked to turn way down when feeling especially romantic. It cast a low, diffuse candle-light type of glow around the room.

He greeted me with a kiss and hug at the doorway, and I melted into his arms again. I so much wanted to couple with him now.

He took me by surprise and put an arm under my legs, the other under my back, and lifted me abruptly off my feet. Big smile on his face, he carried me lightly to the bed and deposited me softly on the sheets, rumpled from all our fuckings earlier in the evening. He proceeded to kiss my body, up and down, neck, arms, armpits, almost tickling me there, and down my flanks, also uncomfortably ticklish.

Then, this was so arousing at the time and took me by surprise, he took the top of one of my stockings in his teeth and very slowly, as it was a bit complicated, pulled it off my leg, all the way down, then did the other one. Something about watching him use his teeth to remove my last bit of clothing was highly exciting. His stiff penis bobbed with his movements, it looked real nice in the dim light of the room.

He knelt in front of my crotch and I wondered if he would dare lick me, I did not expect this after all the other boys had been there and filled me with their sperm, but he merely gave the top of my mound a kiss, then moved up alongside me.

We kissed, and he twiddled his fingers on my mound, running them through my damp hair and along the outside, then slid them along my slippery lips, felt so good. Similarly I stroked his penis, fully hard and lovely smooth.

I am not sure how he managed to hold off as long as he did over the next stretch. He was aroused, as much as I had ever seen, or felt, him. We entered a little time-warp, it might have been as little as a half hour, maybe twice that, but everything went in slow motion.

He penetrated me at least four different times, not staying all that long at any of them until the last. He straddled my chest, dangled his penis into my mouth, let me nuzzle and lick his balls. For some reason I love this, having him over me, his penis hard against my chest, close to me, running the stiff underside over my face and cheeks. He looked fine, his familiar penis so strong and handsome, engorged, veins showing in the low light of our bedroom.

He tweaked my nipples, licked my armpits, my flanks, twiddled my mound until I was dying to come. My groin was white-hot, all seeping wet inside, he brought me to the edge several times with his hand and fingertips, and then let me stew in my own arousal.

For my part, it was intoxicating, and a relief, to have him lead our sexual dance. I had managed things all evening long, and now my Jim was the conductor, his penis-baton waving about, keeping time, coaxing near crescendos out of me, then slipping us into a slower interlude. I wasn't passive, not gauging by how happily I licked and sucked his penis, but he was the one to run the show.

His eyes shone with a deep desire. He had flopped me on my stomach once, kissed and kneaded my ass, spreading my cheeks, then mounted me from behind. We rarely did this, it always felt nasty, primitive, animal-like. And yet it felt good to have him from behind, his mouth fastened to my neck, his hands cupping my breasts, my ass enjoying his thrusts, feeling his hips pressing into me. But he didn't want to finish that way, I think he wanted to be looking at me when he finally came, face to face, and that is indeed how we ended.

He had laid next to me, side by side, our heads sharing the pillow while he kissed me, his fingers playing my notch, my fingers on his erection. I was impossibly close, right on the edge. My nipples were alive, my hips moving restlessly as he continued to push and rub with his fingers.

Slowly he rose up, let me kiss the head of his dick one last time, and then slipped down to my crotch and pushed up me. It felt like returning home after a long vacation, his cock entering my channel, stretching me lovely, then feeling the pressure as his pubic area pressed into the top of my mound.

He went slow at first. My legs were stiffening, I didn't dare kiss him any more, afraid I might bite his tongue, and my head thrashed about. And then the waves hit me just as he started to pick up speed. His movements were so strong, so powerful. My crotch clenched him tightly, in cycles. I am sure I made sounds like whimpering it felt so good.

He felt my own climax, the clamping I put on his own cock, and he came himself only a minute or so afterward, very strong frantic thrusts as he sent his sperm home, then those long slow, almost wistful post-climax pushes at the end.

We were both panting, nearly breathless. He laid on top of me for a long time, our arms around each other, while I felt his discharged penis slowly soften inside me.

Finally we each disentangled and made our separate trips to the bathroom.

He curled up behind me as we settled towards sleep. I liked having his arms around me, his soft, warm crotch pressed up against my ass. Although my body was thoroughly exhausted, my mind was not quite ready for slumber, and restless urgent thoughts kept crashing around in my head.


"Yes babe?"

"Would you want to do this again?"

The silence behind me went on long enough I became a little worried. Or perhaps he had not heard me.


"I'm still thinking, babe."

Another long silence.

"I'd like you to understand this fully," he began slowly, carefully. "In no way am I sorry tonight happened."

Another pause.

"Although you took absolutely everyone by surprise."

I half laughed.

"You too?" I asked.

"Maybe more than anyone. You were quite the show. I know we talked a little last week about things, expanding horizons and all, but tonight was way beyond that." He paused.

"I had figured if anything out of the ordinary was going to happen, it would be much further down the road."

I hesitated.

"And you thought we might talk about it first?"


"And you might have something to say about it too?"


I felt him give me a gentle squeeze with his arms.

"So, okay, we had a night of it. Some night. But I am not sure I - we - could handle another," he said quietly.

"Why's that? You looked like you were enjoying yourself."

"There is no question about that, but what I am saying is not just about enjoyment."

Another pause.

"It just will be easier all around, better in the long run, if tonight was a one-and-done."

"No one is going to forget this evening Jim, you know that. I don't doubt that some of them at least would want to do this again."

"I think you're right," he laughed. "I think we could call the boys over again tomorrow and they'd rush here wagging their tails and drooling and their tongues would be hanging out, hopping ready for another round. But sometimes it is possible to do something once and then pretend it never happened and continue on."

It was my turn to laugh. "Pretend it never happened? There is no way Billie, say, is ever going to look at me again and not rewind his tape to what happened tonight. He had his penis unexpectedly sucked and then erupted in my mouth! Then again in my groin! His sperm went into different ends of me twice! Watched me suck and fuck all of you! I didn't grow up here, and don't know him like you do, but I can guarantee that his memory will have tonight fixed in his head for life."

"You are dead right."

Another pause.

"But try thinking of it this way. Bear with me a minute. There are things that happen, and there are things that happen because you want them to." He was quiet for a moment, considering his next words.

"When I was in middle school here, maybe twelve, thirteen years old, I went and stole something from the town drug store. I didn't need it, it was just a magazine I rolled up and stuffed into my jacket before walking out the door. I just did it to see if I could do it. I felt terrible afterward. Guilty. Awful. I'd pulled a fast one and gotten away with it. No one but me knew about it. And you know what? I never stole anything again, ever. It is not like that my stealing didn't happen, it was possible for me to tell people about it and everything, but I moved on. It was an event I couldn't deny, but I knew I could never do it again. You do something once, okay it happened, things happen. But if you do it again? Means you wanted to. And for us, in this town, with my friends, that is dangerous ground."

I thought for a bit.

"So if we had another, ah, night like this, it would be different?"

"Completely. You couldn't call it 'accidental' then. It would be willful adultery."

I shuddered a little as he said this last word.

"I will have to think more, but it is probably best if we leave this as it is. I want to thank you for it, you were extraordinary." He exhaled and I felt his hand squeeze my breast.

"But I think once is plenty. Puts all of us at the straining point of capacity."

We were quiet for a bit.

"If I tell the guys not to say anything, they won't," he finally said. "Although I will have to talk to them all together, as well as individually. But they will be silent."

"Really?" Part of me could not quite believe this, although I wanted to. This is not a big town.

"No, if I insist, they will be quiet. Reliably. That is the kind of friends we are. But if this happens again? At some point something like this gets a life of its own. There gets to be some drama. Stuff gets off balance, out of kilter, and then the overflow is ugly. And I don't want to deal with that. I don't think you do either."

We talked a little more. He was calm, rational, firm. He was right, I guess.

He also said it probably wasn't a good idea to ever even have poker-night at our home again. The guys would have their hopes up, want to do a repeat. And in fact we never did. Or at least haven't.

But my head wasn't quite done, I was thinking about different parts of the recent excitement.

"How about with just Rob?" I finally asked. I tried to keep my voice even. Not even sure what I wanted.

Inside my head I went back over what it felt like when Rob's penis was shooting into my mouth, then my innards. How thick and powerful it felt. What having two cocks attend to me at the same time felt like. That experience had possessed an intensity I had not completely expected. I suppose some part of me didn't want to have just discovered this new-found pleasure only to have to give it up immediately.

"Maybe. I will have to think."

We were silent.


"Yes Jim?"

"I love you." He whispered this into my ear.

Part of me relaxed. This was what mattered.

"I love you too Jim. Thanks. You're a sweetheart. The best man I could ever have met."

He gave me a squeeze and we drifted off to a body-weary, thoroughly spent sleep.

It was the first act for the rest of an amazing week. We talked about that night continually for the four days before the kids got home. I didn't want to make love the next day, feeling more worn out internally than I had for a long time, but my desire to please, and to take pleasure in Jim's pleasure, remained at a fever pitch. I went braless, indoors at least, for the rest of the week, Jim enjoying the look of my nipples and breasts moving around inside whatever I was wearing. I liked the sharp gleam in his eyes when he was gazing at me, felt his hungry eyes violating me, making me feel womanly, desired.

We did couple twice more that week, including a long languorous morning tryst early Saturday before we drove to pick up the kids from camp. After our supernova Tuesday night I made it my business to suck Jim's penis to climax every morning before he went off to work. I made breakfast for him each morning with the taste of his semen still in my mouth. He left the house with a smile every time.

I got more sperm out of him in those few days than even in our wildest weekends early on in our relationship. Later every day that week when I was on my own in the quiet deserted house that had hosted our energy-packed little bacchanal, I would think about all the erect cocks that had experienced pleasure here that Tuesday night, what they had looked like in the evening light, erect and desirous in front of me, how nice their sperm felt jetting into my mouth, and then how sweet they felt inside me, pushing, stretching me, pulsing out their sperm. How absolutely excited my state of mind had been when I was planning, then executing the event. I felt well rewarded.

The visuals were intense, the memories sharp. But most of all I found my thoughts going to Jim, the look in his eyes when he grew aroused that night, his penis, how excited he had been, the sperm that had come out of him, the way his cock had pulsed and spasmed when he climaxed either in my mouth or my crotch that night. My own groin would contract with enjoyment. This was the guy I married, the man who loved me. Our marriage had gone and created for itself a sweet little new wrinkle, out of the blue. And it is good to do new things sometimes, makes you think, helps you go forward in life.

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Thank you for the recognition yowser.

yowseryowserabout 4 years agoAuthor


Finally, four years later, my story gets dissed by 26thNC. The stamp of quality...

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

Jim the cuck enjoys his whorewife after her gangbang. Lowest of the low.

TatankaBillTatankaBillover 6 years ago

Bravo! This story is so sensual and erotic. Suzanne is a woman of action and surprised not only all the poker players but this reader too. I think I'm in love with her. You told this masterfully and it's written brilliantly. I just can't say enough about how much I enjoyed it.

lickitandstickitlickitandstickitalmost 7 years ago
Really Liked this series.

I enjoyed this series, great writing, I'm off to read Suzanne comes again as you prefaced in the first chapter of that series that you should read this series first to get full grasp of the characters and story.. I look forward to that. 5 Stars.

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