Sweet Dreams Pt. 03


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Merrill screamed. "No!" and then to herself she repeated. It can't be. It can't be.

"What on earth?" Shouted an irritated voice from Merrill's left. A man had emerged and from his appearance Merrill was certain it was the Reverend Mike whom she had an appointment with later that morning. He was the incumbent she was replacing in the church.

"There is someone up there," yelled Merrill, pointing to the balcony. Her hand was shaking. The Reverend Mike snorted in disbelief and marched confidently down the aisle, he appeared a few moments later on the balcony.

"There is no one here," he said impatiently, and then he disappeared again. He reappeared, marching grim-faced back up the aisle towards Merrill.

He spoke again. "Perhaps you would be so good as to leave me in peace for ten more minutes so I can be ready for our meeting."

Merrill raised her eyes again, although the figure was still blocked by sunlight, she was sure it was the Lord and he was laughing at her. As she watched the figure disappeared from view.

"Now sit there," said The Reverend, and then added sternly. "and pray do not move!" Merrill did as she was told, although she was both shocked and scared. Her dream it seemed had followed her into real life. Several times she turned her head. Each time the sun was no longer shining so she could see the balcony properly, but there was nothing to see.

What an awful first impression she must have made on the Reverend! Merrill knew it would make it worse to say what she thought she had seen, that would lead onto maybe talking about her dream last night. From the little she knew and the warnings she had been given; Reverend Mike would have no tolerance for nonsense like that. She would have to suck up her fears and try now to look like the calm professional vicar that she wanted to be.

It was hard though not to think about how everyone said her cottage was haunted. That is ridiculous she told herself. She could not help what she had dreamt, but now she was allowing herself to get carried away. Get a grip! She told herself.

The meeting with the Reverend was everything Merrill had hoped it wouldn't be. He was hostile and unsupportive; making it clear that he thought it was crazy idea that a young woman could replace him as vicar of this parish. Merrill had come with a good number of new ideas; she hoped would boost attendance in the church and to encourage a younger group of attendees. Each idea was snorted at and dismissed as not the right thing to do. Merrill was crushed, doubly so when the Reverend made it clear that he had decided, based on this meeting, to stay on longer than Merrill had been told he would.

"I can see you are going to need a great deal of my time and help," he said pompously. What this decision meant was that Merrill was going to have to stay in the cottage. The plan was when the Reverend moved out, she and Peter would move into the Rectory. Merrill's heart sank even deeper. She so wanted out of that cottage, even after just one night. Now there was no firm date when that was going to happen. She was trapped.

"What about the cottage?" She finally found the courage to ask. The Reverend laughed.

"Oh, you can stay there as long as you need to," he said. "The locals all think its haunted you know?" Merrill said with a gulp that she had heard the stories. To be fair no one lives there for long." Reverend Mike added. "However, that probably because the neighbour's activities are." Here he hesitated, trying to think of the right word. "Well let's call it ungodly. So, I imagine that scares them away, rather than any ghosts."

"Do you think it is haunted?" said Merrill before thinking about what she was saying. She hoped her face was not betraying the deep fear she was now feeling or her embarrassment at such a stupid question.

"Good god no," said the Reverend clearly shocked that such a question was even worth asking. "We do not believe in such rubbish. Do we? The church has no tolerance for such superstitious nonsense."

"No of course not," said Merrill unconvincingly, and then added even more lamely. "Of course not."

Merrill spent the rest of the day accompanying the Reverend on his duties. Meeting parishioners, councillors from the church and helpers. Sadly, they were as unfriendly as the Reverend. He kept her hard at work till ten o'clock and by then she was exhausted. Finally, she was sent home, and in tears she drove herself back to the cottage. The day could not have gone more badly and now she had the hostile Mike and her scary night time adventures to deal with.

When she arrived at the cottage she found it empty. Peter must still be at work she thought, although he generally got home on time. She tried to phone him and then texted him when he did not answer. God, she needed a shower she thought as she lay back on the sofa and closed her eyes. Merrill was torn between the desire to have a reviving shower, or to just succumb and fall asleep.

Part three

The knock on the door was loud and unmistakeable, but it was a strange hard sound. It was odd that whoever it was did not just use the doorbell. The clock said it was late, well past midnight and Peter was lying in bed fast asleep. Merrill had just got out of the shower. She started a little at seeing how late the hour was, the last thing she remembered was lying on the sofa thinking about grabbing a shower. It seemed like that was only a few minutes ago and now a couple of hours had passed. Here she was wearing a bathrobe, and her hair was wrapped in a towel. Somehow Peter had come home and gone to bed too, without her remembering him arriving.

The knock sounded again, louder and more urgent this time.

She shook Peter awake, and told him there was somebody at the door. He seemed strangely un-phased by this, getting straight up and putting a robe on, before walking swiftly out of the bedroom. Nervously Merrill followed.

"Be careful," she said to Peter, but he ignored her, walking straight up to the front door. As he approached it the door suddenly swung open. There standing in the doorway, a grim smile on his face was Lord Edmon Lived. Merrill gasped as he walked straight into the cottage. He placed the tip of his walking stick onto Peter's shoulder and pushed him down onto a nearby chair. Peter sat there unspeaking, blinking slowly, before he suddenly broke into a broad smile. Behind Edmon stood the woman from the portrait. She closed the door and then stood in front of Peter.

Immediately he had entered the house Merrill had felt Edmon's eyes staring at her.

"No, please no," whispered Merrill, realising she was about to fall under his control again. Once again, she seemed unable to raise her voice above a very low level. She tried to run back upstairs, but she felt herself being held there. Her leaden legs unwilling to move. Wait till I am ready for you said the voice in her head. The Lord calmly placed his walking stick onto the table, removed his gloves and jacket. Merrill was pleading in her mind for Peter to do something, but all the time he stood still and said nothing. Edmon's eyes remained fixed on Merrill the whole while.

The woman and Peter started to smile, as though excited by what was going to happen; only Merrill's face was a picture of horror.

"Please help me," said Merrill and then. "Peter for god sake help me!" She repeated her plea, but Peter had eyes only for the woman, who was now kneeling at his feet and beginning to open his robe. Shit she is going to blow him again thought Merrill, but the Lord grabbing her distracted her from what was happening to her husband.

Edmon had walked towards her, and then grabbed her around the waist from behind with his left hand; he placed his right hand over her mouth. The voice in her head told her to be quiet. His left hand pulled the towel from her head and then holding her chin so she could not move, he calmly brushed some stray hairs off her face.

In front of Merrill, the woman was already giving Peter a blow job, her head bobbing rapidly up and down, as he sat head back, eyes closed, a look of ecstasy on his face. Edmon's head was right beside Merrill's now, as the voice in her head told her to look and learn. He held her there for a while making her watch her husband's cock being sucked by the woman from the portrait. Peter had begun to moan quietly now, as she continued to work on his dick.

Edmon pulled Merrill's robe open with both hands, baring her breasts, before cupping and squeezing them with his fingers. He reached down. The voice told her to keep watching her husband, as the cord from her bed-robe was unknotted by Edmon. As he removed it from around her waist, Merrill continued to watch with horror as the woman continued to enjoy Peter's cock. Merrill could see how much he seemed to love it. She could feel herself studying what was happening. The words "look and learn," repeating in her head.

As she continued to watch, Edmon's right hand slipped between her legs. He placed the flat of his hand against her black knickers and pulled her into his body. His left hand took hold of the top of her knickers and he pulled them away from her waist, inserting his other hand into the gap. He slid it down, brushing against her soft, wiry pubic hair and down onto her pussy. His other hand grabbed her left breast. He slowly caressed her. For a few moments Merrill was lost in the joy of Edmon's touch before she remembered where she was and she tried to refocus on resisting. In front of her Peter was continuing to enjoy getting a blowjob. Slowly Peter began to gasp and then as the woman stroked his cock he came, semen spurting over his legs, as he gasped for breath.

"That's it, drain his balls," said a voice in Merrill's head.

Edmon turned Merrill round, grabbing her firmly by the neck with one hand and the other holding her hair. He made her kiss him, roughly pushing his mouth against hers, as their lips met. As he pulled away he removed her robe, slipping it off her shoulders and down her arms, before it fell to the floor.

Edmon lowered his body and with ease he picked Merrill up. She gasped at his strength, she had been lifted without Edmon seeming to make any effort at all. He carried her in front of him as he ascended the stairs. He transported her into the bedroom and then placed her onto the bed, arranging her so she lay on her back. Merrill lay still, unable to move as Edmon calmly stroked her breasts, clearly admiring them, before his hands moved between her legs and he played for a few moments with her pussy.

Very nice said the voice in Merrill's head.

Merrill wanted to struggle, but her limbs felt heavy and unable to move. She pleaded with herself to wake up, but she no longer really believed this was a dream. Could this be a ghost haunting her? Or more accurately could two ghosts be haunting both her and Peter. Behind her Edmon was slowly stripping and she realised he was going to have sex with her. Right after you have sucked my cock, said the voice in her head. For a moment she was terrified, but then immediately she was just following orders. That's it, open that pretty mouth, said the voice in her head, and Merrill did exactly that. She did not want to, but her mouth just obeyed the command.

Edmon moved into position as she lay there, on her back, and he slipped his cock into her mouth. It was so big, she could only take a little of it. Yes, it is so much larger than your husbands, said the voice in her head, not that you have had the pleasure. Nor will you now. But you are going to learn to take all of mine and I will slowly educate you in pleasing a man. You will learn how to drive a man crazy.

His hand rested on her neck as he began to push a little harder, and gradually she began to take more and more of it down her throat. Edmon was gently rocking back and forth; when he was able to get his dick all the way into her mouth he reached forward and began to caress her breasts with both of his hands. The sensation of his touch on her breasts and nipples felt wonderful and Merrill arched her body upwards to meet his touch.

Merrill realised she had made little cries of pleasure as he enjoyed her body.

Edmon smiled, as the voice in Merrill's head announced she was about to get fucked. He walked around the bed, sliding her roughly towards him when he reached her feet. He lay down on top of her, pressing his weight against her body. Merrill mind considered whether a ghost would have weight. The thought was lost as he began to kiss her. Instantly she was driven crazy by his touch, trying to devour his mouth with her own.

Edmon pushed his thighs up against her legs, so lifting them into the air. His tongue pushed into her mouth; she lay still as slowly he explored her mouth. Edmon lifted himself off her, grabbed the side of her knickers with both of his hands, then with a sharp tug he split them and tossed them away. He lowered himself back down again, and then he kissed and explored her right breast with his mouth, before changing to the other side. Merrill let out a single gasp of pleasure at this point. See you like that, said the voice in her head. He continued to lick and kiss her tits, and as much as Merrill tried to stop it, she began to moan louder and more frequently.

He lifted himself up a little and Merrill managed to beg him to leave her alone, but Edmon simply placed his hand over her mouth. Be quiet said the voice in her head.

She tried to resist him with all her might, as she felt his cock rubbing against her slit. Her body tensed and she gasped, as Edmon's dick began to slip inside her. Edmon still held her mouth, as he began to rock slowly back and forth, each time slipping himself further inside her. Merrill lifted her legs as he began to fuck her. It felt so good, but she wanted her first time to be with her husband, but then again, she knew she had no will to resist. This was going to happen and deep down she knew she wanted it to. Its, just a dream she told herself, but she did not believe that, and then she wondered what was happening downstairs with Peter and Edmon's lady.

Edmon was rocking back and forth quite hard now, and to better support himself he let go of her mouth and then rested his arms on her shoulders. Be quiet the voice in her head told her. Just lie still and let me take you.

Edmon screwed her in long, slow strokes, Merrill quietly gasping at each thrust. He watched her for a while, loving her in this way, before he again lowered his head and sucked on her breasts. I think you want it harder, said the voice in her head.

Edmon moved her arms above her head and held them there and then began to fuck her with hard sharp thrusts. Merrill's moans of pleasure became louder and more enthusiastic and as Edmon lowered his body again her legs wrapped slowly around his ass. The word yes escaped from her lips. Edmon paused, sucked on her breast and then resumed fucking her. Edmon continued screwing her and she continued to lie there watching him. No longer caring that she could not move. Her resistance melted away as she began to enjoy what he was doing to her. See you do like that, said the voice in her head.

Edmon slowed down a little, sitting up again and resting his hands on her waist. She watched him admiring her body, and she smiled at him.

"That's feels so good master," she said. Edmon lowered himself right on top of her again. He began to fuck her hard, as she now wrapped her legs tightly around his ass. Merrill wanted keep him inside her. Meanwhile Edmon held her hair forcing her to stare deeply into his eyes. You like this, said the voice in her head. You really like this and you will do whatever I want, with who ever I want.

"Yes," said Merrill quietly. "Yes master." Their bodies now began to make a slapping sound as they came together. Edmon gently kissed Merrill's cheek as he screwed her.

"I will do whatever you want master," Merrill said, surprising herself at speaking but she was equally shocked to realise she meant what she had said. She no longer cared what he was, all she knew was she had to please him. You learn fast said the voice in her head. That is good because I have much to teach you.

Merrill gasped as he lifted her legs onto his shoulders and held himself deep inside her. He was so big, and in so far, she wondered her insides could cope, but it felt so wonderful. He had said something about with who ever I want and she found herself hoping she would be given her to others. As many as possible.

Get onto all fours the voice in her head said and as Edmon withdrew from her Merrill hesitated. He was asking her to show her compliance and she found she could move. Get onto all fours the voice said again. It's irritation at having to repeat itself obvious. This time Merrill nodded and then immediately complied, hoping she had not made him angry. Edmon pulled her legs a little wider apart as he entered her from behind. His dick slipped easily into her now wet and stretched pussy. His hand held her shoulder, as he began to move in and out of her.

"Oh shit," moaned Merrill. She never swore but the word had slipped easily from her lips. She laughed to herself. "Oh shit," she repeated. At first, she rested on bent arms, but as he screwed her she raised herself up a little. When she did this Edmon grabbed hold of her hair and forced her up further. Together their bodies rocked back and forth, Edmon fucking her forcibly, as he pulled her hair back, lifting her head even more, as they screwed.

Finally, he pushed her down onto the mattress again, pressing his weight onto her back. Edmon kissed her across the top of the shoulders, cupping her breasts with his hands as he did. All the time he continued to fuck her with sudden sharp jerks of his body. Finally, she felt Edmon breathing hard as well.

"Come on master," she said excitedly. "Come on." She repeated this phrase several times before with a gasp Edmon came inside her.

Part four

Merrill was wandering aimlessly up the High Street. It was a lovely day, and there were lots of happy people milling around, but none of that registered. Merrill was in a dark place. Peter had left her, walked out on her that very morning, telling her he would not be back, and he would be getting their marriage annulled as soon as possible. He had said it calmly, without anger, that had probably wounded her more than his words.

He had a point, they still had not managed to consummate their marriage, although it had been several months since their wedding. It seemed odd to Merrill. The time was like one long dream of always intending to sleep with her husband, but never actually managing it.

Deep down though she knew her depressed mind-set was nothing to do with Peter. The real reason she was distraught was the nightly visits of the Lord had ceased. Merrill was bewildered as to whether it had been a haunting or she had been merely dreaming. All she knew was she desperately missed seeing the Lord and all she wanted, was for him to visit her again.

Merrill had never discussed the appearances of the Lord and his Lady with her husband. Even though the Lady always paid Peter close attention, giving him a blowjob and distracting him whilst the Lord had his wicked way with her. She believed Peter was experiencing the same dream or haunting as she was, but whenever she had gone to discuss it with him the words would never come out.

Perhaps Peter had only stayed with her because of the visits from the Lord's lady. Now they had ceased he had gone.

Merrill sighed, she really did not care if Peter stayed or left, they barely acknowledged each other's presence in the cottage or each other's lives anyway. Her whole focus was on why the Lord had stopped coming to see her. She had not seen him for three nights now and the sexual tension was unbearable. Even now she wanted to find a post to rub up against or somewhere quiet where she could slip her hand down her knickers. It was all she did when she was alone now. She had masturbated as much as the next person, but now she was obsessed. Touching herself at every opportunity, but however much she tried there seemed no way to satisfy her urges. It was never enough.