Sylvan Courtyard 8: Party Invite


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I had been in love twice, and both times, I had my heart broken.

Het and I had been high school sweethearts for two years already before she decided to give me my first blowjob for my eighteenth birthday. In the end, I ended up getting a helluva lot more than just the planned birthday blowjob that night. But out of control hormones aside, Het and I had loved each other--deeply. We knew that it would be hard for us to stay together after graduation. We were smart kids. But we were committed to making it work. We might have drifted apart at different universities anyway, but we never got the chance to make our love last. Or to have it end naturally.

Her dad had gotten that Big Ten athletic director job, and they were gone in two weeks, in the middle of senior year. We had no time to come to grips with our separation, it was just suddenly, permanently over. It was neither of our faults. Our love was simply killed in a metaphorical drive-by shooting. I firmly believed then, and I still do, that that was the worst way to lose a love.

Then, in my sophomore year, I fell in love with Dana. I am absolutely sure that relationship would have lasted. We were older, and each had a relationship or two under our belts. Dana and I knew what the two of us had was special. We were even making plans.

And then the State Department sent her dad to fucking Tokyo. On short notice. She was expected to go and attend college in Japan. Again, there was no chance to save our relationship.

I had actually flunked two courses in the malaise I suffered once she left.

Part of my healing process was resolving to never again make the mistake of getting close to any woman who I was not sure would be there geographically for me, and for whom I could be there as well. Any relationship I had from that point on, if it failed, I would be able to blame us, not the World.

Either Jane or Rhonda, had they been straight, would have been precisely the sort of woman I avoided like the plague, sexually. They were cool, and funny, and had a lot in common with me. And they were super hot. I could easily have fallen in love with either had there been the slightest chance of reciprocation.

If they had been single. If they had been straight.

Speaking of super hot...

I made myself climb the stairs slowly, as it would not do to arrive out of breath.

I knocked on their door.

I heard a giggle or two inside, and movement. The light of the peephole flickered. Then, several seconds later, I heard, "Come on in, Ken."

I turned the knob and pushed the door open, checking first that there was no one behind me to get an unauthorized view of what was inside. I stepped in and let the door close behind.

Rhonda and Jane smiled at me. Tragically, neither was naked anymore. Less tragically, each wore silk dressing gowns in matching styles but different colors, the clingy fit of each leaving little doubt that the women had thrown these on, and nothing else, when they had heard my knock. Nipples were quite prominent beneath the fabric, and the smooth curves of their hips betrayed no signs of lower undergarments.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked, trying manfully to be casual. And trying desperately to figure out what was about to happen next.

"I told you he'd bring wine," Rhonda said, as if declaring a win on a bet.

"Yeah, yeah," Jane said dismissively to her wife while she stepped toward me. She took the bottle from my automatically extended hand and paused. "Holy shit, Ken! I've seen this bottle before. It's fucking expensive."

"Is it?" Rhonda asked. "What could have possessed you to bring such a special bottle in response to a simple text asking if you wanted to hang out?" she asked me silkily.

I was having difficulty processing much of anything.

Jane set the bottle down. I knew she wasn't forgetting it, from the covetous look she cast in its direction as she did so, but apparently, there was more fucking with my head to be done before we opened it. Possibly (hopefully?), fucking with other things than my head?

I managed to finally get a grip. A tenuous one, but a grip. I had questions--concerns even, actually.

I had zero reason to worry that this was some elaborate tease. I knew where they wanted this to go... in broad strokes. This was further reinforced by the way Rhonda slunk forward to stand in front of me as close as Jane still was. Jane's nipples were making spectacular tents in the thin fabric of her robe, and while Rhonda's were not so large or prominent, she had tied her robe so as to display some very nice cleavage. Both were giving me archly casual looks.

"I do have a question," I said, trying not to let my inner trembling sound through in my voice. "I, uh, you, uh, it was only ever once with any given person? And, well... I've... with..."

"Very smooth, Ken," Rhonda chuckled tauntingly.

"But I appreciate your respect for the rules," Jane added, slightly more compassionately. Rhonda's expression softened in turn. "But while we were setting up the TV, we were laughing about your gallant male offer to help. Then things turned to a discussion of whether our little porch-watching interludes counted as an official one and done."

"To be clear, Jane's go was never in doubt as counting, was it my little cocksucker?" Rhonda laughed to Jane. Jane shrugged at me with a smile. Then she licked her lips.

"However," Rhonda went on, "We then got all technical (it's related to work, don't worry about the origin), and decided that while hers was actually only three-quarters of a go, that still had to round up to one."

"Whereas Miss Spontaneous there only got a quarter, which rounds down to zero," Jane said. "So I had used mine, and she still had hers."

"All very interesting," I said, unable to not participate in the banter. That was, after all, how the three of us operated in normal circumstances. "To be clear, the point I'm focused on here is that I was suddenly under consideration?"

They both laughed. Rhonda said throatily, "Oh Ken, you were always under consideration." Then they kissed each other. Not poor old me. Each other.

Jane grabbed the bottle I had brought and turned toward the kitchen. Somehow, in a smooth motion that almost eluded me, she let her robe slide from her shoulders and to the floor, smoothly switching hands on the bottle to accomplish it. Then she walked, just... wonderfully to their kitchen for a corkscrew.

I followed her body with my eyes, then involuntarily I took a step or two after her.

"She's so fucking hot, isn't she?" Rhonda asked moving to catch up.

"Yes," I breathed, turning to exchange glances with her. "She certainly..." I gulped. Rhonda had, in my mere moment of distraction also let her robe slide silently to the floor. She stepped past me after Jane, and I gulped before following along.

Rhonda went on with their story as if things had not rather dramatically progressed.

"After the shit we gave you about not needing help plugging in two cables, we spent ten minutes trying the wrong kind," she said. "By the time we got it installed and working, we had started to worry that we were actually going to have to call you. We did not want to have to eat crow like that and..."

"...and I suggested that Rhonda could use her three-quarters to distract you. And I could watch, since that seems to be our dynamic."

"But I said together we still had a whole," Rhonda said, turning to look at me, and to give me one hell of a look at her. "It took us about thirty seconds before we decided while we did not need your help with the TV after all, we might enjoy your help in some other way."

I had actually started to become concerned for a moment there that what I was hoping was going to happen was going to instead merely(!) be an expanded chance with Rhonda. But her last sentence had me fully back on my dream.

The cork popped free in Jane's expert hands, and she poured three small pours. We wordlessly took the glasses, toasted, and sipped.

"No really, this shit rocks," Jane said.

And then there we were, me fully clothed with two naked lesbians, yammering away excitedly about the fucking bottle of wine for several minutes.

The discomfort in my pants brought me back to the hypersexy elephant in the room.

"Um, full disclosure," I said. "I have not ever tried, um, playing zone?"

"I think you'll manage," Rhonda said, patting me on the shoulder. I could handle being patronized like this.

"It's not like we have either," Jane added.

"You guys? I apologize," I said, genuinely surprised. "I'd have thought you would have at least tried a threesome before."

"Oh we did, but with another woman," Rhonda said sourly.

"That did not go well," Jane agreed. "That about blew up our relationship. We both got all kinds of jealous."

"Hey! I... I am very enthusiastic about being here," I said quickly. "But I am not about to do anything to mess you two..."

"Easy, Hero," Rhonda chuckled. "The problem was jealousy. You are just a guy. I mean, you are a good friend, Ken, but for the purposes of this evening, you are just a prop."

"Yeah, what is there for us to be jealous about?" Jane said. "As long as we both get to suck your cock, we are good."

"I am not sucking his cock," Rhonda told her.

"No?" said Jane, suddenly sinking down to her knees in front of me. She tugged swiftly at my fly and pulled my cock out as she spoke. "I think I need some help with this, and you need to give it to me."

"We have discussed this," Rhonda told her. "A hundred times. Sorry, Ken," she added, apologizing not for not blowing me, but apparently for Jane being a brat.

"At least come down here and kiss me," Jane demanded, stroking my cock and giving me a lick. I hissed happily, but I grinned at their byplay.

"So demanding," Rhonda grumbled, "but I'll always kiss you, Bae." She stooped to her knees and leaned toward Jane, who jerked away.

"Not like that," she giggled. Then she tugged my cock well out away from my body and said, "Like this." Then she leaned her mouth down to rest the cap of my cock between her pursed lips.

Rhonda laughed. "Fuck you, girl... but fine."

Then she leaned over and kissed Jane, with my cock in the way. Okay, that was a completely fine sensation.



And it was not some quick peck. Jane reached out and grabbed the back of Rhonda's head and held her into the kiss. I somehow stood there, bemused and increasingly aroused and Jane and Rhonda struggled for command of the kiss. Jane snaked out her tongue to slither against me, then past to brush Rhonda's lips. Rhonda tugged sideways to pull almost free of me as I felt her tongue dodge around my tip to directly engage Jane. But Jane, still holding the base of my cock, tugged them both back to have my cock fully in between. She let go of my shaft and grabbed my ass, then pushed me forward, and suddenly I was sliding my cock back and forth between their lips.

I had to laugh, and suddenly both Jane and Rhonda were laughing with me. That meant they were not pleasuring me, but I was okay. I was pretty much okay with anything right now. If two hot women were going to sex me up at the same time, I was willing to let them set the agenda.

For the most part. We would see.

"Not done yet," Jane said, and pulled Rhonda back to kiss her and my cock once more. As they slid my cock between them again, Jane twisted slightly and I felt my cock sliding fully inside Rhonda's mouth! Rhonda glared at Jane, but she was not quick to pull off my cock. She even made a popping sound when she finally released me. Then she gave the tip a quick kiss.

"There you go!" said Jane, clapping. "Not so bad, huh?"

"I've had a dick in my mouth before," Rhonda scolded. The two of them having this conversation without including me was slightly surreal. They weren't excluding me, they just didn't see any need for me to participate.

"I don't mind it per se," Rhonda went on. "I just never get what all the enthusiasm is about." She kissed Jane briefly. "But it is more fun doing it with you," she admitted.

"That's my girl," Jane said, shooting me the briefest of grins before bending and sliding her lips around my cock and sucking hard as she slid me into her mouth. Then she slowly pulled off again and tilted me toward Rhonda.

Rhonda laughed, shaking her head at her wife, then bent to give me another try. Her lips were not so much gentle as tentative as she took me in again. The difference in experience was instantly apparent, as I felt only the lovely frisson of her lips descending a couple of inches down my length. Her tongue and cheeks felt like they were shying away from my cock inside. I was very happy, however, to realize that she was being intentionally very careful with her teeth. Still, I hissed happily.

I also stayed shut up, because this was awesome as a whole, and I had zero desire to interrupt the game.

Rhonda pulled off of me, and Jane dove back down, her tongue lavishing me with attention inside her mouth. Then Jane watched my face as Rhonda bobbed a few times.

"You aren't using your tongue," she scolded Rhonda.

"What? I am," claimed her wife.

"I can tell by looking at him. Ken, is she using her tongue?"

I had zero desire to piss off Rhonda, because... well, duh. But also because what she was doing was great, if not as great as Jane's efforts. But I'm an honest guy, and I kind of craved Rhonda's tongue as well as Jane's. Apparently, I am also a greedy guy.

"Uh, well, not as much as you are," I said carefully to Jane.

"I'm doing this for you, buster," Rhonda said warningly.

"No you aren't," Jane contradicted. "You are doing it for me. I still say you will end up doing it for yourself if you give it half a chance. Use your tongue. He tastes... there are chemicals down there designed to make you hungry, if you let them. Just lick him," she ordered, then demonstrated by sticking out her tongue and bathing my dick from root to tip in a series of torturous, twisting lashes.

I could not help but groan ecstatically as Jane worked, muttering an involuntary thank you as her tongue twirled around my glans.

Rhonda shook her head but once more gave it a try. She held out her tongue stiffly, in a point, and drew it along my shaft, which wasn't the best, but when she reached my purple head, she drew it around in a circle, copying Beth. That made me sigh happily. That encouraged her, she relaxed her taster and swept it over me much more lavishly a time or three.

"That's it," Beth encouraged. "Treat it like the biggest fucking clit in creation."

Rhonda licked harder, which was good. Then she actually sucked on the tip a little, her tongue still touching it inside her mouth, which was better.

Then she grabbed Jane's head and began kissing her again, which Jane responded to eagerly. Both of them went at it enthusiastically, but they both somehow always kept some part of my cock involved in the process, which was the fucking best. Or I thought it was, and I moaned happily.

Then Jane broke the kiss and began to eagerly lap at my cock. Rhonda shrugged and started enthusiastically licking me as well. Suddenly, I had two women giggling and laughing as they covered every inch of my shaft and head with long, rapid, wet lashes of their tongues, bumping into each other sometimes, but mostly hitting my member simultaneously with multiple point-sources of the kind of intense pleasure that a man is really only designed to handle one of at a time.

I swore happily, in various scatological and profane ways. "Guys, I'm gonna... you're gonna make me come!" I warned.

Rhonda leaned away instantly. But she grabbed the base of my cock and started pumping it eagerly and swiftly. All their saliva had me slick and her hand slid wonderfully as she exerted just the right pressure. In this, as I well knew, Rhonda was quite skilled.

But Jane just clamped her mouth down around my head and flicked my tip with the tongue mercilessly.

No chance. I lasted about three seconds of that before my hips were bucking. I had the weird, wonderful sensation of my whole body just flowing down into and then out of my cock as I felt myself blast into Jane's mouth. There was more ecstatic profanity. My cock throbbed and throbbed as I squirted more jizz into Jane's mouth before collapsing back on the couch.

"Oh wow," Rhonda said brightly. "That was a strong one. I felt it!" She popped up and kissed me deeply. But Jane popped up just as quick, and grabbed Rhonda, kissing her again. I saw Rhonda's eyes widen and I realized that Jane had most definitely not swallowed yet.

"Hey!" Rhonda yelped, pulling away and flapping her lips and tongue uncertainly.

"Big baby," Jane laughed, then turned and kissed me.

She still hadn't swallowed. Much.

It isn't a flavor I seek out, but I don't shy away from it either. And I often get enthusiastic responses from rolling with it.

"See? Even he doesn't think it's bad," Jane taunted. Rhonda just growled, grabbed her and they began kissing like madwomen, still kneeling in front of me.

I was exhausted, spent, and felt like a noodle. I also was extremely determined not to waste a second of this evening, and felt that I had been a little too passive for a lot too long a time.

I made myself move and lunged forward, wrapping my arms around both of them and pulling them up onto the couch with me in a rush. They laughed and cooperatively made it easy for me to get them up on the seat with me.

I growled and bent down. I can't quite remember whose breast I sucked on first, but I swiftly switched to the other, then back and forth rapidly, my world briefly consisting of naught but a series of nipples that were not the same. I mean, they were the same in being wonderful and excited, but they were different in size and shape and my brain was not quite wrapping itself around the reality of more than one set available at the same time.

I had them both laughing at my frenzy before I jerked my head up high and cried, "Auuuugh!"

"What's the matter?" Rhonda chuckled.

"There are so many terribly delicious things I want to do to both of you, and I don't know how, or who, to do what to first!" I complained, genuinely confused by the over-abundance of choices.

"You sure are energetic for a guy who just came gallons," Jane snorted in surprise, taking the opportunity to caress my softened but hardly limp cock.

"Mmmm," Rhonda commented, clearly having encountered her share of guys who could bounce back fast, but politely not saying it. Instead, she just lifted herself up and fed one of her wonderfully generous tits back into my mouth, wrapping her arms around my head to ensure I gave her nipple more than just transient attention this time.

What a lovely, meaty nipple it was. I suckled hard on it and felt her whole breast distend a bit as I drew it behind her nipple deep into my mouth.

So Rhonda it would be then.

I slid from between them and turned to kneel on the floor in front of my taller friend.

I confess, I may have groaned a bit in the process, and I definitely moved slower than I wanted to. I may recover well, but there is only so much fast-twitch muscle activity a man can produce so soon after coming that hard.

Rhonda giggled a bit and playfully snapped her legs closed, glaring gleefully down at me. I just smiled back up at her and went to start kissing her knees and the tops of her thighs just above them. I moved very slowly upward, gently spreading her knees apart with my hands bit by bit. I returned my gaze upward to her after every kiss, though I stole a few glances at Jane too.

She had snuggled close against Rhonda and was looking down at what I was doing. She had a hand on one of Rhonda's breasts to help things along. When I next shot her a glance, she drawled, "Brave man. You know Ken, lots of guys don't have the guts to go down on a lesbian. They are afraid they won't measure up."