Sylvan Courtyard 8: Party Invite


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I looked at Rhonda who only nodded in challenge.

I confidently spread her legs wider and moved my face down lower between them along her inner thighs. I mean I acted confidently. I have actually always been quite confident in my abilities in this venue, as it were, but Jane had suddenly introduced doubt into the equation, the wench.

I admit I started rushing more than I would have had it just been me and Rhonda. In part, I did so because they had introduced doubt in my mind, and I wanted to erase that before it got ahold of me. And in part, I knew I wasn't going to get to taste Jane until I had dealt with Rhonda. And I wanted to taste her just as much as I wanted to taste Rhonda.

Maybe I would just lay in a good foundation on Rhonda, go to Jane for a bit, then come back...

I was getting ambitious. I still had no idea how I was going to handle two formidable women like this at once, but I was getting ambitious about it anyway.

With her legs spread wide, I bent, then paused to appreciate the view. Rhonda had to wax, she was too perfectly smooth everywhere for even the most diligent of shaving jobs. Her slit was puffy and smooth, but her arousal was betrayed by the barest glint of moisture. That, and by the way her clit just barely peeked through, as if wondering where I was and when I was going to get on with it.

I leaned in closer and paused again to audibly breathe in through my nose, leaving my mouth open to enhance her aroma. I grinned. I looked up at Jane. "What a lovely nose!" I said in my wine snob voice. "I'm getting elements of umami, and notes of Tuscan sea air. Maybe some..."

Rhonda whacked my head softly. "I am not a bottle of wine, you ass. Get on with it, if you are going to!" There was a note of eager need in her voice that heartened me.

"I don't know," Jane drolled. "I usually get more of a Pacific Coast vibe..." she added, turning to kiss Rhonda and squeezing harder on that lovely boob than I'd have dared to.

I happily leaned further and just drove my tongue into Rhonda's depths. Or, I tried to. She was delightfully tight, and I had to work my tongue around a bit before I could even begin to delve into her. But delve I did, and I felt Rhonda shudder in Jane's arms as I did so. She did indeed have a savory flavor and savor it I did. I slid my tongue in and out of her, kneading her soft thighs with my hands as her shudders blended into an easy, writhing undulation.

I sent one hand up her leg right to her crotch and stroked my thumb across her eagerly prominent button. Rhonda moaned, and I drew my tongue up to lavish her clit with more attention, while I slid my fingers down to probe inside her deeper than my tongue could reach.

I worked that until I heard her moans move to a deeper register, and her body grow a bit tenser even than before. Good. Time to move to Jane then. This was risky, I knew, but I was hung up in the back of my mind on the idea of making a partner wait. Plus... awesome.

I lifted my head and grinned at them both, before diving in between Jane's legs. The change surprised them both, and Jane made no move similar to Rhonda's at keeping her legs together.

The two women probably went to the same place for waxing. Jane's job was certainly as comprehensive. Her outer lips were not so naturally pursed as Rhonda's, and her inner petals were peeking through. I leaned in and was able to bury my tongue much more swiftly this time. I curled it up against her insides and I almost immediately drew a moan.

"Fuck, Bae," Jane crooned to Rhonda.

"He is pretty good," Rhonda sighed, kissing her gently, then firmly. "Especially for a guy..." Then she pulled away from Jane's mouth and archly asked me, "Got any insightful fucking tasting notes on Jane's pussy, Mister Connoisseur?"

I just probed on long enough to slip a finger up and in to replace my tongue, using it to stroke her softly as I raised my head.

"Very fine," I said in That Voice. "An insouciant little treat, really. I'm sure Wine Spectator would rate it a solid 96, but if you ask me, that would be stingy."

Both of them laughed at that, and Rhonda played with Jane's nipples.

"Seriously," I said in mild but genuine wonder as my curled finger stroked on and my thumb moved to caress Jane's bump, "I've always noticed each woman tastes different, but experiencing that side by side is kinda revelatory!"

Both of them giggled wide-eyed at my enthusiastic effrontery, but I just bent back down. I slid a second finger into Jane, and my tongue shoved my thumb aside to lash at and twirl around her clitoris.

Humor, I noted, seemed directly connected to Jane's libido, because she was making all those lovely pre-orgasmic sounds already. It wasn't surprising, given the woman she had married. Rhonda was one of the funnier people I knew.

Pre-orgasmic sounds were all well and good, but I hadn't left Rhonda hanging just to turn and get Jane off on the first round. I deliberately waited until she made a particularly loud cry, and abruptly left her alone--as abruptly as I could. Then I turned and dove back into Rhonda, who laughed, both at me and at Jane's howl of outrage.

Her laughter didn't last long. I didn't exactly attack her or stroke her at a furious rate, but I knew just where she liked my fingers and just how to lick her by this point, and I did so with quiet and immediate intensity. Rhonda threw back her head and Jane leaned over to kiss her.

Rhonda's hand soon snaked out and ran through my hair, perhaps subtly trying to keep me in place until I was done. Too bad I was going to have to disappoint her. This was too much fun.

I slid back quickly, again to make sure that she couldn't grab my hair before I got away. I grinned at Jane and pounced toward her.

But she stiff-armed me. "Oh no, Mister! If you are going to keep this shit up, I'm going to make it easier for us to keep each other warmed up." With that, she rolled over on top of Rhonda, their breasts pressing together, and the two of them began to make out furiously.


This left me with a vertical buffet of vagina, Jane's legs spread even more than Rhonda's as she straddled her wife, her tight little ass lifting in the air.


I grabbed that ass in my hands and bent once more to lick softly, delicately, teasingly at Jane's clit. Then I instantly moved to lick Rhonda's, only inches away. And back. And forth.

I tried to make my moves random, to keep them guessing even as they made the most amazing sounds as they kissed hungrily. I would lick faster, or longer. I would bury my tongue in one and then circle the clit of the other. Both were writhing and I indeed let neither go for long without my tongue once more tasing them.

Then I slid my left middle finger deep into Rhonda, curling it up and stroking her continuously. My right thumb stroked Jane's slit and caressed her clit whenever I was licking Rhonda.

I wanted to make these beauties come together.

I failed.

I left my thumb on Jane's button and shoved my tongue into her 'insouciant little treat'. It was the last straw for her and she arched her back suddenly, mouth tearing away from Rhonda's to cry out in a long, keening wail of release. She held there silently as her hips bucked between Rhonda and me. The instant Jane relaxed a hair, her wife pulled her back into another kiss and I dove back to Rhonda myself. I pumped my finger in and out and literally sucked on her prominent clitoris. She too began to buck and twist, Jane kissed her feverishly, but Rhonda shoved her away so she too could grunt and then gasp as her body rippled with shockwaves of orgasmic release.

The two women collapsed together, both still gasping. As they caught their breath, they began to coo at and caress each other.

Me? I still had that vertical buffet of pussy in front of me, and an achingly hard dick.

Unable to resist, I stood, then bent my knees slightly so I could grab my cock and rub the tip up and down along Jane's ravished pussy. I did not ask permission, but I did linger there long enough to get a response, which I did not.

I pressed forward, and began to sink into Jane. Her interior was tight and unbelievably wet. I slid in smoothly, pumping in and out slightly to work my way deep inside her. I stroked slowly

Rhonda could tell what I was doing to her wife, but she looked around to see anyway.

"Nice..." she hissed. "And Ken? When the time comes for you, let it go. Jane's covered. We are both covered," she added significantly.

Well, that was an instruction, wasn't it?

I slid myself free of Jane, who groaned a little, and I bent my knees a little more. With some effort, I slotted my cock into Rhonda, then sank deep inside her, which took a bit more effort. My cock throbbed happily as I slid in fully. Two pussies. Both wet. Both tight. Both different, and not just because one was up and the other down.

Still, I needed to compare and contrast more, so after a few long strokes into Rhonda, I pulled out and plunged back into Jane. I experienced the sensation of sinking fully into her, then slid free and did the same with Rhonda.

Both of them laughed as I did this a couple of times, but when I went to slide into Jane yet again, she rolled away from me and off of Rhonda, nestling beside her as she chided me. "Oh, no! That's enough. I'm not going to lie there while you pump back and forth into us like a sewing machine on a zig-zag stitch! This isn't group oral. Pick one of us, take care of business, then take care of the other!"

Rhonda just looked at me with a smile. "What she said."

Honestly, I was happy to dispense with the stunt fucking. It was deliriously fun, but my knees were never going to hold up under all the bending like that long enough to finish, and they would have begun to hurt soon enough to rob me of all the fun.

"Your wish is my command, Jane," I shrugged, then knelt on the floor before Rhonda and began to sink my cock into her as slowly as my screaming loins would let me.

"Goddammit," Jane growled. "I meant, take care of me first," she complained as she watched raptly as I sank into her wife.

"Come here, darling," Rhonda said breathily and pulled her wife back over to her. I had a much better view now of the two of them as I began to happily pump in and out of Rhonda. Their lips feasted together, and I could catch rapid glimpses of tongue as they kissed with sudden fervor.

Rhonda's body reacted eagerly to my intrusions, but her focus remained on Jane. I reached out to grab Jane's ass. It was not to cop a feel of that sweet little edifice... well, it was not just to cop a feel of that sweet little edifice, it was to provide another bridge between the two of them. My other hand grasped at Rhonda's hip as I drove into her pulsing body.

I wanted to grab Rhonda's breasts, but Jane's hands were already full of them.

I looked down on the two of them and they were just beautiful together. Their love was suddenly so visibly obvious to me, it made my heart simultaneously swell and ache.

I had loved that way before. Someday, I would be in a place in my life where I could let myself risk trying to love like that again. When I was in such a place, if I were lucky, there would be a woman in my life half as perfect for me as these women were for each other.

I stopped fucking Rhonda, and started to pull out of her. It was slowly, reluctantly, but I did.

"Ken?" Rhonda asked in confusion. Jane turned to look at me as well.

"It's you two," I said, with a smile that I knew looked sad but wasn't really. "You are so perfect together. It is beautiful. You don't need me, and I should go." I still couldn't make myself pull completely out of Rhonda. I didn't want to, and I told myself that pulling out suddenly might be insulting. But I needed to go.

But Rhonda just reached out and pulled me to her, kissing me deeply. That made me sink back into her fully, though I did not intend to. Then Jane pulled my face to her and she kissed me too.

"Damn, Ken," Jane said softly. "That was so sweet. Thank you." Rhonda nodded with a smile. But then Jane's voice hardened. "Now, fuck Rhonda. Hard. That's what we invited you over for. It is why you came. You are always our friend, but tonight, you are The Dick. The fact that I love my wife to death has nothing to do with that... and everything. But once in a lifetime experiences are meant to be lived to the full." She kissed me again, with more hunger than before. "Plus, I am still going to get fucked too, dammit."

"Don't argue with her," Rhonda laughed. "She always gets her way."

Look, a man can only maintain emotionally maudlin doubts so long in the presence of two naked, eager, hot women, especially when one of them is doing kegel exercises around his cock.

"On one condition," I said, already slowly resuming my thrusts into Rhonda.

"Oh?" Rhonda asked, pulsing her inner muscles around me again to let me know I wasn't going to insist on anything too hard.

"Yeah," I said, looking at Jane. "You are going to have to stop monopolizing these wonderful tits. I want to play with at least one while I fuck her."

Jane, who had actually not relinquished her grasp on either breast during the whole interlude, laughed and made an extravagant gesture of removing one hand.

With a hungry grin, I bent and kissed then sucked hard on the breast she chose to share with me. My back arched so I could keep thrusting, but I devoured that boob.

Suddenly, I felt Jane's head beside me as she suckled on Rhonda's other firm mound.

"Oh, fuck! That is freaking amazing!" Rhonda groaned. "Don't stop... any of this!"

I was not going to stop anything anymore. I drove into Rhonda in a variety of rhythms, and in both deep and shallow strokes. I found that she seemed to prefer the shallow ones though, where my tip could slide bumpily over her gee with each stroke, so I mostly gave her those.

I alternated between bending my back to suckle on my assigned breast, and arching it back, playing with and teasing my assigned nipple with my fingers.

My other hand wandered around Jane's body, from that sweet ass to up and under her to tease at her nipples as well.

Rhonda seemed to be in a sort of sensory overload and mostly just lay there for a while, letting us lavish her with attention, her body writhing beneath our combined attentions. Then Jane rose up and fed one of her delicate boobs to Rhonda, who in some ways woke up and gobbled at the offered breast. In other ways, she remained only half-conscious.

Her hands woke up as well, and she grabbed my ass hard with both, pulling me suddenly deep inside her again.

I felt her body afire beneath me and I drove hard into her. My cock was singing, but the rather stupendous blowjob earlier had me able to prevent myself from getting too close. Even in the moment, I thought I was kind of douchey to be already planning how hard I was going to nail Jane, the moment I was finished making Rhonda come.

I reached down to grab one of Rhonda's thighs to pull it up against me as I fucked her. Her grasp on my ass got in the way and we fumbled against each other for a moment in one of those glorious, uncoordinated, confused physical collisions that make great sex great. But she suddenly shifted, and I got my grip under control, and we were instantly back in harmony, my arm cradling her raised leg. Her hand reached around and again pulled on my ass, and my cock drove into her pussy. My other hand simply stroked the toned expanse of Jane's back as she once more kissed Rhonda like she wanted to inhale her brain.

But Rhonda was close, and the panoply of stimuli that Jane and I were applying to her and into her was too much.

"Shit, shit, Shiiiit!" she cried and I felt her lurch against me and around my cock with an urgency and passion that exceeded her earlier orgasm. It was so deliciously powerful, that I could have let myself come right there. Parts of me wanted to. Powerful parts.

But my ego at that point was more powerful, and I wanted to fuck Jane immediately, remember? I held back, more easily than I expected. And I wasn't like I was going to start fucking Jane immediately. I kept pounding into Rhonda without cease. She gabbled incoherently as her orgasm faded, but then she stared at me as I kept going. "Holy... ungh... Ken! What are you..." she managed, then she came again with a long, quiet gasp and sigh.

"Woah," Jane whispered to her wife. "Dick. When you want some, there just is no substitute, is there?"

Rhonda just shook her head wordlessly, her body still trembling.

That sounded like as good a cue as any, and I at last slid free of Rhonda and moved toward Jane. She shot me a look, but moved away, crawling up onto the couch to lean over her wife, caressing her gently.

That was fine with me. I just stood and moved behind her, put one leg up on the couch, and pressed my sopping, rock-hard cock against Jane's pussy. I made no attempt at waiting this time, and just began to thrust into her. I was on a testosterone high the likes of which I had never felt before.

"Fuck yeah, no substitute," Jane sighed as I sank into her depths. Rhonda giggled weakly.

Though I am in pretty good shape, I was still already a little tired from my efforts with Rhonda. Fortunately, this position, hammering Jane from behind while basically just standing upright, was remarkably comfortable and easy. And holy cow did it feel good.

I stroked and stroked, varying my efforts as I had with Rhonda, but I was soon happy to perceive that Jane liked it much deeper, and I gave it to her thus for the most part, to the best of my ability.

I knew she was turned on, but I began to worry that I was not going to last as long as she could. And I had no way to do anything about it.

Jane and Rhonda were again making out as I fucked Jane, but she suddenly loudly whispered to Rhonda, "Let me have a taste, Bae."

Rhonda summoned the energy to turn against the end of the couch and spread her legs for Jane, who bent to lap at her wife's freshly-fucked pussy.

And so we went, in a chain, my cock in Jane, her tongue in Rhonda. My increasingly eager thrusts mashing Jane's face hard into Rhonda every few strokes.

I guess I could have fucked Rhonda even longer, as amazingly it was she who came first among us, her hips bucking up against Jane's face. Jane just popped up and without looking at me, groaned, "Fuck! Me!"

I let myself go. That's a lie. I went, regardless of any desire to let myself. I slammed into Jane, again and again, my belly slapping against her ass.

Before I realized it, I was coming. My head swelled to three times its size, or so it seemed, and I blasted deep into Jane. I had lost.

But not by much.

It was a glorious loss, made all the better by the way Jane was suddenly shrieking herself. She bucked in my grasp and moaned. I kept pumping, though it was rapidly becoming agony to do so as most of the nerves in my cock were flipping their circuit-breakers with the overloaded stimuli.

Jane just kept coming, and if I'm honest, I had a moment or two of irritation with her that she wouldn't just finish already. But my ego put a stop to that emotional lunacy.

Fortunately, Jane did finally stop coming, allowing me to slow and collapse, first across her back, then over onto the couch in stunned bliss.

Slowly I perceived that she and Rhonda were snuggling together on the other end of the couch, lost once more in each other's eyes.

But then they looked at me.

"Damn, Ken," Rhonda said, looking me over more with casual appreciation, than any residual hunger. "How can you be so cool and fun, and so fucking alpha?"

"Huh?" I said, confused, as I rose to walk over and drink the last of my glass of wine.

"Seriously," Jane agreed.

"I'm not sure what you mean," I said, bending to pick up my underwear. "But I am sure that I do need to go now. You two have a need to cuddle, and as I understand it, neither of you have an emotional or biological need to cuddle with me."