Tabootopia - A Nation of Incest Ch. 09


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"Close your eyes, please." To his mother's face, her cheeks and forehead, finishing with her neck, making sure to be gentle as Henker's finger marks were still present. Should a son know his mother has such nice skin? This one did. And better yet was to come: he saved the money areas for last.

Down went his hands from her shoulder blades, slipping to her succulent breasts.

"Hmm, yes," he said under his breath as he touched his mama's perky breasts. Amazing for a woman her age to have breasts so firm; that's what Mech thought as he rubbed the cream on them. He made sure to cover the whole diameter, using his thumbs to rub the cream on her nipples. Before Audina noticed that her son was actually getting pleasure from fondling her boobies, Mech turned around and got to her back. He pushed in deep, going from the top, working to the bottom, till he was on his knees and looking at Audina's most famous asset: her bubble butt.

It would be fair to say that Audina's ass was more famous than she was; it was often a discussion point in bars, space ports and, much to Mech's joy, in schools. There was even a fanclub: Audina's Bum. Her derrière was a public relations marvel, successfully transforming her from cruel baby-puncher to a sexy vixen with a real nice ass.

Mech used his fingers like pincers, piercing them into his mother's soft buttocks. He tried controlling his fondling, trying not to cross the boundary from, umm, washing his naked mother to touching her in a sexual way.

Despite Mech's best intentions, Audina knew her son was coping a feel. "Mech."

"Sorry, Mother." Mech got up and stepped away. He then turned and went to the shower area. He fiddled with the controls, turned the faucet, and watched as the hot water hit the sparkling floor, the steam enveloping the room with a warm mist.

"Mom, please."

"Yes, dear." Audina walked over to the steel showerhead, paused before the water, put her hand out, agreed with the temperature, and then stepped in. Poof -- like that the pink liquid turned into soapy bubbles.

"Ah," she released a satisfied gasp, closed her eyes, and let the soothing hot water rush over her golden skin. Her whole body, from her erect nipples to her fresh vagina, felt warm trickles of hot energy.

Mech dashed to the tub, picked up a bottle, and came rushing back. He stood behind her, spilled the white liquid in his hands, raised his arms up and rubbed the liquid into his mother's delicate hair. This wasn't space magic, it was just shampoo.

"Thank you."

"Not a problem, Mom." He had his arms held out wide, his fingers in his mother's hair. After applying two coats, he stepped back and watched.

As she stood underneath that trickling water, Mech had to admire his gorgeous mother. He knew he had a really hot mom. A really, really hot mom. An awkward position to be in, one in which the hottest woman in your life is always going to be your mom (hi, Damon Welch). She was a 10, a stunning vision of beauty, made all the more striking by the addition of the soapy bubbles slipping down her womanly body, the space soap cleansing and revealing a renewed golden shade to her dazzling skin. And then he had an idea.

"Hold on, Mom." Mech touched the shower panel. The panel glowed and opened. Inside was a silver brush. Mech grabbed the brush, stood on his tiptoes and brushed his mom's shampooed hair.

"Hmm, thank you." She responded well to the soothing and therapeutic usage of this magic space brush.

"Yes." Mech's erect cock was bouncing against his mother's buttocks. She could feel it pricking her behind (pun intended), could feel the mushroomed tip get harder and harder with each graze. This boy was getting too much enjoyment.

"Enough, Son."

"Okay. Sorry." Mech turned the water off, grabbed a towel and gently wiped his mother's body. He then grabbed her favourite bathrobe, opened it up and got it on her.

"Thank you." She smiled when the warm bathrobe gave her a cottony comfy hug. What was notable was the crest that was imprinted on the right breast of the robe: the OwlTempest insignia.

Mech stepped back, put his hands over his scrotum, and with his lips pursed, said, "Did I do well?"

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Good, Son." She lightly patted his cheek, grabbed the door handle and exited the room.

Mech's head went down. He stepped into the shower, turned it back on and took part in some self-pleasure.

Then suddenly, the door swung open. Mech turned, erect and red-faced.

She sighed. "Hand me that thing over there." She pointed towards the showerhead.

"This?" Mech grabbed a luffa on a stick and handed it to Audina. She grabbed it, held the back of the handle...and vigorously rubbed it against her son's scrotum. She looked away as she did, scrubbing her son's nether regions with this rough sponge.

Why did she do this? She didn't need to reward her son for doing his chores. It was not expected of her to reward him for being a good boy. Really, he should not get a treat for acting like he's supposed to. But she did it anyway. It was an act of charity on Audina's part. She felt sorry for him, so she gave him this motherly treat. It seemed Henker had not only stretched Audina's vagina: he also made her heart grow. Though she was not all hugs and kisses, she was still strict: she stood back as far as she could, making sure she had no actual physical contact with her son.

Mech looked in the distance, at the red sky, and took it all in as his mother showed her love. He wanted to stay cool, wanted to be stoic like Henker, maybe just a grunt, but he couldn't manage that.

"M-M-Mum!" he said in a shrill voice.

Audina sighed and kept rubbing till she heard an explosion of teen boy lust. From the corner of her eye she saw it shoot out of her son's pecker. She stepped back just in time so that none of her son's ejaculate touched her fine skin. Job done.

She threw the luffa on the floor and said, "Clean this and yourself."

"Yes, Mother," he said as every neuron in his body danced around in an endless spin. His mother's new recipe had really done the trick, this the most Mech had ever cummed. The secret ingredient? Cold Love.

She paused for a second, her smile coming back to her. "Homework by eight, or else."

"Yes, Mother," he said with his hands over his privates, his bowed stance showing his mother the proper gratitude.

She grabbed the door handle and exited the room.

Mech showered, all smiles.

Audina walked down the stairs and sat back in her seat. She grabbed her still-hot tea and sipped it.

Henker turned a page in his paper. "Nice shower?"

"Yes, dear."

"Hmm, good. I hope it's clean; I'll need your assistance for later."

"Yes, dear," she said with a giddy smile.

Fade to black and out comes the credits. The jerkers in the crowd finished themselves off, a Catwoman in back giving a particularly impressive Tammie-level squirt.

Kelly was bouncing. "Oh! Oh! That was awesome! Oh~ Daniel, why didn't you tell me about these movies?"

"I have before, remember? I have all of them at home."

Kelly clapped. "We can watch more? Oh we gotta do that when we get to our new apartment. You got my mom to ship those over? Oh yes! I love Mom Wars. I wanna see more."

"Mom Wars is based on real Tabootopia mythology," said Boz.

"Huh?" Daniel turned to his left and found Boz right next to him, eating an apple. "Where did you come from?"

"I'm stealth."

"I never heard of it being Tabootopia mythology," said Daniel. "Come on, Mom Wars is a series of movies, TV shows, books and comics. It's not real."

"Uh-uh, it's all based on real Tabootopia myths. There was a real Audina, Mech and Henker."

"Yeah, right," Kelly said with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah-huh!" Boz ducked into his satchel and started playing with his iPad. "Wait just a sec." Boz flicked at his iPad till he found what he was looking for. "Here." he handed it to Daniel and Kelly. They put the pad between their knees.

Boz pointed. "That's the real Henker Galo."

Daniel and Kelly looked at an illustrated portrait of a large white man with a face that was about 70% beard. Along with the big brown beard were these wild bushy eyebrows. But what was most noticeable was his eyes: he had blood-red pupils.

"Whoa," said Daniel. "Boz is right, this drawing looks old. So he's like one of those Greek myths but, like, for Tabootopia?"

Kelly gave her critique. "He needs to trim that beard, wax those eyebrows, change the wardrobe; the look is just all wrong."

Boz nudged over, put his finger on the iPad and flicked to the right, going to the next picture.

"That's the real Audina and Mech."

As soon as the couple saw it, their blood turned cold. Super cold. Cold like leaving a can of coke (not cock) in the freezer for too long, opening it, taking a sip, and feeling the liquid just stab at your tongue. Liquid cold. So cold that Daniel and Kelly's mouths hung open as they tried to comprehend this picture. They had to blink several times just to make sure they were seeing this correctly. Yes, there's Audina, seated on a stool; there's Mech, standing behind his mother. Normal enough you say, well, expect for the fact that they were...

"A-A-Aliens!" said Kelly. "Aliens!"

As this portrait painting proved, the real Audina and Mech were much more supernatural than their movie counterparts. The real Audina and Mech did not have silver blush on their cheeks: they had silver skin. Shiny silver skin with yellow eyes and white pupils. They were legit aliens but did have humanoid features -- meaning they had sex appeal; Audina with an alluring if more terrifying face, her body concealed by her long blue dress. Mech's chest was toned and lean, though without nipples.

"I told you, I told you!" said Daniel. "Aliens are real, they came here! Aliens did!"

A pale Kelly screeched. "Eeee! Oh~! Scary! Are they here? Now? NOW!?"

Boz scoffed. "Of course not. They bred with us and left before the babies were born. Sheesh, try to keep up."


During the walk to Elder's place, Daniel asked questions about Mom Wars and its very real links to Tabootopia.

"How big was the real Audina's butt? Was she like Maria Menounos with her extra added peach or like Nicki Minaj with her large onion butt?"

"I have no idea who those women are," said Boz.

Whilst near the house, Sarah/Haruhi tapped on Boz's shoulder and said, "OOC, Elder is back."

"OOC, thanks."

Haruhi smiled. "Once you're done with this, you can come over to my place. I'll choke-fuck you."

Boz slapped his hands against his chest. "How? How do you not know who I am?"

She shrugged. "Your loss. You know where I am if you change your mind." She then shook her face, frowned, stamped her feet on the floor and spoke in rapid Japanese. 'Baka Boz!' was all Daniel and Kelly were able to pick up.

"Hey, Boz," said Kelly. "Are you, like, in character right now?"

"Me and my character have achieved a state of win in which we have become one. I am Boz, in mind and soul."

"So you basically just act like yourself but with a wacky back-story?"

"Eh, you nailed it." He shrugged.

Boz knocked on the Elder's door once again, this time successful.

A slim Thai man partially opened the door. "Yes?"

"Here to see Elder-Oh-Two."

The man looked over Boz's shoulder, at Daniel and Kelly.

"...Very well." The man opened the door and led them inside.

They entered into the golden hut. Daniel and Kelly looked up at the transparent dome and saw where this golden hue had come from. Then came the smell, this thick herbal tang which stuck inside everyone's mouths. Right at the far end of this hut was a flat-screen television, a recliner in front of it, the channels being switched around at a rapid pace. The images that went by included the entrance to Sector Three and other areas of that forest.

A dangling strand of raven hair could be seen leaning in the recliner.

"This them?" said a spacey Californian female.

"Yes, it's me, Boz, I did what you said, ya know, trailing these guys to come here."

She turned her head and flashed a big pearly smile. "Oh, well done, Bosley." She stood up and showed herself. Surprise, surprise, she was very beautiful: bright skin, wavy dark hair, big beautiful green eyes, thin pink lips, and a trim figure that was complemented by her flowery summer dress. She put her bare feet on the carpet and walked with a slight stagger.

"Whoa, oh." She stopped when she noticed something around her ankles: a black lace thong. She bent down and put it back where it was needed. Daniel approved.

"Hi," she said with half a wave. "I'm Tracy -- oops, sorry, I'm Elder-Oh-Two. Right? Is that right?" she said while looking at Boz.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"My Bosley." She gave him a cheeky little grin, reached her hand over and squeezed his cheeks.

"It's just Boz."

"Hush-hush, Mama's speaking now, sweetie."

Boz stepped back while Elder-Oh-Two stepped towards Daniel and Kelly. She squinted and gave them a puzzled look.

"Where is, umm," she raised her hand above her head, "the tall Korean? Plus her girlfriend, plus the, umm, short Euro boy?"

Daniel answered, "They're out --"

"Doesn't matter, doesn't matter. Just, umm." She scratched her head. "Oh, right: this journey into the forest -- it's a forest, right?"

Her Thai attendee nodded.

"Right, so this was all planned by New Babylon University and we, meaning us, the forest...people? Well, our job was to help lead you out of the forest. I don't get it myself; it was all the dean's idea. I'm his ex and he kinda guilted me into it. 'Oh Tracy I loved you and you owe me.'" She sighed. "All right, you can go now. Bosley, sweetie, show them the exit."

"Yes Ma'am."

"The exit out of this club?" asked Daniel. "Out of Sector Three?"

With her eyes half closed she nodded. "Uh, yep."

"To New Babylon?" asked Kelly.

"No, not there." Elder perked up. "But you'll like what's next." Elder stepped towards Kelly and smiled. "Well aren't you just adorable."

Kelly blushed. "Aw, thanks so much. You're so pretty, too."

Elder brushed her hand against Kelly's cheek. "Thank you."

Like a meeting of two sexy angels, both gawped at the other's beauty.

"Your hair is so smooth," Elder said with a whisper.

"Your skin is so soft," said Kelly as she put a finger on Elder's cheek.

Daniel liked where this was going. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" he whispered with his fists enclosed.

Kelly was still amazed by Elder's skin. "Gosh, it's so soft."

"Hey, come here, let me tell you a secret." Elder whispered into Kelly's ear.

Kelly gasped. "You're forty-seven?"

Elder shook her head. "Well it's not a secret if you say it out loud."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Oh that's fine," said Elder with a little purr. She then entangled her arms around Kelly's neck and pushed in for a hug. The ladies creamy soft cheeks smooshed together as they went heart to heart. Kelly smiled, took in Elder's rose perfume and happily rubbed Elder's back, rubbing and patting, rubbing and patting...and Elder did not let go.

"Hmm." Elder had her eyes closed, her grip tight. "Ohhh, can you stay? Hmm, I want a daughter...I have enough boys...I hate boys." She then flashed a glare at Daniel. "You can't stay. You look way too much like my sons."

Daniel approved, even if he was personally shut out of the new family.

Kelly trembled. "Wh-what's happening?"

"Hush, sweetie...okay." She backed out of the hug, held Kelly's shoulders, and glared at Daniel.

"Pervert, you tried to turn this into something dirty. You must be one of those people that likes it when mothers have sex with their kids. Gross. Pervert. Why does any mother want to have sex with their kid? They're not sexy."

"Uhhh" was Daniel's response.

Elder patted Kelly on the head. "You're so cute. I was going to kiss you but that perv over there was going to start jerking off if I did. Look at him, freak...pervert...teenager." She gave the evil eyes to Daniel, and then kissed the tip of Kelly's nose.

"Bosley, sweetie." She walked over to Boz, grabbed his head with both hands, and held his face near her bosom. "Bosley, sweetie, go show them the exit."

"Y-yes, Ma'am."

She planted several kisses on his cheeks. Daniel felt pangs of jealousy as the kooky hot mama laid her lovin' on Bosley.

Elder stopped when she saw Daniel. "Urr, he's making this more than it is! Pervert!" She let go of Boz. "I see your boner, treat her right," she pointed at Kelly, "or I use my voodoo -- do I have voodoo, Tan?" she said to the doorkeeper.

He shook his head. "No, Ma'am."

"Well I want it. Go now, Bosley -- no, wait, order some food, get them a pizza, and camp out till morning."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Boz walked away -- but then had his shirt grabbed by Elder. She whispered something before he left. "Bosley, sweetie...get Mama's vibrator."

"Yes, Ma'am."


The damage, the casualties, the chaos, the pure destruction that comes from teen girl lust; heaps of worn-out bodies, both male and female, scattered out on the grass, hanging from poles, windows and trees. And among all this devastation, two tall figures stood proud, their arms crossed, their eyes looking over this destruction. This incident would later spread throughout RP Club lore and be known as the day that the ferocious twin-headed thunder dragon TamGina attacked with all twenty of her deadly fingers.

Daniel, Kelly and Boz found Tammie and Regina with little effort; they only had to follow the moans. They saw nude girls on the grass, panting for air, their costumes strewn all over the place. Their various ailments included the following: sore vaginas, puffy vaginas (as cute as it sounds), clamped nipples, tweezed nipples, red butt cheeks, and girls who said that it hurts, like, everywhere.

Kelly and Boz tiptoed over the girls, Daniel walking with caution -- but also making sure he got a good view of these girls' nude and hurt bodies.

"Oh hey," said Regina. Both her and Tammie were fully clothed, backpacks on and ready to go.

"Had fun?" Daniel asked the two girls.

"Eh." Tammie licked her thumb. "Nothing special."

"We-we know the way out," said Kelly, she slightly intimidated by the demonic lesbians.

"All right," said Regina. "We just got to find --"

A rustling could be heard from a nearby alleyway. Someone was running, the clap of their footsteps getting louder, louder till it came tumbling towards them.

"Umm, ahh, hello." It's Björn. His sunglasses were gone, his hair gel all loosened out, back to being the guy they all know and sorta liked.

Kelly spoke: "Björn, you-you went all crazy on us --" she stopped when she felt Daniel's hand on her shoulder. He shook his head and whispered in her ear. "Never mention Carl."

"What the fuck was all that cop stuff?" Tammie asked bluntly.

Björn gave her a puzzled look. "I, ahh, umm, have no idea what you're talking about."

"The fuck you don't! I saw you turn into this crazy cop guy."

"Tammie," said Daniel. "He doesn't know --"

"No, I demand to know --"

"He's a little bit crazy," said Regina.

"Oh...fair enough," said Tammie.

Björn chuckled. "Oh, umm, okay, yes, ha-ha."

Daniel tossed Björn's backpack to him. "Come on, we know how to get out."

"Oh," said Björn as he put on his backpack. "To New Babylon?"

"No," said Daniel. "To some in-between area, between Sector Three and New Babylon."

"Umm, good. I think I may have to leave soon; umm, I got a feeling some, ahh, people are not happy with me, ha-ha..."


After a sleepover in another tent (no sexual activity to report), the gang went to the edge of Sector Three.

"Here." Boz pointed down to a steep set of grassy stairs. "Go down there to get out of here. Wins all around?"

"Yeah, good job," said Regina. She and everyone patted him on the back for a job well done.
