Tabootopia - A Nation of Incest Ch. 09


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"Umph, umm!" said Audina.

And in went the thickness, her mouth and tongue doing the rest.

Henker was showing Audina that she was now in his domain, his version of humanity: strong man, weak woman. You see, Henker had an ache that Audina had caused. He had two ways to quell this pain, and his options were himself or the woman who had caused him this discomfort. To him it was a logical move: Audina all the way. I mean, really, there she was, available, half-naked, hell, it made so much sense that allowing her to go would've been the wrong thing to do -- in Henker's view. Did it matter to him that she was a royal and that he was committing an act that was sacrilegious to the Jankin people? It didn't matter to him at all, of course, because the need always comes first, and the need doesn't give a fuck about interplanetary politics.

Henker held Audina's head and rocked his pelvis back and forth, easing his hardness and cooling his inner inferno, using her as a tool for his pleasure.

Audina felt violated, used, abused, wronged, but above all else, she felt pure violent rage. Her kill-eyes stayed on the man that was making her, a royal, do such an ungodly vile act. To just put it into words, to repeat his actions to herself, to know that a big sweaty hairy man was sticking his penis in her mouth, was grabbing her beautiful hair, was smacking his, ugh, hairy balls on her chin, to know that this was happening to her was making her think of the most brutal murders imaginable. Yes, she'll find someone to murder him, murder him good and proper for his unredeemable sins, for his crime of turning Duchess Audina into a lowly whore. Yes, in her eyes she'd gone from royalty to hooker.

The rage then turned into shame, such shame she felt for letting this happen to herself. What an unfortunate series of events: watching her son lose for the very first time, having to wear the logo of the owl people, to finally, this, having to suck the penis of the very same man who knocked her son out. What a humbling and shameful experience. Then the rage came back and mixed with the shame to create this soup of negative emotions. These feelings only festered as his fat cock continued to slip in and out of her mouth, in and out and she having no way, no power, to stop it from happening.

And she kinda liked it.

At that very moment, Audina's name, her status, her rank, her place among the universe's standing, all of it meant absolutely nothing. What was being tapped into was something deeper, much deeper. The very essence of who she is, what she is, was being shown to her, was being revealed one stroke at a time, the doors opening, the truths coming out. She saw that behind her falsehoods, behind her crown, behind it all that even she, Duchess Audina, was something she never thought she would be, something she never even considered herself to be, something which made her boil, something that was whispered to her each time Henker pulled her hair and pushed his cock into her mouth. What Audina learnt was that she was just a woman. Just a woman that was being shown what a real man could -- no, what a real man should be doing with a real woman in the confines of the bedroom: give pleasure, take pleasure.

Henker pulled his cock out, allowing his woman to breathe.

"Ahh!" Audina's hair was frazzled and her cheeks were bright red. She was gasping for air.

"Take a breath," ordered Henker.

Audina looked up at him with a ferocious glare.

"Cur, you do not tell me what to do!"

Audina pulled her hands up, grabbed the throbbing beast with both hands and stuck it back in her mouth. Audina went deep. Way deep. Tongue, lips, all her fingers and thumbs, she put her all into Henker's cannon. Hard, long, sweat dripping down her skin, saliva dribbling down her mouth, going so deep that her forehead slammed against his pelvis. She'd gone from royalty to total whore -- willingly. She'd gone from looking down upon everyone below her to becoming, well, a cocksucker. A literal cocksucker. As in she put a penis in her mouth and sucked on it. Some people may call her a slut, which would be fair, since she only met this hour ago? Maybe an hour and a half ago? She was sucking the cock of someone she'd only met ninety minutes ago. That's pretty slutty. Did she know she was slutting out? No, not at all, because all thought had left her, her mind focused on giving as much pleasure as her sweet warm mouth could give.

"Uhhh!" she moaned with her mouth full. Audina then put her hands on Henker's ass and used that traction to improve her suction.

With her soft hands on his butt and her surprisingly good technique, Henker was getting much more than he bargained for. Indeed, Henker was shivering from his woman's enthused efforts. Though Audina was receptive, Henker still kept the force strong, his right hand still holding on tightly to her soft black hair, showing her that he was in charge, that he was the boss.

But what they didn't know was that in the midst of all this love(?)making, they had a special guest. Yes, watching with a mixture of horror and amazement, our mystery viewer is...Audina's son, Mech. With his head poking in, he watched as his mother slobbered all over that big ivory pole, that loud guzzling sound ringing in his ears -- and in his psyche.

Stunned wouldn't be the word to describe Mech's feelings. Let's review: his mother was stripped to her underwear and wearing the enemy's insignia on said undergarments. That alone was such an affront to the Jankins. This would be akin to North Korea's First Lady Ri Sol-ju wearing a stars and stripes bikini, or to flip it, Kate Upton in a North Korea bikini. As nice as those thoughts are, such acts would be deeply offensive to the people of their countries, maybe even acts of war. So there's Mech's mother, wearing the flag of OwlTempest on both tits and her ass. A massive 'fuck-a-you' to the Jankins -- with Mech's mom being the punchline.

Moving on and we see that Mech's mother is sucking on a penis. A big penis. Well, for bratty Oedipus Rex Mech, this is unforgivable! His mother does not suck on dicks! His mother uses those lips to kiss him goodnight! Oh, and finally: who is that man his mother is sucking off? Oh, that's the man that punched Mech in the face and knocked him out. So Mech was watching his own mother give his sworn enemy a blowjob.


It was a bone-rattling shock, a pain which hurt more than the bandage on his forehead. The image was just so powerful: he was seeing his mother's hands dig into Henker's ass as she gagged on that huge cock. So powerful, so alive, so real, and all Mech could muster to say was...

"Mom! You never kissed me like that!"

Audina was forcefully kicked out of man-first land and thrown back into a world in which sucking on a stranger's cock is a really shameful thing to do. She locked eyes with her whimpering boy, looked at his shivering body, the bandage around his head, the little-boy shorts he was wearing. Mech looked so much like a kindergartener. Audina could see he was hurt, so she looked for the right words to comfort him, to make him feel better, but even those words were laced with poison.

"Son --" as soon as she opened her mouth, a huge load of cum spilled out of it.

Henker turned his head. "Boy, leave. Now."

"No-NO!" replied a visibly distraught Mech.

Henker gave Mech a deadly stare. "No?"



"Yes." Mech stepped back and closed the door. He was visibly shaken, sweating, rubbing his hands over his shirtless body. Mech was stuck there, frozen, staying just behind the door...continuing to listen.

Audina shook her head, her son's appearance putting her back in the role of royalty. "This madness must halt! I have brought shame upon my people and my son. I must go to him." Audina struggled to her feet. "I need to go to my son!" She stood on shaky legs, her knees wobbling. "Move, worm."

Henker lightly put his palm on Audina's shoulder and she fell over, landing on her ample posterior.

"You BEAST!" she hissed. "How dare you treat me as a common wench! I am royalty!"

Henker walked over to Audina, bent down, put his hands in her armpits and, with the greatest of ease, he lifted her to her feet.

She was speechless.

Henker stepped back, put his head down and looked at his wet hands; Audina's sweet scent had seeped into his skin. He looked at her with a grin and nodded his head. Then, slowly, dramatically, his eyes turned north: to the bed.

Audina trembled, shuffled back, and shook her head. "You...You have no thoughts towards -- no, I order you upon my royal decree to cease from any disgusting thoughts you may have. Stop, I order you to stop! I am Audina, Duchess of Oso, and I order you -- "

Henker ducked down, grabbed Audina, and put her over his shoulder.

Audina screamed from the top of her lungs. "Ahhh! How DARE you do this to ME!" She flayed around and punched his back. "How -- ahhhhh! AHHH!"

Henker turned, walked five steps forward, and tossed Audina on the bed like she was a sack of potatoes.

The mood in the room changed. Henker quickly joined Audina on the bed, got on his knees and cast a large shadow over her. This was about to get heavy.

Henker grabbed Audina's knees, pushed them apart, put his fingers around the waist of her panties, tugged, and ripped them off. He looked down and inspected the landscape: trimmed and pruned to perfection, the lips bare, glistening, her scent slipping down onto the sheets. That rose-tinted scent was like a tanker of adrenaline right to Henker's heart valve, his body glowing as he took in that sweetness.

"Hmm." Henker brushed his thumb against her sensitive vaginal lips.

Audina lifted her hips up and screamed into the heavens: "Ahhhh! You beast!"

Henker put his thumb against his mouth. He licked the honey. "Hmm!" He lifted his head up high and controlled the currents waving through him. He looked back down at Audina, and with an emotionless expression, pushed his thumb against her mouth.

"Oh, ah." She licked his thumb."Lord, this is, ahh...Hmm..."

Henker smiled and then led his thumb down to her chin, down her neck and to her throat. There it lingered, lingered till the other four fingers joined; they wrapped around Audina's neck and squeezed.

Audina gargled.

Henker used his free hand to steady his cock, pushing himself forward as his piece slipped in.

"Ohh!" Audina felt two pains; one around her neck and an even more stinging one down below, that being her tight vagina getting stretched by the giant cock.

Audina was a single woman, never married, her son conceived through one (fast) union with a distant cousin. She had sex on a regular basis -- but it was all incest sex. Yes, she took part in copious amounts of incest, but it wasn't taboo for the Jankins to have sex with each other. It was business as usual. It was even scheduled into their dinnertime: a main course followed by dessert and sex with the cousins. And it wasn't filthy sex, it was gentle, cordial. A light penetration followed by some gentle thrusting, perhaps one or two polite kisses exchanged afterwards. The only Jankin that would try to go all-out was Mech; he always tried to grab his mom's ass, finger her vagina, but his mother put a quick stop to that nonsense, sternly reminding her boy that 'was how the animals had sex.'

See, Audina was that woman that liked to be treated like a fine jewel, the one that you rub but do not break. She used her beauty to the fullest and was a demanding lover, making the men get on their knees and eat her out for as long as she wanted. She was a woman that made sure her needs got met first and made sure she was in absolute control at all times. So taking a 9-inch iron cock in her tight vagina while being strangled was the absolute opposite of what she was used to. For sure, this wasn't the rub and tickle Audina was used to. Oh no, she was in the jungle, baby, getting wild with a native, being the Jane to his Tarzan, submissive to the dominant male, getting well and truly grizzly fucked by the biggest toughest alpha in the whole frigging cosmos.

"Ohh!" She grabbed the sheets, the pain on both ends searing.

Henker let his grip go from Audina's throat and interlocked both hands around the back of her neck. Henker then pushed in, thrusting hard, all while looking her right in the eyes, letting her see his face as he did these acts to her.

Audina's moans got softer, less 'AHH,' more 'Ahh', like she was accepting that this was happening to her. Her feet went over his shoulders, they dangling as he pushed in and out, his moderate thrusting making the bed rumble. The sweat was trickling down both their bodies, their breathing getting heavier.

Audina was settling into her submissive role, her vagina accommodating the extra inches and girth. She was just about to fully accept her new role, but before she could break past that final barrier, her royal pride returned. This side of her was simply outraged. So outraged that it was motivating Audina to make a stand, to do something which let this Owlman know that he was a worm compared to her. Audina's pride wanted to be appeased. It wanted vengeance. Audina agreed.

She caught Henker's gaze and scowled. With her teeth clenched and her eyes full of anger, she arched her head slightly back, moved her cheeks back and forth, then boom, she did it, she did it and smiled. She spat on his face.

"Scum!" she growled.

Smack! Oh he slapped her ass -- no, wait, that wasn't a slap to the ass. Henker didn't slap Audina's ass. Wait, her cheek is red, not her butt cheek, but the cheek on her...oh...oh. The viewers fell silent, they not truly comprehending what they'd seen. After taking a second to digest, some of them still couldn't believe what they'd just seen. They did and he did: Henker slapped Audina's face.

A literal bitch slap.

It was a slap that was gentle for Henker's strength, but one which made Audina tremble, made her quiver like a leaf. That wasn't sex: that was assault. Red-cheeked Audina still had her eyes locked on Henker, his expression the same, he unmoved by his actions.

Audina took in a big gulp, took several deep breaths, and then did something most surprising.

She grinned.

A huge grin. A devilish grin. A big happy grin. Her eyes were sparkling with little fireflies of delight. Henker could only smile back. As they stared with their grins ever present, Audina spat right back at Henker's face. She giggled, raised her eyebrows and dared him to retaliate.

Henker smirked.

She knew what she'd done. She was ready.

Henker gripped the nape of Audina's neck with his left hand, flashed a quick grin, then swung his right hand at her cheek. Smack. His paw on her face. The sweat could be seen flying from her cheek, the reverberation hitting the viewers with a thwack.

And then they came in succession.

Thrust, smack, thrust, smack, thrust, smack, increasing the speed till it was two motions in one: smacking her on the face as he thrust his cock inside her, his smacks increasing the power of his thrust. And all the way through it she grinned, a maniacal grin of something resembling joy.

It was at this point that those watching had to remind themselves that this was just a movie. Still, seeing a woman get slapped in the face during lovemaking. Uncalled for. A slap on the butt, that's acceptable, that's even erotic. Giving a nice smack to the round bouncy part of a woman's body, that's fine. The butt is made for slaps. Heck, they even have a name for the act: spanking. Spanking is the acceptable form of erotic punishment. It stings, it hurts, but the pain never lasts, and it's mostly in good fun...except when it's a parent spanking their child. Any parent slapping their kid on the butt must know how wrong it is -- and know that it's downright creepy, since spanking is now mostly seen as a sexual act. Miss Keener, don't spank Little Timmy for eating those cookies: you're only giving him a better reward,

But a slap to the face, even during sex? Now that's uncomfortable. This wasn't Boz getting slapped, this wasn't cute girls playfully slapping a teen boy: this was man on woman. A full grown man with a small feminine creature. A pretty unacceptable act in this universe. But in the Mom Wars universe, it was fully justified.

What did the slaps show? That Henker, in this lovemaking domain, is the man and Audina is the woman, she's his bitch, the standard modus operandi with the dominate male and submissive female dynamic. But this went deeper, went all the way to their personalities. See, Henker disliked Audina. Not surprising: many people dislike Audina. She's pompous, self-involved, egotistical, maniacal, tyrannical...but damn she has a great ass. In Henker's view, Audina's awful personality evaporated when he saw her delicious body. This was man-logic, an ability to look over a hot woman's character flaws. Audina was, in many ways, a Fox News anchor woman: a hateful woman you so want to mount. Yet Henker, when he got down to the actual sex, felt a need to humble this woman. And how could he not? The woman beneath him was a frigging fascist, a woman that looked down upon the 'lesser' planets, that voted against taking in the OwlTempest refugees, that showed no respect whatsoever to Henker, that disregarded anything he said or did based solely on his lineage. What a cunt! So when he saw her below him, growling, fierce eyes, her hatred boiling over, he felt he had to give her a light punishment for the pain and sorrow she'd given to this universe. Hence the slap.

As for her? Audina felt the searing pain rush over her, on her cheeks and on her stretched vagina. Double the pain, but the pain which angered her the most was the pain that was on her beautiful face. Slapping her gorgeous face was easily the worst act. It was a downright multi-murderous offense! She wanted to kill him and every Owlman in existence -- and every owl too; those hooters needed to die for this. I mean, really, this was completely beyond the pale, all of it, from the slapping of her face to his large instrument defiling her sacred body. Yet, when she didn't actually think about the circumstances and just let the actions happen...something strange happened.

"Uhh, take me, take me," she whispered while saliva dripped down her mouth.

He smacked her to make sure she wasn't kidding. For a moment she kept her face turned away...and then looked back at him with fire in her eyes.

"Take me, take me!" she said with gritted teeth.

Another slap sending her face to the side. Again she turned back, the fire now roaring.

"Take me! Take me!"

Henker grabbed Audina's silk-soft hair and pulled.

"Ah! AH!" she screamed.

Henker pulled back his right hand, swung, and smacked Audina's left cheek. Hard. Harder than before, hard bone on soft skin, this sound going right into everyone's eardrums as a full, hard, clean smack to the face.

Audina looked away, paused for a second, then slowly turned her face. Her hair was a mess, her cheeks scarlet red and her body drenched.

"TAKE. ME!" she said with her teeth grinding.

Henker smirked, then shoved her down on the bed, got all of his 250lbs on top of her, and stuck his cock all the way in her dripping vagina. Punishment was over, now it was time to use her for her intended purpose: pressure releaser.

"OHHHHH by the wings of Mara!" Audina moaned as Henker's size went all the way in, going deeper than her second cousin had ever gone. "Oh! Oh! Ah!"

Henker was rubbing his pectorals in Audina's face, his hairy man sweat going right in her mouth, his chin on top of her head as he went all the way in. Yep, this wasn't her daddy's sex. As in this wasn't the sex she had with her dad. You see, Jankin sex was extremely clean. So clean that they routinely had dessert while having sex, the servants feeding them cherries and marshmallows during the semi-ceremonial events. This was the complete opposite of that. This was dirty, filthy, really down and dirty fucking. Did Henker even shower? He smelt like charcoal and ash. His stench was thick, and she wasn't much better, her sweat glands going into overload, her fresh vaginal aroma seeping into the air. This dirty bitch had another taste, one still left in her mouth: dry cum. So very dirty, and to Audina's surprise, she was enjoying it. She'd got a real 'ah-ha!' moment: she'd learnt exactly why 'common' people procreated so much. She learnt that this 'common person' sex was really, really...exhilarating.