Take Me, Tom Pt. 41-45


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Of course, Tom being Tom, he asked if anything caught my eye. He was too generous. I held a beautiful leaf charm bracelet with a simple gray crystal and a small leaf charm. It was small, and Tom thought it might suit Chloe. I was taken aback by his thoughtfulness.

We spent another forty-five minutes choosing a few more pieces. I chose a gorgeous rose gold and silver overlap bracelet. Just a memento of Sussex, mind you. Tom found a pair of square and circle turquoise earrings for me. This guy has exquisite taste!I pulled his head to mine, and kissed him gently, thanking him for his thoughtfulness. He swatted my butt as a reply.

We were back on the road, and soon in the tiny village of Friston, I think? Tom

wanted to see this medieval monastery that was there. We finally found it, so we spent a bit of time wandering around, wandering around the watermill and the priory itself. Tom seemed to have a good handle on the comparative history of the place, dating from the 14th-century, the era that had captivated him for so long.

We left there, Tom saying he would have to come back and explore a bit more. We kept heading south, finding a pub for lunch outside East Dene. The place was also a B&B, so I waited for Tom to open the trunk and grab our bags, surprising me when he didn't. This battered, 15th-century pub just oozed charm. I loved it! Of course, my phone was out snapping away for all back home to see. We ordered a wonderful, lazy lunch, very 'pubby' from what Tom said. We sat outside afterwards, cold drinks in our hands and just marvelled at the countryside. We were, perhaps, two hours outside the beautiful madness of London. I was beginning to see why Tom loved living here.

Tom's hands lingered on my bare legs, his fingers easily sliding under my loose shorts. [I wondered if I had subconsciously worn these on purpose? Probably, I smiled to myself.] I had to swat them away, or my rude brother would be fingering before I knew it! Just thought of that made me tingle.

Suitably fed and watered, we clambered back into Ben's car, and headed for the coast. I had my first glimpse of the 'white cliffs' I had heard about years ago. God, it was beautiful down here. I could tell Tom loved driving these roads, the twists and turns exhilarating. We finally approached Belle Tout Lighthouse, a landmark on this coast. Tom pulled up, and smiled.

"What?" I asked, not knowing what he had in mind.

"I think we'll stay here tonight, darling," he said, leaning over the console and kissing me. "C'mon, grab your bag, and we'll go have a look."

I was dumbfounded. Who stays in a lighthouse? We grabbed our meager bags and went in, Tom introducing himself, and saying he had a reservation for two. I just looked at him, wide-mouthed as I could not say anything. He signed for everything, and the lady led us up the winding stairs. We were both smiling. He had reserved the Captain's Cabin. It was tiny and bijou, but reeked of charm and ambience. The views outside the window of Beachy Head were fabulous. I started wishing for a storm to creep along the channel. This man never ceases to amaze me.

"Em would love it here, Tom," I sighed. "The photos she would get would be amazing. IF we all work out, promise me you'll bring her here, Tom? Okay? She'd

love it, darling," I said, emphatically.

Tom walked towards me, the look in his eyes one I was beginning to understand. I was looking out the window as he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight. He leaned down and kissed my neck, his strong hand undoing another button of my blouse, covering my small breasts. He gently squeezed my little orbs, his fingers pinching my nipples, still covered by my minuscule bra. I turned my head from the magnificent view, and kissed him, my tongue slipping between his lips as he did mine. He grabbed my ponytail and gently pulled it, my desire moaning into his mouth. I couldn't help it, I swear, but I groaned a throaty, "Ahhhhh," knowing what those sounds would do to us both. I felt him carnally bite my neck, whispering, "I'm going to mark you, Chrissie," as he bit down, my body shuddering under his craving.

I could only moan a weak, "Do it, Tom. Mark me. Make me yours," my panties collecting my secretions.

He stealthily undid another button. Then another, as his hands swept over my body, tingling with a desire only, he had ever given me. He turned me around, facing the blue seascape in front of me, and told me to put my hands on the window ledge. I did, my body shaking as he pulled my hair again. I felt, rather than saw, him sit on the edge of the bed, his hands on my hips now. His sturdy hands roamed over my tiny butt, fingers sliding down my toned legs, then back up, sliding under my, too, loose shorts. [Is this why I chose these? Did I want my Tom to molest me this way, I thought.] His bold hands played and squeezed with my panty-covered ass. God, his hands felt magnificent! He pressed his fingertips into each, his short nails digging into my soft flesh. He pulled me back, just a bit, my head almost laying on the window ledge, as he brought his face to my covered butt and kissed my two tight peaches.

I moaned softly, "Kiss my ass, Tom," but he was two steps ahead of me.

His fingers moved from my bottom, sliding around too easily, to the front of my shorts. His fingers slipped beneath my panties, his index finger slipping along my wet labia. I pushed my ass back. His finger left my valley as he slapped my backside. I lurched at the shock of his firm hand spanking me. Tom, my brother, brought his hands around and deftly undid the small button on my shorts, unzipped them and let

them fall to the floor around my feet.

I lifted my head, watching the rolling waves coming in from France, trying to divert my attention from the beautiful agony he was lavishing on me.

He teasingly played with my panties, fingers running around the edges, sneaking close to my labia, but never quite there. I felt his eager mouth kissing my butt through my wispy panties, his tongue lashing the soft lace.I felt his hand slip between my legs, his fingers too delicate, as he slid them along my panty-covered labia. I pushed my butt back again, my moans not getting across what I needed. He roughly spanked me twice, hissing that I should behave. The strength of his hands, his intentions, did nothing to stop me. If anything, they encouraged me. I pushed back again, waiting for the delicious onslaught I hoped would come.

Tom brusquely pulled my panties down, the wet gusset leaving a gossamer thread of my sap between them and my pussy.

I lifted my legs, without him asking, so her could ball the panties up in his hand. I could hear him jostling around, and the unmistakable sound of his belt being undone thrilled me. I was such a slut for my brother Tom. I felt his trousers on the floor by my feet, my cunt gushing more. Tom stood up, his hard cock pressing between my ass cheeks, just laying there. My heart skipped a beat when I felt how wet he was. His hand came around to the front of me, and I heard but one word from him. "Open."

I did, and he slipped my damp panties into my mouth. I shuddered when I tasted myself. He sat back down, leaned in and kissed my ass, reveling in the feel of his mouth on me. I could feel his mouth becoming more urgent, his saliva covering my bottom, his face sliding around my taut globes. Tom sucked on my ass, his teeth sinking into my wanton flesh. I groaned into my panties, confident Tom could hear me. He sucked on my butt, his hands on my hips, holding me in place. It was beginning to hurt, but it was that delicious hurt that I was coming to love. I pushed back onto his mouth, Tom moaning under my gesture. He pulled his mouth away, looked at what he had done, and brought his tight mouth back to that spot. God, it was hurting...so much, but I relaxed, and submitted to his mouth. He sucked my flesh, then moved to my other cheek, his loving lips and teeth repeating his base undertakings. I held on as he bit and sucked my butt, looking out to sea to help me absorb his excitement.

He secretly slipped on hand between my legs again, sliding his strong fingers through my moist labia. He swatted my bare ass with his other, his hand feeling like a red-hot poker, frightening but exciting me. My brother had me, sucking and biting one cheek,

his solid fingers swiping through my lips, and his free hand spanking my other bubble cheek. My body didn't know where to concentrate. His hands? His mouth? Or just his bold urgency.

I felt him stand up, his hands suddenly not tormenting me. [How dare he stop, I

thought!] I grunted, and caught my breath, waiting for...what, I wasn't sure. He pushed my head down, and kicked my legs apart, then I felt his stiff shaft slide through my labia. I lifted my butt up, giving myself to his welcome abuse. I was too short, and the window was impeding his intrusion.He grabbed my hair, and threw me on the bed, my face buried in the soft duvet.

I felt my brother crouching behind me, his strong hands on my hips, pulling me into a kneeling position. He slipped his cock through my labia and took me. There was no gentle foreplay. My brother would fuck me, take me, mark me and make me his. I looked at him over my downturned shoulder, and saw the lust in his eyes. I opened my cunt to him, the man I was in love with.

His first thrust unsealed my pussy, Tom sliding my juices back into me. He held himself tight once he bottomed out, his full balls swinging against me. I loved the feeling of being stuffed with my brother's cock. It felt so natural, so primal almost. My hands grasped the embroidered cover as he slid out, painfully slow, and thrust back into me, touching every part of my womanhood.

He slapped my ass again as he drove himself back into me, my whimpers uncontrollable. I could feel his solid hand on my lower back, pressing me down, while his other came to my ponytail. He wrapped his hand in my locks and thrust into me again. And again. Despite the pummeling he was giving me, I turned my head towards him and saw a stream of his drool oozing from his mouth onto my crack. His hips were insistent, taking me, filling me with his meaty prick. I clenched my muscles, feeling him grow with every grasp. I would make my Tom cum, make him empty himself in me. Just me.

My little ass pushed back with every plunge of his manly cock, letting him know I could take it and knowing I was his. He would slow his onslaught, slowly pushing in and out, then hurtle back and shove himself into me, just using my body, his body, to please me. I felt another sharp slap on my sore, red ass, my mind reeling from the searing pain. He didn't care, and I loved that. I couldn't speak, only long, drawn-out 'oooohs' and 'ahhhhs' letting him know he was doing everything right. My fingers stroked my clit, but I didn't need that stimulation. His cock, hands, and breathing were all I needed to cum. I could feel him prodding, his thighs slapping against my butt, knowing he was close. His prick seemed to grow inside me, his breathing more urgent 'til I felt him throb. He gushed the first warm stream of sperm deep inside me, and knowing this, I came with him. I could feel his masculine sweat dripping on my back as he held my hips and fucked the cum out of his balls, deep inside me. I buried my head in the duvet, and screamed, screamed for the love I had for this man. He

kept spurting in me, every one set me off, my syrup running down my legs.

I could hear him faintly saying my name with every stroke, his hands still tight on my hips. His thighs kept abusing my sore butt, slamming onto me. I knew we both were empty with a last firm shove, my pussy swollen and oozing cum. He kept himself firmly embedded in me, but I knew he wouldn't stay that way. I loved knowing my brother's body. He leaned over, trying to lay his head on my back. He knew how much I hated uncoupling with him after sex.His hand swept up my back, now tenderly touching me, the other sweetly rubbing my still sore ass. My body slipped from kneeling 'til I was prone on the bed. Tom slipped out of my gushy cunt, a long 'uhhhh' coming from within us both.

He fell to my side, heaving and trying to talk. I rolled myself on my side, and playfully slapped his chest. I wanted to slap his face, but didn't have the energy. He leaned over, swept the loose strands of hair from my face, and gently kissed me. My free hand went around his head, holding his lips and breath close to me.

"Fuck, Chrissie," he finally said, smiling.

"You've got that, brother," I finally spoke, smiling back.

His hand went to my butt, gingerly rubbing it. He looked down at his handiwork, and smiled to himself. I'm sure he was SO proud of how he had marked me. I was.

"I...I loved that, Tom!" I admitted. "You were just so...strong," I gushed, embarrassed at my revelation.

"And I loved giving that to you, darling. You are just so..." and his voice trailed off, unable to express our lovemaking. Okay, this was fucking, all right, but it was done with love. By us both, for us both.

I moved onto his damp chest, my body reveling in his scent and smell. My hands softly stroked his body as we began to talk again, our composure somewhat returned. My blouse was soaked, so that would need changing!

"So? You up for a hike?" he asked.

"Give me ten more minutes, Tom. Jeez. You in a hurry?" I giggled, knowing full well that he did this trip for me. But still!

We played with each other's hair, our hands finally entwined with each other. [If this

were my last day on earth, I'd be so happy, I thought. Then I thought of the kids...] I had to treasure these stolen moments, knowing that our life wasn't going to be all about weekends away and sightseeing and dinners and operas and lovemaking whenever the urge came about. 'Real life'is challenging enough for a 'normal' couple. What we were embarking on soon was anything but. I slid back into the moment, smiled, and kissed the love of my life.

I carefully lifted myself from the comfy bed, grabbed my discarded panties, and slid them up my legs, covering and holding Tom's cum inside me. I rubbed my butt, Tom smirking at me.

"Bastard," I chuckled at him.

"You would know, sister," he smirked back to me.

I changed into long trousers, not knowing how chilly it would get here. It took us a while, but we were ready to face the world, and the white cliffs. Tom grabbed his camera bag, and we set off for a hike, as if we needed the exercise, but...

We looked around the lighthouse first, walking up the curling stairs to the Lantern Room. Breathtaking, in a word. The panoramic view was awe-inspiring. We had our arms around each other, smiling at what we saw. We stepped outside along the circular walkway, the views fabulous.

"How did you find this place, Tom? Have you been here before?" I asked. "My butt still hurts, but you don't care, do you?" I giggled.

"Not here, no, but I've driven by it a few times and always thought it would be a wonderful place to bring someone special. At last, I have that person with me," he said, smiling, and kissing me.

"Pretty fucking smooth, brother! Very good," I giggled, and held him close, noticing he didn't answer my 'complaint' about my sore butt.

We trundled down the steep stairs and headed out. It took us longer than others as Tom stopped, took photos, and we'd walk again. I had the other spare backpack with water and treats in it. It was glorious, the sea calm, the sun shining, and a soft breeze over the hills.

"Emily would love it up here, don't you think?" he asked me.

"You two would be in your element," I laughed. "Not that I'm not enjoying this, but it's just that you two 'see' things differently from me. But yes, as and when, this would make a lovely day out...or weekend for us all!" I said.

We walked, held hands, chatted and just had fun! It felt so free, so invigorating. The rest of the day was a blur of walking, laying down on the hills, watching the clouds, and deepening our connection.

After we had returned and had a small rest, Tom wanted to show me Alfriston, a charming little village not far from the coast. His love of medieval history kicked in as he set off, excitedly like a little boy, telling me all about the village and its roots. I smiled at his enthusiasm, which was infectious. So, well done! He took me through 14-century churches, his camera barely leaving his eye!

Obviously, he had made a dinner reservation at the Star Inn, a stunning 15th-century hotel/restaurant with a Michelin star! The original building dates to the 14th-century, Tom told me! ( I wasn't surprised he knew that!) This guy doesn't mess around! The whole menu is locally sourced, which adds to the cache of the place. Tom had the monkfish, which was outstanding, and I chose the South Downs Lamb. We shared a dessert of burnt fig cheesecake, which tasted better than it sounds! We took a walk outside, with drinks in hand, afterwards. The moon was full, casting a lovely glow over the village. Our chat turned back to growing up, about how lucky we were to have the parents we did.

"If we can be half as good as them, Chrissie, we'll be doing okay by them. You've done a wonderful job, considering all you've had to go through. I'm sure even Jack has had a positive influence, in his own way," he chuckled.

"Thanks, Tom. It's nice to hear that all the tears and pain have been worthwhile. Jack's been mostly absent, believe it or not, but yes, the kids have his genes running through them," I sighed. "I'm so certain that you will be the constant for them, and that fills me with hope, darling," I said, my heart aching at the thought.

"C'mon," he said. "Enough melancholy. We're on holiday!" he smiled.

We bumped shoulders, dropped our glasses off and headed back to the lighthouse. We took a walk on the clifftop, just taking it all in. Tom led us back, and we walked upstairs to our room. The moonlight was streaming in, illuminating the bed. He took me in his sturdy arms, and held me, gently lifting my chin, his lips touching mine. We kissed slowly, wrapping ourselves in each other. We unhurriedly unbuttoned and unzipped each other, the tenderness indescribable. When I thought of this, I felt I would begin to cry. [Why am I so fucking soppy with this man, I thought!] Tom's thumb wiped my eyes, and then he licked my tiny tears. We stood there naked. There was no urgency, just the simmering love that we had for each other. We lingered on each other, our hands, our lips, our tongues touching each other.

Tom pulled the scrunchie from my hair, letting me shake it all loose after hours of being restrained. Tom led me to the bed, and pulled me on top of him, his hands exploring my body as if it was the first time. When his steady hands grasped my butt, I shivered, holding me on his hardened cock. I brushed my hair over his face and chest, and I could feel his thick cock react to my intentional movement. We kissed as he turned me onto my back, Tom still at my side. His lips never left my body as he kissed his way down my body, devouring my small breasts, his mouth taking each nipple in and sucking them warmly. I tried to grasp his cock, the urge to hold his member strong within me. He had slid down too far, his mouth now kissing my stomach, my sides, and soon my hips.

There was no way to stop him, to ask him to.

Please wait, Tom. Let me shower first. I knew he enjoyed our scent as much as I did. And our taste. He was such a perverted brother. Thank goodness!

God he was mine! I had brought a few of my silk scarves along, hoping to entice my brother into tying me down and taking me. That wasn't what this evening was about, though, so I kept quiet.

I loved feeling his leaking shaft on my leg, my pussy gushing just knowing how arousing it was for me. He slid further down, his kisses and licks adorning my body as I spread my legs wantonly for him.
