Take Me, Tom Pt. 55-56


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"Mmmm. It looked like you both had a fab time. I loved watching you, Tom. It was everything I hoped it would be. God! I love you so!" she stated. "C'mon! Up! We have breakfast waiting. It smells gorgeous!" Chrissie said, and slipped from the bed and stood there, my eyes covering her body.

"You both tasted wonderful, too," she chuckled.

"As you both do, too," I smiled back.

We walked into the kitchen, which was a flurry of activity. She had given them both

jobs to do, and they were at it. The table was set, glasses of juice on every mat and a bowl of fruit waiting for each of us. Emily was flipping pancakes, with David as her sous-flipper. Domestic bliss, eh? I walked over to Emily, placed my hand on the small of her back, pulled her hair back and kissed her neck, whispering, "Thank you, Emily."

She blushed and said only, "You're welcome, Tom," and kissed my lips.

Chloe had the syrups out, and we all sat together for a family breakfast. This one seemed different, though. The whole dynamic had changed for the good. Or so I hoped. We discussed what to do today. The kids wanted to head to the beach or the woods. The adults had other ideas that couldn't be shared. The kids went to wash and get changed whilst we sat outside.

"So. Emily. Do you hate us, or have any regrets?" I asked.

She laughed. "Right to the point, eh, Tom?" she giggled more. "Honestly? None. None whatsoever. As we said, it just seemed to be the right time. I knew we were waiting for our prolonged dates and all but, Tom, what I have felt, and now know about it, this abstinence wasn't going to last. Yes, I know we all have to come down from the erotic high of the last twelve hours, but I can't see myself changing my mind. I know we have a lot of ground to cover, but I'd love to cover it with you both. Chrissie is, and has always been, special to me. You know that. And now you are, too. Let's see if we can make this work, okay?" she said.

I stood up and approached Emily. She stood from her chair, and we locked eyes and tenderly embraced. Chrissie wrapped her arms around us, holding us together. We affectionately kissed, our arms tight around each other. We pulled apart and smiled at

each other, Chrissie's face the picture of bliss.

"That was easy," I chuckled.

Both of them swatted me kindly.

"Chrissie? What about Tom's...?" she said.

"Oh, God! Yes! Be right back, Tom!" she said and scurried off.

"What now, Emily?" I asked, exasperated.

"You just wait. It'll be worth it...we hope!" she said, conspiratorially.

We sat back down, our fingers entwined. "I'm glad you're with us, Emily. Chrissie is ecstatic, obviously, but I get it now. We have an exciting future, Emily. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you," I emphasised.

"As am I, Tom. This isn't a decision I have taken lightly, you know. I've been mulling it over now, and I believe it's the right thing for me, for us. Now the hard work begins, eh? This will be hard, Tom. I feel that we're going to have to gently guide Chrissie through this. She has this romantic ideal in her head. I get that. It's who she is, and me, if I'm honest. I think you need to guide us, don't you?" she asked.

"We're here to guide each other, all right? It's funny because I'm so risk-averse. Hell, look at my job! But I think between us, we'll make a wonderful throuple!" I smiled. "I'd rather not get into any specifics right now. Let's just enjoy each other for a few days. Sound good?"

"One more thing, and I think this is important for you to hear...and Chrissie. It's not about the sex, all right? It's about you and who you are, what you can give me and what I can give you, and what we can bring to each other. I know the sex will be fabulous if last night was anything to go by!" she loudly laughed.

"What's so funny, Em?" Chrissie asked as she walked with a small package.

"Emily is just being rude, that's all," I smiled.

Chrissie handed me a wrapped box.

"This is for you, Tom. From us. Go on. Open it, please," she said.

I looked at them both, smiled, and unwrapped the paper. I carefully opened the box and pulled out this beautiful ancient vase. I was speechless. It was faded, of course, but completely intact. I looked at them, stunned.

"Where...where did you find this?" I asked, incredulously.

"You know that antiquity shop near Portobello Road? Well, we went in and Em and I picked it out for you. Do you like it?" Chrissie asked.

"Chrissie, Emily...this is wonderful! Thank you...so much. It's exquisite!" I gushed.

The vase was plain clay with a significantly faded, coloured band around it.

"What do you know about it," I asked.

"This came from an estate sale. It's probably 3500 years old, from the Levant area, so it could be from anywhere from Israel to Syria. We love it and thought you would, too."

I gingerly placed the vase back in the box and hugged and kissed them both, thanking them for the gift. I was impressed.

"You're both so very thoughtful. Thank you again."

"After all you've done for us? You're welcome, Tom," Chrissie sighed, and wrapped her arms around me.

I picked it up again. "I love it!" I placed it on the bookshelf next to Chrissie's Jane Austen.

The kids came running out, ready for the day. We weren't, though. Oops

"Okay, you two play nice while we get ready, all right? Decide between you where you REALLY want to go, okay?" Chrissie said.

The three of us walked in and headed to the bedroom.

"So? Shower?" I asked.

"Well, I don't think the three of us should. We can't have the kids walking in on THAT!" Chrissie giggled. "You two go ahead, and I'll have a quick one when you're finished...as long as you take TOO long!" she smiled.

I looked at Emily, and she smiled coyly.

I held out my hand and took Emily's. We closed the door behind us in case rambunctious children barged in.

We looked at each other, bringing our foreheads together simultaneously. We lightly kissed. I slipped her robe off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor, and she did the

same to me.

I looked at her body in the cold light of day. God, she was gorgeous.

"Do I...look all right, Tom? I'm not as slim as Chrissie and..." she started.

I put a finger to her lips. "Shhh, Emily. You're stunning. Just beautiful. I love every curve," I said, as my hand slowly swept over her body. "Every contour, every angle," I whispered, surprised at her insecurity.

I turned the showerhead on and led her in. We stood under the soft mist and held each other, kissing yet again.

I held her head in my hands, whispering, "But this is what I most love, Emily," and kissed her head.

I handed her a washcloth and gelled it up.

"Now, I'm going to wash you...if that's all right?" I asked.

She nodded her head shyly.

"We don't have as much time as we usually take, so this will be a teaser, okay," I said.

"Why am I not surprised, Tom?" she laughed. "You do love to tease!"

We slowly washed each other, our hands and eyes discovering each other. I cupped her soapy breasts and leaned down, kissing each. My cloth washed over her body, slowly taking in every curve.

"Spread your legs, Emily," I said. She was taken aback by my straightforward request.

I felt a gush of coldish air swoosh in and saw Chrissie watching us. Emily hadn't noticed, too wrapped up in this experience. I smiled at her happy face. I ran my sudsy cloth through her vulva, catching her by surprise. I gently kissed her, calming her down. Our eyes never left one another's.

"Do...do you and Chrissie do this often?" she asked, quizzically.

"More often than not, actually. It's a wonderful way to start the day," I responded.

"Gosh, Tom. I..." and her voice trailed off.

I gently turned her around and lathered her back, the soap sliding down her back and between her cheeks. I took my cloth and slowly swiped up her crevice, the intrusion surprising her.

"And you do this, Tom?" she asked, her breath quickening.

"And so much more, Emily. Should I tell you what we do? Hmm?" I teased.

"When we have more time, I'd love to know, Tom," she sighed.

"Wonderful. Now. Turn around, please?" I asked.

She did, and I kneeled. I looked up at her and whispered, "I just need to ensure we're all clean, okay?" I said, as I brought my lips to her pussy and gingerly kissed it.

I stood up and announced, "All sorted," I said and smiled.

Emily stood close to me, wrapped her cloth around my cock, and slowly stroked and cleaned me. She whispered, "Am I doing it right, Tom?" she teased.

My cock hardened, and she knew it. "You're doing such a good job, Emily," I sighed, as she gingerly stroked me. I turned my head and looked at Chrissie, a broad smile on her face.

"I'm a quick learner, Tom," she smiled.

My cock was getting harder with every tender, acute stroke. Suddenly, Emily knelt and lifted my hardness, looked at it and took me in her mouth. Chrissie looked over her shoulder and opened her robe, her fingers sliding through her wet slit. My cock grew in Emily's mouth. She dropped the cloth and wrapped her hands around my ass, holding my cock in her warm, wet mouth. She sucked my dick for a minute or two and then pulled her head back. She looked up at me and said, "I think I should leave this for Chrissie," she smirked, and stood up.

"Yeah, but..." I stammered.

Emily laughed at me, and slapped my chest.

"Spoken like a true guy!" she giggled. "Chrissie needs attention, too, Tom. You'll have many more chances for me to...suck...your...glorious...cock," she hissed, and stroked me one last time.

"You're such a tease, Emily," I hissed, and slapped her butt.

"Get used to it," she giggled.

We rinsed off and walked out, Chrissie having left. Why, I didn't know. I handed her a fresh towel and began to dry her.

"God! I can't imagine why Chrissie isn't late for work!" she laughed. "I would be, constantly!"

We headed for the bedroom and dressed as casually as possible. Emily handed me a pair of panties.

"Would you, please?" she chuckled.

I knelt down and succumbed to her teasing. She stood brazenly in front of me, her bare pussy right there. I asked her to lift one leg, my eyes never leaving her womanhood. She lifted the other foot, and I slowly pulled them up her delicious body. I lent in and licked her labia, catching her off guard, as I felt her hands on my head as she pushed her hips onto my mouth. I pulled her panties up and swatted her butt, a low, 'Ooooh', escaping her mouth. I smirked at her and went to dress. I was finished first, so I went to the front room where Chrissie was sitting.

"That was quicker than I thought, Tom," she laughed.

I smiled and could only say, "Your turn. Go!" and smacked her ass as she walked by me.

Chrissie smiled, leaned over and kissed me.

"Don't be long, darling. Places to go, things to do!" I chuckled.

I sat with the kids, giving me some time to catch up with them. They settled in nicely on either side of me. Chloe laid her head on my arm, content and happy. David

thought the lake would be a good place for a picnic, so that was settled!

"So. You guys can really keep a secret, eh?" I asked, smiling.

"We can!" David laughed. "Mommy. Won't be going away again, will she?" he asked.

"The next time she goes away, we'll all do it together, all right?" I said.

"C'mon. Let's go make a picnic for us. Whatcha fancy?" I asked.

We rummaged around, pulling assorted goodies from the cupboards. Emily walked in her, her smile breathtaking. She walked to us and laid her hands on the kids, asking who's idea was this. They both pointed their finger at me and giggled.

"Humph!" she sighed. "I think we need some sandwiches or something? Come on. Help me make a few, okay?" she said to them, both of them smiling and following her lead. I was surplus to requirements, so I chastely kissed Emily's neck and went to the bedroom. Chrissie was dressed and almost ready. She brushed her long red hair, her eyes catching mine in the mirror. I walked behind her and slipped my arms around her, and nuzzled my face in her hair.

"Nice shower, Tom?" she chuckled.

I swatted her butt, and told her to behave. Her wry smile did nothing to dissipate the mood. I turned her around, held her head in my hands and kissed her, her lips melting into mine.

"It's all happening, isn't it?" I said.

"Small steps, eh?" she giggled.

"So, I guess it's the lake this morning? David said he'd like to go there, and it sounds as good as anywhere to start," I said.

"We're making our memories, aren't we, darling?" Chrissie sighed.

"Every day, darling."

We headed out to the front room, me taking time to hold my vase again. It was the first tangible thing of mine on display, and I gather this was my home now.

Emily walked out of the kitchen and came to us, her hand nonchalantly on my shoulder.

"We're all set. How about you two?" she asked.

"We're all set...and, by the way, you both look fabulous!" I complimented them.

"Thanks, Tom, but I could use a change of clothes," Emily sighed.

"Why...why don't you bring some clothes here? It'll save you time, and...it would be nice to have a few of your things here," Chrissie suggested.

"Wonderful idea! Emily, what do you think? Are you comfortable with that?" I asked, not wanting to pressure her or push too much.

"If...if you're sure?" she replied.

"I think it makes sense, Emily. You have a key, so just pop round whenever and bring some things."

We packed up the car with blankets and food and headed off. Chrissie wanted to sit with the kids as she missed them, even though it had only been a few days. We played a quick 'car game', argued over what radio station was going to be on and basked in the glow of the beginning.

As we drove along, I laid my hand on her leg, and she mirrored my gesture. It didn't take long to get to the woods. The kids were ready to explore, so I headed off with them, leaving Chrissie and Emily to their own devices. After hide and seek in the woods and skipping stones on the lake, we headed back and indulged in our picnic. I laid down on the blanket, Chrissie's head finding my shoulder. Emily laid our plates for everyone, but the kids took theirs to the lakeside, leaving the three of us.

"I'm glad you're here, Em," Chrissie sighed.

"So am I. I love seeing the kids so happy after what was thrown at them. Now, you have to tell me if I'm in the way, okay? I never want to overstay my welcome. I...I know you need time alone, together, and as a family, and I never want to come between that and spoil things," she sighed.

Chrissie was going to say something, but I cut her off.

"Emily. We want you here with us, all right? We'll figure things out as we go along, understand? This is new, and we're all going to have to adjust. If we're going to be a family, we'll be a family. Together," I said, emphatically.

"I was going to say the same thing, Em. When have you EVER been in the way? The kids love you, we love you so...behave!" she laughed. "Everything is good, Em. We're not saying this to pressure you. We just want to say you belong, okay? We belong together. All of us. So, get your damn clothes over!" she giggled.

Emily leaned over and kissed us both tenderly. She swept her hand through Chrissie's hair and laid her hand on my chest.

"This is happening, isn't it?" she said.

"That's up to you, Em," Chrissie smiled. "I know we need to put last night...and this morning into perspective, but yes, I think we'd like this to happen. We'll talk more later, all right? Let's enjoy the day now," Chrissie sighed.

She ran towards the kids like a crazy woman, scaring them and causing Emily and me to laugh. She laid her head on my chest and sighed.

"What?" I said, with a chuckle.

She playfully slapped my chest.

"I just want to thank you, again, for last night. And this morning. I...I haven't felt passion for SO long. I've...missed it. I know that 'this' is so much more than passion, okay? I understand that but being with you both was exciting. You really wanted ME,

didn't you?" Emily breathed.

"God, Emily. You are desirable on so many different levels. So yes, I wanted you, Emily. All of you. Your body and your head," I said, trying to adjust my trousers.

"You have both," she groaned. "God. I could fuck you right now!" she giggled. "Is that too forward?"

"Shhh, Emily," I whispered, as my fingers drifted through her hair. "You could never be too forward."

Her fingers moved to my lips, slowly tracing them with a single digit. I opened mymouth and sucked it. I loved the way she smiled as I looked at her. What had we unleashed? We watched Chrissie run around with the kids and walked down to join them. Chrissie's face shone, as we walked toward them. David and I tossed the ball around, realising he'd be playing soccer or cricket one day! Talk about culture shock! The day went too quickly for us, but Chrissie and Emily slowed down, so we headed home. Chloe was tired, so she clambered up on my back, David thinking the same thing, but his sister was too quick.

Chrissie sat in the front on the drive home, her hand happily on my leg now. This dynamic had changed overnight. I would have to adjust as much as they would.

Emily offered to make a quick meal when we got in, so there was no need to stop at David's favourite fish shop. When we finally got in, Chrissie started on her domestic list. Emily grabbed the kids and tried to coerce them into helping, to no avail!

"Tom will help!" David remarked cheekily. I grabbed him, wrapped him in my arms and threw him on the sofa.

"I will, hmm?" His laugh was infectious. I thought I should help, so I went to the kitchen and was Emily's sous chef, prepping what she pulled out and watching as she lovingly put together a dinner for us. We had a few gentle hip bumps connecting through this simple gesture.

"So, when are you taking me on our first date, Tom?" she whispered.

"Hmm. Probably not 'til Friday or Saturday. I'll figure out a nice, memorable place, okay?" I said. "Until then, you'll continue to kill me, aren't you?" I laughed.

"Every day, Tom. If our date is like last night, it will certainly be memorable," she smiled.

I leaned in and kissed her soft lips. "Just because we're going on a date doesn't mean I'm easy, Emily!"

Her raucous laughter filled the kitchen, causing the kids to raise their heads

and look at us.

"Hmm," she said, sliding her hips against mine again.

I pushed her hair aside and leaned in, kissing her neck.

"God, Tom! If you don't..." she groaned. I slipped my hand into the back pocket of her jeans and squeezed her butt.

"If I don't, what, Emily?" I teased.

"God! I wish I wore a dress!" she chuckled.

"So do I, Emily," I teased.

"Out! Go! Out NOW! I'll finish here!" she groaned, in frustration.

I gently swatted her butt and walked out to the front room. I picked up the vase the girls had bought me and sat with the kids and told them about it. David's face was in awe. He better understood the concept of time. They both gently held it, trying to imagine the people who had held it in their hands. [It's never too early to plant seeds, I thought.] We went to the spare room and pulled up a map of the Levant area, Chloe was bored, but David really took an interest. I'd have to talk with Janet to see if she had, somehow, inspired him.

Dinner was served, so we walked out, Chrissie taking my place as sous chef. Whom was the better cook was something to figure out. Both could whip something out of nothing!

Eventually, dinner was sorted, the kids bathed and clothes laid out for tomorrow, stories read, and they were all tucked in. I poured the wine and a wee dram for myself, and we all sat on the sofa, relaxing, at least, after an eventful day.

"So," I said, and everyone laughed, the elephant in the room too obvious.