Tales of the Apprentice 01 Ch. 02


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"Come. Sit," she said.

Wordlessly, he sat down on the blanket beside her.

"Now," she continued, businesslike. "A sex mage should know all about sex. For you, that starts with learning everything you can about a woman's body. Most men never do, you know. Most men are completely clueless when it comes to pleasuring a woman. They know where to stick their cocks, but that's about it. They pump it in and out a few times until they cum, and then they fall asleep. But you, my young and eager apprentice, are going to have to do better. Much better."

He smiled.

"I came her to learn. I'll do my best."

"I know you will. And I know you're eager to learn. So let's start with that. Eagerness is the undoing of most young men. Right now I'm willing to bet that I can make you cum in a few heartbeats, even as fast as your heart is beating right now. But women need far, far longer. A young man such as you is easily betrayed by his eagerness. So the most important thing is to slow down. Don't move into it like the bull at the gate. Whatever you do, do it slowly. It's almost impossible to take it too slow." She smiled. "And if you do something too slowly, she'll let you know. Trust me."

She reached out and caressed her face with her fingertips. Slowly, so slowly, she stroked his hair, his cheek, the line of his jaw...

"Like that," she instructed. "Slow, and keep your touch light, at least at first."

He hesitated for a moment, then copied her gesture. Her face was soft under his touch, and his fingers gently slid over her silky-smooth skin. Starting at her left temple, he caressed the outline of her ear, then down along the side of her neck, until he reached the curve of her throat, her collarbone...

"Yes... Just like that..." she encouraged him.

She shivered under his touch, and he withdrew his hand.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Oh yes, Galen, I am," she assured him with a smile. "You see, unlike men, most women are sensitive to such stimulation all over. Their entire body can be stimulated and caressed and played with. Men usually focus on their cocks to the exclusion of everything else. Women are different. So start on her face, her neck, her shoulders, her arms, and take your time there before you go on the the more interesting parts. Yes, those, among other things," she chuckled, following his gaze as his eyes dropped down to her breasts. "We will get to that, I promise. But not for a while yet."

She lowered herself onto her back. She took his hand as he knelt beside her on the blanket and put it against her face.

"Try it," she said softly. "You'll like it more than you thought you would. I promise."

* * *

For a few long moments Galen felt that the world was spinning out of control around him. So much was happening so fast right now. This morning's strange experience, followed by Serana's warning about how potentially dangerous that sort of thing was. Then, for the first time in his young life, he had masturbated with someone else watching him, and out of doors, too, right there in the open! And now here he was, in the middle of a sun-drenched field, naked on a blanket with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, or even dreamed of, and her intentions with him were abundantly clear. It was almost too much.

But he was here to learn. He had chosen this, and now he would see it through. With some effort he calmed himself and got himself back under control. Then he looked down at the stunningly gorgeous woman who lay there before him, waiting for him to give her pleasure. For a brief moment he felt slightly dizzy with the intensity of the lust that suddenly surged through him, but once more he managed to clamp down on his feelings and focus on the task at hand. She was so beautiful, so desirable... But she was also his teacher and she had given him instructions.

Slowly he traced the outline of her face with his fingertips as he had done earlier. When he came to the line of her jaw, he moved his caressing hand down along the side of her neck, then across the shoulders and onward to her upper arm. He was amazed how good it felt, just that simple touch, and how his hand and her skin responded to one another. He had hoped his touch would give her pleasure, but he had not expected to feel this wonderful to him.

With his fingertips he lightly stroked her skin, feeling how smooth it was, how soft... As his hand slowly moved on toward her elbow, he bent down and gently kissed her shoulder, then let his lips follow his caressing hand, kissing her skin lightly as he went. Before long both his hands gently stroked their way down her arm, then up again to meet his lips as he gently kissed her shoulder.

His fingers explored her shoulder, her slender neck, the delicately shaped collar bones, until they reached her other shoulder to repeat the performance. By the time he was done and his fingertips gently caressed both her shoulders, Serana had her eyes closed and the expression on her face clearly told him that he was doing something right.

Encouraged to become a little bolder, his fingers caressed both sides of her neck, then moved down to her delicately shaped collarbones. She sighed, a sound of deep contentment, and her eyelids fluttered but she kept her eyes closed. She looked utterly relaxed, but somehow, deep within her, he sensed a certain tension that had begun to build there.

Exploring the outlines of her collarbones brought his fingertips tantalizingly close to the upper curves of her breasts. Slowly, ever so slowly, he began to venture nearer to those tempting treasures.

Finally his questing fingers brushed the area where her flesh began to curve upward and, very slowly, he started his ascent up those wonderful slopes. Her skin was even softer here, and silky-smooth, so smooth... She took another deep breath, held it for a moment and then let it out with a long, soft "Hhhmmmm..." Then she smiled; a happy, almost dreamy smile.

"Galen," she said softly without opening her eyes. "Circles. Move in circles. Take your time. Save the best for last."

He did as she'd said. Slowly, hesitatingly at first, his caressing fingertips brushed the outer curves of her breasts, his hands parting when they moved down and out, then back in again as he traced their round, plump undersides until they met in the cleft between them. Their curves were slightly less pronounced as she lay prone like this, but there was more than enough left for his questing hands to explore. On his second circuit around those lovely mounds he moved his fingers inward a little, ever so slightly, and he felt her breathing change in response to his touch.

Slowly, slowly, his caressing fingertips moved inward, and her breathing gradually deepened in anticipation until, at long, long last, his touch finally reached those points where they both wanted it to go. As his fingertips brushed her nipples for the first time she drew in a deep breath and let it out in what was almost, but not quite, a moan, and the look on her face clearly bespoke her pleasure.

Encouraged by her response, he explored those lovely, pink buttons with his fingertips. They were so sweet, yet so hard! In fact, he felt them swell and grow even harder as he stroked their sides, gently rubbed their tips and finally took them between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing ever so lightly. She squirmed gently under his ministrations and this time she did moan softly.

He bent forward and put his lips on the gentle curves of those lovely mounds, feeling the soft yet firm flesh underneath that smooth, silky-soft skin. He placed a light kiss on her one breast, then the other. Serana's back arched and she crooned softly when his lips touched her nipple, and when he experimentally flicked the tip of his tongue across it, she shuddered and moaned, louder this time.

In response to the soft sounds of pleasure she made, he began to lick that hard little rosebud, then squeezed it gently with his lips before sucking on it, rubbing its tip with his tongue all the while. She moaned again, and he replaced his mouth with his thumb and forefinger, holding one hard nipple while moving his mouth to the other.

* * *

Serana was in heaven. Great Mother, it had been so long! And, miracle of miracles, the lad had such an obvious talent for it, listening to the responses of her body as he did. Certainly, he was inexperienced, but what he lacked in experience he more than made up for in dedication.

"Very good, Galen," she said softly. "Very, very good."

She opened her eyes and sat up, reached out, and caressed the side of his face with her hand. He looked into her eyes, a gentle smile on his face, and answered her gesture with his own caress. His fingertips felt electric against her face. He felt it, too, she could clearly see that.

"Don't worry about the Energies for now, Galen. That will come later. For now we'll focus on the physical side of things." She smiled. "Speaking of which..."

She looked down to his cock, which was standing up bigger and harder than ever. The engorged head was shiny with the pressure of his blood within it, and a clear thread of his pre-cum dangled down from the slit in its tip. Even after his previous orgasm, only a little while ago, he looked like he was close to exploding.

She reached out and took his cock in her hand. Great Mother, it was hard! And so hot! She felt the pulse of his life throb within it, and it twitched in her hand as he felt her touch.

"I don't think you'll be able to keep this under control much longer," she said. "But that's alright. You will learn to control it better as time goes by. For now, let me help you."

She sat up, gently pushed him down on his back onto the blanket, then bent down and took his hot, hard cock in her mouth. The head alone was enough to fill it, and she felt the pressure of his life force under its sensitive surface. He shuddered as her lips slid around the crown; he moaned as her tongue licked across the sensitive underside. She knew he was only moments away from letting go, but she couldn't resist teasing him just a little longer while he fought to hold his orgasm back. Slowly she moved, her head gently bobbing up and down as her lips slid back and forth across the crown and her tongue explored the smooth, smooth surface of the head... She used all her skill, lightening her touch when she felt his lust rise; resuming her slick, wet caresses when she felt it subside a little.

But it wasn't long before, inevitably, she felt the head of his cock swell up in her mouth; the shaft grew even harder under her fingertips, and she knew the moment had arrived. Manfully he tried to hold it in, but she sucked, and the head of his cock expanded further into her mouth while her hand pulled the skin down around the shaft as her fingertips caressed the underside of his balls. Better men than he had failed to withstand that sort of onslaught, and she did have a lot of experience when it came to driving someone insane with pleasure. This poor lad never stood a chance.

"Nnnnnggggnnnnnnn.... OoooooOOOHHHHHH!!!"

His cry was a raw, primitive expression of feeling, devoid of thought, and his body suddenly grew tense as he toppled across the brink and then plunged headlong into his release, his teeth clenched and his hands gripping the blanket. His hips shook and his cock pulsed as the first spurt of cum blasted into her mouth with a force greater than anything she had expected. Another spurt, and another, as he pumped out rope after thick rope of his cum, filling her mouth with it, and she had to swallow several times to keep up with the flood. Great Mother, he tasted so good, he felt so good, he sounded so good, and his hot, hard, pulsing shaft felt so good as she held him in her hands...

She milked him with her mouth and hands until the had sucked the last drop from him and she felt some of the tension flow out of his cock as his climax finally ran its course and the tides of his pleasure subsided somewhat. She let him slip out of her mouth and looked up at his face. She couldn't help smiling; she felt so good. Galen just lay here, panting, his eyes closed and his face red and covered in perspiration, and with a pang of joyous pride she realized that even after all these centuries she had lost none of her skills.

She gave him a few moments to catch his breath before she sat up.

"That should tide you over for a while," she said. "Are you ready to continue?"

He opened his eyes, which were both looking in different directions, until he focused his gaze with obvious effort. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly.

"I, ehm... Yes, I think so," he said, his voice a little hoarse. "That was..."

"I hope it was as good as it sounded," she said. "And the best is yet to come."

She lay back down on the blanket, pulled up her knees and spread her thighs. It was time for more instruction. Or at least that's what she told herself.

"There are three ways into a woman's body," she told him. "But only one can create life, and it is also the only one that will give a woman direct physical pleasure. She may derive other forms of pleasure from letting you enter her by any of the other ways, but this is the only one that can give her an orgasm directly and without any other form of stimulation. Take a good look, Galen. You'll need to know what's what, down there."

Galen sat up, then knelt between her spread legs and bent down, looking at her most intimate folds with obvious fascination. The lad clearly had never seen a woman up close that way, and Serana wasn't surprised. Most men were content to grope around a little under the blankets until their cocks found what they were looking for. But he would need to do better than that. She reached down, put a finger on either side of the hood of her pleasure button, and pulled it up to expose the pink tip.

"This little nub is what gives a woman pleasure more than anything," she instructed him. "It's much like the head of your cock, except it is more sensitive, so you must be very, very careful with it. If you touch it with your fingers, you must keep your fingertips wet and your touch very light. Better even, don't use your fingers. Use your tongue instead. And while this may be the center of a woman's pleasure, don't forget that there is much else to play with as well, so don't focus on it to the exclusion of everything else."

Galen put his hands on the insides of her thighs and began to caress her skin there. His fingers moved hesitatingly at first, but his caresses soon grew bolder and gradually his hands began to move inward, headed for the apex of her thighs where her most precious jewel awaited him. He inhaled deeply, and she knew that the heady smell of her arousal would hit him in a way nothing else ever had.

Closer and closer his questing fingers moved to her entrance. Just before he touched her there, though, he hesitated.

"Go on," she whispered encouragingly.

But rather than touch her with his fingers, he suddenly bent down and placed a careful, light kiss right there on her hot, wet center. She drew in a sharp breath as she felt his mouth touch her nether lips, and a gulf of warmth spread through her abdomen. Suddenly she felt a wild surge of lust sweep through her, and for a moment she fought the impulse to grab his head and pull him close to where she wanted him, to have his mouth ravage her there....

Great Mother, she was supposed to be the teacher here! What was happening to her, to make her behave like an inexperienced youngster in the throes of youthful passion? She had centuries of experience, and to feel like this was unthinkable!

And yet she did.

* * *

Encouraged by the way her body responded to his efforts, Galen explored the soft, wet folds of her pussy with his lips, and he smiled as a soft moan escaped her when his probing tongue dipped between them. Apparently he was doing it right. Slowly, carefully, he licked her there, tasting her, and he felt a sudden flood of wetness meet his tongue as her body responded to his ministrations.

He carefully licked along her opening, the soft, smooth flesh of her inner folds hot and slick against his tongue. Her honey was thick and velvety in his mouth, and it tasted like nothing else, and he knew he wanted to taste a lot more of it. Questing further, he found the opening between her nether lips that was the entrance into her body. He probed as deeply as he could get his tongue in there, and he felt her move under him as she involuntarily raised herself up to meet him, urging him on, wanting more... With both hands he gently pulled apart the folds that framed her entrance and managed to lick her even deeper that way; not by much, but it was enough to make her moan again.

With one finger he probed between her folds, located her entrance, and carefully and hesitantly at first, explored it. It seemed to call to him, invite him, and the tip of his finger slipped into it almost of its own accord. With the fingers of her other hand he found the place she had shown him, and ever so carefully he pulled the skin there upward to expose her pleasure button. It was small, so small, barely larger than a pea, but it had a delicate, pink hue and its surface was shiny and smooth. It was beautiful.

Experimentally he touched it with the tip of his tongue, and she shuddered at the contact. Remembering her earlier warning, he kept his touch as light as he could while he carefully ran the tip of his tongue across that sensitive little bud. She squirmed under him, and her moaning grew louder.

His probing finger slid deeper into her opening, feeling the warmth and the wetness that waited there. Encouraged by the sounds she made he entered her a little further, then gently withdrew until he felt her entrance clasp his fingertip before reversing the movement and slowly pushing it back in.

And was he imagining it, or...? No, her little button did grow larger and harder as he gently licked it, and her breathing deepened as he continued to caress it with the tip of his tongue. He felt a tension begin to build in her muscles as she squirmed and shuddered under his ministrations, and the hot wetness in which he dipped his fingertip over and over again became even hotter and wetter...

Suddenly she cried out, and her muscles grew taut as ropes as her back arched, and her moan became a wail. He felt her inner muscles grip his fingertip, and with one gentle but firm thrust he drove it into her hot, wet depths all the way. Her pleasure button swelled and hardened against his tongue even more, and then it began to pulse against his tongue as her pussy rhythmically squeezed his finger, again and again and again as she came.

With some effort he managed to keep his tongue on her pulsing pleasure button. Holding still himself, her movements as the full force of her orgasm swept through her were enough to stimulate it further as she came. It appeared to work; her orgasm ran on and on, and her inner heat engulfed his finger while her thighs clasped his head like a vise. Her cries could have been screams of pain, but he knew them for what they were, even though he had never heard a woman make sounds like that before, and an intense joy welled up within him when he realized that he was the one giving her that pleasure. Although he had never had a chance to do this before, he'd managed to do it right, doing for her what she had done for him so many times before. And, somewhat to his amazement, he realized that giving pleasure could be so much better than receiving it.

When her body began to relax under his touch and her moans gave way to panting, he broke the contact between his tongue and her most sensitive point, reasoning that if too much stimulation right after an orgasm was unpleasant for him, it might very well be so for her, too. She let out a final moan when he withdrew his finger from her. It was covered in her honey, and he couldn't resist putting it into his mouth to lick every last drop of her thick, sweet nectar off it. He had never tasted anything better.