Tales of the Apprentice 01 Ch. 02


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Then he sat up on his knees to look at her.

Serana had her eyes closed. Her face was slightly red and a sheen of perspiration glistened on her skin. Her breathing sounded deep and labored, and the look on her face was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. After a few long moments she recovered somewhat, and her breathing slowly grew calmer. Then she opened her eyes and smiled happily.

"That..." she began. "That was.... That was very good, Galen. I'm impressed. You did that very well."

Suddenly he felt ten feet tall, ready to take on the entire world with his bare hands.

"Give me a few moments to catch my breath," she continued as she sat up carefully. "We're not done yet, you know. Not by half. There's a lot more I want to show you. If you are ready for more, that is."

He smiled and nodded.

"Good," she chuckled. "I was hoping you would be. Well, I think I am, too. Lie down on your back, will you?"

He did as she asked, noticing how the blanket on which he lay had acquired some wet spots here and there. She knelt down beside him and took his still mostly flaccid cock in her hand.

"What I'm going to show you now is a very important technique for a sex mage," she explained. "This way, both of us can give and receive pleasure to and from one another at the same time. It's a good way for two people to pool their Energies and combine them. But that will come later. For now let me just show you how it's done."

She turned around until she faced his feet. Then she straddled his face and bent down until her lips touched his cock. The slick, wet lips of her pussy hovered inches from his mouth, and then the smell of her hit him full in the face. For a moment he felt dizzy as that wonderful fragrance worked its own magic on him, a magic so unlike the sort of thing she was teaching him; yet it was more powerful than anything he could ever have imagined.

She gave him a good view of her magnificent behind before she slowly moved further backwards and slightly lowered himself, bringing her pussy closer to his lips until he felt the heat of her center radiate against his face. Not one to miss a hint like that, he put his hands on her hips and gently pulled her further down and toward him, until his lips touched her most intimate folds and the insides of her thighs were wet against his face.

* * *

Serana looked down on him, and for a brief moment she was slightly concerned. She had been expecting Galen's cock to be standing up hard and straight by now. Surely she hadn't taxed his strength and vigor this much already? Between his youth, his obvious excitement and the herbal concoctions she'd been dosing him so liberally with, his stamina should be amply sufficient.

But her worries proved unfounded when she gently caressed the head of his cock with her tongue and it began to swell and harden almost immediately. It would appear that her young apprentice had been so focused on her pleasure that he had not given a single thought, even subconsciously, to his own. Amazing, and highly unusual for a young, inexperienced lad like him, but not impossible. This was a rare fellow indeed.

She licked her lips and took his growing cock into her mouth as soon as it had risen enough to do so. Gently bobbing her head up and down, she let her slick, wet lips slide back and forth across the rim of his swelling cock-head, sucking gently to improve the effect of her ministrations. She was rewarded with an even more rapid swelling as he grew hotter and harder in her mouth, until it felt to her like she wasn't sucking his living flesh but instead held a bar of warm, polished steel against he lips and tongue.

It was a good thing, too, that he responded so well and so quickly, because within moments it had become very difficult for her to ignore the feeling of his tongue exploring her most intimate places. Great Mother, that tongue, that wonderful, amazing, incredible tongue of his! It touched her in places where she hadn't been touched like that for so long that she couldn't remember the number of years. It worked its magic on her most sensitive spots, and it was as if he could read her mind, touching and licking and probing exactly where she most wanted it.

Fighting against the distraction of his tongue inside her pussy and on her pleasure button, she held the taut, bulbous head of his cock just inside her mouth, her lips wrapped around the crown, and she sucked on it gently, expertly gauging his level of arousal. She didn't want to make him cum, not for quite a while yet, and at any rate it was quickly becoming increasingly difficult to focus on the task at hand as his tongue drove her mad with pleasure. With one finger he had found his way into her entrance once again, and he was slowly moving it back and forth across that special place just inside her, while his tongue worked on the little, hard tip of her pleasure button, slowly and lightly but at the same time insistently and relentlessly, and suddenly she was on the verge of orgasm. What was this young lad doing to her? Granted, she had expected Galen to be a challenging student, but not precisely in this way. For her to be so completely overcome by her pleasure while instructing an inexperienced young man like this... But perhaps that was just it: something deep inside her wanted to surrender to that pleasure, to be taken by it, to be taken by him....

But then she stopped thinking coherently as a massive, almost wild surge of pleasure welled up inside her, filled her, and her little button sparked under his tongue. She let his cock slip out of her mouth and moaned, then screamed, as she let go. His finger continued to do amazing things inside her pussy, and his tongue, oh, Great Mother, his tongue on the exposed tip of her button... She felt it pulse as her orgasm exploded outward from it until it became the very center of her universe.

This was a rare fellow indeed. Apparently he instinctively knew not just how to bring her to orgasm, but also how to take her through it all the way, maintaining it, prolonging it, with his tongue keeping on with just the right of stimulation as she came and came and came...

When she finally collapsed on top of him, panting and with sweat running down her face and neck, her awareness was slow to return. So intense her climax had been that it had all but swept away her conscious thought entirely. When last did she cum this hard without feeding the Energies back upon herself? She couldn't remember. And this was entirely different than when the intensity of her release was intensified by her manipulation of the Energies. There was something primal about this, something pure, something unlike everything else... Something that she had craved so much for so long that she had hidden it from herself, denied it to herself... Until now.

She rolled off him, still shaking and panting, her eyes closed as she lay on her side on the blanket.

"Serana? Are you alright?"

She nodded weakly.

"Yes, Galen, I'm fine... Great Mother, you have no idea... Just give me a moment..."

After a while she sat up, still shaking a little, and smiled as she glanced down at his cock, which was still standing up hard and ready, filled close to bursting with the pressure of his blood within him and nodding gently with his pulse. It was nodding rather fast, she noticed.

Then she looked into his eyes and saw the raw need there, a need that he held tightly under control but that would not be denied for much longer. But she saw something else there as well: her own need, reflected there, and she realized that she wanted him, more than anything, right here, right now. And she saw even more that that: she saw clearly that he was reading her feelings as well as she was reading his. Suddenly they shared a connection that she had never known before in all her long, long years as a sex mage, a connection of an order she had never more than dimly guessed at, a connection of a sort she had never dared to assume even existed. He knew her feelings, her needs and her thoughts and she knew his, as somehow their combined awareness came together.

He sat up, gently but firmly pushed her down on her back on the blanket, and he knelt between her legs as she pulled up her knees and spread her thighs wide before him. As he moved forward she reached out and took his cock in her hand. Great Mother, how hot and hard and ready he was! Wasting no time, she put the tip of his cock against the entrance of her pussy. He pushed, carefully but firmly, and she felt the engorged, bulbous head part her nether lips. A little further, a little further... And the head of his cock slipped in between her hot, slippery folds.

Great Mother, it felt good! His cock spread her pussy lips and touched her in just the right places... And then he pushed in a little further, and she felt him slide deeper into her, slowly but irresistibly, and the head of his cock parted her inner folds before it as it went.

Slowly, bit by bit, his hot,hard rod continued to invade her inner depths, invading her body, deeper and deeper, ever so slowly, and she was so wet that he entered her without any effort at all. Slowly, carefully, yet relentlessly he moved onward, his hardness filling her softness, and she savored the sensation of his hot, thick, rigid length drill deeper and deeper into her most intimate part.

Finally, after what seemed a deliriously happy eternity, the base of his cock ground into her pleasure button, and she moaned softly as he held still there, buried inside her right to the hilt, like a sword in its sheath. Deep within her, the thick, engorged head of his wonderful cock almost reached her very core.

She looked into his eyes, and once again she saw her own feelings reflected there; an almost reverent look of awe. That look told her that he felt what she felt, and the feeling they shared at that moment could not be put into words.

As his eyes bored into hers, he slowly withdrew his cock from her hot, sopping wet depths until the lips of her pussy caught the head right behind the rim. Then, after holding still there for a long moment, he drove himself back into her all the way, in one smooth, relentless thrust. Serana gasped as she felt his hot, hard rod drill into her until it could go no deeper and the head came within a hair of touching that sacred place within her from which all human life sprang.

Great Mother, he filled her! How he filled her! His hot, hard length touched her insides, pushing against her inner flesh, stretching her in a wonderful way as it entered her to reach depths that no man had reached for longer than she could remember. The feeling of having him inside her, so hot and hard and deep, the pulse of his blood transmitting itself to her inner flesh was simply beyond description. Suddenly, she wanted him to ravage her; she wanted to surrender to him, she wanted him even deeper inside her, even though she knew he could not possibly enter her any further.

Looking into his eyes, she saw clearly, not even needing her inner Vision, that his need matched hers. He wanted to take her, he wanted to ravage her, he wanted to possess her, forever, even knowing full well that such a thing could never be, except for a few brief yet wonderful moments. But it didn't matter. Right now, he needed what she wanted, and she wanted what he needed. Right now, that was enough.

He withdrew from her sopping pussy, slowly, carefully, then drove himself back into her with one smooth thrust. She could see the effort with which he struggled to control himself, and she could not help being impressed: she had expected him to cum almost as soon as he was inside her, inexperienced and excited as he was. But he was doing better than that. Much better. He emptied her, filled her, emptied her, filled her, and the feeling of his hot, hard length driving its engorged head deeply into her and touching her insides in all the right places was simply out of this world. It was all that she wanted right now, although she couldn't help wanting much more of it at the same time. He was magnificent, inexperience or no. His cock inside her felt like a bar of steel, and just as durable. While his youthful vigor and her herbal concoctions obviously worked together in the best way, she could not help but being impressed by his virility and his stamina.

That did not mean, of course, that the lad was having an easy time of it; she could clearly see that. While he had managed to obtain a certain amount of self-control during his daily masturbation sessions and he had cum twice already just this afternoon, the second time in her mouth, this was something of an entirely different order. Being inside her was something he would have been dreaming of for a long time, she was sure, and now that he finally had his cock right where he had wanted it all this time, it must be better than ever for him.

She felt how her slick inner flesh molded itself tightly around him, and the delicious friction between her insides and the head of his cock was... Well, it was beyond words, really. If it felt this good for her, how incredibly wonderful would it be for him? And the deeper he drove himself into her, the hotter she felt her inner flesh wrap itself around the head of his cock, and shew knew that the heat of her inner core would surround him, engulf him, permeate him with every stroke... The effort of not letting go was clearly visible on his face, and she knew he might lose control at any moment. But somehow he managed to hold on to it.

Serana felt no such restraint. With each thrust, the base of his cock mashed into her little button, and she felt sparks of pure pleasure shoot through her belly, her chest, and out of her nipples every time he reached his ultimate depth. The pleasure built inside her until she felt consumed by it. Dimly she realized that she was completely out of control right now, in a way that no sex mage should ever allow herself to be, but enveloped in haze or her brewing orgasm she simply couldn't care right now.

But then, inevitably, his arousal rose to the point where it began to overtake him. His strokes, while still long and deep, came faster and faster, and she knew he would not last for very much longer. It didn't matter. With every thrust he brought her closer and closer to her own climax, and sparks of pure pleasure seemed to shoot through her pleasure button and her nipples as she matched his movements, meeting him with each thrust. She heard herself moan, softly, a gentle "Oh... Oh... Oh..." and soon his grunts matched her voice in the same rhythm.

Suddenly she was on the verge of orgasm, and for a long, impossibly long moment she hovered on that wonderful brink. Her inner Vision suddenly asserted itself, unbidden, and she became acutely aware of the incredible amount of Energy building within him. How was that possible? She had applied all her skill to make the orgasm she had given him earlier with her mouth as intense as she could possibly make it. It should have drained most of his Energy from him. But then she suddenly understood: he had been trying to hold back, to prolong the pleasure that her lips and tongue gave him, and in doing so he had actually accomplished something else: he had, almost certainly without even being aware of it, held his Energy inside him, rather than expending it in his orgasm. He was a remarkable lad indeed, and obviously talented, which had to be why the Great Mother had sent him to her in the first place. But this time he would show no such restraint, she knew, and she prepared herself to receive what he was about to give her.

These fleeting thoughts only occupied a tiny portion of Serana's mind, though. Most of her awareness was being dominated by the pleasure he gave her, by the feelings his hot, hard rod unleashed inside her as he pulled out of her; drove into her; pulled out of her; drove into her... His strokes remained long and controlled but came faster and faster now, and he drove his cock more forcefully into her with each thrust, almost touching her very core and making her little pleasure button sing... Another thrust, and another, and Great Mother, yes, it felt so good, and here it came; yes, it was going to happen, any moment now; it built and built and began to infuse her whole body as it rose and rose....

Then the dam finally burst and her orgasm swept through her.

Great Mother, it was huge! She screamed as her climax erupted within her and her nipples and the little button at the top of her pussy lips exploded with pure pleasure, and the explosion turned into a wave that tore through her abdomen, her stomach, her breasts and the rest of her body, and her nipples sparked with jolts of pure pleasure. Her body shook with the force of it; her back arched and her eyes rolled back in her head. Time seemed to stop as her whole body was engulfed with nothing but pleasure, and she came and came...

* * *

Galen knew he would not be able to hold back his orgasm much longer. But then he realized he wouldn't have to when he suddenly felt how the fire inside her burned brighter and brighter, and when she grew tense and motionless for an infinitely long moment, he knew the moment had arrived for her. He drove himself into her as deeply and as forcefully as he could with one final, mighty thrust, and that was all she needed. He felt her pussy grip his cock and squeeze it as if it never wanted to let go of him, and a gulf of heat burst out from her very core and flushed through her, through him, through both of them, and he held himself inside her, the head of his cock dipping deeply into her inner heat...

But then her release proved his undoing as well. Suddenly his pleasure rose, rose, soared, peaked... And with a huge explosion he let go within her. A lightning bolt of pure pleasure struck the head of his cock, ran through the shaft and from there onward through his groin, his abdomen, and finally rushing through his entire body.

He heard himself grunt as a huge flood of cum boiled up inside him and burst out from him, blasting deeply into her waiting pussy as his cock pulsed mightily to match the rhythmic spasms of her inner muscles. Spurt after thick spurt of his cum jetted into her shuddering body, and the wetness of their combined juices spread between them as he filled her to overflowing.

But while on a physical level the pleasure was intense enough to overwhelm him, this time he felt something else, too, something that was entirely different from what was happening inside their joined bodies. Serana had shown him the Energies that sexual arousal and release could liberate, and she had told him much about the transfer of Energy that sex can, and often does, bring about. He had also clearly seen how his Energy had given her sustained her and helped to maintain her youthful appearance.

But while had known intellectually about all this, he had never been really aware of it at the time. But this was different. This time he clearly felt the Energies rise within him, then burst out of him and flow into her, following the path of his cum as it rushed out of his groin and into hers, right there where their bodies were joined, and with his inner Vision he perceived how the light that sprang from within him filled her, flowed into her body and through it, permeating it until her outline glowed with it and the light enveloped her entirely.

And something else was different as well. This time she had nothing do do with it. This time, somehow, it was entirely his doing.

He clearly saw her receive his gift and, even though she was still deep in orgasm, store it within her. His Energy continued to flow from him and into her just like his spurting cock continued to pulse out its hot, white load into her body.

Time seemed to pass differently for him. How long did that infinite moment last? It seemed both far too short and impossibly long before their mutual orgasm began to die down. When it had finally run its course he collapsed on top of her, and he held her while she held him, and the sun had begun to dip down to the horizon before they opened their eyes.