Talking It Up With Jill Ch. 05 Pt. 02


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"No?" I asked, taking in deep breaths of her moist skin as I tugged on one of the strings of her side-tie bikini bottoms. "Gonna leave this on?"

"Don't wanna wear a robe in there," she breathed as she gave me better access to her neck and shoulder.

"I don't want you to either," I whispered.

Jill was responding to her dilemma with little frustrated grunts as I worked her neck and slid a hand down over her ass. I could also feel her reaching behind her. She forced her hands between us, shoving me back enough for me to see what she was holding.

"How 'bout this one?" she asked holding up a much smaller towel.


She pushed out her midsection so she could wrap it around herself. It barely tied at the corners over her left hip. It looked like she was wearing a miniskirt.

"Better?" she asked, looking down at the exposed side of her left thigh as she held it out straight.

I stood there blinking at it. "Strangely, it is."

"Brother..." she huffed, shoving me back further and turning to go in the ladies room. "Meet'cha in there!"

I headed into the steam room and took a seat on my immediate left not far from the door. I notice the temperature was set at the lowest level, and the place was big enough so there were no billows or clouds of steam or anything. Just a very slight haze to the air. It was humid, but quite comfortable.

Besides the size of the interior, the difference in layout between this room and the sauna was mainly the stone rather than wood bench seating, and slight angulation of the walls which were made of unevenly set brick shaped stones. And whereas the Finnish sauna was brown to look at and brighter, the steam room lighting was altered to create a very faint but pleasant bluish tint to everything, adding to a somewhat mellow nightclub affect and a more relaxing atmosphere. What added to this was two knee high pedestals spaced evenly in the center of the room, each wide enough to sit comfortably on with a stone column that was curved at the base and went up to the ceiling. The one closest to me was about four feet away. There was a large-seated stool of the same height next to it with a large wicker bag on it, but aside from me the place was empty.

I could get used to this, I thought as I leaned back and spread my arms out on the seating behind me. Before long I found myself flirting with the idea of converting the pool house into an exact replica of the room I was sitting in. A moment later Jill came in and walked right passed me.

"Where'd yo-?"

I waited until she reached the opposite side. "Uhhh... Over here babe," I said.

She turned around and stuck her neck out, squinting and shielding her eyes. She straightened back and seemed to be looking for a place to set her empty water bottle down.

"Really?" I asked. "Shielding your eyes? From the sun?" I did the same and waved my arm about like I couldn't see a thing. "Ain't that hard to see in here," I said under my breath.

"Shut up or I won't do this," she mumbled.

That got a laugh from me, though I had no idea what "this" was.

"You know what I just realized I look like?" Jill asked, striking a hands on hip pose and turning in one knee. "Don't answer that," she quickly added, knowing better.

On her way to me Jill took several playful steps to either side, each accentuated by a pointedly deliberate upward turn of the hip, which in turn was emphasized with a finger snap of both hands up high, turning halfway here and halfway there until she reached me, maintaining eye contact the entire time. She even held her palms together and added a little side to side head slide.

Jill was right. With that towel wrap on her head, bikini covered little tits and the towel about her waist, she looked like some kind of harem girl or something.

Once she reached me she gave each hip another deliberate shake, then stood there looking down at me with no expression, arms out and shaking her hips so fast I couldn't believe it. Her towel wrap was so small it only allowed for tassel-like quivering with each micro movement, adding to the overall visual effect and keeping her left thigh exposed to the hip where it was tied.

"Wow!" I said out loud as she slowly did a 360 and kept it up. Through the turn she kept her face to me until she absolutely had to turn her head but then she found me just as quick for the rest of it. Jill was expressionless but there was a knowing look in her eye as she stared down at me during. I'd never seen her move like that before.

"Holy shit Jill! Wow honey?!"

She finally stopped and I was speechless.

"Like your preview?" she asked demurely.

"Hell yes?! Is that what you learned today?"

"Some," she replied, breaking just the slightest grin, staring downwardly at me as she stroked my wet hair back hand over hand. I gave her my water bottle and she drank heartily, still staring down at me as she did.

"Jill I had no idea you were good at it." She winked at me as she chugged. "Wow... Damn... Wow!!"

She was swallowing her last gulp and started laughing and had to cough and wipe her chin.

"Listen to you..." she cooed, squeezing my cheek with a shake.

"Whew..." I said, taking the bottle from her and dumping some of it on my crotch.

"Ha!" she laughed again. "I guess you liked it."

"Uh huh."

"I had fun today," she said, resuming her stroking of my hair. "The lady teaching really cares about the art, which is what I was hoping. It was fun."

"Yeah? Good," I smiled up at her. "I'm glad you're having a good time babe. I really am."

Jill took my face in her hands and smiled down at me.

"I bet you'd like me to keep going...perv," she teased, tossing my hair into a mess.

"Ha...well sure but... No I see you really dig this so I won't poke fun. Were there any men in the class?"

"None that were allowed to stay!" she chuckled. "I kid. I suppose there could've been, but none were. Like I said, this instructor is really serious. I mean, it's listed as a "fun" activity but she wasn't phoning it in. I think if you were just gonna go in there and ogle? she'd know and give you the boot."

"Was she older?"

"Uh huh. Like, my mom's age or something. But you can tell she was very beautiful when she was younger. Exotic looking, you know? She showed us a video of herself from the 60's. Louis it was impressive. She was so good. And you know what the best part was?"


"She said I'm a natural."

"Oooh! Exciting!"

"Uh huh. And I believe her too."

"So do I."

"Well, I meant because she wasn't smiling. She said it with the same straight face she had when she was getting verbally frustrated with these other women there"

"Weren't naturals?"

"Huh, yeah."

"I hear ya. Neat!"

It was great, staring at each other as we were in this pimped out steam room we had all to ourselves, and with Jill being so happy with herself. She was about to take a seat next to me when a voice let us know we weren't so alone as we thought.

"Verrry im-presssive," it came the from the other side of the room. "In-structor is correct."

"Oh my goodness!" Jill exclaimed, turning toward it.

"Whoa!" I also let out. "I had no clue anyone else was in here," I said quietly to her.

"You learn such skills in one day?" we heard spoken with a thick middle eastern or eastern European accent, I couldn't tell.

Jill and I were straining our necks in the same direction trying to see who had just spoken. Apparently there was another level of seating on the right side of the door that hooked around a corner and where the steam head was, so that visibility of it was most obstructed. This explained why neither us noticed just the man's hands and head hanging over his knees as he sat forward. The emerging outline of a toweled figure slide down to take a seat on the middle bench, and then to the bottom one directly across from us.

"I apologize to frighten you," the man spoke slowly just as he tossed back a shot of something. "Ehhh...I come in and think maybe...this empty, but...'the more the merrier' they say, yes?" he asked with a raise of the glass. I could make out a dark olive skinned heavy set man of 40 or so, hard to tell, seated but appearing about my height of 6'2", with a heavy yet defined wrestler's build, black curly chest hair and buzz cut crown baldness...wearing a thin gold chain.

"The more the merrier," I answered, winking up at Jill. She flashed a quick 'yikes!' face and sat down next to me on my right with the open part of her towel wrap against my leg.

"Drink?" asked the man, holding up a bottle.

"Mm," I responded, raising my water bottle.

"No thank you," Jill politely answered. "The more the merrier; the fewer, the better fare," she added, looking at me.

"What's that second part?" I asked.

"That's the original phrase, of what he just said," she replied, keeping eye contact with me. "With fewer, there would be more to eat. It's like, from the 1500's or something."

"Oh I get it," I said, thinking for a moment. "I didn't know that? Neat honey."

She leaned close to my ear and whispered, "With fewer here, the nicer it would be."

"You know it," I mumbled out of the side of the my mouth, nudging her with an elbow.

"This would have been perfect for your spa treatment," she whispered back.

"Oh. Damn. ...Oh well."

The man across the room was holding his bottle up to gauge its remaining contents, then looked at us.

"Mmm. This smart woman," he said. He poured another shot but didn't drink it. "Alllllways smart to know meaning of what is said. You are here with others?"

"Sort of," Jill replied.


She nodded.

"Ahhh," said the man. "I know many a-ttorney. Don't like many, but know many. You?...I wait to judge. Judgement here:...I like," he chuckled to himself as he tilt his bottle of hooch from side to side.

That the man was pleasantly buzzed was obvious. Though I was wondering what he was doing here. Especially given he was clearly from out of town, at least judging from his broken English.

Jill leaned into me. "He must be with that other group," she said under her breath. Then I felt silly for not putting two and two together as quick.

"Eh?" he asked.

"You're here with the other group. The architects convention?" I asked.

"This is true," the man said, taking a sip from his shot glass. "From other group. They like my work? They invite me? I come. The good treatment. In return, they let me come up here for entire time all for myself. But you? may stay."

"Ha...well thanks," I chuckled.

"You are husband?" he asked.

I nodded.

"And you do...?"

"Mm, I make things."

"Oh Louis," Jill chided, then looked at the man. "He designs tools used in constructing things like watches and handheld medical instruments."

"More or less," I added.

"He's got a patent on several," she told him as she glared at me. "So mysterious," she whispered, squinting at me.

"It's too complicated to talk about," I whispered back.

"I see," the man said. "So we make things?, and wife here explains to rest of the world who did what and why and why not...and im-plication of all on evvveryone involved," he said, chuckling to himself as he tossed back the rest of his shot.

Jill and I exchanged funny faces.

"Sure," she chuckled. "So what do you do?"

"You like building?"

"This one?"


"Sure," Jill answered. "This place is incredible."

"My part-ner and I, we design building? and one like it for hotel in several countries. But I come to meeting in wonderful America alone."

"What about your partner? Is he here?" she asked.

"He is she. So she...stay. I come, on behalf of our...uh...yes, com-pany you see, to accept award they give for this building and ones like it."

"Uh!" Jill huffed. "Well that's not very fair." I placed a hand on her thigh. She looked at me, gesturing to dismiss any intent to quarrel about it, and back across the room.

"No husband," he said to me, "Is okay. Your wife?...she is correct. My partner is one who make for all exterior design you see, and way light affect the structure at night. She deserves much of credit for what you see. Don't worry wife? I make it up to her...upon return. We were rich? Now...we are more rich. She will be...also."

"I bet she'd be happy with more than money," Jill said.

"Yes!" the man said out loud, startling both of us. "Her daughter? has new son! She is verrry happy with him."

I could hear Jill sigh, but I didn't look.

"Gee, your partner did an excellent job. I'm impressed," I said.

"Me too," Jill added. "I hope she's a lot richer. Stinkin' rich."

I laughed out at that and she elbowed me in the arm.

"Don't worry miss attorney, she will be. Steeenking rich."

Jill couldn't help chuckle at that.

"Speaking of immmpressive. Ha..." the man chuckled.

"You attend class today yes?" he said.

She and I were both stumped for a moment.

"Oh...yes, the belly dancing class," she suddenly answered. "I did. How did y-"

"I see on way to get bottle? I...peak? I peak inside to see? You and the others. Then see you and husband tonight for the dinner. Now I see you here? and of you do for him."

"Oh," Jill replied softly. She looked at me and again we raised eyebrows at each other over this slightly nutty conversation we were having with this increasingly intoxicated foreigner.

"Where was this class?" I quickly whispered to her.

"In one of the banquet rooms near the shopping wing downstai-"

"My wife!" the man interrupted. He wasn't even looking our way when he spoke up. Almost like he was reminiscing. "She is great dancer," he said proudly. "For several years since we meet she teach this to others and also study this dance...for many years. Verrry great dancer is my wife. Is what...drawww me to her! It show me that she give me many sons. Instead? she give me all daughters!!" he shouted more than said as he looked around. I glanced at Jill and was waiting for her to pop off again. The man continued. "But daughters alllso good dancers. So day...they marry? and give me many grandsons. One can only hope."

"I kinda know what you mean," Jill replied.

"Oh?" replied the man. "How is this?"

"With the children you'd like to have. One can only hope," she said, raising my water bottle in a cheers to the him. He responded in kind, raising up his bottle. Jill's remark was a clear jab at me. One that she wasn't acknowledging. I leaned hard into her, causing her to have to drop the water bottle to keep from being pushed over completely. She straightened right up and did the same back. Inebriated as he was, the man caught all this.

"Oh! I see what has hap-pened here!" he said gleefully. "You have not yet born children to him, no?"

With crisp and precise enunciation Jill gave a loud and clear, "Nnnnno."

I just started nodding my head as I waited for the usual onslaught from her about the hold up in adding to our household.

"Work?" he asked.

"I suppose," Jill answered. "At first."

"You're busy too," I said under my breath.

"I know," whispered simply. "But I wanna get busier."

I reared to my left to look at her straight on at that remark. She remained stoic for a moment but quickly caved, smirking at me and pulling me back close.

"Ha'haaaah!" the man bellowed as he poured himself another shot. "Wife is smart indeed. Nothing will entice making of sons? like the dance that could melt...a stone." He cheered to himself, and downed a shot.

"Ha," I chuckled, "That sounds appropriate."

"That is how this dance is my country."

"Oh? And where is that?" Jill asked.

"Turkey," he added, burping right after. "In small village near to Bulgarian border."

"Oh okay," she said, nodding. "Explains a lot," she mumbled to me.

"This instructor you have. She is also from Turkey."

Jill was still nodding. "She is."

"Mmm," he nodded back. "I thought so. I see you have natural."

"You mean I am a natural?"

"Yes!" he said, cheering with his empty shot glass. "You am a natural." Jill stifled a laugh. "Instructor is correct. You have the hips...the good movement of hips... the proper mind, and all you need now are zils."

"Are what?" I asked.

"Finger cymbals," Jill quickly said. "Huh..." she pondered. "Thanks. Our instructor has those but she's so good. I can't imagine I'm good enou-"

"Hmm," the man interrupted, shaking he head. "Is true that one is not considered a-ccomplished in dance?, unless one can play zils. But you? I have much confidence in when you try," he added, snapping the fingers of both hands as Jill had done. She perked up at this compliment. I thought it was nice too, coming from someone who sounded like they knew what they were talking about.

"What make you take class?" the man said, leaning forward in his seat and staring right at Jill.


"What make you want to take class. Your first time, no?"

"In a while. I took a few classes about half my life ago."

"You took class as child?" he asked, looking confused.

"She looks young, doesn't she," I said, smiling at Jill. She knows it, but gave me a silent "awww" just the same.

"Verrry," said the man.

"I was in my early twenties," was all she would give up.

The man just stared at her.

"Wowww. Husband. You...are lucky man. To have such age and still she...looks? this?! With such beauuuu-ty as well..."


Jill sighed. She hated more than a compliment or two at once, even from me. It was more of a grumble, but she managed a polite enough "Thank you."

The man kept leering and for the first time it struck me how she was sitting in front of him dressed as she was.

"So!... Class as child."

Again we chuckled under our breath at this man's seeming insistence on only hearing what he was thinking.

"You work in office? You grow up with-out such influence...other than what you see in movies perhaps..."

"I'm thinking The Indian Tomb," I said to myself.

"Mmm," the man moaned, looking back at me. "You will not believe. I know this. The In-dian Tomb. Nineteeeeeen Fifffty-nine. With Deb-ra Paget. Whewww!" he reflected, waving himself off with a limp hand. "My G'ahd... Not so much belly dance, but effect on men is same, yes?"

I nodded.

A sigh of "Oh brother" escaped from Jill. "I don't know what that movie is about but I can guess," she said, looking around.

"And you want to see wife like this, yes?" the man asked.

"Ha, that's right," I chuckled to him, raising my water bottle to his shot glass in return of the cheers he offered.

"Yesss! Of course husband wants this," he mused with a sweeping wave of the arm. "I see this in you from beginning when wife charms us with the shaking of hips."

"Us?" Jill repeated under her breath.

I caught that too but didn't acknowledge her because this was becoming a fun conversation.

"She would charm the snake too, yes?" the man asked me.

"Lord!" Jill frowned, looking at me with furrowed brow.

I knew what he meant, but she didn't.

"Ha! That's funny. No, Jill. He means in that movie. She really did. It was this giant fake cobra."


"What snake you talkin' 'bout?" I teased with a nudge against her.

"Stop," she laughed, obviously feeling silly for getting that all wrong.

"It was actually kinda hokey," I added. "You could tell they were making it move from above without even needing to see the string. But, man. Whew indeed," I said, reminiscing. "Seeing her dance like that in...front.....of........those..." I slowed to a stop when I realized Jill was just glaring at me. "What?... My dad was watching it." She kept staring, slowly shaking her head. "I was a kid!"

"I know. Captain Underalls," she said, looking back at the man. He was still swooning, watching himself do a snake impression with his arm as he whistled. "The two of you, apparently," Jill added, looking back at me.