Tarissa and the Zolux Pt. 01


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As I looked up, Dieter started laughing and picked up the empty water bottle and waved it at me. The last thing I remember was him leaning down and laughing as he said "Goodnight." Before I blacked out.

Opening my eyes slowly, I felt dizzy and disorientated, it was hard to focus. I was laying on a bed in a small room with wooden plank walls, which felt to me like an old shed or warehouse. It was hot, really hot and I looked around as I regained my focus. 'That fucking asshole drugged and kidnapped me.' I thought was the only logical explanation to why I was no longer in the club.

Soon realising that not only was I not where I thought I was, but I was also dressed differently. Now I was wearing red jogging pants and a plain white tee. Even stranger was that I realised I'd been washed, I didn't smell of my usual soap but something more floral. Dragging myself up to a sitting position, I wasn't yet able to stand but looked around the dusty room in detail.

Other than the old, metal frame, single bed, there was a small table and nothing else. There were no windows, but daylight entered the room through a small skylight and through the gaps in the planks. As I was becoming more alert, I began to panic, the realisation hit me that I had no idea where I was. Deciding to give myself a few minutes, I lay back down on the bed and tired to breathe deeply. It was really hot in the room and felt humid. I made up my mind to bust the fuck out this room as soon as I could stand and run to the nearest road.

With no way of telling the time, I lay back, listening intently for any sign of anyone else but all I could hear was the rustling of the trees outside. Eventually, I managed to slowly drag myself to me feet and stand. Still a little light headed, I headed for the door and grabbed the handle. Twisting it hard, I was pissed to find I couldn't move it, I was locked in. Frustration kicked in and I screamed at the door and shook it hard, but there was no use, it wouldn't budge.

I felt like crying, but I wasn't going to give in that easily. I sat back on the edge of the bed to think about my next move. No sooner had I sat when a noise caused me to jump. The door was being unlocked and swung open. I looked up as a woman in her 50s with shaved dark brown hair entered, looking down at me with no hint of expression on her face. My instinct told me to jump up, punch her in the face and run out of the room but I noticed both a knife and gun tucked in the belt of her black shorts. I could look after myself in a fight, but I also knew when to sit tight, this woman was way bigger than me, muscular and armed, I wouldn't stand a chance.

Making my mind up not to seem weak, I stood and faced the woman. "Who are you and where the fuck am I?"

The woman laughed, then put her hand on the gun as she stared right into my face. "I'm Odessa, I believe you know my business partner, Dieter." She said with a light smirk crossing her face.

"So, the cunt kidnapped me?" I snapped.

Odessa laughed again. "No, bitch, you were a gift, from Krystal."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Get out of my way, I'm the fuck outta here." I barked back at her.

"Krystal has given you to us to earn us money for a few days. She told us what a fucking loser you are and that you have to earn her respect. This is your chance. Fuck with me and I'll kill you, do as you're told, and you'll be taking a huge paycheck back to Krystal and you'll get your old life back."

I stared, open mouthed, before replying. "Oh, so I'm here so Dieter can fuck me when he feels like it huh?"

Odessa grinned. "No, he isn't here, I have other things for you to do."

"Where is here?"

"Brazil!" Odessa said with a smirk. "I'm going to leave you here for a few minutes to think that over and my associates will collect you shortly."

I sank back to the bed, trying to get my head around the fact that I was inside the restricted zone and a prisoner. The door slammed, and the lock clicked as Odessa left. I was sure I'd seen her before, with Krystal in the club in Miami. I suddenly felt more afraid then I was used to, this was the territory of the Zolux and nothing good came from here. Humans were never supposed to see it, let alone be here.

I weighed up my options. I was here either to run drugs, money or turn tricks for Krystal and her friends. If I didn't do as they asked, I would be shot, or worse. I had to fight my way back into Krystal's favour and, I needed to survive this place. I had no choice.

As I was sitting there wondering what depraved shit they would have be do, the door clicked open once again and in came two more women, both around my age, early 30s. They both had the same shoulder length blonde hair and wore identical outfits - white shorts and vest tops. I couldn't see any weapons as they walked in. I was a little taken aback at how similar they looked, if it wasn't for the fact, they were a slightly different height and had different features, they could have been mistaken for twins.

There was an awkward silence for a few moments before the woman on the left spoke. "Come with us please." Her voice was quiet and relaxed, very different from Odessa.

"OK, let's get this shit over with." I said as I stood up.

The woman on the left smiled at me before she said. "Please don't try and run, we don't want you to be hurt and it's dangerous here. If you try and escape, you'll be restrained." Despite sounding quiet, this woman had a sinister edge to her.

"Look, I'm not gonna run, OK?" I said, trying to appear calm despite feeling both scared and really fucking angry inside. If only I had locked my fucking truck!

Standing up, I walked out of the door, followed by the two women, I was in a large building which looked like a huge, derelict warehouse. There was debris all over the place and holes in the roof and wooden walls. The women walked either side of me and we went out of a large doorway into the open air. Looking around I realised that this was some sort of industrial complex, long abandoned and overgrown with trees. It seemed to have been taken over by nature and the buildings, conveyors and metal towers now stood silently, covered in jungle like growth.

The heat was almost unbearable as we walked a short distance through pathways between the buildings until, we arrived at a small, metal shed-like building, set a short distance away from the rest of the buildings.

"What the fuck is in there?" I asked

"Nothing, just go inside please."

One of them opened a large creaking, rusty door and I stepped in, fully expecting to be locked in but as I went inside with a shrug of my shoulders, the women followed me in. There was nothing in the room but a large bed. Just like the last place I'd been in; the walls and roof were full of rusty holes which let in some light but there were no windows which made it hard to see clearly.

The bed made me think that my purpose here was to be fucked by Krystal's drug dealers, probably to provide them some fun and entertainment. I could do that, I thought to myself.

One of the women turned to me and said. "Hold out your hands please."

Without thinking, I reached out and she grabbed my wrists. At that moment the other woman had moved behind me and reached around my face and held a cloth over my mouth and nose. I struggled and fought but I couldn't escape her grip. Trying to hold my breath was impossible and as soon as I felt a breath fill my lungs, I could smell that I'd been drugged again, and my body began to relax. After a couple more, breaths, I couldn't fight, I began to get an awesome headrush that in any other circumstances would have been amazing. I wasn't blacking out and was fully aware, but the drug was stopping me fighting. The cloth was removed from my face and the women dragged me onto the bed. I wanted to yell but I could only manage to whimper, "Fuck you!" as I slumped onto the bed.

"Don't resist!" was the only reply from one of the women.

Before I knew it, they were pulling off my jogging pants, I was powerless to stop them. Within a few seconds, they had also removed my tee and I was naked on the bed.

"What the fuck...?" I whispered.

There was no reply, but I suddenly became aware of two more women in the room. They were dressed the same as the others. I was confused but too relaxed to speak.

"Relax and don't resist us." One of them whispered in my ear as two of the others grabbed my ankles and pulled my legs open. I tried to stop them, but it was no use. Great, I thought, I've been sent to a group of fucking perverts as my legs were fully parted.

Next, I was pulled to the very edge of the bed so that my ass was hanging over the edge. I was too confused to work out what they were trying to do to me. I was aware of a loud knock on the door. The woman nearest my head shouted. "we're ready!"

The door swung open and crashed back against the wall of the hut and yet another identically dressed woman walked in. I focused on her and then to the door as the bright daylight was blocked out by someone else entering. I knew what it was but couldn't process it fast enough. I was staring up at a Zolux which had entered the shed and now towered above me.

I tired hard to scream and struggle, but every tiny movement was an effort. The Zolux, meanwhile, stood there, silently, looking down at me, its giant deep red eyes revealing nothing. The sun reflected from its shiny skin and its arms disappeared from view as they hung below the level of the bed.

The creature wore some sort of dull, green robe. The woman who accompanied the Zolux moved closer to it and it turned its head and looked at her. I was transfixed and terrified at the same time as I watched her close her eyes. A few seconds later, she opened them and nodded. I knew that she had to be a communicator and suddenly all the doubt that I'd previously had about their existence washed away. My new reality was terrifying.

The woman reached up and unclasped some plastic looking clips on the shoulders of the robe the creature wore, and I watched in horror as she slid the robe from the creature and down to the floor. There was now, no doubt as to why I was here. There were no obvious muscles or skin imperfections on the torso of the Zolux, the same shiny skin seemed to be unblemished. The communicator put her hand on the shoulder of the creature and he began to move until he was in front of me.

I managed to scream out although I still couldn't fight, and I faced the fact that this thing was going to rape me and there wasn't anything I could do.

"Quiet! Or we'll hurt you bad." The woman to my right snapped.

I looked in horror as the communicator reached down and grabbed the creature's cock which was more like a futuristic sex toy than something living. It was the thickness of a human dick but longer and the end was ball shaped which seemed to be covered in holes. It was easy to see it was erect. There was no point in fighting, this was going to happen. I figured the more relaxed I was, the less that I'd be hurt.

One of the women that was holding my leg, reached down and pulled out a bottle of lube, I felt the cold gel splatter on my belly as she emptied the contents on me roughly. She dragged a handful between my legs and I felt her massage it into my cunt. I felt myself needing to cry but I wasn't going to let anyone see me do that, even under these circumstances.

In perfect unison, the four women that were holding me down, tightened their grip. My arms were pressed into the bed and my shoulders held firmly still. My knees were lifted and pushed back, leaving me totally exposed. Managing to let out a yell as I looked down past the women who were restraining me, all of whom were now laughing, to the communicator and the Zolux, right between my spread legs.

The Zolux turned it head and looked down at the communicator who smiled and nodded back at him, she still held his alien cock in her hand. He bent his knees slightly and leant forward as the communicator guided his hideous cock towards my exposed pussy.

"No, no, no." I managed to whisper.

The women all laughed louder as I felt the cock make contact with my labia.

I was shaking my head and whimpering as I saw the communicator let go of the cock and move aside. Then, as I took a breath, the Zolux pressed forward and impaled my pussy on his cock. I screamed as the ball stretched me open so wide and I felt it force its way to the very depths of my pussy and bump up against my cervix. The Zolux let out an unearthly, deep growling noise.

I lay there, unable to move, whimpering as my pussy had been taken deeply. I could feel the heat from this cock as it became still inside me for just a few seconds before the Zolux began to fuck me. There was no gentle start, it just began to thrust in and out, the ball opening me so wide as it squelched in and out of my lubricated cunt. Once the initial shock was over, it wasn't hurting, and my pussy was able to take the deep fucking and so I hoped that it would be over quickly.

My head was spinning and my body still weak as I lay there, being jolted backwards every few seconds as the hips of this vile creature thrust it's cock deep into my pussy over and over. The women that held me down, never loosened their grip and continued to stare at me, laughing and giggling as I was fucked for minute after long minute. The Zolux didn't change speed, just fucked me steadily, deep and hard, each time that giant, hard ball at the head of his cock gaping my pussy open.

In truth, I'd lost all concept of time, I was weak, drugged and angry. Now that I was certain that the fucking wasn't going to hurt me, I wanted to get it over and out of there. I guessed that ten minutes had passed when the communicator stepped closer to the Zolux and put her hand on his arm and her other hand on my public mound. I suddenly felt him push harder and I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. Another three, hard and deep thrusts and the women held me tightly in place as the Zolux made a deeper growling sound and buried his cock as deeply as he could, ramming it against my cervix. The communicator pressed hard on my belly and I felt the beast cumming. His hot seed sprayed out in all directions from the ball inside me, coating my pussy with thick, alien sperm.

He came for about thirty seconds, non-stop, pumping his cum into my body. I could feel pressure building in my pussy and the heat building up until, with another growling noise, he quickly pulled out his cock and the pressure released. I felt the thick cum spilling from my gaping pussy as I closed my eyes.

In the few seconds that my eyes were shut, I was aware of my arms and legs being released and the door slamming shut. I also became aware of silence and as I opened my eyes to look, the room was empty. I assessed my situation quickly. I couldn't move very much and was still relaxed but I could feel the fluid still leaking from my pussy. I relaxed on the bed and waited for the effects of the drug to wear off. In my drugged state, I couldn't think clearly enough to come up with an escape plan.

I lay there for a good long time, maybe a couple of hours before I began to feel my strength gradually returning and the effects of the drug start to pass. I managed to roll onto my side and pulled myself fully onto the bed which was now completely wet under my ass. I made up my mind to get off the bed and out of this shed. I'd done what they wanted and now I was going to get the fuck out of here.

Before I could move any further, the door opened again and now that I was used to the darker room, I immediately recognised Odessa. She came in and sat across the bed from me, turning to face me, she looked up and down my body. A grin spread over her face and she laughed.

"Well, looks like Krystal was right, you have been a good little whore. Did you enjoy the Zolux sweety?"

I stared the bitch right in the eyes. "You mean when you drugged and restrained me while I was fucked?"

Odessa laughed some more. "If you wanna put it like that, then fine. Don't forget that you owe Krystal, and this is your repayment. You're lucky not to be dead but I can arrange that if you don't want to cooperate"

"Yeah!" I replied, "Well, I've been your whore and done what you asked, so you can let me go now. I'm the fuck outta here."

"Your choice." Odessa said. "You can leave today, and you'll go back to being Krystal's personal whore to entertain her guests and stay that way, or you stay here for a few more days, earn us some cash and regain your place running the powder and cash."

Before I could answer, Odessa added. "Think about that for a while. I'm sending someone to take you get you cleaned up, you look like shit!"

Odessa got up and walked out of the shed. I slumped back on the bed and contemplated the latest bullshit that I'd gotten myself into. I basically had to agree to be a whore for ever in Florida or for a few days here. It didn't seem like I had very much choice unless I could figure out a very good escape plan.

The door opened again, and I was surprised to see the communicator appear. I don't know why but I'd figured that I wouldn't see her again. I stared at her as she walked around and knelt on the floor by the bed. She had an awkward smile on her face.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snapped at her.

She smiled again and looked at the floor. She had seemed strong earlier but now, she was, somehow much more vulnerable now that it was just the two of us in the room.

"I'm sorry that had to happen that way. I had no choice. I serve them, or they'll kill me. I tried to make it as easy for you as I could."

It made sense of course, that few people were here in this hell hole by choice. I nodded at her. I felt sorry for her, or something, but I didn't have a fight in me and at that moment, a little human kindness was what I needed, even if the only choice for that was the person who presided over my forced alien-fucking.

"I'm Melody." She said

"Tarissa." I replied.

She smiled, I guess she was in her mid-thirties and had a cute face. Shaved brown hair, which made her differ from the other women and bright green eyes.

"I'm going to take you to a nicer room where we can clean you up and you can rest." Melody said.

"Yeah, I could use a wash."

Melody helped me to feet, I felt wobbly at first, but Melody helped me stand. As soon as I was upright the remaining alien sperm dribbled out of my pussy and ran down my leg. I looked down and was shocked to see that it was metallic silver in colour, it looked almost like molten metal. Slowly, we walked out of the shed and across the yard into one of the nearby buildings. I didn't give a fuck that I was naked, I was just glad to get out of the shed.

Melody held my arm and I began to lean on her as we went along a corridor inside the warehouse that we'd entered. This building had been renovated inside with a new concrete floor and neat walls a paintwork. We passed about three doors and went into a room on the left which was like a motel room with a bed, table, bath and shower, toilet and a sofa. Basic but clean. I felt much better to be in a nice room at least. There were no windows but plenty of lights.

"Let me get your bath ready." Melody said as she opened the faucet and the water flowed into the bath.

I stood there, watching her prepare my bath, listening to the sound of the water splashing. I could feel the unearthly semen still oozing from my pussy which had made my thighs really sticky. There was something very weird about this woman, but I figured that the least she could do was help me now after what I'd been through. I grabbed a bottle of water from the table and enjoyed a cool drink.

Sipping my water as I watched the bath slowly fill up, I began to accept that I could not fight or talk my way out of this. Even if I escaped, I had no idea where I was, and I'd likely get killed within hours if I ran.