Teachers Pet


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"Well if you change your mind, my number's in the phone book. Better get going, I have young minds to shape!" He stood and almost rushed out of the room. Allie had to wonder if maybe she had been rude. She sighed, finished her cup of coffee and headed back to class.


Allie jumped at the sudden knock at her front door, nearly tipping over the can of paint as she spun around and hurried to answer it. What she found greeting her at the door had her speechless for several seconds as she stumbled with her words.

"Vincent...hi...um...how did you...why are you here?" He gave her an award-winning smile as he motioned to the materials in the back of the truck in her driveway. He wore a tank top, revealing his large strong biceps; not something she expected from an art guy. She really needed to stop judging based on first impressions.

"Jim sent me; said you had a few projects that you needed some help on....?" He lifted is eyebrow in questioning as he looked around; it wouldn't be the first time Jim got something wrong. The guy was getting on in years and his memory wasn't getting any better, which reminded him, he needed to make sure to talk with June, his wife, soon.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything, I can just drop off the supplies and come back another time if it's a bother." Allie glanced between him and the materials in the back of the truck.

"No, now is as good a time as any! I was just painting the living room. I apologize for my lack of manners, seeing you outside the classroom threw me off a little. Would you help bring the supplies in, that would be very helpful." He flexed his arms before turning around and making his way to the truck, smiling as Allie blushed just slightly.

"I think I can manage it. Where should I set them down?" Allie opened her front door all the way and propped a paint can in front of it before pointing into the big open space in her now empty living room.

"Would you like something to drink? A coke? Water? Juice?"

"I'll take a coke please." Allie nodded and like a good hostess made her way to the kitchen as Vincent began bringing in the materials she had ordered. While Jim had a very large and extensive store, being the only one in the entire town meant sometimes he ran out of things and he had promised free delivery for the inconvenience. He really appreciated the business. It's also why she continued to go back to his store.

First impressions were important, and Jim had made a great first impression. He reminded her of her a little of her grandfather before lung cancer claimed him. Allie could hear his footsteps as he carried her things in. A few trips and he finished, Allie had a glass of ice and can of coke waiting.

"Thanks, Ms. Stevens."

"Please, call me Allie. No need for formalities outside of class."

"Alright, Allie." She nearly giggled at the sound of her name from his lips. It sounded strange and foreign, but they both managed to move past it and Allie started emptying the bags.

"Where do you want me Ms... Allie?"

"Well Jim just said he was sending me help, he said you were the best handyman he knew. But he never quite told me what you know how to do." He chest seemed to puff out a little as he stood straighter, taking pride the compliment.

"I spend most of my summers helping fix up the houses my step-dad sells so I can pretty much do whatever you want me to." Allie looked up at him with her hands on her hips as she tried to think of a task, she could give him that she would never quite be able to manage on her own.

"Well today I have been working on the prime coat, do you think you can manage getting the ceiling and any other spots I can't reach?" He nodded as he pulled a pair of safety glasses from his back pocket and slid them on with ease. Vincent grabbed a retractable pole from one bag and roller from another, twisting them together, and extending the reach just a little. Because he was almost a foot taller, he soon discovered the pole wasn't even necessary. Allie pulled her hair back into a tight bun as she took her flathead screwdriver and opened the first can of paint.

"You arrived right on time; I was just getting started!" He had brought the cans of the colors she had chosen, goldenrod for the main rooms, a light blue for the bathroom and an autumn purple for her bedrooms. She poured out the white primer into a paint tray and dipped her roller in, sponging it off on the textured sheet before approaching the farthest wall from them and got started. Once she was set to her task, she hardly paid attention to anything else other than getting a good even coat on. She had over half the living room done by the time the can was empty and she decided to take a break.

"Are you hungry?" Vincent set down his roller and pushed the safety glasses back onto his head, giving her a brilliant white smile.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well I could order some pizza but then we have to wait for delivery; or I could simply make you a sandwich. I have all the fixings here."

"Sandwich, if isn't too much trouble." He followed her into the kitchen, leaning in the doorway as she washed her hands and made herself busy.

"Have you been working for Jim long?"

"Since I was 13, started out as community service, he's the only one who would work with me. Then in the summers my stepdad has me help on his rental properties, so I have a few years of experience now."

"Not a lot of kids your age understand a good hard days' work," she announced. He chuckled.

"I would hardly call myself a kid," he announced, his arms sweeping open widely inviting her to take a good look at him. And she did, her eyes looked up him up and down, he had built up a little bit of sweat and speckles of paint covered his shirt, shoulders and a few drops in his hair. His grin told her that he was quite aware just how thoroughly she was checking him out. Her cheeks turned red and she hid her face in the fridge shamefully as she reached for the meat, cheese and dressing. When she finished, she sat down across from him, sliding his plate across the table. He thanked her and ate half of it in three bite

"Well until you're 18, you're a kid. And I'm not even sure you should be counted as an adult then either."

"I AM 18. And what age do you think qualifies someone as an adult?" he asked. She felt her shoulders tense slightly as she realized his tone held a slight edge to it.

"Most experts claim the brain isn't fully developed until we are at least 25."

"Some of us are more advanced than others," he replied smoothly.

"I was trying to compliment you; I apologize if it only offended you."

"I agree that most young people are stupid and make bad choices, but I am not one of them," he announced. Then he finished his sandwich before getting up to rinse his plate. Without another word he slid his safety glasses back on and got back to work. Allie ate the rest of her sandwich in silence. Vincent's entire demeanor had changed almost instantly. They worked the rest of the day without exchanging another word.


Allie smiled as she shook hands with another parent. She was grateful she had thought to buy name tags, there were just so many students to remember as it was. Her eyes kept glancing at the door, an hour had passed since open house started and Vincent had promised to be there. He was finally going to reveal the piece she had been dying to see since the first day of class. But minutes ticked by with no signs of him and she turned her attention back to the parent before her.

"I always knew my daughter was an artist," one woman bragged rather loudly. Allie turned to find none other than Megan and her mother. If she thought her daughter was an artist, Allie almost regretted having to send home Megan's report card. She spent most of her class time either texting on her phone or gossiping with her little squad. Her mother drank from a blue sports water bottle, but Allie was pretty sure it wasn't water inside. Unless Grey Goose suddenly started a water bottle company.

It was as she was started to lock up for the evening, she saw Vincent rushing to the door.

"Ms. Stevens, wait!"

"What happened? Is everything alright? When you didn't show I got worried." But as he came closer, the light on the porch shone on his face revealing a bruised cheek, a split lip and a cut above his left eyebrow. Allie ushered him inside and shut the door.

"Did somebody hurt you? Please, come sit down."

"Step-dad just had one too many and I swung first so it's not like I didn't have it coming." Allie pushed him into a chair as she pulled the first aid kit out from her desk. She placed her hands on the sides of his face as she met his gaze.

"It doesn't matter, it is never okay to hit a child." He pushed her hands away

"I am not a child." he growled. Allie sighed as she started to soak a few cotton balls to clean the cut above his eyebrow.

"You know what I mean, Vincent! It not okay, we are going to the cops." Vincent grabbed both her wrists tight enough that she almost cried out.

"You can't do that. You have to swear to me; swear to me you won't do that!" he demanded.

"Vincent, you're hurting me," she announced, and he looked down at his hands on her wrists. He let go.

"I'll lie if you try to make me." One look at his face and she knew he spoke the truth. She placed the butterfly stitches over the cut and put the kit away.

"Well you're definitely not going back there, at least not tonight. You can crash on my couch tonight; unless you want to protest that too?" She demanded. If he wasn't going to let her go to the cops, he was at least going to let her keep him safe for the night. She would have to talk to someone about it later, see if maybe there was a way, she could make an anonymous phone call to child protective services.

"That isn't necessary Ms. Stevens, he's probably passed out as we speak. I only came because I didn't want you to think I skipped."

"I was really looking forward to seeing your project," she confessed. The corner of his mouth twitched with a half-smile.

"Then follow me." He stood, turned and walked over to his small wooden locker against the wall. They had their own lockers in the main building, but they had been sitting there, unused so Allie had decided to utilize them. He opened the third door pulled out a sketchbook.

"I left it here, I leave most of projects here; sometimes when he drinks, he likes to rip my work." Allie clenched her fist as she counted to ten in her head. He flipped through several pages before stopping. He was a little nervous, he shifted his weight back and forth on his feet. He took a deep breath and turned the book, and her jaw dropped. At the bottom of the page was what appeared to be what she could only guess was a demon, its human skin shed beside on the stone floor. It had the horns of a ram, and one wing, the other one lay broken at his side, looking as though the main bone had been snapped. Scars littered the demon's dark flesh and Allie couldn't believe what she was staring at. His ability to use the charcoal and create enough shades to make the image look real enough to nearly touch. He had a beaming smile as he saw the reaction on her face.

"I take it you like it?"

"It's beautiful!" And she said it sincerely. It had been worth all those weeks of curiosity that she was sure would drive her mad.

"Glad you think so." He gripped the bottom of the page and with a quick jerk he tore the page free and held it out to her.

"I would like you to keep it." She was speechless as she shook her head, her lips attempting to come up with some protest.

"I will be terribly insulted if you say no," he interrupted. She pressed her lips together in a firm line and took the drawing; making a mental note to buy a frame next time she went shopping.

"Thank you, Vincent. But don't think I will accept no as an answer either. You will sleep on my couch tonight, now, do you like pizza?"

"Money's on the table," Allie called out as she heard the doorbell ring then returned to blow drying her hair. By the time she finished and made her way to the living room there were three boxes on the table, one already flipped open with two pieces missing. She grabbed a slice of her own and a napkin before making herself comfortable in the right corner of the couch. She had given him an old pair of basketball shorts to wear as pajamas, though he insisted he didn't need pjs. They had belonged to her ex and if she tied them real tight, they still fit her. They were a bit snug on Vincent, but he didn't complain.

"So, what movie did you choose?" she asked curiously. Vincent grinned.

"Fast and the Furious." She pulled the blanket down from the back of the couch and settled into her corner.

Something tugged at her consciousness like an insistent gnat, pulling until she started to become more aware. She could feel something brushing the sensitive skin along her thighs, rousing a long yearning between her legs. It had been so long since anyone had touched her so intimately and a groan escaped her lips. Her eyelids were heavy with sleep and her body felt too heavy to move, even when she felt her nightgown being pulled down, and a small cool breeze caressed her breast, causing her nipple to harden almost immediately. She tried to pull herself out of that limbo between sleep and awake, her mind fighting despite the sensations that were being awakened inside her body. Fingers traced along her leg to her pajama shorts, the slightly cooler digits trailing a path up her hot flesh.

It wasn't until those fingers reached their destination did, she remember she wasn't alone. It wasn't a dream, it was a student; her eyes finally shoot open and she locked gazes with Vincent. They both froze as they stared at one another, one of his hand up her shorts while the other traced her nipple with the pad of his thumb. Even though he was clearly caught red handed, he didn't speak, he didn't look away, and after a few seconds his hands went right back to their original task. Allie slapped his hands away and nearly fell off the back of the couch as she pushed herself up and away from him.

"What are you doing?" she demanded, adjusting her nightwear. There was no guilt, he looked perfectly calm as he stood, and she had a moment to really take in the full size of the young man before her.

"Don't tell me you don't want it, Ms. S." Her heart skipped a few beats as she held up her hands, as though she could ward him off. He took a few steps closer, forcing her to back further away.

"Vincent, I-I-I think there has been a little miscommunication," she announced carefully. Her mind went over the day's events, searching desperately for where it all went wrong. Had she been too nice? Had she smiled too much? Was it the pajamas? He shook his head and smiled as he continued to move closer, one step after the other, taking his time, letting the anticipation build as she glanced behind her, looking for the closest exit.

"I think I hear you loud and clear Teach. I've seen the way you look at me, especially when I'm here working on the weekends. You stutter on your words...you turn a very pretty shade of scarlet when you see me without my shirt on...are you honestly going to stand there and tell me you don't want me?" As he spoke, he tore his shirt off and tossed it aside, exposing his young washboard abs.

Her cheeks burned and she backed up against the wall as she tried to look away.

"C'mon Allie, nobody has to know." He closed the distance between them, his arms moving to box her against the wall.

"Vincent, you need to back away right this instant!" She demanded, pushing him away with one hand on his chest. But he didn't budge, he grabbed her wrist and pinned it to the wall with a laugh.

"Why are you fighting it? I have been with enough girls to know when one finds me attractive Ms. S. It's okay, I think you're hot too!" Panic welled within her chest; she didn't want to hurt him. He was a poor confused and abused boy; but she feared if she waited too much longer, the opportunity would cease to exist. She swung her free hand, nails poised for damage and he caught that one, slamming it against the wall hard enough to make her cry out.

"That was not very nice. Here is how this is going to go; you are going to do exactly what I say."

"And if I don't?" she dared to ask. His amber eyes turned a murky golden color as he leaned closer and Allie regretted her question almost immediately.

"I don't advise fighting me, as I am no longer giving you any other option." Allie swallowed hard, trying to take slow shallow breaths, his body lightly pressed against hers and he kissed her cheek. He was stronger and practically twice her size.

"Vincent, please; you don't want to do this. If you leave now, I swear I will pretend this never happened, I won't tell a soul," she promised, though they both knew her words were lies.

"If you so much as even hint at telling anybody again, I will literally staple your lips shut. Nod if you understand me." She nodded; her vision blurred by the tears that gathered. How could this seriously be happening? Had she fallen into some bad dream? Had she somehow led him on? She took a few deep breaths as she tried to calm her racing heart. She nodded; her teeth clenched tight to keep her chin from trembling. If her wrist had not been throbbing in pain, the nightmare idea might have been more plausible.

"Good, we have an understanding, that is a start." He moved her wrists above her head and switched them to one hand. His grip was strong, and she pulled a little, making him squeeze tighter. His other hand wrapped around her throat, squeezing just tight enough to let her know how easily he could crush it.

"You have been teasing me for weeks with your low-cut shirts and your short skirts. Flirting with me one minute and insulting me the next...I think you need to be punished Ms. S."

"Please, don't do this." she begged softly.

"This IS going to happen; how rough I am going to be, well that depends on you." His hand slid lower, cupping her breast and she bit her lower lip as she tried to wriggle out of his grasp. He squeezed so tight she cried out.

"What did I tell you?" he demanded. He looked like Vincent, but he was no longer acting like the Vincent she knew. He usually went from overly cheerful to quiet and solemn, but she had never seen any sign of aggression or violence like what he was displaying now. Allie could feel his arousal straining against the fabric of the basketball shorts.

"O-Okay. Just, don't hurt me." He cautiously released her hands and they fell to her sides as he wrapped one hand behind her neck and brought her in for a kiss. His lips were firm as he pressed them against hers. Vincent leaned forward, pressing his knee in between her legs, lifting her off the ground, letting her pussy grind against his knee. Allie didn't hesitate, she brought her knee up fast and hard, and he doubled over, gasping desperately for breath. She didn't think twice as she brought her knee up a second time while she shoved his head down, hitting him straight in the face, a snapping told her she'd broken his nose and she shoved him to the floor, running into her bedroom, locking the door behind her. She lifted her phone, only to be greeted with dead silence, there wasn't even a dial tone. She had paid her bill, and while connection had been spotty at best, she usually at least a few bars.

Allie cursed and threw the phone down, pulling open her nightstand drawer and grabbing her hand held taser. She turned it on and pressed the button, watching the short arcs of raw electricity connect between the two metal prongs.

"You have been a very bad girl, Ms. Stevens." His voice was strained as he spoke from the other side of the door.