Teachers Pet


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"Vincent, you need to leave before I call the cops!" Several minutes of silence followed before she heard the door rattling against its hinges. He had started kicking the door down. With the sheer size of him, she had no doubt that he would make it through quickly.

"I don't want to hurt you Vincent, but I cannot let you do this; do you hear me?" she shouted. But the pounding of his foot only continued, and she heard the door frame splintering beneath the abuse. She ran to her window and attempted to open it, only to find it was painted shut. No matter how hard she pushed it refused to budge. Even when she used the end of the taser to try and loosen the paint. When the door finally broke, she turned around and kept her back pressed into the corner of the room. Tears streamed down her face as her pulse pounded against her jugular.

"What did I say would happen if you were to even hint at telling? Do you remember what I said I would do to you?" She held her taser out between them and he glanced at it, blood was smeared down his face and onto his white tank top. He had already straightened his nose the best he could, but she was pretty sure there would at least be a small curve to it.

"You're going to have to get really close to use that on me and I have longer armed than you. I'm willing to risk it, are you?" He strode into the room with confidence, he was slow, letting the fear build as he got closer.

"Such beautiful lips, it is a shame I am going to have to ruin them." He was almost within arm's reach; her legs began to feel restless as her pulse raced and she was breathing heavily while she tried to judge the distance between them. She would either have to rush him or leap, and she choose the first. She bent her knees and ran at him, not letting herself over think for even a minute before she brought it up against his arm at the same time his hand wrapped around her throat a second time. Her body seized, muscles contracting causing her to shake violently. When she finally managed to pull away, they both collapsed to the floor. Allie could feel her muscles twitching as she slowly began to take in her surroundings. She was on the floor, but she couldn't remember why, what had happened? Like touching static, little sharp pinches of current caused her to flinch and as she turned her head, she saw Vincent reach for her. He grabbed the fallen taser and threw it across the room with an angry growl before he climbed on top of her, straddling her waist. He secured her arms across her chest, pinning her down. No amount of thrashing helped, it only made her more tired and that was what he was waiting for. She kicked her feet and attempted to knee him in the back, but he sat further down so that she couldn't bend her knees.

"You have been very naughty Ms. Stevens..." he chided. When she finally stopped fighting, he smirked in satisfaction.

"Do you know what happens to naughty girls?"

"I am not some girl; I am an adult and your teacher!" Vincent slapped her and she was speechless. Her cheek burned from where his flesh had met hers, he may still be a boy, but he sure hit like a man.

"I will not tolerate you speaking to me like that, you may be older than me, but I am stronger than you, so I will call you whatever I please, cupcake." Vincent stroked the side of her face with his knuckles, his skin cool against hers and he smiled.

"Now, how are you going to apologize to me?"

"I'm not!" she spat.

"Perhaps not now, but by the end of the night you will." Before she could ask what, he had planned he was already on his feet, pulling her up with him. Once on her own two feet she attempted to kick him again and he backhanded her this time, sending her into the wall. She licked her lip and tasted blood; he had split open her lip. She shot forward, running for the front door, but he wrapped his arms around her torso, restraining her arms to her side as he pulled her back. She screamed and kicked and even tried to headbutt him, but he simply squeezed harder, forcing her to take shallow breaths, making her feel weak and dizzy.

"That's it, just give in... don't fight what we both know you're craving." Her vision began to tunnel, colors blurring before shapes began to waver and suddenly, he let go and she was on the ground, on all fours, desperately sucking in air. A loud sob broke free and she didn't try to get up off the floor. Vincent watched as her tears hit the floor and her body heaved with the force of it. He kneeled beside her and pulled her head back with a handful of hair and leaned in close enough she could smell the coppery tang from his blood.

"Do you think these tears will earn my mercy?" He licked her cheek, his tongue leaving a thick trail of saliva as he swallowed them. He had turned so fast, what had she done to deserve this? She had been nice; she had only wanted to help him. She lowered her gaze as she tried to think of something else, anything but what was currently happening to her.

"Lift up your nightgown and pull down your shorts," he directed. She pulled her knees closer as she lifted herself into a kneeling position and followed his orders, the simple cotton boy shorts sliding down smoothly, and he held his hand out for them. She set them in his palm, and he tossed them into the furthest corner of the room.

"I want you back on all fours," he ordered. She leaned forward, holding her nightgown with one hand, and supporting her body with the other.

"I am going to punish you now; I want you to count out loud. If you should forget to count, we will start over. Are you ready?" She realized immediately what type of punishment he was referring to. He was going to spank her...like a child. She felt humiliated, she was nearly ten years older than him and yet here she was, bending over in invitation. He lifted his hand, and in one swift swing she felt him slap her ass, the pain was instant and sharp, causing her to scream, sniffle then mumble the first number. He didn't wait long before he slapped her again, in the same spot. She slammed her foot against the floor as she cried through the pain, making sure she kept count. By the seventh swat he had hit the same spot to the point she couldn't take it anymore; she moved away, her hand rubbing the hot flesh of her backside.

"I'm sorry, please just stop. I won't-I won't fight."

"Return to your spot or we start over." He ordered. Allie's entire right cheek felt like it was on fire, pain radiating in every direction. She pressed her skin against the cold floor as she struggled to catch her.

"One..." he announced. Allie got to her knees and started to back further away. Vincent shook his head as he held up a second finger.

"Two..." Was he counting to three? What was going to happen if he got to three and she kept moving away? He had already shown that he held no reservations about hitting her, what else was he willing to do? When she thought about it; she really didn't know him at all. She reversed direction and moved closer; it took every last bit of her strength not to crumble before him.

When he lifted his third finger, she sprinted the remaining distance between them and he smiled.

"Back on all fours." He pulled her nightgown off in one swift motion as his other hand softly caressed the burning flesh of her bottom.

"Do you remember which number you were on?"

"You had just finished 7," she replied softly, voice thick with unshed tears. Her arms trembled as she lowered her head and waited. She felt defeated, helpless and she hated him for it. But instead of swatting her again, he caressed the red flesh, his fingers tracing just along the outside of her pussy and she buried her face in shame. How could just his touch have this effect on her? It had been a very long time since she had been touched in that way, but she thought she had better control than this.

"Vincent, please. I am sorry if I gave you the impression that I was interested in anything other than being your friend; that was never my intention. It's not too late to stop this."

"I am not doing this because I have to, I am doing this because I want to. And from what I can feel, you want it too." He plunged his fingers deep inside her, forcing a cry from her lips as they slid in with ease. She was more than wet, she was practically dripping, and tried to climb away but he held her in place with a knee in her lower back. His fingers worked their way in and out, the squelching louder as he quickened his pace. Allie tried to climb away but all reasonable thoughts were slowly being clouded as he slid second hand down, his fingers massaging her clit as he worked his fingers harder. Every thrust of his fingers had her clawing at the ground as the sensations overwhelmed her.

She could feel a familiar tightening low in her belly, she gasped as she struggled to remember to breathe until one final thrust had her screaming, body convulsing as she came violently. When he finally pulled his fingers away, he wiped them against the back of her naked thighs. He sat back, admiring the sight of her in such a disheveled mess. She struggled to catch her breath as she watched him watch her, his hand swept the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"And we have only just begun." Her muscles ached from fighting against him, straining against an orgasm she didn't want and now that euphoria was swimming through her veins she wanted to fade off into sleep. Vincent grabbed her ankle and pulled her closer before rolling her over and settling himself easily between her legs.

"I want you to reach down, pull me free and put me inside you," he instructed. She shook her head and he wrapped a hand around her throat, squeezing enough to remind her of his superior strength.

"It wasn't a question Allie." Her hand slid down his rock-hard abs, stopping as they reached his waistline and she began to slowly pull his shorts down his hips. She could feel him, thick and round as he sprang free and when her hand wrapped around him her eyes opened wide and she looked back up at him. She shook her head, there was no way he was going to be able to fit that thing inside her. He was maybe 6 inches long total, but her fingers barely touched when she wrapped her hand around it.

Vincent squeezed tighter, watching as her face started to turn darker shades while she struggled not to fight for more air. When her eyes began to roll into the back of her head he finally let go and she gasped for air. Vincent didn't wait for her to finish obeying, he grabbed his stiff member and he pressed it against her entrance, gripping her hips tightly and shoving himself inside her. He grunted with the effort as her body struggled to accommodate him. He held her there, his cock buried deep, she whimpered, and his cock twitched with excitement.

"Stop fighting me..." He began to rock his hips back and forth, slowly at first before pulling out just enough for a short reprieve before plunging himself back in and repeating. It was clear to her at this point that no amount of begging was going to make him stop, if anything it only made him want her more. She had been warned that he was a troubled student, and she had been naive enough to think she could make a positive difference in his life. To reach to him through his love for art. But it was clear to her now, that perhaps he was beyond saving, that perhaps there was something dark within him that liked what he was doing. A sharp slap to her face brought her attention back to the present and Vincent made her look up at him as he sank his entire length into her.

"There is no escaping this, I want you to be here for every single minute." Her cheeks burned hotter as she felt herself getting closer, she tried one last time to get away. Vincent lifted her by her shoulders and slammed her against the wooden floor until she stopped fighting. Tears coursed down her face as she stared up at him, a new pounding in the back of her skull.

Vincent bent her legs towards her head, opening her to a new angle and she felt her breath stolen with every thrust until finally she came so hard her vision tunneled and for several seconds, she was caught in that space between being asleep and awake where her body was weightless. When her she could see again, she was on her side, her back spooned up against his as he wrapped his arm around her torso and held her close.

"You are really beautiful once you finally let go," he announced in her ear. She was too tired to respond, every muscle in her body ached from fighting for so long only to experience one mind altering orgasm after the other. Allie felt like something inside her had finally broken, that was the only explanation for why she felt so...satisfied. How could his cruel treatment make her feel this way? Especially considering the position it put her in with her job, not to mention he was barely an adult. Even if she wanted to turn him in, would the school board even believe her? She had offered to let him stay, she had dressed in a nightgown, although she had thought wearing shorts and a robe would keep her safe. She had underestimated the strength and perseverance of the horny teenage boy. He kissed her neck, right behind her ear and snuggled against her. His hands were gentle and caressing, stopping where bruises were already appearing.

"I wish you wouldn't make me get this rough with you Ms. S, too many bruises and people begin to get suspicious." She jerked her arm away and he wrapped his fingers around her forearm so hard that she cried out before he loosened his grip.

"You do not get to pull away from me anymore. Do not make me remind you who is still in charge here." She remained still as he continued his exploration.

"Do you have clothes that will cover these up?" Did he honestly believe that she was going to help him cover this up? That after he had followed through, she would just sweep it under the rug and pretend like it never happened? She had given him multiple opportunities to turn back and he had pushed forward anyways. The first chance she got she was going down to the police station and reporting him; her reputation be damned. Vincent was going to pay for what he had put her through.

"Answer me, whore!" he squeezed her throat again and she nodded as she stared up into cruel eyes. She coughed and sputtered a few times before he let go and he returned to spooning her.

"Now, I want you to swear to me that this is going to remain our little secret. Can you do that, Teach?" Allie nodded, her voice cracking as she licked her lips and tried again.

"This is our secret; I won't tell a soul." He held her closer, his breathing starting to even out as he began to relax.

"Good, because if you so much as breathe a single word to anyone else; I will kill them, their family, even their neighbors; then I'll be coming for you."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow. This was shyte. She needs to go out and purchase a handgun and put a couple rounds center mass. That's the way you solve a problem like Vincent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Is nice to discover a noncon I really like

I actually hope Vince is not in the habit of doing this regarding the comment made by anonymous. I’d like to think that Ally is “special” for Vincent and not just one of the strings of his victims

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Fun read

I liked how at the beginning Vincent gave the impression of being just a bit problematic, then at the wnd we see his true colors: he’s evil and irredeemable. What will happen to Allie now? Plus I think Allie’s colleague will play a part in bringing out Vincent’s cruel side. Poor Allie! Yummy yummy! Please update soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Interesting comment...

...by 'Annonimous,' from 5/15/19. I actually had forgotten the fate of the teacher she replaced. Well, I hope the school board doesn't have to put another want-ad requesting another art teacher for their high school. Are we given to believe this student is as nasty as his supposed 'stepfather' is? ...that the apple did not fall far from the tree, even though both trees had different roots?


jadewinchesterjadewinchesterabout 5 years agoAuthor

It warms my dark little soul to hear that! There IS definitely more (partially finished however) and I plan to add more once I've finished some of the other stories I have open. They get away from me sometimes

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