Tease to Please Ch. 06


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Arthur had been trying very hard up to this point to maintain his composure. He was genuinely pissed at Elise for making a fool of him the evening before with that fake leg injury. Although her arousal had been contagious, he felt used and humiliated. He had given their whole working relationship a lot of thought overnight and had come up with a plan. His intention was to turn things around, starting immediately. But confronted with the spectacle of Elise's nubile ass laced-up in fishnet pantyhose, in a dress that barely covered anything, his resolve did momentarily waiver. His libido just wanted to bury his bearded face between her butt cheeks and smother himself to death. There was no way, by any possible measure of his life's worthiness, that he deserved access to a young woman as hot as Elise.

Arthur leaned forward in his chair. He could smell sex pheromones in the air around her. But his resolve did not crack.

He lifted his hands and gingerly looped a length of ribbon around Elise's left thigh.

"What's that for?" Elise asked, twisting around to see what he was doing to her.

Arthur, forcing his voice to sound dispassionate, said: "Since these pantyhose don't really match the style of stockings you're supposed to be wearing, I'm going to add the appearance of garters to them. These ribbons will also offset your uniform's lack of color today."

He worked the pink ribbon up to the very top of Elise's slender thigh and then tightened it between his fingers. Once he had equalized the length of the two loose ends, he looped them both through two of the diamond-shaped holes in the fishnet nylons and pulled them tight again. He knotted the ribbon onto the netting so it would not fall down. Then he used the free length to tie a large ornamental bow at the back of Elise's thigh.

"Isn't that pretty?" Arthur asked as he began to work on the second one.

"Umm, I guess so. You don't think it looks a bit too... frilly?" Elise asked cautiously. She was horrified that the pink bows would call so much attention to her inadequately-covered butt.

"No. These are great." Arthur replied with genuine enthusiasm as he completed the second bow. "I like this outfit better already."

When he was finished, he asked Elise to march to the wall and back again. He had her do this several times; parading her like a runway model.

Elise could feel Doctor Peters' eyes prying into every pore of her exposed skin. She focused extra hard on walking smoothly, so as not to wind up the Model O too much.

Arthur marveled at how the silk dress clung to Elise's skin. It faithfully conveyed every wobble of her breasts and wiggle of her bottom. The pink bows he had tied onto her pantyhose swayed and shook as she walked. The fishnet hose revealed more than mere nudity ever could. They gave her lower body a quilted texture that highlighted how tender her skin was beneath. And between her legs, where the shortened dress failed to conceal her crotch, Arthur swore he could see the pink flesh of her waxed mound puffing outward through the diamond-shaped gaps in the white latticework.

If any girl could look sexier than this, Arthur did not know how. He felt his cock lengthening inside his trousers.

"Good!" Arthur said. "Now, let's talk. Come on over here and please explain what the heck happened to you yesterday afternoon." He leaned back in his swivel chair and propped one ankle atop his opposite knee to conceal his erection.

Elise returned and stood in front of Doctor Peters' chair, trying to formulate her words. Her outfit was making her feel so exposed that her brain ceased to work right. She felt confused about how much she planned to tell him. The fact that her bare genitals were on display beneath the fishnet was not helping.

"Well..." she began, meekly staring at her toes. "Do you mean about the bike?"

"No, after that."

"Um... okay. What happened was, I got... kind of like, turned-on. Then, afterwards I was embarrassed. I shouldn't have done all that stuff in front of you, the thing with my shorts... and everything. But it wasn't really on purpose. You see—"

"You had an orgasm right in front of me Elise. You're saying it wasn't your fault? Whose fault was it?"

"Um, not anybody's fault really... It's just that I was wearing this piece of jewelry --"

"I'm sorry, did you just blame it on your jewelry?!"

"No. I mean yes, kind of... it's weird. This is awful... to have to explain but, I have this, like, special thing... it's like a little ring around my..." Elise took a deep breath. "My clit. And it chimes when it's wound up."

Arthur's eyes widened. This was far outside the bounds of what he had imagined Elise would say.

"Come again?" he asked.

"Well, I have this, like, this little metal collar. It's like jewelry. I wear it on my clit."

"I'm having a difficult time believing a word of this."

"It's true, really!" Elise pouted. "Here... look." She gathered the front of her dress up to her waist.

Arthur leaned forward in his chair and stared at Elise's crotch. Beneath her hosiery he discerned not only her complete lack of underwear, but also a bright silver donut bulging outward. It was above her labia and below a small square of fine pubic hair. Without thinking, he reached out and touched the little collar.

Elise flinched as his fingers touched the shiny torus.

"Careful," she blurted, "...it's really sensitive."

Doctor Peters glanced up to Elise's face and then back down at her crotch. He encircled the Model O with two fingers and then gently pressed the wide pad of his thumb down onto its center, right on the head of her clit.

Elise gasped. She backed away and dropped the front of her dress.

"No, seriously!" she pleaded, "I can't take that."

Arthur was momentarily in shock. He ran his hands through his beard and tried to grapple with this development.

"So," he began, "you wear this thing... why?"

"Well, uh..." Elise stalled. This was the part she was dreading -- taking ownership of the Model O even though it had not really been her choice in the first place. But she felt she had no alternative.

"It just... kinda feels good," she continued. "I guess I just like it."

"So... it gets you off, is that what you're telling me?"


"You want to be constantly stimulated?"

"Well, I don't know about that. It's not constant."

"Do you remove it ever?"

"Umm, no. It doesn't come off without, like, a whole process."

"I see. You wear this thing all the time... and did you say it rings? What's it called?"

"It doesn't have a name." Elise lied. She had decided not to reveal this detail to Doctor Peters out of fear that he would look it up online and put too many facts together once he knew it was Japanese.

"And the ringing?"

"Yeah. It chimes kinda like a clock. It'll, like, get wound-up when I move around a lot. So... if I'm doing something really active then it goes off a lot more often."

"And what earthly purpose do the chimes have? Do they tell you the time?" Arthur laughed. He was genuinely curious. He loved intricate devices.

"No. They just... feel good."

"Wow." Arthur said. He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head. "Huh! Well, you certainly are full of surprises Elise. I must admit I never would have guessed. So, this thing is the reason you got yourself so worked up yesterday?"

"Yeah. Riding on the bike was just, like, total overstimulation. It kept ringing, over and over."



The two of them looked at each other in silence for a moment. Elise desperately hoped the conversation was over. She wanted to fade back into the lab's normal daily routine, as odd as that was, rather than explain to Doctor Peters anything more about her clitoris.

Unfortunately for Elise, Arthur was just getting warmed up.

"Tell me, Elise," he began, taking on a lawyerly tone. "Do you think it's normal that you're focused on your own sexual pleasure to the exclusion of all else?"

"Uhhh... Well, it's not actually the only thing I think about."

"Well, do you think it's appropriate to jeopardize your professionalism, particularly so early in your career, by wearing something whose sole purpose is to keep you sexually stimulated all day?"

Elise hung her head. "No," she whispered.

"Do you think, perhaps, that it may have been a poor decision to wear this... this thing, to work?"


"And furthermore, do you think it was a good idea to let yourself become so aroused yesterday that you actually tried to trick me into having sex with you?"

"No! Not at—"

"But that's precisely what you did, isn't it? Without any regard for the consequences... potentially serious consequences for me I might add. You simply felt horny, and so you decided: 'Well, I'll just seduce him to get myself off!' Isn't that the shape of it?"

Elise's mind raced. She had never seen Doctor Peters so intense before. "I'm really sorry!" she said.

"Well, sorry doesn't cut it, Elise. Not this time. You showed a total lack of consideration for me and zero judgment. Has anyone ever told you that before?"

Elise breathed out. This conversation was going off the rails. Eventually she mumbled: "Yeah, my mom always says... that I lack impulse control."

"You lack impulse control. Yes. That's a succinct way of putting it. I agree. And what have you done to try to improve this shortcoming?"

Elise stared blankly.

"Nothing?" Arthur prompted her.

"I, uh... I guess nothing. It never really seemed like something I could fix."

"Well now, that's interesting. You never thought it was something you could fix. Indeed! So, everyone around you is just supposed to deal, while you continue your thoughtless and selfish behavior forever?"

"No, that's not what I meant." Elise felt tears begin to gather in the corners of her eyes.

"Then what? If you're not willing to improve, how is anyone supposed to trust you? You might at any moment decide on a whim to do something crazy. Am I going to see you on the news, being arrested for... for who knows what... for masturbating in public or something?!"

Elise's face turned absolutely crimson. That was way too close to home.

Arthur waited. Elise remained very still.

"You have nothing to say for yourself?"

"Just... I'm so, so sorry!" Elise whimpered.

"Are you going to try to trick me ever again?"


"Or lie to me?"


"And while we're at it: is there anything else you need to divulge?"

Elise hesitated. Then she whispered: "I don't think so..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Doctor Peters."

"That lacked conviction, Elise. Let me ask a different question; would you like to improve yourself?"


"Are you willing to work at it? Learn to resist your impulses?"


"And put the needs of others first?"

"Yeah. Definitely... I want to do that."

"It would be a start, wouldn't it?"

Arthur stood. He took Elise's face between his giant hands and lifted her gaze to meet his own. Very gently he swept his thumbs beneath her eyes, wiping her tears away.

"Let me think about all this for a minute, Elise. Why don't you go back to your desk and get some work done? You've presented quite a lot of issues, and I need to sort out how best to help you."

"Okay." Elise whispered. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to trick you. I wasn't thinking."

Elise retreated from the dais and walked back to her desk. The pink bows below her tiny dress danced with every step.

Arthur watched her backside and mentally rubbed his hands together.

Elise, too, was very much aware of her exposed bottom. She carefully lowered herself onto her chair. The fishnet stretched tightly under her privates, providing zero insulation from the cool plastic of her seat. She felt both physically and psychologically stripped. Still, she kept her shoulders square and her back straight to keep her little waist chain from digging into her skin. She did not want Doctor Peters to think she was getting depressed... or worse, chubby.

Within half an hour, Arthur had thought through the next stages of his plan. Elise's revelation of her clit jewelry had not really altered them much. It just made his prospects that much more titillating.

Arthur exited the room through the connecting door to his apartment and returned a few minutes later carrying a sturdy box constructed of polished wood. He set the box down atop his desk and signaled for Elise to join him. Once she was standing beside him, he pointed out two stacks of blank index cards arranged in a plastic tray beside his office phone. One stack was white. The other was red.

"Life," he began with an air of professorial authority, "is made up of relationships. All sorts of other stuff will happen along the way, but essentially everything that matters to you will be a function of relationships. How you manage those relationships determines the quality of your life. Are you with me so far?"

"Sure," Elise replied.

"Good. Now, the way to think about each relationship is like a bank balance. The more you invest in it, the stronger it will be. Conversely, when you make a withdrawal, say, by breaking a promise or disrespecting a friend, your balance in that relationship goes down. If you withdraw more than you put in the relationship ends... or at least it becomes spiteful and begrudging. Make sense?"


"Now, in your case, you seem to have trouble putting the needs of others before your own, so your bank balances are always low. Then your impulsiveness writes checks that your relationships can't cash. It's like taking money you don't deserve. It's selfish."

"Oh. But I'm not trying to be selfish," Elise countered softly.

"But you don't know better, do you? That's what makes you so frustrating. You need to learn to think of other peoples' needs rather than just your own. Otherwise you'll keep bankrupting all your relationships."

This did actually make sense to Elise. Her senior year of college had involved a lot of bankrupt relationships. "Okay," she said. "How do I learn to do that?"

"Practice. That's how everyone acquires new skills. To help you, I have prepared a little game. It will introduce some structured learning to your summer here at the lab, and I think you will catch on quite quickly."

Arthur lifted the two stacks of index cards and continued: "Each time you do something selfish, I'm going to give you a red card. Each time you do something selfless, I'll give you a white card. The cards you earn will all be placed into this box."

Arthur tapped his finger on lid of the wooden box. It was slotted in the middle like a ballot box.

"At the end of each day," Arthur continued, "we'll open the box together and do a little math to see if you're in debt."

"So," Elise asked, "if I have more white cards than red cards, that's good?"

"Exactly. And if you have more red cards than white it means you've been selfish. The difference between this game and real-life however, is that we can make the consequences of having too many red cards felt immediately. That's how you'll learn."

"Okay," Elise said, biting her lower lip. "It sounds a bit... silly, but—"

"Silly games are how children learn. And this whole concept, which is more or less just about being considerate of others, is something folks usually learn in kindergarten. You, however, seem to have made it all the way to twenty-two without this important skill. So now you're going to learn it the way a child would. I think this game will be very effective."

Elise was humbled to hear Doctor Peters compare her to a child. She crossed her feet and folded her hands behind her butt. Her gaze got stuck on Doctor Peters' shoes. She simply said, "Okay."

"Good. Now, I'm giving you three red cards to start; one for tricking me yesterday with that fake injury, one for the selfish orgasm you had at my expense, and one more for needing so much help with your uniform this morning."

Doctor Peters counted out three red cards and slipped them into the wooden box. Elise stood in silence, her mouth slightly agape.

"Now," Arthur continued, "Don't panic. You have all day to try to earn white cards. Hopefully you'll avoid more red ones. At the end of the workday, for each extra red card in your box you'll pay a consequence."

Arthur tapped the red cards against the top of the wooden box. "We're going to call this your Consequence Box."

Elise swallowed hard, looked back and forth between the box and Doctor Peters and then asked: "What kind of consequences are in there?"

"The old-fashioned kind. The kind you'll learn from."

"Like what?"

"You'll have to wait and see. Of course, if you start doing lots of good, selfless things, you may not need a consequence today... but somehow I doubt you'll be in suspense for long."

Elise felt too embarrassed to press the issue. The whole incentive structure was so infantile, and yet she felt utterly compelled by it. At some level she knew she deserved consequences, and this little game might be good for her. Her life so far had been much too sheltered from the sort of constructive criticism Doctor Peters was dishing out.

"What can I do to earn a white card?" she asked.

"That's for you to figure out. If I have to suggest something, it won't count. You are supposed to proactively think about other people's needs. That's the whole point."

"Oh. Right."

"Now -- do you understand the game?"


"And your consequence box? Are you prepared to take responsibility for what goes into it each day?"


"Without a lot of whining?"

"I think so."

"Good." Arthur stepped back to his chair and sat down. "Then let's please get on with our workday, shall we?"

"Yes of course, Doctor Peters."

Elise retreated to her workstation. Arthur pushed her consequence box to the far edge of his desk and began to click away at his computer.

By noon, Elise had failed to earn any white cards. She had made a fresh pot of coffee and walked it around to all three men on the first floor of the lab, and then repeated her tour to offer each of them refills, but Doctor Peters told her this was just an expected office courtesy. White cards were earned by doing things above and beyond her actual job, he said.

Alex and Jacob sure seemed to appreciate the coffee though, Elise noticed. Both men tried to drag her into long conversations as she stood beside their desks out in the main lab. And over the course of the morning they seemed to make a lot of frivolous excuses to visit her. Several times she caught them staring at her absolutely wide-eyed as she walked around the lab. She discounted it as typical geeky lecherousness and tried to focus on her work.

All that walking around on the concrete floor in such high heels, however, was winding up the Model O pretty often. Elise found she really had to force herself not to daydream about sex. Otherwise when the Model O chimed it simply felt too good. She didn't want to have a repeat of Thursday's autoerotic orgasm. Not only would it be incredibly embarrassing, but she didn't want another red card. She was already three cards in the hole.

Doctor Yamamoto never stopped by to take Elise upstairs for rounds. He simply called Doctor Peters and said he was leaving earlier than planned. He failed to say goodbye to anyone on the first floor.

After the Japanese doctor left, Elise considered asking Doctor Peters if she could change out of her uniform. She quickly thought better of it, though, recalling his lecture earlier in the week about not wasting time on costume changes. She racked her brain instead for ideas of nice things she could do. She needed to give Doctor Peters an unexpected treat.

"I've got it!" she suddenly thought, "I'll give him a backrub!"

She was a licensed massage therapist after all. She recalled Doctor Peters making a comment about having back pain. Surely one of her expert 20-minute neck and shoulder rubdowns would deserve a white card.