Tease to Please Ch. 06


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She put down the glass lab equipment she had been polishing, stripped off her sterile gloves and walked back to Doctor Peters' office.

"Hey, Doctor Peters?" she asked in a chipper voice en route to his desk. "I was wondering if you'd like a back rub."

"A back-rub, huh?" Arthur replied with a subtle grin. "Right now?"

"Yeah. I mean, it's really more of a neck and shoulder thing... not a full backrub with oil and everything. But I can do it while you're sitting there. I'm really good at them."

Arthur thought for a moment. He wondered if Alex and Jacob would find it strange if they walked by and saw. "What the hell," he thought, "it's just a shoulder massage. It's not like I'll have my clothes off or anything."

"Okay, sure Elise." He said with a smile. "That sounds nice."

"Great!" Elise cheered, virtually skipping up onto the dais. She took up a position behind Arthur's office chair and immediately set to work on his broad shoulders.

Elise's little hands felt quite strong, Arthur thought to himself as he leaned back to enjoy her ministrations. Elise squeezed and rubbed his neck and shoulders from every angle. Soon she had him lean forward and put his elbows on his knees. Then she practically climbed onto his chair for leverage as she worked her way down his back, palpating all the thick, knotty muscles hidden beneath his dress shirt.

"You sure seem to be carrying around a lot of tension, Doctor Peters." Elise piped up from beside his chair. She was pressing the blade of her forearm down onto each of his muscle groups, working out kinks Arthur did not even know he had.

"Yeah, that feels great Elise. I had no idea you were so talented. Thank you for thinking of this."

"Well, I can do it every day if you want! I've got to earn my good cards somehow, right?"

Arthur chuckled: "Indeed."

Twenty minutes later she was done. Arthur stood up and stretched. His back really did feel pretty good suddenly, as if a weight had been lifted.

"Wow," he said to Elise, "you've got to teach me how you did that. I feel awesome."

"No problem," Elise beamed with a proud smile. "Anytime!"

Doctor Peters retrieved a white index card from the stack on his desk and made an elaborate show of slipping it into her consequence box.

"Yea!" Elise said playfully. "Only two more to go."

Unfortunately for Elise, she had a real mental block on thinking of other acts worthy of a white card. And because it was Friday and Doctor Yamamoto had already gone home, Arthur decided to close the lab early.

At 3:30pm Doctor Peters rose from his chair and walked out to the main lab to dismiss Alex and Jacob. On their way out the two skinny men could not resist stopping by to wish Elise a good weekend and to congratulate her on finishing the first week of her internship. Alex even opened his arms for a hug, compelling Elise to rise from her chair and briefly press her little body against his. Naturally Jacob, though far shier, followed suit and insisted on giving Elise a big hug as well. Elise was reminded of how seriously underdressed she was when each man's embrace left warm palm prints all across her naked back. She even felt the steel buttons of Alex's motorcycle jacket through the thin silk covering her chest.

When the two lab assistants had gone, Elise asked Doctor Peters if she could have more time to earn white cards.

"No," Doctor Peters replied, "I'm afraid your time is up. Let's get on with your consequences, okay? I want to start my weekend too."

Elise took a deep breath and sighed. She had no idea what to expect, but she didn't feel scared. She knew Doctor Peters was not mean or crazy. She was simply embarrassed at her inability to do better at the game.

Doctor Peters instructed Elise to collect her consequence box from his desk. She did so, lifting the shiny wood container with both hands and remarking that it felt heavy.

"Every day," Arthur began, "we'll do this same little ritual. You'll carry the box, since after all it's yours, right?"

"Right," Elise answered, standing beside him.

"And you're going to take the box into my apartment. Follow me."

Arthur removed a steel key from his pocket as he led Elise across the room to the door closest to the hallway, which connected through to his personal apartment. He unlocked the door and held it open for Elise. After she stepped through, he followed her and shut the door behind himself. The light in the short connecting hallway switched on automatically via a motion sensor. Within a few steps Elise found herself in Doctor Peters' living room.

Arthur squeezed by her and directed her to set the box down on the carpeted floor behind a large leather sofa that sprawled across the middle of the room. He turned on a few lights as Elise bent from the waist and set her consequence box down on the floor as directed.

Elise straightened up and looked around, taking-in the floor plan of the apartment.

Arthur found himself reflexively playing tour guide. He was proud of the living space he had commissioned and it offered him something neutral to discuss to mask his growing excitement about the surprise he had in store for Elise.

Elise followed him around and made polite noises of approval as he rambled on about the eat-in kitchen he had designed and the gas fireplace across from the convertible sofa bed. Arthur did not plan to show Elise his master bedroom, so he merely gestured in its direction. To his surprise, Elise ventured off that way by herself. Arthur had to double-back from the kitchen to follow her. He mumbled an apology about the mess, but Elise seemed impressed anyway. She stood at the foot of his king-sized bed for a moment, looking around the large room. She even ducked her head into his en-suite master bathroom.

"Cool, Doctor Peters," she concluded. "I like it."

Arthur thanked her but was uncomfortable. Elise in his bedroom was not part of his plan. It felt too intimate. He was suddenly warm under his dress shirt.

Elise, by contrast, appeared very relaxed. Arthur noted how smoothly and gracefully she carried herself in her tantalizing outfit. She was poised, almost gliding. The big pink bows on the backs of her thighs shook only slightly as she toured his living space. Her eyes studied everything, taking it all in, but she did not touch. He, meanwhile, had no choice but to stand there like a good host and endure the inspection.

It dawned on Arthur that he was getting a small taste of his own medicine. Ever since Monday morning he had been the watcher and Elise had been the target. Now their roles were reversed. He briefly panicked upon seeing that his personal laptop was open on the bedside table. If Elise picked it up she might find his collection of digital porn.

Arthur was thankful for his full beard as blood rushed to his face.

Elise eventually walked back to the living room and poked her head into the adjoining half-bath. Then she surveyed the wall of built-in bookcases and audio/video gear surrounding the fireplace. Finally, she turned to Doctor Peters and announced that his place was 'super comfy.'

Arthur was not quite sure what to make of that comment, so he refocused Elise's attention on the consequence game. He laid his broad right hand on her lower back and gestured politely for her to join him at the back of the sofa. Arthur knelt down beside her consequence box after withdrawing a tiny key from his back pocket. Elise placed one hand on the back of the sofa for balance and then squatted in her high heels beside him.

Arthur unlocked the lid. "Okay," he said to Elise, "you can open it. Tell me what you see inside."

Elise grinned nervously. She swung the box's hinged lid upward and away until it stayed open, hanging on a slender brass chain. The interior of the box was lined with beige felt.

"Um," she began, "I see one white card, three red ones, and a Ping-Pong paddle."

"Right," Arthur said. "Now, take out your white card and one red one. They offset each other."

"Okay," Elise giggled, removing a white and a red card and handing both to Doctor Peters. "What's the Ping-Pong thingy for? You don't expect me to play, I hope... at least not in these shoes."

"No. I want you to tell me: How many red cards do you have left?"

"Two... Duh," Elise joked.

"Right. So, in order to remove those red cards you have to endure two consequences. That's what the paddle is for."

Elise was silent.

"Each consequence will remind you how old you are. Can you guess what they are?"

Elise pursed her lips and slowly shook her head, afraid to vocalize the mental guess she had made.

"Each consequence is twenty-two swats on the bottom. With the paddle."

"Doctor Pe-"

"No whining, Elise. This is not a negotiation. They won't hurt much. It's really just the humiliation of being spanked that leaves a lasting impression. It will remind you not to end up with so many red cards next time."

Elise's eyes were so wide Arthur thought they might fall out of her head. He scooped the rubber-faced paddle out of the box and shut the lid, leaving the two red cards inside. He stood up. He looked down at Elise and transferred the paddle to his right hand.

"Come on, Elise," he said as calmly as he could manage. "This will only take a short while."

Elise slowly rose to her feet. She clutched both arms across her stomach. Her little dress appeared to shimmer atop her small breasts.

"Thank you," Arthur continued. "Now, step right up onto your consequence box. Careful not to scratch it with those high heels. Then I want you to lean forward over the back of the sofa."

Elise's trembling worsened. Her mind was a blur of anxiety and shame. This whole situation would have been unimaginable to her only moments ago, but now it felt all too real. Doctor Peters was going to spank her bottom... with a paddle... right now in this apartment.

Doctor Peters' deep voice broke her reverie: "We're going to be doing this every day Elise, so don't be shy."

Elise looked up at him. Her mouth parted to speak, but nothing came out.

"Have you ever been paddled before?" he asked.

"No, of course not," she replied breathlessly.

"When was the last time you got spanked?"

"I... I have no idea. Like, maybe when I was five?"

"Well, there's no better corrective for bad behavior."


"No whining Elise. Come on, step up. Let's get started."

"But --"

"NOW, young lady."

Elise placed one pearlescent high heel onto the closed lid of the box and then stepped up. This raised her ass another six inches off the ground, bringing it level with Doctor Peters' belt. Already unsteady in her tall shoes, she became even less sure of her balance and instinctively bent forward to rest her hands on the back of the leather sofa in front of her.

Doctor Peters took up a position beside her and placed his left hand across her lower back, just below her waist chain.

"Bend all the way over, Elise," he instructed her quietly.

Arthur had his own wide-eyed moment as Elise obeyed him. She lowered herself onto her elbows and arched her back. The pale moon of her fishnet-clad ass revealed itself from beneath the small rear flap of her dress. With her feet crowded together atop the box, her legs formed a single exclamation point. The snug crease between her butt cheeks widened slightly as she lowered herself into a jackknifed posture.

Arthur lifted the rear flap of her dress and flipped it over. Her netted ass then lay before him, entirely on display. He stepped back half a pace to remove his shadow from her backside, savoring a well-lit view of Elise's exquisite derriere. The satin bows dangling from her upper thighs made her look giftwrapped.

"Please... just do it gently," Elise pleaded.

Arthur could not bring himself to speak. He was too entranced by the perfect twin hills of flesh being presented to him for punishment. His left hand wandered across Elise's tailbone and gently teased the waistband of her pantyhose higher. The knotted fabric was so tight, and her skin so delicate, that when he first tugged them higher their fishnet pattern remained imprinted on her pale skin.

In a self-indulgent stupor, Arthur curled his left hand under the rear of her pantyhose and yanked them upward. Elise squeaked and squirmed as their central seam sunk deeper into her crotch.

Doctor Peters took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then he swung the paddle down onto Elise's right butt cheek.


The pink bows jumped. Elise's entire body flinched.

"Ow!" burst from her mouth, followed immediately by: "Not so hard, Doctor Peters, please!"

"That wasn't hard enough to hurt. It's just the shock you're feeling. And traditionally, Elise, you're supposed to count them out. Since you didn't know that, I'll let that one stand. But from now on you need to count them out loud, okay?"

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod," Elise pleaded, "Are you serious?" She could not bring herself to look back at him. She was hugging the sofa's center cushion, her face above the throw-pillows. She felt as though her ass was glowing somewhere up near the ceiling, as wide as the whole room.

"Wap!" It was her left cheek this time.

"Ahow!" Elise whelped. Her elbows slipped and she tipped forward. The sofa's backboard caught her hips, keeping her ass high. The tiny soles of her shoes teetered on the very edge of the consequence box as she said: "Oh my God, it stings so bad!"

"What number was that?" Doctor Peters asked.

"Two!" Elise whined. She was breathing hard and fast. Her bottom throbbed.

"Good girl. See? You're learning already."


It was her right cheek again. Elise felt the sting rush down the back of her thigh. Her bottom had caught fire. "Three!" she said.


This time the paddle struck up high on her left cheek. She barely managed to whimper "Four!" before the next one came.


Elise counted out the next few smacks. Doctor Peters administered them on alternating sides of her ass. He moved the paddle around a little bit, making sure the resulting pink glow bloomed evenly across her entire backside. He held her hips in position with his left hand, keeping her pantyhose wound tightly around his fist. The way the hosiery quilted Elise's soft skin was driving him crazy, and he guessed the tension he was applying to their central seam was translating directly to her vaginal crease.

"Wap!" The pink bows shook again.

"Ten!" Elise wailed. Arthur could see her ribcage panting. Her dress was in disarray. Most of her left breast came into view, squeezed out sideways from beneath her halter top as she lay pressed over the sofa.


"Oh my God... Eleven!" Elise whimpered.

"You're halfway there, Elise. Through the first set anyway."

"Ow-ow-OW, it hurts all the way to my knees!"

Arthur took a break and looked over Elise's backside carefully. In truth, he wasn't hitting her hard at all. The stinging she felt would be very short-lived. The loud smacking of the paddle made it seem worse than it was. Still, with her privates so poorly protected, Arthur did not want to take any chances. He had been carefully keeping well clear of her pouty genitals. This was more challenging than it sounded. Due to the posture she had adopted, her sexy little mound protruded quite prominently between her flattened gluteal folds. He could even see the silver glint of her clit ornament. It looked like it was forcing the tip of her pink clit out through one of the holes in the fishnet.

"Elise," Doctor Peters said, "Why don't you reach between your legs and cover your genitals? Just for safety's sake."

Elise did not respond orally. She just worked one hand down under her crotch and cupped her entire pussy.

Doctor Peters began to deliver the next eleven swats in a very slow, steady rhythm. Elise kept count, but her voice grew fainter and fainter. Her bottom bloomed into a rosy shade of pink that nearly matched her two faux garters.

Inside Elise's mind a different kind of rose had bloomed -- one that obscured all logic. She found herself clutching the sofa's thick brown hide with one hand while squeezing, equally tightly, her pussy with the other. Her face was sideways, cheek to the leather. Her eyes were tightly shut. Drool was leaking from her mouth.

Each smack that arrived fanned a fire inside of her that was already too hot. Her bottom felt huge and aglow. Her thigh muscles trembled like runaway sewing machines. She was starting to enjoy this.

The counterweight inside her Model O was being spun furiously by each impact of the paddle. It would not be long before it chimed.

Elise felt something very strange happening within her young body: the tiny muscles lining her vagina began to contract involuntarily in anticipation of each paddle strike. A startling tremble ran through her all the way down to her ankles. Beneath her right hand, she felt her pussy weeping.

"Wap!" The pink bows danced again.

"Twenty." Elise breathed.


"Twenty one."


"Twenty... two."

"Very good," Doctor Peters praised. "You endured those admirably. You may step down now and remove one red card from your consequence box."

A few seconds passed before Elise could move at all. Eventually she gripped the back of the couch and slowly straightened up. Her legs trembled visibly as she stepped down off the box. As soon as her tall shoes were both on the floor, she began to rub her bottom.

At Arthur's prompting, Elise squatted down and retrieved a red card from inside the box. She handed it to him. He immediately asked her to climb back into position. Begrudgingly, she did so.

Once Elise was leaning over the back of the sofa again, Arthur set his paddle aside and ran both his hands across her bottom. He marveled at the taut firmness of her rosy cheeks.

"Elise," he began, "if you'd prefer I can do the next set by hand... instead of with the paddle."

Elise propped herself onto her elbows and looked back at him. "Will it hurt less?" she asked.

"It's less consistent, but it might be quieter."

"Okay, yeah. Use your hand."

"In that case, I'm just going to roll these down a bit," Arthur said, working his fingers under the waistband of Elise's pantyhose.

"Oh. But—" Elise began hesitantly as she felt the hose peeling down off her ass.

"This is traditionally how it's done."

Elise said nothing more as Doctor Peters worked the tight fishnets down to her upper thighs, bunching them around her pink bows.

"You have a lovely bottom," he said without thinking.

"Thanks," she answered quietly.

Arthur stared down for a long moment at Elise's smooth pink ass. Removing the pantyhose had revealed her few remaining secrets; the tiny star of her anus, the narrow bridge of her perineum, and the delicate petals of her inner labia. These last were perfectly symmetrical and bright pink where they peeked out between her hairless outer labia. The entirety of her sex was glossy with arousal. Arthur wished he could think of some excuse to press his thumb into her. Or any part of his body, really. His brain ground to a near standstill.

Elise caught a glimpse of the look on Doctor Peters face and realized he was entranced by her upturned bottom. This knowledge on served to heighten her own excitement. All week she had been attracted to his huge hands. The idea that they were about to spank her bare bottom brought on a troubling rush of excitement.

"Doctor Peters?" Elise cooed over her shoulder, "Should I... cover myself again?"

Arthur woke from his reverie. "Yes, yes of course Elise. Please do."

Elise leaned farther forward and slid her right hand down between her legs.

Arthur watched Elise's little hand cup itself over her narrow mound. As he prepared to start her next spanking, he saw her hand begin to wiggle.


Elise jumped in her heels. The counterweight inside her Model O ratcheted around and around. A large handprint appeared in faint pink on the left side of her ass.