Terrible Company Ch. 04


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"So," Katsa prodded, "you've beheaded a lot of people then?"

Mathilda scoffed and peered up at the big Orc. "Wha', does she no' know?"

"Not know what?" Katsa demanded. Val stared forward stonily.

Mathilda chuckled and shook her head. "S'not mine ta tell, lass."

"Not know what?"

"Not that this isn't thrilling," Ayen interrupted, "but we're being followed."

"Some more'o tha' 'eadless fellow's mates?" They all continued walking forward smoothly, but their hands inched towards pommels, handles, and vials.

"Even better."

Val sniffed. Katsa turned and caught a flash of red as it darted behind a tree. "Awwwww," they groaned, in unison.


"Veton korshki inata vosh ol kaaj." Katsa frowned as she ground the pebbles with her pestle. "In'Tosh e nopari. In'Tosh e nopari." A small kettle hung over the campfire, giving off a lazy smoke stream. She tilted the bowl and squinted at the powder. "Tosh e nokana, eh pari soll."

Val opened her mouth, ready to ask another question, but it died on her tongue as the Arcanist glared at her. Mathilda was passed out against a tree at the edge of the firelight, which really left only one option. Val grabbed her whetstone and sword, and dropped down next to Ayen. "What's she doing now?"

"She's behind me," he mumbled, without looking up from the piece of wood he was delicately shaving. "She thinks she's spying on us. It's adorable."

Val glanced over her shoulder. She could just make out a pair of eyes reflecting the firelight. "I'll tell her to fuck off in the morning."

"No you won't."

"Why not? Do you want to do it?"

"You have me all wrong," Ayen chuckled. "A delicate thing like her needs to be cared for, and watched over. She's coming with us."

"You've got balls, I'll give you that much."

"I've got more than that," he smirked, "if you care to find out."

Val scoffed dismissively. "I guarantee you'll be outnumbered three to one."

"It'll be two to two."

"What? Who's gonna side with you?"

"You are," he said simply.

"Fuuuuck thaaaat!"

Katsa hissed fiercely. Ayen and Val both winced, and resumed at lower volumes. "She ain't comin' with us."

He smiled. "You owe me."


"I saved your life."

"You did n—" But he had, and Val knew it. "This is how you wanna call in that debt?"

"Yup." He patiently etched at the tiny piece of wood. 10 feet behind them, the interloper sneezed. "Bless you," Ayen whispered over his shoulder.

"Thank you," the redhead whispered back. Val's eyes nearly popped out of her skull.

"See?" Ayen giggled. "Isn't that adorable?"

"You gotta be kidding me!" Val wheezed in outrage. "How is she gonna help us?"

"I didn't say she was gonna help, just that she's coming. I have a good feeling about her." He put down the bit of wood and his knife, and turned to face the Orc. "You saw her, right?" Val rolled her eyes. "Tell me you weren't thinking how badly you want what's between her thighs."

"You know she can probably hear you, right?"

"No I can't," the redhead whispered, "but if I could, I still wouldn't know what you'd want with the bush that's down there." Val and Ayen stared at each other, wide eyed and silent, as she shuffled amongst the branches and leaves. "It's pretty overgrown."

"Fine," the orc hissed, "but I'm not happy about it."


Katsa frowned and shook her head. Four pairs of compound, carefully wrapped in a thin sheet of inscribed wax paper. Five hours effort to make a set of earplugs for each of them.

"What's wrong?" the Orc asked as she crouched down.

The Arcanist clucked her tongue. "I'm... not sure they're going to function properly. Wouldn't put it better than 60%."

Val picked one up off the fine cloth and inspected it. "If it fails, is it gonna explode in my ear?"

"What? No." She frowned pensively. "I mean, probably not. The Drystwood powder was a bit... wet, and I didn't have time to dry it out. Plus I had to use substitutes for three other lesser ingredients. I don't know how that man sleeps at night calling himself an apothecary."

"The gall," Val whispered droll-ly. She pinched one eye shut and gave the plug another look before setting it back down.

"It... uh..." Katsa pinched her nose, trying to think through all the alterations she'd made to the original recipe. "Worst case scenario, it doesn't block the high registers."

"So... some but not all of the effects."

"Sure," the blonde said tiredly.

"Well it only needs to hold them back long enough to plant some steel in them," she said, pointing with her thumb at the handle of her freshly-sharpened sword sticking out from over her shoulder. "Think it'll last that long?"

"Ugh, probably?" Katsa's shoulders slumped.

"Don't be glum, chum!"

The Arcanist's eyes fell down and away. "I've got a lot on my mind."

"Well, I've got a great way to clear your head." The raven-haired Orc grinned playfully, reaching over and massaging Katsa's lower back. "And by clear your head, I'm definitely talking about fucking your brains out. You know, in case that wasn't 100% clear."

"That doesn't sound awful," she admitted, frown cracking for the first time in hours.

"Arousal achieved!" Val chuckled and went on in a whisper. "There's a pond just down the way, and I got some soap in town. Maybe you could drop it," she added, with a playful shrug. The Arcanist sighed, remembering a time when she bathed daily, and nodded. Val grinned and bounded to her feet, Katsa only a moment behind. Ayen chuckled as they hurried off into the dark.

Val led the way, leaving behind a trail of clothes and weapons as she shimmied from her pants, sauntering nude into the clearing. Katsa let her eyes trail along the orc's thighs, lingering appreciatively on the bigger woman's toned ass. A gentle shudder rolled through the Arcanist. The pond was gorgeous; a small rocky pool surrounded by a grove of trees. The night lights danced across the water's surface as Val gently slid into the water, looking over her shoulder to beckon Katsa in.

"What are you waiting for?" Val laughed, as she swam out into the middle. "It's wonderful in here."

"I didn't realize it was so close. Aren't you worried about..." She tilted her head, gesturing back toward the campfire while the green-skinned woman tread in place.

"Him? I wouldn't say I'm counting on it, but I'm certainly hopeful that he'll come down."

"Not just him," Katsa whined.

"Fuck it," she laughed, her voice carrying loud over the water. "They can all come."

The Human timidly squirmed out of her clothes, leaving them in a tidy unfolded pile, and waded into the water with her arms crossed over her small breasts. The cool water felt wonderful against her skin, but Katsa didn't begin to relax until she was fully submerged. She dipped her head under the water when she reached a point where her toes no longer touched the loamy bottom, and Val was grinning widely when she popped back up. "Those are nice," Val drawled, running the purple soap around and under her own breast. "Can't believe I'm only just seein' yer tits for the first time."

Katsa smiled tightly. "Considering how many times you didn't even let me get my pants all the way off? I can." Val chuckled and tossed the bar, which the Arcanist awkwardly flailed to catch. "Do you want me to get your back?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

Her eyes drank in the Orc's upper body. The tough green skin pebbled in the cool air. Water, clinging to the many scars, shone in the light of the waning moon overhead. This was Katsa's first chance to see Val too, as the Orc rarely did more than unlace her breeches before trying to stick it somewhere. "Do you all have one?" she murmured, not realizing that the 'it' in her inner monologue did not constitute context.

Val raised an eyebrow and looked back over her shoulder. "What?"

Katsa flustered and swirled the bar along the big woman's back, but her fingertips and eyes continued to trace along the numerous imperfections in the skin. "I-uh..." She swallowed hard. "Are.. all orcs..." Her mind reeled. "...becocked?"


"It'saperfectlygoodword," Katsa muttered, frantically rubbing the bar of soap in circles when she realized she'd stopped completely.

"It does have a touch of class," Val admitted smugly. "And yes. The basic package, free with every purchase. It's not actually a cock though... more of an, uh, external vagina."

"How... how does the..."

"He sticks it inside, just like yours."

"Doesn't that hurt?

Val shrugged. "Wouldn't know."

"I honestly never thought I'd get to see one."

"Really?" Katsa made a small noise in her throat, and Val turned. "It's not like we're on the endangered list."

Katsa held out the soap, but paused. "It wasn't my plan to be out doing... this."

"Yeah, not a lot of Arcanists go for the rough and-what in the hells?!"

Katsa squeaked, and tried to turn back to face the orc, but Val grabbed her shoulders and spun her away. "That's a tattoo!"

The Arcanist squirmed and tried to wiggle free. "It's not a big deal, ok?"

"It's kind of a big deal! Where did you even find someone to do this?" Val's eyes widened, trying to take in what she was seeing. The entirety of Katsa's upper back, from the edges of her shoulder blades to the very base of her neck, on down to the just below the ribcage, was a mass of taboo ink; all dark swirls and curves. At first, it looked like a plate of spaghetti. She blinked, and almost thought she could read words in it. She blinked again and saw sweeping lines in patterns that repeated infinitely, microscopically. Val shook her head, and saw clouds. Rushing wind.

"I got drunk on a trade ship, alright?"

"What even is this? Like, what am I looking at?"

"I don't know. I forget it's there most days."

"How drunk did you get?"

"It was... days," Katsa said, slumping. "The drinking helped with the swaying though."

"Fuck." Val scratched at a section, surprise evident in her expression at feeling soft skin beneath her nail. "Do you know how big it is?"

"I've seen it in mirrors," Katsa muttered.

"Look at you... surprising me."

The lithe blonde sighed, feeling the bar pressed into her back. Val had a firm hand, and the rounded nub felt incredibly good. She leaned into it, groaning as knotted muscles began to loosen. So many nights sleeping in fields and on gnarled roots, trying in vain to get comfortable. So many months on the run. It had all taken its toll. The soap, scented with parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme, had an immediate and soothing effect on her.

But as she leaned back even further, she felt something else pressing against her. Val's shaft, thickening rapidly, was starting to peek up out of water. The men Katsa had been with all ranged between 6 and 8 inches and had more pronounced mushroom shapes. The very tip, Val's clit, was somewhat smaller, proportionately, than a man's head. The shaft itself was just slightly longer than her previous best, although Val was significantly girthier. The way it crossfaded from dark green at the base to a bright pink color at the end was stunningly beautiful by her reckoning.

Val growled into her ear, bringing her back from her reverie. That, and the gleam of Val's jagged smile in her peripheral vision, put a shiver in Katsa's spine. The water splashed around her as Val's hands shot beneath the surface and grabbed her legs just above the knees. She folded in on herself, her feet flailing in the cool air, her back tight against the big Orc. Val's breasts, driven into her shoulders. Her hands flailed for something to hold on to, finding Val's biceps.

"Nono," Katsa gasped. The hardened flesh pushed up between her petals. She squeaked as Val moved her around with ease. The flutter in her stomach increased. The knots loosened in anticipation. Release would be sweet. She looked down to see the pink nub, pushing up just past her own clit, swollen and ready for her.

"Time to make good on your word, toy."

"No," Katsa wheezed. "I'm not ready yet!"

"Too bad."

There is power in words. Katsa had always known that. Her tutors as an Arcanist-in-training had elucidated thousands upon thousands of ways that words could be put together to produce an effect far greater than the sum of their letters. Katsa herself had often pondered on unknown and unknowable things. While meditating once, she had gazed upon creatures so terrible and vast that her understanding of her place in the universe had been forever changed. She often thought back to what she could remember of that vision and was filled with a kind of dread; not because of the immense scale of the beings, but because they had no names. That made them alien. There were no words for them.

Katsa had narrowed her efforts in the wake of that vision, systematically categorizing and processing knowledge in pursuit of her new goal. Always, though, it came back to words. Words helped her understand. Words made things comprehensible. All she had to do was find the right words, and she could encapsulate the most complex concepts. Make them relatable.

What Katsa often forgot, and had never truly grasped before meeting Val, was the degree to which words held power over her. Just two words, the right two words, at the right time, and she was clay. Dripping wet clay in powerful hands. Val held her like a doll, manipulated her like a plaything, but with those two words, she truly was.

Val lifted her, and Katsa groaned loudly as she dropped smoothly onto the rigid pole. "Hnnnnnnfuuuuuuuuuuck," she cried, gritting her teeth as her walls were stretched.

"How are you still so Gods-damned tight," Val hissed.

Katsa's jaw clenched, feeling those last, widest ridges pushing insistently at her fuckhole. She could take them. She would. She just needed to loosen a little bit—

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" she cried, as Val gave a hard thrust. Her cunt howled in rapturous agony.

"That's right," Val whispered in her ear. "Scream. Make sure they can all hear you. Make sure they know what I do to you." Val hissed as the Arcanist's nails dug into her biceps.

"UUuuuuuuuuuunnnngh thatfeelssofuckinggood," she whimpered. Her eyes rolled up behind her lids. Her hips wailed, filled beyond what nature had intended for them. Val bit into the back of her neck, and her spine electrified. "What are —fuck— you —fuck— waiting for fuuuuuuck!" Even by the standard of her handful of vigorous fuckings at Val's hands, Katsa knew she was panting harder than usual. Val lifted her up and dropped her again, emptying and filling her cocksleeve in rapid succession, and she mewled pitifully.

"I was waiting," Val said, taking three quick steps through the water, "until you got me wet enough..."

Katsa squealed as the hands holding her let go, and she fell forward unexpectedly. She splashed down on her hands and knees in water just deep enough to be touching the tips of her puffy little nipples.

"... for this."

The Arcanist was still getting her bearings when she heard the Orc settle down into the water behind her. The slick tip pushed between lips slathered in lust, but when it came to rest against her anus, she froze. "No." It came out like the faded memory of a whisper.

"Oh yes." Hands firmly gripped her hips.

"You can't—"

"I can." The shaft pushed harder.

"It won't—"

"It will."

Katsa screamed as the big Orc pushed inside her. Split her wide. The opening salvo was hard and fast, taking her breath away, and her eyes bulged. "It'stoomuch! it'stoomuchit'stoomuch," she wheezed.

Val curled over her, green breasts pressed against her tattooed back. "Too bad," she growled.

It wasn't enough. No matter how much those words did to her, no matter how much Val's attitude turned her on, it wasn't enough. It didn't change the fact that she was not built to take the Orc's girth there. Worse, though, was that Val was right. Despite the fact that she couldn't, she still would. Through brute strength, Val would make it fit.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" Val snarled as she pushed farther. "Fuck!" Katsa's fingers dug into the soft bottom, flitting through the silt to find something to squeeze. Something else to focus on.

It was too much. Her nervous system fried trying to comprehend what was happening to her, and went into overload. Her entire body lit up like one big, raw nerve ending. Katsa screamed; a ragged, throat-shredding howl.

"You know I love it when you scream," Val hissed. "Fuck! I didn't even know it was possible, but this hole is even tighter! Gods!"

Katsa screamed again as Val pulled back; it felt like her insides were trying to leave with the shaft.

"Remember, toy. You agreed to this."

Katsa tried to say no, tried to protest. Her stomach felt cramped and swollen. Her internal organs, surely rearranged. No amount of moving her legs helped. No adjustment brought relief. There was nothing else beyond the enormity of it. Her mouth hung open, shrieking in silence as the big Orc ramped up significantly behind her. This went beyond the rapturous agony of before.

"Fuck!" Val cried. "Let's see if we can't wake up the dwarf. Come on, Human, scream." She reached back and delivered a thunderous slap to the Arcanists rump. The pale skin reddened visibly, quickly, but Katsa's response was almost inaudible. Her choked gasping was a pin drop against their smacking thighs.

The longer she went, the more fluid Val's shaft leaked. The dull thud gave way to a wet squelching, and the wetter she got, the harder and faster Val went. She bent over the small Human, pinning Katsa in place with an arm across the chest, and fucked her furiously. Rabidly. Her thick shaft pistoned in and out of the repurposed asshole.

Katsa's eyes were wild, darting and nearly-all white. Distantly, she was aware of an orgasm building, but it was... different. Not like the dawn, which graces the early morning sky with a beautiful light show before its warm and welcomed arrival. No. This was like a tidal wave still just beyond the horizon. The waters receded in deference, and the ground trembled to herald its coming.

Katsa wailed.

It wasn't beyond the horizon; it was the horizon, and it was far closer than she'd thought. Moved faster than she thought possible. Her voice, a vicious shade of itself, ripped out of her as the orgasm made landfall. There was no pleasure in it, no release. The intensity of the contractions required a scale beyond her ken to measure. Her body was merely a conduit, an imperfect vessel for so immense a sensation.

"Fuck, Kat!" Val hammered away at her, but the strong green hands were the only things holding her up. Her mind, disconnected. Her body, spent.

"Fuck! FUCK!" Val roared into the night sky, ramping up to a thunderous finish. Her battle cry tore through the trees, disturbing a flock of birds from their sleep and scattering them into the inky black. Scalding cum erupted from the engorged shaft, burrowing deep into Katsa's ravaged cavity. She hilted inside the Arcanist and rode through the aftershocks. Aftershocks from both sides. Val was never one to take it for granted when she could fit the entire shaft inside someone else, and soaked up every second of the incredible feel of it. Soaked up the heat of it. The little blonde was like a furnace around her.

"Gods, I needed that," Val said, panting slightly. She flexed her fingers as she let go of Katsa and the Arcanist tumbled to her side, gasping for breath in the shallow water.