Tess: New Ranch Foreman


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"Oh! Did you tell Doc the same thing?"

"Now don't be that way. But yes, I did. You knew I was different when we first met. That first Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York, some thirty years ago in 1848, started something that isn't going to quit. It may take a while, but I'm a firm believer in those rights. Take me or leave me, but that's the way it's going to be."

After a pause, and in a grudging manner, Dell replied, "Damn modern women. But, since you put it that way, I'll take it. I don't want to have to leave you. I won't really be happy 'til I can get my cock in you again."

"Well, if you're a good boy, we might manage that again on the way back to the ranch. Just don't get to thinking you own me, because you don't!"

"One thought, though, Tess. Don't you think it's a little crass to be fucking anybody, let alone the doctor you just met, on the day after your daddy died?"

"Not so long as the public is unaware of that fact. I've been away for four years. Daddy and I were never that close to begin with--that's why he sent me away in the first place after Mother died. I didn't and won't shed tears for Daddy, but I have and will shed tears of frustration over trying to run the ranch. Any other questions?"

"No, but we'd better finish our lunch and hit the trail for the ranch."

"What, you horny?"

"Yes, I certainly am. But, if you want to get back at a decent time at all, we have to get moving soon."

We finished our hearty lunch and I went to the lady who ran the place to pay the ranch tab. She look a bit surprised again when I did, but once more, she said nothing.

Dell pushed the team hard 'til we reached the same little stream and cotton wood grove where we'd lunched on our first trip to the ranch. I guess I was still horny as well, even with the great fuck with Doctor Randy earlier that morning.

So, we were both pretty damned horny, but for some reason, we were in no hurry. We slowly undressed each other. One piece off him, one piece off me. We would pause to lick, suck, and kiss each new area of skin revealed. I had two orgasms while Del played with my boobs. He had the touch and was still definitely my main man.

When we at last got bare ass naked, we couldn't wait for the back and forth.

"Lay on your back, Dell. I want to get my hands on my favorite lollipop. You can have some beaver pie in the meantime."

So, we sixty-nined to our hearts content. I ended up with a large mouthful of cream and Dell got a good mouthful of my pleasure juice.

"We'd best get underway again, Del. Sun's not sittin' still."

We quickly dressed, but I left half the buttons undone on my blouse. I no longer wore my shift. I'd left that with Randy earlier to remind him of me and the need for me to refill my prescription soon.

Dell tied off the reins. The horses knew the way home and needed very little attention. That left Dell's hands free to roam wherever. He'd left the fly of both his jeans and his long handles unbuttoned. That gave his cock full access to fresh air--and my hand. We just had to stay alert in case we met anyone on the track or someone caught up from behind. He was a pooped hound dog by the time we got back.


The day and a half we had left went very quickly what with all the preparations for the funeral dinner. Daddy was well liked and admired by the people of the region. Word got out to quite a few of the outlying ranches--more than I would have guessed. Still, most of the guests were from town; friends, acquaintances, business contacts, and the like of Daddy's. This included the local sheriff.

People began arriving quite early. Those early ones must've left before daylight. Daddy was laid out in honor on the front room table. Sam, Dell, and I took turns of one-third of the night each to stay up to "wake" Daddy. Fresh flowers from the ranch yard filled the perimeters of the room and flanked the ends of the simple wooden coffin in which Daddy lay.

Once people had passed by the coffin, they went back outside to help where they could with the preparations. Quite a few would stay the night, sleeping in their wagons, the barn, or tents they brought along. Birthing was pretty much a singular and lonely thing, but weddings and funerals were definitely community affairs.

The simple, short funeral was held an hour before dinner on the hill behind the ranch house. The family burial plot was surrounded by a cast iron fence of about three feet in height in the shade of a small grove of trees. After the last hymn, there were plenty of men to lower the coffin on ropes and then fill the grave, so that unhappy chore was over quickly.

I think I was able to talk with everyone present before the day was through. I did, however, eat dinner with the sheriff. I didn't want to draw overmuch attention to Dell on a personal nature. To the public, he was hired help.

Now the sheriff, that's another story. I thought him to be in his early forties. I later discovered his age as forty-two. Dark hair, three quarters turned grey, topped his head and a handlebar mustache hung proudly beneath his nose. All my men to this point had been clean shaven. Hmmmm.

Dark, hazel eyes and a mirthful grin lit up his face most of the time. His grin was dazzling if he used his eyes to compliment it. He was very broad chested under a slender neck, and surprisingly, mostly flat in the stomach. No protruding belly had yet developed. Long, strong legs filled his dress boots.

He wore a beautiful dress shirt, vest, pocket watch with fob, and ribbed, corduroy dress pants. All in all, quite a handsome package. Speaking of which, he seemed to carry a more than adequate package between his legs and showed if off with the tight fitting crotch of this trousers.


During the pie and ice cream, I said to Sheriff Jeff, "I need to talk to you about some things relating to Daddy before you leave. Could you come to the ranch office in about an hour?"

"I don't see why not, Miss Tess."

"Good. I'll look for you then."

I finished my dessert and excused myself from the table. A number of nearby people had heard my request, so I had no fear that the sheriff's absence for a while a bit later would be any problem.

An hour later, I was waiting in the office when Sheriff Jeff knocked on the front door. I went to the door, like a good host, and let him in. We walked back to the office with me in the lead.

I subtly but not too subtly, did my sexy little slink, giving him an excellent view of my shapely ass encased in my tight fitting, black mourning dress, sans bustle. The ankle swelling had receded just sufficiently for me to discard the crutch for the day. But I still had to be careful of that ankle.

Seated on chairs, I said, "Sheriff, I really got you in here so you and I could talk a bit about me and my plans to run this ranch. That includes getting to the bottom of the stock losses above and beyond the drought causes."

Then the topic changed. "Sheriff..."

"Please," he interrupted, "just call me Jeff, at least in private. The title is so formal."

"Ok, Jeff, I'm very glad you feel that way. I know you're single, as if that would really matter, but I have a personal interest in you."

"How so?"

"Well, I think you're getting my drift already. There are perks for you in our business relationship."

"Such as?"

I got out of my chair and walk over to stand in front of him as he sat in his chair. I slowly raised the hem of my dress and my underskirt above my knees and then to my waist. That reveled the absence of any further pussy covering. I propped one foot up on the chair between Jeff's legs and presented Jeff with my bushy, but otherwise, naked pussy.

"Such as this. Would you like to sample it?"

Instead of answering with words, Jeff just let out a big sigh and let his face answer for him as he buried it in my bush--and lower. I raised the foot on the chair up onto the chair arm to give him better access to object of his desire. His mouth and tongue took full advantage of the circumstances.

God, he was good, really good.

While he worked, I shrugged out of my dress top. After he made me cum three times, I rasped out, "Enough a minute. Help me out of these damned boots and then let's go to the day couch over there."

No argument. We got to the couch and I said, "One of us is way overdressed here, Jeff."

He took the hint and quickly matched my bare ass naked condition. His cock was smaller than Del's but larger than Doc Randy's in both length and circumference. Jeff sported a big, hard boner. I pushed him down on his butt on the couch and gave him a lollipop licking that had him groaning in seconds. Once I swallowed his cock, he came quickly.

"Now fuck me, Jeff."

After a bit of time to recover, he proceeded to do so. It lasted for some time, too. But it eventually erupted, volcano like, into the depths of my pussy. He was actually knocking hard on my womb.

Time was flitting by. I gently nudged Jeff back and he withdrew his still rock hard boner from my pussy with the usual sounds. God, I love those love sounds of a cock withdrawing from a fresh fucked cunt. Jeff dressed and went out. I tarried some to clean up and let some time pass before I followed him back to the crowd.

Sam caught up with me and drew me over to another guest. This one was in his late twenties (twenty-six I later learned) and so handsome. He looked so nearly like a Greek God, I nearly cried. When I looked at his crotch, I nearly died a second time. There was a boner in there that ran over half way to his knee!

I could barely stand as Sam introduced us. "Mr. Tort, it's my pleasure to present the Barstow ranch mistress, Miss Tess Barstow."

"Very pleased to meet you, Miss Tess."

"Miss Tess, may I present to you, Mr. Tort, our town lawyer."

I put out my hand and said, "Likewise, Mr. Tort."

"Oh, please, Miss Tess, call me Orville."

"Well, I'm going to have to come to town shortly to see you about ranch business and such, probably quite often. So, Orville it is then."



Over the course of that summer and fall, I became intimately acquainted with the operations and the financial condition of the ranch--my ranch with the death of Daddy. The fall roundup and sale of cattle brought a good deal more money than had been anticipated. That allowed me to pay off all bills. Back pay as well as current wages were given the hands. Some pressing ranch repairs were made, though more were needed as money hopefully allowed next year. The mortgage had been paid off for more than ten years before my return from my Eastern schooling. That was one big worry that I didn't have hanging over my head.

Dell and I continued our clandestine liaison at the ranch, though we weren't really fooling anybody (at the ranch) for very long. I also made numerous trips to town to get my "prescription" filled and to bestow perks on the sheriff as a bank of future IOU's. And then, of course, there was also ranch legal matters that I had to take care of. That meant seeing Mr. Orville Tort, town lawyer. I remember the first visit well.

Dell escorted me to town, leaving our old ranch foreman, Sam, to look after things until we would return a day later. We rode behind a team on the ranch wagon as we had a lot of supplies to obtain and transport back with us. I had several legal matters to discuss with Lawyer Tort. I turned to Dell as we neared town.

"Dell, we can't have the same hotel arrangement as we had the first time we stayed in town. It wouldn't appear proper if we had connecting rooms now that you are known to the townspeople. Our fucking has to remain private at the ranch or at least nowhere near town."

"Yes, I understand that, Tess."

"Good. Then I want you to rent two rooms when we get into town. Rent yours for ground floor or second floor and mine on the third floor. Tell the desk clerk to bill the ranch."

"Ok, and I'll pick up the ranch supplies while you see the lawyer."

"Yes, and while we're in town, you're on your own. We have to maintain the boss-employee separation in public."

"I don't like it, Tess, but I understand. Do we meet after breakfast in the morning for the ride back?"

"No, I'll have breakfast with you at the hotel. It wouldn't be unseemly for us to eat that meal together before embarking on the trip back to the ranch."

Dell dropped me in front of the lawyer's office and continued on to the stores and whatever to do the ranch business and load the needed supplies. The loaded wagon and the horses would be put up at the livery barn overnight.

"Well, if it isn't Miss Tess Barstow. How delightful to see you on this bright and cheery day. What can the legal profession do for you today?"

"Hello, Orville. I've a couple of things about the ranch to discuss with you, if you have time."

"Certainly, Miss Tess. I've the next several hours free, if you need that long."

"Well then, the first are some water rights issues and..."

The legal issues consumed over an hour of time.

"Well, Miss Tess, I think that takes care of the legal issues. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Yes. You can fuck me."

"I beg your par..."

"You heard me. I said you can fuck me. Oh, I want you to play first, but the goal is to fuck my brains out."

After recovering at least some of his composure, Lawyer Tort said, "A bit direct about your wants, aren't you."

"Indeed I am. Now go lock the damn door."

Tort's office wasn't a storefront. It was a backroom with no windows. Later after his practice matured, he'd acquire a whole building for his office with a big, storefront window and all. So, while he dazedly walked to the door, I divested myself of my blouse and pulled my short chemise out of my trousers and off over my head. By the time Tort turned around and started back my way, he faced my two gloriously naked boobs with very erect nipples pointed right at him.

"Oh my God," he mumbled.

He looked mesmerized. He was mesmerized. He just stopped dead in his tracks and stared at those beauties staring right back at him.

"Don't you want to touch them, lick them, suck them, Orville?"

"Oh my God."

He still just stood there. He acted as though he'd never seen a pair of naked boobs before. I finally walked up to him, lifting and fondling my boobs all the way there. I stopped in front of him. He still stood in a daze. I took his two hands and placed each one on a boob. He finally woke up.

"Oh, dear God."

His hands finally moved. Then his mouth fell to a nipple and we were off.

I grabbed Orvy"s (that's what I spontaneously began calling him) crotch and found a more than adequate bulge to play with. His cock was every bit as long as the bulge I'd seen earlier in his pants. It didn't take me long to get his fly unbuttoned and his boner out into the fresh air. My hand got busy pumping his cock while his mouth and tongue continued to play with my boobs.

Orvy was clumsy, but he still made me feel great--on fire with desire. I dropped to my knees and engulfed the head of his cock with my mouth That elicited some real groans of pleasure from him. He didn't last long. I felt he was about to erupt and just let him shoot. Hot ropy strings of cum shot into my mouth and throat. I gagged at first on the overload, but managed to swallow most of it.

"Oh, fucking Christ," he cried.

Well, at least he had some different words for a change.

I quickly stripped him of the rest of his clothes. I then pulled off my boots, socks, and riding pants. My short undedrawers were the last to go. As my bushy pussy appeared, those familiar words again fell on my ears.

"Oh my God."

I just stood there a minute and then asked, "Have you never see naked boobs or a naked pussy before?"

"God, no."

"Have you ever courted a girl?"

"Officially courted with marriage in mind? No."

"Have you ever even escorted a girl to a social function?"

"Yes, I have, but those outings were completely chaste. The girls were quite conventional, moral, whatever. They'd of been offended and their fathers looking for a shotgun if I'd tried anything. Besides, i was far to timid to try anything in the first place.

"Well, now you have a naked and willing female in front of you. What do you propose to do about it?"

Orvy had been eyeing me up and down the whole time. His cock had become even more solidly erect and was pulsing in anticipation. It bobbed about as he closed the distance between us and went into a clinch with me. His heated, erect cock was trapped between our bellies. I reached between us and put his cock between my legs so that he could saw along my cleft with the top of that sweet flesh pole. He figured that one out right away. My dripping cunt provided more than enough lubrication for the job.

Orvy also figured something else out right quick. Before I really comprehended the fact, he'd got his cock at the opening of my cunt where he thrust up immediately to plunge full length into my burning muff. He grabbed my ass with both hands and lifted. My arms went around his neck, my legs around his waist. My tits were crushed into his chest momentarily.

The humping was ferocious. His hips and cock were machine-like. His thrusts were a blur of motion as he punched his stiff boner in and out of my hot pussy. It took him a long time to blow that second time around. I hoped he never would, his hot rocket cock felt so good. When he'd at last shot his second wad, Orvy lowered my legs to the floor and his cock dropped out of my cunt with a squishy, soft plop

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God."

I guess it was good for him.

Before I dressed and left, I said, "You're taking me to dinner tonight at my hotel. Meet me in the lobby at seven--sharp."


Well, that meant I had four beaus at the same time. I allowed three of them to escort me to various social functions that winter and the following spring. Dell, as foreman and therefore a hired hand of my ranch, could escort me in public on ranch business, but it was socially unacceptable for him to escort me as a beau. I suspect some people made wagers as to whether one or the other was diddling me, but I doubt anyone suspected I was fucking all four.

At community dances, all four could and did dance with me. But then, so did half a dozen other local yokels. The accepted custom was for males to cut in on each other to dance with "the prettiest girl there." More than just my four Beaus tried a little groping on the dance floor. I also turned down more than one invitation to "Step outside with me and get some air."

But where was I supposed to go from there? My four boys were getting more and more unhappy or downright frustrated with the arrangement as time went on. All four knew or at least suspected I was fucking all of them. Dangerous jealousies were bound to develop.

What to do? What to do?




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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
An Otherwise Good Read

Despite what you see from Hollywood, women before the 1920s did not dress in trousers/slacks and did not ride horses astride! The only time a woman would have worn trousers was IF they were trying to pass themselves off as a man, as some very few did during the war or as one or two did who rode as a drover. Just because you saw it in a movie does not make it historical!

testdrivertestdriveralmost 5 years ago
I see all these stories are 10 years old at least

So, I don't know if you are still here . But if you are this one's really good

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Thoroughly implausible on many levels, but a thoroughly amusing story, nonetheless. (Okay, the "Bar BQ ranch" and the lawyer "Mr.Tort" were a bit over the top. But overall, still cute.) Entertaining!

-- KK in Texas

TwoHOTFORU69TwoHOTFORU69about 15 years ago
Rekon was.!

I liked it from the start and just hope I remember I read about the Old West so that I won't miss the next Chapter. Thought it was right down cute the way it is written that she wants it - gets it and if'n you don't like then tuff sht. hehe,,,,women==known a few like that and I felt the same way about them.! Thanks. JAG/TSO

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

what a nice interesting twist -- would love to hear more

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