Testing Theories - Him


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I realised that if anything was going to happen here I was going to have to put my feelings out there again. It's not like it could hurt me much more if she rejected me -- I'd already been through that and there was little I could say that she didn't already know. Perhaps this time, with Gary out of the picture, it would make a difference.

"I know the answer to the first one. I've wanted you since we first met," I said. "I meant what I said to you, and I was hoping when I said it that you would feel the same. I hoped you would want to be with me. I still do."

As I said this my voice tailed off to almost be inaudible. I was terrified she would push me away and leave right then, but also nervous that it might actually work and she would show me she was interested.

I thought that humour would help protect my feelings if it did all go wrong, and almost joked as I continued.

"I don't know how you are going to test theory number two. I believe I thought if you so much as touched me you would be unable to control yourself and would be throwing yourself at me. I doubt I was right."

I hoped I was right though, maybe I wasn't three months ago, but now she was giving me the kind of look that made me think she wanted to kiss me.

I was still too terrified of rejection to make any move towards her, but suddenly she reached across and took my hand in hers. I was shocked; not only that she had done it, but also at the reaction from my body. It felt amazing just having such a small amount of contact. It also made me want a lot more and was making my cock plump up even further. I was looking into her eyes now and she also looked surprised, but she wasn't letting go of my hand.

I couldn't resist the urge I had to kiss her, but leaned forward slowly in case I had it all wrong. She would have time to get away. When it became clear she was also leaning towards me and wasn't going to back off I swear I could hear my body singing. The pleasure when our lips actually touched was a real shock. It was the tiniest of touches at the start but I still had to stop myself letting out a moan.

I had been waiting for this for nearly a year and thinking I was never going to see her again for the last few months, and all of a sudden she was here, on my couch, with our hands intertwined and kissing me with increasing passion. My cock had sprung up to almost full hardness and I was having trouble sitting because the position I was in half turned towards her and trying to get closer was crushing it in my jeans. I realised I would have to move and that if I stood up now I could have all of her against me. The thought of that made me move off her faster than I thought and she actually tried to stop me. I couldn't believe my luck that she was clearly getting into this as much as I was.

I reassured her that I wanted more and wanted to feel her against me, and she didn't resist me pulling her up and against me so I could hold her. It was so good to feel her like that, although I instantly wondered how much better it would be if we were naked. All in good time though, I couldn't really push this right now.

I wanted to get my hands on the breasts that had fascinated me since the first time I saw her, but contented myself with running my hands over her back and down onto the top of her cheeks, not heading too low in case I scared her off. The kissing was deep and passionate and I had never felt anything like it. We were both breathing heavily and shaking slightly, and there was the occasional moan coming from each of us. She also seemed to squeak from time to time and it was the cutest noise I thought I had ever heard, especially as it was me that was causing her to make it.

When we broke apart for a moment to get our breath back I was shocked when she started to run her hands over me, and when they went up under my t-shirt I was in heaven. She was running her hands over my naked skin and all I could do was stand there letting her, not that I ever wanted it to stop. When one of her hands snaked down though, towards my jeans, I froze. I was aware that I was shaking and tried to breathe. I desperately wanted her to touch my hard dick at that moment but didn't dare ask. It was almost as though she could read my mind though as she suddenly went for it and rubbed down the length through my jeans.

'Oh God!' I gasped out.

Those were the last coherent words I uttered for some time because she started to undo the button and then the zip on my jeans. I knew I was shaking and was having great trouble staying upright, probably because all my blood was now in my crotch. She again seemed to sense what I was thinking and pushed me down into a chair, in the process managing to get my jeans down to my ankles. I knew my eyes were rather glazed but I could still see her and the look on her face was full of desire, especially when she saw how hard I was and that I was leaking so much that my boxers were already wet.

She smiled so sexily as she got them down. I thought I was in heaven before but when she nudged my legs apart and started to nuzzle in my crotch and lick at my balls I started babbling. I wanted to ask her to suck my dick but I couldn't seem to form any actual words. The noises I did make were clearly urging her on and I tried to concentrate on what she was doing, but it was all so intense that I couldn't think straight.

Finally I managed to get out one word. "Please." She stopped to look at me then to find out what I wanted, although I would have been surprised if she hadn't already known, and that it hadn't been her plan all along. After all, she was kneeling before me while I had my trousers and boxers round my ankles. If she hadn't planned on sucking me off this would just be torture. I managed to get my breath back a little and say

"Please suck me."

She smiled again and I loved the look on her face when she did. What she was doing was all about me but she seemed to be loving it too. Then she licked across my head and into my slit. I nearly exploded right then, but just about managed to keep a hold on myself so as not to let this be over too quickly. I doubted I would be able to hold out very long, but I did want to appreciate every moment. It was definitely a good thing I couldn't concentrate on anything else, because it finally switched my brain off from wondering how this amazing thing had actually happened. If it weren't for her hot mouth on me feeling so real I'd probably think this was just another dream.

She was bobbing up and down licking and sucking me, jacking the lower part of my dick with one hand and playing with my balls with the other. It was incredible and I knew I wouldn't last long. After only a couple of minutes I could feel myself starting to thicken and tapped her head to try and let her know I was going to shoot. She either didn't understand the warning or didn't care because she started sucking even harder and taking more of me in. I know that I screamed out loud with every shot, but I didn't care. I was aware that she still had me in her mouth and every shot was being swallowed by this gorgeous woman I had wanted for so long. When I finally stopped coming I was exhausted. I felt like I had been completely drained. I wanted to kiss her but I couldn't move.

Eventually I recovered enough to put my hand up into her hair and pull her towards me for a kiss. I wanted to make it intense again but I didn't yet have my breath back. After a few moments I managed to hug her to me. It wasn't close enough but still felt good. It seemed like all my christmases had come at once. Not only had Cassie come back to me but she had gone beyond my expectations and given me the most fantastic blow job I had ever had. I could speak again and tried to let her know.

"That was incredible! Thank you. I'm gonna need a bit of time to recover, but I hope I can return the favour soon?!"

She seemed to like that idea by the grin on her face, but started speaking.

"We might need to move this upstairs. I think someone came in and saw us."

I was a bit embarrassed then, but figured it couldn't be too bad. I wasn't going to be too worried that it had happened.

"Oh well, it's nothing they don't do, but I suspect we're going to get teased about it. Perhaps if I hadn't been so right about you not being able to keep your hands off me, we would at least have been able to make it to my room!'"

She came in for another kiss then, and as I explored her mouth I wondered what else could happen between us. My mind was racing with all the things I had imagined and hoped I would now get a chance to do, mainly burying my hard cock in her pussy and watching her face as I made love to her.

She pulled away from me again saying she wanted a drink, and would find out who we had just scared. I kind of hoped it was Nick rather than James. She offered to get me one but I shook my head. As she walked off she looked me up and down really appraising what state I was in. She seemed to like what she saw, and it was a state that she had got me into.

Her parting shot was delivered with a cheeky smile.

"You might want to put your trousers back on before anyone else comes in!"

I tidied myself up and wondered about what to do next. We seemed to have skipped most of the talking and gone straight to the sex. Not that I was complaining, mind you, but I felt we had some things that needed to be said. On the other hand, after what had just happened perhaps more action was more appropriate. Just as I was considering a plan to get her naked and in my bed, Nick came through the door.

"Hey bruv,"' I said and smiled at him.

He looked puzzled. I figured I must have looked a bit dishevelled still and he hadn't seen me smile in a while.

"Have I caught you in the middle of something? You look like the cat who got the cream!"

I grinned as I answered. "I'm good. In fact, I haven't felt this good for months!"

That was the understatement of the century when I was still shaking from the best blowjob I thought I'd ever had, given by the woman of my dreams.

Then he reminded me of something that had gone out of my head just about the first moment I had seen Cassie.

"I hope it means you will be some fun while we are away this weekend."

I groaned when I remembered. He had booked a hotel for me him and James to go away, to try and cheer me up. We were supposed to be leaving that night. I had been looking forward to it, as another way to keep my mind off my problems, but now it seemed like torture as I had just got her back and now I was supposed to be leaving. I couldn't cope for even two nights away now I had experienced just a tiny bit of what I wanted.

"Is James in the kitchen?" he asked, not commenting on my groan, and walked on through.

I sat and thought about things for a moment. Nick had booked me a double room hadn't he? That meant there would be room for Cassie as well, if they didn't mind. After all, he and James would want some alone time and we could each have a dirty weekend if she could come with me. And if she couldn't, maybe Nick would understand me blowing him out under the circumstances.

I figured I needed to talk to them both and wandered into the kitchen where everyone else had gathered. I tried to look calm and relaxed, but from the looks I got as I walked in, Nick had already heard the tale of what James had seen. Cassie looked at me as if requesting help.

"What?" I asked. Nick and James both started laughing.

"You were right about the teasing -- it's already started," Cassie informed me, already blushing from whatever had been said.

I was more pleased than embarrassed at that moment. I finally had her back in my life, and everything was right with the world. I grinned and apologised to James.

"Sorry mate, but I just couldn't get her to keep her hands to herself... or her mouth."

I walked over to Cassie and wrapped my arms around her. I couldn't resist whispering to her.

"I can't wait to see what else I can get you to do later."

She looked both pleased and embarrassed at the suggestion, but then Nick started to talk about the weekend and us leaving. I could feel her tense a little in my arms.

"Um, about that," I started to say.

Nick looked over at me and finished my thought.

"You were wondering if Cassie could come too? No problem with me -- you two should talk about it. We'll be leaving in two hours."

I pulled Cassie away as I wanted to talk to her in private. Rather than take her back into the living room I decided my bedroom would be better and started to lead her upstairs. She wasn't resisting, but she did ask why.

"What were you planning on us doing for the next two hours that we need to go upstairs?"

There was a twinkle in her eye as she said it that suggested she wouldn't mind any plans I had in mind.

"I just thought we should talk in private, there are too many places in this house to get walked in on."

She kept holding my hand and followed me into my room. She sat down on the bed and I sat beside her, trying not to let my mind run away with me now that I had her in my room and on my bed. The various pictures I had in my head of her lying back while I gave us both pleasure surged into the front of my mind, and I fought to remember what we had actually come in here for.

"Can you come with us? Nick had this planned for a while to cheer me up. We'll be back on Sunday, but I can't bear the thought of leaving you now. If you can't come please at least say you will stay with me tonight, and James and Nick can go have a dirty weekend without me."

"I'd love to come," she replied, smiling sweetly. "I can't bear the thought of you leaving without me either, and I'd love to spend more time with you. I will need to go home and get some things though, clean clothes and stuff."

I was really pleased she had agreed, and leaned over, almost growling at her.

"For what I have in mind, you won't need any clothes."

She moaned. I was definitely turning her on, and we had similar ideas of where this weekend was going. I started to kiss her again but she pushed me away when I started moving my hands towards her breasts. She had started to breathe a bit heavily already, which surprised me until I remembered that although I had got off earlier she had only had kisses.

"I'd love to stay with you right now and let you do whatever you want, but the sooner I go get packed the sooner I will be back, and we can continue this later," she told me.

I grumbled at that but knew she was right. If I did start on her now we'd never make it to the hotel. I reluctantly released her. As she walked off she looked back at me and spoke.

"I'm so glad I came to see you. I knew you were right about everything when we argued that night, it was just too complicated. I did want to be with you and I kept thinking about you all the time we were apart. I'm just glad I didn't leave it too late."

She moved back to me for a quick kiss, and said, "I'll see you later sexy."

After she walked out the door I lay back on my bed. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I heard the front door close and for a moment I almost panicked, but then remembered that this time she was leaving, but she was coming back to me. I felt a twitch in my cock at the thought, but figured now was not the time to deal with that. I would need to keep myself occupied until she returned. I hadn't finished my packing, and now I would need to sort out a few extras.

* * * *

It seemed like forever until she returned. James and Nick were also busy with last minute packing, although by the sounds coming from their room that wasn't all they were doing. For once instead of feeling jealous of what they had I was excited at the thought that I now had that too, and I was getting very horny thinking about what I was going to be doing later. When I heard the doorbell go I ran down the stairs fast to let her back into the house, and immediately pulled her into my arms for a very welcoming kiss. I only let her go when I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

When I turned, Nick was standing there.

"If you could put her down for a moment perhaps we could get going?"

I was disappointed that I wouldn't get a chance to do more with her now, and by the look on her face so was she, but once we got to the hotel.... I picked up my bag and we all headed out to the car with our luggage.

The journey was over an hour, and seemed much longer. I didn't feel like I could control myself if I got too involved in the car so I settled for holding her hand and stroking it. I badly wanted to stroke more of her, but with Nick and James so close it didn't quite seem right. I kept glancing across and when she caught my eye she would give me a gentle smile. We didn't talk much but I knew she was thinking of what would happen later as much as I was.

In some ways I felt nervous. I had been building the whole thing up in my mind for so long I wondered if reality could live up to it. Then I recalled the reality of his afternoon and figured if that had felt so much better than I had ever imagined then anything else would probably be better too. The thought made me gasp. She looked at me strangely, but then gave me that sexy smile again. I really wasn't sure I could cope much longer not touching her.

We got to the hotel and checked in. The receptionist told us we had arrived in the middle of dinner service and it was on for the next hour. A quick chat amongst us seemed to decide that we would go straight to have dinner and go to our rooms afterwards. Our bags would be taken up for us. I decided I would need energy to do all the things I was planning, and after waiting so long another hour wouldn't do any harm.

Dinner was strange though. Nick and James were joking and laughing together and occasionally with me or Cassie, but generally we were both quiet. We regularly caught each other's gaze, and I could see lust and frustration in hers, but also a bit of nervousness. I didn't know what she had to be nervous about given the effect she had had on me earlier. I sat with my leg against hers and the contact was driving me nuts. We had to behave ourselves in this company though. Finally we had finished our main meals and Cassie quickly said that she was full. I didn't quite catch it but I thought James whispered something to her about how she would really be full later. Whatever he said she blushed and when she looked up at me there was such longing in her eyes I knew I had to get her back to the room and into my arms soon, or I'd just take her over the table.

As we travelled up to our rooms in the lift James and Nick were still laughing and joking but Cassie and I were even quieter. I was holding her hand to keep some physical contact. I was really nervous though. I knew when we got behind that door anything could happen. I only hoped that what I had in mind would be as good for her as I had felt earlier. I could hear James was whispering to Cassie as they stood beside each other, but not the words. She looked across at me after one comment, and although she was a bit red which suggested he had been teasing her, there was a real look of want in her eyes when she caught mine.

Goodnights were said very quickly, but my hands were shaking and I found it hard to get the keycard in the lock and the door open. Cassie took over and managed to get the door unlocked. I pushed her through it and before the door even had time to close I had pushed her up against the wall and was kissing her frantically. She responded fast as well, clearly also on edge. I was so glad that I didn't have to wait any longer, and quickly moved to get her top off. I got even more excited when I finally got to see and hold her breasts. They were large and held by a red lace bra that showed them off really well. I know I moaned out loud at the sight.