Testing Theories - Him


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There was a unit running along the wall in the main room, and I picked her up and carried her over to it, sitting her down on the top. I pushed her legs apart so I could stand between them and get nice and close before I started to kiss her again, more insistently this time, and she responded with the same passion I was showing her. Despite her having had my cock in her mouth earlier, this was the closest our bodies had been so far, and I pulled off my t-shirt so I could feel my skin against hers. She hadn't seen my chest earlier although she had felt it, and she reached out to run her hand through the light covering of fur on it. As tempted as I was to let her continue doing something I loved, I wanted to play with her this time.

I decided to go for the breasts that were so tantalising. I moved my head down so that I could lick across the top and at the same time cupped them in my hands. She started to squeak again and then moan. The bra was sexy but was getting in my way, and she obviously wanted me to get my mouth on her properly as she reached around to her back and unhooked it. It was my turn to grin at her. I pulled the straps down and removed it, finally able to see all of them and my mouth watered at the sight of the hard nipples pointing out of full breasts. I put my hands back to cupping them, but gently rubbed over her nipples as I did so. She reacted to my touch by moaning again and arching towards me so I got even more of a handful.

I kissed her again for a moment but then started to descend. I kissed and licked down her neck and then along the top of her shoulder. I started down her chest and it seemed like she was holding her breath, until when I finally licked at one of the pert nipples she exhaled loudly. As I started to lick and suck properly, moving from one to the other while playing with my hand so neither nipple was unattended for long, she seemed unable to keep quiet and I was treated to an almost constant stream of moans. She put her hands in my hair and pulled me as close as she could so I was squashed against her chest, loving every moment of this.

It was wonderful hearing her moan and I was really hard again. I knew that later I would get to sink deep inside her and that thought made me moan as well. I hoped the noises were not as loud outside the room as they seemed to be in it. Although I was enjoying playing with her breasts, I wanted to see and feel all of her, and I ran one hand down her stomach to reach the top of her jeans and started to undo them. She was helping me by arching back, but kept my lips on her by pulling me with her as she went. I managed to get the zip down and she assisted again by lifting herself up so I could slide her jeans down past her knees, and they dropped to the floor.

Although she tried to stop me moving off her nipples, I had to see the rest of her. The red knickers she had on matched the bra she had removed earlier, and I regretted that I hadn't seen the full effect. I was still between her spread legs and could see that the lace was wet round her pussy, pleased I was turning her on that much. I ran my fingers over the wet lace between her legs and she made another of the squeaking sounds that had fascinated me earlier. She was really shaking now, and I had the need to do something to get her to come, and then I wanted to take her.

I moved my mouth back to take one of her nipples in my mouth and sucked gently. At the same time I ran my hand back over the wet lace between her legs and started to rub over sex slowly. She was moaning and trying to thrust towards me to get herself closer to my fingers. I had to stop so I could hook my fingers inside the knickers and I started to push them down. Again she helped me by moving so I could get them over her ass and down her legs. I took another look at her after I dropped them to the floor. She was now totally naked, panting, with her legs spread and her breasts heaving with every breath as she looked at me with lust in her eyes. It was the most incredible thing I had ever seen.

I groaned at the sight and moved back to her again, enjoying the view but wanting to touch more than just look. I ran my hands up her sides and then back down, then one of her breasts back into my hand and moved the other hand down so I could tease her slit. I ran my fingers across it gently and was rewarded with more sounds of pleasure and her moving to try and get me to touch her where she wanted. I leaned forward and kissed her again as I moved my fingers around her opening. I got my thumb wet by slipping it slightly inside her and then started to circle over her clit. Even with my tongue in her mouth the noises continued and she tried to move closer to me, putting her arms around me to keep me close, not that I had any desire to go anywhere else.

I started to kiss her harder and with more intensity. She moaned and squeaked and pushed towards my hand. I quickly slipped one finger inside her as she did so and she broke the kiss and gasped for air. I kept my thumb moving gently but she was thrusting against me clearly trying to get more pleasure from my hand, so I put a second finger in her and started to fuck her with the two fingers, at the same time rubbing her clit harder. It only seemed to take a moment before she threw her head back and cried out. I could feel her pulsing around my fingers and my hand suddenly getting wet. I also felt a moment of pain as her fingernails dug into my back while she came, but I didn't care about anything but the fact I had given her pleasure.

She sat, gasping for breath to get her control back. The sight of her post-orgasm with a slight smile on her face was incredible, far better than I had ever imagined. She managed to look into my eyes and hers were dark and intense as she recovered and her breathing started to slow. I held onto her with my arms around her back but gave her the space to breathe and restrained myself from feeling her body. Now that she had come, and probably as a result of watching it, I was really hard again and could feel myself throbbing inside my trousers. It suddenly occurred to me that I was still mostly clothed and that seemed a bad idea.

I started to undo my jeans and give myself some room. She grinned at me then, seeming to have recovered at least partly.

"A very good idea that. Now that I'm all warmed up I want to feel you in me," she practically growled.

My cock lurched at the suggestion. She slid to the edge of the unit, pushing me back a little and got to her feet, leaning back a little onto the unit for support. She started to help get my trousers down, and although I didn't particularly need any help, I wasn't going to complain at her stripping me off. She got my boxers down fast as well and then stopped, looking at my erection with a smile.

She grabbed my hand and moved past me, pulling me after her towards the bed.

"Come over here and fuck me," she said.

It was right to the point, and I didn't need to be asked twice. I quickly reached down to my trousers, now in a pool on the floor, and grabbed the condom I had put in my pocket in case I needed to find one in a hurry. I followed her to the bed and watched her lay down waiting for me. I tore the packet open quickly but my hands were shaking with my need to have her and it took me a moment to get it rolled down my dick. When I did I looked down at her again to take in the sight before I lowered myself down to lie on top of her.

The feel of our totally naked bodies pressed together was electric, and I fought for enough control to make this as good as I had imagined so many times. She spread her legs so I was able to get between them, and I kissed her as I tried to get into position. We were both shaking still and I wasn't sure I would be able to get inside, but she reached down and took my cock in her hand. While I was reeling from the contact and the surprise of it she shifted herself down and started to impale herself on me.

I could feel myself slipping into her hot, wet pussy, and I let out a low moan as I was surrounded by her heat. I kept moving in slowly and kissed her as hard as I could, feeling her lift her hips towards me to take me as deep as she could, until I was fully inside her. I looked down at where our bodies met and couldn't help but smile at her, knowing we were so intimately connected.

I started to move slowly but she didn't seem to want it that way and was pushing back against me hard, so I sped up to meet her thrusts. The feeling of being inside her like this was more amazing than I had ever imagined and I felt like I never wanted it to end. I just hoped I we would get plenty more opportunities to do this. We moved together, hands running over each other's bodies wherever we could touch, kissing frantically. She particularly seemed to enjoy holding and stroking my ass while I was pumping into her.

All too soon I could feel that I was about to come. I tried to think of something to calm me down, but seeing and hearing her and having her body writhing underneath me was too much for me to be able to concentrate on anything else. I managed to slip one hand between us, and although it was at an awkward angle, I could rub her clit. The noises she was making increased in volume. I heard her scream as she started to come, and the feeling of her pulsing around me was too much for me to stop myself. I grunted with each spurt of cum filling the condom.

I collapsed on top of her as I finished coming. We were both still panting and I certainly was sweating, but she didn't seem to mind as she put her arms around me and held me tight to her body. Slowly the feeling of being unable to control my muscles left me, but I didn't want to move off her, relishing the close contact as we both recovered. I knew I had a daft grin on my face having finally got what I wanted. I planted tiny kisses on her lips, and she responded, neither of us wanting anything more intense right then.

I smiled down at her, noting that she was also grinning, and hoping she was having similar thoughts to me.

"That was incredible," I said softly. "Way better than I ever imagined."

"Yes, I know what you mean," she replied.

I couldn't resist teasing her a little. "Have you been having indecent thoughts about me young lady?"

She laughed, and I could feel her body shaking underneath me. "Maybe."

That was as good an opening as I could find for the questions I wanted answers to.

"How long? I'm not complaining at all, but how did today come about after all this time?"

"A long time. Maybe not from the first moment, although I did think you were cute," she smiled at me then and I grinned back at the compliment. "When I started spending time with you at your house, especially all the time we spent alone. I wanted to stay and talk to you, even though I was kicking myself for it because it kind of felt like I was being unfaithful. In the beginning I tried to convince myself I was just enjoying a friendship, but I knew there was more to it than that. You were right about me not being able to trust myself around you. It was fine as long as I could convince myself I wouldn't let anything happen and you didn't want it to, but after that night..."

She trailed off, and I kissed her again.

"I am sorry about the way I handled that. I probably should have at least been sober, but I didn't think I would be able to pluck up the courage to say anything to you if I was. It didn't exactly go to plan."

"You don't have to apologise. I said you were right. I got angry with you because it was either that or throw myself at you and I couldn't have done that to Gary. I've wished a thousand times that I had been single when I met you, or I'd handled that whole situation better. I am really sorry for just running out on you and hurting you over the months I haven't seen you."

It was her turn to kiss me after that admission. My heart was jumping for joy at every word I heard. She had wanted me, and clearly still did as she was naked and in bed with me, and making no effort to move.

I had to though as I was starting to recover and my legs were aching. I also needed to remove the condom now that my dick was relaxing. As soon as lay back down she curled herself against my side, with an arm over my chest. I sighed contentedly.

"I'm just glad we got to this point, even if it did take a long time. Incidentally, how long have you been single?"

She laughed again. "About five days. It took me a little while to work up the courage, and to be honest, James pretty much made me do it."

"I knew I liked him! Turns out he's not just good for my brother."

"Yeah. I think he wanted to sort out my love life seeing as I had sorted his out. I never told him how I felt about you, but he must have seen it somehow."

"So you two didn't talk about me?" I asked, slightly surprised that was the case.

"Yes, of course, but not about what I was thinking. He knew I liked you, but I didn't say how much. I reckon he knew I wasn't entirely happy with my relationship and he thought you would be better for me, but I didn't even tell him exactly what our argument was about until today."

"And he sent you straight round once he was sure there was something between us we could work on?"

"I guess so. I suppose I made it clear I was thinking about you," she said, going slightly red.

"What's embarrassing you?" I asked.

"Well, when I was with him earlier, my mind kept drifting off. He definitely knew what I thought about you today and it was almost as if he could see what was going on in my head. Which was x-rated!"

"Oh, really! You'll have to tell me now so I can fulfil all your fantasies!"

"You just did what I was wanting, and it was fantastic! I might tell you some of my other fantasies later," she said, smiling sexily at me.

"I can't wait! By the way, you do realise you aren't single any more?"

"I hoped I wasn't! I am going to have to leave you briefly though."

She started to get up but kissed me hard before she actually left the bed. I watched her as she walked naked across the room to the bathroom, enjoying the pleasant sight. I also needed to clean up a bit and decided to get up so I could use the bathroom after her and then get back to bed as soon as possible so I could curl up with her and fall asleep with her in my arms.

When she came out I grabbed her and kissed her again, eager for more of her taste and touch, and pleased when she put her arms around me and kissed me back. I did need the toilet though and had to let her go all too quickly, grumbling as I did so.

"Get yourself sorted and come join me in bed. I need to sleep, but I want to do it with you holding me," she told me.

"Exactly what I was thinking. I won't be long."

As I walked back into the bedroom she had got under the covers. She lifted a corner to invite me to join her, and I could see part of her body, particularly one of those luscious breasts. I slid in as quickly as I could because I didn't want to be away from her. She took my arm and rolled on to her side, taking my arm with her so I had to curl up against her back, spooning in behind her as close as I could and kissing the back of her neck. She shivered.

"Sensitive spot?" I asked.

"Mmmm," was the only response I got, a sleepy but satisfied sound. She turned her head back so she could kiss me goodnight, and then put her head back on her pillow. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, totally content with our new relationship and having, at last, made love to the woman of my dreams.

* * * *

I dreamt my usual dream. I was with Cassie in bed, making passionate love with her. We moaned as we moved together, and she looked up into my eyes showing her love and want in them. I woke with a start. Usually this was when I had to remember it was just a dream, she wasn't there and didn't want to be, and the excitement I felt at the dream turned into sadness. This morning was different. It took me a moment to realise, but my dream had been a replay of last night, and she was still there with me, my arm around her and my body spooned against her back. I was not surprised that I was rock hard.

My relief at it finally being true made me hug her tight to me, which woke her up. Even her half asleep grumbling was music to my ears. Remembering what had happened just before we fell asleep, I nuzzled at the back of her neck and kissed her. I was rewarded with the same shiver of pleasure I had recalled, and a quiet moan. I kept going, waking her gently. She wriggled against me, pushing her body back into mine, and the volume of her moans increasing as she came to. I was right about this being a sensitive spot on her. I was enjoying pleasuring her, and her movement against me was rubbing my cock and in turn making me shiver. All in all, a perfect start to the day!

I started to use my teeth to nibble her in between kisses. Her movements and the volume of her moans increased yet again. I would have to remember how much she loved this. She had wriggled up my body so I had easier access to her back and neck, and in turn my hard cock was now rubbing on her ass and the tops of her thighs. I could feel that I was leaving a slippery trail on her skin. My cock was throbbing and leaking despite only minimal stimulation, it was more hearing her response to my attention that was turning me on so much.

Suddenly, without moving too far from my mouth so as not to interrupt what she was clearly loving, she swung a leg backwards over mine and tilted her hips backward. My cock slipped down between her legs, almost pointing directly at her pussy. I gasped at the feeling, and again when her hand took hold of me, and before I realised what she was doing she had wriggled again and I was inside her. I groaned loudly at being engulfed in the heat and started to move almost automatically. I slipped out a couple of times but her hand was there to guide me back and I soon found the angle and a rhythm that we both seemed to be enjoying. I still managed to plant a few kisses and nibbles on her neck and shoulder, but it was hard to concentrate on that whilst the pleasure built in my balls.

The pace of my thrusting picked up and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. I also knew I was going to come loudly and instinctively bit down on Cassie's shoulder to muffle the sound as my cock pumped out shot after shot of cum. To my surprise, she came almost the second my teeth met her skin. She somehow managed not to scream but I heard her groan loud and long, slightly muffled as her face was in the pillow. I let go with my teeth and slid out of her almost instantly when she rolled over. As she did, a trail of cum followed my dick out of her and I realised we hadn't used any protection.

She turned over and I saw her face, a sated smile on it. I tried to smile back but must have looked slightly panicked because her expression turned worried.

"What's wrong? Didn't you enjoy that?"

I hastened to reassure her. "God yes, it was fantastic, but we didn't use a condom."

"Well, I know I'm clean, and I'm on the pill. Does that help?"

I relaxed again. "Sorry, real life getting in the way of the fun there. I haven't had it in ages, I'm clean too. I think I was more panicked about the idea of kids after less than 24 hours together."

She laughed and when I moved towards her, snuggled against my body for a hug.

"It's okay, I got a bit carried away there too, but I wouldn't have done if there was no contraception involved. Or at least I hope I wouldn't. You made me too horny to think straight though."

She gazed up at me with the final comment and the look in her eyes was love and lust, just like I had been dreaming about. I kissed her passionately and she responded in kind. Somehow we had missed out the kissing stage earlier, not that I was complaining. When we drew back to catch our breath I remembered what else had happened.