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She put a hand to his hair and held it there. "I'm so sorry I asked you to do that. I don't know what I was thinking. I just wanted you to experience a normal girlfriend. I just thought that once you had that you would see it was better, move on and wouldn't want me anymore."

"I did have a normal girlfriend. Susan is what girls are like now. I don't imagine I'd get anything different from anyone my own age. She hasn't lived real life yet. She doesn't know what it's like. She doesn't know what it is to have to bear the consequences of her actions. I can't really be with someone like her. She doesn't understand me. She doesn't understand what I've been through. I can't have a relationship with her of any substance. It's just listening to her talk about her feelings while she disregards mine and then sometimes having sex after she's already gone and fucked someone else. Do you really want me to be with someone like her? Is that who you think I should want?"

Stephanie moved her body closer to his and put her head on his shoulder. "Do you still want me?"

"I know that this is dangerous for you. I would never ask you to do something that would hurt you. You've always been so good to me, better than any social worker before. You helped me get here. You helped me get my life started. I appreciate you for that. And besides that, you were my first. I'll always remember you for that. A part of me used to have this dream that whoever my first was would be my only like how it was a hundred years ago or something but just like always I have to live in the reality that actually exists and not the one I want in my head."

Stephanie lifted her head and snuggled even closer to him. "Well the reality that exists right now is I'm here on your bed. I'm not wearing any panties. What do you want to do about it?"

Mike was still thinking of what to say because she had just said that she wasn't going to have sex with him. So then what could he possibly do about that except maybe offer her Sarah's panties. That couldn't be what she was hinting at. While Mike was still considering his next move Stephanie started to slowly get out of her clothes. She got her top off revealing her bra to him. She undid her bra and made a show of revealing her breasts to him. To copy her he took his shirt off. Then she started to slowly lower herself to the bed while she brought his face to her chest and she wrapped both of her arms around his head.

Mike sensed and opportunity and so when he shifted his position in order to go along with Stephanie he made sure to reach back, get Sarah's panties, and then fling them under his bed. Then he was free to undo his pants and get his dick out. He kicked them off and then helped Stephanie get her skirt off and she was laying under him with only sheer stockings on.

"I said we weren't going to have sex." she stated as a half joke.

"But you didn't say I couldn't do this." he replied and then surprised her by moving off of her, bringing his head between her legs and going after her pussy. Stephanie bit her lip as she arched her head back. "Someone's been teaching you how to do that, huh?"

"You have no idea." Mike answered as he mentally took notes on how her pussy was in comparison to the others that he'd licked. She was already super wet for him but he figured he should do the work to get her warmed up even more. Once he was satisfied with her level of panting for air he put a finger in her and that prompted her to say something.

"You're going to make me cum."

That was music to Mike's ears. He redoubled his efforts and tried to push her over the edge.

"Stop. Wait. Stop." she said as she forced herself away from him. "You were going to make me cum."

"I thought that was the idea."


"No?" he questioned.

"Lay down."

Mike laid down and Stephanie got on top of him, lowering her pussy onto his cock as she did so.

"I thought we weren't having sex."

"Do what I do not what I say." she said as she grabbed his throat. "I'm the boss."

"Yes, ma'am."

Stephanie threw her head from side to side as she fucked him. "How many times?"


"How many times did you fuck that girl?"


Stephanie tried to say something but she couldn't get it out. Her face was shifting from one expression to another and then back again. She had her palms on his chest as she looked up at his ceiling. Mike admired her breasts while she was like that and he could feel her hips popping back and forth grinding her pussy onto him.

"Cum for me, baby." she said. "Cum for me."

Her back and forth motion seemed to get stalled out. She was locked in the forth position and instead of moving to the back position every time she tried her body just buzzed. She clamped down on his cock and the buzzing spasms continued. Mike pushed up from the bed into her, looked that her gorgeous body, and "Ah" his voice released from his vocal cords while jizz released from his dick. He was doing his own form of buzzing and shaking and it somehow was in unison with hers. Their bodies were tangled together so much that they even shared that.

When it was over Stephanie sank down to him and put her head on his chest while his dick was still inside of her.

"I forgot to use the condoms again." she said.

"You brought condoms?"

"I've been planning to seduce you for weeks."

Mike opened his eyes and looked at her. She responded by just snuggling down onto him.

"For real?" he asked.

"I can't explain it. I don't know why. I know it's wrong but I can't help myself. I'm completely in love with you."


"Don't judge me."


"And stop apologizing."

"You don't leave me a lot of choices of what to say."

She raised up and looked at him. "I love you. Now what do you tell me back?"

"I love you, too."

"Oh, my God, we're so stupid. What the hell is wrong with us?"

"Do you want me to answer that?"


"There's nothing wrong with us. We're not the problem. It's this broken ass country with all their double standards and fake politicians who are the problem. None of them give a damn about me. Only you do. If they say that us being together is wrong then they're retarded."

"Then let's go."


"I don't care. I'll help you get a passport. And then we go. We get on a plane and we go somewhere."

"You mean it?"

"I mean it. You finish college and I'll look for a job somewhere. Once we're ready we set out and never look back."

"You mean after college?"

"Of course. You have to finish college, Michael."

"Ok. What do I do about Susan? Can I break up with her now?"

"Let me think. Let me think. Not yet. Let her break up with you."

"She's done that once already."

"So she's likely to do it again and when she does just don't take her back." Stephanie looked away from him. "There's no turning back now."

"I'm with you."

"But listen. We have to hold off. I can't come see you like this. I have to pretend to just be your social worker. Until we're free we can't let anyone know we're together."

"I understand. You're the boss."

She brought her head back to his chest. "I can't believe we're actually doing this. I'm so scared and so excited at the same time."

"Me too. But three and a half years is a long time to wait."

She looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "And you're going to have to actually wait. Ok. I'm officially warning you. No more hanky panky. Not with Susan or any other girl that wants to get a ride on my future husband's cock. I'm making it a rule from right now. If anyone asks why then you just tell them that I said so."

"We're getting married?"

"Obviously. You're not running away to another country with me as just your girlfriend."


Stephanie had finished her non inspection and was just staying with him until the last moment she could based on the ferry departure time. She had her head on his shoulder as they sat there on his bed. They were dressed again now but there was nowhere else in the house that Stephanie wanted to be. Mike had his arm around her and he contemplated life. Officer O'Neill's words came back to him. He had to look ahead and see how the future was going to work itself out. Even though he'd only lost his virginity less than a week ago he had gotten a huge helping of fucking. Sex was great. Sex was important. But sex was not the most important thing in life. He had to think of priorities. If he picked the person he wanted to be with based just on sex then he could just date Nikki and be done with it. But there were other qualities to consider. But what about his heart? Where did his heart really want to go? He felt numb like he just wasn't even able to be properly in love with a capital L at that moment.

Be with Susan and find himself in a thruple with the ex he still had yet to meet.

Be with Nikki and have a girlfriend who would have a threesome with him.

Be with Officer O'Neill who had rejected even the idea of a relationship that was more than just sex.

Be with Sarah and become some kind of academic.

Be with Stephanie and after he left the program run away with her to another country.


Why couldn't everyone just be ok with him being with everyone else? Why did him being nice to one person make him a dick to someone else? It halfway seemed like it would be easier if he had one girl that he really really desired but she was always out of reach and so he would have to improve himself in order to attract her. As things were, though he never wanted to hurt anyone, nonetheless he was going to have to reject someone. In a way Stephanie had clearly given him a directive and so that should take away all his free choice in the matter but in reality he knew that her directive was about as firm as wet bread.

It got to be time for the ferry and Mike mentioned it to Stephanie but instead of going she settled in and held him. "I'll get the next one."

"The next one is the last one."

"I know."

"Then I guess you want to eat dinner here."

"I'll order pizza."

"From where?"

"Oh, I forgot. Do you want me to go get something?"

Mike was about to say that he would cook for her but then Michelle's words came to his mind to stay out of the kitchen.

"I'll make a call." Mike said. He reached over for his phone but Stephanie interrupted him.

"Hey, how about I teach you how to cook? Do you have anything?"

"We have a few things."

"You say 'we' to include your two live-ins?"

"Yeah. What's the word on that anyway? Are they related to me?"

"Your original records don't say anything about you having a twin."

"What do you mean 'original' records. Are my current records fake?"

"No. What I'm saying is that all of your records agree going all the way back to when you first came into the system. You have no next of kin listed. Now Michelle was in the system but her records don't show her as being related to you. She just has the same last name."

"And the same birthday."

"There are only 365 days in a year. You're going to share a birthday with a lot of people."

"What about the house? She showed up at this house. This address."

"We talked about this. The address in your records doesn't exist. There is no Lake View Road. The road that we're on right now used to be called Like Side Road until they changed the name fifteen years ago."

"But you said. I remember. You told me this had to be the place. It was the only place that even came close to fitting ..."

"Michael, I love you. I really, really love you. And I hate to say this to you cause I know you were looking for something that you need but I have to be honest with you. You're not going to find it. I thought you knew that. Whoever your family was in the past, they're gone. You're not going to find them. You need to think about the future. That's what's important right now."

"So that means Michelle and Carmen can't stay here."

"I'll allow it and I'll tell you why. If the state is the one who made the mistake I believe you shouldn't have to suffer for it and neither should they. Additionally, you know, I never really felt all that good about you being out here all alone in this house. I mean, I know you wanted it and all and worked really hard to get it but I really think having someone here in the house with you is a good thing. I'm looking into Michelle's case. She had a really bad relationship with her last social worker so it's not pretty. But I'm going to try to see if I can retroactively keep her in care and then get her some assistance so she can stay here. There are procedures for that kind of thing."

"Why's that though?"

"Because she's not the first kid to tell the state to fuck off and then come back six months later needing help. So I'm going to help her and you can learn what it is like to have a sister even if she's not your real sister. And honestly if it was just her I would be sort of concerned but with this girl Carmen in the house as well I actually feel really ok with it."


Mike was in his room forcing himself through one of the readings for a class while Carmen was making a show of exercising in front of him in the skimpiest gym shorts that could ever be made. Every time he looked over at her she happened to just then be doing some thing with her body that put her in just the right position for Mike to get flashed by her cunt.

'We're supposed to act like we're family.' he told himself. Stephanie had made it abundantly clear that the only way Carmen got to live there was because Stephanie was sort of turning a blind eye and would explain it as Carmen possibly being a blood relative. Therefore, Mike was told to absolutely treat Carmen like she was his sister.

Mike would have thought that getting so much sex earlier would have caused him to be tapped out but actually it was like the sex mechanisms and processes in his body were all switched on and alert at some hyper level. He could totally see himself having sex with Carmen and he was wondering how much longer he was going to be able to hold himself back if she kept this up. It could not continue. Either she was going to have to stop all the fake flirting or she was going to have to give him permission to fuck her because the current state of things was not going to work.

Mike looked back to his book. He really tried to concentrate on his book.

"Big Brother." Carmen again said to get his attention.

He was about to automatically tell her to get out of his room and let him study but then remembered that Stephanie and Michelle were downstairs with Officer O'Neill going over state paperwork so Stephanie could start the process of opening up her case again and becoming her new social worker since the island was part of her jurisdiction now. Mike was not going to interrupt them by sending Carmen out of his room.

"I told you not to call me that." he said to her.

"Mike, tell me what you think of this?"

He already knew she was pulling something so he just focused down at his book and didn't look. She wasn't going to accept him ignoring her so she came and put herself on his lap.

"Don't you think it's too cold to wear that kind of stuff?" he said as he moved his book out of the way so her ass wouldn't make contact with it.

"I want to tell you something." she said as she put her arms around his neck and put her head down on his shoulder.

"Well, you have my attention."

"You failed my test."

"What test?"

"The gay test."

"What? Why would you want to test me for that? And I'm not gay. I don't care what kind of test you think you're doing. I respect women. That doesn't mean I'm gay."

"Of course you're not gay. You failed the test."

"Ok, you lost me."

"I half had this idea that when I find my twin brother that he would be gay."

"Sorry to disappoint you. Maybe when you find your real twin brother he'll be more to your liking."

"I don't know. I think I like this too." she said. Then she kissed his neck and Mike jerked away from her. She held onto him as she lowered a hand down between her legs. She went past her own groin to put her hand on Mike's erection.

"Stop that?" he said. "What are you doing?"

"It's just part of the test."

"You already said I failed."

"I'm just double checking."

"I already told you, I'm not gay."

"You have a hard on for me?"

"It's automatic."

"Can I tell you something?"

"No, let me tell you something. There is only so much of this fake flirting with me that I can take."

"Why would you think I'm faking?" she said as she started to move her ass to grind it into his thighs.

"My social worker is downstairs."

Carmen shifted herself to look at him. He thought she was going to say something but instead she kissed him. Mike tried to keep it to a peck but she pushed in with her tongue and got a full taste of him. She drew away from the kiss and then smiled. "Now I really know for sure."

"Know what?"

"Nothing." she said as she got off of him. She picked up her towel and then went to his door.

"Hey." he called out to her.

"Yes, big brother?"

"Stop being a tease."

"I'm not teasing you." she answered and then left.

... ... ...

Mike jumped out of bed and was ready to fight for his life. His eyes looked around the darkness of the room and he found himself alone.

"Just a bad dream." he said even as the memory of what the dream had specifically been was fading. He sat back down on his bed and grabbed his phone. It was three in the morning. That was the wrong time to be awake. He looked at his covers and remembered the events from the day before. He was a bad guy. He was a really bad guy. Four women. Four. Sure, two of them knew he was having sex with other people but the two he cared the most about didn't know that. Ok, that wasn't exactly true either. Stephanie knew at least about Susan. Probably Sarah suspected about Susan. Why were there so many girls with S at the beginning of their names?

He yawned and laid down. Well, at least Michelle and Stephanie were able to get along at dinner. If Stephanie could make good on her word that she would get Michelle back into care with similar terms as Mike then she really would be his foster sister. Mike sat up and looked out of his window. Stephanie was here on the island. She was staying the night with Officer O'Neill. How was that going to work out? Mike chuckled. Officer O'Neill had an S name as well. Nikki was the only girl he was fucking who didn't have S at the beginning of her name. Was that a clue? Was that a hint about something? Was Nikki the one he was destined to end up with? He could see himself with her. Yeah. And if they had the occasional threesome then all the better.

Mike decided that he was thirsty and went downstairs to get something to drink. He grabbed a glass and used the tap to fill it to half way. He probably wouldn't even drink that much but ...

"Hey, I told you to stay out of the kitchen." a sleepy voice said.

Mike turned to see Michelle there in her panties and a camisole.

"It's just water."

She came up to him, took the glass from his hand, dumped the water out and then pointed to tell him to get out.

"I'm thirsty."

"I'll make it for you."

She grabbed a fresh glass, filled it with water from the bottle in the fridge, and handed it to him the moment he cross the threshold of the kitchen.

"All you did was make an extra cup for you to wash."

"Carmen washes dishes. That's her job."

"Hey, I'm sorry."

"About what?"

"I saw how you looked after Ms Stephanie mentioned about coming back into care."

"Oh, don't worry about it."

"No, really; it's your choice. No one should make that choice for you. I'll let you stay here either way. She already approved it."

"No, I get it. It makes sense. If she's always going to be that nice then I guess I won't mind having a social worker again."
