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"I heard your last one was a real bitch."

"Oh my God, you have no idea."

"Anyway, you never told me how the party was."

"It was ... weird. I mean, it was nice and all but the mayor, she's fucking crazy."

Mike laughed. "Why do you say that?"

"You should have heard her. Oh my God, like, she thought she knew who I was and for just a second I was having like all of these emotions. And then she starts talking about my dad being a Russian spy and I was like, 'what'. And then she starts telling us her theory about the aliens only to circle back and talk about how she was so sorry that my mom was a slut who cheated on her husband. I didn't know whether to laugh or throw a fork at her face."

"I know that was probably upsetting."

"You think?"

"But also, people with mental challenges like that can't always help what comes out of their mouths."

"Who voted for her? How did she get to be mayor?"

"She's probably the only one who wants the job. Think about where we are."

"Oh, I do. Everyday, constantly since I got here, I do."

"You know, I didn't know what to think at first but now I'm glad you're here."

"Yeah, who knows how many times you poisoned yourself before we arrived."

Mike handed the glass back to her. "Thank you for the water."

"Got to keep you out of danger, don't we."

Mike nodded goodnight to her and was going to go back to his room when Michelle stopped him.


"Do you think I'm pretty?"

"Of course. There is a mirror in the bathroom. You can see for yourself."

"But do you think I'm pretty."

"You're one of the prettiest girls on the island. And I speak from experience."

"That doesn't even make any sense."

"You had a reason to ask me that. I want to get back to bed so go ahead and spit it out."

"The mayor said my mom was ugly. She said she had self esteem issues and that was why she cheated on her husband and conceived me."

"She was off her rocker. She doesn't know anything about you. Probably the reason I haven't been invited to go meet her is she thinks I'm a lizard man in disguise."

"No, she thinks you're a wanted hitman for the mafia who's laying low."

"See. Don't even waste brain cells thinking about all that."

"I can't help it. She was talking in detail like she really, really knew."

"Well I can guarantee you that I am not a hitman for the mafia. She doesn't know jack. I heard she thinks there's a spaceship hidden at the bottom of the lake."

"Yeah, she told us about that. And about the ghost that haunts the mountain ridge on the other side of the lake."

"So don't even worry about it. Even if you were my twin sister I would still date you if I had any confidence at all that you wouldn't just reject me out of hand."

"You mean that?"

"Oh, yeah. But seeing as how I'm the guy who poisoned everyone I don't feel like my chances are very high with you."

"That's kind of scary cause what if we are really related, though."

"We're not. Ms Stephanie checked your records. She checked my records. We're not related."

"But the birthday. And the last name."

"Errors or coincidences. It would be different if one set of records mentioned a sibling while the other just didn't because of an oversight but it's absent from both. Both set of records triple checked when we came into the system would mean that the state messed up not twice but six times."

"Carmen's birth certificate says she's a multiple birth."

"That's her, not us."

"But we both came to this same address."

"Which didn't exist when we came into the system. The name of the road was changed. This was never Lake View Road. They added the View part fifteen years ago when we were three and our custody records were already on file. I hate to have to force you into a reality that you don't want but ..."

"No, I get it. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for being so blunt about it."

"No, I understand."

That seemed like it might be the end of the conversation but just as Mike and Michelle were going to separate she came and got a hug from him. Mike thought he understood what she was feeling so he allowed her to hug him close. It was a hard thing to feel like you were on the edge of a cliff just grasping and trying to hold onto something to keep from falling into the abyss. It was emotionally exhausting to dig and dig and dig only to find ... nothing but emptiness.

"Ok. I'm going to go back to sleep now. Um, thank you again for the water. I appreciate it and I appreciate you."

"No problem. Before you go, where are we going?"

"I'm going to bed."

"On our date. You said you would date me even if I was your sister. So, where are we going?"

"Whoa, way to put me on the spot. Ok, um, I'll think of something if you really want to go out with me. But honestly, you can do better."

"Oh, I know I can."

"So then why ask me to go out with you?"

"I'm not asking you. You're asking me and I just didn't reject you."

Mike laughed. "Ok. I can't think well at three thirty in the morning. Let me get back to you. Push come to shove I can always take you out in the canoe with cheese."

"The lake? No. Think of something better than that."

"We'll take the ferry into town and go see a movie."

"See, that sounds good."

"Anyway, I'm going to bed." He tried to pull out of the hug but Michelle wouldn't let go.



"Can you come and sleep with us?"

"You really want me to?"

"I sort of liked it the past couple of nights."

"Oh. Ok."

"Plus Carmen is sleeping naked again and she wanted to like rub up against me in her sleep. So if you could be in between me and her that would be great."

"Maybe on second thought I should just go to my room."

"No, please."

"You know, you really shouldn't be judgmental about her body."

"I'm not. It's just, you know, I'm not that way."

"Probably she isn't either. She just likes sleeping naked. Anyway, I heard a lot of girls in the home kind of did stuff with each other."

"It's not true. I mean there were girls like that who came and went but it was always like one in a hundred."

"Do you want me to just make a rule that she has to wear clothes to bed?"

"Could you?"

"I could I guess but it feels wrong for me to tell her what to put or not put on her body. Why don't you just separate the mattresses?"

"She begged me to keep them together so we could sleep like a family."

"Ok, I know what to do."


"You might not like it though."

"What is it?"

"You sleep in my room and I'll sleep with Carmen."

"With her naked? Won't you get in trouble?"

"I'll get naked too and then when she wakes up she'll realize that she isn't really comfortable with it and then she'll stop."

"You think that'll work?"

"I'm not thinking of anything else at this hour. Whenever some new guy came to the home and tried to sleep naked it was almost always just because they were pulling some stunt. The moment somebody else tries to sleep naked where they have to see then they knock it off. You go up and sleep in my room. Carmen's freak out can be your alarm clock in the morning."

"No. If she's naked and you sleep down here I have to be here to make sure you don't touch her."

"Hey, I have five women I have to please. I'm not looking to get in the hole any deeper."

"I thought the rule was guys multiply by three not five."

"Whatever. I'm really going to just lay down on the floor if I can't just get to a bed."

"This way."

Mike went with Michelle into the girls bedroom but with Carmen covered up he couldn't see if she was naked or not. Still, it didn't matter. He started to strip which didn't take long. He got into the bed and sure enough Carmen was completely nude. Michelle got into bed on the other side away from Carmen but then she got back out of bed.

"Now I feel wrong."

"We can talk about our feelings when we wake up. Right now I have to sleep."

"I'm not going to be the one who's a prude."

Mike wasn't paying attention. He was just hoping he'd be able to get two or three hours more sleep before he had to get to class the next morning. Driving while drowsy really sucked on a bike. Mike didn't open his eyes when Michelle got back into bed but his body was telling him that she was naked. She snuggled up next to him and all the warmth of everyone's body heat added together allowed them to slumber.


When Mike woke up he found that he was on his side with Carmen in front of him. He was reaching around her and had a hand on her breast. Behind him he could feel Michelle pressing her tits into his back while she was reaching around and had her hand on his morning erection.

Ok, so what to do? He couldn't remove his hand because he had nowhere to put it. If he laid it down to his side it would be on top of Michelle's arm. Should he wake them up? Should he move? It really seemed to him that in this situation he should just pretend to continue being asleep. He moved his hand away from Carmen's breast and brought it to her stomach and rested it there.

Michelle started to stir while Carmen seemed to still be dreaming. Michelle must have noticed where her hand was and Mike felt her start to take it away but then she stopped. She brought it back and gripped him. When Mike didn't move she seemed to get more confident and made a half hearted simulation of stroking him. Mike heard her giggle to herself.

Mike continued to pretend to sleep when Michelle slowly sat up and moved the covers off of him. She was looking there at Mike's dick when Carmen started to move from the feeling of cold air touching her. Michelle immediately pulled her hand away from Mike's dick and threw herself down to the bed. Carmen shifted herself and wiggled around to face Mike. She started to move and she got closer and closer to him.

"Ok, you two love birds. Wake up." Michelle said.

Mike pretended to still be sleeping but Carmen got up and he could hear her yawning and stretching.

"Oh, no wonder I slept so good last night." Carmen said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Michael. You're naked."

"You honestly can't tell me that you used to sleep naked with your other family."

"No, but we're a different kind of family and that's ok."

"Whatever. I'm going to go make breakfast. Wake him up, get him dressed, and then keep him out of the kitchen."

"Aye, Aye, commander." Carmen said.

Michelle left the room but Mike couldn't tell if she'd gotten dressed or not. He would hate to miss out on seeing her naked again but then again he had seen it before and besides that he had FIVE women to please.

Carmen laid back down next to Mike and then she rolled him to his back. Mike continued to pretend to be asleep as Carmen got on top of him being careful not to bring her pussy into contact with his cock. She kissed him on the cheek.

"Wakey wakey big brother."

When Mike didn't respond she shifted her weight to put all of it on his chest and then brought her legs up on top of his. That meant that his cock was standing up in the air between her thighs and she was able to bring her thighs together and squeeze it. When she did that Mike could not help but to open his eyes.


"Good morning big brother."

"Good morning."

"Thank you."

"For what."

"For doing this for me."

"Doing what?"

She put pressure on his dick and then she kissed him on his other cheek. Whispering in his ear she said "We're family so we don't have to ever hide anything from each other."

"Who's hiding anything?"

"I am." she responded as she adjusted her position on top of him and brought her wet pussy in direct contact with his dick. She didn't let it go in but she was letting her lips explore the shaft of his cock. As she did so she looked back at the open door and then pulled one of the covers over them to hide what she was doing.

"Are you sure you've thought this through?" he asked.

"I was horny all day yesterday but I couldn't do anything about it while you were here being a bad boy."

"I wasn't being bad. What do you mean?"

"There were panties next to my bed with the name Nikki written in them. Then in your room I found pink panties and a blue bra so those obviously don't go to the same set. Just how many women do you seduce in one day?"

"When did you ..."

Just then Michelle came by the door and Carmen immediately switched gears. "Wakey, Wakey, big brother."

"I'm awake. I'm awake." he said.

"Are you two going to be like that all morning or is someone going to help me?" Michelle asked.

"I tried to get him up but the moment I left him alone he tried to go back to sleep."

"Well, pinch him or something." Michelle said and then left.

Once she was gone Carmen returned to her mission. Her pussy was gliding up and down the length of Mike's dick from the outside. "So, about those girls."

"It's not what you're thinking."

"It's exactly what I'm thinking. You're not a virgin. And you want to know a secret. Neither am I."

"Well, I didn't know that had to be a secret or anything."

"I guess it wasn't but this is." She angled herself and started to let the head of his dick enter her.

"Are you sure about this?"

"I decided I was going to do this two days ago. It's only now that I've worked up the nerve."

"But you're the one saying we might be related."

"And since we are that just makes it more special." she said as she lowered herself all the way onto him.

Just then Michelle came to the door. "I'm going to come in here with two cups of cold water if you two don't get out of bed soon. And for fuck's sake, get some clothes on." She stormed away again and Mike commented to Carmen that perhaps that exact moment wasn't the best time for this.

"Oh, but we have to do it. For fuck's sake and all. Let's see if we can finish before she comes back in here."

Mike hesitated but as Carmen started to move on his cock he brought his hands to her waist and felt her body.

"You realize you've messed this whole thing up now, right?" he said.

"No, I'm fixing it."

"Fixing what? If the social workers find out we're having sex they won't let you live here. I'll be out of the ..."

"They can't do anything to us. Their rules mean nothing."

"To you. Not to me."

"I'll take care of you. We're family."

"You say that while you're riding me. Carmen!"

"Shhh. Do you want the virgin to come back in here? Then again, what am I saying? She's not ever going to cum. She won't even touch herself. She's not ready to join up yet."

"Join what?"


"What do you mean us? What are we doing? You bust me about sleeping with other women and your reaction is to screw me?"

"Of course."

Mike was speechless just then partially because of what she said and partially because the sex was really starting to feel good.

"I don't understand you." Mike eventually said.

"I'm really happy you're not gay now actually."

"Aren't you worried it's going to be weird now?"

"Why would it be weird?"

"We have to live together with Michelle. I have five women I'm dating and I have to break up with four of them."

"Why? Now I don't understand you."

"What is your goal? Why are we doing this?"

"Because I love you. You saved my life. You took me in. And now we're together. We're family."

"You don't care about my girlfriend or Nikki or ..."

Carmen was slowly shaking her head no. "I'm going to love you no matter what. You can have a fling here or there. Date this girl or that girl. I'll always be here for you."

"You don't hardly even know me."

"Doesn't matter. This is the family we have and family is always loyal to each other even if someone has been bad or someone doesn't agree. We're family, Mike. I'll always love you no matter what you do. And even when all five of those girls at your school graduate and move away you won't be alone because I'll still be here with you."

"As what? My girlfriend?"

"You're not listening. I can't be your girlfriend. I mean, you can take me on dates if you want but I'm your family. That trumps girlfriend."

"But we're having sex."

"Yeah, isn't it great."

"I'm really confused about what set of rules you think we're operating under. Are you my family or a girl that I'm having sex with?"

"I'm both only I'm better. I'm a girl you're having sex with who will never break up with you because we're family."

Mike's eyes went wide. Mind blown.

She said that and Mike heard it and he wanted to object but he couldn't think of anything to counter that. She'd verbally put him in checkmate and the sensation coming from her pussy made him extra pliable.

He closed his eyes and just felt her. "Uh ... Ok." was all he could say in the end. He felt her hips with his hands, let her ride him, concentrated on the sex and then reached out to get the quickest orgasm he could because he was worried that Michelle would come back in there at any moment.

Once he started to cum he tried to let her know but she whispered to him that it was better inside of her so they wouldn't make a mess. Mike knew he probably hadn't gotten her to finish but there was no time to linger on that thought because only moments after Mike had cum in her when she was just starting to rest her head on his chest Michelle came in there. She didn't have two glasses of water but what she did have was some of Mike's clothes. She threw them at him and Carmen and started to yell at them to get dressed.

"No More Sleeping Naked! I'm putting my foot down!"


Friday was all about managing. Mike had to be smooth on the phone with Stephanie and then be submissive on the phone with Officer O'Neill as she explained to him what time he had to be there Saturday morning. Mike let Michelle ride with him to town and he had to act like everything was totally normal even while she commented that something seemed like it wasn't normal. Mike dropped Michelle off at work and then at school he had to be interested but not too interested in the new chummy friendship between Nikki and Susan which was going so far as to make even Jenn, Gina, and Leah sort of uncomfortable. When those three came to Mike without Susan to talk to him about it he had to just dodge and say that he supported Susan and Nikki no matter what and that everyone should just be happy for them.

At lunchtime amazingly Mike was able to find a spot to eat by himself which was nice. On his way to PE he was however accosted by Helen. That was odd because Helen was not a student there and had no business on campus. She made a huge obnoxious show of openly flirting with Mike too. That was another hole he was not digging for himself.

In English class Mike got a test back. He was just going to put it in his binder but something seemed odd about it. He took a closer look and there he saw written in some kind of clear ink that could only be seen by looking at an angle and seeing the light reflect a bit differently that Sarah had drawn a heart and written a love message to him.

After school Mike collected Michelle from her job as she was just getting off then and they rode together back to the house. At the house they were both surprised to see that Carmen had somehow gotten a huge voice controlled TV delivered and installed in the house complete with surround sound. She said it was a gift for Mike and showed him that the receipt indicated that she'd purchased it for him. Michelle loved it and the two ladies started playing with the settings and finding all the streaming channels they could watch.

Mike didn't have time for all that. He put his bag in his room and got ready to have dinner with Susan's parents. He met Susan by the ferry and he debated in himself if he should bring his bike across to the main land in order to send the message to Susan that this was less of a date than she would have expected it to be and also that he was going to be independent of her. However, in the end, the extra cost didn't seem to be justified and not even Susan was taking her car across so he just went with her as a passenger.