The Admiral


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With such thoughts in her head the towel clad reporter stepped inside to find the owner of the ship at the large wheel in the middle of the room, dressed in that impeccable white staring out into the ocean beyond. She couldn't help but notice how good the man looked in that commanding pose of his at the helm of his ship, like a captain straight out of a fantasy story.

"Oh, you found me - did you find my private deck to your liking?" The Admiral asked, turning his full attention on the young woman in the room as she entered.

"We'll, err, yes," Julie stumbled out, caught daydreaming about the man in front of her. "So relaxing I feel asleep, and awoke to find my robe replaced by this."

The man's eyebrows rose as he looked at the towel the woman in front of him was wrapped in, knowing the implication behind the unspoken words of how the swap was made.

"Yes, sorry about that small invasion, I had assumed you would want a towel so I sent Private Lancer to give you one, and when he arrived he found your robe was wet so he just replaced it with the towel. I guess I didn't think what your state of . . . undress would be all the way through though when I gave him his task."

Julie only smiled to show she wasn't upset.

"No worries, I appreciate the gesture. . . I just hope I didn't cause Private Lancer too much duress," she said with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

The older man smiled that warm debilitating smile of his.

"Oh, I'm sure the man didn't mind the task at all, I would guess he even . . enjoyed the task- something he's not ever likely to forget, anyway."

The man's eyes lingered on Julie for a moment, and at first the reporter thought he was ogling her rather exposed form - which made her excited at the prospect, although the half-naked woman tried to convince herself she wasn't. His next words ruined that prospect either way, however.

"Speaking of that towel, the fibers that thing has could very easily clog the advanced ventilation system of this wheel house if they get sucked up as it's a very advanced system used to keep this room practically air tight, so I'm afraid we are going to have to relocate out of here."

Looking around Julie found herself fascinated by all the components and gadgets in the room, wanting to see and hear what they all did as she had never been in the wheelhouse of a boat before not to mention one this complex, and it would be a good addition to the story she was still desperately still trying to put together.

"But this room is amazing! It's the most crucial part of the tour of your ship!"

The Admiral shook his head apologetically.

"I'm sorry Ms. Bedford, but the only way you can stay in here is without that towel."

A devious thought suddenly entered the reporter's mind, the idea growing out of her increasing hormones from being admired all day. A thought she would have never considered in a million years just a few hours ago, but one that seemed like the right and only thing to do now based on the heat in her loins.

Taking a deep breath Julie steeled her still jumpy nerves as she was entering unknown waters, yet she was determined to see her plan through as her head was no longer making the rules for her by this point.

"Well I suppose if the rules are the towel has to go, then I guess the towel has to go. . ." she replied with as dignified a look as she could could muster, trying to hold on to what little bit of professionalism she had left as she was still trying to play the role of a reporter here.

Grabbing the ends of the towel she quickly ripped it off her slim body before she could second guess her actions, handing her only cover to the Admiral so that the young female now stood completely naked in front of man she had just met a few hours ago.

". . . so here you go."

Chapter 3

Placing her hands defiantly on her bare hips Julie stood proudly as the Admiral soaked in her naked body in front of him, the towel formerly covering her body clenched in his hand. Visibly shaking himself to snap out of his bewilderment, something Julie wasn't used to seeing in the usually stoic man, the Admiral finally came to his senses, folding the towel neatly before looking the reporter in the eyes.

"Well okay then Ms. Bedford, if that's what you want to do then I guess we can stay. Private Lancer!"

Before Julie could so much as move a hand to cover herself the young man waiting outside stepped in, his eyes quickly bulging at the sight of the naked beauty in front of him.

"Alright Private Lancer, that's enough. Now take this towel out of here and have it waiting for Ms. Bedford when she exits this room, understood?"

The young man merely nodded as the Admiral forced the towel into his hands, backing away slowly while never taking his eyes of Julie. As the door closed the Admiral gave his famous chuckle.

"I guess you made that man's day twice now. Now that we've got that taken care of, what all would you like to see in this room?"

Breasts heaving up and down from labored breathing Julie tried her hardest to look calm and composed while standing stark naked in front of a mainly strange man, her exposed nipples rock hard as she found herself both exhilarated as well as terrified. Trying her hardest not to cover herself up as her mind kept telling her to do so the young woman forced her left hand to stay by her side while her right one pointed at the wheel.

"W, well, let's start there."

When the Admiral turned Julie quickly glanced down at her nude form, suddenly grateful for her decision to shave her full body that morning as nothing but smooth skin met her eyes, including the area around her mound. Checking herself out the young woman was pleased with what she saw, convincing herself she looked damn good naked so there was nothing to be ashamed about. Stepping over to the wheel she tried to focus on what the Admiral was telling her, convincing herself she had only gotten naked in order to continue getting her story on the boat and it's owner. The moist area between her legs told her otherwise though, making it hard to focus on what she was being told as her eyes began to wander over the older man in front of her's body instead of the wheel he was currently showing her.

'It's too hard to focus while I'm totally naked here! My tits are on display to anyone walking in for crying out loud and I'm not even remotely worried! My horniness is definitely getting the better of me now, too much build up today from all the excitement. But it doesn't matter, you would hardly think my vagina and breasts are out in the open with the way he's going on.'

Indeed, as the horny reporter was led around the room and shown all the various gadgets and doodads she couldn't help but notice that the atmosphere in the room didn't change at all now that she didn't have any clothes on. The Admiral stayed focused on his task of playing tour guide, not letting the young naked beauty next to him distract him from what he was doing. She couldn't help but wonder if it was out professional courtesy or if the man really had no sexual interest in her.

'He openly stared when I first exposed myself, but that could have been more from shock than appreciation,' she thought as her tour guide was going over how the radar system worked.

She didn't know whether to be grateful for his gentlemanly behavior or displeased that he wasn't showing interest. When he turned around to face her and she unconsciously arched her back to pop her pert chest out even more the young woman knew which one it was when disappointment washed over her as the older man merely kept his eyes up at her face, maintaining his cool composure.

Body yearning to be touched at this point the toned female followed her new object of desire to the front of the wheel room where the captain of the ship saddled up next to the large window that ran the span of the wall.

"As you probably noticed when you were above this room, the view of the ship is pretty good from this vantage point, which is why it's the obvious choice for the command center of the boat."

Stepping up next to him Julie peered out the window, startling as she saw several men just outside the window on a deck rather close below as the window provided a nearly full on view of anyone standing inside the wheel room. Maintaining composure the young woman nodded agreeably while forcing her arms at her side as a blush swept through her body when one of the men below looked up right at the window they were standing at, clearly able to make out the slender reporter's pert breasts and rosy nipples from his vantage point not too far away. Noticing the man staring up at them the Admiral looked over at Julie.

"You are a very brave person in your own way, Ms. Bedford, and I have to say I'm rather impressed."

Julie could only nod, the embarrassment of being naked in front of multiple men quickly being replaced with arousal once more as the slickness increased between her legs while she let the man stare at her naked form.

'Oh my god, I'm getting so turned on by this, what the hell is wrong with me' the nude woman thought as she purposefully lingered at the window to ask the Admiral about certain items strewn about the decks below while her nude frame continued to be on display to anyone outside looking in.

"Alright , there's only one thing left in here to see," the former naval officer stated after she had exhausted objects to pick out outside, leading the naked female back to the middle of the room. Julie turned from the window with a sigh, knowing that meant soon the wheel house tour would end and she'd be clothed once more, which her oversexed and clouded mind didn't want to have the thrill she was currently feeling ever end.

"What's that?" she asked with an unmasked tinge of disappointment, her arms crossing under her perky breasts to only emphasize them more.

The fit man pointed to the large captain's chair situated behind the wheel.

"It's the best feeling you'll ever have sitting on that chair right there," the older man said as Julie stared at it, "at least I think so, but of course I could be a bit biased about it. . ."

Looking at the power-exuding chair the young reporter wondered if she should ask of sit on it or not given that it would be on bare butt cheeks. Stepping up to it the slim beauty gave it pat with her hand.

"I could imagine, but given my state of undress I'll pass on the feeling so I don't ruin the whole vibe you've got going on here . . .oh!" The young woman yelped as she was deftly lifted up and placed on the chair before she could even register what had happened, the cool leather feeling wonderful against her bare cheeks.

More importantly was how wonderful the Admiral's strong hands had felt picking her up and the sensation she had felt when those hands accidentally grazed her breasts as he set her down. Lounging in the chair Julie tried to regain some composure but at this point the young woman found herself overtaken with horniness, her body craving to be touched again.

"So this is the big chair huh?" she asked as she sat in it, her smaller figure making the chair seem that much more imposing. Trailing her hands along the arms the nude woman arched her back as her arms reached up to touch the back of the chair behind her, purposefully thrusting her exposed breasts towards the Admiral as she attempted to strike a seductive pose.

"Does it come with any features?" Julie asked playfully as she maintained her pose, her pointy nipples aimed at the man standing before her while she shamelessly put her body on display.

"Well, actually yes, it happens to have heated seats and a top-notch adjustable back support that works like. . . here, let me just show you."

Stepping up practically into her the Admiral reached over behind the nude beauty to fiddle with the back of the chair, placing a hand on her bare shoulder to steady himself. It was more than the horny girl could handle as the man's crotch was now inches from her face as he tinkered with the back of the chair.

'I can't take this anymore, I'm going to explode from anticipation! This man has shown zero interest in me today even after I shoved my naked body in his face, but I have to try, my body's just too worked up not too. . .'

Taking the boldest move she had ever done in her entire life Julie gave into her lustful desires and without giving any notice reached out and grabbed the man's crotch in front of her. The fiddling behind her stopped but nothing was said as the reporter frantically fumbled with the fly on his white trousers, finally opening it up and reaching her delicate hand in to grab his cock behind a pair of briefs before the man could so much as turn away. Not hearing any complaints however the nude beauty pulled the briefs down and freed the member from any restraint, causing a very massive penis to nearly hit her in the face as it was released.

"My god, you do have everything going for you, don't you?" The naked female whispered before opening her mouth wide and taking the massive member in her waiting mouth, not wasting time with any build-ups and going straight for the prize.

Standing there with one hand on her shoulder still the older man continued his stoic silence as an insatiable Julie went to town on his dick, her tongue ferociously licking the entire length of his shaft as it disappeared behind her pouty red lips. Beyond any reasonable thought at this point Julie continued to suck the Admiral's cock, relishing the pure size of it as she strained to fit it all in her smaller mouth to no avail. Sliding it in and out she tried one last time, managing to get the whole length of his member behind those lips as she felt the tip of his penis hit the back of her throat, causing her to gag slightly while her small hands were busy working on the man's ball sack in front of her.

Satisfied with her success Julie pulled her mouth off the Admiral's sizable dick, looking up at him with longing eyes as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Admiral, I need your cock inside of me. Now."

The older man looked at her and for the first time the reporter saw a tinge of lust in his normally composed eyes. Having been with the man all day and knowing the pride he took on his ship Julie figured he wouldn't want to have sex in his Captain's chair, so she jumped off of it, knowing there was already a small mess to clean up from what had already leaked out of her overly moist pussy.

Grabbing the man's hand the horny woman led him to the front of the room to the large window where she placed her hands on the glass and her ass against his crotch. A moment went by with nothing happening, causing the woman to panic as she thought her dream wasn't going to come true after all; feeling strong hands on her hips her fears were allayed though as the Admiral's massive cock suddenly slid under her ass to nestle against her glistening sex. Reaching down Julie grabbed his rod and without hesitation slid it inside her mound, relishing the feeling of his mushroom head as it pushed the outer folds of her vulva aside to gain entrance.

"Oooh god," she moaned as the large dick pushed further inside of her, her pussy wrapping around the thick shaft as it attempted to accommodate its large girth.

Pulling nearly all the way out the Admiral slid in again, this time pushing his whole member inside of the tight female to elicit a loud moan from her. Upping the tempo his cock continued to slide in and out of her as Julie shoved her body up against the window, her tits pressing hard against the glass as her hips gyrated back and forth in tune with the thrusts from the man fucking her from behind. Looking out the window Julie saw a few of the men looking up at the wheel house from the noise of her body bumping against the glass, and the extra attention only fueled the woman's passion. Turning her head around the reporter looked the owner of the ship in the eyes with a lust-filled gaze, her passionate haze pushing her to the next level.

"Fuck me out on deck in front of your men."

Not saying a word the muscular man simply wrapped his arms around the slender woman and lifted her up, his cock still buried deep inside of her. Arms holding her up by her buttocks the Admiral shoved open a door and carried Julie out of the wheelhouse to the small deck just in front of it, where most of the ship could be seen splayed out below.

Slipping off the man's dick Julie turned around to face the man, grabbing the rails of the deck behind her as she kicked a leg up in the air to give him easy access to her dripping pussy. The endowed member once again plunged into her womanhood, causing the young woman to yell out in pleasure as she wrapped her legs around his torso, gripping the rail in order to lift and impale herself over and over again on his throbbing dick.

"Oh fuck, ohhhh fuck," she moaned as the Admiral increased his pace, pummeling the girl's pussy mercilessly as the two of them fucked on the open deck, her cries of pleasure loud enough for nearly the entire ship to hear.

Gripping the rail tightly the young woman leaned back over it while the Admiral grabbed her hips as her body balanced on the metal bar, all the while continuing to plow into her ravaged slit. Nearly upside down now Julie's breasts bounced wildly up and down as she hanged precariously over the railing and received her pussy pummeling, the danger of the situation the last thing on the girl's mind as she was in pure ecstasy at having her vagina filled to the absolute fullest over and over again.

Opening her lust-filled eyes the bouncing reporter was met with several wide-eyed stares from men on the decks below as the workers stopped what they were doing and watched in awe while their captain furiously fucked the naked beauty in plain view of everyone. Feeling their hungry gazes on her now glistening naked body only fueled Julie's passion further as she thrust herself even harder onto the pulsing member inside of her.

Getting fucked so thoroughly outside in plain view of at least a dozen men was all too much for the sex-crazed Julie and she screamed out at the top of her lungs as a huge orgasm ripped through her body, causing her slender form to convulse while she remained hanging off the rail, her perky breasts heaving deliciously up and down in her throes of passion.

"Ooohh god , oooh my god, ah, ahhhh ,ahhhh, FUUUCCCKK!"

The Admiral paid the shouts no mind however as he continued to thrust his engorged cock deep into the slim girl's pussy as it wrapped itself tightly around his member, having yet to make any sound during the whole encounter. Riding her climax out the slim girl felt another approach before the first one had even fully finished as her womanhood was given no reprieve.

"Holy. . . fucking . . .shit you are merciless! Ohhhh gaawwd, oh fuck, oh my god, yes yes yes!," she moaned as a second orgasm wracked her body, her primal yells causing several of the men below to adjust their pants to hide obvious erections- Julie didn't even notice however as her eyes were tightly closed while she rode out her wave of pleasure.

A slight grunt was all that was emitted from the man emphatically fucking her, but it was enough to tell the reporter that the man inside of her was close to climaxing. Wanting to give the man a special treat, especially in front of his boys, Julie pulled herself off his massive cock as she slipped off the rail, quickly falling to her knees as she grabbed his member and shoved it into her mouth zealously. Sucking his shaft with all she was worth Julie was rewarded a moment later with an even louder grunt when a warm glob of semen shot into her mouth as the man's cock was poking the back of her throat. Swallowing it down the nude woman continued to furiously suck on the man's dick, finally popping it out to let the last two loads splurt her in the face and chest before slipping his cock back into her open mouth to lick it clean while his jizz slid down her face.