The Age of Ares Ch. 02


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Knowing I couldn't contact them, I was a bit stuck, so I took a break and opened my social media account. Almost immediately, I saw in my notifications tab that I got several messages from my sisters and mom. Knowing my dad's warning, I erased all of them without reading any and unfriended my sisters, taking the extra step of blocking them for good measure. I hated having to do that, but I wasn't about to risk my future just to keep in touch with someone I wasn't able to see or talk to.

Nicole, meanwhile, had a few references she could call upon, and after making a few calls to said references, she let me use some of her contacts for my references, including Beverly and their sorority Chairperson.

To say I was grateful was an understatement, for as soon as my resumé was finished, I pounced on Nicole and started pulling her blouse off. She eagerly reciprocated, pulling my shirt over my head, and soon we were buck-ass nude and rolling around on the sofa, fucking wildly. We didn't last long, but it was worth it. A hot quick romp with a caring woman. I would have no trouble forgetting what I saw yesterday.


Over the next two days, we spent most of the time in our room, sending out copies of our resumés to some different companies in nearby cities. Some of them were in our wheelhouse and others were close to our degrees.

Most of them didn't respond right away, but that wasn't much of an issue. We reasoned that there are likely a thousand different applicants a day so it made sense not to put too much time and energy into waiting for a call to come in.

So you can imagine it came as a surprise when I got a phone call an hour after sending an email to a broker in the downtown region. I opened my phone and answered it without looking at the name and said, "Hello?" very quickly. I cursed myself, for speaking too quickly, especially after I heard who was on the other end.

"Ares, it's your mom." came my mother's voice, "I need to talk to you about..."

I quickly ended the call before I could hear her words. Not ten seconds later, my phone started to ring again. This time, I looked at the contact's name and sighed as my mom's profile appeared.

I quickly canceled the call and then removed her from my contacts list.

Nicole saw me do that and asked, "Why are you doing that? Don't you want to talk to her?"

I looked at her sadly, "Of course I do! I want to apologize for my behavior, I want to say I'm sorry, that I thought it over and realized she was right about me making assumptions. But I can't talk to her. My dad said..."

"Your dad said not to contact your sisters or mom." Nicole explained, "He also said that his lawyers are drawing up a contract for you to sign. Until then, his rules don't go into effect! Maybe your mom doesn't know about the contract, or maybe she has a method of calling you without your dad's knowledge! My point is you don't know, and won't know until you talk to her."

Almost as soon as she finished talking, my phone rang again. I recognized the number even though it said 'unknown caller' on the display. I sighed and accepted the call.

"You can't call me, mom!" I said, "Dad made it clear, I can't talk to you!"

"I know, and I'm here to tell you that I talked to him. He's agreed to not enforce that rule if I or your sisters request to talk to you." Mom explained, "I got permission to talk to you today for an hour if that's what you want."

I smiled, "I'd love to talk to you, mom. I wanted to say I'm sorry." I said, "You were right, and I..."

"No, Ares. You were right!" said Mom, "About everything, but you don't have the full story! I can't go into details here, so I'm going to see if I can send an email without him knowing. But I can tell you this, if he sends you a contract, read it thoroughly before you sign it. I bet you anything he's going to try to use some kind of lawyer shit to swindle you."

I grinned, "Mom, you just swore. You always told us not to do that!"

"Don't get cute, son. It's not a permanent thing!" she said, "Are you with your friend? Can I talk to her?"

I handed the phone over to Nicole, who took it up to her ear and said, "Hello, Mrs. Carmichael. My name is Nicole Ericson."

I listened as she and my mom spoke for a long while. I could only get half of the conversation from Nicole's words, but every so often she would giggle or smirk, and I knew for a fact that mom was telling her something about my childhood. After thirty minutes, Nicole handed the phone back to me.

"Hi, mom." I said, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to wish you good night." she said, "And that I'm sorry I never talked to you while you were away. I feel like a fool sometimes, having gone no contact with you. Believe me, it wasn't my decision!"

"I believe you, mom," I said, "I just don't know why."

"It's because..." she paused, and I got the distinction that she was looking around to make sure no one was nearby before she continued, "It's because your father got more aggressive in the last few years, so much so that he started making us do things we weren't proud of."

"Like filming an orgy?" I asked.

"Among other things." She added, "As I said, I'll try to send you an email, but be careful. Your father has turned into a dangerous man since the IQ tests, almost like he was paranoid that you'd be coming home one day. I think...I'm not sure." there was a pause, before she said, "I have to go. I love you, Ares!"

"I love you too, mom!" I said, then disconnected the phone.

I looked at Nicole, "Have I told you that I love you?" I asked.

She gave me a loving look, "Not often enough, I think!" she added, holding out her hand.

I quickly took it and we went into the bedroom and quickly stripped naked. We didn't fuck that night, but we did snuggle until past midnight. I was dozing off when I got a text message from mom.

It read "Check your email". A second later, the text was deleted.

I got out of bed and made my way to my laptop. Sitting down, I opened it up and checked my email account. Sure enough, there was a message from mom. I quickly downloaded it and made a copy so it wouldn't vanish if she deleted this one too.

The message at the top read, "Save this!" Already done that, thanks!

The text read, "Ares, this message is to let you know exactly what has happened to us since you left for university. Almost immediately after dropping you off at the airport, your father went into your room and grabbed everything that wasn't nailed to the floor and put it in boxes. All of your posters, pictures, and personal items were placed in storage. Your clothes were thrown out or put into charity boxes, and some of your homework from the past year was shredded.

"That's not the worst thing to happen though Your father took a bunch of old photos of you and burned them. Any picture taken as a group was uploaded to photoshop and you were erased from them. He would then print the new photo and replace them in the picture frames, taking the old ones out and burning them, too.

"He tried burning your baby pictures, but I stopped him, putting them with the pictures of your sisters. I even grabbed your birth certificate for fear that he'd try to burn that as well. I have no idea why your father did that, but he essentially erased you from our lives and told us to never mention you in conversation again. He said there would be consequences if we disobeyed that rule.

"Over the next several days, he made every effort to not mention you. Once or twice, Clio and Artemis would say they got a message from you and smile, but their smiles would vanish as soon as your dad came into the room. Once, he followed through with his threat and we all saw the full range of his punishment. Clio was stripped naked and her bottom was spanked red. He then said that this was the consequence of saying your name out loud.

"From that day on, the only time your name was said, was in hushed tones or when we knew your father wasn't at home. Artemis gave Clio her moisturizer to help with her spanked bottom, and it started to work, but a week later, your father declared all conversation regarding you would cease immediately. He said that if he heard your name, we'd receive a worse punishment than what Clio experienced.

"It was a year later when Artemis and Polina turned 18 that your father made a new rule. Anyone over the age of 18 was no longer permitted to wear clothes in the house, including me and him. We thought he was joking until he stripped naked right before us. The girls recoiled at his nude body, and after a moment's hesitation, I begged him to put his clothes back on, at least while Clio and Thalia were around.

"He agreed, but also pointed out that since they were out with friends, then he could stay nude if he wanted to, and that we had to join him. I reluctantly took my clothes off, but Artemis and Polina refused, so he took Artemis by the ear and pulled her over his lap, and spanked her until she said "Stop it, I'll strip!" and did so. Polina followed suit and soon they were both naked in front of us. We spent the rest of the day without clothes until Clio and Thalia came home.

"About a month later, on July 14th, Dad told us all to strip for National Nude Day, even Clio and Thalia, and that we'd be spending the entire day by the pool. The girls were none-too-pleased at this but stripped their clothes anyway. While Clio and Thalia were splashing in the pool, your father started rubbing himself in the canopy, giving me dark lust-filled looks. He then grabbed me and pushed me to my knees, got in front of me, and forced his erect penis into my mouth, telling me to suck him dry.

"I reluctantly gave him his blowjob and he came in my mouth a few minutes later. When Artemis and Polina came out, he grabbed them by the arms and forced them into a 69 position, and told them to lick each other to three orgasms each. When they refused, he spanked each of them until a red handprint was imprinted on their left cheek, and they started licking each other's pussies. It was then that Clio and Thalia came out of the pool, and I had to grab them and pull them inside to avoid him doing anything to them.

"When Artemis and Polina were finished, he got them to lean over one of the loungers and started fucking them from behind, bringing them to an additional orgasm and cumming in each of their pussies. He knew they were both on the pill so he didn't need to pull out, but he made it clear that this was now their role, to be his slaves. They cried themselves to sleep that night, having been defiled by their father."

I paused and sat there in the dark. Dad raped Artemis and Polina, and mom couldn't do anything to stop it. Suddenly, his behavior the other day made more sense. The aggression and the spankings, all pointed to him being more forceful.

I thought for a minute and concluded that being cooped up during the pandemic might have caused him to become sexually frustrated, or some other factor made him feel like he needed to prove he could still perform, and he forced his daughters to take part in it, maybe because he saw them as sexual beings and not simply his children.

If that was the case, then what I was going to read next was probably going to get worse.

"Over the next two years, Artemis and Polina served as your father's sex slaves, performing for him in lesbian acts like 69s or even teaming up to suck his cock. He even started filming them whenever they performed. After Clio and Thalia's 18th birthday, your father stopped making Artemis, and Polina service him and turned his attention to Clio and Thalia. He reminded them of the no clothes rule within the house and ripped their dresses off when they told him 'no'.

"He then grabbed their asses and spanked them raw until his handprint was on both cheeks. After that, he made his position clear; if he saw anyone wearing clothes, those clothes would be ripped to shreds. From that day on, all clothes in the house were banned unless we were heading out somewhere, which included school.

"Also, in case you're wondering, dad didn't let Artemis or Polina apply for universities after they graduated high school. His reason was that he couldn't devote enough money to send his girls away, but we all knew that it was a lie. He wanted us all to stay at home for him to control. Ever since their birthday, your father has been manipulating your younger sisters as well as your older ones to do as he pleased.

"About a year or so ago, he bought cameras and set them up throughout the house. I'm the only one who knows where all of them are, but your sisters have no idea that some of them are hidden in their rooms. If you're wondering why that is, there's a link to a website included in this email. I think it's going to help you figure out what dad's plans were from the start. BE CAREFUL GOING FORWARD! - Love, Mom!"

I looked at the bottom of the email and sure enough, there was a website link. I highlighted it and opened it in a new tab, and the results were shocking!

The website's name was HaremHouse. It was a subscription-based website of their house with different cameras focused on different rooms or areas. I clicked on the free trial page and saw to my immediate shock and anger that all my sister's rooms had a different camera on them. Curiously, I clicked on the 'Artemis' room' camera. The video screen loaded: It was a night-vision-colored bedroom where my eldest sister was masturbating. She was stark naked and bucking on her fingers.

I closed the video and opened one that read 'Twins bedroom'. I clicked on it and got an eyeful of Clio and Thalia scissoring. I quickly closed the video and left the website. This was a nightmare. Dad had taken my sisters and made them his sex slaves, and now he had random people on the internet watching them and paying to see them fuck.

Now I understood why dad was ordering them to stay naked all the time, why he had Artemis filming everyone performing oral, and why he was having his way with them. He was making money off of their sexuality and abusing his authority as the man of the house. He had a harem of unknowing slaves and was using them for his own profit.

That's why Clio was so upset when he told her about his deal with dad. In her mind, I was going along with her continued enslavement. I felt myself trembling as a tear ran down my cheek. I had failed my baby sister and everyone else in that house. I had to do something!

It was then that I made up my mind: I wasn't going to sign anything he gave me. I wasn't going to play his game. I was going to fight for my family, and I was going to kick the shit out of that man until his balls sank back into his body, and his penis shriveled up into a prune. I took a deep breath as I heard Nicole let out a low groan.

"Ares, come back to bed, I need you to fuck me!" she moaned at me. I smiled wistfully, got up and walked back to the bed, climbed in, and sank my hard-on into her waiting twat, ignoring the fact that I was only hard because I just saw my older twin sisters humping each other's pussies.

I brought Nicole to a tumultuous orgasm, all the while my mind was reeling at what I had just witnessed on my laptop. At my sisters' scissoring in bed. The mere thought of that made my dick lurch and I felt myself cumming hard into her pussy. What the fuck was wrong with me?

My sisters were enslaved and unknowingly teasing people on the internet, including me, and I just came at the memory of their pussies...rubbing against one another.

I rolled off of Nicole and lay back in bed. She hummed to herself as she nestled in beside me, placing her hand on my slick, still-hard cock.

"Mmm, ready for round two?" she asked, her eyes opening up. I looked into them; they were wide and hungry, with no trace of sleep at all. My heart was pounding, and my brain was going fuzzy.

"I can feel you. You're still hard!" Nicole purred.

I gulped, "I..."

Nicole blinked and gave me a look, "What is it?" she asked.

I couldn't tell her...I really couldn't. What would I say? How would I tell her that the only reason I gave her such a fucking awesome orgasm was that I just watched my sisters having a lesbian moment on a hidden webcam?

"Ares, you're scaring me." said Nicole, "Tell me what's going on. You look like you're trapped between an orgy and a buffet of your favorite desserts!"

I took a deep breath, "My mom just sent me an email, with details as to what's going on in my childhood home." I said, slowly, "Things are bad, but the worst of it dad's filming my sisters for porn."

I then explained everything, and I could see in her eyes as she wasn't enjoying any part of this. When I got to the part about seeing Artemis and Polina, I paused. I knew I couldn't tell her about the scissoring, but how would I put it in a way that didn't make me sound like a pervert.

To my surprise, Nicole stared down at my indecisive face, then looked away from me. I glanced in the direction of her gaze, and it fell upon my laptop.

I looked at her for an instant, then lept out of bed and ran to my laptop. She followed in my wake, grabbing my leg and pulling me off my feet. I stumbled into the main room as she passed me, grabbing my laptop, which was still open to the webcam footage.

She stared at it for a long moment, then used her finger to look around the rest of the website, before setting down my laptop and closing the internet page. She then turned to me, stark naked in the moonlight, and smiled wickedly.

"You are just as depraved as your father!" she said to me darkly.

I stood up and lowered my gaze to her feet. I had nothing to say.

She walked over to me and hugged me, "It's honestly the most erotic thing I've ever seen, your sisters fucking each other!" she added, bringing my head up to hers. I looked into her eyes and saw pure lust.

"So, what are we going to do with you?" she asked, her other hand reaching for my cock.

In the little chase to reach my laptop, my dick had gone somewhat soft, but in her grip, I quickly got hard again.

I gave her a long look, "You're not mad?" I asked.

She shook her head, "At you? No. At your dad, I'm royally pissed!" she said, "There are only a few people in this world who are truly depraved, and your father has just been elevated to the top of that list. I don't know about you, but I want to make sure he never gets to fuck another pussy again!"

It took me a moment to register her words, but as soon as I did, I smiled wickedly, matching her grin, "Will you marry me?" I asked her.

She blinked, "What?"

I smiled widely, "I want to do the exact same thing, babe!" I explained, "I want to ensure he never has an erection again. I want to make it so he can't abuse my sisters again! I want to go so far as to ruin his future in this world and make him an outcast just as he made me one for years!

"If we have the same goals in mind, if we have to same drive to free my family from his abuse, then I know in my heart that you are the one for me, now and always, so what do you say? Will you marry me? Will you help me destroy my father's career and reputation? And will you help me free my sisters and mother from his evil, incestuous hellhole?"

Nicole gave me a long gaze before she finally nodded.

"Yes to all." she said, "But before we do anything else, we need to call our university again!"

I blinked in surprise, "Why?"

She smiled, "Because we need to inform the Mythology wing that Ares is back to being the god of war!"

To be continued...

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WillmottWillmott8 months ago

Coward character. Bad author

Holistic_VoyeurHolistic_Voyeurover 1 year ago

Chapter 2 was nice. I enjoyed it.

OverconfidentSarcasmOverconfidentSarcasmover 1 year ago

You know, you can delete comments and reset scores as much as you want. At the end of the day, it's still badly written. Tere was still nothing stopping the mom from calling the police, when she witnessed her husband raping her daughters. There was still nothing stopping any of them from contacting their son/brother, if they're now so eager to do it. There characters are still not functioning like normal human beings. And giving your character a high IQ while being unable to comprehend all this, still makes no sense.

Sorry. Still a 2/5 for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

C h. 2 is a repeat of ch. 1 ?

HoltarenHoltarenover 1 year ago

Fantastic. More please and soon.

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