All Comments on 'The Annual Outing'

by Agena

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saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
A couple of plot holes

He blackmails her into staying married?

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Pretty good

An ok story but I think it could have been better.

I think you could have done better with the husbands emotions and sense of betrayal. He mentioned all the standard feelings etc. but it somehow came off as a bit clinical to me. I just didnt get much of a sense of anger or hurt or anything really from him. Since Im not the writer here, I cant even really offer suggestions as to how to better convey emotions though :)

Having the wife purposely get pregnant with the other guys child was too much. To me that put her far over the line and made the reconciliation seem less than satisfying. It also made her claims that she had no real feelings for the guy a lie imo. If you had just written about a once a year affair that went on for a long period of time, then you could have got them back together without making the wife seem so heartless and the husband seem so whipped. Not really sure what having one of the children belong the the lover accomplished really except giving him something more on Randy.

Since you made the wife out to be so amoral, cruel and self-centered, the kids as a reason for staying together also kind of falls apart. Yes its nice for children to have two parents but if one of them is the wife in this story, it almost seems like they would be better off with one. Again it would have been better as a story about a simple once a year romp instead of a complete and total betrayal of her whole family and the man she claims to love.

Even though I didnt think the story was perfect, it was still good. Thanks for writing.

p.s. the length of their marriage was also an issue here. Married seven years and having an affair for over half of them wouldnt give me much confidence in her 'love' or willingness not to hurt me if I was the husband. Sure didnt take long for the new to rub off her marriage or for her to get sick of being a wife and mother. Has to make you question if two kids, a loving husband and a white picket fence is what she really wanted in the first place.

JoesephusJoesephusover 18 years ago
Very well written - but...

I hope that those who disagree with the actions of your characters also acknowledge your skill as a writer. Personally, although I'm only 24 and desperately hoping to convince my girl to marry me, I hate divorce. My mother apparently likes the process so much I soon expect her to start on her 6th.

My one quibble is that I didn't see atonement. I saw a period of unrealistic expectations, you hinted that the wife was willing to be demonstrative in her love, but I don't think that's atonement.

I have written several cheating stories on another site, and have two pending for Lit right now. I know just how hard that is to demonstrate what I call repentance. Again, you do imply it but you don't show any concrete examples.

Without it, what you have is a man willing to accept a reduced marriage. I think that's realistic, but somewhat unsatisfying in a story. Of course, part of this is self-serving; I'd like to see other's ideas on how a cheater can "make it up" to their spouse. I think that is especially difficult when the spouse has committed the ultimate betrayal by creating a child outside of an existing marriage.

I think that's bothering me too. A "Same Time Next Year" affair is, in many ways, worse than a simple office fling. It takes planning and a long-term commitment. When a child is planned from such an affair, I think I'd need more than, "I didn't think I would get caught." You also hint at a deep hostility at the opening of the story, "Even his mother thinks he's the spiting image..." That isn't ameliorate by her telling her lover that she loves her husband but needs to cut lose. I didn't see that as comforting information. I thought it should a deeper level of betrayal.

Bottom line, I loved your easy narrative style. I agree with your moral position on the kids being more important than the parents. But, while but I think while you've implied them, you've left out some important details to leave me satisfied that the husband also received justice.

baron14baron14over 18 years ago
Another wimp husband

I believe I have just read a story with the worst wimp. Surely no person could accept or forgive this deliberate, calculated affair. This had been going on for 4 years or more where both women lied to their respective husbands and then one of them deliberately witheld sex a week before and after the liaison to ensure that she became pregnant by her "lover". How anyone can accept that behaviour by their spouce and then look at themselves in the mirror each morning is beyond me. Then those ridiculous rules. They would be more damaging to the family then a break up. I have tried to write this gender non specific except where I had to mention the characters and the pregnancy. If I were such a wimp I would not be able to live with myself, not because of the illicit action by my spouce but because of the absolute lack of self respect for myself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
good but

i could never stay with a whore that did that to me. a bitch who could intentionaly saddle her husband with another mans bastard could kill him in his sleep or anything else.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I enjoyed the story but could have seen changes. One is that Jan could have explained why she had Sean as it sounded planned (and it wasn't a once a year thing). Two is that she could explain how she started this and how she performed sex with another and not doing the same acts with Jim.

Three is that I could see that it would be much longer for them to get together and more pain in sex and with emotions. Four - a revenge affair to make Jan pay. Five - a contract leaving all possessions (including kids) if Jan and Jim divorced to Jim as a requirement for marriage. I liked your writing and think a Bob story would be a good sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Not bad for a formula exercise

The story was OK as an exercise in writing a formula story, which is pretty much what you promised.

One point, one does not 'shoo the kids into the other room' when they are 5 and 2. A 2 year old must be monitored constantly, and cannot be left in another room or in the back yard for 2 minutes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
how bizarre!

truly bizarre

where do people like this live?

Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago
Hmmmm, ahh the signs of puppy love.

I thought of all kinds of witty comments, but something Joesephus said in his comments below convinced me to take a different approach.

Technically this is a well written piece. There are a few glaring problems with a few plot holes, but as writing goes it is well done.

But having said that, I have to tell you the same things I mentioned to "The Wanderer". When you write something (and I'll have to be honest with my next statements) in a usually "Male" forum certain things start to occur. When a Male reads a story that he can get into he starts to put himself in the place of the main character. Often you can tell this by the reaction to the piece by the posters in general. Males who would react the way you wrote this story are (if you pardon a country expression) "As scarce as hens but only twice as rare."

The problem that I usually have with this type of story is that (sorry Josephus) authors who write and usually have a problem with divorce will write in some really bad, evil, and depraved things a wife will do with another man that is hidden from the husband and then after its all said and done try to write it so that the husband, who is supposed to love his wife "soooo" much, will forgive her and share some of the blame.

Sorry but that comes off as a weak husband, with little, or no self respect. Strength doesn't come from being a floor mat and taking the blame for anothers decisions. If they had talked and he ignored her, that's one thing, but deliberately hiding an affair, so she can have another man's child for her husband to raise, is another. It was almost as if he was a "desperate" husband who doesn't want to face the world alone because his wife is the only person he can or ever "will" love and willing to love him back. Thats a crock to me. If you found that person, and your not deformed in some way, there are millions of women in the world. You just have to work at finding someone who isn't intrested in betraying you. There are lots of women over 21 in the world intrested in being fathful to a man and not abusing him or cheating on him.

But not in the Literotica world though. In the world of Literotica having a loving couple is usually having one wife or husband that is faithful and willing to always take back a cheating mate. Its not usually where two people who actually "Love" each other are willing to forgo having sex with others. I can never understand why in the Literotica world there are always multiple free do overs in marriages from authors like this. Man these women must have married some ugly guys for just their money.

But for some reason 80% of the male leads in Literotica can't move on with their lives and find a new woman. The majority of the writers think they are making a strong male lead by making them stay to work on a broken marriage. I'm not talking about beating the wife, dehumanizing her in revenge, or beating up the other guy. I'm talking about having enough self respect that, as you wrote in the story, the husband finds out that his wife is cheating on him, has been for years, done with with the same person, had a child by him and deprived her husband of the chance to insure the child was by the other man, bought outfits for the other guy, gave the husband pitty sex, and was perfectly willing to continue this till caught, doesn't speak of a loving wife. Anyone willing to say "Well she made a mistake and won't do this again" is kidding themselves, and thats why most male will never think of this as a good story.

I also find it funny that you had the husbands take revenge against the men they didn't even know, and "then" let the wives of those same husbands have the self respect you guys are always denying the husbands, in the name of love. Don't you guys feel their wives love them enough to just look past it too? Is always because the wives are getting a chance to quickly say they are sorry to the husbands they cheated on, but not the other husbands? You know what? Why don't you guys give the other husbands the same chance you gave the wives. Why don't the husbands sit down with the other husbands, give them same negative spiel they give the wives about some concequences, then let them also beg the husbands for forgiveness too? I used to wonder why that was never written, but now I know. Its because some of you folks have to have just a *tiny* but of revenge written in the story, and it gets passed off to the other guy. Yep thats fair. Blame the other guy, but have the husbands sharing the blame with the wife.

Having self respect doesn't usually mean the husbands are a floor mat that they wives can wipe their feet on and do what ever they want to the husbands and they keep coming back for more. That's a puppy not a husband.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
It was a very good story until the end

A real man would never take a whore who has some other man's baby back. he should have seeked more not less revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Forgiveness is wrong, it just provides the permission to do it gain. "If you forgive once they'll do it again because they know it's easier the 2nd time. Kick the cheaters ass out and move on.

Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago

This was well done and I enjoyed reading it. The problem I had was the extent of the wife's adultery and her planned extra marital pregnancy. I think that the author raised the level of her infidelity too high for a reasonable reconciliation to take place. In my mind I could see no ending but seperation and divorce - the betrayal was too extreme. I do appreciate the author's efforts and hope that there will be more tales forthcoming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

You write well and tell a good story. However, I didn't care for the ending to your story.


don87654don87654over 18 years ago
Very erotic and natural

You're lucky.....With all that barebacked fucking and those guys "historically" fucking around in other places, it's a wonder you did not catch an STD.....

JoesephusJoesephusover 18 years ago
On Forgiveness

Unlike some authors, I don't mind folks who comment and want or need to remain anonymous. I've taken every precaution I can to protect my identity, it could cost me my scholarship if it were known.

My regret is that it precludes a dialogue. Risq and I have visited before and I hope to do so again. I will say that I'm editing my stories a little from the other site before I post them here. It doesn't make the writing better, but I hope it makes my points clearer.

On the topic of forgiveness, I hope that Anonymous in Canada will read both of my stories, when they get posted, and comment upon both. Every one has their limitations. That includes what one can live with. Like many here, I could not tolerate a spouse who couldn't remain faithful. I don't know, and hope I never have to find out, if I could stand to stay in a marriage with one who had been unfaithful.

I agree with Risq, I put myself in the place of the husbands, and if his actions seem beyond the pale, I react strongly. It is the strong emotional connection that makes these stories appealing to me. However, as a writer, I beg the readers to keep in mind that if we wish new and original looks at this theme we need to encourage the authors.

I've had several writers warn me not to post to the index because I can expect 'abuse.' I'm a jock. No one, in a letter, can top the abuse my coaches can meet out in person. Thus I'm still anxious to post here, and I'm not trying to mute any reaction to my stories. I just hope that when you strongly disagree with others, you'll take the time to lay it out the way Risq has done. That is so very useful to a writer.

I know that his emails to me, as well as pages written by other critics have helped me gain new insight into this topic. Judging from the scores I've received on latter stories, the readers appreciate them too.

I've read both of cheating stories this morning, and I see much more depth and understanding in this one. I don't like what this husband has done. I don't think he acted wisely. However, it was internally consistent, and very well written, and you see he has put much thought into plotting out the story. I was able to enter a 'reader's trance' and see the story as I read. The narrative was smooth and I didn't notice any grammar or style gaffs. (I never see them in my own stuff.) I want to encourage him to keep writing, and to continue to explore this theme.

JoesephusJoesephusover 18 years ago
On Forgiveness

When I re-read my last comment it sounded like I was claiming authorship to me. I would love to claim Agena's ability, but alas the story is his

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 18 years ago
You have got to be kidding!

This is a total lack of reality for any man who has just a little self-respect.

The wife is not in love with anyone but herself. She is laughing at him for his reconciliation. She has taken her infidelity to the highest mountain by purposely have a child by another man. No one, man or woman would accept not having an explanation of why would a person hate another so much to have a child on purpose by someone other than the “real love of their life”. That is not disrespect that is a real hatred of the husband. The total, most hurtful thing one mate could ever do to another! She will need the same sexual excitement outside the wimp husband again. The ending is not credible in any manor. Others commentators have gone in greater depth to explain allot of what is wrong with this scenario of a strong husband going on with this joke of a marriage. This husband needs therapy to find out why he hates himself so much to allow his continued cuckolding. The children are in for a hard life being raised by these two people of so little substance.

You write well and you have a right, and the obligating to yourself, to write what you want, but what world do these people live in. Keep writing you will have me reading your stories as you do a credible job. Of course you may not want to hear my opinion

rip32rip32over 18 years ago
Fairly Well Written

A fairly well written story, but the plot failed miserably. The thought that he has to stay with his wife because he loves her so much would be negated by the fact that she hates him so much. Why else would she purposely have another man's child. She must have had some great laughs about what a fool she had married. And then to confirm what a great fool he is, he takes her back after he finds the extent of her betrayel. His evidence is no longer good for a divorce, because he has reconciled with her. In the eyes of the law anything he knew about before he forgave her now means nothing. She would get child support for both children from him because he acknowledged the child as his at birth. The law doesn't care that Sean is not his, he will pay child support. She would probably get alimony (I don't know the laws in their state) because she is a stay at home mom and the judge will try to insure the lifestyle of the children does not change.

The only reason I can see for her to profess love for him is to insure she gets a good portion of his money.

The only reason I see for him staying with her is because she is right, he is a fool.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
its' hard to be a senitive writer

most people want blood on a cheating spouse,but there is a lot to consider.childred where there are yours are long the affair has been going much you have lost respect for the spouse and the love you still have for the spouse.if you have to put conditions of your marriage where the spouse is in a cage it over.the writers on this site seen to be underkill on the cheating wife thing, because of female responses.really the writers are wimping out,because this wife shit on this hubby every way a wife could fuck over a man.had a baby by another man and was his whore for four yrs.this hubby had to be a saint or the writer missed can you stay with a woman every time you look at that child and see betrayal.this evil woman bragged about it to her sister.i rest my write outstanding,the plot at the end confuse me.

shangoshangoover 18 years ago
It's not like we weren't warned

But speaking for myself, I didn't think it would be this bad. An erection moments after taking Viagra? Putting a video in a DVD player? Having unprotected sex with her, when he knows she's doing the same with at least one other man? She's still the best candidate to be Mom after what she's done? Writing yet another marriage contract with her and thinking she'll honor it after failing so badly with the first? This plot had more holes in it than the Bush administration's Iraq policy! Oh' by the way: Your male lead is an idiot. Most men, when they read a story, put themselves in the male leads place. Only the sickest, weakest and most pathetic man can do it in your story. Look at this attempt as I'm sure the Wright Bros. did for their first. At least now you know what doesn't work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Was this written by a child? I have never read such crap. This was so poorly written that I had to skip over most of it. The writer has no guts. The two husbands have no balls. The two sisters are whores. What will the husbands do next time? And, there will be a next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good writing, bad premise

You assume that the marriage should continue for the sake of the kids. I suppose that it makes sense if the parents are content with raising a new generation of cheating spouses. But I think that most parents would want something better for their children. The couple in this story does not address the reasons behind the wife's cheating. I would expect that the cheating would continue and that whatever character traits caused the wife's cheating would be passed onto the children. Gee, thanks mom ...

(Note that I'm not arguing whether the couple should be divorced, but rather that something is seriously broken and needs to be fixed.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

but they did not suffer enough

PArebelPArebelover 18 years ago
Well Done

Any story here is the author's vision of events. I don't have to agree with them to enjoy the story, and I did enjoy the story very much. Agena took one direction, I would have wanted some other roads traveled.

My primary concerns are WHY and HOW?

Why did she do these things. Why did she decide she could not only be unfaithful but to calculatedly decide to become pregnant by another man. The latter is virtually unforgivable.

How can he ever trust her again? Even if this was a once-a-year deal, how can he ever trust that she won't start a new annual affair, or worse.

She has shown herself to be willful, selfish, and self-absorbed. The closest thing to saving her is her comment to Randy about loving her husband and fearing losing his respect if she did some things with him. Somehow that fails to ring true. I don't know many men, heck I don't know any men, who would lose respect for their wives because they wanted to perform oral sex to completion with their spouse, or wanted virtually any other act WITH THEIR SPOUSE. A little communication would have assured her of that fact.

Without reasonable solutions to these two problems I don't see how the marriage can survive.

In Jim's shoes in particular I would probably have had to walk away. I certainly would have sued for custody. Hopefully I would have done my best to avoid sending the video to everyone in creation, but if I needed that ammunition to get custody I would certainly have made the threat and followed through if necessary.

Bob's situation has more room for forgiveness given the lack of any "bastard" children.

I really enjoyed both this story and "Being Unfaithful". Keep writing

louguy35louguy35over 18 years ago
Sorry, Risq_001, but a touch of reality

Risq comented that "there are lots of women over 21...interrested in being faithful..." According to a survey cited in Readers Digest, 73% of all married women cheat (A greater percent than men by nearly 20%.) A recent study referred to on one of the national news networks (I do not remember whether it was CNN, MSNBC or FNN) put the figure of cheating wives at 70-75%. At best that leaves only 25% of women who can be trusted in marriage, if the surveys are accurate. It would appear that most men are literally "fucked" when it comes to expecting faithful wives, and the prospect that they will find a faithful second wife is not too promising. Best to leave the cheating bitch and move on, and hope for the unlikely best.

Sorry to introduce this little bit of reality into the discussion, but it seems that today's American women are primarily self-absorbed narcissists seeking only instant gratification and having no ability to love anyone but themselves.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
More Truth Than Fiction

You wrote an excellent story however your preamble gave us a hint where things were going to end up. The usual outcome for the cheating spouse under these circumstances should be divorce although there is the remote possibility that the couple could stay together.

Here we have a spouse who cheats once a year over a weekend for at least 4 years. Shortly after their first child was born, Jan and her sister concoct this once a year outing to cheat on their husbands. On their second annual outing Jan arranges to have her lover's child who is a married man she has known only through e-mail/internet about a year. Jan and her lover have unprotected sex and he cheats with other women outside of Jan.

So the husband finds out, gets the evidence and confront her. She is given these list of conditions and he finds out that they do not work. Surprise! Marriage is based upon trust, respect and love in that order. He could not return to the 1900's where women were virtual captives of the home. Then he took the only choice he had left since he needed her in his life. He had to forgive her. What a weak person the husband turned out to be!

The problem in their marriage wasn't that he would not respect her if he found out about these annual flings. It was that she did not respect her husband! She set up the situation where he would raise another man's child. She risk bringing a deadly STD into their lives. She was more interested in pleasing her lover more than her husband sexually.

The fact is there is nothing she or any other spouse can do to make up for this type of betrayal. The husband can set up his house as a police state but that is no way to live. You present only two options for him - forgive and stay or divorce and leave but there is a third option,

He could have Jan sign the divorce papers dated to become effective when Sean becomes 18. He could give his attorney instructions to file them in 15-16 years. They can split the assets up 50:50 at that time. Jan would have time to start working to take care of herself when the kids are teenagers. Effectively the marriage would be over but the loving home would remain for the kids who they both love.

He should forget about this revenge stuff (I thought it was wrong for him to extort her to stay with these threats). Look at what this revenge would do to the kids who has to live in this small community not to mention his own career. He should forgive her but he can never trust her again. The one disturbing aspect to the story was that she never addressed the cause for her cheating.

Bottom Line: She will cheat again despite the increased

love making (she only have to lie low for a

few years and not get caught). He was a wimp

to allow his need for her to overcome his

common sense. But this outcome is more true

than false in today's marriages.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
your best work to date

Well written and belivable. I think your detractors do not understand what it is like to truly love someone. The children should have first consideration and the needs of the parents second. If you love someone, ANYTHING can be forgiven if honest remorse is shown.

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
I should elaborate

In all fairness I should elaborate a little on my previous comment. I absolutely do not care about the moral aspects of these stories. I don’t care how they end. I try to restrict my comments to how the story affected me or to some technical aspect of the story. What bothered me about this story was technical in nature. You have the husband going to great lengths to gather evidence against an unfaithful wife. He begins divorce proceedings, brings his brother in law into the picture, and uses DNA to assign paternity to his wife’s child. When he assembles all this information along with the video of her betrayal, what does he do with it? He uses it to blackmail his wife into staying married to him. Quite frankly, that is unbelievable and inconsistent with what was written up to that point. It just doesn’t work.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 18 years ago
Risq nailed it...

I'm coming around to Risq's way of thinking. He should have gone ahead with the divorce.

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
You did it so cleverly

You told a story with an implausible plot and did it so well. Congratulations!

I do agree with Average Joe's comment though, and similar misgivings were expressed by quite a few others.

Why do you authors dig the wife into an unredeemable position and then use a miracle to save her? Planned conception of another man's child is not so easily forgivable in the context you portrayed.

And you overcame the problem of needing a brain dead wife to explain her stupidity by having her husband say he didn't want to know - ABSOLUTELY FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!

Admittedly I'm a woman, but I believe the man who isn't interested in why his partner cheated has yet to be born. No reasons, no explanations is merely an author's way of 'wimping out', saves thinking about credible reasons if you give us none, doesn't it?

The only problem is, now you have given the idea to other authors who will use the same 'author's wimp method' and leave the woman's reasons and motivations completely out of the story.

Oh well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Should of kicked the whores out.If they do it once,even if it is a yearly event,they will do it again.

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
A quick word for Louguy35 about "Surveys"

It was in Reader's Digest huh? Geez, must be true then.

Who is 'surveyed' to get these, usually stupid, results. Do they go to the local pick up joint and ask the women trolling for guys? that would be a predictable result.

Do you know anyone who has been asked in these surveys?

Why would any normal person bother replying?

Mathematics happens to be one of my interests and was a large part of my former occupation.

Give me a set of figures, any set, and tell me what you want them to say and I'll have you a professional looking and uncontestable result in an hour or so.

So, just think how well a trained statistician could do.

AND, if you want me to make up the survey questions I can absolutely get you any answer you want on any subject.

So don't bother quoting survey results.

I can number about a dozen women who are 'close' friends, I have two sisters, and about twenty or so more I would call 'friends'. None of these are cheating on their spouses. But by your estimation about 24 of these women 'should' be cheating.

Where are all these cheats? Even of my 'acquaintances' I know of only one who 'supposedly' has something going with a neighbour. that makes one in over a hundred women.

But by your assertions I should be surrounded on all sides by these cheating women.

Get real! Yes, there are probably plenty out there, but not in anything like the numbers you assume.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

<<<I think your detractors do not understand what it is like to truly love someone. The children should have first consideration and the needs of the parents second. If you love someone, ANYTHING can be forgiven if honest remorse is shown>>>

"truly love someone"???

"ANYTHING can be forgiven if honest remorse is shown"???

Save us from rhetoric, please!!!!!!

Let's grow up guys!!!!

if we really want to talk about responsability:

Whoever professes shit like this should never bring children into life. So that they avoid to get things damaged when it's too late.

Excuses, always excuses, balls busting excuses!!!!

DavefoDavefoover 18 years ago
Who was the target audience here?

The ability of the writer is a 100+ - - the storyline is a

minus 100. It gets a 50, just because someone spent THEIR time to entertain us and they don't deserve to be ripped apart, and their story castigated because we disagree with the premise.

BUT this story...whew...planned a kid outside the marriage and the writer thinks hubby would try to reconcile? I would like for the writer add a chapter, telling us when hubby was castrated. No realism, that is it. The Mother Ship must

be hovering to rescue hubby..yeah, maybe that is next.

And she met her lover annually????????????? Sorry, my Bull Shit Meter is pegged. Her hubby must have had a lobotomy the first year of their marriage. Hell, she would be better off with a fence post. At least the fence post stands for

something!! (Yeah, dumb pun huh?).

ALL THAT BEING SAID, she has done a masterful job of pulling

our emotions out, getting comments submitted. Maybe THAT was

the intent all along? I mean, come on now...who is the

audience here? Women? A few...Men? A lot. So if I wanted

to rattle the cages and see how provocative I could be, I

guess this would be one way to do it. Now, if the writer

really feels this way, ugh...glad she isn't kin to

any way.

sherlock40sherlock40over 18 years ago
It's sad that the wives of the husbands

that were fucking Jim and Karl's wives had more balls than these guys. They were not going to stand there and take the deliberate betrayal of their marriage.

Jan planned to have sex with that guy during her most fertile period, she cut off her husband both before and after her trip so that her lover was guaranteed to be the father of the child.

I can see keeping, loving and supporting the child. It didn't stab the husband in the back. It was an innocent. But, I can't think of one male that would stay married to a woman that hated her husband that much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Hey Guys...COOL your jets!!!!

Read the author's bio...his fetish is "femdom"....he likes chicks with balls...or guys without balls...this story turns him on...the way it was written...leave him to his drool...even though many of us his other stories...same weak male lead... us beating on him...only makes him even hornier..LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
weak husband, acceptable, weak plot is not

A number of issues to cover here. I’m with Mark Twain or Benjamin Disraeli, I’ll do the complete research later, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics.” Who cares what percent do what? This is a story of a discrete number of people and their behavior to which we are to react.

In 77% of the new Loving Wives stories posted within the last 3 months, the crimes by the wives get worse and worse and the husbands ultimately take them back because 1) the children are better off with their mother, despite the fact that her behavior indicates she can’t be trusted to value their interests, 2) she loves him, verbally, despite the fact that she may have given him an STD, tried to have him killed or just generally treated him with less respect than she would a mugger, 3) he loves her, can’t live without her, can’t possibly replace her - despite the assertion of all her friends that he is a fabulous catch, no decent, intact woman of any age or description will have him and the best he can possibly do is to stay with someone who is completely contemptuous of him.

Of course, I lied. I made up the statistics. But the situations are valid.

A more recent trend seems to be: don’t find out why she did it. I can’t say why the specific authors did it, but I can speculate that 1) it’s hard to come up with a believable reason. It doesn’t have to be an acceptable reason, but it has to be believable. 2) As soon as you come up with a reason, it’s harder to take her back. Look, for example, at this woman plotting to have her lover’s baby. There are really only 2 reasons for that: 1) she loves him so much more that she needs to have his baby instead of her husband’s or 2) she hates her husband so much she wants to do the worst thing she can imagine to him. That is a savagely hostile act to do on purpose. It’s pretty bad to do it by not taking precautions to prevent it, but to plan it shows real antipathy. So how do you take her back if either of those is the reason? You can’t. So, don’t ask, don’t tell. The reason she cheated? Who knows? Again, it’s easier to forgive when you haven’t heard the pitiful reason. It’s also less difficult to believe the remorse if you haven’t heard the reason. If she says, “Because I hate your fucking guts you piece of shit, but I’m truly sorry I hurt you,” who could possibly believe her? Her husband, of course.

Will she do it again? Of course not, he loves her. Yeah, I don’t get it either.

The standard in a story is not whether I would act that way. It is whether a sane, non-delusional person could choose the behavior under the given circumstances with a belief that the outcome could be successful. That’s almost impossible to do if you don’t hear her reasoning.

One final issue, everyone tries to get involved with some character in the story, most with the hero, male or female, some with the other person. From surveys of women reading Romance novels, they identify with the hero or heroine. It’s not unreasonable to expect that people of either gender are getting involved with the main character of any story, especially when written in the first person. Most women reading this story are going to feel the betrayal and, even if they might be more inclined to try to forgive and save the marriage, they are going to want more of a reason than was given.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
well balanced emotions

As far as i have seen women are more wild in their sex lives than we men and no matter what.. the grass is always greener on the other side. . so they can never be satisfied. .

Many women do want duHH husbands who wouldnt stop them from havin a blast. .& it is us the decent and non promiscuous males who end up compromising ...

If i had been in jims place i wouldnt have been pacified unless she treated that SOB Randy badly and maybe id ask her to kill the bastard. .

However another thing is that no matter how wrong a woman might have acted .. she doesnt always act humble and allow dominance as the leading lady in your story. .

I think it was the humility of jan that calmed jim . . . but if i were him i would be pissed about the fact that she was worried about randy getting destroyed. . i would only accept her if she could hate the man and herself for the things she did and express her hatred though being an apologetic creature. . .

I would accept her only if she was sorry for what she had done and if she hated the guy. .

Im sorry i wrote so much. . just got soo moved by your story..

By the way is it possible for a woman to have wild and slutty fantasies and not crave it in real life?? and whats the probability of them coming true

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Pretty well written... nothing very original

This reader is always looking for why people do the dumb things they do. The cheating wife had a reason for the sex... she wanted to do stuff that she was afraid would cause hubby to lose respect. It may not be a good reason but that's what she was thinking. It's pretty common for some men to refrain from certain acts with their wives that they do with their girlfriends. ("I can't to THAT with her. She's the mother of my children.") Taken to the extreme, this is The Madonna/Whore Complex. So, it's a resonable concern.

It's hard to say what would be a logical reason for the planned pregnancy but "I just don't know why I did that." is a cop-out. Isn't it the writer's job to come up with new and interesting answers for old questions? What is more, it seems unrealistic that a husband would not insist on an answer. Why she (and most others like her) cheated could well be filed under "Because She Could" but this is different.

This was pretty well written but not well researched. The law (divorce, privacy, paternity) and chemistry just don't work like that.

Oh, and 63.72 percent of all statistics are made up.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryover 18 years ago
Why the pregnancy?

Agena, one problem in commenting late on a story is that you can appear to be piling on, but in this case, I have to agree with a lot of the earlier posts. The pregnancy in this story stuck out like a sore thumb and needlessly complicated what could have been a very entertaining story. The problem is that it raises a whole host of issues and problems that detract from the story.

Lets start with the timing. If I read this story correctly, the child in question is two years old and she has been having this affair for four years. That means she decided to have the guy's child during the second annual outing and plotted to cut her husband off from her most fertile period.

There are a couple of issues with this. First, wouldn't the husband be just a little bit curious from the timing of the child? If he remembers four years later getting cut off for two weeks, I presume he might have had questions then as well. The second issue is why she would decide to have this guys child the second time she saw him? It just does not make sense.

I have to agree with other commentators that your failure to give a reason for the child is a big cop out. This was a cold blooded and calculated act and totally at odds with the way you portray the wife otherwise. It is totally unrealistic for the husband to accept her statement that she did not know why it happened without demanding a detailed explanation.

Another issue is whether she ever saw Randy other than this annual outing. This question does not seem to get asked. If she did see him at other times, it makes the pregancy more realistic but decreases the idea of reconciliation. If once a year was it, it leads you back to the question why would she decided to have the child of a guy she sees once a year?

You do raise some interesting ideas in this story, particularly the idea of the wife who needs the outlet valve to get wanton once a year because she is afraid to do it with her husband. It's an interesting idea, but it gets lost in the shuffle because of the pregnancy.

If I can offer you a suggestion, I would suggest that you throttle back a bit. If this story had been written without the pregnancy, I think it would have received much higher marks and would have been a much more cohesive story.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

a very goood story I even enjoyed the ending, but I too did not see a need for the for Jan talking about another baby with Randy. I was never spoken about in the confrontation and should have. I would have wanted to be sure she was not pregnant, and I would have wanted her tested for STD's before sex. other that that I liked it

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

The only word I have for this story is ludicrous. You write of a husband who after being uncomfortable for one month decides to take his wife back as a wife; and we know that this woman carried on an affair for four years and purposely became impregnated by her lover.

What man in his right mind would do such a thing? I certainly have not met any such men. And using the children as an excuse in this case is sick.

Personally I'm tired of these stories where the wife is impregnated by her lover. This theme has been played to death. You write well but that's just mechanics. Please think of a real story the next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Fairly well written...

I agree with Blue88 that reconciliation didn't make sense given the circumstances.

I also agree with capecodmercury's comments on the pregnancy.

The details just didn't seem to fit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Same Author Both Parts? Same Characters?

The idiotic husband, who's supposed to psychoanalyzing the habitually cheating --- having kids by OTHER MEN --- says "the fact that she's caught the first time simply means she'd be more carefully the second time?"

Now, may be it is just my English and if so, we should all be applauding the author's/character's self-argument:

"The first time" to me means you fuck someone ONCE and you happen to get caught.

But is "The first time" phrase also referred to fucking around so many times, during a time long long enough for you to have one, two, or three kids by them and THEN get caught!!

Do you follow me? alas, it must be just my poor English comprehension! lol The smart hubby will solve her recalcitrant's cheating problems for sure, whether by himself or with a shrink, after all, she's so thankful, joyous, and repentent after THAT FIRST TIME after which she's caught!

As the man said, "Our wives (he himself and his buddy whose wife also partook in those yearly "outing" activities) never did those things again without our knowledge or permission; gosh, our love-making afterward, they blew my mind!!" What a complete idiot he is. Why author, why make such idiots tell us their idiocy?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Final Outing Redeems This Story!

'Enuff Said!


KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
A good writer in an alien terrain?

I have already expressed my growing concern in face of the IDK& IDC (I don’t know and I don’t care) writer’s syndrome. OK, it’s curable, but it needs attending in time or it could spread and eat all interesting story space in Lit. What do you make of “I don’t want to hear any reasons just tell me what you are going to do…” As if there is any possibility to prescribe 50 daily push up; 250 charitable donations and 15 fasts every 3 months (take with water). It’s not like you walk next to your less than typical lady and could overhear her chatting with her friend about her yearly extra marital liaison + the extra child or two which just happened for no particular reason;. ‘You know what, I never gave it a thought, I was just there, and it was so easy to become pregnant. The average reader would need some understanding, like 'what the heck were these sisters thinking?' If you, author, could not think of something - how do you expect us to believe the story?

At this point I can already hear the cavalier of the 'writers anarchy brigade' riding at my direction crying 'what ever any writer wants to write -he/she should be entitled to so' In my effort to duck for the nearest shelter, I throw them my consent, then I hear: “Real life is so much stranger then any thing you can imagine,therefore everything in fiction goes", so when I ask: “do you not expect ‘closure’ and such every time the ending of a story is delayed for a day (as if real life provides us with any closures…), the moment of hesitation allows me to position myself into a better shelter. What can I say, even if you want to respect an author with a dignified criticism (albeit with some humor), it is not so easy now days.

I admit that I speculate here, but maybe the author bit this time more then he could swallow. Admittedly, it is a very complex, atypical behavior which he took upon himself to describe in this story. I will humbly suggest that, based on your age and life experience, you could provide fantastic and convincing stories with convincing insight into the characters internal psyche, if you chose materials that you are more familiar with. You could choose anything from your own life experiences to experiences that you have closely witnessed and so on. I am not being facetious, and trust me the IDK & IDC approach is a very thin fig leaf for characters’ presentations, which could not carry you far, even if you have good technical writing skills.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Comments are all over the place


As has been pointed out the story has some holes. The first is why Jan wanted to have her lover's baby. It wasn't for love so scratch that. Simply put it was an agressive act of anger (unexplained) against her husband. The second is the failure by a lot of readers to understand the male pysche. Jim has vanquashed the interloper, (No, he's not going to show mercy to the thief of his wife's affections, it's simply not in the male of the specie's makeup). What he is going to do is reclaim what he considers to be his. How? By screwing her senseless. That then makes him the leader of the pack. Good story though. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
One sick wife

Jan is one sick wife... I'm also not sure how/why Karla could prevent Bob from talking to Stan again.. Even if Karla was mad about what Stan did, Bob should be able to come back with what Jan did and tell Karla that they shouldn't have anything to do with Jan either...

It was obvious that Jan really didn't love her husband or her kids; her enjoyment came from cheating and her secret humilation of her husband...

She got what she deserved in the end...

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
the brother in law better watchout

the cheating might run in the family.the sister is till defending the whore.we don't know what the cheating wife out come will be,for the story ends before it is known.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
What a waste of ...Time..!

Time is precious and an irreplacable commodity.

For hubby to waste his years and always be on the alert for her next inexcusable...

100% -- because it was well written---but his option should have been to kill her...or seriously maim her...and do the time in prison....after all what was the difference.... time was wasted either way.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
Good story

And good writing. If you have to keep checking every move the wife makes then the marriage is doomed, anyway. I'm not sure a man could resume a full loving marriage with the flip of the switch.

I was a little interested in how the fucking weekend got started in the first place? Especially to the extent of allowing herself to become pregnant. Usually the woman that loves her husband at all will do her best to keep from getting pregnant by someone else. Especially if she ever thinks of the consequences of exposure of the affair.

But it is definitely an enjoyable story and one that is plausible given the fact that all things are possible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
your writing was good,but the ending suck

a cheater most likely will cheat again.four yrs and another mans baby.that hard to take or take her back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
your logic sucks in this story

think about intentionally getting knock up by another man.a wife go out and want another man can he go back to that tramp.if you got any experience in life think what a real man would do.this cold bitch is dangerous.

spiderman1spiderman1over 17 years ago
NO Way!

I didn't like this story. At the end, it didn't ring true. How did he deal with the fact that his son was not his? Could a man let 4 years of infidelity go just like that? I don't think so! All things being considered, the bitch needed to rot in hell.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Nice writing--poor plot development

I like your writing style-- polished and well phrased. However for a skilled writer, you show no motivation for the actions of the characters in your story. Not even a hint of why she deliberately decided to get pregnant with a once a year fling or a hint of where the girls once a year lovers came from or where and how the fling originated. Readers don't expect a long novel but a clue about what motivates characters would be helpful.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

a second chance? why not. not everything can be resolved w/ divorce. sometimes, what makes you happy comes first.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
brother in law no worries,wife know he a wimp

sisters didn't like the hubby a lot.mental retardation in the family.wife wanting to have another man babies and sister in law hate him for catching them in affair.wife a cheater and like the excitement.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Doesn't Work from Chris in Phoenix

50 for writing so much and you wrote it well. The plot is too implausible. Every step of it beginning with how the two girls cheat together with the "same time next year" plot. The annual girls weekend out is okay. Lesbian cheating with one another could work. One straying with the other one along to police starts to slip. A one time thing with the both of them being picked up by buddies and cheating could work. Getting deliberately pregnant and revelling in it and sharing the knowledge and electricity of it between the two girls is very demented and could happen but would be a picture of hostility toward the husband and over-the-top affection for the illicit lover way beyond the development of this story. This story needs development from the women's point of view but the story as it stands would not work even with this addition. With a secret meeting and illicit child as taboo as this, I think that adding in the second woman is WAY too complicated and implausible to salvage. Yeah, it just doesn't work as it is. Drop the second woman and annual pleasure trip. Rewrite with only the one wife. Once a year doesn't work either. Too much time between meetings. The woman just wouldn't be able to stay away from the father of her "love" child for 12 months at a time. Also, life changes much too much for this to work over a 4 year period. 4 meetings in 4 years? With the same two couples? No way. But then again, what do I know??? I don't even write at all!

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
wife gets stressed out for 30 days? THATS IT !?!?!

Lets reveiw..


husband finds out that his wife has been cheating on him for years


with the same Guy


had that guys child...


told the husband the baby was his


engaged in a conspiracy affair with her friend to have extramarital sex for YEARS on end


WILLINGLY risked briging in a deadly STD


bought outfits for the other guy


gave her husband pitty sex


and was perfectly willing to continue this till caught...


for which the husband lays down some MINOR rules that are no big deal... but causes the WHORE cunt wife to get "stressed" for 30 day.

Oh god... not strsss for the wife....!! Where is her remorse? where is the repentance ? where is the atonment ?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Agena what you wrote here was the story of a man so weak he should not be allowed near the kid's. He might buy them both dolls and himself a beautiful dress. The hate the wife feels for this man?,is pretty clear. She should have sent his weak ass packing. No wonder she cheated. She wanted a real man.The next time put some balls on these guys. Apparently the other wives have bigger balls than these two wimps. Luis

bornagainbornagainalmost 17 years ago
karlas kids

And you never mentioned about Karla what punishment did she get she cheated as well for years is the children bobs and karlas as well or not?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
fucking worthless

what a goddamn wimp

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Damn poor ending. The wife got away with years of

infidelity and passing off another man's child as her husbands. And her bitter pill for this, to stop seeing her lover that impregnated her. Yes you get attached to children but they should have their father and mother, you are neither. If both the father and the mother wanted to pass to you all responsiblity for the children then you might consider accepting that but never with the wife living at home. Always throw out the trash, she used you for her own satisfaction and continues to use you for it. Nothing has really changed.............

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

i would have taken her 'fuck-around-for-free' card. oh well, not bad. its just hard to relate to these martyrs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I just wish for once that the writers

would not have the husbands get sick and puke. The first reaction to finding that a wife has chgeated is to get angry. not drive away

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

yes it made me puke. he is the supreme ultimate cuck wimp

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Wow; you really know how to tighten the screws! (Sarcasm) Just pretend you are a tough guy and then wimp out in 30 days.

Soon as he drops the surveillance, she will be fucking someone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Good for you

Excellent writing and regardless of what all the bitter negative nellies say the ending was fine.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 16 years ago
Just found this story . . .

I've not read all the comments but one thing has occurred to me that I did not see mentioned in the most recent 30 comments or so -- there is a plot hole that involves the video evidence of the cheating being kept in a safety deposit box "just in case." Maybe it could be used as revenge (send it to family, put it on the Internet) but it's useless in court. Once a spouse forgives the adulterous episode, it can no longer be used in court against the adulterer.

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago

What this slut did knowingly is unforgivable. It is however grounds for murder. I do not advocate murder but it is 100% more likely an outcome than this fairytale.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 15 years ago
Still, incomprehensible

I tried again –this time, with the added perspective of many more authors and many stories of this genre. The story seems even more incoherent than when I read it first. <P>

It seems like the author searched (and found) the equivalent to the “perfect storm” conditions –as in the worst imaginable scenario a husband could face when finding that his wife has been unfaithful. We have an ongoing affair over years. No remorse or emotional conflict over the cheating. The wife initiated a voluntary impregnation by the lover, so on top of the cheating and the on going lying about it, she is also cheating her husband out of fatherhood and is lying about it (of course). Very close to the worst scenario I have read anywhere. <P>Now, initially the husband makes noises of rage anger rage and verbalizations regarding a revenge or something which seem to be proportional to the enormity of the wife’s monstrosity behaviors. But in a feeble pedagogic logic (I’ll stay for the kids) he reverses to what amounts to a laughable effort to blackmail his wife to… stay with him despite the fact that he is not the father! I tried to work the author’s logic here, but soon gave up. Since when a skunk mother and hateful couple offer a reasonable home for growing mentally healthy children? Instead, it’s simply the ultimate pathetic neediness of the husband - or should I use here the appropriate title: utter wimp-hood, that cry out of every sad (for the readers) line. Forget about the story sub titles: revenge retribution etc etc. they contain none of the above. All the husband asks amounts to the harsh requests that his wife never cheat again and that she’ll do for him what she did for her lover…Like I said, the utmost ‘wimp-hood’ imaginable.

jackiedanielsjackiedanielsover 15 years ago
not even a wimp

neither of the two male's are men, there not even wimp's there pussy whipped pussies,If my husband caught me like they did there wive's and let me get by with it I'd cheat on him every time I got the chance, he wouldn,t be worth staying with,I just can,t even Imagine a man allowing his wife to get pregnant by her lover and laughing at him about it to her lover and sister, and then accepting her back ,not even believable,you,re a good writer why don,t you try another story and see if you can get it right this time,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
think i'm going to be sick

both husbands in this story are nothing more than bitches, their wives will cheat on them again, because they know now they can get away with it. stories like this make me sick, almost as much as the stories of the guys who get off on seeing their wives with a real man.

happily ever after my ass, how can men live without their balls and be happy? really really pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
A change of plot!

This is a good story. They had children to consider and her adultery while bad enough was only annual. Her having her lover's child was horrible indeed, yet he still loved the kid. Everyone has a choice to reconcile or not, and it is made all the time in real life. Some of these commenters are full of it! You can't go around hating and punishing everyone who hurts your feelings. Besides, this is quite a change from your normally punitive, harsh endings!

Thank You

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
pale and sick

I got sick and puked. She will cheat again. And what is a "tap recorder" and what is a "fragile phyce?"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Your ending is not realistic or satisfactory and

many questions arent even considered. Her statement: "This marriage, you and my kids are more important to me than anything in this world." Sets the scene up for unrealistic considerations. If her marriage had been so important she would never have done the things she did over the years. It wasnt a one off or sudden urge these things were planned and orchestrated with precision. The real question is why did she hate her husband, herself, and her family so much she did this harm to them and herself. No woman who is mentally stable would have done what this woman did in her attempts to destroy her marriage. The husband knowing she is fucking other men has bareback sex with her. That is unrealistic and not satisfactory. With todays diseases, STDs, and HIV bareback multiple partner sex is a suicide wish. No way in hell could he have put his cock into her. His illness was a plausible excuse not to have sex with her despite her need to smooth her guilt. It was after all a pity fuck by her on her husband. Finding out the men were both players with multiple partners not even considering their wives the medical testing would have prevented sex for months not thirty days. HIV testing can take up to a year or longer for a verified negative, positive can show up much sooner. This woman was into total betrayal and humiliation of her husband, she intentionally withheld sex from him so that her lover could impregnate her and she could foster off a bastard on her husband as his. Again there is no love for him in her, only hate and disrespect come out. Sobbing and lying to keep your lifestyle doesnt prove love, it only indicates she got caught and now she is afraid she will lose her paycheck. She fucks her husband for her lifestyle and his money, that my friends is the definition of a whore. Divorce with her loss of all custody of the kids was the only possible outcome of this. Why did you wimp him out for reconciliation at any cost?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
the ending

the actions were calculated premeditated and repeated, let her keep the role of parent, but divorce the whore, similiar story had the better result'. happily ever after, if only to have the reminder of the child?

don87654don87654almost 15 years ago

In the beginning I thought you were extremely selfish because the bastard baby was still a baby and had no idea that he was illegitmate. But toward the end of the story you became very manly and forgiving. You seem to fail to understand that fucking, whether it is adultery or legal, is still fucking and no mental awareness exists between a hard sperm-filled cock and an ovulating pussy, regardless of the circumstances.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
a puppy

i'm sure in the end he caught her with the family dog and they had a puppy if not for sure her sister did.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

This is the worst story I have ever seen on literotica, and that's saying a lot. Actually, I laughed almost constantly while reading it. This is either an extremely well-written comedy or the biggest piece of crap I've ever seen. I'm guessing the latter, hence the rating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Agena is the name of an old rocket . . .

I'm sure the first model crashed into the sands at white sands mtr. Just like this puta who writes this kind of trauma drama meant for daytime slopehead operas. It's full of crap from the beginning to the end and I gotta follow the other's who believe the same. Get over it, move on and get a real life puta!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Bad Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was so bad. And the next one was worse you write like a machine no emotion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
the reason for visitation

these sisters are a big reason for why parenting times exists. that dribble of an explanation, esp letting the guy get her pregnant. NO guilt in the planning and going, rather after their stuff was discovered. trust (or lack of) took a toll on him and just is able to forgive her? that nagging voice in his head, and its turned down? best interest of kids yes, and she had not theirs when she played.

zed0zed0about 14 years ago
Unbelievably Bad

Just another male bashing women writer emasculating men.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This was a great story. People make mistakes but love and forgiveness can overcome just about anything.

devildog26devildog26over 13 years ago
Suspension of disbelief

In fiction we are asked to suspend disbelief and accept the story premise as factual. I had some trouble doing that with this particular story. Your prologue prepares us for the way the story goes but the final 5 pages does not live up to the expectations you raised. In my experience people don't act the way your characters did in this story. I hope that "The Final Outing" resolves my concerns with your character development. I will be reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Another "no balls" wimpy husband tale.

Authors such as yourself need to get you head out of your assholes and stop the limp dick, wimpy, cuckolded husband tales. She fucks the father of HER kid once a year..but that's OK, huh. What a sack of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
A wimp story?

Yes and no. Their wives did get to keep their marriages, and the men who fucked them were destroyed.

But, the wives probably also know that if they're even suspected of fucking around, out come the nukes, and they'll be exposed as adulterous sluts who gave birth to children sired by another man besides their husbands.

So, in a way, if forgiveness is wimpy, then yes.

But since they also know that if they do it again, they'll be utterly disgraced in front of everyone they care for, it's not a wimp tale after all.

Like they say, "Trust, but verify".

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
What is it you author's don't get?????

When you write a story that is so ridiculous, so unbelievable, so completely opposite to any regular human behavoir... THEN WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT! WE DON'T ENJOY YOUR EFFORT! I don't care about the orange purple people eater fucking a dragon fly on the moon... and that is about as realistic as this complete peice of crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Not bad at all

Personally I agree. Probably people who haven't raised children couldn't understand that their well being becomes the dominant thing. In this case it really was just sex. I admit the paternity issue is the biggest thing, but again, after raising the kids, they are hard to give up.

Your writing is very good, and I wish you would do more. I'm going through all of your stories

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
Having children does force the spouses of cheaters to sometimes stay in a relationship...

But in this case were the cheating wife deliberatly allows herself to be inpregnated by her lover, the husband would have no choice but to kick the bitch out. To allow her to stay would mean that he is accepting of her adultery. Since trust is the most important issue, this kind of betrayal is a deal breaker. She would cheat again no matter the limits he might place.

RePhilRePhilabout 13 years ago
How could he feel so empty

With his wife fucking him up the ass every single day with his bastard son. I feel so sorry for thIs guy having to live the rest of his life as an accepting cuckold. Personally I just cant see how any self-respecting man could stay with a castrating slut who Intentially gets pregnant form strange. Having qualified her illegitimate son as a planned birth you effectively castrated the husband in the most horrible of ways. BUT I still like your writing just not this story

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
This story certainly generated a lot of comments.

However, it is too improbable to be realistic. I could see an affair but a long term affair occuring only once a year for few days wouldn't happen, let alone two sisters doing the same thing. Furthermore, the attorney say the husband would get custody just wouldn't happen. She would get custody and he would pay child support.

From a natural selection standpoint have children by different men is the smart thing to do. However, since the reason is highly scientific, the wife would not know that so that would not be a deliberate action on her part.

LechemanLechemanover 12 years ago
For the kids alone

I agree with most here in that the kids are always the first priority. It is amazing what lengths we will go to protect our children or step children from harm or emotional hurt.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

Kind Dwornock what a scientific bastard producing procidure you speaks? Viva DNA test this is the science and every husband can know he is father or not father. I vote for a goverment who start obligatory DNA test after childbirth in marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
his horns sure fit nicely

King of the Cucks - guy looks like a viking with those horns

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

doesn't know shit - ignore that idiot's comments

saratusaratuover 12 years ago
A very touching story.

I did not have the strength that the husband in this story had, or the insight. Living in the aftermath of it leaves a lot of regret and sorrow, as I'm shure many others are aware of.

johnstang2johnstang2over 12 years ago
ugg I dont beleive dwoncock

Natural selection says women should have not only sexual relations with mutipule partners but children with each of them? I dont mean to sound like this is a personla attack since I been personally attacked on sites before but that is all horse shit.

Natural selection means choosing the one male you deem superior above all others. One male not mutliple partners. Your way would turn all women into sluts.

Then there is the fidelity issue that you missed the point on clearly. Fidelity means being loyal only one man. That man should be the man you loved and married. That man should be the man she loves with all her heart. If she loves that man enough then there wont be any room in her heart for another. She also needs to show respect that man. Showing respect for that man means she is on his side against any other man and wont let any other man belittle him or take what belongs to him.

So to summerize natural selection means women being loyal to one man and not to be sluts.

RePhilRePhilover 12 years ago

Those boys sure are sweet little cuckolds. Understanding the girls charactors as you wrote them, they are definatley laughing behind their backs

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