The Babysitter & the Toilet Seat


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Janine was her usual chirpy and wholesome self, but while perving on her I noticed a couple of times that she clutched her tummy and winced. It was ever so slight, and a casual observer may not have noticed, but I did. Then another time I saw Janine adjusting her panties through her school dress, and heard the slightest rustling noise, like she was wearing a sanitary pad. Was Janine on her period? The signs said yes.

Then Janine stood up and said, "I need to go to the toilet," and I noticed that the young girl took her purse with her. I was more and more convinced that the teenager was menstruating, and I don't know why I was so fascinated by this, after all I had periods every 28 days myself, but still I was.

So much so, that having finished my nails I took my varnish on the proviso of returning it to my bedroom, but in reality to follow Janine to the toilet and listen to what the young girl was doing while she was on the loo and fantasize about what she looked like with her knickers around her ankles.

Janine closed and locked the bathroom door, and I loitered along the hallway eagerly anticipating what was going to happen next. I imagined Janine lifting up her school dress, the young girl pulling her knickers -- possibly with a period pad attached -- down to her ankles then the beautiful babysitter sitting her bare bottom down on the toilet seat.

Soon, there came a sound that was like music to my ears drifting along the corridor, the splashing, tinkling sound of young Janine peeing into the toilet. I imagined the stream of yellow piss coming out of Janine's urethra and going into the toilet water, the teenager getting a wet pussy in the process.

Janine was evidently well hydrated, and her piss seemed to go on and on and on. Did the slim teenager have a bladder the size of the Hindenburg? All the while Janine was urinating, my own knickers were getting wet, but not from pee.

Finally though, I heard Janine's pee stream abating and slowing down to splashes, then came another sound, a flatulent noise as Janine farted hard on the toilet. I was amazed that the pretty blonde babysitter would fart at all much less so loudly, but obviously she did, I had heard it with my own ears.

I heard Janine unwinding some toilet paper from the roll, and was thinking about the teenager using her toilet tissue to dry her wet pussy, but then I heard something I wasn't anticipating -- Janine's voice.

"What?" I heard her say. "No, no, no, please no!"

Janine's voice showed increasing panic, and then she yelled out, "Karen, Karen! Karen, can you please come here? I need your help!"

I was shocked -- what the fuck was going on in our bathroom? I knew there was plenty of loo paper on the roll, and apart from farting Janine hadn't moved her bowels yet, so she couldn't have gotten herself stranded on the loo with no toilet paper to wipe her bottom.

My heart racing, I ran for the bathroom as fast as my bare feet would carry me and pounded on the door. "Janine? Is everything okay in there?"

The young girl's response was flustered, frightened, with the teenager sounding very close to tears. "Karen, I'm stuck to the toilet seat! Please help me."

"You're stuck to the toilet seat?" I was incredulous.

"Yes, and I'm really frightened, I don't know what's going on. Karen please help me!"

"Okay Janine, try and stay calm and I'll help you," I said, confused and determined to keep a level head and help the poor girl. "First things first, are you okay with me coming in there?"

"Yes, please come in, I'm stuck on the toilet and I don't know what to do."

"Just a few seconds," I said. Because Janine had obviously locked the toilet door when she went in there, I had to get my keys. "I'm coming in," I called, as I opened the bathroom door, closing it again behind me as I stopped short at the sight of Janine sitting on the toilet, her school dress up around her waist and her knickers -- white classic brief panties -- down around her ankles.

I tried not to stare at Janine's vulva of which I had a perfect view thanks to her open legs, but could not resist looking at the young girl's perfect pink teenage pussy, the triangle of blonde pubic hair on the babysitter's feminine mound and the other hair that grew around her genitals looking so great.

To distract myself I looked at the floor, and my eyes immediately took in the sight of Janine's lowered white knickers, which looked even hotter in conjunction with her white school socks and her shiny black girls' T-bar school shoes. I was also correct on another theory, Janine was on her period. Attached to the saddle of her panties was a period pad, the white cover absolutely covered in dark red menstrual blood, other blood stains on the feminine napkin having a more rusty brown color.

My mouth watered and my pussy tingled, and I couldn't believe I was getting off on this sort of thing. For six days each month, I would peel back the adhesive strip of my period pads and press them into my knickers, pulling them up and adjusting them around my crotch to catch my menses, which flowed down my birth canal in abundance as my uterus shed its lining. So why was I so excited by seeing young Janine Riley's period pad attached to her knickers, when I could obviously look down at my own knickers when I was on the toilet while on my period to look at my own bloodied pads?

Making myself concentrate on what I had to do which was to help Janine, I asked, "Janine, how are you stuck?" I looked at the toilet seat, but nothing seemed obvious.

Janine was pretty distraught. "I don't know, I just sat down on the toilet and it seemed a bit sticky, but I thought it was just like disinfectant or something like the toilets at school, so I didn't worry. But when I went to wipe myself, I tried to move on the toilet, and my bottom is completely stuck to the seat."

I was becoming increasingly aware that the smell of varnish was very strong in the bathroom. At first I thought it had just drifted in here, but it was too strong for that. I looked at the front of the toilet seat in between Janine's legs and a theory began to form in my mind. Last year, one of the renovations at the house was replacing the plastic seats on the toilets with wooden ones. I didn't mind, the wooden seat was more comfortable and much warmer when I needed to sit on the toilet on cold mornings.

"You don't mind if I check something?" I asked.

Janine shook her head. "No, go right ahead."

I unwound a square of toilet paper from the loo roll, and put it on the front of the toilet seat between Janine's legs. I then tried to take it off the seat and just as I suspected, it was stuck as completely as the babysitter's bum.

"That idiot stepfather of mine," I sighed. "Janine, I'm really sorry about this, Ross must have varnished this toilet seat too. It would have been nice of him to tell us."

Janine's innocent blue eyes went wide. "So I'm stuck to the toilet because of wood varnish?"

I nodded. "Yes, and again I'm really sorry."

As I was speaking to Janine, I kept casting discrete glances at her vagina, coveting the young girl's cunt. I also looked into the toilet bowl, noting that Janine's yellow piss was now the color of pink grapefruit juice, with the menstruating teenager dripping blood from her pussy and this mixing with her urine in the toilet. Some larger clots of period blood were floating on top of the toilet water, and in my knickers my own pussy felt so wet it was like on my period too just like Janine.

"Perhaps if I get up slowly, or really fast like ripping off a sticking plaster?" Janine suggested. She made a move to try this theory, but I quickly stopped her.

"No, if you get up you could risk a nasty injury and rip the skin off your bum," I said.

Janine looked crestfallen and despairing. "This is so embarrassing. I'm stuck on the toilet, literally, and I've got my period too." Her eyes welled with tears as she looked down at her lowered panties and period pad and she began to cry. "What am I going to do?" she lamented.

"Hey Janine, it's okay," I said. I grabbed a box of tissues from the vanity and handed them to Janine, putting my arm around her shoulders as she sobbed and wiped her eyes and blew her nose.

Composing herself, Janine then asked, "So how am I ever going to get out of here?"

"I'll have to call an ambulance," I said. "Just sit tight and try to relax."

For some reason the thought of me leaving sent the stranded teenager into a panic. "Karen, please don't leave me, I'm really scared!" she pleaded, her eyes again filling with tears.

"How about I get my brother to call the ambulance?" I suggested. "That way I can stay with you. It's about time Wayne served some practical purpose in life."

I opened the bathroom door, stuck my head out and yelled down the hallway in my super-loud voice. "Wayne, Wayne, Wayne! Get out here!"

"Oh what the fuck is it Karen?" Wayne grumbled as he appeared in the hallway. "I was nearly asleep."

"Wayne, go and call an ambulance. Now!"

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Janine's got stuck to some varnish in here, and she can't get free. We need an ambulance to help her."

Wayne laughed. "You're kidding. What did she get stuck to?"

"The toilet seat if you must know. Now go and get the fucking ambulance!"

Wayne laughed like a hyena, and his voice was so loud he could probably be heard in Ballarat. "Janine's stuck to the dunny! This I've got to see!" He made his way towards the bathroom at a faster pace than I'd ever seen.

On the toilet, I noticed Janine looked very uncomfortable, the expression on the teenager's face apprehensive, the babysitter covering her genitals with her hands. As was often the case, I was furious with my brother.

"No, you do not have to see this Wayne!" I stormed. "This is embarrassing enough for poor Janine as it is, how do you think she feels? Now get the ambulance right now, and then go and watch David and Lucy."

Wayne looked confused. "Why do I have to watch David and Lucy? Janine's getting paid to watch them? And you're a sheila, you should do it. Watching kids is women's work, not for blokes."

As was often the case, my brother made me feel like I had a year's worth of PMS at once. "For fuck's sake Wayne, will you stop giving me the shits! Janine obviously can't watch the kids, and I have to stay with Janine! Go and call the ambulance, then watch the fucking kids, okay!"

"Okay, okay, don't get your knickers in a twist Karen," Wayne grumbled.

I closed the bathroom door, shaking my head, and went back to the stranded Janine. "Sorry about that brother of mine. We should get an ambulance here soon, or knowing Wayne, probably the fire brigade or the Navy will turn up instead. Brothers."

"I've got two brothers both younger than me," Janine volunteered as she relaxed a bit and moved her hands from her pussy. "And an older sister Susan. I wish Susan or my mum were here to help me right now."

"Hey, it's okay, I know it's not the same but I'm here for you," I reassured the stranded teenager. "We'll get you out of this soon, I promise."

"I know, thanks Karen, I really appreciate your help with everything," said Janine.

"Let's look on the bright side," I said. "At least you only needed to pee, you didn't need to have a poo."

Janine looked really embarrassed and blushed. "Actually Karen, that's what I needed to talk to you about. I really do need to go for a poo, I don't think I can hold it any longer, I'm absolutely busting."

Being a hair stylist, one of the things I had learned to do was keep a poker face. I had to do this now. I couldn't of course reveal the truth that the thought of watching Janine on the toilet having a shit was sexually exciting, nor could I go too far the other way and appear repulsed. The poor girl was embarrassed enough as it was. I had to make her feel as relaxed as possible.

"Janine, it's really unhealthy to hold it in like that," I said. "It would be best if you just went to the toilet."

"You don't mind?" Janine asked, regarding me with her innocent blue eyes. "You know, the smell and everything?"

"No, it's fine," I assured her. "I'll let you in on a little secret. Several times a day I sit on the toilet for a poo, and it smells."

Janine laughed nervously. "Again, why did it have to be during my time of the month? I have so many problems with my bowels when I have my period. Normally I go for a poo about three times a day, but today this is the sixth time. I went to the toilet after I woke up this morning, three times at school and once at the library after school. That's not counting the times I only had to pee. Plus my poo always smells so bad on my period."

I laughed. "You've got the dreaded period shits then? Don't worry, I know all about that. If this had been last Friday, you would have been helping me when I was stuck to the toilet having period shits."

"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Janine asked.

"Definitely, the most important thing is that you go to the toilet," I assured the teenager. "Are you okay for everything?"

"Could you please make sure my dress is okay at the back there?" Janine asked. "Being stuck like this, I don't want to get the poo on my dress."

I went around the back, and moved Janine's school dress so it would be safe and away from her bottom when she defecated and at the same time enjoyed the sight of her bare bum. With her leaning forward on the toilet, her butt cheeks had parted and I could see Janine's tight little anus, which was soon about to serve its proper purpose.

"Your dress is okay now," I said. I looked at the toilet roll. "Do you think you'll be okay to wipe your own bottom?"

Janine looked shy and embarrassed. "I'll try, but it could be a bit hard for me to wipe myself stuck like this."

"Don't worry, if you have any problems let me know and I can wipe you."

Janine blushed. "Oh no Karen, I couldn't ask you to wipe my bottom."

"I'm fine with it, really," I assured the teenager. "Now you just relax and have your poo."

I looked at Janine's pretty face as the embarrassed teenager strained slightly on the toilet, but as she was menstruating she had loose bowel movements so didn't need to push too hard. Janine farted loudly into the bowl. "Excuse me," she said shyly, as there was a massive splash in the toilet bowl and the smell of poo made itself known. I looked into the toilet and saw Janine's girl poo, the massive and messy brown log joining Janine's pee and menses in the bowl.

Janine reached for the toilet roll and unwound four sheets of the soft white toilet paper with blue flowers and folded them up. She put her hand down to her bum and wiped her bottom front to back, and I watched as her toilet paper ended up with two different colored stains on it; red blood stains from her front bottom and brown poo stains from her back bottom. Although Janine managed to wipe herself, I could see that it was not comfortable her, obviously not being able to lift the cheeks of her bottom from the toilet seat. Would I need to take over? I hoped so.

Janine leaned forward on the toilet, clearly bracing herself to defecate again and with her school dress hitched up high, I could see her bottom, both her buttocks and her anus. I waited in eager anticipation for Janine to poop again, looking forward to seeing the smelly brown poo coming out of the teenager's anus, but before Janine could have her shit, there came a pounding on the door.

"Hey Karen, I called the ambulance!" Wayne called, his voice again so loud he could probably be heard in Gippsland or Bendigo. "They didn't believe me at first when I told them that the babysitter's bum had got stuck to the toilet seat, but they did in the end and they're on their way."

"Great Wayne thank you, now go and watch the kids," I said. "Janine doesn't want you at this door, and neither do I."

"Why, is Janine having a shit?" Wayne wanted to know. On the toilet, Janine's face flushed bright red.

"What sort of fucking question is that?" I snapped. "Wayne, go and take care of the kids and leave Janine to have some privacy. Just fuck off, you pervert!"

"Fuck you, you're a bitch Karen, I wish you were the one stuck to the loo while you were taking a shit, I'd leave you sitting there all fucking night," Wayne grumbled as he went on his way.

"Again, sorry about my brother, he makes a turkey look like an intellectual," I said.

"That's okay," said Janine.

With my brother gone, Janine relaxed and moved her bowels. I watched in amazement as Janine's anus opened and the messy, smelly poo came oozing out of her rectum with a rush and a smell like rotting cabbages, the feces splashing into the toilet water. Varnish had been the prominent smell when I had first entered the bathroom, but now the odor of Janine's girl poo was the dominant smell in the bathroom. The musty, fishy and feminine smells of Janine's period was also detectable.

Janine stopped pooping, and I stole a glance at her dirty bottom, poop all around her arsehole and on her buttocks. The teenager got more toilet paper and wiped her bottom, shit and menstrual blood going all over her loo paper, and the same thing happening again when she wiped herself again.

However, I could see Janine's frustration at not being able to wipe her bum properly, and she was nowhere near clean. "Um Karen?" she asked shyly.

"Would you like me to take over?" I asked.

"Yes please, as long as you don't mind."

"No, like I said earlier it's no problem at all."

The embarrassed Janine leaned forward, presenting her dirty bottom to me. I unwound some toilet paper from the roll and feeling more sexually excited than I had ever been before, wiped Janine's bottom front to back, the soft white flowery toilet tissue absorbing the teenager's residual shit and her period blood. Fuck, poor Janine had a really heavy flow, her uterus must have been working double time to expel her menses down her birth canal to her cervix, and from there out of her vagina.

I dropped the soiled toilet paper into the bowl, unwound more and was wiping Janine's vulva again and moving the tissue back to her anus, when Janine said, "Karen, I'm really sorry, but I need to poo again."

"Janine, it's okay," I said, letting the toilet paper drop into the bowl and removing my hand from her arse. "You just poo as much as you need to."

Again, I watched as Janine's bowels expelled more messy and foul-smelling shit from her anus, poo going everywhere in the toilet, her rectum releasing a massive fart to complete her bowel movements.

"Karen, again I'm so sorry, this is so humiliating for me and unpleasant for you," said Janine.

"Janine it's perfectly okay," I said. "Remember what I said earlier, if this had been a week ago I would have been the one stuck to the toilet on my period with you wiping my bum for me while we wait for an ambulance. And believe me, you do not want to wipe my bottom when I'm menstruating. I hate wiping my own bum when I have my period, the smell is terrible."

Janine laughed nervously, as I unwound toilet paper seven times in a row and wiped her bottom, this time successfully cleaning the teenager up. Janine's shit, about the color and consistency of peanut butter, went all over her toilet paper the first three times I wiped her, this diminished to large brown stains on the fourth piece, skid marks on the fifth and sixth and no poo at all on the seventh length of the teenager's toilet paper.

"You all done now?" I asked her, looking into the toilet at her menses, excrement and the soiled toilet paper that Janine had absolutely shit all over.

"Yeah, thanks Karen, thank you so much," said the embarrassed babysitter.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" I asked.

Janine again looked shy and nervous. "Well, I know you wiped my bum properly, but I still feel all kind of yuck back there, so if you could maybe wash me, if you don't mind."