The Bait


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“Back to your knees.” He was amazed that his voice didn’t shake, his desire for her was so strong he felt it threatening to overwhelm him as he approvingly watched how quickly she did as he had demanded, sinking to her knees as if doing so pleased her greatly. “I’m ready to begin your full training, and I ask, once more, if you are prepared to accept what is to come not only tonight, but in the many nights that rest ahead of us.” His eyes drilled into hers with intensity that made her feel breathless and hot all over.

“Yes. Yes, I am ready.”

“Incorrect answer.” With mild force, he reached down and slapped her hard on her bottom and she yelped in surprise rather than pain. “When I ask you a question, and you address me in any answer, you will address me as master. At all times. Master. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very good. You will learn quickly.”

“Yes, Master.” The pleasure she received from saying those words astounded her.

“In that case, I want you to repeat these words after me.” Fresh blood rushed to his cock as he looked down at her, so submissive and beautiful. “I want you to say, ‘I am yours, Master, do use, and do with as you so chose, and I understand that my duty is to please you with my body and with my devotion to serving you.’”

“I am yours, Master, to use, and do with, as you so chose, and I understand that my duty is to please you with my body and with my devotion to serving you.” Her voice was strong and sure as she repeated the words to him and he smiled, nodding in satisfaction...she was beyond perfect and he adored her.

“Very well. We begin.” As he said it, he reached behind his back, and as she watched him, eager to drink in any and all moves that he made, he withdrew a pair of leather cuffs from his back pocket and obediently, having read this scene in several of his stories, she lifted her wrist up to him, earning herself a smile that flooded her with warmth...with need that burned inside her as he easily latched the cuffs around each wrist, firmly binding her at his was even more arousing than he had so often imagined it would be as he stood again and nodded once more.

Stepping close to her, with his feet spread about eighteen inches apart, Nick calmly brushed a finger down her cheek...she felt blessed to enjoy his touch and he saw the delight in her eyes as he savored how wonderfully soft her skin felt.

“All right, Alyssa. Your first task involves your mouth. Using only just your mouth, I wish for you to liberate my cock from my pants and then I want you to use your lips and tongue to service the need building inside my cock.”

Knowing it would be a challenge for her, Nick had chosen the first assignment with care, certain it would make her anticipation as well as his build; he had thought about many things he so wanted to do to and with Alyssa, but his body needed release...the pressure had to be eased or he would explode all over himself like a nervous virgin, and that was the last thing he wanted, though he was surprised to realize he was even more excited now than he had been his first time as Alyssa rose further up on her knees and without hesitation, she set about her task.

Using her teeth, she tugged at the tip of he pants, holding the fabric captive with her lips as she pulled at it...she could smell his arousal combined with a spicy, soapy scent and in her efforts, her tongue brushed over the skin stretched tautly over his firm belly and Nick had to hold himself ridged, she had no clue how quickly she was pushing him to the edge as she finally managed to work the button free from its loop.

She was breathing heavily by then, and she could feel sweat at her hairline as she took just enough time to draw air into her lungs before her teeth captured the zipper bending slightly, as best she could, she tugged the little metal clasp down...the grinding sound shattered her senses and left her feeling weak from the excursion, but desperate for him, as the leather folds parted without her as his massive, swollen cock pushed itself free and Alyssa whimpered to see it for the first time, full and hard and longing for attention only she could give.

At least ten, if not eleven wonderful inches in length, the tool was the widest she had ever wide and beautiful, the flesh stretched almost painfully tight as blue veins pulsed and the massive, purple head shimmered with liquid...Alyssa stared in fascination and bewilderment as Nick pushed the leather pants down his hips and legs, kicking them aside so he was completely bare and Alyssa was thrilled for it as she leaned forward and drank in a deep breath.

His was the most wonderful scent she had ever known, so strong and male and warm and she savored it, aware of his desire filled eyes watching her intently as she allowed what she had read on the computer, and in his stories, to combine with natural instinct that told her to freely explore; his was the first cock she had ever pleased using her mouth and she wanted to do it right as she leaned close, her eyes closed as she placed an open kiss against his right ball, that jerked in delight in reaction to the simple touch.

Feeling flooded with feminine pleasure, Alyssa subjected the left jewel to the same kiss, this time allowing her tongue to brush over the flesh...she licked and when he gasped, she opened her lips wide and took his ball completely into her mouth so she could freely suckle and lick, savoring his salty texture. His male power. Exposed to her. She was focused on pleasing him completely, as she turned her attention to his right side once more, sucking even harder this time as her tongue very gently snaked around the quivering sack; she could feel his need building just as her did...the was the most amazing pressure, so powerful it was almost painful, yet still wonderful, to Alyssa, as she dipped her head low so she could place teasing, worshipping kiss on the underside of his enormous penis, recalling having read that the area was extremely sensitive...she kissed and licked down and up and back again before moving to sample the liquid beads that boiled from his slit that she began to tongue with glee.

The taste was unlike any she had ever known, she couldn’t have described it, even if she had been asked to...she just knew it was Nick’s flavor and that made it wonderful...made her want to drink as much as possible as her lips finally wrapped around the throbbing head and as soon as they did, Nick tangled his hands deeply in her hair, his fingers controlling her motions as she opened wide and he trust himself into her hot little mouth.

His shaft more for than filled up her mouth as his head brushed the back of her throat and she swallowed him, taking him in as she sucked and used her tongue to lave his flesh that swelled and grew...she lifted her eyes to look at him, to find he was watching her as she increased her pace with vigor; it was an easy thing for her to sense he was close to a climax and Alyssa felt his fingers press tighter into her flesh as he exploded with a strangled cry and she angled her head, allowing his hot, wonderfully thick jism to flood her throat.

Loving what she had the means to do to him, what he had allowed her to do for him, Alyssa held his cock in her mouth as the life slowly began to fade from it...she continued allowing her wet tongue to lick him before she eased him from her lips so she could again kiss his balls and his cock, worshipping each and every inch...she felt more alive in that moment than ever as she savored his taste and smell while Nick struggled to regain control.

He had played domination games for years, having learned at an early sexual age that he had a true love for control, for having a woman before him, bared and beautiful and his...he had felt more than his share of truly massive orgasms , but no one had ever managed to do to him what his Alyssa did; she nearly made it impossible for him to hold back...she took his breath and made his passion rage wildly and Nick found he adored her for it as he stepped back as she continued to look up at him with her eyes that begged him for more.

Her face was flushed, her eyes gazed and her lips shimmering...she was perfect and he had to allow her a smile as he tugged at the leash, a silent command for her to rise and stand before him and he was delighted that she understood; she came easily to her feet, despite the fact that her knees were trembling from the experience they had shared and without a word, Nick turned his back to her and holding firmly to the leather rope that was still connected to her collar, he walked her down a long, polished wood hall.

Again, she relied on instinct and knowledge she had gathered during her reading, to have an understanding of what her role required, and as he walked her down the hall, Alyssa was careful to keep her head down, so her hair shielded her face...she felt wonderfully vulnerable yet so perfectly safe with him it nearly made her cry...she stared at her feet when he paused to open a door so he could walk her inside and when he turned around to face her, he took in her submissive stance, the bowed head and bent shoulders.

“Look at me.” His voice was firm but soft and she did as he asked, blinking as her eyes took a moment to adjust to the low light in the room; he was all she could clearly see, the corners were bathed in shadows, though she was aware of a large bed to her right...she wanted to look at it, but knew it was her duty to only do as he demanded and not more. “I am going to arrange you so I can leisurely explore your body; I am going to take my time looking at and touching and acquainting myself with inch of your flesh will be unexplored by the time I am finished.” In time, when she was more familiar with their roles, and how their games were played, he would cease to explain his intentions to her...she would learn just to trust him...but for now, he felt oddly compelled to walk her through the introduction with somewhat baby steps and Alyssa nodded, to let him know she did not mind; she wanted him to feel free to do to her as he pleased, as often as he pleased, and when the time was right, Alyssa promised herself she would tell him that and a great deal more...but even that thought fled when Nick tenderly tucked a lock of hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek as he had, in the foyer.

She loved how it felt to have him touch her, to look at him as he looked at her; he made her feel more womanly than the man she had nearly married ever had...Nick touched more than just her body, he had the means to touch her soul and because he did, because he had that rare and so precious power, Alyssa knew only wonderfully, thundering, arousal as he took her by her cuffed hands and walked her into the center of the room where a chain dangled from a thick beam that ran high across the ceiling.

Remaining silent as Nick lifted her hands, she watched as he hooked the clip in the chain to a metal ring on her cuffs, creating a connection that held her firmly in place; her arms were high, stretched just enough to make her shoulders feel a slight strain that was far from painful as Nick bent down to pull her ankles apart so he could fasten her right and left foot into individual shackles that were bolted to the floor.

Once he had her secured, he eased back and nodded approvingly before turning to blend into the shadows for a moment and when he quickly returned, he had a ball gag in his hands and without his having to tell her, Alyssa opened her mouth to allow him to insert the device between her lips so he could lock it behind her head; he took the time to adjust her hair so it still fell freely to her shoulders in the style he had come to like...she looked perfect suspended there, soft and sweet and his...he felt his cock stirring as he looked her over, bathed as she was in the pale light that he had carefully arranged.

Again moving from her, into the shadows, he allowed Alyssa to linger for a moment, so the anticipation could build; all he had to do was look in her eyes to see how ready she was, how alive and how eager she was to learn all he had in mind to teach her...she was all he had suspected she would be and a great deal more, a reality he silently gave thanks for as he retrieved his favorite bottle of scented oil, knowing the sweet, vanilla aroma was more than suitable for his Alyssa as he returned to stand before her, loving how her gaze followed his every move as he poured a fairly generous amount of oil into his hands.

“I am sure you will like this, my love.” He drank in a deep breath as he set the bottle aside, glancing up at her. “The scent is wonderful and how it fells on your body...” Nick decided to leave the thought unfinished, wanting to show her instead as he knelt before her, smiling to himself at her sharp intake of breath as he touched his oil covered hands to the area just above her chain ankles and with slow, deliberately sensual motions, he began to massage her flesh with firm movements that pressed deeply into her taunt muscles.

His hands digging into her, pressing into her, felt glorious...Alyssa dropped her head back and closed her eyes...her hot juices flooded her cunt and she whimpered behind the gag as Nick worked his way slowly up her legs an inch at a time, just as he had told her he would...she wanted to arch into him, but found it difficult to do so, bound as she was, chained in place and open...too many sensations wanted, demanded her attention, making it impossible to separate one from the other as the invigorating shiatsu continued until Nick was at her thighs that quivered to finally have him deliciously kneading them.

Her cunt was desperate for him to shower it with attention, but to her dismay, he did not spare her most intimate sector a single touch as he made his way to her hips...he reached around her to lava her bottom with oil before caressing her belly until she shivered once more and he gave a deep, amused laugh that compelled her to open her eyes and look down at him as he cast a glance up at her.

“Relax.” He rose slowly to his feet. “Savor the feeling. The touch. The smell. Let me have the time to adore your body...” His lubricated slid up to cup her breast, her full and sensitive breast, as her eyes closed again and she moaned...his big hands cradled her tenderly as his fingers worked the most amazing magic, kneading and rolfing as nerves blazed to life and Alyssa died a little when he used his thumbs and index fingers to capture and then pinch her hard nipples.

Tiny but powerful electric like jolts raced through her; it felt to her as if some hidden wire connected her nipples to her cunt because, with each pinch at her nubs, her sex contracted and flowed freely...she was whimpering as loudly as the gag would allow, withering under the erotic and enchanting tortures Nick masterfully subject her willing body to...tortures that only intensified when Nick caught her right, rosy red and throbbing orb into his wet, warm mouth, sucking hard and fast and impossibly deep. Harder. Faster. Deeper. Her bound hands clenched into fist and she was in a frenzied state that became all the more furious when Nick pressed his teeth hard into her...just hard enough to cause a sting he sucked away before he moved to devour her left breast while his hand continued vexing the right with pinching tugs until Alyssa was not certain she could withstand much more; she had never before been so filled with need, she wanted to scream for him to fuck her and fill her with himself until the desire eating at her was finally, finally given the satisfaction it so wildly craved as she tried called out his name around the gag.

Just as quickly as his assault on her breast began, Nick ended it, and Alyssa could only stare and whimper in amazement when he easily, almost casually worked his hands up her shoulders and to her arms; he went on with the massage as if he had not just shattered her senses, his ability to control himself was astounded to her...looking at him, she had no clue that his domination of his own arousal was barely in check as he stepped behind her while she tried to pull enough air into her lungs to survive the moment.

With the same wonderful touch, he massaged her back, down to her bottom, where he took a moment to rip the thong from her body with one quick jerk, leaving her suspended and bare and she loved it; she was wilting from the pleasure, wanting to beg him for more and more as suddenly, once again, his hands left her...he left her and she was alone as her body languished and she again whimpered helpless but thrilled to be that way as she shifted and ached to rub her thighs together, to ease some tension and find some release.

The oil that shimmered on her ivory flesh filled her senses with its rich, vanilla aroma, oddly increasing her arousal, as Nick’s lips brushed a kiss suddenly over her spine and she shivered from the tenderness of it...she shivered to have him place kisses in more intimate areas as something soft yet strangely firm was place against her back and Alyssa blinked, slightly confused by just what was happening as two leather straps were tossed over her shoulders to dangle just bellow her breast and as she looked down at them, Nick stepped in front of her, his expression remote and controlled as he went quickly about fastening her into an odd harness.

As she watched him in utter fascination and with ever increasing need, he pulled the leather stapes together under her breast it such a manner that her already full, flushed tits were pressed close, to form interesting mound that was highly elevated...she drew a withering breath at the sight, yet felt more curious than ever as Nick brought two addition straps from between her legs, allowing the thin leather strips to mold along the lines were her thighs connected to her pelvis and then, he pulled them up and hooked then, via metal clasp, he secured them to the straps that were bound tight around her breast.

It was an odd contraption, she had never seen anything like it, but she realized she liked how it felt; the leather was smooth and warm against her oiled flesh and she moved as best she could, to adjust to the very constricted feeling...her breast especially looked massive and ready for serious debauchery, for any debauchery Nick wanted to introduce her to...she was certain her eyes eagerly told him as much as he smiled up at her briefly, before again disappearing behind her and she began to wonder how much longer he would force her to wait before he gave her what she wanted and needed.

As she pondered the question, her senses received yet another shock when something very chilled and very damp was pressed against her anus...she yelped her surprise as the cold moved its way up her rectum and her hips instinctively twisted, an act that earned her a sharp slap against her bared, outer thigh. The message was clear. Be still. He didn’t have to speak the words for Alyssa to know what he wanted and with effort, she forced herself to comply, only to tense again when she felt something long as well as cool, and about an inch in girth pry open her rosy, virgin anal slit and slowly slide inside...her body tried to reject the unexpected invasion, but Nick simply soothed her with gentle words, telling her to relax...just relax...his voice was a comfort to her and because she so desired to please him, she willed herself to do as he said and as she focused on keeping her breath steady, Nick guided the tool into her, smiling to himself as he tightened a draw string at the back of the harness that would ensure his chosen vibrator stayed locked in place.

It had been a last minute decision to add the sex tool, but he was certain Alyssa would love the final effect as he moved to stand before her again, his eyes hot with passion as he looked her over slowly; she made his mouth water, displayed in such a flawless manner...she hadn’t a clue just how perfect she looked to him in that moment as he dropped his head to again begin creasing and kissing her bound breast.