The Ben Downing Story

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Married man finally gives in to his demons…
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The Ben Downing Story

I'm not going to begin by attempting to persuade you to believe that I'm really a good person, I'm not. That statement is supported by the simple premise of my story today.

You see, I'm now sitting in an adult theater in the back of an adult video store. I'm a happily married man (for nearly 30 years) and my wife is a good person and a good wife.

I'm here today because over the course of several years I've gradually become uncontrollably cock-hungry. You read that correctly. Today, a man considered upstanding, straight and respected, known by the good name Ben Downing, has chosen to risk all that he has built to satiate his hunger for a single helping, a mere taste, of another man's seed. Compelled by unseen forces to taste and bestow pleasure upon another man sexually, and accept into my body his cock and his seed, the seed of a random stranger in fact.

I am indeed not a good person. Hi, I'm Ben and this is my story.

For as long as I can remember I have been bi-curious. I fought the thoughts and feelings whole heartedly for my entire adult life but as time has worn on, I have worn down. Homosexuality was not acceptable in my community and my family so even as my strength diminished, I continued the fight but tonight I will confess my defeat. Surrender to my demons. I am unapologetic. I actually feel euphoric. As if heavy burden is lifted.

My new friend Anthony and I are sitting together in this theater, on the bench where we met just an hour and a half ago...

Today had started out routinely, coffee, a bath, breakfast and into my office to work for a few hours.

At some point in the late morning my wife poked her head in and told me she was off to a spa day with a friend and would probably go shopping after that.

"If I'm not back by dinner time there's meat loaf in the fridge." She said.

And with that she was gone...

Without hesitation or thought my loins trembled just a bit and my brain followed them down the now familiar path. I began to imagine scenarios that could put an anonymous penis within my reach. I wasn't looking for a man or a relationship, just an attractive and clean cock.

Within minutes I'd shut down my work computer and began to search for a solution to my carnal needs on my phone. I had committed at that point in time to follow through and become my true self, a cocksucker, and to make it happen today.

I'd recently heard that there were adult video stores in a town about a half an hour away. I could certainly get there and back in what I knew would be at least a four-hour window. Without a second thought I was in my car and on my way following the GPS on my phone to the AVS that was recommended.

Arriving at a blackened storefront with no markings but the XXX ADULT over the front door (on the back of the building) I sensed that I had found my destiny. I mustered all my courage, walked bravely from my car and pulled open the heavy black door.

As I slowly entered the store I felt that I had entered a portal and was now dwelling in an alternative universe. My skin tingled and my nerves were on edge. I scanned the room and noticed the sex toys and lingerie. Black lights and pink neon provided a odd but comforting ambience. There were also racks of adult videos for as far as the eye could see.

I noticed a couple of other guys looking around as well. They'd probably been there before I surmised because they seemed to know their way around and appeared to be very relaxed and comfortable -- unlike myself.

I continued to slowly walk further into the store. My excitement escalated with every strong heartbeat that I felt in my chest.

I'd read about places like this so many times that it felt as though I'd been here before. The feelings I was experiencing by actually being here were not something I'd anticipated from reading about it though. Soon I confirmed that there were in fact two doors at the back, just as I had read about.

Next to the doors a sign read "tokens required beyond this point."

As I looked down at the rack of dildos in front of me, I began to formulate an excuse to ask someone for help-- assistance in moving this process forward. I needed to understand the next step in my quest to taste another man and feel what it's like to have him in my mouth...

Should I grab one of these and take it up to the counter by the door? That might give me a reason to ask somebody a question or two... I thought to myself.

Just then a sweet voice rang out from behind me and to my left.

"Can I help you, sweetie?"

I spun around nervously only to see an older sweet looking woman sitting on a stool behind a counter in a plexiglass booth. I blushed but quietly made my way toward the counter.

"First time here, honey?" she asked.

Yes, I replied in a whisper.

"We're all friends here..." she started, and then continued to explain how her business operated.

Moments later l had $20 worth of tokens for "viewing booths" and a pass to the theatre. I was on my way.

Entering the theater was a new, confusing and sexually mind-numbing experience! I had no idea what I was expecting but this was not anything I could have imagined.

As the big theater door closed loudly behind me my eyes adjusted and I was greeted by a half dozen or so men. They were all seated separately along the benches on the walls facing the large video screen. I could feel each and every one of them eyeballing me, checking me out. I admit I enjoyed the moment but I was blushing as I processed this scenario.

I looked away towards the screen to avoid eye contact. On the screen was a very sexy couple engaged in sensuous lovemaking, the woman obviously climaxing at that very moment. The buxom woman then slid off of the tremendously large and still fully erect cock that she'd been riding and kissed her way down to take it fully into her mouth and throat, cleaning her own fluids from his beautiful manhood...

As I stood watching, knowing that so many eyes were on me as I stood... I became embarrassingly aware of a serious tent that had formed in my trousers! Watching how she took his cock deeply was exactly what I was hoping to achieve and the effect it had on me was obvious. As much as I understood that this was actually the whole idea of being here, I was becoming self-conscious and I needed to find a place to sit myself down.

As I made my way across the small theater, doing my best to not interrupt the others watching the screen, I noticed a second theater just beyond the end of the back bench. I'd headed that way because there was room for me to sit there, but now I was curious about the other theater as well.

I could see the other screen now as I approached my intended seat. The other video playing was showing a close-up scene of a young man giving love to an unseen cock owned by an unseen man... just what I needed to see right now so I continued into the second theater. Just as I entered the scene went black, the small theatre dark and I found myself moving towards where I assumed there should be a bench to sit on.

As the screen became active again with the next video, I found myself close to a spot on the bench where I could sit and have an excellent view of the screen. I now could see that there was only one other man in the room and I was about to land right next to him.

I froze. He and I made eye contact. I was mortified, unsure of what to do next. Time had stopped but for a split second before I saw his expression soften. He had bright eyes and dark skin. His teeth showed white as he began to smile at me. He softly spoke as our eyes continued to engage as if connected together by some unknown force.

"Sit here my friend" he said as he patted the bench with his left hand. I stepped past him and sat where he'd invited me.

Looking back at his face as I settled in our eyes met again. I could not seem to get enough of the feeling of connection I was sensing. Slowly and quietly we both turned towards the screen. As the new video began to get down to business it became obvious that I was now in the gay area of the AVS. I actually felt relieved because that was the reality that I'd come this far to experience.

Still uncomfortable with the process I watched the video while out of the corner of my eye I watched the stranger next to me. Soon he was exhibiting a strong erection with an obviously larger head than shaft pointing down his pant leg towards his right knee.

I couldn't help but stare. It was indeed the object of my desire. For so many years I've dreamed of this moment. I still didn't know what my next step should be though.

I continued to alternate my attention between the screen and his manhood. I was now certain that I had produced a visible wet spot on my pants by now but oddly I felt no embarrassment.

Soon the handsome stranger next to me began touching the sides of his legs, rubbing a little. Slowly he began to actually rub his hard-on gently with his right hand.

On the screen now was a lighter skinned man licking and stroking a beautiful ebony cock.

God! That is perfect! I thought to myself.

I couldn't help myself at this moment. I had to take my shot and take it right now!

I cautiously leaned over to his ear and as I ran my left hand across his pants feeling his hard shaft and then touching his hand gently I whispered "I'm going to find a viewing booth. If you'd like help with this come find me."

I withdrew my hand and stood. Walking across the small theaters and back to the showroom floor I proudly displayed my tented and damp trousers to the sweet lady in the cashiers' booth as I walked through the "viewing booths" door.

I never looked back to see if my new friend was following but I was really hoping he was.

Through the door I came upon a hallway with a row of about a dozen doors on one side. Each had lights above that shown either red or green. I looked to see if there were 2 green lights next to each other and about half way down I found my booth.

Going inside I was pleased to see that the booths had glory holes. I was still unsure of myself in this uneasy situation so the idea of a pleasuring a cock without knowing the attached man was still comforting.

I put my tokens in the video machine and chose a nice video of a man like myself blowing another anonymous man through a glory hole. Perfect. Now I just hope and pray...

It seemed like time had stopped again as I waited. I was hoping my friend would be appearing in the glory hole but nothing was happening.

I saw motion on the other side of my booth and looked to see a hand reaching part way through the glory hole on that side... I'd forgotten about that possibility as I was focused on my acquaintance from the theater.

With some hesitation I decided that I needed to "play the hand" that was dealt to me so I stood and brought myself closer to the hand coming through the hole.

I was so horny by now that I was happy to do whatever anybody wanted to do with me.

Soon my belt was unfastened, my pants unzipped and he was pushing them down towards my knees.

When he saw that I was wearing a thong he softly whistled a little catcall expressing his approval. Then he put both hands through the glory hole and began to turn me slowly around to get a better look at me.

I have to admit I was loving his attention. It had been a long time since someone took that kind of interest in my man-bits.

With my butt now facing the glory hole with the hands caressing my bottom, I could now see action in the booth I'd hoped to see my friend in.

It was dark and my angle wasn't good but I could see dark legs, naked dark legs. I continued to watch the legs as the man behind me played with first my bottom and then he worked his way to my pucker hole. He teased it wonderfully, playfully. This was way ahead of what I'd intended or expected but I was finding it enjoyable! (To say the least!)

As the pre cum flowed down my leg from my dick which had worked its way out of my thong I saw the most beautiful sight appear in the glory hole in front of me...

My god it was glorious! There framed only by the hole in the was stood erect the most gorgeous cock I could have imagined! It was tall and dark. Not too thick and neatly trimmed. There was a large dollop of pre cup on the impressively plump tip. I had to make some adjustments to my stance because I simply had to have this cock in my mouth, and i was still enjoying the attention being given to my butt. I wasn't inclined to abandon the gentleman behind me but I also needed to feel and taste the cock in front of me.

I spread my legs wide and bent at the waist (like a porn girl!) This gave me just exactly the angle I needed to get my tongue around the beautiful cock head in front of me. I licked around the spongy head and tasted pre-cum from another man for the first time and I was in love... in love with the symphony of new sensations... so much going on simultaneously it was impossible to wrap my head around. Soon I had nearly swallowed a real cock, hot, hard and slick with my spit and it's pre cum... I immersed myself entirely in my need to please this cock. I treasured it's every physical attribute. The heat. The weight. The girth. The hardness and sponginess... oh my god!

So much going on in my head (literally!)

As I focused on my goal of drawing the semen from the cock in my mouth, I felt the instantly recognizable spongy hot feeling of another cock about to enter my body from behind! The gentleman behind me was now behaving just a little less gentlmanlike. This is NOT a scenario that I'd previously thought about. I'm not sure if I was ready to go this gay this quickly (I certainly wasn't expecting to) but the whole buildup, the ass-play and the cock in my mouth and this whole dreamlike experience so far had soothed and seduced me into accepting graciously this opportunity to please two cocks at once.

The cock my mouth had become much harder as the cock from behind me pressed against my sphincter and eventually popped through. It gave me a jolt for sure (!!) but it was instant pleasure, not enough pain to even make me react and I happily pushed back as he began to plow deeply into and out of my willing man-pussy.

A short time later I felt the cock in my mouth push deeper and jerk as my mouth filled with warm thick liquid. I swallowed quickly as it continued to spurt and fill my mouth to overflowing.

I savored the moment and the flavor and texture of my first mouthful of semen and softening cock. I felt a great sense of accomplishment as i released the manhood from my mouth. I was at this moment euphoric.

That's when I heard a grunt and felt my bowels receiving the same prize my mouth was just given.

My own cock exploded onto my pants, still wrapped on my left ankle, and on my shoes and the floor.

What a mess I'd created!

As my euphoria subsided, I found myself standing up straight again and lifting my pants from around my ankles, my thong was pulled to one side with my dick dripping and still hanging out the front. I now had cum dripping from my chin, my dick and my asshole.

I had to pull myself together, but it took a minute!

The tokens had now run out so I straightened my shirt, my thong and pants and left the booth. I wasn't ready to go home yet because I needed to calm down and collect my thoughts.

I went back through the store and caught an knowing smirk from the old lady as I headed back into the gay side of the theater to sit and collect myself.

My friend from earlier was sitting right where I left him. I sat down beside him quietly.

After a time, I noticed that he'd lost his erection...

My eyes met his and after a pause he mouthed a quiet "I'm Anthony. And thank you." He smiled, his teeth again showing brightly.

So that's my story. I'm not a good person, but I'm a happy and relieved man. I'm certain this story will be repeated but that will remain to be seen. For now the only thing I'm sure of is that im glad I went through with it.

Oh, and also... in the future... when you're in a booth being spit roasted as I described, I'd appreciate it if you'd refer to that physical stance, legs spread and bent at the waist, as "Ben Downing."

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mrheem777mrheem7774 months ago

Well done. So well done. Thank you!

twistedthoughts1978twistedthoughts19784 months ago

I really enjoyed your story. The honesty and feeling you put in to it shows it must be the truth. Please keep us up to date on your journey.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a wonderful & erotic story. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I don’t know where you are from bit I would love to meet up and have some fun with you.

FredHerbertFredHerbert6 months ago

The fuckin thong had me rolling. Hilarious visual. Keep it up my man. The wife and I read these before bed as good comedy.

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