The Best Man Pt. 03


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"So what do you think?"

My internal thoughts were this particular set had nothing to do with comfort. They were all about encouraging who ever saw them to rip them off and fuck the wearer. However I said.

"These ones." I held up the flimsy material in my hand.

"Yes. You are probably right. I just liked what this one did to my boobs."

As she spoke Natasha moved closer to me. I thought she was just coming to collect the lingerie I held in my hand. When she was about an arms length away Natasha bent at the waist and crossed her arms underneath her bust so that the bra was straining to hold her voluptuous flesh.

"Do you think it makes them look better?"

They didn't just look better. They were irresistible. My mouth was seriously watering. Sanity prevailed and I passed her the other underwear.

"You'd better get changed. We have to go."

Natasha poked her tongue with good humour and took the underwear from my hand. She quickly shrugged off the bra she had on. Her bare breasts swung tantalising close to me. Then she bent down to push her panties to her ankles. Standing back up again she held out her hand for support while she stepped out of them. I offered my hand to help. She grasped it and lifted one foot. The heel of her shoe caught in it so she toppled forward onto me. I tried to hold her up but ended up falling back. She landed on top of me with a squeal. When we'd got ourselves stable again her breasts rested against my face.

"Oh sorry, I'm so clumsy sometimes." The husky nature of her voice made me doubt she was sorry or that the fall was an accident.

At that moment I wasn't concerned about my predicament at all. I opened my mouth to say something and she shifted slightly so one of her nipples slid across lips. Then I felt her hand slip between us.

"Have you got something in your pocket?" I tried to wriggle to the side without success. "Ohh, is this because of little old me?"

I could tell where this was heading if I didn't stop it. As gently as possible I eased myself back up. Natasha was reluctant to relinquish her dominant position. However she eventually ended up kneeling on the floor between my legs.

"Don't you like me?" She was looking up at me with her hands on my knees.

"We have to go."

"You didn't answer me."

"Last night was the free pass. Today my job is to get you to your plane."

"What if I told you I'd switched to the later flight today so I don't fly out till four?" As she spoke her hands slid up my legs till one was resting on my covered erection.

"It's not last night." I dropped my hand onto to hers to stop any further advancement.

"She went back."

"What do you mean?"

"Angelica, she went back for more."

"That was different. He pressured her."

"From what she told me the decision was definitely mutual."

"It's different. I didn't stop it."

"She forgot you were there. He was telling her how he was going to fuck her again when you knocked against the door."

I lifted my hands and rubbed my face then slid them through my hair while looking at the ceiling. What she had just said must have come from Angelica. It was too accurate not to have. While I was struggling with my emotions Natasha was busy opening my pants and freeing my cock. When I looked down again she was lowering her head with her mouth open. She caressed the head of my cock with her lips and tongue. After the display she'd put on earlier I was already as hard as flint. When she went lower I couldn't hold back a sigh of contentment.

"Ohh fuck that's good."

I let my hands rest on the back of her head as she started bobbing up and down in a steady rhythm. The only sound was the liquid slurps and she bathed my dick in her saliva. I'd surrendered to the pleasure but even though I tried hard to push it away Angelica's words from the night before kept coming back. It's my cum. All mine. When Natasha's head came up the next time I lifted it so we were looking at each other.

"I can't."

"I think you can." Natasha replied as one of her hands still stroked my erection.

"No I can't." I said with more conviction.

I grabbed her wrist to stop her from a rousing me further. Then she dropped the bombshell.

"She replied to him?"


"The dick pic. She replied. Not with words. Just two emojis. The wide eyed one, surprise. Then a love heart."

My resolve slipped away. I let her go. She dropped her head down again and gave my cock an extravagant lick. Looking back up at my face again she sort to reassure.

"She'll never know. I won't tell a soul." She cupped my face in her hands. "And I've got something special planned. I bet she's still very sensitive about her ass. I'm not. I love a nice solid cock in my ass."

Natasha stretched herself up so our lips met briefly before returning to her oral workout. I could feel I was getting worked up so I stopped her. Pulling her up so she was half on top of me again I feasted on her fleshy breasts. She encouraged me, stroking my head, telling me how good it felt. Pushing my head away Natasha slipped down again. This time only until her breasts encased my dick.

"You like a titty fuck?"

"Ohh, Ohh yes." Was all I could manage and she began sliding her fleshy pillows back and forth.

It was such an incredible sensation I couldn't help myself and started pumping my hips as well. I would have blown my load right there but my wife's friend had other plans. She stopped and climbed over me onto the bed. I rolled to follow her. Natasha stayed on her knees but dropped down onto her elbows. As a result her gorgeous arse sat high in the air. She looked back at me as she pulled open one cheek to display both her hairless holes.

"Your turn I think."

I didn't need any more coaxing. I moved behind her. After kissing both those perfect spheres of dark flesh I pulled them open. I started lapping at her cunt as Natasha rocked back. At times it was like she was trying to smother me. She was getting into it, giving me directions, praising my technique.

"Don't forget my ass. You'll be in there soon so you best make sure it's ready."

Now eating pussy I could do all day. As she had suggested Angelica was against anything touching her back passage. So I was a novice at that entrance and I wasn't sure I wanted to lick it. I moved higher and tentatively swiped my tongue around her puckered hole. To my surprise Natasha was more vocal when I did this then she had been earlier. It encouraged me to be more bold which only made her louder.

"Okay, time out." Natasha slumped forward and one hand reached up under the pillows. "Put some of this stuff on that dick then get behind me."

She passed me back a tube of lubricant. I quickly removed my clothes then gave my dick a generous coating. While I was doing that Natasha lay down on her side and tucked her legs up.

"Do you want some?" I offered the tube back to her.

"No, I cleaned up and put some inside before. Like a boy scout I like to be prepared."

I lay down behind her and shuffled closer. Natasha reached back and guided my cock towards its destination.

"Just go easy for a start. I'll let you know when I need more." My cock slipped between her cheeks. "Stay there I'll back up."

She tried a couple of times but my cock slipped lower into her pussy. Natasha adjusted the way she was positioned then tried again. I felt her arse stretch until it yielded and I was inside.

"How does that feel?" Natasha asked over her shoulder with a chuckle.

"Fucking incredible."

"Okay, you just let me do the work but don't forget the rest of my body. Think of it as your playground."

While my wife's friend got her arse used to the intrusion I followed instructions. Everywhere I could reach got touched, tickled, squeezed and stimulated. Especially her breasts. The contrast of our skin tones only heightened my desires. When Natasha was taking more than half my dick easily she shifted forward so it popped out. Taking a pillow from the top of the bed Vanessa rolled onto her front and placed it under her hips.

"Get up there and fuck me Colin. Fuck my ass." Just the way she said ass had me scrambling to obey.

Natasha pulled her cheeks open giving me a clear view of the target. There was something so primal and animalistic about the penetration. Holding my cock, lining it up, watching as her rectum dimpled in as I applied pressure then opened and swallowed the head. It was so hot I did it four more times. Only when Natasha complained did I stop.

"Enough teasing, fuck me. I've been waiting all morning for this."

Penetrating her arse again I leant forward, supporting myself on my outstretched arms either side of her shoulders. I kept pushing until my hips rested against her hands.

"That's it," Natasha let go and slipped one hand under her body down to her pussy. "Stay like that and just rock a bit... Make sure you're all the way in... yeah like that."

I was concentrating on not ending this to quickly. The newness of having my cock in an arse along with the gorgeous black body I was resting on meant the familiar tinging feeling in my balls was already present. I tried slowing down. It was to no avail as Natasha took up the slack, working her hips while she somehow squeezed my cock even tighter. My arms buckled as I slumped down on top of her.

"Ohhh fuck I'm gonna cum."

"Yes, give it to me... pump that cum in my ass."

Only when my cries of pleasure became whimpers of discomfort did she relent.

"Take it out nice and slow. The only thing better than a good ass fucking is that feeling when it stretches around a cock head then snaps shut."

Pushing myself up I watched as my dick left her cosy crevice. Natasha pulled her arse cheeks open again. I could see the way the her sphincter stretched around the head then pushed my cock out as it closed. I collapsed on my back beside Vanessa. She rolled so was laying close with her head facing me. I was breathing hard so I couldn't speak. While I was getting myself back together I contemplated what we had just done. Also some of the new information I had about Angelica's past and her recent interactions with Johnno. Mostly there was a guilty burn sitting uncomfortably in my gut.

"I'd better go and clean up." I said as I moved Vanessa hand so I could roll off the bed.

"No rush..." Vanessa tried to coax me back but I ignored her.

In the en-suite of the main bedroom I turned the shower on extra hot. Climbing under the spray I tried to wash away my sins. Yes, Angelica had fucked the best man twice. I was just evening the score. Then why did I feel so shitty. There was also the lie about not replying to his dick pic. That's if what Vanessa had reported was true. I ducked my head under the stream of water to drown out the annoying voices in my head. A cool blast of air hit me as the door to the shower opened. Moving out of the cascading stream I wiped my eyes and saw Vanessa enter.

"Shame to waste water having two showers going, don't you think?" Vanessa said as she moved closer to get under the spray. "Ohhh, you like it hot!"

I stepped back as she got wet. Her face emerged briefly from the water. She pushed her hair back and made a request.

"Wash my back baby, and my butt."

Vanessa turned away and wiggled her bubble buns at me. I did her back, and her butt. She reciprocated. Then we did each other's fronts. Five minutes later my wife's friend was bent over the small vanity in the ensuite while I fucked her cunt.

At the airport I parked and walked across with Vanessa. She checked in then we continued on to the security checkpoint. It was time to say goodbye so she pulled me into an embrace. It was awkward. I stayed rigid and upright. The guilt was kicking in. Vanessa pushed me back at arms length.

"Don't be so worried. We had some fun. It's not the end of the world."

I shrugged. "Maybe not for you."

"Don't be silly. We just evened up the score."

"I think I'm well out in front now."

"Oh stop it. It's not that bad." She reached up and patted my cheek affectionately. "I mean, do you really think she just held his cock in the bathroom of that hotel?"

"Did she tell you otherwise?"

"Didn't have to. I know her to well."

"So did you and Angelica share a lot at college?"

"You mean boyfriends?" I nodded. "Well, I'm not sure I'd call it sharing. She'd just parade around in her skimpy clothes and they'd fall over themselves to have her." Vanessa let out a little chuckle. "Of course they always came back to momma in the end."

"Didn't she have boyfriends of her own?"

"Yes, but they were always older. Seems to be the type she goes for."

"Like me you mean."

"Yes, and sometimes older. In our last year at college her main boyfriend was divorced and in his late thirties." Vanessa's hand drifted lower. "So, you know, it's was understandable she might need someone younger, fitter, harder..."

"Okay, I get the drift." I cut her off and she gave me a cheeky smile. "Hope you have a good flight."

"I'm bound to." Vanessa gave me one final hug and kissed my lips. While she was still close she whispered, "I'll sleep like a baby after the afternoon we've had."

Back at the car I decided to go back to work. Those poor souls that hadn't taken Christmas/New Year off were filing out of the building as I went back in. The security guard gave me a funny look but shrugged as he passed the keys over to his night replacement.

I stayed until it was almost eight o'clock. I hadn't achieved much. Mostly I'd been role playing my return to the apartment. Guilt still sagged heavily inside me. I didn't have much of a poker face so I wasn't sure how I was going to hide what had occurred that afternoon. Perhaps Vanessa had already spilt the beans. My phone had remained silent so I guessed not.

When I pushed through the apartment door I called out that I was home. Angelica voice came back.

"I'm in the kitchen."

I took my time washing my hands then went to join her. She was standing over the bench chopping up some salad. I pushed past her and got a beer from the fridge. I offered to top up her wine but she declined.

"I think I had enough last night."

We both forced a half hearted laugh.

"Thanks for getting Ness to the airport for me. I'm not sure why they called the meeting. The whole thing could have waited till next week."

"No worries." I replied hoping she would change the subject.

"I hope it didn't take too much time out of your day."

Angelica looked up at me with the knife poised in her hand. A queasy feeling started in my gut. Did she know? I shook my head then took a long pull from my beer. I didn't trust my voice.

"And thanks for putting the sheets from the guest room in the wash. I'm surprised you knew how to turn the machine on."

Once again I nodded but didn't get verbal.

"Are you okay? You seem out of sorts?"

"Yeah, just tired." I managed before seeking to make my escape

Angelica put down the knife and stepped across to block my path. Pulling me into an embrace she lay her head on my shoulder.

"Guess we tired you out last night huh?"

"Some of us got out of bed before nine."

"Oh you poor baby. Don't worry I plan on getting you into bed real early tonight." She kissed my neck. "But you need to have a shower, I can smell her on you."

I recoiled thinking she knew what had happened. I wanted to look at her face to see if she was as okay with it as she appeared to be. She was smiling and I guess surprised by my reaction to her comment.

"Your clothes, I can smell her perfume." Angelica clarified for me.

My relief was immediate but also obvious.

"What did you think I meant?" My wife asked.

I was too slow to summon a response. Angelica's eyes widened as she deduced why.

"Jesus! You fucked her again didn't you?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Are Australian and New Zealand writers fascinated with cuckoldry? I wonder whether it underlies their publicly braggadocios and macho behavior. Probably so!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cuck, wuss, cuck, wuss... See we can all write crap, but doesn't take as many words as you took

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Uhh Hu. Just as I thought. Yup sho was Mmmm Hmm. this bird gave us another cuck story and the Dip Shit couldn't remember the names of the whores in the tale. NATASHA, VANESSA. Which slut was the real visiting friend of Angelica? Oh well dosen't really matter in a cuck tale. LP

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Emotional up and down. Love it so see room for couple more chapters before wife gets impregnated

lujon2019lujon2019almost 2 years ago

Man writes cuck story

Man doenst use cuck tags for his cuck story

People who dont like cuck shit complain

Man being the dumbass cuck he is tells people not to read his cuck story


Well cuck, we'd love not to read your cuck story, but you dont use the cuck tag

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